The correct pie for the roof of a residential attic. Mansard roof device: design features. Arrangement of a residential attic space

In this design, thermal insulation ensures minimal heat loss from residential premises, and also improves the acoustic characteristics of the attic. Waterproofing protects the insulation from street moisture, and also contributes to the free exit of vapors from the building. Vapor barrier acts as an internal protection of the insulation from moisture penetrating from the room.

The laying of the roofing "pie" begins after the installation of the truss system. First, a waterproofing layer is laid, on top of which a crate is installed. Here it is immediately worth mentioning that all wooden elements must be treated (impregnated) with special bioprotective compounds, and only then nailed to the rafters.

The crate nailed to the rafters acts as a ventilation between the waterproofing and roofing, ensuring proper air circulation in the space under the roof. This will prevent the insulation from oversaturation with moisture, and, accordingly, related problems. Roofing material is laid on top of the crate. Then, from the inside, between the rafters, a heater is mounted, which is protected from the side. attic space vapor barrier material, after which finishing work is carried out.

Roof insulation

One of the main components of the roofing "pie" is thermal insulation, which is usually used as mineral wool. Mats in the form of plates, made of fiberglass or balsam, are laid in the space between the rafters. Due to its fibrous structure, mineral wool retains air inside, which stores heat well. This is the basic principle of mineral wool insulation, which explains their high thermal insulation qualities.

Elasticity is next important point thermal insulation material. And this is no accident. Indeed, with insufficient density and rigidity of the insulation, it will undergo subsidence in an inclined plane. In addition, in the space between the rafters, thermal insulation is laid by surprise, and it is precisely such parameters as elasticity and elasticity. Elasticity allows mineral wool to maintain dimensional stability and resistance to junction with rafters, and elasticity allows the material to fit snugly against the roof structure, filling all the irregularities.

It is worth knowing that when laying mineral wool, gaps and cracks between it and the rafters should not remain. They can lead to the appearance of cold bridges, due to which the attic room will freeze through, and the roof may become covered with frost.

Returning to the insulation material. Here, balsam wool has the greatest elasticity, in which the structure of the fibers is more chaotic. And high elasticity is greater for fiberglass insulation. Both materials are non-combustible and vapor-permeable, which is very good. For example, a vapor barrier layer will retain most of the water vapor contained in the air of a residential building, which rises according to the laws of physics. However, some of these vapors still enter the insulation. And here the most important thing is that this moisture does not accumulate in heaters, but can go outside from the roofing "pie". For these purposes, the insulation is endowed with such a property as vapor permeability.

Of course, materials have already appeared that perform the functions of insulation and vapor barrier at the same time, for example, mineral wool, equipped with aluminum foil on one side. After laying such materials, it remains only to glue all the joints with a sealing tape, and this insulation will also perform the functions of a vapor barrier. Therefore, there will no longer be a need to use a vapor barrier film.

Recently, a material such as penoizol has become widespread, which can be used both for roof insulation and for insulation of walls, floors, ceilings and other structural elements.

Further. To select the geometrical parameters of thermal insulation, it is necessary to carry out a thermal calculation of the entire roof structure. It is carried out in accordance with the established requirements set forth in DBN V.2.6-31-2006 "Structures of buildings and structures. Thermal insulation buildings". At the same time, it is worth remembering the changes of 07/01/2013. It is also recommended to lay the insulation in two layers and apart, so that the joints of the lower plates overlap with the upper plates. Such laying will eliminate the appearance of cold bridges at the joints of the plates.

And most importantly, any insulation will fulfill its functional purpose in in full only on condition that it is dry throughout its entire service life. That is, moisture must not be allowed to accumulate in it, under any circumstances. Even the slightest increase in the moisture content of the material will reduce its thermal insulation functions, and over time, the wet material will completely become damp and fail.

Insulation mount

The most common way of laying and fixing insulation is to place heat-insulating material between the rafters. This approach provides rational and effective use spaces between the rafters, preserving the usable space inside the room. However, with this type of insulation, cold bridges may appear at the junction with the rafters, and the thickness of the heat-insulating layer does not exceed the width of the rafter legs. That is why, with such an arrangement, it is recommended to use glass staple fiber products (preferably plates) as a heater, which have high elasticity, compressibility and 100% recoverability. On top of the laid insulation, from the side of the room, it is imperative to lay a vapor barrier film.

When using heaters with high elasticity between the rafters, they can be additionally not fixed. One has only to cut off the insulation a couple of centimeters more than the width between the rafter legs.

Of course, if heat-insulating materials with low elasticity are used, then additional fixation of this layer will be necessary. Most often, for these purposes, special staples are most often used (at worst, nails), which are stuffed every 500-600 mm along the rafters. Then from the bottom up into the space between the rafters fits thermal insulation material, after which a thread is pulled between the brackets in a checkerboard pattern. Thanks to this fastening of the material, it retains the necessary position until the installation of the cladding guides, which will play the main role in fixing the insulation.

Steam and waterproofing

To provide protection to the insulation, and indeed to the entire building structure In general, from the penetration and accumulation of moisture (precipitation, water vapor, condensate, etc.), the roofing "pie" must contain layers of vapor and waterproofing.

A waterproofing layer is necessary to protect the insulation from:

  • possible penetration of water into the roofing "pie" through the fasteners and joints in the roof, together with air through the ventilation gap;
  • atmospheric humidification;
  • condensation and related negative consequences.

Vapor barrier is designed to protect the insulation from water vapor. As already mentioned above, the vapor barrier layer retains most of the water vapor contained in the air of a residential building, which rises up according to the laws of physics and rush through the roof to the street. Of course, not all couples try to escape through the roof, some escape through ventilation ducts and opening windows. And yet, the lack of vapor barrier can lead to the accumulation of moisture in the insulation with subsequent deterioration of its thermal insulation qualities. In addition, excessive moisture leads to its decay, as well as rotting roof structure, the appearance of fungus and unpleasant odors.

So, polymer films, the so-called under-roofing, usually act as vapor and waterproofing. At the same time, films are classified depending on the material and method of their production. And already quality films all types are characterized by tensile strength and incombustibility.

Polyethylene films
So, roofing films are polyethylene, which is reinforced with a special mesh that gives the material the necessary strength. All manufactured films can be divided into:

  • perforated - films that have an increased degree of vapor permeability due to the presence of micro-holes. Used only for waterproofing layer.
  • Non-perforated - polyethylene films designed for both vapor and waterproofing.

There are also special reinforced polyethylene materials with aluminum foil on the inside. They are used exclusively for vapor barrier, because. have improved vapor barrier properties.

Polypropylene films
These films have found their application as a waterproofing layer. Their main advantages are:

  • higher strength than polyethylene;
  • increased resistance to UV radiation.

