All types of roofs of private houses and their features, the choice of material for the roof, photo projects. The device of roofs of various designs Roofing types of roofing roofing materials

In individual construction, various types of roofs are used, and the choice is determined by various factors, including:

  • decorative qualities and compliance with the chosen style of construction;
  • smart design of the house (including the geometric shape of the box, the presence of internal load-bearing walls, etc.);
  • climatic features of the construction region;
  • the level of complexity of installation;
  • load on wall structures and foundation;
  • the use of certain roofing materials;
  • the possibility of insulating the structure, etc.
Main types of roofs

According to the design of the roof can be divided into two types:

  • Attic roofs - with an overlap at the level of the upper part of the walls, which separates the space under the roof from the rooms located below. This is a classic option for cold climates, as the ceiling can be insulated to reduce heat loss at home. In addition, the space under the roof is suitable for use as an additional utility room or turning it into a living space (this requires insulating the roof system).
  • Non-attic (combined) roofs - there is no additional ceiling covering, the ceiling of the lower floor is the roof structure itself, flat or pitched. It is more suitable for warm climates, since in harsh climates it is more difficult to prevent heat loss through such a roof.

attic roof

If we consider what types of roofs are according to the level of slope and roof configuration, we can distinguish systems:

  • flat;
  • pitched.

In turn, pitched roofs by design are:

  • lean-to;
  • gable (gable);
  • mansard (broken gable roofs);
  • tented;
  • hip and semi-hip;
  • multi-forceps;
  • conical;
  • domed;
  • combined;
  • free outlines.

Each type of roof has its own advantages and disadvantages, operational features. Let's consider them in more detail.

flat roofs

For individual housing construction, flat roofs are uncharacteristic for a number of reasons, including:

  • architectural inexpressiveness, when it comes to the construction of standard rectangular outlines;
  • high requirements for roof waterproofing;
  • the need for a high bearing capacity of the roofing system, when it comes to roofing in operation or construction in regions that are characterized by increased snow loads.

But today, flat roofs are increasingly being built by private developers. This is primarily due to the popularity of Art Nouveau, minimalism and high-tech styles. At the same time, for the architectural expressiveness of the building, a combination of volumes of various parts of the structure is usually used. Another reason for the growing interest in flat roofs has been the emergence of durable and reliable waterproofing materials on the construction market.

flat roof house

The advantages of flat roofs include the possibility:

  • equip a site for recreation, sports activities, etc.;
  • create winter Garden or a greenhouse
  • install a wind generator or other equipment to increase the comfort and economic efficiency of the house.

In addition, flat roofs are easier and safer to maintain - to clear snow, repair the roof or troubleshoot equipment installed on it.

Shed roofs

If we compare what are the roofs of houses and outbuildings, it can be noted that in the second case, shed roof systems are used more often. This type of roof is characterized by the simplest design - the rafter legs rest on the edges of the walls (or special supports) located at different heights. The angle of inclination of the slope depends on the height difference and the length of the span.

Shed roofs are most often installed on buildings small size, since with a large roof area it is required to increase the angle of inclination in order to ensure effective drainage. And this turns into an increased windage of the roof.

If we are talking about a residential building, then for the architectural expressiveness of the building I often use the technique when two (or more) pitched roofs over different parts buildings visually imitate a gable (or multi-gable) structure.

Shed roof

The benefits of pitched roofs include:

  • ease of calculation and installation work;
  • cost-effectiveness (minimum materials are used);
  • light weight (suitable for buildings on lightweight foundations).

If the pitch angle is relatively small, roof maintenance is safer compared to other types of pitched structures.

The disadvantages of this type of system include the limited attic space - it is difficult to fully use it for economic purposes and it is more difficult to insulate it with high quality.

Gable structures

Answering the question, what are the roofs on private houses, most people will first of all remember two pitched roof, which is also called forceps. Its design is quite simple - two identical slopes rest with their lower part on opposite walls (or beams laid across them), and in the upper part they are connected in a ridge.

The advantage of this system is the following:

  • the truss structure is quite easy to calculate and mount;
  • the space under the slopes can be used for storing things or for other economic purposes, including for installing ventilation and other equipment;
  • if desired, the attic is converted into a living space;
  • due to the rather steep slope of the slopes (usually 15-60 degrees, depending on atmospheric loads in the region and the selected coating material), snow and rain moisture easily come off the roof;
  • financial investments in a gable structure are relatively small;
  • a gable roof house looks aesthetically pleasing.

However, it is worth noting that a gable roof is suitable for relatively small buildings, since the roof area grows noticeably with an increase in the dimensions of the house box.

gable roof

There are not only forceps, that is, isosceles. To add individuality to the building, you can make an asymmetric roof, the slopes of which differ in size and angle of inclination. However, in this case, a professional is required, the load on which will be unevenly distributed.

Mansard roofs

By usually means "broken" gable structures. In this case, each ramp consists of two parts located at different angles, with the lower one being mounted almost vertically. The peculiarity of the truss system is that it allows you to expand the usable space of the attic, as if continuing the walls of the house up.

