Why do ficus Benjamin leaves fall: reasons why it drops. If the ficus leaves fall, does it mean rainy autumn? Too dry or too hot air

Causes of blackening of ficuses and their shedding of leaves, home care

Scientific research has established the fact that ficus can drop leaves in two ways:

  1. in a natural way;
  2. as a response to adverse external factors.

Why do ficus leaves fall even though he was properly cared for?

In the process of renewal and growth from old age, ficus can also fall leaves, and this is a generally accepted factor within the normal range. As for the rapid and rather active loss of green mass, it can be caused by a number of reasons:

  • errors in the mode of fertilization and watering;
  • low air humidity:
  • drafts and hypothermia;
  • change in conditions and place of plant maintenance;
  • sharp jumps in temperature, caused by sudden drops;
  • soil poisoning with pesticides;
  • unbalanced soil composition;
  • plant pests;
  • various flower diseases

By the way, if you have a large flower garden- we have a lot of useful articles about diseases of various plants. Here is one of them - "".

Methods of preventive control of leaf fall in ficus benjamin

To begin with, we will take a closer look at the causes of leaf fall using the example of ficus benjamin, as well as ways to prevent and combat these phenomena.

Ficus benjamin looks luxurious in any interior, perhaps by its presence it is able to emphasize and focus on the social status or material well-being of its owner, thereby raising the level of the above factors in the eyes of others. At the same time, novice flower growers instantly experience an all-consuming feeling of confusion, because they simply give up when the crown is thinning before their eyes. Beginners in the field of floriculture absolutely do not know what measures need to be taken in order to provide all possible effective assistance to their beloved plant ... If you are faced with such an unpleasant problem, what should you do if the leaves of ficus benjamin fall?

  1. Initially, the most likely cause of a flower ailment should be identified and eliminated, while all external conditions and symptoms should be adopted;
  2. Take into account the peculiarities of the content of specific varieties and varieties, on the basis of which it is necessary to ensure correct and competent care for ficus. Flower leaf fall can occur year-round, but most often such an incident occurs in autumn and winter. Three main aspects are directly dependent on each other - temperature, air humidity and proper lighting: if the value of one indicator rises, therefore, others should rise along with it. However, in winter, a diametrically opposite situation occurs, which is characterized by short daylight hours, too high temperatures and dry air. It is possible to correct such an imbalance with the help of available improvised means and methods. For example, in order to take preventive measures against absolute dehydration, the ficus is forced to take off its leaves on its own when intensive evaporation of moisture occurs in a warm room with dry air. Given the low humidity, the necessary measures are regular spraying, air humidifiers, mini-greenhouses, pallets with raw expanded clay or water. Sources of artificial light, the role of which is successfully performed by tubular or compact fluorescent lamps, are actively used when there is a lack of sunlight.
  3. To increase the level of resistance and resistance to external adverse factors and irritants, it is recommended to use anti-stress drugs such as Zircon or Epin. A solution for spraying the crown is advised to prepare immediately before the procedure itself. A similar recommendation can also be found in the manufacturer's instructions.
  4. Significantly reduce or even stop fertilizing (an exception is the case when a flower ailment arose due to a deficiency of fertilizer). A weakened plant has a lack of strength for further vegetation, so additional nutrients are an incentive for it.
  5. Treat the plant with appropriate suitable chemical protection when diseases or pests are detected. In this case, you should carefully read the recommendations on the package.
  6. With a progressive disease and ficus leaf fall in droves, the state of the root system should be checked, because in some cases the ficus leaves not only fall off, but also turn black. When performing the above procedure, carefully remove the bush from the container and scrupulously inspect the underground part. Soft and rotten (blackened) or shriveled and dried roots are cut to healthy tissue (its main characteristics are density and milky or white color), it is important to powder the sections with charcoal (you can use a tablet of crushed activated carbon), after completing the “treatment” procedures ficus should be transplanted into a smaller pot, in which it is imperative to completely or partially replace the earth.

Is it possible to save a ficus if it is completely naked?

How to save a ficus if its last leaves fall and it remains completely naked?

Even when the last leaves of ficus benjamin fall, you should not get upset, become discouraged or depressed and hang your nose! Even a tree that does not have a single leaf on it has every chance to successfully grow new shoots, thanks to the regenerative function of the function of a living microorganism, the necessary effective preventive and curative measures taken in a timely manner and the ongoing, never-ending efforts to save it.

