Podmore bee - from what diseases it helps. Recipes and application of tinctures of dead bees on alcohol, vodka, water How to take dead bees on vodka

Dead bees are the bodies of bees that died a natural death. With such a frightening name, this product is a real storehouse of trace elements useful for the body. It has long been successfully used in official and alternative medicine against diverse ailments. On the basis of subpestilence, decoctions, infusions, ointments and mixtures are made. An alcohol tincture of dead bees has a huge healing potential.

It is easy and simple to prepare it, however, it is insisted for a long time - 21 days. However, after waiting for the due date, you will get a truly universal remedy that can kill any disease on the spot, even cancer.

Healing qualities of alcohol tincture

The uniqueness of the remedy lies in the fact that the death on vodka can be used to treat a huge number of pathologies. For what diseases is the tincture used?
Podmor bees (tincture) is shown:

  • with cardiac ailments;
  • with diseases of the kidneys and liver;
  • with diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • with impotence, frigidity and infertility;
  • with oncological diseases;
  • with diabetes;
  • with diseases of the joints;
  • with varicose veins;
  • to strengthen immunity;
  • for the prevention of dementia;
  • for weight loss;
  • with baldness and diseases of the scalp;
  • with allergic and skin diseases;
  • to stabilize pressure (both high and low);
  • to cleanse the liver, stomach, intestines and blood;
  • to slow down the aging process;
  • with inflammation of the oral cavity and nose;
  • for the prevention of eye diseases.

As you can see, the list of diseases is very extensive and that the remedy cures almost any disease. There is nothing surprising in this, since the bee body itself has almost all the valuable components present in various beekeeping products (honey, perga, propolis, etc.).
Moreover, subpestilence contains some substances that determine a huge number of healing possibilities of the remedy. You can learn in detail about its healing abilities and unique composition from the article.

Attention! The widest use of dead bee tincture is due to the fact that after infusion, it not only preserves, but also fully reveals all the healing properties of dead bees.

Recipes for tincture of dead bees on vodka, alcohol and water

Healing remedies based on subpestilence can be prepared at home. And if you follow the recipe, then home-made bee medicine will be in no way inferior to the product from the pharmacy.
Before proceeding to the direct preparation of tinctures, let's look at the general rules for self-collecting and drying dead wood:

  1. The collection of dead bees is of several types: winter, spring, summer and autumn. The most popular product is autumn, as the bees gain weight over the summer and accumulate a large amount of vitamins. Insects that died in winter and early spring should not be taken orally, but used externally (ointments, lotions, compresses). They are severely malnourished and their stomachs are full of feces.
  2. For recipes, only dried dead bees are suitable. Alcohol tincture from such raw materials will be endowed with powerful healing power. After collection, the product is cleaned of debris and dried on a Russian oven or in an oven at a temperature of 40-50 0 C. Properly processed dead wood should not have a smell, traces of mold and dampness.
  3. On vodka

    The tincture of dead bees, the recipe of which is described below, unlike other folk remedies, is prepared quickly and easily. Let's see how to cook it:

  • Grind the product to a powder with a coffee grinder or mortar.
  • Put it in a dark glass container that closes well.
  • Fill the product with vodka based on a ratio of 1:3, for example, 300 g of "fire water" per 100 g of dead wood.
  • Close the container tightly and place in a dark, cool room.
  • At first, the dishes should be shaken daily, and then every 3-4 days.
  • How long does it take to insist bee death on "fire water"? The remedy should be infused for 3 weeks (21 days).
  • After the specified period, filter the vodka-infused poison through several layers of gauze and pour the healing liquid into a clean glass bottle.

Podmore on vodka must be stored in a dark, cold place.

Attention! Both vodka and alcohol are suitable for the recipe, but do not use alcohol with different impurities.

alcohol tincture recipe

Consider how to prepare and infuse alcohol bee medicine.
The following ingredients are needed: dried dead wood, 40% alcohol.

Pour the dead bees into a half-liter jar - up to the middle. Put a mark on the glass. Pour alcohol into the container about 2-3 cm above the marked line. Infuse the liquid for 2-3 weeks, periodically shaking the jar. Before use, be sure to filter the infusion.

Important! Before the first dose of the remedy and for another week after, you need to shake the bee medicine thoroughly. Then it is enough to shake the product every 5-7 days.

Such a tincture is considered universal and helps with almost all pathologies indicated in the indications for use. The difference is only in the dosage and frequency of administration.
To enhance the healing effect, you can add crushed eucalyptus leaves to it (10% of the amount of subpestilence).

Such a combined remedy will bring special benefits to the vascular system. Tincture on the bee submore with eucalyptus has a positive effect on the vessels - it cleanses, improves their structure, increases the elasticity of the walls, and functioning.

Attention! Bee death on alcohol can have a different color: from light brown to red with a slight sediment. The shade of the tincture depends on the time of collection of dead bees, on the water and the composition of the dead bees.