Thanks to these indicators, such films can replace the roof covering for several months.

This is a waterproofing material, coated on one side with a special protective layer of viscose fiber with cellulose, in order to prevent the formation of condensate on the side facing the insulation. This protective coating absorbs and retains moisture well, and if not needed, the coating dries quickly. It is thanks to these properties that anti-condensate films are widely used when performing roof waterproofing.

(breathable films) - designed only for waterproofing. The reason for this is its structure, which allows it to act as a protection of the roofing cake from atmospheric moisture, and at the same time makes it completely vapor-permeable, i.e., endows it with the ability to let water vapor out.

Back to waterproofing. It is attached to the rafters with the help of battens, while there remains a ventilation gap between it and the roof covering, which is 3-5 cm. If diffusion membranes are used as a waterproofing material, they can be laid directly on the thermal insulation. This solution allows you not to make a ventilation gap between the heat and waterproofing, and this space can be used for laying an additional layer of insulation. All other types of waterproofing films require mandatory ventilation gaps both between waterproofing and insulation, and between waterproofing and coating.

The vapor barrier is attached to the rafters with a construction stapler every 10 cm. In this case, the film is overlapped, and its joints are glued with self-adhesive tape. The places where the films adjoin the barriers (walls, chimneys, ventilation ducts, etc.) are also carefully sealed.

And lastly. Everything, hydro, steam and thermal insulation materials should be chosen based on quality, and not on the basis of cost. And the quality of these materials, first of all, depends on their strength properties. According to the manufacturers of these materials, the durability of the films should be at least 50 years.

Useful little things

Wind protection
The windproof layer should ensure minimal air penetration into the roofing "pie". That is, the less air passes through 1 m 2 / h windproof material at a certain pressure, the more reliably the heat-insulating layer will be protected from negative impact wind.

Therefore, for this layer, the best wind protection will be a special protective membrane. good quality, which can protect thermal insulation from water and wind (ordinary polyethylene films are strongly not recommended to use). In addition, they have sufficient strength and high vapor permeability - more than 1000 g / m 2 / day, which also allows it to be laid directly on the insulation without ventilation gaps.

When laying films, it is necessary to comply with all requirements and standards for the presence and number of ventilation gaps, of course, depending on the type of films themselves.

When laying films and membranes, it is necessary not to confuse their front and back sides.

When installing insulating layers, special attention should be paid to the integrity of the material and the tightness during its installation. At the same time, the films are rolled out in such a way that even the smallest gaps do not form anywhere, and the material itself adheres tightly to the surface of the structure.

To avoid the appearance of cold bridges, it is necessary to lay the heat-insulating material without gaps. Moreover, both between the plates and at the junction with the structures.

In the thickness of the heat-insulating layer, the presence of heat-conducting inclusions (for example, metal profiles or racks) is not allowed. The thickness of the insulation must comply with the regulatory requirements for a particular climatic zone or exceed them.

A house with a mansard roof is the most common solution for private construction. construction mansard roof houses are a relatively simple and inexpensive way to increase the living space of a building. Mansard roof (or attic) - a type of pitched roof, the under-roof space of which is large and is used as a usable area. The slopes of a classic mansard roof consist of two parts: the lower ones are steep and the upper ones are more gentle.

Types of mansard roofs

  • Attic with gabled roof. We are talking about the usual gable roof, the attic of which is equipped as a living room. The advantage is ease of installation and minimum cost. No complex calculations required. Minus - the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe resulting room is small with a sloping vault.
  • Attic under a gable sloping roof. Classic variant. Such an attic has four slopes. The two lower ones are at a steep angle, the two upper ones are more gentle. Structurally more complex. Plus - a large usable area.
  • Attic with a remote console. The design feature of the attic is a frame extended beyond the main room. Requires complex calculations in design and construction. Plus. We get a completely normal living room in which you can install vertical window structures.
  • The attic is multi-level. A feature is the complex design of the truss system. The emphasis of the roof falls on different points. In most cases, such an attic looks like a continuation of the walls of the house itself.

Mansard roof requirements

Mansard roof will serve for a long time, without serious repair work if the following rules are observed during installation:

  • 2.2 m - the minimum height of the attic room.
  • Reinforced insulation to equalize the degree of thermal insulation of roof slopes with the walls of the house.
  • Efficient ventilation of the roof layers will ensure a normal level of humidity.
  • For the topcoat, it is better to choose materials with a low specific gravity, so as not to weigh down an already difficult structure.
  • The construction of the attic must be included in the building project in order to calculate the increased load on bearing walls building.

Warm roof

The mansard roof must be warm. Recall that pitched roofs can be warm and cold. The difference between them is the composition of the roofing cake. A warm roof involves the insulation of roof slopes, as well as equipment for hydro and vapor barriers.

For roof insulation, you can use any type of insulation: expanded clay, polyurethane foam, expanded polystyrene, foam concrete, foam glass, cellulose and basalt fiber insulation. Basalt mats are the most popular.

The insulation is placed in the space between the rafter legs. To enhance the effect, you can put in two layers. In this case, the second layer is spread so as to close the joints between the mats of the first. A reinforced waterproofing layer is required. The lack of cotton wool - when moisture gets in, they can not only lose their heat-saving qualities, but also increase the load on truss system.

Do not allow the heater to get wet. To prevent condensation of vapors from interior spaces on the inner layers of the roof, a vapor barrier membrane is placed on top of the mats. To protect the insulation from condensate, the formation of which is possible on some types roofing materials, for example, from steel, waterproofing is laid between the roofing and the insulation.

As a waterproofing, a film or membrane is used. The use of the latter is preferable. The material has excellent diffusion properties. It is impervious to water, but perfectly passes steam. Thanks to this, water evaporating, pass through the layers of the roof, without settling anywhere. In addition, membranes are more practical in terms of space saving. Unlike films, they do not need to leave a gap between layers. It fits directly on the heater.

First of all, the valley is processed. From top to bottom, the membrane is laid along the entire length. The joints are glued with a special tape, preferably of the same brand as the waterproofing. Rolls of waterproofing membrane are rolled out horizontally from the eaves towards the ridge. Individual canvases are laid with an overlap of 15 cm. Joints are made on the rafters. The material should be well stretched, without sagging.

Styrofoam boards can be used to insulate roof slopes. Compared with mineral wool they are not saturated with moisture in the event of a leak in the waterproofing system.

Foam boards are laid between the rafter legs on the crate. The width of the rafter pitch can reach 2 m. It is laid without a gap. The minimum layer thickness is 100 mm. The maximum is not strictly defined. The thickness of the insulation layer is calculated for each specific case, taking into account the climatic features of the area where the house is located.

