What does lobster and lobster look like. Lobsters - what is it and useful properties, how to cook, cut and eat properly. General information about crustaceans

Both lobsters and crayfish belong to the same subtype of crustaceans, which are representatives of arthropods. The class of these animals is also the same - higher crayfish, and they also belong to the same orders of decapod crayfish. Further, this detachment is divided into several infraorders, among which representatives of Astacidea stand out - they include both lobsters and crayfish.

And only the next link in the classification of these animals is different: they belong to different families. More precisely, lobsters are a whole family of different types of marine arthropods, and numerous types of crayfish are also combined into a separate family.

Similarities and differences between crayfish and lobster

The body structure of crayfish and lobsters is very similar: they have the same number of tentacles, have a hard shell on the first pair of limbs, well-defined segments and appendages.

Both those and other species have pronounced sexual dimophrysm - males usually differ in larger sizes.

Lobster differs from crayfish in large claws on the forelimbs: in crayfish, with the same body size, they are two to three times smaller. In general, most lobster species are often larger than almost all crayfish. So, in the Guinness Book of Records, a record is set - the weight of the largest lobster caught was more than twenty kilograms. No cancer can be that big.

Another major difference is . Crayfish are found only in freshwater bodies of water, mainly in rivers, while lobsters live in the seas.

The remaining differences between these two crustaceans are significant only for humans. Fishing for representatives of these two families has been going on since ancient times. Crayfish and lobsters have a similar taste, but slightly different taste: lobsters are more tender and savory, crayfish are a little fresher.

But in general, both are valued for their characteristic juicy and pleasant taste, although lobster is considered a more refined delicacy.

They are prepared differently too. Crayfish are often boiled with spices, and lobsters are grilled or baked (although they can also be boiled). The former are rarely used in other dishes, while the latter are used to prepare soups, soufflés, and mousses. From both, you can make a sauce with a characteristic taste of seafood: for this, the broth must be mixed with butter and a small amount of flour. Spices such as cumin, pepper, dill, are well suited to cancer. Lobster meat requires seasonings with more complex flavors: paprika, cayenne pepper, thyme. If river crustaceans go well with beer, then it is better to serve table wine with sea shells.

Amazing crustacean this lobster. In Canada, he even received his own monument (in the town of Shedyac, New Brunswick). Gourmets assure: this seafood is simply delicious in taste. And they know the difference between lobster and lobster, lobster and other crustaceans. Those who have not yet tried this delicacy should treat themselves at least once in their lives. For now, a little theory.

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Who is a lobster

Lobster is one of the most famous representatives of crustaceans. In the places of his fishing, he was once incredibly cheap food for the poor. Now it is predominantly famous as an exquisite delicacy served in expensive and prestigious restaurants.

The habitat of the crustacean is the Mediterranean and North Seas, the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. The strongest shell, incredibly powerful claws - the lobster has everything to survive in the predatory, unforgiving underwater world. Such an arsenal allows you to repel the attacks of huge fish, and get your own food. The basis of the lobster's diet is small mollusks, crustaceans, occasionally it can also eat carrion.


The color of the lobster is from bluish-green to greenish-brown (looking ahead: lobster and lobster are the same representative of the underwater fauna), but after heat treatment, regardless of the species, it acquires a red color. The two front claws are disproportionately large in relation to the body, the rest are much smaller than the leading ones. Lobsters are characterized by pronounced sexual dimorphism: the appearance of males and females has quite strong differences. Males are also much larger in size. Their life expectancy is also different. The researchers say that the life of males is much shorter, about 30 years, while females, on average, live almost fifteen years longer.

The weight of an average lobster usually does not exceed one kilogram. An interesting fact: the weight of the largest lobster caught, which deserved to be mentioned in the Guinness Book of Records, exceeded twenty kilograms, its length was more than 80 centimeters.

Lobster larvae feed on plankton, their living environment is the water element. Growing up, they acquire a shell and sink to the bottom, to their habitual habitat for crustaceans. During their life, lobsters molt repeatedly: increasing in size, they change the old shell to a new one.

types of lobster

Traditionally, lobsters are divided into species according to the habitat region:

  • Norwegian;
  • European;
  • northern or american.