Podmore tincture with propolis

The use of propolis significantly enhances the immunostimulating, antibacterial and antiviral properties of the alcoholic infusion of subpestilence. Such a remedy is especially valuable for the treatment of male problems: impotence, prostate adenoma, infertility. The finished medicine is absolutely non-toxic and is able to suppress the development of atypical (cancer) cells.

To preserve all the healing properties of bee products, you need to prepare the product correctly. The recipe for tincture of bee deadness on propolis is as follows:

  1. It is necessary to take the components: crushed bee bodies (15 g), boiled water (500 ml), 20-30% alcohol tincture of propolis (tablespoon).
  2. Fill with water, put on the stove and bring to a boil.
  3. Boil the product for 30-40 minutes over low heat.
  4. Then remove from heat and let it brew for 2 hours.
  5. Strain the settled infusion and add 2 tbsp. honey and propolis tincture.

Such a remedy should be drunk on an empty stomach in a tablespoon. You can eat half an hour after taking bee medicine. The general course is about a year.

Tincture of dead bees with royal jelly

Royal jelly itself has a huge range of healing properties and is used to treat almost all diseases. In combination with podpes, the product significantly enhances the effect of the tincture with bee bodies, due to which the healing effect of the product increases significantly.

You can make a medicine with "milk" yourself, or use a ready-made extract of subpestilence and royal jelly from a pharmacy.
When making the remedy at home, you need to make a decoction (as in the recipe for deadly propolis) and purchase a tincture of royal jelly. The reception scheme here is special, you can find out in detail about it below, which tells about the use of various tinctures with subpestilence.

On the water

Podmore tincture on the water is no less popular. Such a tool will be an excellent alternative for anyone who is contraindicated in alcohol. The recipe for water infusion of dead bees is very simple. To prepare it, pour 2 large spoons of the product into 0.5 liters of cold water and simmer the liquid over low heat for 60 minutes. Water infusion is in no way inferior in healing to alcohol and in some cases complements its intake.

Attention! Podmore infusion on water can be stored in the refrigerator for 14 days, but it is better to cook it every 3-4 days - the drug effect will be pronounced.

The use of tincture of dead bees on alcohol, water, vodka, depending on the disease

The general scheme for taking tinctures on alcohol and vodka:

  • For prevention: 1 drop per 1 year of life. The dose should be divided into 2 doses: morning and evening. For example, if you are 30 years old, you take 15 drops in the morning and another 15 in the evening. You need to drink the remedy half an hour before breakfast and dinner. Course - 30 days 2 times a year.
  • When treating any disease from the above list, the dose is initially determined according to the same scheme, but doubles over time. Treatment, depending on the form of the disease, is carried out throughout the year with periodic breaks.

Let's look at all the nuances of using funds depending on the disease.


  1. BPH. In this case, you need to drink 30 drops of the product 3 times a day after meals.
  2. Infertility. The scheme is as follows: the first 2 weeks you need to drink 5 drops 2 times a day. Then the body needs a week to rest from taking bee medicine. After that, for 14 days you need to drink the remedy 10 drops 2 times a day.
  3. Diabetes. Tincture should be taken 15 drops after each meal.
  4. Purification of the blood, therapy of the vascular system. A recipe is used with the addition of eucalyptus leaf powder. It is necessary to drink 25 drops 3 times a day. The remedy is taken after meals.

The general scheme for taking infusion on water is 1 tbsp. 1-2 times a day. The remedy should be drunk for 10 days, then a week-long rest from treatment and again a 10-day intake of bee medicine. The total duration of therapy is a month. For preventive purposes, you need to take the remedy for half a tablespoon. 1 per day.

Alcohol tincture with royal jelly, prepared independently, is taken according to the following scheme:

  1. Adults - 5 drops of an alcohol emulsion should be dripped onto the tongue. Reception - 4 times a day after meals. In the morning and in the evening, it is necessary to drop the remedy on the tongue and drink it with a decoction of bee subpestilence.

    Important! Tincture of bee "milk" is recommended for adults to drip on the tongue, since the enzymes of the stomach and intestines destroy some substances of a valuable product.

  2. Children, starting from 5 years old, need to be diluted drop by drop per 10 kilograms of weight in a healing drink: a third of the broth is poured into a glass (as in the recipe with propolis), after which the mug is topped up with juice or boiled water.
  3. Instructions for use of the pharmacy extract of subpestilence and royal jelly:

    1. Adults - tbsp with a small amount of liquid. It is necessary to drink the remedy 30 minutes before meals. The total duration of treatment is a month. The therapy is repeated every six months.
    2. Children - 1 drop per 10 kg of weight. The tincture is diluted in compote, boiled water or juice. It is necessary to drink the remedy within three weeks.
    3. Adolescents (from 16 years of age) should take 15 drops once after meals. The duration of treatment is 1 month.
    4. People of pre-retirement and retirement age. The remedy is taken at the rate of one drop per year of life. You need to drink the medicine every day for six months. Then a break of 2 weeks, and the course resumes.

