Tea from thyme lemon balm fennel contraindications. Thyme for your health. Tea with thyme and oregano

Tea "Grandma's basket" with lemon balm, thyme and fennel is intended for young children. This product is of interest to mothers of toddlers because it has a sedative effect and also helps fight baby colic. Today we will talk about this tea. What is special about it, how to brew it, how to take it to children and adults. User reviews will also be presented to the attention of readers.

The composition of children's tea "Grandmother's basket"

The manufacturer claims that the composition of the tea includes herbs:

1. Melissa.
2. Thyme.
3. Fennel.

All these plants are valuable for young children, they are often used in medications for stomach cramps, coughs and others. What properties do they have? Melissa soothes, improves sleep quality. A similar effect is observed from thyme, only this plant is also an excellent antiseptic. What about fennel? This plant is able to improve digestion, relieve spasms and prevent increased gas formation.

The packaging contains information that children from five months are allowed to take this drink. It does not contain sugar and GMOs.

How to brew tea?

Children's tea is recommended to be brewed in this way. One sachet containing 1 gram of herbs is poured with boiling water (100-150 ml), the drink is allowed to infuse for about 5 minutes, after which the sachet is removed from the cup. Tea should cool to a warm state. Babies from one year old are recommended to drink no more than 1-2 servings per day. Children under one year old - one cup (up to 150 ml) per day.

Product Reviews

Most users respond positively to "Grandmother's basket" tea with lemon balm, thyme and fennel, they note a pleasant slightly tart aftertaste and a positive effect on the nervous system. But why be unfounded if readers themselves can read reviews about it from a variety of people.

Here is what the girl under the name writes Madame Karamelkina on one of the review sites: “My daughter used to really like vegetable and fruit purees of TM “Grandmother's basket”. When she grew up a little, I decided to try giving her tea from this company. It tastes very nice, fragrant, my daughter likes it. I didn’t notice that the baby fell asleep better after taking it, but I will still buy this product, as it is really natural and tasty.”

Sophie girl writes: “I buy tea“ Grandma’s Basket ”with herbs melissa, thyme and fennel all the time for my son. He likes it, he drinks with pleasure, but for me he doesn’t smell at all and has no taste, very weak. For an adult, this drink is not suitable, probably. It doesn't really affect the quality of sleep. I won’t say anything about colic, since my son has already outgrown this period. ”

Faith speaks on one of the forums: “My son has had colic for a long time, he is 6 months old, but sometimes it happens that he puffs up after he eats fruit puree or an apple. On such days, I make tea for him for children with herbs "Grandma's Basket". It helps a little, after about an hour the anxiety goes away. And this drink helped us with a cold, when a slight cough began. They drank tea during this period daily in the mornings and evenings, quickly recovered. I myself drink it, only I brew it stronger when I feel that I am annoyed.

Anna speak t: “Absolutely tasteless tea, too tart. My daughter grimaces when she drinks it, even if I dilute it a lot.”

As you can see, people's feedback on the product is generally positive. Users note the following benefits:

1. Pleasant taste.
2. Natural composition.
3. No GMOs, sugar, dyes.
4. Light herbal aroma.
5. Help with bloating.
6. Help with coughing.
7. Cute packaging design.
8. Ease of use.

Some note and negative sides:

1. High cost (compared to regular teas).
2. Astringency.
3. Does not have a calming effect.

Useful information for parents

"Grandma's basket", like tea, is in demand because children like it. It is completely natural and does not contain any harmful additives. However, do not forget that some children may be allergic to herbs. Therefore, for the first time, the child needs to be given quite a bit of a drink for testing, just a few spoons. After that, during the day, parents should observe the reaction of the baby's body. If a rash is found on the body, the child is no longer offered this drink.

This information cannot be ignored, since tea contains as many as three types of plant materials, each of which contains essential oils, and they, as you know, can provoke allergies in some children.

If no negative manifestations are found after taking tea, you can safely offer it to a baby who has reached the age of five months, but it is important to follow the manufacturer's recommendations not to exceed the dosage indicated on the package.

We reviewed the reviews about tea TM "Grandmother's Basket", which has won many fans among parents and their kids. According to users, this is a noteworthy product with a natural composition, pleasant taste and smell. The kids love it and that's what matters.

Olga Samoilova, author of "Popular about health" (www.site)

step by step recipe with photo

Herbal tea or herbal drink with lemon balm, thyme or mint is a great alternative to traditional black or green tea, as well as coffee. This drink is great for toning. If immunity is weakened, frequent colds, then tea can be drunk as a prophylaxis for acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections. You can make tea sweeter by adding a little honey. If caffeine is contraindicated, but you want to drink something hot, then you can drink this particular tea, especially in winter. To make the drink more tonic, you can still add a couple of pinches of black or green tea. You can make tea from fresh leaves or dried ones.


  • thyme flowers
  • mint leaves
  • lemon balm leaves


1. Prepare several types of fresh herbs: mint, lemon balm and thyme. Go through the stems, separating other plants (grass) or debris.

