Processing bushes of currants and gooseberries in spring. How to process gooseberries and currants in spring? Best Folk Pest Control Methods! Before the kidneys swell

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Each backyard or summer cottage boasts the presence of berries, such as gooseberries and currants, with a different color of berries.

This article will answer the most common questions of gardeners - how to properly care for bushes, when is the best time to process, trim and fertilize, how to recognize a pest and destroy it.

The actions do not cause much difficulty, but they have to be completed so that the seedlings will please with their harvest.

When should currants and gooseberries be processed in spring?

The period of the end of winter and the beginning of spring, when the air temperature begins to rise above zero and the snow is just starting to melt, is the time for the initial inspection of berry bushes:

  • First of all, old shoots are removed that did not please with fruiting last season. This factor is influenced by the age of the shoots (over four years old). Such branches are cut without regret, and dead wood is undesirable, as it will interfere with the development of new shoots.
  • In March, the snow has not yet melted and the shrubs are in a state of winter sleep, therefore, the buds are not yet ready for awakening and vegetation. This will be the time of the first treatment of shrubs from diseases and pests.
  • Be sure to spill the bushes with boiling water, which will destroy the wintering pupae of pests (first generation) and pathogens.
  • After about seven to ten days, treatment is carried out with one percent copper sulphate (one hundred grams of the drug per ten liters of water) or any copper-containing preparation(three percent Bordeaux mixture, HOM, Oxyhom, Homoxil). Treatment of gooseberries and currants with these preparations is carried out ONLY BEFORE the bud breaks!

Pest control methods

Garden-garden stores offer a large selection of preparations for treating seedlings from pests, and more and more new insecticides appear every year.

But each of them eliminates one or two pests. Yes, and complex acaricides-insecticides are less effective.

Note! Let us consider in detail what pests most often affect currants and gooseberries and try to find an effective insecticide that will save shrubs from a particular pest.

It has the following properties:

  • Gets rid of mosquitoes, cockroaches, rodents, ants, bedbugs
  • Safe for children and pets
  • Mains powered, no recharging required
  • No addictive effect in pests
  • Large area of ​​action of the device

Seeing gooseberry and currant bushes on the site, similar to an underdeveloped spruce, we can definitely say that this is the work of the “hands” of the gooseberry sawfly. This voracious pest causes considerable damage to shrubs, which can later lead to the death of the plant.

The sawfly hibernates in the ground and flies out during the flowering period, attaching to the lower leaf plate of young leaves.

Since the pest is insanely voracious, it can very quickly leave the shrub without green mass, which leads to disruption of the photosynthesis process, and, therefore, will not lead to the laying of new vegetative buds.

The fight against the sawfly is carried out throughout the season:

  • in autumn, obligatory digging of the soil in the trunk circle. This procedure will lead to the freezing of larvae ready for wintering;
  • pouring boiling water in early spring;
  • before and after flowering, spraying with insecticidal preparations (Aktellik, Fufanon, Kemifos, Kinmiks, Fitoverm, Decis).

A butterfly that appeared on the site, similar in color to a moth, also does not promise anything good. This is gooseberry fire. And do not think that only gooseberries will be her favorite.

With great pleasure, the moth can also take a fancy to currant bushes. Only food she chooses different on different bushes. In any case, the main harm is not caused by a butterfly, but by its larva - a caterpillar.

The caterpillar produces cobwebs that cover foliage, flower stalks and berries. The fruit of the gooseberry moth dies completely from the inside, and the currant berries - from the outside. For the normal development of one caterpillar, six gooseberries and fifteen currants are needed.

Note! In principle, this is not so much, but ... The moth butterfly lays about two hundred eggs at a time! To feed this horde - therefore, to be left without a harvest! In the fall, it is imperative to dig up the near-trunk circle, in the spring - to spill with boiling water, before and after flowering, treatment with chemical preparations (Sempai, Inta-vir, Karate, Kinmiks).

Berry growers are no less dangerous when a scale insect appears - drying of foliage, shoots stop growth and full development, loss of crops and the bush as a whole. Without taking preventive measures, in three years you can lose all currant bushes.

Sucking the juice of the plant, the scale insect deprives the bush of strength and leads to death:

  1. The first step is to secure plantings in the fall, before preparing for wintering, by hilling shrubs, and in spring these embankments should be raked a little.
  2. fight with adult extremely difficult, because she is not susceptible to any chemical preparation. Therefore, the processing of shrubs is done manually. Every leaf and every branch of a shrub is carefully examined and treated with a thick soapy solution. For convenience, it is better to use an old toothbrush.
  3. The necessary solution will be the isolation of infected bushes. For this, plastic bags or bags are useful.
  4. To combat younger individuals, chemical preparations are suitable, since the scale insect shell is not yet strong enough.
  5. Well-proven preparations for the fight against scale insects - Mospilan, Apaches, Aktara, Confidor Maxi, Kemifos, Alatar, Aktellik. An important condition for processing is the thorough moistening of the leaves and trunks of currants.

Treatment of currants and gooseberries from diseases

The diseases that gooseberry and currant bushes are susceptible to are identical:

  • powdery mildew;
  • terry leaves;
  • anthracnose;
  • septoria.

There are many drugs that can prevent or cure shrubs from diseases, but most often gardeners use Topaz, as it has proven itself from the best side.

Note! The rest of the fungicides should also not be discounted - Skor, Thiovit Jet, Bordeaux mixture. The only condition for the use of drugs is the absence of flowering, that is, it is necessary to process the bushes before or after the flowering of shrubs.

Spring dressing of currants

Currant bushes are able to grow and develop in one place up to fifteen years. For successful development and fruiting, shrubs absorb useful minerals from the soil, which leads to depletion of the soil condition. For better development, there is a need for fertilizer and top dressing.

The amount and composition of fertilizers depends only on the season:

  1. For spring top dressing, nitrogen fertilizers are needed. The best time to apply is early spring, before the snow has completely melted. Granules of nitrogen fertilizers (urea or ammonium nitrate) are scattered directly on the surface of the snow cover. Together with melted snow, the granules fall into the soil, which allows the roots to better absorb the missing “vitamins”.
  2. The next "nitrogen" top dressing will be needed at the time of bud opening. Further use of nitrogen fertilizers will not be appropriate.
  3. First of all, nitrogen affects the growth of green mass, and with an overdose of nitrogen, you can not wait for the harvest, but admire the beautiful green hedge.
  4. For further feeding will be best use complex fertilizers for spring application.

Note! In any case, currant and gooseberry bushes require care and attention, and having received them in sufficient quantities, one can safely hope for a return. After all, the main goal of the gardener is to get a big harvest.

Gooseberries and currants have many potential diseases and pests in common. To combat them, there are various chemical, biological and folk remedies. It is sometimes difficult for an unprepared gardener to understand the sea of ​​\u200b\u200binformation, and our goal is to help him with this.

The value of processing currants and gooseberries from diseases and pests, the similarity of these crops

The similarity of these two cultures is determined by their origin.