    Alcohol tincture with propolis:

  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. 15-20 drops of the product are added to a cup of warm tea. It is necessary to drink the medicine daily (2 times a day) for a week. Then take a 7-day break. After which the treatment is resumed. The total duration of therapy is a month.
  • Hypertension. 20 drops of bee medicine are drunk one hour before meals. It is necessary to take the remedy for a month.
  • Oncology (to enhance the body's immune defenses). 10-15 drops half an hour before meals should be drunk three times a day for 3 months. Every 30 days you need to take a break for a week.
  • Climax. 25 drops are diluted in a small amount of water or tea. Take once for 20 days. Then a 5-day break, after which the reception resumes.
  • Pulmonary tuberculosis. Diluted 15 drops in half a cup of warm milk or boiled water. Reception frequency - 2 times a day. The duration of therapy is six months.
  • BPH. 30-40 drops should be diluted in a third of a glass of warm water. Drink on an empty stomach 3 times a day. You can eat only 15 minutes after taking bee medicine. You need to drink the remedy daily for 10 days. Then it is necessary to give the body a week to rest from treatment, after which the 10-day course is resumed. Then a long break is made for a month, after which the treatment is repeated again.

outdoor use

Alcohol and vodka tinctures are used as follows:

  1. For the treatment of wounds, cracks, you need to moisten the cotton wool and apply to the damage 1-3 times a day;
  2. Purulent acne is treated pointwise up to 4 times a day.
  3. In case of diseases of the joints, it is necessary to moisten a piece of gauze or bandage folded in several layers with a tincture of dead bees and apply to the affected area for 5-10 minutes 2 times a day. It is not necessary to warm the compress.

    Important! If your skin is thin, white, sensitive, in the treatment of articular pathologies, you must first lubricate the affected area with vegetable oil with 3-4 drops of sea buckthorn - this will prevent irritation and burns.

  4. In chronic otitis, a cotton swab moistened with tincture should be injected into the ear or 1 drop should be instilled. Procedures are carried out 2-3 times a day. With purulent otitis media, you first need to clean out the pus, then carry out the procedure.
  5. For the treatment of chronic tonsillitis and pharyngitis, it is necessary to lubricate the tonsils twice a day for 7-14 days.
  6. In case of dental diseases (stomatitis, damage to the oral mucosa, gum disease, etc.), the mouth is rinsed. To do this, dilute a tablespoon of tincture in half a glass of warm boiled water. Rinses are carried out up to 4 times a day, 3 days in a row.

Method of application of the water infusion of the subpestilence:

  • For the treatment of rashes (including allergic ones), a large number of purulent acne, it is necessary to dilute a tablespoon of decoction in half a glass of boiled water. Do therapeutic washing in the morning and evening or gently moisten the affected area with a diluted decoction.
  • For pain in the throat, it is necessary to do therapeutic rinses 2 times a day.

Alcohol tincture with royal jelly is the strongest anti-aging agent. If you know how to use the product to combat age-related changes, you can get a real "elixir of eternal youth." For anti-aging procedures, you just need to wipe your face with a product diluted in boiled water. 2-3 drops of tincture per glass.
In addition, the tincture is a strong remedy for hair loss. To combat baldness, activate hair growth, you need to rub a diluted alcohol infusion (3 drops per third of a glass of boiled water) into the roots. The procedure is carried out once every 1-2 weeks.


Podmore tincture is a potent remedy, so in some cases it can bring not only benefits, but also significant harm. You can not use the tool:

  • With individual hypersensitivity or allergy to the components of the tincture: bee products or ethanol.
  • If systemic blood diseases, clotting disorders are detected.
  • With any pathology at the stage of exacerbation. Even if your disease is on the list of indications for use, in the acute period, taking the remedy is absolutely contraindicated, since the bioactive substances in the composition can have a negative effect and greatly worsen the condition.

In addition, it is worth carefully observing the dosage, starting with the smallest doses. The desire to recover as soon as possible and excessive intake of the remedy can provoke severe poisoning and, instead of a healing effect, aggravate the course of the disease. Symptoms of intoxication include:

  • Nausea, pain in the epigastric region, intestines;
  • Redness, swelling, itching of the skin;
  • Dizziness, headaches, mood swings - from excessive activity and fussiness to loss of strength, apathy.

Attention! Tincture from dead bees is prohibited for use by children under 3 years old, pregnant women and in acute forms of diseases. Older people should take it with great caution.

Bees produce products that are very useful for our body. But even after their death, the benefits of insects remain priceless. From dead insects, a tincture of dead bees is made, which we will tell you about.


The composition of the bee subpestilence includes the following useful components:

  1. Chitosan is a unique polysaccharide that has an absorbent effect. It cleanses the body of harmful substances and toxins.
  2. Melanin is a natural enterosorbent and helps to restore the natural intestinal flora. This substance protects and regenerates the skin after injury.