2. Separate the mint leaves from the stems, although the stems can be used as well - this is optional.

3. Also separate the lemon balm leaves from the stems and transfer to mint, pinch off the thyme flowers from the stems. Leaves, stems and roots of thyme do not need to be used.

4. In a clean jar or large teapot, transfer the leaves and flowers of the herbs. Pour boiling water to the very top, cover with a lid so that the tea is better brewed.

5. After a while, the herbal drink will take on a beautiful yellow-green color. Can be poured into cups and drunk.

It is no secret that young children, due to the immaturity of their immunity, often get sick. Therefore, many parents try without a good reason not to give their babies pharmaceutical drugs, if the opportunity allows them to be replaced with folk remedies, including medicinal herbs. Today we will talk about thyme and how and from what it can help our children.

What it is

Thyme has an official name, which is better known to cooks and housewives - it is thyme, a fragrant subshrub, one of the essential oil representatives of the flora. About 170 varieties of thyme grow in Russia, and the plant is quite unpretentious - it grows almost everywhere: in the forest, in the field, in the steppes and even on the slopes of rocks.

Due to its unique composition, thyme is in demand in official and alternative medicine, in cooking, cosmetology, in the canning and alcoholic beverage industries.

Harvest the plant in the summer during the period of active flowering. Stems, leaves and seed pods should be cut off. Dry them in a cool, ventilated place out of direct sunlight. Ready raw materials are stored for about 2 years.

You will learn more about growing, harvesting and harvesting by watching the following video.

Useful properties and contraindications

Such a wide use of the plant is due to its rich composition. It contains a lot of essential oil containing thymol, flavonoids, organic acids and tannins. In addition, thyme contains fats, B vitamins, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), mineral salts, gums, saponins and special substances that add bitterness.

Thyme essential oil is famous not only for its specific and strong aroma, but also for the fact that it is contained in approximately the same amount both in freshly cut plant stems and in already dried herbal raw materials.

Our ancestors in ancient times called thyme the “divine herb” for its incredible ability to heal even from serious ailments. And also for the fact that it was he who was used as incense during worship. Now thymol is obtained from thyme - a substance that is used in the formulations of antihelminths, disinfectants, and painkillers.

For information on how thyme was used in antiquity, see the following video.

Traditional medicine has found an additional use for the plant: it is used to prepare rubbing for diseases of the sciatic nerve, with sciatica, as part of decoctions to normalize digestion, in ointments - to warm the chest with a strong cough as an expectorant.

Thyme is used externally for rashes, redness, dermatitis, wounds and ulcers on the skin.

As a general tonic, the stems and leaves of thyme are brewed as part of a herbal tea.

The pronounced anti-inflammatory effect of the plant is used in the treatment of respiratory diseases in inhalations, decoctions for drinking. The diaphoretic effect that such a drink has has been used by people for a long time to reduce fever and reduce the manifestations of fever.

As a sedative and light sleeping pill, thyme is added to tea and taken at bedtime for severe stress and for various neurological disorders.

There are not so many contraindications to the use of thyme, but they exist. First of all, this is the presence of problems with the heart and blood vessels (atrial fibrillation, coronary disease, cardiosclerosis), atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels, kidney and liver diseases, as well as functional insufficiency of the thyroid gland. Thyme is also contraindicated for gastritis, accompanied by high acidity, as well as for children with a tendency to allergies and children with a diagnosis of bronchial asthma.

Features of use for children

Officially, thyme is not recommended for children under 3 years of age, however, in practice, the herb is quite successfully used both locally and externally for children from 1 year old:

  • At the age of 1.5 years, it is quite possible to add a decoction of thyme to a bath for bathing.
  • From the age of 2 - with caution do inhalations with this plant.
  • Sometimes thyme is added to a bath for bathing children under one year old, but this can only be done after prior agreement with the attending pediatrician.
  • Weak decoctions are also given to babies of the first year of life.

Thyme is given to children for coughing, to relieve nervous tension, improve night sleep, to treat skin problems and to increase immunity.

The medicinal properties of the plant have long been noticed by manufacturers of products for children. So, children's tea with thyme, lemon balm and fennel "Grandma's basket" is very popular among parents. It is given to children from five months.

Instructions for use

Despite the fact that the official name of the plant is still "thyme", you will not find it on the shelves of pharmacies. Thyme as a spice can be found in any grocery store. And in the pharmacy it is called "Thyme Grass". Sold in the form of dry herbal raw materials in a cardboard box, as well as in the form of filter bags, which are convenient to brew and dose when treating a child.

Official medicine recognizes with great confidence expectorant properties plants, which is indicated in the instructions for use, which is enclosed in all packages of the drug. Antimicrobial and analgesic properties thyme is indicated by the manufacturer of the drug as an additional pharmacological action.

The adult dosage indicated in the instructions for the drug is not suitable for children. Babies need less concentrated decoctions and solutions.