Plates are attached with glue or dowels. If gaps have formed between them and the rafters, they are filled with sealant or mounting foam. You can't leave it open. Cold bridges form in them, which leads to the formation of condensate. The result is the appearance of mold and rotting of the rafters. over foam boards a vapor barrier is laid and sewn up with clapboard, wood board or drywall. Depends on the functional purpose of the roof space.

Ventilation system

For a mansard roof, the issue of ventilation is no less important than insulation. If the movement of air is impeded, then the room will high humidity, and the layers of the roofing cake will quickly fail.

The ventilation of the mansard roof is carried out due to the natural movement of air. In a properly designed roof, air flows from the bottom up - from the eaves to the ridge. The easiest way to ensure ventilation of the attic is the correct alternation of roofing layers, leaving ventilation gaps. If you look at the roof from the room, the layers are placed in the following order:

  1. room ceiling;
  2. clearance 5 cm;
  3. vapor barrier stuffed from the inside of the rafter legs;
  4. insulation laid between the rafter legs;
  5. crate and counter-batten - a key layer for the free passage of air flows. It is here that the main gap for ventilation is formed;
  6. waterproofing;
  7. roofing.

The arrangement of the ventilation system of the attic roof may differ in the layout of the waterproofing layer and the film that is used as this layer. Based on this, two- and single-layer ventilation are distinguished.

Single layer system

Distinctive features:

  • waterproofing is laid directly on the insulation;
  • membrane fabric with a permeability of 800-1000 g per 1 sq / m per day is used as a waterproofing.

The advantage of the membrane lies in the ability to pass water vapor coming from below, but not to pass water, which condenses on the roofing and drips onto the film.

Two layer system

The peculiarity of this system is that air flows along both surfaces of the waterproofing film: from above and below. The film is laid in such a way that a gap is formed after the insulation layer and before the roofing material. For the operation of the system, ventilation slots are left along the eaves and the ridge, or ventilation grilles are installed in the eaves.

Additional ventilation

If the natural ventilation system cannot cope with air purification in the attic room, it can be helped by installing additional funds.

1. Ridge aerator. A roofing element that is installed instead of the ridge along the entire length. The aerator is supplied with lattices which protects it from hit of garbage.

2. Cornice products. Can be done in two ways. The first is to leave ventilation gaps when filing the cornices. The second is to insert perforated spotlights, plastic or metal, into the filing of the cornices.

3. In cases where the installation of products is carried out already on the finished roof, ventilation grilles can be used. Holes are cut in the cornices, in which gratings are fixed with self-tapping screws.

4. Roof aerator. It can be mounted already on a completely finished roof. It is a plastic tube with an umbrella at the top. For mansard roofs, it is recommended to use a reinforced version of the roof aerator. It is equipped with a fan that creates a reduced pressure, due to which moisture and steam are effectively removed from the living quarters and the roofing cake.

Recently, attic floors have been very common in private construction. And this can be simply explained, the presence of an attic floor is, first of all, a rather large cost savings at the construction stage, and secondly, such a solution gives the owner of the house, albeit an inferior usable area, but quite suitable, for example, for a bedroom.

At the same time, the installation of a mansard roof is a bit more complex and requires additional attention. The mansard roof must be made in full accordance with the technology. Particular attention must be paid to the construction of the roofing pie, and in particular to the vapor barrier membrane, it is she who will make the mansard roof dry.

Attic roofs can have a different look. In private construction, several types of mansard-type roofs can be used. The main options are the options gable roofs, but there are other constructive solutions.

We must not forget that a warm attic roof in itself is enough expensive pleasure, but the arrangement of the attic floor is an order of magnitude cheaper than the arrangement of a full-fledged floor with a gable roof.

Features of the mansard roof.

Any mansard roof has a number distinctive features. Below we will try to give a few key points that distinguish the attic roof from other types.

  1. The main feature of a mansard roof is its functionality. We must not forget that the mansard roof is both the roof and the wall of the attic or attic floor.
  2. The height of a mansard roof is usually over 2.5 meters at its highest point.
  3. The surface area of ​​a mansard roof is always larger than that of a conventional gable roof.
  4. The truss system of the mansard roof should be designed in such a way that the design solutions of the struts and rafter legs take up minimal usable space.

Video about the construction of the attic roof

Coating material selection

The selection of the finishing coating of the roof in cases with a mansard design has a number of subtleties and nuances. The main selection factor is the lightness of the material. Perfect for a mansard roof is a light metal tile, piece glued tile, such light coatings as ondulin or profiled metal sheet. Heavy materials such as slate and clay tiles are rarely used in the construction of a mansard roof.

Features of the calculation of the attic roof.

When calculating this type of roof, special attention is paid to several elements of the roof.

  • First of all, the calculation of the structural part of the roof. The design includes the calculation of the angle of inclination, the pitch of the truss system, the thickness of the lumber, its length and the total amount.
  • The second part of the constructive solution of the roof is the calculation of the final coating and lathing.
  • All of the above decisions are based on the determination of the usable space of the attic room. The attic room must be more than 1.5 meters high at the highest point. The design of the truss system and the roof as a whole depends on the height of the attic floor.
  • The useful space of the roof is the entire area where the height from floor to ceiling exceeds 90 centimeters. Those places in the room where this condition is not met are called the dead zone. The structure of the stiffening ribs and additional ligaments of the roof rafters depends on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe blind zone and its appearance.
  • Calculating the area of ​​the finish coat looks quite complicated at first glance, in fact, calculating the final finish is the easiest part of everything. preparatory phase. To calculate the finish coating from the entire roof, several simple geometric shapes are distinguished. This is true for a roof of a complex type with several slopes located at different angles. By calculating the area of ​​each figure, taking into account all the technological overlaps, you can easily get the sum of all areas - this will be the amount of the finish coating.

The device of the roofing pie in the attic roof

roofing cake and his correct device- this is the main problem in the installation of the entire mansard roof.

The first signs of an improper roofing cake are the formation of condensate and the formation of icicles on the roof slopes. As soon as the first icicles appeared on the roof, this sure sign exit warm air out. It is not at all necessary that it will immediately begin to drip from the ceiling, but everything is worried, but it should be.

Proper roofing cake

Each layer of the roofing pie is responsible for its own functionality. And each layer must be properly executed, in accordance with all norms and building codes.

It is conditionally possible to divide the roofing pie into two types. Roofing pie without insulation. This design can only be applied in the summer attic floor. And a large roofing pie with a thermal circuit - this option is great for building a full-fledged warm floor.

Pie without insulation. The main task of such a pie is to protect the attic from moisture and condensation. The device of such a pie looks quite simple. The first layer is the laying of a vapor barrier membrane on the truss system, a counter-lattice is mounted on top of the membrane, then a crate and a finish coating.