Norwegian is the standard of lobster taste. But tender meat is only in the back of the crustacean, the claws are unsuitable for consumption. This is explained by the small size of this species of lobster: the average length of the caught individuals is about fifteen centimeters, the maximum is twenty-four for the male and twenty for the female. Another external difference between the Norwegian lobster is the oblong shape of the front claws. The range of the species, as the name indicates, is the waters of the coast of Scandinavia. The lobster lives at a depth of up to 150 m, where it digs in the soft bottom sections of the cave. He leaves the shelter only in search of food, sailing away for a night hunt. In European cooking, it can be found under the names scampi (Italian version) or langoustine (French name).

The larger type of lobster is European. It can reach almost a meter in length and ten kilograms of weight. Although its average parameters are about 60 cm and 5-6 kg. This lobster is larger in size, because it lives south of the Norwegian lobster. It tastes slightly worse than the exemplary Scandinavian relative, and is more popular due to its impressive weight. He also lives at the bottom, and his lifestyle is as hermitic as that of the Norwegian lobster. According to experts, the European lobster leaves its home only at night in order to search for food.

Northern lobsters, more often they are called American, like Europeans chose the Gulf Stream as their habitat, but if Europeans are found off the coast of Europe, then Northern ones are found in nature off the east coast of the USA and Canada. It is they who become champions in weight, but alas, not in taste. They cannot boast of such tenderness of meat, like that of their counterparts from another continent.

Difference from lobster

Some online sources tell in detail how a lobster differs from a lobster, and even give examples in the photo corresponding to the description, in which these sea animals look different. But all assurances about the biological species differences of these crustaceans are erroneous. The answer to this question lies rather in the field of philology. The origins of the misconceptions - in the history of the appearance of lobster in domestic cooking, translators of the names of dishes of overseas cuisine focused on different language sources. The English version sounds like lobster, which corresponds to the Russian lobster, while the German version sounds like hammer, long ago translated as lobster and assigned to all huge crustaceans. Therefore, despite common misconceptions, lobster and lobster are one and the same representative of the ocean fauna, although they are called differently.

How is it different from a crab

Both lobster and crab belong to the same family. The first, most obvious difference is external, it is the shape of the exoskeleton (the term in biology means the external skeleton). In a crab, it is smaller and rounder; in a lobster, it is larger and elongated in length. But there are other distinguishing features:

  • crabs walk sideways, lobsters walk straight;
  • crab can live in fresh water;
  • lobsters have a long tail, and most of the tender tasty meat is located in it;
  • lobsters only become more fertile with age, their fertility does not fade with age.

In addition to biological differences, gastronomic nuances are also important for food lovers. Connoisseurs assure: crab meat is sweeter.

Lobster and lobster

Lobster, like lobster, is a crustacean, but only belonging to another order, decapods. And as you can see from the pictures, that's not the only difference between the two. Here are a few basic signs by which you can distinguish between a lobster and a spiny lobster:

  • lobsters choose warmer seas as their habitat;
  • their claws are longer and thinner, but also much less powerful than those of a lobster,
  • in color, the lobster is darker and more inconspicuous, while the spiny lobster is quite bright;
  • the sizes of these crustaceans also differ, the spiny lobster is smaller, and the surface of its exoskeleton is often covered with spikes;
  • the lobster has long whiskers.

If we talk about the taste of seafood, then by tenderness gourmets still give the palm to the spiny lobster, from the tails of which they prepare very expensive gourmet dishes. Advice from connoisseurs: for those who want to cook lobster on their own, when buying, you need to pay attention to the tail, in chilled crustaceans, it should be pressed to the abdomen. If it is pulled out, then the animal is no longer alive, and you should not buy it.

difference with cancer

In a global sense, the lobster is also cancer, because it belongs to the corresponding order. If we talk about specific species, then there are quite a few differences between crayfish and lobsters:

  • the former are found in nature mainly in fresh water, while the latter live in the sea and ocean elements;
  • there is a difference in size, the lobster is usually much larger;
  • crayfish have several pairs of legs and two claws, which look more proportional to the body than its oceanic relative;
  • lobster in comparison with cancer can be safely called a long-liver.

As a delicacy, lobsters are valued higher and are considered more aristocratic food. This affects both the usual way of serving, and the use of spices. If crayfish are boiled with dill and served with beer, then lobster is more typical paired with spices such as thyme, curry, ginger or paprika, and accompanied by expensive wine.