In order to determine the state of “health” of ficus flowers, no special efforts are needed, everything is quite simple and banal: if milky juice appears on the stem incision and you can feel by touch that the branches are flexible, barely touching them, therefore, the plant living and the state of his "health" in perfect order, which means that the owners do not have the slightest cause for concern.

And the ficus is actually a magical flower, homely, it can fulfill any desires for housekeeping. It helps in setting up family relations, supports the health of the owners of the house. If you want to have a baby, bring a ficus into the house, you can already have a solid one, or you can just a twig.

Ficus varieties: problems and diseases of foliage

There may also be a number of problems with the fall of the leaves of the rubber-nosed ficus, which propagates by air layering or cuttings and forms in the form of a bush or tree. To avoid abundant leaf fall of the plant, it is necessary to keep in mind, taking note general information regarding the conditions of detention and ways of caring for him.

18-25 degrees above zero is the optimal temperature for keeping rubber-bearing ficus (avoid hypothermia of roots and drafts). Pay attention to lighting (for variegated varieties, find a bright place in summer period ficus needs protection from the direct rays of the midday sun. Water the plants correctly, using filtered or warm settled water, but at the same time avoid waterlogging the soil. Rational top dressing (introduction of nitrogen fertilizers into the soil from early spring to early autumn every one or two weeks). Monitor the humidity of the air in the room (regularly wipe or spray the leaves with soft water at room temperature, especially the above procedure must be carried out during the heating season with a functioning central heating). Transplantation of rubber-nosed ficus should be carried out every 1-3 years, when the roots will braid the entire clod of earth, in the spring or early summer. Carry out hygiene procedures: arrange warm shower every month, and cleaning the leaves with a damp sponge from dust weekly.

As the next variety of ficus, consider the ficus kinki, which, having medium-sized leaves, resembles a tree in its appearance. Ficus kinki is more elegant compared to its large-leaved compatriots. A well-formed crown is an important factor when growing this type of ficus. Sometimes several plants are planted in a pot to keep the bush upright. Young shoots are intertwined with each other as they grow, and over time, the trunks are spliced ​​at the point of contact. Assistance in this procedure will be provided by a support peg, to which, in order to give a vertical position to the plant with the prospect of its further growth, it is necessary to tie up a young shoot. Upon reaching the shoot, which must necessarily become thick enough, the desired level of height to hold the crown, the peg can be removed. Ficus kinki can be sheared without any problems, because it tolerates a haircut quite easily, and form a beautiful curly crown, and the small ficus foliage will be a concomitant factor for its formation.

The main reason for the massive leaf fall of Kinki's ficus is a change in the usual conditions of detention or a lack of light.

Ficus bonsai drops leaves due to a number of reasons:

  • excessive watering, which causes dark spots or root rot on the leaves;
  • insufficient watering, which serves as a factor that weakens the general condition of the plant and leads to leaf shedding;
  • low air humidity, causing abundant leaf fall and infection with spider mites;
  • insufficient level of lighting quality, watering cold water or the content of ficus bonsai at a temperature that is too low (below +17 degrees) or too high (above +23 degrees) for it;
  • streams of both cold and warm air along with drafts;
  • sharp jumps in temperature;
  • moving to a new place of residence.

Ficus nitida is one of the varieties of ficus benjamin. This species can be attributed to an artificially created plant planted in tubs, which has oval-oblong glossy dense leaves that have a rich and juicy dark green color. The trunk of the ficus nitida has graceful smooth curves, and the crown of the described tree is lush and dense. This ficus, due to the dark green color of the leaves, is resistant to a temporary lack of light.

However, ficus nitida can shed its leaves due to a waterlogged state of the soil, a sharp change in climate, watering with cold water, low indoor air temperature, a cold piercing draft, or an excess amount of nutrients in the soil.

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Video: Ficus Care

Often, the owners of Benjamin's ficus are faced with the problem of dropping leaves, while not suspecting why Benjamin's ficus is shedding leaves. There are natural reasons for this (for example, seasonal shedding), and reasons that indicate a disease state of the plant. Today we will try to find out why the leaves of the ficus are falling off, and how to reanimate Benjamin's ficus.