In addition to these two components, this product includes:

  • alimentary fiber;
  • amino acids;
  • a whole range of vitamins and minerals.

Such a powerful and unique composition helps a person get rid of many diseases and strengthen his body. This bee product is useful even for children and pregnant women. About a little later in our article.

It is collected throughout the summer around bee hives. The bodies of insects that do not contain mold, odors have healing properties. Only such raw materials are suitable for the preparation of a unique tincture.

For what purposes is it used

The benefits of tincture of bee deadness:

Knowing how this product is useful and what it heals, it is important to find out what its harm is.

Tincture of bee subpestilence has some contraindications:

  • not recommended for children under 3 years old;
  • You can not take medicine for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers.

Contraindicated in people suffering from diseases of the stomach and intestines, with allergies to all bee products.

Side effects

Despite the unique medicinal properties, this remedy has a number of side effects:

  • may cause insomnia (in rare cases);
  • promotes an increase in blood pressure;
  • a slight increase in body temperature is possible;
  • when applied externally, an allergy is possible;
  • thins the blood.

Therefore, it is necessary to take the tincture of bee deadness on alcohol with caution.

Cooking methods

Depending on the purpose of use, it is possible to prepare a tincture from dead bees on a water, alcohol, vodka and oil basis.


An infusion of dead bees on alcohol is a very popular recipe.

To prepare at home, you need two components:

  • shavings of dead bees - 30 g;
  • purified alcohol - 2 cups;
  • liter jar with capron lid.

Crush the raw materials well, pour into a sterile jar. Pour in alcohol and seal. Podmor needs to be properly insisted: we place the jar with the contents in a dark and cool place and keep it there for exactly three weeks.

At the same time, do not forget to shake the contents every day for 3 days. After that, shaking is carried out every third day.


The recipe for making vodka-based bee tincture is very simple. The medicine helps with many diseases.

Consists of the following ingredients:

  • dead bees crushed into powder - 200 g;
  • vodka - 600 g.

For infusion, it is better to use darkened glassware. Place the raw materials in a jar, pour vodka, cork with a lid and put in a dark and cool place. Every day, the tincture should be shaken periodically. In two weeks it will be ready for use. But before that, it needs to be filtered.

Such a tincture of dead bee is prepared not only on vodka, but also on moonshine, the recipe is the same.

Water based

a recipe on water gives a good cure for many ailments. For manufacturing you will need:

  • dead bees - 60 g;
  • litere of water.

Pour crushed raw materials into a saucepan. Pour in water and put on the smallest fire. Bring to a boil and simmer for two hours. After cooling, filter through a strainer or gauze folded in two layers. Pour into a glass container, close with a nylon lid and store in the refrigerator. The shelf life of the tincture on water is 15 days.

Oil based

The extract of the dead bee (aka bee) on an oil basis is prepared from the following elements:

  • bee raw materials - 30 g;
  • vegetable oil - 2 cups.

Heat the oil to 50º, mix with crushed raw materials and shake well. A couple of days after infusion in the refrigerator, the product is ready for use. The use of an extract of dead bees helps in the treatment of joints, vertebral hernia, protrusions. Compresses and applications are made from it.

With eucalyptus

Podmore tincture with eucalyptus is especially popular and has a wide spectrum of action. Its healing properties are simply invaluable. The finished product can be bought at a pharmacy, and this does not require a doctor's prescription.

Healing liquid is used to treat and prevent various diseases:

  • bronchitis, pleurisy, tracheitis, bronchial asthma, chronic diseases of the pulmonary system;
  • atherosclerosis, hypertension;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • skin diseases of various etiologies;
  • beneficial effect on the thyroid gland, normalizes the work of the endocrine glands;
  • improves blood composition.

Dosage for children - drop by drop per 10 kg of body weight once a day for three weeks. Adults are advised to take 1 tbsp. l. 2 times a day for a month. Elderly people need to take half a year drop by drop once a day.

With royal jelly

Alcohol tincture of dead bees with royal jelly is used in the following cases:

  • elimination of neuroses, psychoses and stresses;
  • to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins;
  • with destabilization in the work of the kidneys;
  • to prevent the development of cancer;
  • to prevent obesity;
  • in the treatment of arthritis, arthrosis, gout;
  • for the prevention of impotence and in the treatment of prostatitis;
  • with diseases of the teeth, gums, joints;
  • to normalize the work of the pancreas;
  • to activate the immune system;
  • in the postoperative period to restore strength.

The same therapeutic effect has a tincture of bee submore and propolis.


Bee dead. Recipes. Treatment.

Bee dead. Tincture and ointment, how to prepare and use.


Now you know how to prepare a tincture of dead wood. This product of natural origin helps against various diseases, strengthens the immune system, gives strength and vigor for the whole day. But, before using it, consult your doctor. After all, this tool has its own contraindications.

Beekeeping products have long been used in folk medicine for the prevention and treatment of many diseases, but not everyone knows that dead bees can also be beneficial. We are talking about bees that died a natural death, and not from disease or poisoning with pesticides, preparations for disinfecting hives.