Currant (lat. Ríbes) is a genus of plants from the Gooseberry family (Grossulariaceae) of the order of dicotyledonous flowering plants Saxifrage.

Common gooseberry, or deviated gooseberry, or European gooseberry (lat. Ríbes úva-críspa) is a plant species of the Gooseberry family (Grossulariaceae), currently considered in the genus Currant (Ribes).


Due to this similarity, pests and gooseberries are also common. Accordingly, the technology, processing times, methods and preparations used are the same for both crops, which are often susceptible to infection by fungal and viral diseases, as well as pest attacks. Let's just list the main representatives. Diseases:

  • sphere library (American powdery mildew);
  • anthracnose;
  • septoria (white leaf spot);
  • goblet rust;
  • verticillium wilt;
  • terry;
  • striped mosaic;
  • gray rot, etc.


  • redcurrant aphid;
  • scab;
  • yellow gooseberry sawfly;
  • leaf gall midge;
  • currant bud mite, etc.

Processing is an important stage of agricultural technology, without their timely and regular implementation, one cannot count on a stable and high-quality crop.

Terms and technology of currant and gooseberry processing

Since the vast majority of treatments are carried out by spraying with solutions of preparations, special garden sprayers are used for this. They come in various sizes and designs. The most popular pump and knapsack sprayers. They are produced in volumes from 5 to 20 liters. For a small number of cultivated plants, small hand sprayers with a capacity of 1-2 liters can be used.

Garden sprinklers are used to treat plants

Processing technology looks like this:

Processing can be carried out under favorable conditions:

  • Treatment should be carried out in calm weather. If there is still a slight breeze, then you need to spray from the side of its direction.
  • It is desirable that the day of processing was cloudy. If this is not the case, then spraying should be done in the early morning or in the evening before sunset.
  • For obvious reasons, treatment should not be carried out before rain. Modern preparations often contain adhesives that prevent them from being washed off by rain. In this case, the treatment can be carried out 2-3 hours before the expected rain. But still it is better if this interval is 1-2 days.
  • And also it is impossible to carry out processing immediately after the end of the rain. You need to wait until the leaves and shoots dry out.
  • Early spring treatments are carried out only at a positive temperature.

Technologies for processing gooseberries from diseases and pests, depending on the season and type of preparation:

Processing currants and gooseberries in spring

Spores of pathogens of fungal diseases, various insects and their pupae can overwinter in the bark of stems, fallen leaves and upper layers of soil. In order to prevent their development, eradication treatments with potent drugs are carried out in early spring or even at the end of winter. At this time, apply:

Many gardeners at this time use the treatment of gooseberry and currant bushes with boiling water. It is believed that this method is very effective against fungi and insects. For this, a bucket of boiling water is poured into a garden watering can. While it is brought to the bush, the temperature of the water in it drops to 80-85 ° C - that's right. After that, quickly and abundantly spill all the shoots with boiling water. Try to do it evenly and in one pass.

Important! Secondary treatment with boiling water is not allowed - this can ruin the shoot.

Processing currants and gooseberries with boiling water is effective against fungal diseases and pests

Some gardeners treat gooseberries and currants with a solution of urea in early spring. It is believed that this fertilizer has fungicidal and insecticidal properties. For processing, dissolve 70 grams of urea in one liter of water and spray the plant.

After the start of sap flow, treatments are carried out with drugs that are safer for humans and animals. They are divided into two groups - fungicides and insecticides.

Fungicides are used to prevent and treat fungal diseases. Insecticides are used to control insect pests. A separate subgroup are acaricides - drugs whose action is directed against ticks.

So, in the spring, three preventive treatments against diseases and pests should be carried out:

  1. Before flowering.
  2. After flowering.
  3. 7-10 days after the second treatment.

In order to save time, fungicide and insecticide treatments are often carried out at the same time. To do this, the drugs are mixed in one container. The result is the so-called tank mix. You should be aware that not all drugs are compatible with each other, so you must first carefully study their instructions. We can recommend a long-tested mixture for processing gooseberries and currants - Actellik plus Topaz. And also the tank mixture of Horus and Decis has proven itself well.

Video: processing currants with boiling water

Processing currants and gooseberries in summer

AT summer time without special need, chemical preparations for treatments can be omitted. In order to prevent fungal diseases, it is quite possible to get by with the biological agent Fitosporin. They treat plants during the growing season with an interval of two weeks without limiting the number of treatments. This drug is absolutely harmless to humans and animals, the fruits can be eaten immediately after processing. In the event of an unexpected infection with any fungus, it can be quickly and effectively dealt with with the help of Strobi. But it can be applied no later than 20 days before harvest. From possible pests in the summer, it is recommended to use bioinsecticides, for example, Fitoverm, Iskra Bio.

Processing currants and gooseberries in autumn

In autumn, when preparing the garden for winter, plants and soil are usually treated with a 3% solution of copper sulfate or a 5% solution of iron sulfate. This should be done after the end of the growing season, after collecting and removing the fallen leaves and digging up the soil of the tree trunks.

Preparations for the treatment of currants and gooseberries for protection against pests and diseases and their use

Before treating plants with preparations, it is necessary to carefully study the attached instructions. When choosing a drug, pay attention to its main parameters. It is especially important to observe the waiting period after processing before eating the fruit. And you also need to know that most drugs are addictive in pathogens and pests, after which the drugs lose their effectiveness.

Table: popular preparations for processing gooseberries and currants

Name of the drug Terms of application The duration of the protective action Waiting period, days Number of treatments per season
Potent pesticides
Early spring before buds swellOne month- Once every three years
blue vitriolEarly spring, late autumn2
Bordeaux mixture
growing season7-10 days7-10 2-3
15-20 days25 3
10-15 days20 3-4
10-12 days2
30 2
Phytosporin (biofungicide)Two weeks0 Unlimited
growing season15 days20 2
Iskra Bio (bioinsecticide)7-20 days2 Unlimited
Fitoverm (bioinsecticide)3

Photo gallery: fungicides for gooseberry and currant diseases

Horus - a fungicide with a short waiting time Quadris will protect gooseberries and currants from fungi for 2-3 weeks Scor is used at an early stage of infection Strobe fast blocking fungal diseases Biofungicide Fitosporin can be used during the period of eating berries Topaz is a broad spectrum fungicide

Photo gallery: popular insecticides for gooseberries and currants

Decis is an effective broad-spectrum insecticide Fufanon is used at least a month before harvest Iskra Bio has a waiting period of only two days Fitoverm is a bioinsecticide safe for humans Actellik is used against insects and ticks

Instructions for use of the drug Fitoverm, consumer reviews:

Folk remedies

Many gardeners believe that the use of chemical plant protection products against diseases and pests can be successfully replaced with safer and more environmentally friendly folk remedies.

Treatment of shrubs with birch tar

Especially effective is the use of birch tar against aphids, butterflies, gooseberry moth and gooseberry sawfly.

soda treatment

Soda is used to combat powdery mildew on gooseberry and currant leaves. In ten liters of water, dissolve 40 grams of baking soda and add an adhesive (for example, laundry soap). This remedy also helps with some other fungal diseases.