The financial investment in this type of system is 25-30% higher than for the installation of a gable roof, but the gain in terms of the functionality of the building is much greater, since a full-fledged residential floor is practically added. And in comparison with the construction of a full-fledged two-story house, you can significantly save money, since the installation and insulation of the roofing system will cost much less than arranging a reinforced foundation and building walls on the second floor.

mansard roof

When arranging such a roof, it is important to consider the following points:

  • insulation of the attic will reduce the heat loss of the lower premises of the house, but the under-roof space needs good ventilation, since the use of vapor-tight materials (a heat insulator made of foamed polymer or a special membrane that protects mineral wool from moisture);
  • if windows are cut into the roof slopes, high-quality daylight can be provided;
  • when using special furniture, you can maximize the use of space in the "dead" zones between vertical walls rooms and slopes.
A mansard roof can replace an existing gable roof, provided that the walls and foundation are able to withstand the increased load.

hipped roofs

Visually, the design is four identical isosceles triangles, the vertices of which converge at one point, and the bases lie on the walls of the building.

Hip roof

(pyramidal) structures are ideal for erection on houses whose box has square shape. Their advantages include:

  • high resistance to atmospheric loads;
  • attractive appearance;
  • the ability to use almost any roofing material.

The disadvantage is the increased requirements for system calculations and installation work. To rafter system withstand loads and evenly distribute them on the walls of the house, its supporting frame must be made strictly symmetrically.

hip roofs

Hip structures primarily became widespread in Northern Europe, in regions that are characterized by strong winds and heavy rainfall. Like tent structures, hip systems have four slopes, but they are not the same, but are symmetrical in pairs. On the short sides of the house, the slopes are triangular, on the long sides they are trapezoidal, which converge in the ridge in the upper part.

Even a heavy wind will not break, due to long overhangs, it reliably protects the walls of the house from precipitation. The attic space under such a roof is quite spacious, and if desired, you can equip an attic there by installing windows in the roof.

Variety hip structures is a semi-hip roof. They differ in that the triangular slopes are approximately half as long as the side trapezoidal ones and open the upper part of the pediment. Such roofs are used on two-three-story buildings, in this case, the upper (mansard) floor has windows only on the gables, since the side parts are covered with a roof.

Semi hip roof

Hip and semi-hip types of roofs for a private house are difficult to install, as they require increased accuracy when calculating the truss system and installing the frame. You should also take into account the increased consumption of materials for the construction of the frame and laying roofing cake. But it is worth noting that buildings with such roofs look solid and respectable.

Multi-forceps designs

The original roof can be created by combining several gable structures with each other. The most common option is to install small gable roofs over skylights on the gables and roof slopes of the house. Also separate gable roofs can be erected over each of the parts of the box of a house of complex configuration, which as a whole creates a unique ensemble.

It should be noted that the calculation and installation of multi-gable structures must be entrusted to professionals, since a complex truss system must correctly distribute the load on building construction.

Multi-gable roof

The weak point of multi-gable roofs is the waterproofing of valleys and junctions, which abound in the design. Such a roof requires increased attention during installation and the use of the most reliable waterproofing materials.

conical roofs

Such structures in a "solid" form are usually crowned with round or polygonal towers, round houses. Incomplete cones are used to create a roof over a protruding bay window, in which case it is especially difficult to pair the conical roof element with the roof truss system over the main part of the house.

conical roof

Not all are suitable for arranging a coating on a conical roof. roofing materials. First of all, you can use:

  • rolled bituminous materials with a decorative and protective coating;
  • bituminous tiles;
  • natural tiles;
  • copper or wooden "scales";
  • slate, limestone;
  • reeds and other plant materials.

dome roofs

Understanding what roofs are on private houses, one cannot fail to mention domed roofs. There are two main varieties:

  1. insulated roof (with window structures or "blank") as part of a domed house;
  2. a panoramic glazed (or partially glazed) structure above a part of a house of complex architecture.

The frame of the dome system in the first case can be made of wood. Fully glazed domes are made of metal (steel or aluminum) structures, and require professional engineering calculations and competent manufacture of the frame, which must successfully withstand atmospheric loads.

Can be used as translucent filling:

  • reinforced or laminated glass (during the destruction of these materials, dangerous fragments are not formed, but their light transmission is not the highest);
  • triplex (completely safe, transmits light well);
  • plastic materials - polycarbonate, transparent slate, plexiglass (they are lightweight and safe in case of destruction, but the resistance of each of these materials to ultraviolet radiation and light transmission properties should be taken into account).

Dome roof

The panoramic dome roof is difficult not only to install, but also to maintain. The glazing must be washed regularly from the outside, as dust will settle on its surface. In winter top part the domes will be covered with snow and frost, unless a special heating system is provided.

The advantages of domed roofs include:

  • originality and aesthetic appearance;
  • increased thermal efficiency of insulated structures - the shape of the dome contributes to the uniform distribution of heat, there are no freezing corners in the room;
  • glazed structures make it possible to create an original winter garden or a room for stargazing.

Combined roofs

Houses of complex architecture with a variable number of storeys, replete with towers, bay windows and other elements, require the construction of a combined roof. During the development of the project, specialists need to competently combine several types of roofing into a single harmonious ensemble.

Combined roof

At the same time, the roof should be not only aesthetic and original, but first of all, reliable and durable. For laying roofing, a material is selected that is equally suitable for flat and convex surfaces. Most often these are piece materials (natural tiles, slate) or flexible shingles.

Roofs of "free" forms

There are roofs of private houses that are difficult to classify. It's about about original architectural solutions, when the roof as a whole and most of its parts do not have a strict geometric shape. The roof surface has smooth curves, due to which the slopes necessary for the removal of rain and melt water are formed.

Free Form Roof

Houses with such roofs are designed as close as possible to the free natural outlines, and completely natural materials are used to create the roofing - primarily slate. This type of roofing can also include grassy coverings of houses built close to the slope of the hill (and partly inside it), if the vegetation on the roof forms a single carpet with a natural cover in the areas adjacent to the house.