It is believed that the minimum shedding of leaves in an amount of up to 10 pieces per month is normal, especially for small-leaved flowers. However, if the development of the plant at some point in time began to be accompanied by abundant leaf fall, there is reason to wonder why the ficus also turn black.

If you notice that the flower is not just losing dry foliage, but the leaves of the ficus turn black before falling off, then now is the time to decide how to save the ficus. Minimal blackening is already a cause for concern, since no seasonal changes are accompanied by such an indicator. However, determining why ficus leaves fall is a rather difficult task. As a rule, the reason for this condition is not one, there is a whole complex of them.

Nevertheless, before deciding how to revive the ficus, it is necessary to highlight all the available signs of an unhealthy state of the foliage of the flower. Among these signs are brown and whitish spots on the leaves, which cause the leaves to drop.

Ficus Benjamin's leaves also fall after the appearance of such signs as white fluff, brown putrefactive points, white-gray bloom and the presence of small larvae and midges that live on greenery. All of the above signals portend the yellowing of almost all leaves and the likely disappearance of your plant without the possibility of resuscitation.

Another omen of the unhealthy state of the ficus is that the old leaves turn yellow and crumble, and new ones are born of irregular shape and size.

All of the above marks should inform the ficus owner that his plant needs a serious one that will help save the plant from possible death.

Natural causes of fall

There is a natural reason why Ficus Benjamin leaves fall. This reason is that this type of ficus is a deciduous plant that needs to shed old leaves for rejuvenating purposes. Such a measure is characteristic of all trees in the autumn and winter, which, in fact, are Benjamin's ficuses. Therefore, do not worry if the plant throws off the lower old leaves during the cold season.

If the ficus disappears in the summer or spring, then the prerequisites should be sought in the improper care of the indoor tree.

Unhealthy leaf shedding

Unhealthy yellowing of leaves and further disappearance of ficuses is observed in the following cases:

  • frequent change of position of the plant. Ficus is a rather sensitive tree that does not want constant worry. Constant changes in its location in the house and turns to the sunny side for uniform will cause excessive waste of nutrients on adaptability to new conditions, which causes the plant to lose greenery;
  • unsuccessful transplant. After transplanting ficuses into suitable soil, they may lose a few leaves in the first weeks - this is normal. But if the plant loses greenery in excessive amounts, then this indicates unsuitable soil used for transplanting. In addition, it is forbidden to replant the tree often, since such a measure becomes a regular source of stress for the plant;
  • improper lighting. Benjamins need good long-term lighting, but they do not tolerate direct sunlight. As a result sunburn the leaf will turn black, become dry and hard, and with constant exposure to the aggressive sun, the foliage will begin to disappear en masse. Ficus Benjamin loves diffused light somewhere a meter from the window. The leaves also darken or turn yellow in case of insufficient lighting. In addition, the greens of a shaded plant run the risk of appearing misshapen;
  • drafts. Ficus care includes a properly selected place for a plant pot. This place should not be in open drafts, especially in summer, when the windows are constantly open in the apartments. An even worse option, which will cause the greens to fall off and turn yellow, is to place the plant under the air conditioner;
  • non-compliance with the temperature regime. To prevent the leaves from falling off, efforts must be made to create the correct temperature regime for the tree. In winter, the temperature of the content should not fall below +18, and in summer rise above +25. The green of a plant that is too cold or hot will begin to become covered with abundant white or dark spots, after which the flower will drop it;
  • low air humidity. Ficuses for the most part are very sensitive to low air humidity, and they signal it brightly - the leaves darken and disappear. Benjamins born in tropical climates need to maintain humidity at 60-70%;
  • watering. Ficus Benjamin does not need too much care, but the frequency of watering should be determined immediately. The deformation of the foliage, its weak development and covering with brown spots indicate that the roots are rotting due to an excess of moisture. Dry foliage indicates insufficient watering;
  • lack of nutrients. Often, dropping greenery can be observed in case of insufficient nutritional value of the soil, as a result of which the plant tries to get rid of excess “consumers” of nutrients;
  • and pests. If the flower began not only to shed its foliage, but also generally lost its vitality, most likely, pests started up in the soil. In addition, the detection of white plaque, larvae, midges, worms, white drops, black putrefactive spots and cobwebs on the sheets is also bright signal disease state of the tree.