Soda is used to combat powdery mildew on gooseberry and currant leaves.

Mullein processing

To combat powdery mildew, an infusion of three liters of mullein in ten liters of water is sometimes used. After three days infusion, it is diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 3 and the plants are treated.

Mullein can be used to control powdery mildew

Treatment with wood ash infusion

The ash also helps fight powdery mildew.. Before use, insist one kilogram of sifted wood ash in a bucket warm water. The infusion is ready for use in four days. If necessary, the treatment is repeated after two weeks.

Ash is laid in warm water for 4 days

Processing with onion infusion

One kilogram of onion is crushed in a meat grinder, poured with one liter of warm water. They insist for a day, after which they are used for spraying at a rate of 20 ml per 10 liters of water. The tool is effective against fungal diseases, aphids, mites.

Onion infusion is effective against fungal diseases, aphids, mites

Garlic infusion treatment

200 grams of chopped garlic is poured with four liters of boiling water, insisted for a week. Treated for whitefly spider mite, kidney tick. 50 grams of infusion is added to one bucket of water.

Garlic infusion is treated against whiteflies, spider mites, kidney mites

Treatment with citrus infusion

Use citrus peel or spoiled fruits. One kilogram of raw materials is poured into ten liters of water and insisted for five days in a warm place. Processing is carried out at intervals of two weeks. The tool is used to combat aphids, scale insects and mealybugs.

Citrus peel can be used in pest control

Treatment with infusion of marigolds

One kilogram of dry marigolds is poured with one liter of boiling water. Apply after two days of infusion against fungal diseases, aphids, whiteflies, ticks.

Infusion of marigolds is used against fungal diseases, aphids, whiteflies, mites

Safety measures during processing

Performing work with the use of pesticides, it is necessary to follow the safety rules:

Timely preventive and therapeutic treatments will help to avoid diseases and pest attacks. In order to obtain environmentally friendly products, preference should be given to folk and biological means of protection, resorting to chemical ones only in cases of emergency.

Gooseberries are not only tasty, but also very healthy. Therefore, its bushes can be found on many garden plots. But the culture has a significant drawback - it enjoys special love from harmful insects, as well as pathogenic fungi. Since any problem is easier to prevent than to deal with it later, the focus should be on preventive measures. If, however, it was still not possible to save the bush from the disease, it is important to be able to identify it in time and know what exactly to do in this case.

The best time to process gooseberries

Gooseberries are more prone to disease than many other berry bushes. Therefore, the first time preventive treatment is carried out in early spring, combining it with sanitary pruning. Leaf buds ready to bloom and the soil around the bush are sprayed with any fungicide - these drugs kill many pathogenic fungi. The procedure must be repeated after flowering, preferably even twice, with an interval of 10-12 days.

In the spring, preventive measures must be carried out before the leaves bloom on the gooseberry bushes.

During the entire period of active vegetation, the bushes are sprayed in order to protect against one of the most common and dangerous diseases for the culture - powdery mildew. The first treatment is carried out in April, the last - in September. The interval between them is 10–12 days.

In autumn, one should also not forget about prevention, this is a mandatory procedure along with pruning the bush and cleaning the near-trunk circle from fallen leaves, broken branches, fallen berries, weeds and other plant debris. Processing is best done 2-3 weeks after the entire crop has been harvested.

Gooseberry bushes delight the gardener with a harvest, but at the same time they are regularly attacked by harmful insects and often suffer from diseases.

When spraying gooseberries, it is worth remembering that any chemical treatments are carried out no later than 30 days before the expected harvest, biological preparations - 15–20 days. Also, their use is limited during flowering. This also applies to fungicides.

How to process: popular means among gardeners

Most often, gardeners use the most affordable, time-tested tools that have proven their effectiveness to process gooseberries. Many of them, not unreasonably, do not trust newfangled chemistry.

Boiling water

Watering the gooseberries with boiling water is a common measure that helps to "bring" the bush out of the winter "hibernation" and increase its resistance to fungal diseases typical of the culture. The procedure is carried out in the last decade of February or early March, when the leaves have not yet blossomed.

Ordinary water is boiled, a watering can with a divider or a spray bottle is filled (during this time it cools to a temperature of 80-90ºС) and the bushes are poured over from a distance of 60-70 cm, trying to process all the branches more or less evenly. To make your work easier, you can tie several shoots in advance (or even in the fall). You need to act quickly - from water that has cooled to 60-70ºС, there is no sense. The norm per plant is 3-5 liters.

Watering gooseberries with boiling water is carried out at the same time as pruning - in early spring or late winter

Then, with water of the same temperature, you need to shed the soil in the near-stem circle and cover it with plastic wrap, pieces of roofing material for 2-3 days. This will help destroy the larvae that hibernated under the bush, as well as eggs laid by harmful insects and spores of pathogenic fungi. Boiling water is especially effective against the bud mite, which is the main carrier of the dangerous leaf terry virus. In this case, do not pour it directly under the roots, you can severely burn them.

Watering with boiling water contributes to the "awakening" of the plant and increases its immunity, while hot water destroys spores of pathogenic fungi and pest eggs

Practice shows that gooseberry bushes treated annually in this way better tolerate the vagaries of the weather during the summer and winter cold, and are less likely to be affected by pests. The leaves on them are larger, there are more berries, they branch more intensively.

For greater effect, potassium permanganate can be added to the water (up to a pale pink shade of the solution) or ordinary table salt(50–70 g per 10 l).

Video: spring processing of berry bushes with boiling water

Copper sulfate (aka copper sulfate or copper sulfate) is one of the most common fungicides, widely used by gardeners to protect fruit trees and berry bushes from all kinds of pathogenic fungi. This beautiful sky blue powder prevents their spores from germinating. For the treatment of gooseberries with copper sulfate, a 1% solution is prepared (100 g of powder per 10 l of water), with iron - 3%. This concentration is completely safe for the bush, but effectively destroys fungal spores.

Copper sulfate is one of the most common and affordable fungicides, its effectiveness is due to the fact that many pathogenic fungi do not tolerate copper compounds.

Copper sulphate does not penetrate into the tissue of the plant, it acts only at the point of contact. The solution is washed off the bush with the first rain. If the fungus has already formed mycelium in the tissues, it cannot be destroyed by the agent, but it slightly inhibits its development.

The liquid is prepared exclusively in glass, plastic or enameled (without chips) containers in order to exclude reaction with iron, aluminum, zinc ions. It is impossible to store it longer than 10-12 hours, the effectiveness of the drug is lost. The powder dissolves better in warm water than in cold water. At an air temperature of 30ºС and above, it makes no sense to carry out processing. The finished solution should never be mixed with other drugs, insecticides or fungicides.