Roofing materials are used in the construction of any building. To cover the roof today, a variety of their types are used. Some of them are suitable for country mansions and cottages, others - for outbuildings, and others - for city houses. To choose the right roofing materials, you need to have a clear understanding of the properties of each of them. In this article, we will consider the main criteria for choosing a material, as well as popular types of coatings.

What to consider when choosing the right materials

  • General roof loads. It must withstand the effects of wind, as well as a lot of precipitation. The weight of the coating is selected in such a way that there is no excessive load on the truss system.
  • Material characteristics. These include resistance to corrosion, fire safety, mechanical strength, durability, etc.
  • roof configuration. For roofs of complex geometric shapes, you need to choose the appropriate material.
  • The purpose of the building. The material is selected depending on the type of building (residential building, outbuilding, etc.).
  • Price. It is also one of the decisive factors and affects the final cost of the coating and its installation.

Sheet roofing

metal tile

Externally, this roof covering looks very beautiful. It can be easily confused with expensive ceramic tiles. The roofing material is made of cold-rolled steel sheet (- mm thick) with zinc coating and protective varnish. The finished sheet has a mass of 3-5 kg ​​per 1 m 2 . it is used as a roof for the roofs of industrial buildings, private houses, as well as for kiosks, garages, etc. Often, a flat roof is framed with a metal tile (it is laid at a slope), resulting in a false roof. The main advantages of the material include the speed and ease of fastening, relatively low weight, convenient transportation and affordable cost.


It is made of cold rolled steel with hot dip galvanizing. Sheets can be corrugated and rectangular. On all sides, the material is covered with a zinc or alu-zinc layer. On top there is additional polymer protection. The professional flooring happens in the form of a wave, a trapezoid, and also a rectangle. Roofing is a profiled sheet of the following grades: H57, H60, C8, HC35, C21, C44. Such roofing materials can be used in the construction of outbuildings (sheds, garages, etc.). Often they cover the roofs of shops, industrial enterprises, car washes. The advantages of roofing material are easy installation, high strength, long service life and low price.


This coating is also called aqualin and euroslate. Ondulin consists of thin cellulose fibers impregnated with bitumen and various polymeric additives. The coating is painted with heat-resistant polymer paint (in 1 or 2 layers) and looks quite attractive. The sheets have a mass of approximately 6.5 kg. Usually they are made in the form of waves. Ondulin can be used to cover sheds, garages and baths. The material bends easily, so it is perfect for organizing complex roofs. Advantages of the roofing material: high ability to withstand heavy loads, water resistance, environmental friendliness, hygiene, noiselessness (the sound of drops is almost inaudible even in heavy rain), low weight, easy transportation and installation.


It is one of the most affordable roofing materials. The coating consists of Portland cement and asbestos. A standard sheet has a mass of 10-15 kg. Slate can have 6, 7 and 8 waves. They usually cover street toilets, sheds, as well as other buildings for household purposes. The main advantages of the material include low cost, incombustibility, ease of processing and bending strength.

seam roof

It is made of flat steel sheets (galvanized or not, with or without a polymer protective layer), which do not allow moisture to linger on the roof. The roof got its name because of the special connection of the sheets - the fold. It can be standing and lying, single and double. In width, the sheets are fastened together with recumbent folds, in length - with standing folds. Such a roof is one of the most reliable ways of arranging a roof. With it, you can achieve a tight connection of metal sheets. Roofing material also has an attractive appearance and durability. It does not burn, has a small mass, withstands low temperatures and is characterized by high flexibility. Thanks to the latest quality, they can cover roofs of even complex geometric shapes. Seam roofing can be used to organize the roofs of cathedrals and manor-type houses. It can also cover industrial buildings.

Soft roof

Flexible roof tiles

For its manufacture, fiberglass is taken and impregnated with bitumen with a modifier. After that, slate or basalt chips are applied to the roofing materials. The latter protects against negative impact ultraviolet, gives color and three-dimensional pattern. From the inside, a self-adhesive layer of bitumen with a polymer is applied to the tile. usually used for roofs of complex geometric shapes, as well as for finishing the attic. Advantages of flexible tiles: attractive appearance, flexibility, resistance to corrosion and condensation, noiselessness.

Roll built-up roofing

It is also called glass isol or hydroisol. Such roofing materials are made on the basis of fiberglass, fiberglass or polyester. The base is poured with oxidized bitumen, for durability and elasticity, a modifier is added to it: APP (atactic polypropylene) or SBS (styrene-butadiene-styrene). After that, a layer of polymer is applied and a topping is made of fine shale, sand or mica. Coating is used on flat roofs high-rise buildings (industrial and residential). In a private house, it is used for the construction of waterproofing. Advantages: moisture and fire resistance, environmental friendliness, low price and low weight.

Flat membrane roof

It has a thickness of 0.8-2 mm and can be of 3 types: TPO (thermoplastic olefins or polyolefins), EPDM (ethylene-propylene-diene-monomer) and PVC (polyvinyl chloride). The latter is not environmentally friendly, but can reliably protect against ultraviolet radiation and is not subject to combustion. EPDM membranes are durable and environmentally friendly. TPO membranes are also safe for human health, as they are composed of thermoplastic olefins with mesh reinforcement. Such roofing materials are used on flat roofs of public and residential buildings. Main advantages: high moisture resistance and chipping strength, quick installation, large width, which allows you to cover different types of roofs.