To improve immunity

1 teaspoon of raw materials is brewed in 250 mg of boiled water in a water bath. The resulting broth is filtered and diluted with water in half. Children should be given inside, depending on age, from a teaspoon of the solution (up to a year) to a third of a glass (at 3-4 years).

For dry cough

5 g of dried grass should be poured with 100 ml of boiled water, previously cooled to 80 degrees. Keep covered and strain. Give a tablespoon 4-5 times a day after meals. The infusion does not help with a wet cough, as it acts on the cough center in the brain, suppressing the intensity of the reflex.

For wet cough

Homemade syrup is prepared from thyme, which in its properties and qualities is not inferior to pharmaceutical preparations. But it does not require dried grass, but freshly cut stems and leaves of thyme. Pour a bunch of fresh grass with half a liter of water and put on a slow fire. Boil should be as long as it takes for half of the water to boil away. Then remove everything from the stove and cool.

Adults add garlic, children - honey (about 250 gr). The resulting thick viscous syrup is stored in the refrigerator for up to six months, give the child a teaspoon 4 times a day with a warm drink. The tool promotes the separation of sputum.

For neurological problems, stress and insomnia

Thyme will quickly and gently soothe a hyperactive baby, and can be used for restless baby syndrome. To prepare a drink, you need to brew 10 g of dry raw materials in 200 ml of boiling water, insist in a thermos for about 3 hours, strain and give the baby 1-2 teaspoons before bedtime.

If a child is allergic to herbal ingredients, you can make a “sleepy bag” for him. To do this, a small pouch is sewn from linen fabric, about 15 grams of dried grass are placed in it and tied with a cord or thick silk thread. The bag is placed next to the head of the child's bed.

With stomatitis and angina

Prepare an infusion of herbs for topical use. A tablespoon of raw materials is brewed with boiling water and insisted for about an hour. After filtering with infusion, rinse your mouth or throat at least 4 times a day.

For respiratory diseases

Children over 6 years old can rub the chest and back in the region of the bronchi and lungs with alcohol infusion of thyme. To prepare it, 20 g of raw materials are placed in a glass container with a tight lid and poured with alcohol or vodka so that the liquid level rises two fingers above the raw material. Close and refrigerate for two weeks. The resulting infusion is rubbed if the child is not allergic to ethyl alcohol.

You can prepare an ointment with honey and thyme, which can also be successfully used for problems with the respiratory system. To do this, 30 g of herbs are brewed with boiling water (100 ml) and all the liquid is evaporated over low heat, then cooled, thick honey is added, allowed to harden and stored in the refrigerator. Rub the resulting ointment on the chest, ribs and heels with a strong unproductive cough.


  1. Before you start using thyme to treat a child, do an allergy test. Apply the prepared decoction or infusion on the back of the hand and a few drops on the ear area. If within 3-4 hours redness, itching, swelling, rash does not appear on these places, thyme can be used.
  2. Baths with a decoction of thyme should not be done to a child more than once a week. The first procedure should not last more than 3-5 minutes. You need to increase the time gradually. The maximum time for taking herbal baths is 15 minutes.
  3. It is impossible to do rubbing and compresses with thyme if the child has an elevated body temperature at that moment. Warm compresses on the chest are also contraindicated in the presence of pus or blood in the sputum.
  4. Don't Overdose means based on thyme. You can talk about it if, after taking a decoction, infusion or tea, vomiting and dizziness appear.
  5. You should not experiment with thyme if you are preparing herbal tea for a newborn or infant. Thyme should not be given to such young children without the permission of the pediatrician.

Even the ancient Greeks mentioned tea with lemon balm and thyme. This drink was called a drug for strength of mind. In ancient times, people believed in the special power of the gods, who, in turn, could both punish and bestow. A wreath of thyme and lemon balm symbolized fertility. With it, Artemis was praised. The sages believed that tea made from thyme and lemon balm restores strength. Sorcerers and magicians believed that this drink is able to protect housing from various evil spirits.

Tea with lemon balm and thyme: restoration of strength and body

Black tea with lemon balm and thyme will help quench your thirst, give you a boost of energy, add health and restore expended strength. The drink not only has a pleasant aroma and unsurpassed taste, but also the ability to restore immunity. Due to the content of thymol in the leaves, thyme can replace antibiotics with a wide spectrum of action.

Numerous medical studies show that tea with thyme and lemon balm have a beneficial effect on the nervous system - it allows you to get rid of chronic fatigue and get out of a prolonged stressful state. In folk medicine, this drink is valued due to the high content of antioxidants, which are extremely beneficial for:

  • vision
  • skin
  • normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract
  • work of the cardiovascular system

A unique remedy for many ailments

Due to the content of a large amount of vitamins, organic acids, minerals, flavonoids in the composition of tea, it serves as an excellent remedy for various ailments. The antiseptic property of the drink can prevent the rapid development of infections. Experts recommend drinking strong brewed tea for bronchitis, colds, a very strong cough, and tuberculosis. Herbalists consider thyme an excellent expectorant, which not only relieves pain when swallowing, but also irritation.