The benefits and harms of lobster

Health experts recommend: lobster, like other seafood, is one of the best sources of protein. Combined with a low calorie content and a virtually minimal amount of fat and carbohydrates, this composition is valuable for maintaining the normal functioning of muscle tissue.

Nutritionists see the benefits of lobsters in the following:

  • stabilization of the hormonal background;
  • strengthening the work of the nervous system;
  • normalization of immunity;
  • improving bowel function and facilitating the removal of toxins and toxins.

Despite the many beneficial and nutritional properties of lobster, doctors warn that people suffering from gout or cardiovascular diseases, as well as allergy sufferers, should be careful when using these seafood.

Lobsters in cooking

There are many recipes on the net with a step-by-step description of how to cook lobsters, instructions on how long each step takes, pictures and photos. The simplest option for cooking lobster meat is boiling. Like crayfish, they are boiled alive. If a frozen carcass is taken for cooking, it must be thawed carefully, for several hours in the refrigerator.

Salt for cooking is taken in the ratio of 80 g per liter. How much to cook in time depends on the weight of the product: for a half-kilogram animal it takes 15 minutes, but if the weight is more, another 10 minutes are taken for every next half a kilo. Boiled lobster is served with cream or any other sauce suitable for seafood and fish.

Escalopes and medallions are made from lobster meat extracted from the tail. Valued by gourmets and often served separately as gourmet dishes, caviar and crustacean liver, which in a professional environment are called coral and tomali.

This seafood can also serve as a separate ingredient in complex dishes: soups, aspics, soufflés and even original pastries.


And finally, a few words about how to eat lobster. This is perfectly acceptable to do by hand. Devices will be required for convenient extraction of lobster meat. For cutting a whole cooked carcass, special tongs and scissors are useful. The first can be cut massive claws, after breaking them out, and the second cut the shell. If the animal is large, then the pulp can be extracted not only from the front claws, but also from the rest of the legs.

Once upon a time, we could only see such a sea monster in foreign films about a beautiful life. Wealthy bourgeois treated themselves to gourmet delicacies, washed down with high-quality wine. Today, the menu of many good restaurants includes delicacies such as lobsters, lobsters and lobsters. Moreover, these crustaceans can even be found on sale in order to cook a sumptuous meal with your own hands for some special date.
What kind of animals are these? How do they differ from each other, how are they prepared, served and eaten?
First, let's separate the wheat from the chaff. Many people think that lobster, spiny lobster and lobster are three completely different animals. In fact, there are only two of them.
The fact is that "lobster" and "lobster" are two names of the same species, they just went from different languages. Lobster is an English word that has become widespread in many languages. And the German word hammer was once called absolutely all large-sized crustaceans. This is how much confusion arose.
Lobster is a different species. It is related to the aforementioned lobster, but rather distant. The illustration clearly shows the differences. If the animal has a length of more than 0 cm, you most likely have a lobster in front of you. Spiny lobsters are always smaller and more graceful in comparison with him. The main difference by which you can easily determine the species is the claws. If these animals settled close to each other and they had to resolve territorial issues by military means, the lobster would hardly have had a chance. Powerful lobster claws are the main species feature. Compared to them, the claws of the spiny lobster seem tiny and thin.
But the lobster has a relatively large tail. Many delicacies are prepared from it. But in the lobster, the body tapers, the tail is thinner than the massive cephalothorax. By the way, if you happen to acquire live lobsters, pay attention to this particular part - their tails are mobile, they are constantly in motion. A frozen crustacean should have its tail pressed against its belly. If it is straight, the product is of poor quality.
The color is also important. Lobsters are gray and sometimes even bluish. Spiny lobsters are always painted in shades of red. During heat treatment, both animals will turn red.
It is fashionable to eat whole lobsters and lobsters cooked just with your hands. The table is usually served with special tongs, which are easy to crush chitin, as well as spoons with a spike on the tip. You can also take these crustaceans from a common dish just by hand.
If you are lucky enough to compare the taste of these two animals, you will be able to see if they are similar. However, there are also features. In any case, lobsters and lobsters are rightfully recognized as one of the most delicious seafood.