Piece roofing materials

Ceramic tiles

Tiles are made of clay by high-temperature firing. After that, it becomes very strong and hard and acquires a beautiful brown color with a reddish tint. Some types of tiles are glazed before firing. This is necessary to increase its water-repellent properties. Finished roofing materials (tiles) have a mass of 2 kg, a length and width of about 30 cm. There are many types: tape flat and grooved, one- and two-wave, stamped grooved, ceramic ordinary, grooved. Such roofing materials are used to cover roofs in brick, stone and wooden houses. Among the advantages: incombustibility, optimal sound insulation, resistance to temperature extremes, corrosion, aesthetics, economical operation (gutter cleaning and maintenance are carried out once a year).

Sand-cement tiles

This coating is made from a solution of sand with cement, which is pressed under pressure. Iron oxides act as a dye. They make the tiles look like ceramic tiles. Glaze is applied on top of the product (sometimes there is no coating). The surface of the tile is smooth or has a convex profile pattern. The tile has a mass of approximately 35-40 kg (per 1 m 2). Roofing is suitable for houses made of stone, brick or wood. Advantages: resistance to ultraviolet, chemicals, as well as to low temperatures.

slate roof

The cover is made from natural material- slate. The tile has a thickness of 4 mm and a weight of up to 25 kg (per 1 m 2). The roof is made by hand. The width of one tile is 15-30 cm, the length is 20-60 cm. Such a roof is suitable for the roofs of any houses. Advantages: very long service life, beautiful appearance, moisture and fire resistance, frost resistance.

Self-leveling roof

This coating is also called mastic roofing. She represents special kind membranes. It is a viscous liquid made on the basis of oligomers. Mastic roofing hardens in the air. It turns into an elastic film and has excellent adhesion to metal, concrete and bitumen. It is on these surfaces that it should be applied. It is best used in regions with harsh winters or very hot summers. Bulk roofing can be unreinforced, reinforced or combined. Advantages: quick installation, environmental friendliness, no seams, frost and fire resistance, high degree of moisture protection.

Roof installation. Metal tile. Seam roof installation instructions.


Modern buildings are different great variety architectural solutions. If earlier almost all buildings were of the same type, now it is difficult to find two similar ones among them. The design of the roof can also be different. The question of what types of roofs are of interest to everyone who decides to build a house. When choosing an option for arranging a roof, you should pay attention not only to its attractiveness, but also to its functionality.

All types of roof structures differ not only in appearance, but also in functional features. Ideal option does not exist: each type of roof construction has advantages and disadvantages.

Classification by slope angle

According to the angle of inclination of the slopes, all types of roofing are divided into the following two types: flat and pitched.

A flat roof is the simplest, it rests on walls of the same height and has practically no slope. Such roofs have a slope angle of 2.5-3%. Main disadvantage flat roofs is that due to the small slope, the removal of melt and rain water is difficult, and as a result, it soon begins to leak. Snow from these roofs has to be removed on their own.

Flat roofs are almost never used for the construction of private households. They are more functional for outbuildings and multi-storey buildings. But they have one advantage that other types of roofing cannot boast of: at the top you can arrange a flower garden and even a pool - the main thing is that the supporting structures can withstand this load.

For construction country houses and cottages usually use pitched roofs. The angle of inclination of the slopes of such roofs is more than 10%. Melt and rain water is easily removed from pitched surfaces; at a large slope angle, snow does not linger on them.

Design classification

According to their structural solution, roofs are non-attic and attic. The first option involves combining with the main room, and the roof of the last floor is the supporting structures of the roof. Attic roofs are not connected to the main room, they can be insulated or cold.

According to the type of ventilation, non-attic roofs are divided into:

  • non-ventilated;
  • ventilated;
  • partially ventilated.

Also, roofs can be operated or not operated.

Geometric classification

Types of roof coverings according to the geometric shape are as follows.

Shed roofs . Consist of a single plane. Their truss system is based on the outer walls of the building, which are located at different heights (more: ""). Due to this, a slope is formed. Roofs with one slope are easy to build and do not require large financial costs. But mostly they are used in the construction of various outbuildings. Types of roofing for a roof with one slope can be different: the choice of roofing materials is very wide. For shed roofs, you can use tiles, slate, metal tiles, metal profiles, roofing felt, ondulin, and more (more: ""). Rain water and snow do not linger on such a surface, in addition, precipitation flows in the same direction, thus creating storm sewer relieved. The main disadvantages of shed roofs are the lack of an attic space and a small selection of design solutions.

gable roofs . They are in demand in the construction of private houses - their design consists of two slopes, based on bearing walls identical in height. This type of roof is also called gable. (read also: "") The gap between the two slopes (tongs, gables) has the shape of a triangle. As for the construction itself, it is more difficult than creating a shed version, but easier than other types of cottage roofs.

The gable roof is reliable, well removes rain and melt water, snow, can withstand strong wind loads. In addition, it looks much more interesting than a pitched roof. For gable structures, you can use different roofing.

Mansard roofs - This is a type of duplex. But for the roof slopes themselves, broken lines are characteristic. Another variant of the name of such roofs is “broken”, since the slopes can be refracted under different angle. The presence of a break increases the area and volume of the attic, which is subsequently used as housing and is called an attic.

Therefore, this version of the roof device is called "mansard". Its pediments are shaped like a pentagon. The design of such a roof is characterized by certain features, but it can be built easily and quickly. you can think of quite a lot. They are preferred to be built much more often than other types of roofs of one-story houses.