Dead bees collected in the fall or spring in the hives - this is the so-called subpestilence. Raw materials harvested in the fall contain more nutrients than those harvested immediately after a hungry winter period. Medicinal powders, decoctions, tinctures and ointments are made from dead bees. Each type of drug has its purpose and method of application. The most popular tincture of dead bees on vodka or alcohol.

Useful substances of bee subpestilence

Podmore contains bee venom and the same chemical compounds as in propolis, collected pollen, nectar, bee bread, royal jelly and honey. However, the most valuable thing in the small body of a dead bee is a protective chitinous cover, which contains many healing substances:

  • chitosan, which promotes pain relief, rapid healing of damaged skin and stopping bleeding. The compound accelerates the detoxification of the body and normalizes digestion;
  • Melanin is the pigment responsible for the color of the skin, hair and iris. Melanins serve as strong antioxidants and protect the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation and the accumulation of radionuclides;
  • Glucosamine is a substance found in intra-articular fluid. It is included in the composition of drugs that restore cartilage tissue;
  • heparin is an anticoagulant that prevents rapid blood clotting. It saves from the formation of blood clots, improves the patency of veins and arteries, reduces the risk of strokes and heart attacks.

The benefits of tincture of bee subpestilence:

  • supports the immune system and the body's resistance to stress and adverse environmental conditions, has anti-allergic properties;
  • corrects hormonal levels;
  • lowers blood cholesterol and normalizes blood pressure;
  • kills harmful bacteria, neutralizes toxic substances and removes toxins;
  • promotes the dissolution of blood clots, accelerates tissue repair;
  • treats inflammation;
  • strengthens hair and gives skin elasticity;
  • keeps the body in good shape and improves the general condition.

Preparation and storage of raw materials

Podmor can be purchased at the apiary, in specialized stores selling beekeeping products, on the market or in a pharmacy (ready-made powder). For the preparation of medicines, only high-quality raw materials are used without mold and signs of decomposition.

After collecting dead bees from the ground or from hives, the raw material needs primary processing:

  1. Podmore is sifted through a colander from garbage.
  2. It is better to dry the raw materials in the oven (at a temperature of 40-50 ºС) or on the grate above the heater.
  3. Store dry podmore, so that dampness and mold do not appear, should be in bags made of natural fabric in a ventilated area or in the freezer of the refrigerator.
  4. Before preparing the drug, dead bees are crushed in a mortar. The dead bee has a specific smell, so it is better to allocate a separate mortar for it. The use of a coffee grinder is undesirable; contact of biologically active substances with metal should not be allowed.

From 200 ml (glass) of dry bees, after grinding, 2 tablespoons of the powder used to prepare the medicine is obtained.

Recipes for tincture of dead bees

Some apitherapists (specialists in the treatment of bee products) recommend taking as many drops as the patient is full years old. The dose of alcohol tincture for oral administration is diluted in 50 ml of water (about ¼ cup).

Basic tincture recipe

The tincture of dead bees on vodka, prepared according to the basic recipe, is universal: it is suitable for the treatment of both mild and severe diseases.


  • 2 tbsp. spoons of dead bees powder (or 200 ml of unground dead bees);
  • vodka - 400 ml.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Pour powder or unground bees into a jar with a wide mouth and pour vodka.
  2. Close the jar with a lid, wrap with a thick cloth and put in a dark place.
  3. Infuse the mixture for 3–4 weeks (if unground deadwood is used, then 2 months), shaking the contents once every 2–3 days.
  4. Strain the finished tincture.

Podmore tincture is stored in a dark glass bottle in a cold place. Shelf life - up to 3 years.

Recipe for concentrated tincture of dead bees

Sometimes a concentrated tincture is used to treat serious diseases (in addition to medicines) and for external use. For its preparation 2 tbsp. spoons of powder or 200 ml of unground subpestilence pour 200 ml of vodka. The remedy is insisted in the same way as in the previous case.

The use of tincture of podmore

The base tincture of subpestilence is an effective therapeutic and prophylactic agent. It can be replaced with a concentrated tincture, but in this case the dosage should be halved.

Disorders of the male genital area: prostate adenoma, prostatitis

For the treatment of adenoma, the course is 2 months: take 1 ml (40 drops) of the base tincture 1 time per day after meals.

With prostatitis, the course of treatment lasts at least 3 months: 15 drops should be taken after meals 2 times a day.

The remedy restores sexual function, eliminates pain, prevents the degeneration of prostate adenoma into an oncological disease.

Disturbances in thyroid function and the balance of sex hormones in men and women

  • 15-20 drops of base tincture 3 times a day after meals;
  • course of treatment - 1 month.