The main problems in the device of the pie without insulation.

The first thing to do is to properly mount the vapor barrier, the second is the obligatory air gap between the crate and the membrane (this is what the counter-lattice is for).

Warm roofing cake. More often than not, the attic space is residential, so it is very important to mount the right warm roofing pie. It must be understood that the roof is exposed not only to cold, but also to heat. The sun's rays can heat the roof up to 70 degrees, it is impossible to stay indoors from such a temperature. Therefore, the mansard roof must not only keep heat inside the building, it must not let in hot air inside.

In the rafter system of the roofing cake, the thickness of the insulation must be taken into account, this is very important for ease of installation and the further proper functioning of the roofing cake.

Roofing cake layers:

  1. The first layer is a vapor barrier, it is from it that the installation of the cake should begin. The vapor barrier is rolled onto the rafters and attached to them. A clear fixation of the vapor barrier is necessary, often it is done using a construction stapler. The vapor barrier is rolled out overlapping each other from 10 to 15 centimeters. The overlaps are sealed with a special sealed tape.
  2. The second layer is insulation. Insulation must be selected based on climatic conditions, environmental friendliness and soundproofing qualities. We must not forget that the roof of the house is essentially the ceiling of your room, and the sound of rain will be heard more than ever in the attic room. Now in the market of heaters there is a very large choice. Materials based on various wool are in great demand, these are glass wool, stone wool, and other materials. Enough budget option is insulation with expanded polystyrene, but its sound-absorbing properties leave much to be desired.
  3. The third layer is a moisture-proof membrane, it is also rolled out on the truss system, but already from the side of the street. It is the membrane that will prevent the penetration of external precipitation into the roofing pie. Some membranes can be used both indoors and outdoors. The installation of such a film takes place in the same way as a vapor barrier, the joints are sealed, and the film is rolled out with an overlap of 10-15 centimeters.
  4. The next stage is the installation of a counter-lattice, although manufacturers of materials with a wavy pattern (ondulin, slate, metal tiles) claim that passive ventilation of the roof is sufficient - this is not always the case. The counter grating, even minimal, creates a good ventilation gap, which helps to quickly remove moisture from the inner surface of the finished roofing.
  5. Crate. The crate itself in the mansard roof can be either solid or thinned. It all depends on the material that is used as the finish coat. For piece tiles, a solid plank crate is used, or sheet material instead of a crate. For sheet material, a thinned crate is used.

The main problem of the attic roof is its insulation and protection from moisture. Otherwise, the construction steps are the same as in a conventional gable roof.

  1. The first step is the miscalculation of materials, the calculation of the load
  2. The second fastening of the bearing bars
  3. Assembling the rafter system template
  4. Assembly roof trusses according to the template, according to the quantity according to the project
  5. Installation of rafters
  6. Roofing pie device
  7. Finishing device
  8. Roof interior trim

Interior decoration of mansard roof

The mansard roof inside can be decorated with almost any material. This lining, and drywall, and plastic decorative panels. But ideal for a mansard roof from the point of view of practicality, removable material, such as lining, in cases of improper roofing, such material will make it possible to carry out repair work on the roofing pie.

The roofing cake fills the truss frame. It is necessary to protect the house from rains, showers, keep warm, do not miss the noise. This is due to the fact that the roofing cake is multi-layered, it has forming elements, they need to be laid correctly and alternately, and at the same time, the fastening technology must be observed, then the roof will be multifunctional.

Each layer of a roofing cake under a metal tile with an insulated roof is designed to perform a function, the cake should be mounted in a strict sequence. At the same time, the main rule is that its mass should not be more than the bearing capacity of the rafters. Therefore, it is worth calculating all the loads on the building envelope, the required thickness of the insulation and the strength of the rafters using ours.

Typically, a roofing cake includes: (from inside to outside):

  • filing from the side of the roof space;
  • vapor barrier, for example, polypropylene film;
  • insulation, for example, mineral wool, placed between the rafter system;
  • waterproofing, for example, a membrane that is laid along the upper edge of the rafters;
  • counter-lattice from wooden slats;
  • crate made of wood;
  • covering material, that is, a metal tile.

The roof can be insulated in different ways, it can be cold or insulated.

That is, the roofing cake consists of certain layers, with each layer performing its own function:

1. The topmost layer of the pie is a metal tile. It provides protection from precipitation, temperature changes, determines the appearance of the roof.

2. Vibration isolation elements. They stop the vibration, they do not hear the noise from the downpour, knocking on the metal roof.

3. The frame of the lathing is made of wood. It is required to attach the outer covering - metal tiles and make a gap under the roof so that ventilation exists between the materials.

4. Counter-lattice, consisting of wooden slats. Provides necessary air circulation between a metal tile, an obreshetka and insulating materials.

5. Waterproofing. It does not allow moisture to penetrate to the frame of the truss system and into the insulation.

6. Thermal insulation material. It performs the function of isolation from noise and does not allow heat to escape from the room.

7. Roof rafters. A roofing cake and insulation are attached to them. With the help of the rafter system, free space is obtained in the attic.

8. Vapor barrier. She brings out the vapors that form inside the house.

9. A layer of inner lining of the roof. It is intended for fastening of finishing material.


Metal roof rafters are identical to other rafters to which sheet or heavy coverings are attached. But these rafters differ in that the metal tile does not load them very much, therefore, for the construction of rafters, it is not necessary to take a beam of large section.

The distance between the rafter legs is usually 600-900 mm. When choosing the pitch of the rafter bars, it is worth considering the width and thickness of the material used for insulation. It must be tightly laid between the frame, so that there are no gaps.

The rafter system is made of bars with a section of 50x150 mm. If the boards have this width, then you can choose a heater with a thickness of 150 mm. If you want to build a roof in the cold regions of the country, then you should select bars with a width of about 200 mm. Then you can pick up a heater also 200 mm thick.

Vapor barrier.

Vapor barrier is required to protect the insulation from moisture, as well as to maintain a certain microclimate in the rooms. Usually, the steam generated in the room rises. If there is no vapor barrier layer in the installed roof, then the steam will be absorbed into the insulation.

During frost, the steam will begin to stop from the outside of the thermal insulation. There it will first become frost, and then a crust of ice on the material. And in the spring, when it becomes warm, the insulation covered with a crust of ice will become unusable. The ice will melt and water will flow onto the insulation. Previously, glassine was used as a vapor barrier. Now they are mounting films made of polyethylene or polypropylene:

1. Polyethylene film is not very strong, because of this it is reinforced with mesh.

2. A polypropylene film is a woven fabric, it is laminated on both sides with a thin layer of the same material. One side is rough.

Thermal insulation.