A solution of copper sulfate cannot be prepared in containers made of any metal

Plants are sprayed in early spring. It is desirable that the temperature outside does not exceed 8-10ºС. This is a guarantee that the leaf buds have not yet "woken up". Processing is carried out in the early morning or evening, after sunset. The drops remaining on the bush play the role of lenses, you can severely burn the shoots. In addition to fungal diseases, this procedure helps protect the bushes from many dangerous pests - bud mites, currant gall midges, aphids, and mucous sawflies.

Immediately after the bushes fade, the treatment is repeated. The best time for her - the early morning of a windless day. It is desirable that it be warm enough outside - 16-20ºС.

The last treatment with copper sulphate is carried out in the fall. The concentration of the drug is increased to 2%. If in summer the plant is badly affected by diseases and pests, the soil around the bush is shed with a 5% solution. But such processing is not recommended for chernozem - it negatively affects soil fertility.

Copper sulphate can be used not only as a means for the prevention and control of diseases, but also as a fertilizer. Copper, like many other trace elements, is necessary for the normal development of plants. Once every 5-6 years in autumn or spring, the powder is applied to the soil in the process of deep loosening of the soil at the rate of 1 g / m². Copper deficiency during the active growing season can be judged by the following signs:

  • an unnatural dark green shade of leaves, in sharp contrast with a yellowish-white border around the edges;
  • the rigidity of the sheet plate and the tip curving down;
  • metallic luster or bluish-purple tint, clearly visible in the sun.

Copper deficiency on the leaves of berry bushes is very pronounced

In this case, the bushes are sprayed with a weak solution of copper sulfate - 1–2 g per 10 liters of water.

It can also be used for disinfection. The cuts left after the removal of dry, broken, diseased branches are the “gates” for all kinds of infections. Therefore, before covering them with garden pitch, it is useful to wash the “wounds” with a 2% solution.

Video: the use of copper sulfate in the garden

Gardeners have been using Bordeaux liquid since the middle of the 19th century. It was then that the French botanist Pierre-Marie Millardet discovered that the mixture he prepared was very effective in destroying mold fungus on grape leaves and shoots.

Bordeaux liquid is a remedy known to gardeners for more than a century, its effectiveness has been time-tested.

Gooseberries are treated with Bordeaux liquid to protect against rust, scab, anthracnose and all kinds of blotches. You can’t overdo it with it - it negatively affects taste qualities fruits and inhibits the growth of new shoots.

Quicklime for the preparation of Bordeaux liquid must be fresh, otherwise it will not dissolve, but will solidify in lumps

Bordeaux liquid (one percent) is easy to prepare yourself. To do this, you only need water, copper sulfate and quicklime:

  1. 100 g of copper sulfate is diluted in a glass hot water, then add 5 liters of boiling water. The container should not be metal.
  2. In another container with a volume of 10 liters, 150 g of quicklime is poured into 5 liters cold water, mix well.
  3. Very carefully, in a thin stream, the contents of the first container are poured into the second (in no case vice versa).
  4. With the help of litmus paper, they check how suitable the solution is for spraying plants. If it turns blue, then there is too much lime, the product is ineffective. The red color indicates an excess of copper sulfate - such a solution will destroy not only fungal spores, but also gooseberry leaves. Errors are corrected by the gradual addition of lime "milk". An ordinary nail can also be used as an “indicator” - a plaque of the corresponding shade will appear on it.

The components of Bordeaux liquid are diluted with water in individual containers and are mixed only by adding a solution of copper sulphate to lime milk

The maximum concentration of Bordeaux liquid is 3% (300 g of copper sulfate and 400 g of lime). Gooseberry bushes are sprayed with this solution in early spring or late autumn. After the procedure, a bluish coating remains on the shoots for a long time, this is normal. If in the spring the kidneys have already “woke up”, turning into green cones, the optimal concentration is 1%. The consumption rate per bush is 1.5–2 liters.

Spraying is carried out in dry, cool, calm weather, before 10:00 or after 18:00. It is desirable that the solution gets to the soil in a minimum amount. It is best to pre-close it with plastic wrap, roofing material, slate sheets, and so on.

The effect of treatment with Bordeaux liquid lasts about a month

Bordeaux liquid is an alternative to copper sulphate, so processing is carried out in the same time frame. The period of its action is longer - 25-30 days, it is not washed off by rain. It is also a source of calcium for gooseberry bushes. However, the solution is more toxic, not only for plants, but also for humans, pets, therefore, in the process of its preparation and spraying, it is necessary to use rubber gloves, a respirator, and other means. personal protection.

Video: how to cook Bordeaux liquid

How to protect gooseberries from common diseases

Diseases, especially fungal ones, are a real scourge of gooseberries. Some gardeners, because of this, do not even risk planting bushes on the site. But proper prevention can minimize the risk of infection.


Gooseberry scab first appears on the leaves. They show small, as if velvety, olive-colored spots. Gradually, they increase in size, change color to dark brown, the leaves themselves turn completely yellow. Then the disease spreads to the berries. The spots on them are vague, beige, resembling a film. Over time, their surface cracks, the fruits shrivel, blacken and rot. The risk of infection with scab is especially high if the summer is cold and rainy.

First of all, scab appears on gooseberry leaves.

Often the gardener himself is to blame for the spread of the disease. This is facilitated by the thickening of plantings, the choice of an unsuitable place (lowlands, where cold, moist air stagnates for a long time or an area where ground water get too close to the surface), excessive application of nitrogen-containing fertilizers.

Scab-affected gooseberries quickly begin to rot

Since the scab-causing fungus overwinters in fallen leaves, in autumn the soil under the bush must be cleared of plant debris and deeply loosened. Severely affected branches should be cut off and burned as soon as possible. There are also fungus-resistant varieties - Houghton, Date, African, Bottle Green, Chernysh.

The gooseberry variety Date, in addition to other undoubted advantages, also has resistance to scab

The best preparations for scab control are fungicides. For prevention, the bushes are sprayed in early spring. If Bordeaux liquid or copper sulphate is used, treatment is carried out on unopened buds, other means (HOM, Oxyhom, Abiga-Peak, Kuprozan, Oleocuprit) - on freshly blossoming leaves. The second procedure is carried out 7-12 days after the first, the last - in the fall.

A solution of Kuprozan, like other fungicides, is prepared in strict accordance with the instructions given by the manufacturer in the instructions

Folk remedies are used mainly for the prevention of scab. They are not able to stop the spread of the disease and destroy the fungus. The validity period is approximately 7–12 days (or until the first rain). Then the processing will need to be repeated.

  • Salt solution (100 g per liter of water). It must not be allowed to fall on the ground. On such beds, nothing will grow at all.
  • Infusion of horsetail rhizomes. Finely chopped raw materials fill a third of the volume of a 10-liter bucket, the rest is topped up warm water. The remedy is infused for 3-4 days, filtered before use.

Horsetail is a plant familiar to many, the rhizomes of which are used to prepare an infusion for the prevention of scab

powdery mildew

Powdery mildew is the most dangerous disease for gooseberries, from which this crop suffers very often. Spores of a pathogenic fungus are carried by wind or insects. The leaves affected by the disease are covered with a grayish-white coating, similar to scattered powder or flour, after a few weeks it turns brown and “compacts”, turning into solid spots. Leaf plates are twisted into a tube and dry out. Then the fungus spreads to shoots and fruits. The skin of such berries turns brown and coarsens, they fall off, they cannot be eaten.