How to save a ficus

What to do if Benjamin's ficus sheds leaves abundantly? Reviving a plant is a difficult task, therefore it is better to do something right away to improve the condition of your flower. It is easy to do this: you should once again go through all the points of plant care and pay attention to which of these does not meet the requirements of the ficus. This point is especially important in the first year of a tree's life.

With insufficient lighting, artificial lighting is made, and with an excess of sunlight, the plant is removed deep into the room. Abundant moisture makes the flower sick? It is enough to reduce the frequency of watering. In case of insufficient moisture, Benjamin is sprayed 1-2 times a day, depending on the season.

Feeding and transplanting the tree into acid-neutral fertile soil will help revive the plant, and improving the temperature regime and getting rid of cold air masses will relieve the flower of stress.

In the event that the first signs of the disease appear on the flower, it is important, without delay, to make efforts to rid the ficus of the pest. That's what insecticides are for. folk methods, which includes publicly available laundry soap and ammonia.

Transplants and rearrangements will worsen the viability of the plant. The root system of the tree is not developing fast enough to be replanted every six months, and the leaves will not grow more evenly from daily turning the pot towards sunlight. You can turn the pot every 2-3 months, and carry it out as the roots grow.

Video "Ficus Benjamin sheds leaves"

In this video, you will learn why the Benjamin variety sheds leaves and how to fix it.

Ficus benjamina is an evergreen perennial tree or shrub, one of the most popular ornamental plants in home floriculture, purifying and improving indoor air quality. Belongs to the Tutov family, in wild nature grows in tropical areas, reaches 30 m in height.

Can be found in China, India, Australia, Asia. At home, depending on the care, the height of the plant can be from 1 to 3 meters. To achieve the maximum size of the plant, you will have to spend up to 10 years. In horticulture, more than a dozen varieties have been bred, differing in size, color and leaf shape.

It is easy to experiment with it and make various compositions, you can grow a single-trunked tree in a pot, or you can twist 2-3 plants together in the manner of a girl's braid. In its natural habitat it blooms at any time of the year with small beautiful flowers. different shades. At indoor views ficus only in rare cases can you achieve flowering in the form of small berries.

Why do leaves fall, reasons?

Many gardeners make their choice in favor of Benjamin's ficus for its attractive appearance and variety of species. Beautiful glossy leaves of a dense structure have an elongated oval shape with built-up ends. It is quite unpretentious and adapts well to new conditions. Leaf fall in Benjamin ficus is a common problem and a source of concern for plant owners. Many factors can provoke this phenomenon. If you know how to properly handle a bush, it will delight you with its chic crown for many years.


On average, a ficus leaf lives 3 years. When the plant is healthy, several new green ones grow in place of the fallen yellow leaf. If the fall of the crown is calculated in dozens of sheets, you need to look for reasons in the plant's malaise.

Ficus is native to tropical and subtropical areas where there is almost no change in the angle of sunlight. The plant is photophilous, but direct sunlight should be avoided, in which the leaves get burned and burn out. Bright, but diffused light will be most suitable so that the green pet does not lose moisture reserves.

IMPORTANT! In the natural habitat, the daylight hours of the ficus is 14 hours. Therefore, in the autumn-winter period, it is necessary to maintain the same regime with the help of artificial lighting. The distance from the lamp to the plant should be 1-2 m.

In order for the growth of the trunk and crown of the ficus to be proportional, it is advisable to regularly turn the pot with the plant towards the light source. The lack of light also negatively affects young shoots - top part the crown becomes thinner and shallower, and the lower one dries up. Growth slows down.

Change of place

To change its location, the ficus reacts with abundant leaf fall. Moreover, acute stress is caused not only by moving long distances or transplanting, but also by transferring a plant from one room to another. For comfortable adaptation, you should prepare in advance a place and suitable living conditions for ficus.

Fertilizer shortage

If the plant does not receive enough nutrients, this will negatively affect its growth and foliage formation. It is necessary to fertilize the soil only in the warm season, when the growing season begins. In spring - 1 time per month, in summer - 2 times per month.

ATTENTION! Within a month after transplantation, you can not fertilize the soil in a pot, this can lead to a burn of the roots.