Thermal insulation is also important, since the attic is built into the roof. Accordingly, the temperature in such a room will depend on the quality of thermal insulation. If it is done in accordance with all the rules, then you can live in the attic even in winter. Otherwise, the room under the roof can only be used in the summer.

As for the height of the roof with an attic, it should not be less than 2.2 meters. Otherwise, there will be inconvenience when moving along it.

For these roofs, a system of double-pull rafters and beams is used. Their shape contributes to the rapid and efficient removal of snow and water from the roof. The angles of inclination of the hip roofs are 45 degrees. They also withstand strong winds well. Due to the large angle hipped roof need to be equipped with a drain. It is better to entrust the construction of such a roof to specialists, since it requires a complex truss system. If you do not adhere to the accuracy of the parameters, the roof will not last long.

Types of roofing for this type of roof can be different. You can use both light and heavy roofing materials. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the second materials for roofing last longer, plus, they have better thermal insulation. But at the same time, the use of such roofing products requires the creation of a reinforced rafter system. Most often, hip roofs are built in the southern regions.

Half hip roof . These are ordinary hip roofs with truncated triangular slopes. At the heart of the house is a regular polygon or square, so all four slopes look like a triangle, and their vertices converge at one point. A roof in the form of a pyramid can decorate any building. The installation of this type of roof is as complicated as the installation of hip roofs. Their construction is also best entrusted to specialists. Read also: "

Also, such roofs are used to create an overlap of a part of a building or even an entire building. Dome roofs are made from bent frame elements. Such types of roofing materials are used for the roof as soft (roofing felt, glass tiles) and flexible (galvanized steel sheets, plastic tiles).

Currently, you can see a variety of coverage options on private houses and cottages. Types of roofing for the roof are very diverse. Everyone can choose for their home suitable option roofing and type of roofing material. Any method of creating a roof has its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, when choosing the type of roofing and roofing material, it is necessary to take into account not only external beauty, but also functional differences. Continuation: " ".

When building a house great importance for the aesthetic perception of the building and protection from unpleasant weather conditions, it has such an important detail of the entire structure as the roof. A variety of types of roofing, depending on the form - factor, type, size, as well as design features require appropriate building materials and complex calculations of loads on various elements of the roof structure.

To answer the question, what are the forms of the roof, consider some of them. Depending on the angle of inclination, roofs are distinguished into two main categories:

Flat roof

Flat roofs - the angle of inclination for such roofs is usually 2 - 3 degrees, if we correlate this angle with the horizon. The use of such roofs in the construction of private houses can be found very rarely. This is due to the fact that maintenance of roofs of this form becomes problematic. During rainy periods, water stagnates on the roof, and in winter time the accumulated snow will need to be removed independently.

Apparently, due to these reasons, these types of roofs in private construction are not widespread, although they may have some positive aspects. When erecting this type of roof, you can significantly save on building materials, and use the resulting additional area to good use by arranging a recreation area for your loved ones and guests or a small beautiful garden.

pitched roof

Pitched roofs - these types of roofs are very practical to use, usually the angle of inclination for such roofs can start from 10 degrees or more. In the winter season and during rainy seasons, precipitation does not accumulate on it, snow or rainwater calmly leaves along the slopes through the drainage systems. It is for this reason that the use of pitched roofs has gained such popularity in private construction.

What are the roofs of houses with pitched surfaces? To answer this question, consider some types of roofing of this type:

  • lean-to;
  • steep gable;
  • gentle gable;
  • broken (attic) gable;
  • half-hip four-slope;
  • tent four-slope;
  • hip four-slope.

One of the most convenient in construction are shed roofs, in which the slope is no more than 4 - 6 degrees. Such roofs are mainly erected in garages, sheds and other outbuildings. It is quite easy to carry out the installation of shed roofs, but they are still rarely found in a country or cottage construction residential buildings, mainly this type of roof is used for outbuildings.

If it becomes necessary to use an attic space, then a mansard roof is built, which can be gable and have broken lines of the roof contour. The hip roof is very practical to use, these types of roofs do well with various types loads, including wind. But this type of roof is not as easy to install as the previous ones. Much more building materials are spent on its construction and a competent team of professionals is required so that everything is done very accurately and correctly. Next, we will take a closer look at the different types and designs of roofs.

When choosing a roof and its type, all factors must be taken into account. Don't just look at life characteristics or other practical considerations, but also consider how your roof will look and shape in terms of aesthetics and artistic value.

For example, a mansard roof not only looks aesthetically beautiful due to its broken shape, but it is also very practical to use. If there is a heavy snowfall, then the snow masses will not linger on such a roof.

What are the types of roofs? Let's look at them in more detail.

The most popular types of roofs of houses today

The popularity of a particular type of roof is often explained either by the ease of its creation, or by an economic factor, or by the climatic conditions of the area. We will briefly talk about what roofs are and why they are so good and popular today.

Gable roof

It is not at all surprising that this particular type of roof comes first. Even in ancient times, our ancestors built houses, namely, with gable roofs, and only then Western trends came to Russia, such as mansard or domed roofs, as well as hip roofs.

This is one of the most popular and comfortable roofs for private houses. A roof with two slopes resting on walls of the same height and forming a space in the form of a triangle (gables) is sometimes called a "gabled roof". The installation of such a roof is much more complicated than the construction of a pitched roof, but the choice of roofing material for it is simplified. It is not inferior to it in functional characteristics: it also easily copes with snow, rain, and wind. In terms of design, a gable roof looks much better than a shed roof.

hip roof

hip roof

Hip roofs already have 4 slopes, of which two are trapezoidal, and two are triangular.
This type of roof got its name from the word "hips", which means triangular slopes, which are located on the front side. During the construction of such a roof, beams and double tightening are used. In addition, the mandatory equipment of drains for each slope follows, the slope of which is usually made up to 45 degrees. Only a sufficiently steep slope will be able to divert both water and snow, as well as withstand strong gusty winds. The construction of hip roofs requires a lot of labor, as a rather complex truss system is used.