The most widely used heaters are mineral wool or polystyrene. They are pretty inexpensive. Mineral wool, foam blocks are laid between the rafters. They are mounted end to end. If this results in cracks and gaps, then they are blown out with mounting foam.

If you do not have time to install insulation, then you can insulate the roof with polyurethane foam.


Previously, glassine or roofing felt was used as waterproofing. Now, in order for the roof to last for a long time, special membranes are used. Although this material is not cheap, it is reliable and durable. The membrane material consists of 2 layers: the first is reinforcing, the second is moisture repellent.

Control grate and ventilation gap.

The counter-lattice is created from wooden slats. They are attached to a layer of waterproofing, which is placed on top of the log rafters. Then the mounted bars of the counter-lattice provide a gap between the waterproofing layer and the roof covering.


The crate is the basis for attaching the metal tile. It is made of wooden blocks, they are mounted perpendicular to the legs of the rafters. Reiki, boards or bars of the crate are attached end-to-end or through a small gap equal to the step of the wave of the metal tile. A crate made of wood is created by attaching it with nails, screws, staples.

But in this case, you should not forget that the whole tree should be treated with antifungal compounds, otherwise it will rot.

Vibration isolation.

You should definitely make vibration isolation if you plan to cover the roof with metal tiles, since during rain, showers, quite a lot of noise appears.

Sound-absorbing materials are used to protect metal roofs from noise.

To reduce noise and vibration, you can:

1. Tightly attach all layers of the roofing cake, thus increasing its rigidity. This is easy to do if, when attaching, screw in a lot of self-tapping screws by 1 m.

3. Make the crate and the counter-crate in the same plane. Since if the slats are attached unevenly, then after the installation of the metal tile, the final coating will be deformed, and this may cause noise.

4. You can also reduce noise if a seal is placed between the counter-batten and the rafters, which isolates sounds.

For the manufacture of metal tiles take thin sheets of aluminum, steel, copper. If you are planning to buy a metal tile in Kyiv, we recommend that you follow the link where you will find your option for buying a roof at a great price.

Such material can serve as a roof for several decades, it is reliable and durable. True, such properties depend on the density of laying metal tiles when creating a roof. To put the material tightly, sealing elements are used.

Video lesson of metal tile installation.

How to properly insulate structural laying schemes

Insulation of the attic roof is an issue that requires the most careful consideration, since insulating a sloping roof is one of the most difficult procedures, since it requires simultaneous insulation of several planes. In addition to the internal living space, remote balconies and windows can be provided on its lower slopes, which, in turn, further complicates the thermal insulation procedure. Thus, before insulating the attic, it is necessary to evaluate the design features and the actual state of the attic space.

Let's look at several options for attic insulation.

Budget option: interrafter insulation

  • Mineral wool is an elastic heat-insulating material, and it is precisely due to this that it is held between the rafters.
  • The insulation is pre-cut into slabs 4-5 cm shorter than the height of the rafters. Its thickness is chosen based on the climate of the construction area and the material of the inner lining.
  • In the space between the rafters with attic sheathing, it is separated by a layer of vapor barrier. And on top of the roofing "pie" a hydrovapor barrier film is stretched (along the rafters). which is pressed with bars.
  • Obtained between these layers: thermal insulation - film and film - roofing, two ventilation gaps must be left open at the ridge and eaves assembly to allow free movement of air. To do this, in particular, the film near the ridge cannot be overlapped onto another slope, on the contrary, it does not reach 5-10 cm to the ridge.

  • The waterproofing film can be torn from temperature changes at the attachment points, so it is fixed to the rafters with a sag - about 2 cm.
  • The airflow should be at least 2 cm higher than the sagging film and insulation. However, this insulation technology has a significant drawback - the likelihood of “cold bridges” forming along the rafters.

Full attic insulation

  • Work begins with the first option, with the only difference being that the inter-rafter space is completely filled with mineral wool, to the very top. Next, wooden blocks are sewn across the rafters. Their height should reach the estimated height of the mineral wool.
  • A second layer of heat-insulating material is inserted into the resulting frame, and it should cover both the rafters and the joints of the mineral wool of the first layer. That is, in this way all possible "cold bridges" will be removed.

The insulation must completely fill all the space provided for it. It should not leave depressions and cavities - loopholes for the passage of air.

After laying the insulating layer, a superdiffusion membrane is laid directly on top of it, which is pressed with wooden bars. The height of the bars should correspond to the height of the ventilation gap, which should be at least 5 cm. After that, the crate and roof are mounted along the bars of the counter-lattice.

  • The super-diffusion membrane is laid along the entire plane of the roof and, unlike the waterproofing membrane, with an overlap through the ridge and without any gaps for ventilation. This method assumes the presence of a single vent, which is located above the superdiffusion membrane.
  • The second layer of insulation is laid from the inside of the room using the same technology as on top of the rafters. Across the rafters, bars of counter-lattices are sewn and mineral wool is laid between them. Next is the vapor barrier: depending on its type, they either shoot it with brackets to the rafters, or press it with wooden bars.

If a foil vapor barrier is used, then it must be installed with foil inside the room. The reflective layer will only work if there is a gap of 2 cm, otherwise the thermal infrared rays will not be reflected from the foil.

Attic sheathing, of course, depending on the type, is attached either directly to the transverse or to additional bars that hold the vapor barrier.


Mansard roof insulation: how to do it correctly Roof insulation device: what and how to insulate Roof insulation from metal tiles: we make a reliable roofing cake

Mansard roof installation tools and equipment

Roofing cannot be installed with bare hands. This will require the use of not only tools, but also special equipment. Depending on the type of roofing material, the appropriate inventory is selected.

When installing elements of the truss system, you can not do without:

  1. Electric saws.
  2. Electric planer.
  3. Axe.
  4. Hammer.
  5. A set of chisels.
  6. Screwdriver.
  7. Electric drills.

When installing bitumen-based roll materials, you will need gas-burner. With the help of this device, the material is heated to the desired temperature, the joints are glued and fixed on the roof.

The gas burner reliably glues the bituminous base and roofing material

The use of a roofing crane will greatly facilitate the work. This equipment will save time and effort during the construction of the mansard roof.

A roofing crane, being a small-sized representative of lifting mechanisms, will greatly facilitate the process of building an attic

It should be noted that the equipment used in the construction of the attic must comply with the requirements of GOST 12.2.003–74. This standard sets General requirements safety to the structures of production equipment:

  • special equipment used for melting bituminous materials must be equipped with thermal sensors and an exhaust pipe;
  • equipment designed to dry the base for rolled welded materials must be equipped with a special protective screen;
  • the process of refueling the fuel tanks of the equipment used must be mechanized.