By certain signs, you can understand what elements the flower lacks:

  • iron- the leaves become covered with age spots, turn yellow and fall off;
  • calcium and potassium- the leaves are rapidly fading;
  • nitrogen- growth retardation;
  • phosphorus- stretching the leaves;
  • magnesium- the lower part of the foliage acquires an icteric color.

The dosage of fertilizer is calculated from several components: size, age and variety of the flower, appearance, soil condition.

Excess top dressing

The detrimental effect on ficus is not only the low level of micronutrients in the soil, but also their overabundance. During any kind of disease, it is required to suspend top dressing until the plant is fully recovered. Fertilizers are of 2 types -


  1. humus;
  2. bird droppings;
  3. manure;
  4. compost.

Mineral (dry and liquid):

  1. salt;
  2. industrial waste;
  3. chemical compounds;
  4. rocks;
  5. geological deposits.

Dry ones are added to the soil surface or directly to the top layer, with each watering they gradually dissolve. Liquid are used for spraying and root dressing. In the autumn-winter season, the ficus is at rest, so once a month you can supply the soil with low concentration nitrogen, no other fertilizers are required.

Wrong watering

Tropical climate is different high humidity, this must be taken into account when caring for ficus. It is very important to follow correctly water balance- the flower equally poorly tolerates a lack of moisture and stagnant water in a pot. Here you also need to focus on the seasons - reduce watering in autumn and winter, increase watering in spring and summer.

ATTENTION! Humidity in the room with the plant should be at least 50%.

In order for a pet to receive water on time and in sufficient quantities, it is necessary to adhere to the basic rules:

  • Irrigate only the top layer of soil, as soon as water begins to flow through the drain onto the stand, stop watering and remove excess water.
  • The soil must dry out completely, for this you need to regularly and carefully loosen the earth so as not to damage the roots.
  • Watering on certain days, this will develop a regimen. Irrigation can be carried out 2-3 days after the topsoil has dried.
  • Dust the leaves weekly with a damp cloth, and use a spray shower monthly.
  • Water for irrigation should be softened, this can be achieved in one of the ways - boil, filter, stand, melt frozen water or add to it special means. Use only water at room temperature.


Even a small draft negatively affects the well-being of the flower. If the pot is on the windowsill, open windows it is worth putting it aside or covering it with something, but with free air circulation. If the permanent location of the ficus is on the floor, be sure to provide it with a stand.

Wrong temperature setting

Ficus Benjamin reacts sharply to temperature changes. In the spring-summer period, the temperature should be within + 25-27 ° C, in the autumn-winter period 16-18 ° C. If the temperature is higher than required, the leaves will dry out and fall off, if it is lower, the growth of the flower will stop and the process of decay will begin in the roots. Do not forget to humidify the air in the room in a timely manner. If the top layer of soil has dried out to a depth of more than 3 cm, an extraordinary watering of the soil can be carried out.

Diseases and pests

A flower can get sick in 3 cases: with improper care, it can become infected from other plants, from the attack of insect pests. By the following signs, you can determine which disease affected the ficus:

  1. Rust- expressed in the appearance of yellow and brown spots on the surface of the leaves. The edges look burnt, after a while ulcers are found. Affected elements should be removed, healthy ones should be treated with a fungicide.
  2. powdery mildew- the leaves are covered with small whitish spots. They are treated with a solution based on copper sulfate and soda ash.
  3. Pythium, rhizoctonia, phytophthora- from this fungus, the whole plant rots. Not amenable to treatment, only disposal.
  4. Botrytis- a dusty gray coating appears on the outer side of the leaves. The removal of affected areas and regular ventilation of the room will help.
  5. sooty fungus- the outer part of the foliage is covered with a black coating, resembling oven soot. Treat the entire plant with a soap solution or fungicide, remove the most affected parts of the crown.

Timely detection of diseases ensures their easy elimination.

Why does it shed its leaves in winter?

Ficus is preparing for winter period and sheds a small amount of hardwood, which should not exceed 20%. With the onset of spring, everything grows back. But if the leaf fall is plentiful, one should look for reasons elsewhere. It can be improper care, diseases or pests.

What to do if all the leaves have fallen?

If, nevertheless, this happened, the following actions must be taken: eliminate all negative factors in the room that have a detrimental effect on the ficus.