Half hip roof

Half-hip roofs are another type of hip roofs, which differs from the hip roof in that it has a truncated triangular slope, usually located higher than trapezoidal slopes. Its only drawback is the high consumption of material for covering those sections of the roof that are adjacent to the roof ribs.

Mansard roof or broken

Also applies to gable roofs with broken lines of slopes. Such kinks increase the area and volume of the attic, which is commonly called the attic. The pentagonal shape of the gables of the mansard roofs attracts the eye of almost all passers-by. To build such a roof is not very difficult. However, during construction, you are unlikely to do without warming your attic.

The cost of a roof is approximately 15 to 20% of the total cost of building an entire house. Creating an attic under the roof is the most economical option for obtaining additional premises. Therefore, it is very appropriate to slightly increase the cost of the attic, which will give you another full floor. And there you can arrange summer bedrooms and lounges for young family members and guests.

But why does an attic increase costs compared to building a simple attic? This is due, of course, to the need for roof insulation, living quarters require this. Additional injections will be required, and due to the inevitable complication of the roof structure with an attic, there cannot be struts and stretch marks that would be located in the living rooms themselves. For these purposes, they came up with such a shape of the roof (in the form of an attic) with braces and racks above the ceiling of residential premises.

Availability attic floor makes it necessary to place a layer of thermal insulation under the roof, and therefore a multi-layer roof appears. Thermal insulation material with inner sheathing, they are usually attached to the rafters (to the inside), and on the outside they mount the crate and lay the direct roofing. In this case, it is necessary to strengthen the truss structures due to the multi-layer roof. This can be done by increasing the number of rafters, while reducing the distance between them. A successful solution to this problem can be considered the use of metal truss structures.

One of the important positive aspects of the mansard roof can be considered the fact that the arrangement of the attic can be done later, since the space of the resulting attic will no longer require major complex work.

If you have a desire to save money, but at the same time build a two-story mansion, then we recommend that you take a closer look at the mansard type of roof. This is a great option!

Flat roof

Previously, in private housing construction, flat roofs were not popular. But recently, interest in flat roofs has grown again and is in the field of view of modern architects and designers. Flat roofs have unique opportunities due to its flat surface. On such a roof, you can set up a flower garden, arrange a sports ground or a small pool. This solution is especially suitable for areas with a warm climate. Although in central Russia you can apply this roof option if you use a special system of removable canopies. They will be able to protect the desired part or the entire flat roof from annoying precipitation.

There are many most different types similar canopies, but transparent glass structures are especially attractive. They provide additional light to the upper rooms of your house, you can use special lights for evening lighting. And here you can find a great place for solar panels and water heaters, if needed.

The advantages of flat roofs include low costs for its construction, since the cost decreases due to the reduction total area roofs and the absence of complex rafter structures.

Many do not dare to build such roofs, fearing problems with drainage. But you should not be afraid of this, the installation of drainage systems from a flat roof is no more difficult to perform than the creation of a storm sewer. And the roof itself should have a slight, barely noticeable slope, so that the water that appears can flow to the drains. Drainage systems are usually organized outside and inside the house.

Many people find it convenient to combine storm drains with the building's internal sewers, but be sure to consider rainfall levels in your area.

The disadvantages of a flat roof include a problem with thermal insulation. It can be difficult to cope with the strong heating of residential premises in the hot season, but it is not difficult to create a cold protection system (as in the version of the mansard roof).

If in a pitched roof the "heat exchanger" is an attic, then in a house with a flat roof it is necessary to create it in a special way. Most importantly, know that between the ceiling of the living rooms and the roof of the roof there must be ventilation, in whatever form you like. Create a small ventilated attic or special ventilation ducts that are best placed under the roofing material.

Less popular, but no less interesting types of roofs of houses

In this section, we will consider what types of roofs are still, in addition to the most popular and widely known among the population of our country. This group represents the types and designs of roofs of unusual and beautiful forms, but requiring practical skills to create them. What are the shapes of the roof original designs and where they can be used, we will briefly present further in the text.

shed roof

shed roof

Feature This type of roof lies in the fact that it has a truss system that rests on walls of different heights, and since one wall is slightly higher than the other, a slope is formed due to this. Such roofs are quite easy to erect, and to cover them, you can use inexpensive and reliable materials, such as ondulin, slate, roofing material. The convenience of such roofs is obvious, precipitation does not accumulate on them, flowing smoothly in the direction of the slope. Therefore, it is quite clear to understand where it is necessary to install drains for water, providing the building with reliable dryness.

The truth and the flaws are obvious. One of the most important is that the room will be without an attic. Today, it is very rare to see private houses that would have a pitched roof.

hipped roof

Usually it has four slopes of identical triangles that converge to one upper point. If you like houses in the shape of an equilateral polygon (for example, a square), then a hipped roof will help you out, which looks like a tent and looks great. However, it is not easy to mount such a roof, it has a very complex truss system.