Crustaceans include crab, shrimp, spiny lobster, langoustine, sea truffle (aka sea duck), lobster (aka lobster) and crayfish. They are prepared in a variety of ways. Crustacean meat is distinguished by high protein value and relatively low calorie content. They are rich in phosphorus, iron and calcium, they contain quite a lot of vitamins B2 and PP. The meat of crab, squid, shrimp reduces the risk of blood clots in the blood vessels; they are also useful in anemia.

We add that crustaceans play an important role in the ecosystem, and not only the most famous crabs, lobsters, lobsters and shrimps, but also numerous small forms that swim near the surface of water bodies as part of zooplankton. Without small crustaceans that turn plant cells into easily digestible animal food, the existence of most representatives of the aquatic fauna would become almost impossible.


Crab is a marine crustacean of the genus Decapoda that lives in the seas, fresh waters, less often on land.

In Russia, king crabs weighing up to 2-3 kg, which are considered the best (often they are even called “royal”), were caught back in 1837 in Russian-American settlements on the Aleutian Islands, and crabs fishing off the coast of Primorye began to develop in the 70s years of the 19th century. In Soviet times, king crabs were introduced into the Barents Sea, where they multiplied so much that their constant capture became an ecological necessity.

The soft body of the crab is covered with a hard brown-reddish shell with sharp prickly spines. The belly and limbs (claws) are eaten with grayish gelatinous meat, which after cooking becomes white, tender, fibrous and retains the unique smell of the sea.

Widely known canned crab, which uses meat from the joints of the legs. Tender white pieces of crab meat, freed from the shell after boiling, are placed in jars lined with parchment, rolled up the lids and sterilized. The result is a delicacy for salads and an excellent independent snack containing, among other useful substances, iodine, phosphorus and lecithin.

Boiled-frozen crabs are also on sale in Ukraine, the meat of which can be fried, boiled, steamed, baked and even used for all kinds of soups.

Please note: “crab sticks”, popular in our country, have nothing to do with crabs and are made from pollock or cod meat with the addition of egg white, starch, flavorings and dyes. This is a variety of the so-called "surimi" (literally "shaped fish") - this is how the Japanese call fish meat dishes that imitate expensive seafood. Such a product is much cheaper than the original and can be eaten without additional processing.


Shrimp is a small marine crustacean Pandalus borealis that lives in almost all the seas of the world. Shrimps vary greatly in size: the largest are less than 20 pieces per 1 kg, and the smallest in the same kilogram can be from 100 pieces or more.

The most popular among chefs are large (and rather expensive) tiger prawns with characteristic stripes on the shell, which are grown on farms in the Mediterranean, Malaysia, Taiwan and other countries of Southeast Asia. However, there is an even larger jumbo shrimp - up to 30 centimeters long. Small European shrimps, which are found in the Norwegian fjords and in the Skaggerak Strait, are also highly valued.

The numbers that you see on the packaging of shrimp are the number of them per kilogram. The most common medium shrimp in the world are labeled 90/120 (from 90 to 120 pieces per kilogram). 50/70 are very large, selected shrimp, 70/90 are large, 90+ are the smallest.

Considering that the shelf life of processed and chilled shrimp does not exceed four days, it is understandable why they reach us more often in frozen form, moreover, the vast majority are already boiled immediately after being caught right on the trawler in sea water. It remains only to slowly defrost them and warm them up for 1-2 minutes in boiling water or in oil in a pan (and you don’t need to warm them up for salads).

The tail of the boiled-frozen shrimp must be bent - this is evidence that it was cooked alive immediately after being caught. The more unbent the shrimp, the longer it lay before cooking and the worse in quality. A black head also speaks of poor quality - this means that after catching the shrimp, they did not freeze for a long time.

The meat of these crustaceans is a real natural pantry of all kinds of usefulness. Especially a lot of iodine in it, it is rich in sodium, calcium, phosphorus ... - you can list almost half of the periodic table. There is a lot of protein in it, but there is practically no fat.

Shrimps are served cold and hot, boiled, stewed, grilled and fried, baked, used in soups. In Asia, several types of shrimp are eaten raw. And from the smallest shrimp, pre-salted and then fermented, they make shrimp paste, which is used in seasonings and sauces.

spiny lobster

Lobster is a marine crustacean, similar to a lobster, but without claws, common in the warm waters of the Atlantic coast of Europe and America, in the Mediterranean Sea, in the Pacific Ocean near California and Mexico, off the coast of Japan, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. Lobster is considered the recognized leader in the menu of the most expensive restaurants in the Bahamas, Belize, the Indonesian island of Bali, Thailand and the Caribbean.