  • Check temperature regime and air humidity.
  • Eliminate drafts and nearby heat sources.
  • Do not move the plant pot.
  • Check the soil and roots of the plant.
  • Make sure there is sufficient lighting.

How to save a flower?

To resuscitate a pet, diligence in performing some actions will be required:

  1. Completely replace the soil in the pot.
  2. Conduct sanitary pruning of dry stems.
  3. Moisten the trunk and crown in a biofungicide solution.
  4. A week after transplanting, add top dressing to the soil.
  5. Ensure permanent access fresh air and sunlight.

If leaf fall occurs during the cold season, replace only the top layer of soil, spray the tree several times a day with a spray bottle, increase the number of light sources and avoid drafts. As soon as spring comes, conduct intensive therapy.


Individual leaves began to dry out, what should I do?

Regardless of the variety of ficus, avoid direct sunlight. Adhere to the watering regime, in spring and summer - regular, in autumn and winter - limited. The soil should dry out, but not be overdried. This will help keep the crown lush and green.

What kind of care does a flower need?

Ficus does not react well to change, so you should not change its location. follow comfortable temperature indoors - not lower than 25°С in summer, not lower than 16°С in winter. Do not leave the plant on a cold windowsill, completely get rid of drafts. Support required humidity in the room. For irrigation, use soft and warm water.

After buying a ficus, do I need to transplant it?

Shop soil is suitable only for transporting the bush. Transplantation should be done no earlier than 2-3 weeks after purchase in leaf ground with an acidity of 5.5-6.5 pH. Ideal for general purpose primer.

Before removing the tree from transport pot you need to moisten the soil and carefully remove the root system along with the adhering earth, lightly tap and place in a new pot.


Despite such numerous requirements for the care of Benjamin's ficus, they are not difficult to comply with with some experience. The main thing is to love an evergreen plant and respond in time to its needs. Then the pet will bloom in all its glory and will delight its owner for many years.

How to reanimate a ficus is a question of interest to those who, for one reason or another, this plant begins to gradually wither and die. Unfortunately, common mistake frivolous flower growers is a false opinion that the rubber plant does not require any special care, no transplants, no fertilizers, but will grow on its own and nothing will happen to it. This opinion most often leads to serious and “neglected” cases of diseases.

When a tree begins to die before our eyes, a person’s conscience wakes up, and he begins to think about how to save the ficus and whether it can be done at all. The possibility of salvation directly depends on how deep the process of the disease has gone and on the desire of the owner to help the languishing green “patient”.

How to save a ficus

How to revive a ficus that has begun to rapidly lose leaves? Such a process begins due to many reasons: a sharp change of place, a draft, cold and errors in leaving, or even its absence. With a regular lack of lighting, too dry air or waterlogging, “leaf fall” and the imminent death of the plant will not take long, so measures should be taken immediately.

If the leaf falls off in large quantities, the first thing to do is spray it with Epin. Restoring the viability of a plant directly depends on the causes that caused its disease. Sometimes it is possible to restore the beauty and healthy appearance of the rubber plant with the help of elementary measures, without even resorting to scrupulous transplantation and lengthy processing.

The main conditions for the normal life of a tree are diffused light, moderate and timely watering, air humidity from 50 to 70 percent and spraying. The soil between water procedures should dry out a little, and the need for watering is easily determined by checking the condition of the earth in a pot. If its top layer is a little dry (by two or three centimeters), it’s time to water the ficus. You can not often rearrange the pot from place to place, as the leaf fall will become regular because of this, and it may happen that the plant will completely lose its foliage, without even suffering, at the same time, fungal diseases.

The scorching sun is contraindicated for ficus. It would be wrong to assume that if we are talking about a tropical plant, then the sunlight will be nothing to him. The foliage of most rubber plants is dense and thick, which means that it contains a sufficient amount of moisture (which cannot be said about tenacious cacti) and will suffer from its lack.

If the grower got a tree with a classic, dark green foliage color, such varieties are more unpretentious in care and can acclimatize well even under conditions of regular shading. As for the bright variegated leaves, the situation is much more complicated with them: they are capricious, and if the owner does not pay special attention to them, they can quickly die. Variegated varieties are especially sensitive to a lack of lighting: they can wither even if they are placed in the shade on a short time.