It is very easy to identify powdery mildew, but getting rid of it is quite difficult.

Warm weather promotes the spread of the fungus and high humidity. Old bushes most often suffer from the disease.

Eating gooseberries infected with powdery mildew is strongly discouraged.

As a rule, the first signs of the development of powdery mildew are already noticeable at the end of spring. The fungus spreads from the bottom up, so you need to inspect the lower shoots and young shoots most carefully. There are also disease-resistant varieties - Mashenka, Grushenka, Harlequin, Kolobok, Senator, African, Ural grapes, Finnish, Yubileiny.

Gooseberry Grushenka is not only very beautiful and tasty, it also has an “innate” immunity to powdery mildew

You also need to be careful with top dressing - potassium and phosphorus increase resistance to powdery mildew, nitrogen, on the contrary, slows down the development of young shoots, making them more susceptible to it. During the summer, it is useful to spray the bushes 2-3 times with a solution of simple superphosphate (50 g) and potassium sulfate (20 g) in 10 liters of water. To enhance the effect, potassium permanganate (3–5 g) is added.

To prevent powdery mildew, leaf buds that have just begun to swell are poured over with boiling water or a solution of potassium permanganate (15 g per 10 l of water). The soil under the bush is dusted with Gaupsin, Gliocladin or Trichodermin, shed with Fitosporin solution. Then, before flowering and immediately after it, Topaz, Thiovit, Vectra, HOM preparations are used. The last treatment is in another 7-10 days.

The drug Topaz, along with some others, is used to prevent powdery mildew on gooseberries.

Gooseberries are treated with folk remedies from mid-April to autumn with an interval of 10-12 days:

  • A solution of soda ash (50 g per 10 liters of water). To make it better "stick" to the leaves and shoots, you can add a little household or green potash soap, grated on a fine grater. To enhance the effect - 2-3 powdered aspirin tablets.
  • Wood Ash Infusion ( liter jar for 3 liters of boiling water). The remedy is insisted for 2-3 days, filtered before use. It is also an effective foliar top dressing containing potassium and phosphorus.
  • Kefir or sour milk. Diluted with water in a ratio of 1:8. The spores of the fungus and mycelium do not tolerate the acidic environment at all.

Kefir is an acidic environment, and the spores of most pathogenic fungi do not like it very much.

At the first signs of the disease, the bushes are treated with Nitrafen (200 g per 10 liters of water). Then twice with an interval of 10-12 days apply Cumulus, Skor. Bushes heavily affected by powdery mildew can only be uprooted and burned. The soil in this place and the nearby bushes are treated with the same solution.

Nitrafen gooseberry bushes and the soil under them should be treated as early as possible, upon detection of the first suspicious symptoms.

Video: how to deal with powdery mildew on gooseberries


The presence of a large number of lichens on a gooseberry bush, as a rule, indicates its aging, uncontrolled growth of the crown, or that the shoots froze in winter or received sunburn. Another one possible reason- Wrong choice of landing site (melt water stands for a long time under the bush, groundwater is close to the surface).

The best prevention of the appearance of lichen on gooseberries is competent and regular pruning. The crown should be evenly illuminated by the sun, it is also important to ensure good aeration. Every five years, it is desirable to rejuvenate the bush, cutting off all shoots older than this age to the point of growth. In early spring gooseberries are sprayed with a solution of iron sulfate (350-400 g per 10 liters of water).

Spraying with iron sulphate - quite effective prevention the appearance of lichen on berry bushes and fruit trees

The discovered lichens are cleaned from the bush with an ordinary plastic washcloth. You can also use a clothes brush, a wire “sponge” for dishes, a rough cloth like matting, or a simple chip (but nothing sharp so as not to injure the wood). It is best to do this after rain. Lichens absorb moisture, soften, becoming like a sponge.

The cleaned areas of the bark are disinfected by washing with laundry soap foam, a 2% solution of copper sulphate, or rubbing with gruel from sorrel leaves. The exfoliated bark is carefully removed, the existing cracks are cleaned with fine sandpaper. "Wounds" are covered with garden pitch, a mixture of fresh cow dung, powdered clay and wood ash, or covered oil paint in several layers.

Video: how to get rid of moss and lichens on bushes and trees

Folk remedies for the prevention of diseases and pest attacks

Folk remedies are also useful, but rather for the prevention of diseases. By the way, they help to scare away from bushes and many harmful insects, which for some reason have a special love for gooseberries. At the first signs of the development of the disease, it makes no sense to use them. You can only waste time when the bush could still be saved.

But compared to chemicals, they have one undoubted advantage. Folk remedies do not harm the plant and man. Accordingly, bushes can be processed an unlimited number of times during the season. The effect of the treatment lasts for 7-12 days (or until the first rain).

As practice shows, the following means are most effective:

  • Garlic infusion. It is used for the prevention of scab, rust, repelling aphids and kidney mites. Approximately 0.5 kg of arrows and / or garlic cloves are crushed, pour 3 liters of hot water. After 3-4 days, the infusion is filtered, the thick at the bottom is squeezed out, before use it is diluted with water, bringing its volume to 10 liters.
  • A decoction of wormwood leaves. Helps protect bushes from attack by caterpillars of sucker, aphids, gooseberry moth. 100 g of dry leaves are boiled in a water bath for 25–30 minutes, an infusion of fresh chicken manure (1 kg per 3–4 l of water) is added, mixed well, topped up with water, bringing the total volume to 10 l.
  • Infusion of mustard powder. Repels sawflies and all kinds of caterpillars. 100 g of powder is poured with a liter of water, insisted for 2-3 days. Before use, filter and dilute with water 1: 2.
  • Infusion of tobacco. Destroys spores of most pathogenic fungi, repels bud mites, gooseberry moth. About 250 g of dry leaves (preferably grown on their own) or tobacco dust are poured into 10 liters of water, insisted for 2-3 hours, filtered before use. Only a freshly prepared product has the effect; it cannot be stored, even for several hours. You can simply dust the flowering and fruiting bushes with tobacco dust.
  • Infusion of celandine. Leaves and stems (3-4 kg) are crushed, pour 10 liters of water. The tool is ready in 1.5-2 days. Dry leaves of this plant can be ground into powder and dusted with gooseberry bushes, the soil under them.
  • Infusion of onion peel. Especially effective against aphids. 200 g of raw materials are poured into 10 liters of warm water, insisted for 10-14 hours. More than a day the product is not stored.
  • A decoction of tomato tops. Almost all pests do not like its pungent smell. 2-3 kg of chopped raw materials are poured into 5 liters of water, insisted for several hours. Then add the same amount of water, and boil for half an hour in a water bath. The finished product is cooled and diluted with water 1:4. If necessary, it can be stored in a hermetically sealed container for 4–6 months. Similarly, a decoction of tansy is prepared to help protect the bushes from the gooseberry moth.
  • Infusion of rotten hay. A third of a 10-liter bucket is filled with raw materials, the rest is topped up with water. Insist 3-4 days. Before use, filter and dilute with water 1: 3.