Strengthening the immune system, cleansing and overall health improvement of the body

Reception scheme:

  • the number of drops of the base tincture, equal to the age of the patient, divided into two doses per day, after meals;
  • course - 1 month, repeat after 6 months.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

For the prevention of thrombosis, stabilization of blood pressure, treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system, the basic tincture is taken according to the scheme:

  • 2 times a day after meals, 20 drops;
  • course of treatment - 2 months.


Reception scheme:

  • 20 drops of base tincture 3 times a day before meals.
  • lubricate the skin over the seals in the chest with a concentrated tincture in the morning and before bedtime.

Joint diseases

For the treatment of joints with bursitis, arthritis and arthrosis, a concentrated tincture is used:

  • rub the skin over the diseased joint;
  • apply a compress to this area.

Other diseases

Taking the basic tincture in the usual dosage (15-20 drops 2-3 times a day after meals) is useful for diseases:

  • type 2 diabetes mellitus - blood sugar levels decrease;
  • varicose veins - the walls of blood vessels are strengthened and the rheological properties of blood are improved;
  • the beginning flu - resistance to a viral infection increases.

Alcohol tincture of bee subpestilence alleviates the condition in case of oncological diseases, but it can be used only as an adjuvant, against the background of drug treatment, and only after consultation with the attending physician.

Side effects and contraindications

When treating with a tincture of dead bees on vodka, undesirable side effects may appear:

  • increased blood pressure;
  • decrease in platelets in the blood (blood thinning);
  • skin allergic reactions;
  • overexcitation, as a result - insomnia;
  • increased muscle tone - spasms of large muscles.

Therefore, tincture of Podmore, along with healing properties, has a number of contraindications. It cannot be used if there is a history of:

  • exacerbation of a chronic disease;
  • acute stage of tuberculosis;
  • liver and kidney failure;
  • tendency to allergic reactions to bee products;
  • pathology of the cardiovascular system;
  • nervous or mental disorders;
  • oncological disease in the terminal stage;
  • increased permeability of the walls of blood vessels, a tendency to bleeding.
  • Also, you can not treat with death:
  • women during pregnancy and lactation;
  • children under 12 years old.

Attention! Self-medication can be dangerous, consult your doctor.

Medicine can be prepared from ordinary foodstuffs and subpestilence. We are talking about the bodies of dead bees, but you need to be able to properly select and dry them. There will be two different recipes. All methods of application are also considered - not only internal, but also the method of preparing compresses.

Everyone knows how to take tinctures prepared from dead bees, that is, from dead bees. After diluting the extract with a little water, it is taken as food after breakfast, lunch or dinner. One recipe differs from another in the amount of the drug taken, and it helps with various ailments, ranging from prostatitis to heart disease. The easiest way is to cook bee dead on vodka. Consider the cooking method.

Raw material must be processed

If the subpestilence consists of "swollen" individuals, the raw material is dried, crushed and washed. But if the bees died of starvation, the procedure looks simpler: drying will be longer, and “washing” is then excluded. In the first case, “minced meat” will turn out from the death of bees, in the second - black powder.

Varroa mite on a bee

Drying is carried out in an oven at T = 45-50 C. The duration is selected experimentally: in the second case, the finished raw material will need to be crushed by hand.

Dead bees should be free of mold and Varroa mites. Mold is recognized by its smell. The "appearance" of ticks is shown above.

Two cooking recipes

First of all, you need to decide what exactly will become the “base” - food vodka or 70-degree alcohol. The following describes how to prepare the medicine in these two cases.

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In each case, the dead bee tincture will have a strength of 40%. The trick is that vodka may contain glycerin. And this should not be, otherwise it is impossible to take the tincture for food - it is only suitable for external use.

The whole process "from and to"

You can prepare a tincture in 2 weeks:

  1. Podmor is poured with 70 percent alcohol;
  2. The mixture is infused for 14 days;
  3. Filtration is carried out and the mixture is diluted with water (1 to 1).

Volume proportion for step "1": 0.5 liters of raw materials are poured into a 1.5-liter bottle, which is filled with alcohol.

Bottling process

You can prepare a preparation from dead bees and vodka, from which the cooking time will increase. The recipe itself will also become more complicated. But in both the first and second cases, we will get a 40-degree product ready for use.

So, we need a "base" with a strength of 40%:

  1. For 400 ml of liquid, take 2 tablespoons of raw materials;
  2. Podmor is poured with vodka and kept for 21 days in dark glassware. The solution is shaken for the first 7 days, then every third day. Dishes should close tightly.
  3. The resulting mixture must be filtered.

At the last step, you can add propolis tincture. Or, at step "1", a eucalyptus leaf, dried and ground, is mixed with the raw material. The weight proportion is "1 to 10".

Eucalyptus leaves

Podmore tincture can be stored, if the fortress is 40%, for 3 years at T = 5-15 C.

What exactly is sold in a pharmacy

In retail, tinctures with different alcohol content are available. It is equal to 40% and 70%.

Ready alcoholic extract

Storage conditions will differ in both cases:

  • 40% - 3 years at T not higher than 15 C;
  • 70% - the same, but T = 5-25 C.