Often, lobsters are larger than lobsters: the length of large individuals can reach 40-50 cm, and they weigh more than three kilograms. And the largest recorded specimen weighed 11 kilograms with a length of about a meter!

Distinguishing a lobster from a lobster is as easy as shelling pears: its shell is covered with numerous spikes, and it has no claws, only a long “mustache”.

The spiny lobster eats only the abdomen and tail (in the chef's way - "neck"), but if you consider that large specimens weigh up to eight kilograms, then only about a kilogram of very tender and tasty meat falls on the neck.

Lobster is baked with sauce, grilled, added to salads and soups. The spiny lobster is especially good if it is stewed in a sauce with port wine or cooked on the grill and served with butter mixed with shredded basil.

In our country, canned or frozen lobster necks are most often sold (as a rule, the smallest individuals go to the necks).

Langoustine (Dublin shrimp, Norwegian lobster, scampi)

Langoustine is the closest relative of the spiny lobster, although it looks more like a lobster. This bright orange or pink crustacean lives in the northern waters of the Atlantic. Great Britain supplies most of the langoustines to the world market.

The langoustine meat is in the tail (beautiful langoustine claws are pointless to cut: you will not find meat there).

Langoustines are eaten stewed in broth: dipped whole in boiling water for 5-15 seconds. the main thing is not to overdo it, as they are quickly digested and become rubbery. During cooking, langoustine practically does not change color.


Lobsters live on rocky, sandy inland flats in both warm and cold ocean waters around the world. Different types of lobsters are very different from each other in size and taste. Initially different in color, when cooked, they all turn bright red.

Atlantic (Norwegian) lobsters are considered the most valuable - they are small in size (22 cm long), but very tasty. Much larger is the European lobster (up to 90 cm long, weight up to 10 kg), which lives in the seas washing Europe from Norway to the northwestern coast of Africa.

American (Northern, or Manx) lobster up to 1 m long and weighing up to 20 kg is found along the Atlantic coast of North America from Labrador to North Carolina, and is also bred on special farms. It strikes more with size than taste.

If you have the opportunity to try tiny lobsters from the Indian Ocean while traveling to Asia, do not neglect it - they have a very interesting, rich taste.

All types of lobsters (the French name is adopted in Ukraine, although the English “lobster” has recently begun to be used) have powerful claws and very tender tasty meat. The meat is contained in claws, legs and tail (neck), it is boiled or grilled.

Connoisseurs also greatly appreciate "tomali" - the green liver of a male, which is used to make the most delicate sauces and soups. Coral, the very tender red caviar of a female lobster, is also considered a delicacy.

Sea duck (sea acorn, sea truffle, pollycypes, persebes, balyanus)

Sea ducks (pollicipes, sea truffles, persebes, goose barnacles) are the most expensive crustacean in the world (more than three hundred dollars per kilogram!). This is one of the so-called barnacles (they are also sea acorns, sea tulips or balanus), whose body is covered with a calcareous shell resembling a shell. For this reason, they are sometimes incorrectly referred to as clams; do not believe it - these are real crustaceans.

The size of the sea duck shell is 5-6 centimeters. With the help of a long leg extended from the shell, sea ducks are tightly glued to rocks, stones or the bottoms of ships and boats, and feed on plankton.

Sea ducks are caught near the coasts of Morocco, Portugal and Spain. Moreover, the extraction of sea ducks is associated with considerable risk: at low tide, hunters for these crustaceans descend on slippery stones, overgrown with even more slippery moss, and look for colonies of sea ducks lurking in crevices.

Sea ducks have juicy pinkish-white meat. Steamed right in their shells and served with a seafood sauce, sea ducks taste like both an oyster and a lobster at the same time. They are also eaten raw, tearing off the keratinized end and sucking out the tender core, for example, with a sauce of vinegar and olive oil. They are extraordinarily tasty and just as unusually rare and expensive, which, apparently, explains one of their names - "sea truffles".