Photo gallery: what folk remedies can be used to process gooseberry bushes

Garlic arrows have the same properties as cloves Fresh and dry leaves of wormwood, especially bitter - source natural fungicides
Mustard powder can also be used in dry form for dusting leaves and soil under gooseberry bushes. Self-grown tobacco is a much more effective tool than purchased Celandine is widely used not only in folk medicine, but also in horticulture The pungent smell of onion peel repels many pests Tomato leaves have a characteristic strong odor - it “interrupts” the smell of gooseberry leaves, confusing insects An infusion of rotten hay is used to combat aphids, caterpillars of the gooseberry moth

Attacking gooseberry bushes of the disease are the cause of a significant decrease in yield, and can even lead to the death of the bush. Therefore, preventive treatments in spring and autumn, as well as regular examinations for suspicious symptoms for this crop, are a must. For prevention, you can use folk remedies. But if the infection has already spread massively, only insecticides or preparations of biological origin can help.

The currant, and its closest relative the gooseberry, are among the most popular and loved by all garden berry crops. Unfortunately, the danger to plants is not only frost and dry summers, from which the bushes can be protected. Pests and various diseases pose a much greater threat.

Why are berry bushes processed in spring

It is not enough just to plant any berry shrub in order to regularly receive abundant harvests. After planting, it is the turn of no less, and sometimes even more important plant care measures. One of these procedures is the treatment of fruit bushes from diseases and pests.

Did you know? The largest currant crops in the world are obtained in Russia, followed by Poland and Germany in terms of the volume of berries grown. In Russia itself, most of the crop of this crop is grown in Siberia.

From pests

Despite the fact that many modern varieties of fruit and berry crops are resistant to pests, insects and arachnids pose a threat to the normal growth and development of most plants. The danger of pests, in addition to eating and destroying the plant and its parts, lies in the transfer of viruses by insects.

Very many pests before fruiting or shortly after it move from the bush to the soil next to it. In the root region, they hibernate, thus spending the winter. They wake up in the spring, after the soil warms up.

In order to minimize the risk of pests on garden plantings and destroy the larvae already in the garden, they are processed in the fall. And to consolidate the results of autumn procedures and destroy the remaining larvae, spraying with insecticides and acaricides is repeated in early spring.

From diseases

Diseases of garden shrubs are fungal, viral and bacterial. Bacterial, such as root and stem cancer, do not pose a great danger; it does not make sense to use chemicals to treat them. It is enough to make feeding on time, the bacteria will die on their own.
Pathogens especially react to superphosphate.

Diseases caused by viruses are not treated, but for another reason - there are no effective methods for treating such diseases. the only in an efficient way The fight against viruses is the speedy removal of the affected plant and the destruction of all its parts outside the garden.

The most common diseases of gooseberries and currants are fungal diseases - they are treated quite well, especially if they were diagnosed early. Fungal diseases include anthracnose, powdery mildew, white spot, rust, septoria, etc.

Did you know?In unripe currant berries, the content of ascorbic acid is 4 times higher than in ripe ones. In overripe fruits, the concentration of vitamin C is even lower.

Spring treatment for possible diseases is carried out in order to prevent the development of the disease, to destroy the spores of fungi remaining from the last season. Processing is carried out most often in early spring, before the start of active sap flow, that is, before bud break.

Preparation of tools and security measures

For effective and safe treatment of plants, you should properly prepare for the event. Do not forget that you will be dealing with dangerous poisons.

The procedure is performed using a spray gun, a watering can (sprinkling method), a special fine-mesh sieve (dusting). Depending on the size of the bush and the concentration of the solution, 1–1.5 liters of the drug is usually used to treat one plant.

For processing plants, you will need personal protective equipment. It's best, of course, to use a suit chemical protection, but not everyone has it, so for the procedure, take those things that can be found in any home:

  • robe;
  • headdress;
  • mask;
  • respirator;
  • glasses;
  • apron;
  • shoes ( a good option- rubber boots).

After treatment, clothes and shoes should be washed under running water.

Of the tools you will need:

  • a container for preparing the solution (it should not be used for any other purpose);
  • watering can;
  • spray;
  • sieve for dusting;
  • secateurs, to remove previously unnoticed parts of plants that need to be cut.

In addition, it is necessary to remember some rules for preparing solutions:

  • make the processing tool in accordance with the instructions;
  • before preparing the drug, study in detail the instructions that are attached to it, and the precautions indicated in it;
  • make such an amount of solution that it is enough for one procedure, there should not be any excess;
  • ampoules and vials of drugs should be buried to a depth of at least 35–40 cm, away from water bodies;
  • prepare the product near the treatment site in the open air, in overalls, a mask and special glasses that reliably protect your eyes;
  • in case of accidental contact with skin or eyes, rinse with more and more water (if nothing is indicated separately in the instructions);
  • in case of inhalation of vapors or ingestion of drugs, drink activated charcoal (1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight) or a pink solution of potassium permanganate and consult a doctor.

Did you know? The Latin name "ribas" currant is due to the Arabs, who so called their favorite rhubarb. During the period of the reconquista, the Arabs who conquered Spain did not find the plant they adored there, and so named the berries, vaguely reminiscent of it in taste.

Treatment of berry bushes from pests

First of all, shrubs should be prepared for the upcoming procedure. Regardless of what preparations you will treat the plant with, you must first do the following manipulations with it:

  1. Delete all old branches.
  2. Trim dead, dry, damaged and diseased branches and leaves.
  3. Cut off shoots that will no longer bloom.

For the treatment of fruit bushes, one type of preparation is used, or tank mixtures are used - means of universal action.

Application of funds different type action contributes to a more complex solution of the problem. Do not forget that the timely application of dressings significantly enhances the immune system, and therefore the resistance of the crop to diseases, its resistance to pests.

Important!When compiling tank mixtures, their compatibility must be taken into account. If, when preparing a protective agent, you observe chemical reaction(release of heat or gases, active seething, etc.) or precipitation, treatment with such a solution will not have the desired effect, but it can be harmful.

Treatment of plants with fungicides and insecticides can be of the following types:
  • preventive, in order to prevent outbreaks of disease and pest attacks;
  • therapeutic, the main purpose of which is the destruction of pathogens, insects and arachnids;
  • point, in which only the part of the bush affected by the disease is treated.

An approximate schedule for spraying currants and gooseberries (if there are no separate instructions) is as follows:

Fungicides are used to prevent and treat fungal diseases. Such diseases include powdery mildew, anthracnose, white and purple spotting, goblet and columnar rust, drying of shoots, gray rot, etc.

The table below shows the means of combating diseases caused by fungi, their dosage and treatment features.