With internal use, the dosage cannot differ - the drug is still diluted with water. And using the product in a different way, the degree of tincture is lowered artificially: the proportion "1 to 1" is needed. And 70% will turn into 35%.

Pure alcohol does some harm to the skin. Therefore, the use of preparations with a strength of 40% or less is recommended.

What and how can be cured

Tincture of dead bees is eaten with water. After eating, measuring the required number of drops, the drug is added to boiled water. Let the amount of the latter be small - 40-50 ml.

We measure the right amount ourselves

The number of doses per day can be 1-2. And the dosage depends on what kind of disease we are treating.

Internal application

It is necessary to use the drug in food according to the table. We will treat prostate adenoma, kidney disease, atherosclerosis, etc. Contraindications are listed below.


If there is the slightest suspicion of the presence of blood clots, the treatment is not carried out. The ban applies even to external use!

Tincture of dead bees has an interesting property - it thins the blood. That is, clotting is reduced.

Thrombus detachment

Consequences can be positive and negative:

  • A blood clot can come off;
  • Cholesterol plaques will be cleaned out, even if they are in the vessels of the brain.

The clotting index returns to normal about an hour after ingestion.

About external use

From above the gauze is wrapped with a warm cloth. You can fix the compress with cellophane.

The point is that alcohol warms the skin, and healing substances are absorbed through the pores. Water decoction is less effective here, even if it is warmed up.

Treatment of varicose veins is carried out in a similar way. But more effective here is "spread":

  1. Pure bee death is poured with hot boiled water;
  2. The mixture is infused for 15 minutes and squeezed through cheesecloth;
  3. Three layers of gauze are applied to the skin, a bundle with steam is placed on top;
  4. Cellophane is used to keep warm. You need to stop treatment when the compress has completely cooled down.

As you can see, vodka extract is more suitable for internal use. But storing it will be easier than dying in its pure form.

Raw materials before drying in the oven

When and what is best to use

Consider a table. The number "0" corresponds to zero efficiency, the sign "+" - to the maximum.

? ? ?t?h? ?I?s?uts?
? ? ? ? ? 5%.
?f?R?s? ? ?R? ? ?t?h?with? ? ? ? ?with? ?
? ? ? ? ? 10%
? ?with?
?R? ? ?t?h?with? ? ? ? ?with? ?you? f? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?s
? ? ? ?R? ?s, with?X?R?, ? ?t? ? ? ?s? ?RU? ? ? ? ?sch?st? ?
? ? ? ? ? 5%

Podmore in its pure form is rarely used. Various preparations are prepared from it - steam, liniment, decoction ... Cooking recipes are beyond the scope of the review.

We hope the reader is clear about the main point. Neither the tincture of dead bees, nor all the products prepared on its basis, can be called a panacea. And in many cases, just a tincture has zero or weak efficiency.

The bee pestilence is a mass death of individuals.

Swollen individuals in the sea

This phenomenon is caused by various reasons:

  1. Hunger;
  2. Lack of moisture for drinking;
  3. Poisoning by poisonous pollen;
  4. Death from diseases or medicines used incorrectly.

In the case of "1", the raw material will be the most valuable. It's simple - it does not contain feces. Cases "2" and even "3" are also suitable. Well, all individuals will be “swollen” in cases “2”, “3” and “4”.

Any pollen taken in an amount of 1-2 grams cannot poison a person.

Good afternoon friends! Today I will tell you about another beekeeping product, which is called dead bee. More precisely, the article will be not so much about the podmor itself, but about the recipe for making an alcohol tincture based on it and the use of this very tincture for medicinal purposes.

This thing is worthwhile, time-tested and really good for health. Preparing the tincture is also very simple, which makes it even more attractive in the eyes of connoisseurs of traditional medicine.

So, if you haven’t heard anything about podmore and don’t even know what it is, then be sure to read these first few paragraphs before going directly to the tincture recipes themselves and how to use it.

What is a dead bee

All the same, amazing creatures bees! As long as I live, I never cease to be amazed. Absolutely everything that their small body produces and processes is of great benefit to humans and has medicinal properties:, ...

And even after their death, they continue to bear this benefit, because their tiny corpses are nothing but dead bees, which will be discussed in this article.

Throughout its short life, a bee accumulates a lot of useful substances in its body, which, after its death, do not go anywhere, and it would be simply stupid not to use this, which many do.

The body of each dead bee, in different quantities, contains:

  • flower pollen
  • Propolis
  • bee venom
  • Amino acids
  • vitamins
  • Chitosan
  • Heparin
  • Special substances heparoids

Such an abundance of useful substances makes subpestilence simply a unique remedy that can help with a variety of diseases.

Medicinal properties of bee deadness

The medicinal properties of this product are based on the content of the whole complex of useful substances mentioned above, but substances such as heparoids and heparin play a separate role in them.

It is thanks to them that this bee product has a powerful anti-inflammatory property.