The following tools are required for the installation of a mansard roof roofing pie:

  1. Yardstick.
  2. A hammer.
  3. Axe.
  4. Sharp knife.
  5. Construction stapler with staples.
  6. Hacksaw.
  7. Plumb.
  8. Graphite pencil.
  9. Cord.
  10. Metal scissors.
  11. Wire cutters.
  12. Drill with drills of different diameters.
  13. Screwdriver.
  14. Plane.
  15. Calculator.

Mansard roof repair

In most cases, the basis for repairing a roof with an attic is leakage due to deformation of the covering flooring under the influence of atmospheric phenomena due to uneven shrinkage of the building or incorrectly selected lumber for the rafter block. It is possible that wind and snow loads were not taken into account during construction, poor-quality roofing materials were used, or gross violations were made during installation. The main thing is to identify the true cause in a timely manner in order to further eliminate the problem.

Replacing a damaged section of roofing material is the easiest type of repair work. But here it is necessary to take into account the type of covering flooring. For example, it is quite easy to replace a broken tile with a new fragment. But the repair of bituminous shingles will require a professional approach - it needs to be torn off, sealed and nailed to a new strip. If the work is carried out in cold weather, then the shingles are first softened with a building hair dryer. This must be done very carefully so as not to solder together new and old fragments of tiles.

Damaged shingles of bituminous tiles must be torn off, and repaired or new coating elements should be nailed into place.

If the cause of the leaks is not in the roofing, then you will have to carry out a full repair according to the following algorithm:

  1. A temporary one is erected over the roof wooden frame, which is covered with plastic films to protect living quarters from bad weather.
  2. The old roofing is dismantled and all layers of the roofing cake are dismantled.
  3. Examine the truss system. An assessment of its condition should be given by specialists. It may be enough to remove the mold, treat with an antiseptic, replace the elements eaten away by the fungus, correct the geometry and strengthen the roof structure. But it is possible that you will have to completely change the entire truss system.
  4. After the repair or maintenance of the carrier block, all layers of the roofing pie are laid anew, after analyzing their condition - whether they are suitable for further use or whether it makes sense to replace some materials with new ones.

Video: mansard roof repair - fixing mistakes

If the homeowner does not have the funds to repair the truss structure, then, as a temporary option, it is possible to replace the existing roof with a two-layer shingles. This durable roofing will protect the roof from leaks for a certain time, make it possible to solve financial problems and subsequently eliminate the real cause.

Mansard roof construction on your own- a complex, but very exciting process. The daily transformation of the house is inspiring, so you want to achieve the final result as quickly as possible.

Performing the work step by step, it is important to follow the instructions, take into account the recommendations and not neglect the little things. And then the mansard roof will delight for many years

The choice of thermal insulation

The design of the attic roof has the following features that you need to focus on when choosing a material for its insulation:

  • Lightweight materials should be used as roofing and insulation for a mansard roof, since its design is not designed for increased loads.
  • To insulate the mansard roof, the most effective materials should be used so that the thickness of the roofing cake layer is minimal - this will also help reduce the weight of the roof structure.
  • It is mandatory to install a ventilation system for the roof space, which provides humidity control in the room.

Mineral wool

Mineral wool is often used to insulate mansard roofs. Her virtues:

  • Light weight.
  • High thermal insulation qualities.
  • Good vapor permeability and sound insulation.
  • Environmental friendliness and fire safety.

The amount of insulation corresponds to the area of ​​the roof slopes minus the area of ​​the openings

Among the disadvantages of such thermal insulation of the attic roof are the relatively high price and the tendency to get wet. In addition, mineral wool can become caked over time and lose its properties.

Important: For roof insulation (inclined and vertical surfaces), it is better to use mineral wool in slabs rather than rolls - this will facilitate installation.

You can also use glass wool to insulate the attic roof, but it is less convenient to use and requires protective equipment: gloves, overalls and glasses.

In cold regions, the thickness of such thermal insulation should be 150-200 mm - this can be ensured by laying mineral wool slabs in two layers. With external insulation, work on the installation of the material should be carried out only in dry weather.

Styrofoam or Styrofoam

Insulation of mansard roofs with foam plastic is common due to its low cost. Among the advantages:

  • Little weight.
  • Low thermal conductivity.
  • Ease of processing and installation.
  • Good operational qualities.
  • Doesn't deform.
  • Not afraid of moisture.

How to insulate the roof of the attic with foam

Insulation of the mansard roof with foam plastic has a significant drawback - fire hazard. But you can use extruded polystyrenes, which do not burn, but only melt, but their cost is much higher.

Polyurethane foam (PPU)

New effective material to insulate the attic roof. In fact, it is a modified polyurethane foam. PPU can only be used to insulate a mansard roof from the inside, a video with application technology at the end of the article, but at the same time:

  • The thickness of the insulation layer is minimal.
  • PPU has good adhesion, and when applied, it fills all the voids in the structures.
  • It is simultaneously heat, hydro and vapor barrier.

Insulation with PPU

Spraying polyurethane foam requires special skills and equipment, but there will be no seams at all, which will prevent freezing of structural elements.

When choosing the best way to insulate a mansard roof, you can also focus on such material as ecowool. This natural insulation (made from linen) will not only protect you from the cold, but also from overheating in the heat, is breathable and environmentally friendly. Ecowool provides a seamless coating and does not require a vapor barrier. Suitable, for example, for insulating a sloping mansard roof with easy installation on inclined surfaces.

Roofing cake not insulated

Types of insulation for roofing pie.

This type of roofing cake design is created if the building has an insulated ceiling under the attic, and it is planned to be in the attic room only in summer. Here, the main task of the insulating structure will be to insulate the attic from condensate entering from the outside, so that moisture can go outside. So that the microcirculation of air is not disturbed, a gasket should be made of a waterproofing perforated film.

When arranging an uninsulated roofing pie, the sequence will be as follows:

  • truss system device;
  • laying a waterproofing layer;
  • fixing the counter-lattice;
  • fastening the crate;
  • laying roofing material.

The insulated design includes more layers. It is used for arranging residential attics and the task is not only waterproofing, but also ensuring the safety of heat. Under the roof, the thermal regime is much different from that on the ground floor of the building.

The roof itself summer time can be heated to sufficiently high temperatures, and in winter period often such a phenomenon as the freezing of the roof. In such housing, a comfortable atmosphere cannot be achieved. Roofing cake is arranged to perform the following tasks: keeping heat inside in winter, providing insulation for air that may come into contact with a frozen roof, and in hot weather, the cake does not let hot air inside.

Attic roof insulation from the inside between the rafters

Process internal insulation mansard roof should begin at the stage of construction of the building. This is the only way to check the correctness of the layers of the roofing "pie". At the same time, it is advisable to draw up a detailed diagram of the attic room with your own hands and mark on it the places that are subject to insulation from the inside.