A drug Dosage Processing Features
Bordeaux mixturesolution 1%The first treatment is before bud break, immediately after the snow melts. Repeated procedure - when the buds appear. The last spraying is carried out 14–16 days before harvest.
blue vitriolsolution 20 g/10 l of waterDuring the entire growing season, starting from March, the last time 2 weeks before fruiting.
Speed2 ml/10 lThroughout the growing season. From moniliosis (fruit rot) is ineffective, in this case, "Skor" is alternated with the drug "Horus". In case of powdery mildew, alternate with Topaz.
"Ridomil Gold"25 g/10 lIn early spring, before the buds swell.
"Arceride"30 g/10 lThe first treatment - before the start of active sap flow, no more than four procedures per growing season.
"Topaz"2 ml/10 lDuring the entire growing season, when the first symptoms of the disease appear, but not more than four times per season. The last spraying is carried out no later than 2 weeks before harvest. Preventive treatment is carried out during the formation of the first inflorescences and after the flowering of the culture.
HOM40 g/10 lFrom the beginning of the growing season, every 10-14 days. Last time - 2 weeks before harvest.
"Thiovit-Jet"30 g/10 lSpraying with an interval of 7-14 days. If the weather is rainy, the procedure is performed once a week, with normal rainfall - every two weeks.


Insecticides - preparations for combating insect pests, acaricides are designed to kill mites that belong to the family of Arachnids. Most of the drugs listed below are effective against both insects and mites, being, in fact, insectoacaricides.

Important!All biological preparations must be used within two hours after preparation, otherwise they will lose their effectiveness.

A drug Dosage Processing Features
Karbofos60 g/10 l waterInsecticide of contact-intestinal action, used at the first sign of the appearance of pests. The first time is used when the daytime temperature rises to +12 ... + 15 ° C, again - after 2 weeks.
"Aktara"1.4 g/10 lThe first treatment is before flowering, the second - after harvest.
"Aktellik"10 ml/10 lThe drug belongs to insectoacaricides, effective, including against ticks. Apply before active sap flow and after harvest. If necessary, in the spring, repeat the treatment after 2 weeks, but no later than 15–17 days before harvesting.
Iskra-M10 ml/10 lApply before budding, or after fruit picking.


Biological preparations have a milder effect than chemical agents. This circumstance is, on the one hand, their advantage, on the other hand, a disadvantage. Due to the fact that such agents do not have a strong toxic effect, they can be used with the least precautions.

It is acceptable to use biological products shortly and even during the fruiting period. But due to the softness of the impact of biological agents, they are effective only on early stages diseases.
Biological products are bacterial (the main effect is due to microorganisms and their metabolic products) and fungal (they act due to fungal spores).

Biological products are bacterial (the main effect is due to microorganisms and their metabolic products) and fungal (they act due to fungal spores).

According to the intended use, they are divided into:

  • biofungicides (against fungal diseases);
  • bioinsecticides/bioacaricides/bioinsectoacaricides (against insects and arachnids).
A drug Dosage Application features
"Fitosporin-M"according to instructionsThe biofungicide is applied throughout the growing season, 3-4 times every 2 weeks.
"Lepidocide"20–30 g/lThe insecticide is used throughout the growing season, re-treatment 1–1.5 weeks after the first.
"Bitoxibacillin"25 g/lInsectoacaricide is an analogue of Lepidocide, only with more a wide range actions. The application features are the same.
"Trichodermin"150 ml/10 lBiofungicide, a feature of which is the ability to use even in the rain, as the drug adheres very well to the surface. Apply 3-4 times every two weeks.
"Dendrobacillin"according to instructionsThe insecticide is applied once during budding, 2-3 times during fruit ripening.
"Fitoverm"20 ml/10 lInsectoacaricide is used during the entire growing season as needed (when pests are detected).

Folk methods

There is quite a large number of folk methods of treating diseases of fruit bushes, as well as getting rid of pests. Below we will talk about the most popular means that have proven their effectiveness.

Baking soda. Treatment of fruit crops with a solution of soda against powdery mildew. Prepare the solution as follows:

  1. In two liters of water, dissolve 2 tbsp. l. soda and 1 tbsp. l. any liquid detergent (for dishes, etc.).
  2. Plants are treated with the resulting solution every 7-10 days before sunrise or after sunset, until the fungus is completely destroyed.

Spraying with this agent shows good results in the fight against fruit rot and aphids. A solution against fruit rot is prepared as follows:

  1. Dissolve 10 ml of iodine (5%) in 10 liters of water.
  2. Spraying of landings is carried out every 20 days.

The remedy for fighting aphids is done like this:

  1. Mix 100 ml of warm milk, 0.5 ml of iodine and 1 liter of water.
  2. Spray planting every 10 days.

Boiling water. With the help of this tool, insect larvae and fungal spores are destroyed. Boiling water treatment is used only during the dormant period of the plant - before the start of active sap flow in spring or autumn after the leaves are shed. Boiling water is necessary to scald each stem.

Important! The temperature of the water used for watering plants should not exceed 80° C. On average, one bucket of boiling water is needed per bush.

Spraying with the drug is carried out to destroy aphids. The procedure is performed in the following order:

  1. Mix 50 ml of ammonia and 50 g of grated laundry soap (72%) with 10 liters of water.
  2. Spray plantings once per growing season.

Garlic water. Spraying with infusion of leaves or fruits of garlic helps to expel mites and aphids from plants.
Prepare the solution as follows:

  1. Chop garlic cloves (400 g), stir in one bucket of water.
  2. Chop 100 g of green garlic leaves, put in a bucket of water and garlic cloves, let it brew for two days.
  3. After the specified time, strain the infusion, spray it with planting gooseberries and currants.

Infusion of tobacco. Most pests do not tolerate nicotine solution. Prepare the remedy as follows:

  1. Tobacco dust (0.4 kg) pour 10 liters of warm water, mix.
  2. Let it brew for 50-55 hours, strain.
  3. Before spraying, the solution is diluted with water in equal parts, add detergent(1 tbsp. / 1 ​​liter of finished product).
  4. Spraying is carried out, starting in early spring, once a week.

Infusion of celandine. The acids and alkaloids contained in the plant are able to effectively fight against most pests.

Prepare the infusion in this way:

  1. Dig up 4 bushes of celandine with the root during the flowering period.
  2. Finely chop the plant, pour 10 liters of water, let it brew for 1/2 hour.
  3. After the infusion becomes dark orange, it can be used.

In addition to being effective against many pests, it can prevent the development of certain diseases in the early stages (powdery mildew, rust, spotting).

Infusion preparation:

  1. Mustard powder (100 g) dissolve in 10 liters of boiling water. Let it brew for a day.
  2. Dilute in equal parts with soapy water before use.

Green soap. The product is prepared from potassium salt, fats of vegetable and animal origin and water. Green soap is quite effective against aphids, mites, sawfly. Works well as a prophylaxis against powdery mildew and rust.

Important! Green soap reinforces the effect of insecticides used earlier to kill pests.