In Spanish Galicia, where sea ducks are called percebes or peus de cabra, they even celebrate the Fiesta de Los Percebes in honor of them.

Other varieties of sea acorns (barnacles, barnacles) are not as well known, although some of them are also used in cooking.

The famous Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdahl wrote that while traveling on the Kon-Tiki in 1947, the raft quickly became overgrown with sea acorns. Brave travelers used crustaceans for food.

Although barnacles irritate bathers and upset shipowners, they have attracted the attention of scientists for centuries - Charles Darwin spent more than eight years of his life studying them. Experts believe that if it were possible to find out the composition of the sticky substance secreted by these crustaceans and synthesize a material similar to it, such glue could connect broken bones, serve as cement in the treatment of teeth, and also satisfy another two dozen industrial needs.


Cancer is found in most freshwater bodies of the world (perhaps except Africa). Two genera of crayfish are considered the most common - the European Astacus and the American Pacifastacus. And the most delicious in our country, according to tradition, are large blue crayfish from the Armenian Lake Sevan, living in perfectly clear water and not smelling of mud.

The season of crayfish is spring or autumn. The meat is mainly contained in the neck (tail) of the cancer - about 1/5 of its total weight, there is a little in the claws and very little in the walking legs, although connoisseurs are happy to eat the body of the cancer (what is under the shell) and his caviar.

Before varkoff, crayfish are sometimes kept in milk to cleanse their intestines and lull them into a sleepy state. Most often, crayfish are boiled right in the shell - they are thrown in small batches into rapidly boiling salted water with a lot of dill and spices. In a four-liter saucepan, no more than 8-10 medium-sized pieces can be boiled at a time. If you need to cook crayfish soup (in France it is called "bisque"), crayfish are boiled for 4-5 minutes. If you are going to just eat “with beer” - then 7-8 minutes, then remove from heat and leave to infuse for another 10 minutes, with or without a lid.

Large crayfish contain more meat, but small ones are tastier, but you should not buy crayfish smaller than 10 cm - there is too little edible there, one mess, and catching such babies is simply illegal.


There were times when lobsters were used to fertilize fields and as bait for catching fish, but today these animals, whose meat has an amazingly delicate taste, are recognized as the best seafood delicacy in the whole world.

Lobsters (or lobsters) belong to the family of marine animals of the decapod crustacean order. They live on rocky continental shelves in cold and warm ocean waters all over the planet. Lobsters are classified by species, differing in appearance and taste. The most valuable are the Atlantic or Norwegian lobsters. They are small in size (up to 22 cm in length), but very tasty. European lobsters are much larger - up to 90 cm in length and weighing up to 10 kg. They live in the seas washing the western edge of Europe from the Scandinavian Peninsula to the northwestern African coast. The next type of lobster - American (aka Manx, or northern) - reaches a length of 1 m and weighs about 20 kg. It is bred on special farms, and in nature it lives along the shores of the Atlantic Ocean - from North Carolina to Labrador. True, the American lobster is more impressive for its size than its taste.

These marine animals are similar in appearance to crayfish, but differ in huge claw-nosed limbs. The color of lobsters is different - from grayish-green to green-blue. The antennae are red, the tail is in the form of a fan. It has dense meat, from which medallions and escalopes are made. Males are significantly larger than females. Under the strong shell of the lobster is white tender and aromatic meat. When cooked, the lobster changes its color to red - for this it is called the "sea cardinal".

Previously, lobsters were used as fertilizer for fields and profit for catching fish. Today, lobsters are considered the most refined and appetizing seafood delicacy. Its tender meat has the finest taste. The tail part of the lobster is considered the most valuable, and the meat contained in the legs and claws is tougher, but also very tasty. Gourmets especially appreciate "tomali" - the green liver of the animal, located under the shell of the head, and "coral" - the tender red caviar of the female lobster.

Usually lobsters are boiled whole, no more than 7 minutes. But sometimes it is cut, removing the tail. Lobsters are one of the staples of French cuisine. Here they are stuffed with crabs or served cut into halves with sauce. Extraordinary dishes are prepared from lobster meat - croquettes, aspic, soufflé, soups, salads, mousses. Lobsters are also grilled or stewed in wine. They go well with saffron, ginger, lemongrass, curry, asparagus and other seafood (mussels and shrimp).