Very often, the attic structure has a cropped structure. Simply put, between the bottom of the roof slope and interior decoration the room remains free space that does not need to be insulated

But in such a situation, it is important to insulate the ceiling along the very edge of the roof structure.

  1. First, the insulation must be unpacked so that the mineral wool gains its original shape. The material is cut to the required size. Be sure to leave a margin of 25-35 mm for a snug fit to adjacent rafters.
  2. The canvases are pushed into the space between the rafters. It is necessary to slightly press on the middle of the insulation so that it straightens. In this case, it must be borne in mind that the thickness of the beams must be at least 25 cm.
  3. A vapor barrier layer is laid over the insulation with an overlap of 10 cm, and the joints are glued with adhesive tape. The insulation is attached with staples or crate.
  4. For the crate, slats 2.5 cm thick are stuffed.
  5. A decorative finishing material is fixed on top of the rails.

At this stage, all work on the insulation of the attic can be considered completed. But in order to fully understand the essence of the installation process, you can familiarize yourself with the video, warming the roof of the attic floor. If you plan to insulate the attic in an old building, and there is no desire to disassemble the roof structure, then there is a little trick. The waterproofing layer is rolled out directly from the inside of the attic, wrapping the rafters and leading the material into the space between them. But in such a situation it will not be possible to protect wooden beams in case of leakage of roofing material.

The structure of the insulated roofing pie

Roof pie made of corrugated board.

Rafter. All layers of the cake should be together about 35 cm. This must be taken into account when performing the rafter system. Decide on the material that you will lay as a heat insulator - this will help you find out if the height of the rafters will be sufficient.

It is the rafters that bear the main load of the gravity of the roof. Therefore, it is better to create them from coniferous trees, choosing such elements in which there are no flaws. The moisture content of wood should not exceed 22%. All wooden elements must be impregnated with an antiseptic. The pitch of the rafters and their thickness are chosen depending on what material is selected to cover the roof.

Vapor barrier. The actual installation of the roofing pie begins just from this layer. The last of the inner layers will be the finish.

Moisture must be present inside the housing. Most of all it is contained in the warm air, which, obeying the laws of physics, rushes up - into the attic. Ventilation is not able to ventilate to such an extent that all excess moisture is eliminated, they fall on the roof structure and settle in the form of condensate. The vapor barrier layer protects the insulation, arranged next, from moisture penetration. When saturated with moisture, thermal insulation loses its performance.

Among the materials used to create a vapor barrier layer, the following are most often used:

  • vapor barrier film. It is made multilayer, with the addition of a polymer reinforcing frame, which does not allow it to sag;
  • glassine - a vapor barrier with a democratic price, which has a significant disadvantage: over time, its ability to retain moisture disappears;
  • foil materials.

The latter are a film, one of the sides of which is pasted over with foil. There is also a material similar to chocolate wrappers, one side of which is foil, the other is paper. Both options perform not only a waterproofing function, but are also a good barrier to infrared radiation. It causes heat leakage from the room, and the foil layer helps to significantly reduce heat loss even without insulating materials.

Fastening the vapor barrier to the rafters is carried out as follows:

  1. They roll along the rafter legs roll material in the direction along the ridge. Laying should be carried out from below, with an overlap of 15 cm on the previous layer.
  2. The film is attached to the surface with a construction stapler.
  3. The joints of the material and the edge adjacent to the wall are sealed using a connecting tape or adhesive tape.

When laying the film, do not stretch it, it should sag slightly between the rafters.

The choice of insulation

At the stage of preparation for the installation of the roofing cake, you should decide on the choice of material for insulation. From the right type and specifications depends on the number of layers and the thickness of the thermal insulation. A wide range of materials for the insulation of roof structures is presented on the modern construction market. Among the most requested are :

  • polyurethane foam;
  • extruded polystyrene foam;
  • glass wool;
  • mineral wool.

Foamed glass can also be used, different kinds natural insulation for installation from the inside (wood chips, seaweed, granulated paper, etc.).

There are four main criteria for choosing a thermal insulation material :

  • coefficient of thermal conductivity;
  • moisture resistance;
  • fire resistance;
  • environmental Safety.

Note! To insulate a mansard roof, it is recommended to use a material with a thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.05 W / m * K and below. The higher the moisture resistance of the insulation, the longer it will retain its functional qualities.

The fire resistance index is an important criterion for ensuring the safety of the home

The higher the moisture resistance of the insulation, the longer it will retain its functional qualities. The fire resistance index is an important criterion for ensuring the safety of the home

It is also important to consider the environmental friendliness of the material and its safety for humans. But the last two parameters do not affect the durability and effectiveness of roof insulation.

Mineral wool - a heater made from a melt of rocks. The material holds heat well, does not rot, is resistant to temperature extremes and aggressive environments, and practically does not absorb moisture. Mats of various thicknesses made of mineral wool are especially convenient to use for roof insulation, if the pitch of the rafters matches the width of the mat.

Glass wool is made from molten glass, in terms of its properties this type of insulation is close to mineral wool, but has a lower thermal threshold of -450 ° C. It has good heat and sound insulating characteristics. Glass wool is frost resistant. Moisture can accumulate between the glass wool fibers, so waterproofing must be done correctly.

Mineral wool and glass wool allow you to insulate the roof with minimal financial investment. The disadvantages include the need to create a thick layer of insulation and several layers of vapor and waterproofing.

It is possible to insulate the roof structure from the inside with the help of polymeric materials - expanded polystyrene or polyurethane foam. The advantages of polyurethane foam (gas-filled plastic) include a high ability to retain heat, lightness, and durability. Polyurethane foam does not pass steam and is not affected by moisture. Extruded polystyrene foam allows you to effectively insulate the roof - its thermal conductivity coefficient is 0.05 W / m * K. The material has hydrophobicity, does not pass steam. Flammability class from G1 to G4, depends on the brand of material. The disadvantages of polymer insulation include their artificial origin and relatively high cost.

If there is a goal to build a house exclusively from eco-friendly materials, you can insulate the roof with natural heat insulators. Despite good thermal conductivity and environmental friendliness, various types of natural insulation have their drawbacks. Foamed glass is highly brittle. Granular paper, as well as mats made from reeds, straw, seaweed and similar materials, are highly flammable and require special skills during installation.

How to insulate mansard roofs criteria for choosing material for insulation

The choice of high-quality heat-insulating materials for warming the attic room from the inside is a very responsible process. The thickness and layering of the roofing cake will depend on the type of insulation and its main characteristics.

Due to the fact that the attic is a room of a specific design, then the choice of insulation should be based on the requirements for it:

The minimum level of thermal conductivity. It is advisable to purchase materials with thermal conductivity indicators that do not exceed 0.05 W per square meter.