Multi-gable roof

Multi-gable roof

A standard roof of this type (also called a valley) has a very complex structure: a large number of outer ribs and valleys ( internal corners) at the junction of slopes. When erecting such a roof, be sure to contact specialists with experience in its installation. A multi-gable roof is used for the construction of polygonal houses, which have many different outbuildings and side attics.

dome roof

Dome-shaped roofs usually cover only part of the building, rarely the entire structure. During its construction, a frame of curved elements is used, and is used to cover the roof as soft materials(stekloizol, roofing material, bituminous tiles), and flexible (galvanized steel or plastic tiles). Some lovers of the old and unique style even today decorate their “castles” with domed roofs of various sizes.

spherical roof

The construction of a spherical roof is becoming a little more popular in recent times. Arbors are usually placed under this type of roof, as well as other types of buildings (stadiums, cathedrals and churches), which also have a roof or a domed type. Therefore, it cannot be said that this type of roof has no application at all.
But still, it loses very significantly to such types of roofing as a gable roof, or a mansard.

green roof

At the green roof, natural soil and planted greenery are used as roofing, while plants grow on the same well-groomed

"Green" roof

soil. Everyone is present at the green roof positive properties flat roofs, but when creating

eliminate its main drawback (difficulty with ventilation) with the help of a special ventilation gasket. This gasket not only limits the growth of plant roots, but also allows you to save the water necessary for the life of green spaces. In addition, which is also important, it also serves to aerate the root system of the green lawn.

It can also be considered a plus that a green roof is a very unique phenomenon for almost any area in our country. The popularity of flat roofs will undoubtedly grow from year to year along with the development of the latest technologies in this direction. If you have a desire to be the owner of a house with a "fashionable" roof, then create your dream with a beautiful comfortable flat green roof.

Types of roofing in terms of coating materials

Having decided on the type of roof - mansard, gable, and perhaps domed, it is necessary to select the appropriate materials that are best suited for each type. What are the roofs, and what material they are covered with - we will try to answer these questions in this section.

Common today are the five most applicable types of roofing in construction - rolled, from materials based on various mastics, typesetting (sheet), and membrane. Let's consider them in more detail.

Roll roofs

To make this type of roofing, special bituminous and polymeric materials are used, in which the base is cardboard, fiberglass. In the process of manufacturing such materials, special modifiers are added, which then give the entire material water resistance, heat resistance, and other useful properties. It can also be noted that these additives protect the material from cracks, which of course has a positive effect on their service life.

Roll roofing

When installing such a roof, the roll is unwound and laid in several layers, usually from 3 to 4. But they are not just laid, but glued together with mastic or melted onto each other.

This type of roofing would be versatile, easy to install, very inexpensive, but it has some drawbacks. This material does not have a very attractive appearance, this material can be prone to decay. Therefore, often such roofing material is most often used to cover sheds or other utility rooms, which are usually done with shed roof.

Membrane roofs

This type of roof covering has very high puncture resistance or different kinds sprains. Membrane coatings are used for laying on roofs with slight slopes. You can cover the roof with this material quite quickly. And excellent protective properties will allow you to keep the roof in its original form for a long time.

Roofing from sheet roofing materials

To this type roofing can be attributed to more modern views such as metal roofing, artificial slate, made from bitumen and corrugated cardboard sheets.

  • Artificial slate can be found on many roofs, it is a sheet of asbestos cement, has a wave shape that can be painted in a variety of colors. The paint, of course, is very adorning, this type of coating, the material acquires a beautiful appearance. Good performance under temperature extremes can also speak in favor of this coating. And the service time is quite long and can be up to 40 years.
  • Metal tile is a very popular material today, it can be observed on various types and shapes of roofs, whether it is a hip roof or a mansard. These are galvanized sheets that have a special decorating polymer coating and this coating reliably protects the roof from most types of adverse weather conditions.
  • Bitumen-cardboard sheets - made from pressed cardboard, which is impregnated with bitumen. The thicker the outer layer, the longer this type of coating will last. Such sheets were also included in the "people" under the name "Euroslate". Its main advantages are ease of working with this material, fairly good elasticity. But in terms of service life, this material loses to the rest. Euroslate "lives" on average 30 years.

Roofs from piece roofing materials

Roof tiles

The main and main representative of the piece material, you can safely call ceramic tiles. This material is still very popular, although it has already “knocked” several thousand years. Until now, it can be seen on all forms and types of roofs. The performance characteristics of this material are very high. Ceramic tiles do not require constant maintenance, environmental performance, is a soundproof coating. And also has the ability not to accumulate static stress, as in other materials.

Well, the most important feature of this material is its unique durability. In one of the Western countries there is even an ancient castle, which is many hundreds of years old, and it still stands under a tiled roof, safe and sound.

They say that the disadvantage of ceramic tiles can be called high weight. But on the other hand, it is this quality that allows a roof with such a coating to successfully withstand heavy snow and wind.

To date, ceramic products are gradually being replaced by similar ones from concrete and various mixtures of cement and sand, which are included in the final product. Such analogues may be easier for laying work, but they significantly reduce the life of the material.

Let us briefly mention such a type of material as flexible tiles. It is made of fiberglass, and sometimes cellulose or asbestos cardboard is also used. The inner side is covered with a layer of self-adhesive rubber bitumen, and the front part consists of fine mineral chips. The weight of this cover is very small. And the most important advantage is that it can be easily quickly replaced without resorting to dismantling the entire coating.

Roof made of sandwich panels

Sandwich panel device

It is impossible not to mention such material as sandwich panels. It arose with the recent rapid development of "rapid building" technology. They are made of 2 sheets of steel, as well as one layer of insulation. The panels have very good strength characteristics and, according to manufacturers, can even compete with other materials in terms of resistance to temperature changes, ranging from -50 to +50.