In addition, podmor helps to normalize blood pressure and, with regular use, significantly improve the condition of blood vessels.

So, in order not to delve too deeply into this topic, I will list all the main healing properties of dead bees:

  1. Anti-inflammatory
  2. Antihelminthic
  3. Restorative
  4. Anti-radiation (it has been proven that dead bees remove radioactive isotopes from the body)

Tincture of dead bee on alcohol - the most popular use for medicinal purposes

In general, the use of this product for medicinal purposes deserves a separate article. The topic is very extensive, because this product is used not only in the form of an alcohol tincture, but also in the form of decoctions, steams, liniment, etc.

In this article, I will touch on only 1 use case - specifically alcohol tincture. It is considered the most effective remedy for many diseases.

Option number 1

  • We take 200 grams of subpestilence and 200 grams of alcohol or vodka. Bee bodies need to be crushed to a powder state and put in a bottle or just an enamel pan.
  • Pour 200 grams of alcohol and close the lid. After that, we clean it in a dark place for exactly 30 days.
  • It is advisable to shake the tincture every 2-3 times, in order for the healing properties of the subpestilence to be better distributed over the volume of alcohol.

Option number 2

  • The required amount of podmor is ground with a coffee grinder. It is necessary to proceed from the fact that for every 200 ml. alcohol or vodka, you need to take 1 tablespoon of the finished powder.
  • Then, crushed eucalyptus leaves must also be added to the resulting mixture.
  • The ratio of dead to eucalyptus leaves is approximately 1/10 (where 1 part is eucalyptus).
  • The tincture is infused for exactly a month in a dark and cool place. Shake it daily for the first week. In the following days, this can be done 2 times a week.

Option number 3

For this variant of the preparation of the tincture, pure 70% alcohol is required. The recipe is the following:

  • We take a 0.5 liter bottle of dark glass (or a jar) and half fill it with dead bees.
  • Alcohol is added so that it is higher than the bee bodies somewhere by 3, maximum 4 cm.
  • We close the bottle or jar with a lid and put it in a dark place for 2 weeks to infuse.
  • After 2 weeks, after straining, you can start treatment. Reception: 10 drops 3 times a day, one hour before meals. The course of treatment is up to 2 months.

How to take tincture of bee deadness on alcohol

To improve metabolism, cleansing the intestines from toxins and toxins, while losing weight

  • 15 drops diluted with water half an hour before meals 3 times a day.
  • The course of treatment is 1 month, then a 2-month break, after which the treatment is repeated if necessary.

Reception in the treatment of labliosis

  • 25 drops, diluted in a small amount of water, 3 times a day, after meals.
  • The course of treatment is 1 month.

To strengthen immunity

  • 20 drops 2 times a day, morning and evening, diluted in a small amount of water.
  • The course of treatment is 2 months.

For diabetes

  • The tincture is diluted with water to 5% concentration.
  • Reception: 15 drops after meals constantly, without interruption.

The use of tincture on bee submore in oncology

  • The course of treatment is long, sometimes more than a year.
  • Reception schedule: a month - 2 tablespoons, diluted in a small amount of water with honey 15 minutes before meals 3 times a day.
  • Then you need a two-month break, after which the course is repeated again.

For diseases of the genitourinary system, for example, prostatitis

  • 20 drops in pure form or slightly diluted with water 2 times a day after meals.
  • The course of treatment is 1 - 2 months.
  • Usually 1 course is done per year, in especially neglected cases it is possible 2 - 3, with breaks between them.

In infectious diseases of the intestines and stomach

  • 40 drops 3 times a day after meals.
  • Can be used neat or diluted with a little water.
  • The course of treatment is 1 month.

For diseases of the excretory system

  • Reception scheme: 2 times a day after meals, 3/4 tablespoon.
  • The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

For diseases of the oral cavity

  • It is necessary to rinse your mouth with tincture, diluting it with cooled boiled water 3 times a day.
  • The course of treatment is until complete recovery. This usually happens very quickly!

Contraindications, application features

Contraindications for the use of tincture on bee submore include:

  • Age up to 3 - 5 years
  • Pregnancy
  • Breastfeeding period
  • Allergy to bee products
  • Ulcer or gastritis of the stomach during an exacerbation

Possible side effects from taking the tincture

Among the side effects for the entire time of using this drug, the following were noticed:

  • Increasing pressure
  • Blood thinning
  • The appearance of allergic dermatitis
  • The appearance of muscle spasms
  • Sleep disturbance (very rare)
  • Irritation of the skin with external use

Important! Alcohol tincture on bee dead is not used during fasting, diets and hunger strikes! Violation of this rule can lead to a slowdown in your body's metabolism!!!

To make the therapeutic effect more noticeable, it is recommended to cleanse your body of toxins before starting treatment. This can be done in many ways, for example, using special cleansing enemas, or resin ().

Also, during the course of treatment, it is advisable to slightly adjust your diet. It is advisable to remove from the diet.