Low degree of moisture permeability. Due to the fact that condensation can form under the roof, and often the roof can simply leak, the heat-insulating material should not absorb moisture, which adversely affects its main parameters

If it is impossible to adhere to such rules, it is important to equip high-quality waterproofing.

Material for internal insulation of the attic should have a minimum weight. This parameter is very important, since the roof structure cannot be overloaded.

Weight parameters directly depend on the density of the material. Mineral or basalt wool is well suited for the roof. Heavier options are not advisable to use.

High rates of fire safety. It is important that the insulation does not support the combustion process in the event of an open source of fire.

The ability of the insulation to retain its original shape. Due to the fact that the insulation is laid on a non-standard surface at an angle, rolled soft materials can slide down after a certain time, forming large voids in the upper part. Therefore, the insulation for internal insulation of the attic should not lose its shape and size.

High frost resistance. which is due to sudden temperature changes in the under-roof space.

Long operational resource.

It is very important to correctly calculate the thickness of the insulation, which should be based on the characteristics of the construction region, the thickness of the walls of the house, the presence or absence of insulation, and the thickness of the roofing cake. All these parameters are of high importance, and only on the basis of them, you can choose the right thickness of the heat-insulating material.

If you skip the calculation stage, then it is better to opt for mineral wool 25 cm thick.

How to properly insulate the roof of the attic from the inside with your own hands

Many homeowners succumb to the temptation to equip the house with a comfortable residential attic. Such a desire is natural, this is a great opportunity to increase the area and living space of your home. In addition, this gives the building a special charm, brings a certain amount of romanticism to its appearance.

Special roof windows enhance the impression. Today, most new private housing is already being built with an attic. But often, wanting to increase households, and in not new houses, the owners equip and insulate old non-residential attics.

Attics are located almost under the roof

What are the usual requirements for them? It is important that it is cool enough in summer and dry and warm in winter. In order for the room to meet the indicated requirements, it is important to know what processes take place in it, to understand the essence of competent insulation

Produce All necessary work with your own hands is not difficult, their technology is quite simple. The main thing for this is a conscientious partner and the presence necessary tools. If everything is done technologically correctly, the wooden rafters will not get wet and rot, and the heat-insulating material will serve for a long time and reliably.

In what cases may you need attic insulation

The attic floor is a room of a special design, in which the walls practically merge into a single whole with the roof surface and the ventilation gap does not exceed 100–150 mm. It is for this reason that the room quickly cools down in winter and heats up in summer period of the year. The entire surface of the roof structure, as it were, is a heat accumulator in the summer heat and through it the heat goes outside with the onset of cold weather. First of all, this is due to the level of thermal conductivity of the materials used for the construction of the roof.

In winter heat flows from batteries rise upwards according to the laws of physics, being distributed under the roof vault and volatilizing freely into the street, since the materials from which a standard roof is made easily conduct heat.

In this case, the snow melts, which, turning into ice, destroys the roof. In turn, in the summer heat, the air in the attic room heats up so much that it becomes hard to breathe. At the same time, even a very powerful air conditioner will not work to cool such a room.

How to be in such a situation? There is only one answer - to insulate the attic room with high quality, choosing the right heat-insulating material, the parameters of its thickness and the place of installation in the under-roof space, in compliance with the technological process.

For example, if the insulation is made with insufficiently thick material, selected by eye, then the problem will be solved only partially and the room will still be cool and uncomfortable. Only the right insulation in terms of thickness and thermal conductivity will allow you to qualitatively isolate the attic from the roof structure, and during construction proper ventilation all excess moisture will be quickly and freely removed to the outside.

Arrangement of a residential attic space

When building a private house, some owners even try to use the attic area for living quarters.

Mansard roof structure.

On the attic floors in some cases, “summer”, that is, unheated, premises are planned. But it is still preferable to have rooms in which full insulation is made and you can live comfortably not only in the warm, but also in the cold season.

Insulating material in attic spaces is usually installed on the floor: this helps to keep the heat that comes out from the floor below it. At the same time, an empty attic serves as a layer that does not allow cold to pass into the room from the roof.

When insulating an attic room, everything happens a little differently. All thermal insulation material from the floor is, as it were, transferred to the roof structure. Therefore, a roofing pie in buildings with attics will be an indispensable structural element.

Warm roof

The mansard roof must be warm. Recall that pitched roofs can be warm and cold. The difference between them is the composition of the roofing cake. A warm roof involves the insulation of roof slopes, as well as equipment for hydro and vapor barriers.

For roof insulation, you can use any type of insulation: expanded clay, polyurethane foam, expanded polystyrene, foam concrete, foam glass, cellulose and basalt fiber insulation. Basalt mats are the most popular.

The insulation is placed in the space between the rafter legs. To enhance the effect, you can put in two layers. In this case, the second layer is spread so as to close the joints between the mats of the first. A reinforced waterproofing layer is required. The lack of cotton wool - when moisture gets in, they can not only lose their heat-saving qualities, but also increase the load on the truss system.

Do not allow the heater to get wet. A vapor barrier membrane is placed on top of the mats to prevent evaporation from the interior from condensing on the inner layers of the roof. To protect the insulation from condensate, the formation of which is possible on some types of roofing materials, for example, steel, waterproofing is laid between the roofing and the insulation.

As a waterproofing, a film or membrane is used. The use of the latter is preferable. The material has excellent diffusion properties. It is impervious to water, but perfectly passes steam. Thanks to this, water evaporating, pass through the layers of the roof, without settling anywhere. In addition, membranes are more practical in terms of space saving. Unlike films, they do not need to leave a gap between layers. It fits directly on the heater.

First of all, the valley is processed. From top to bottom, the membrane is laid along the entire length. The joints are glued with a special tape, preferably of the same brand as the waterproofing. Rolls of waterproofing membrane are rolled out horizontally from the eaves towards the ridge. Individual canvases are laid with an overlap of 15 cm. Joints are made on the rafters. The material should be well stretched, without sagging.

Styrofoam boards can be used to insulate roof slopes. Compared to mineral wool, they do not absorb moisture in the event of a leak in the waterproofing system.

Foam boards are laid between the rafter legs on the crate. The width of the rafter pitch can reach 2 m. It is laid without a gap. The minimum layer thickness is 100 mm. The maximum is not strictly defined. The thickness of the insulation layer is calculated for each specific case, taking into account the climatic features of the area where the house is located.

Plates are attached with glue or dowels. If gaps have formed between them and the rafters, they are filled with sealant or mounting foam. You can't leave it open. Cold bridges form in them, which leads to the formation of condensate. The result is the appearance of mold and rotting of the rafters. A vapor barrier is laid on top of the foam boards and sewn up with clapboard, wood board or drywall. Depends on the functional purpose of the roof space.