Such panels will look good on roofs. different type and type, but mainly they are used in the field of office construction of buildings, retail space, hangars. If desired, such panels can be safely painted in any color, which, of course, improves the aesthetic appearance of buildings made of this material.

Basically, such panels, due to their modularity, have proven themselves in the construction of sheds, utility rooms for household equipment, but you can also find houses made according to this sandwich panel fashion that came to us from the west.

With the help of sandwich panels, it is quite easy to erect the roof of a building, while indoors it will be comfortable and warm in winter, and in summer there will be a pleasant coolness. The disadvantages of this material, perhaps, include only a relatively short service life, only 30 years.

Gathering and preparing for the construction of the roof, it is necessary to think through everything to the smallest detail, types and structures of the roof, design and high-quality protection, with or without an attic. And of course, it is necessary to decide on the choice of suitable materials so that the appearance of the roof pleases the soul and eyes!

So, it has long been known that each house can give much more information about its owner than he will tell about himself. The walls of the house, and especially its roof, will tell not only about prosperity, but also about the tastes of its owners. Keep this in mind when choosing a beautiful, comfortable, and most importantly, suitable roof for your future home.

The choice of roofing material is an issue that should be resolved at the stage of creating a building project. In this case, it is necessary to take into account all factors, ranging from the design solution of the house, ending with the strength of the wind in the region and the amount of snow falling in winter.
Modern manufacturers offer huge selection coverings for various roofs, ranging from city mansions to outbuildings in a summer cottage.

It includes metal tiles, roofing corrugated board, ondulin, slate, seam roofing.

The metal tile is based on a cold-rolled steel sheet with several layers of protective coating. By appearance the coating resembles ceramic tiles. It is mounted on the crate with self-tapping screws with the obligatory use of rubber gaskets. Given the light weight of the sheets, laying can be done alone.

This type of roofing is convenient for transportation, and the low price makes it affordable for a wide range of consumers.

The disadvantages are the low level of sound insulation and the high percentage of waste.

They are used both in industrial construction and in the construction of roofs of private houses, garages. Used to create a false roof when framing flat roofs.


A cheaper analogue is roofing corrugated board. Sheets have waves of various heights and geometries and are characterized by high flexural strength. It also applies to noisy roofs and requires additional soundproofing. Decking is often used for roofs of outbuildings, shops, car washes.

Ondulin is an organic material made from cellulose fiber impregnated with bitumen with the addition of polymers. Lightweight, environmentally friendly coating has a very high water resistance. With proper installation, it can withstand loads up to 960 kg. on the square meter. The disadvantage is the low class of fire safety. This material is used for covering garages, sheds, baths. Due to its good flexibility, it is perfect for complex roofs.

Slate is now used more for the construction of outbuildings, less often for country houses. The material is cheap, strong enough, with good sound insulation. Its main disadvantage is the asbestos that is part of it, which is unsafe for human health. In addition, when used in a humid environment, slate quickly fades, moss forms on the surface.

Seam roofing is made of rolled metal for the entire length of the slope. Its name comes from the seam connection, which fixes the coating in one piece. The work is carried out by professional roofers using special tools. It turns out a light, durable roof that has an attractive appearance. Due to the flexibility of the metal, seam roofing is used in the construction of complex roofs. The disadvantages are high noise and the need for additional insulation.

In the manufacture of seam roofing, in addition to steel, copper and aluminum can be used. The finish is beautiful and very durable. The only negative is the high cost of the material.

Soft roof

Its varieties are flexible tiles, roll-on welded roofing, and membrane roofing.
All of them are characterized by good flexibility and strength, which allows them to be used in the construction of roofs of any shape. They are mounted on a rigid base made of plywood, OSB board, concrete or other building material with a flat surface.

Flexible roof tiles

The flexible tile is made of the fiberglass impregnated with bitumen. To give color and protection from sunlight, stone chips are applied on top. When laying it, it is very important not to deviate from technology. The service life of the roof depends on a properly prepared base, waterproofing, and temperature conditions.

The rolled built-up roof is similar in composition shingles. During installation, it is fixed with a heated bitumen base. The price of the roof is low. It is well suited for the construction of flat roofs of houses.

On flat roofs, a flat membrane roof is often used. The membranes are made of PVC, EPDM, TPO and create a durable, water resistant coating.

Piece roofing materials

These include various types of roof tiles and slate tiles. All of them are made from natural raw materials and have a very long service life.

Ceramic tiles are popular due to their aesthetic properties. But due to the large weight of the roof, it is necessary to pay attention to strengthening the truss structures. In addition, the disadvantages include labor-intensive installation and the high cost of tiles.

A cheaper analogue can be called sand-cement tiles. It is made without firing by pressing raw materials. To give color, dyes are added, often the surface is glazed.

Slate coating is considered elite. Roofs made of this natural material can last up to 200 years. This was confirmed by ancient castles and palaces that have retained their original appearance to this day. But in modern construction such a roof is not often built due to the high cost of the material and the need for it to be done by professional craftsmen.

It is made on the basis of oligomers and is supplied in liquid form. When applied to a base made of metal, concrete or bitumen, it hardens in air and forms an elastic film.

This waterproof coating can last up to 15 years. The only drawback is the different layer thickness in the finished coating. Self-leveling roofing is commonly used in the manufacture of flat roofs.

Now, having familiarized yourself with the properties of various roofing materials, you can take into account your capabilities and needs, and choose the right coating for your home.