Air temperature is equally important. In summer, its optimal numbers are from +25 to 30C, and if it rises, the plant should not only be watered and shaded, but also sprayed. Heat can also cause dry leaves and subsequent rubber disease. In the cold season, hypothermia of the roots should not be allowed. If possible, it is better to put the pot on a stand or windowsill, wrapping it with a warm cloth. Do not allow the temperature in the room to drop below +15C.

So, the issue of resuscitation of a fading pet can be resolved by observing the usual and simple measures for caring for him, as well as choosing a permanent and most suitable place of growth, with diffused light and the absence of drafts.

Optimal conditions for ficus resuscitation

The tree can also be pulled out in more severe cases. It also happens that, due to total leaf fall, only the trunk remains of it. It is necessary to check how much vitality still remains in it: if it retained its flexibility and did not have time to dry out, there is a chance to save the rubber plant. When rot and plaque on the soil appear in the root zone of the trunk, you should also not despair: here you will need an immediate transplant with a scrupulous examination of the root system for damage by nematode pests.

The wilting of a tree can be triggered by the intensive growth of its root system, which simply no longer fits in the previous container. A transplant will also help here, while the new capacity should be two to three centimeters larger than the previous one. Too big a pot is not necessary.

After transplantation, regular watering will be required, but not earlier than two days later. Top dressing is carried out only after reliable rooting, after a month. As for the intensity of leaf fall, in autumn its loss of twenty percent is the norm, and it is not associated with any diseases and errors in care.

Common Mistake a grower who wants to reanimate a ficus - the desire to feed him as much as possible. This cannot be done, since a weakened plant is simply not able to absorb the complex substances contained in mineral fertilizers, and they will only harm it.

Experienced growers in numerous forums are happy to share their experience in nursing the most “difficult” patients among the ficuses that have come to them. In their practice, there are cases when they had to deal with an almost flown flower, on which no more than five leaves remained. The dried plant was completely changed the soil to a suitable nutritional composition and washed the roots in a solution of manganese.

If signs of decay were observed, diseased roots were removed with a sharp pruner and sprinkled with wood ash. After the transplant, a little fertilizer was applied, the flower was placed in a suitable place and shaded so that the bright sun did not shine on it. Of course, the irrigation and spraying scheme was adjusted. In most cases, the "launched" rubber plants came to life after a few weeks and began to produce new healthy leaves.

As practice shows, it is quite possible to reanimate a ficus - even in a very “neglected” state, but in order not to resort to such measures, it is best to properly care for it and take care of it. Then he will not get sick and will always delight the owner with his healthy appearance.

Ficus Revival:

Problems with ficus arise as a result of improper care and location, and extremely rarely as a result of a bacterial or viral infection. characteristic feature insufficient or excessive care is the yellowing of the leaves and, as a result of the fact that the disease has dragged on, their fall.

Ficus can “burn out” before our eyes in a matter of days, so it is recommended not to postpone treatment until better times, but to take on the renewal and restoration of the ficus immediately!

Check how dry the ground is in ficus peas. If the earth ball is dry, and the roots are devoid of moisture and vitality, the likely reason that the ficus is sick is that it was not watered enough. The optimal amount of water for ficus depends on its volume, but you need to water regularly and small quantities so that the soil mixture is moistened, but not too much.

If the ficus clearly shows negative vital signs and after the resumption of normal watering, the miracle did not happen - we still have a bare tree without leaves and the slightest sign of budding - we urgently need to change the strategy. You need to quickly extract the ficus from the soil mixture, purchase a new pot and transfer the diseased plant to the fresh soil mixture. In this case, active fertilizers and regulated watering will help us, which should resume the normal life of the ficus and save it, even if all the leaves have fallen off.

Another reason why the leaves fell and how to deal with it lies at the basis of the incorrect placement of the ficus in an apartment or in a greenhouse. Ficus loves active sunlight, but not in excess, enjoys the coolness from the window, but drafts are fatal for him, can live in a standard room temperature with the level of air humidity familiar to people, but it will not be able to endure dry air masses or a too tropical climate. In this case, try to make the situation in the apartment as close as possible to the natural conditions for the development of ficus (read ficus care), and also go through all the parameters and bring them to perfection in the case of growing this plant - ideal and ficus are approximate concepts, even interdependent .

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