As a result of treatment with the agent, a film is formed on the surface of the sheet plate. This film does not allow fungal spores to penetrate the leaf, and also makes it difficult for pests to live. Green soap can be used mixed with mustard or tobacco powder.

Ash is a valuable potassium-phosphorus top dressing, in addition, it is able to suppress the vital activity of pests. The fact is that an aqueous solution of ash is an alkali that aphids, moths, and sawflies cannot tolerate. An effective remedy for the prevention of powdery mildew.

Prepare the infusion as follows:

  1. Dissolve 0.4 kg of sifted ash in one bucket of water (+65...+75°C).
  2. Infuse the solution for 50–55 hours, add 2–3 tbsp. l. detergent.
  3. Spray bushes thoroughly on all sides. You can add mustard powder or tobacco dust to the infusion.

A universal remedy against most pests and fungal diseases. To prepare the solution, you will need the following ingredients:

  • birch tar - 30 ml (one bottle);
  • fir oil - 30 ml;
  • ammonia - 30 ml;
  • iodine solution (5%) - 25 ml;
  • boric acid - 10 g;
  • warm water - 5 l.

Video: mixture against diseases and pests

To process gooseberries, black and red currants, and other garden shrubs, you need to mix all the ingredients and spray the plantings.

Mistakes in the spring processing of gooseberries and currants

Among the most common mistakes common to both beginners and experienced gardeners, we can distinguish the following:

  1. Treatment of plants with insecticides during flowering. Carrying out the procedure for this stage vegetation can lead to the accumulation of toxins in the bud, making the fruit unfit for consumption.
  2. Carrying out processing in rainy, sunny and windy weather. Rain can wash off drugs, wind can blow them away, and the sun's rays can cause burns.
  3. Failure to comply with the proportions of the solution during its preparation. A solution of low concentration may be ineffective, a product with a high content of the active substance can not only harm the plant, but also lead to its death.
Spring processing of gooseberries and currants from pests and diseases is an extremely important and necessary procedure. If you want to keep your plants healthy and receive regular bountiful harvest, it is necessary to carry out the relevant activities on time and in full accordance with the instructions.

In the spring, nature begins to wake up, the snow quickly melts and life begins to boil again in summer cottages. But with the advent of spring, not only nature and summer residents come to life, but also various pests are activated, which successfully endured the winter near berry bushes.

Berry crops are very popular with gardeners and at any suburban area they are bound to meet. Moreover, every amateur gardener wants to collect good harvest, but dangerous pests can nullify all his efforts.

Almost all pests winter time on the branches of bushes or in the soil near the plant. To cope with colonies of overwintering pests and infections, it is very important spring processing of gooseberries and currants when there is still snow in the garden.

In this article, we will take a closer look at the fight against pests and diseases on currant and gooseberry bushes. They are similar in external structure to each other and are typical berry bushes and differ significantly from semi-shrubs in terms of cultivation technique.

This is perennials 1-2 m high, with a crown of various shapes, containing 10-25 branches of different ages. The root system is fibrous, located at a depth of about 60 cm. The life expectancy of a bush is no more than 17 years.

Renewal of currant and gooseberry bushes occurs due to root shoots formed from underground buds. Over the next three years, they actively branch off and are the most valuable organs of the bush. It is on these branches that the bulk of the crop is formed.

Of particular value is blackcurrant, the berries of which are rich in vitamin C. Gooseberries also have a rather high content of vitamin C, and most importantly, when fully ripe, they accumulate a large amount of sugars and occupies one of the first places among berry crops.

These fruit bushes pests and diseases attack from all sides. Bud moths, caterpillars, aphid eggs and powdery mildew bodies spend the winter on their shoots. Inside the shoots and buds are glass caterpillars and a kidney mite. On fallen leaves, the fruiting bodies of anthracnose and female spider mites perfectly tolerate winter.

In early spring, it is necessary to destroy pests and carry out preventive measures against plant diseases.

First of all, on a dry spring day, you need to carefully examine the bushes for the presence of dry, diseased and damaged branches. The plant must be freed from them and cut the tops of frozen shoots to healthy buds. Fallen leaves will also need to be removed, since most insects winter in them and, with the onset of spring, they begin to actively move to gooseberry and currant bushes.

But effective spring treatment of currants and gooseberries from pests will be only if you know the characteristics of the life of the pest, their characteristics, vulnerable phases of its development, when larvae, caterpillars and butterflies can be destroyed by spraying.

When to treat shrubs

Do it in the spring when the buds are just starting to open. It is better to process shrubs in warm, dry weather, when the temperature reaches about + 18 ° C.

It is difficult to limit processing dates, because spring is always full of surprises and comes at a certain time in different regions. Therefore, it is necessary to observe the weather and plants in the garden.

How to process gooseberries and currants?


This pest most often affects the shoots and leaves of fruit bushes. The result of his life is a violation of the growth and appearance of young shoots. They are bent, and the leaves are noticeably curled. The main localization of these insects is the inner half of the leaf, while yellow or red swellings form on top.


Getting rid of this insect is not easy, because aphids multiply very quickly. Therefore, treatment with infusions is carried out weekly and only Fitoverm helps to maintain the effect for up to one month.

Bud currant mite

When many dried brown buds are found, from which many seek to get rid of it faster, this is a kidney flare. Gardeners believe that this way they will get rid of the tick that was in them. But this is not so, because for its growth, the tick chooses young blossoming buds.

Usually, many mites accumulate in one kidney, which become crowded as they grow. They quickly spread to other kidneys and can cause viral disease- terry, when thin needles are formed instead of fruits.

Processing and control methods

  • If the damage to the kidneys is small, then you need to cut off the affected branches and burn them.
  • When most of the buds are affected on the bush, it is better to completely cut and burn this plant.
  • After removing diseased buds from gooseberry and currant branches, it is treated with a solution of crushed garlic, birch tar, onion peel and mustard powder. All components must be mixed in a large bucket, pour water and insist for a day.
  • It helps to process gooseberries and currants before flowering with a suspension of colloidal sulfur (75 g per bucket of water).
  • You can use a solution of fufanon or karate, with which the bushes are treated until the buds swell and flowers appear.


Scale insects suck the juice from plants and secrete a sticky liquid, which leads to the drying of branches and the death of young plantings.


Soapy solution with the addition of kerosene, which is used to treat currant and gooseberry branches affected by the scab.

Interestingly, many pests cannot stand the smell of kerosene. Fitoverm is also used for this purpose.


This insect is a white caterpillar with a brown head, which settles inside gooseberry and currant branches. The vitreous can destroy most of the crop, as it develops butterflies in its passages, which leave their nests at the end of the flowering period. They quickly lay eggs on damaged areas of the bark, after 10 - 12 days caterpillars appear, which begin to eat away the core of the branches.


  • It is necessary to cut off the branches damaged by the caterpillars and burn them.
  • You can treat the shrub with biological preparations (lepidocid, phytoverm, bitoxibacillin).
  • Of the chemical means of control, Fufanon, Kemifos, Kinmiks give a good effect, the processing of which must be carried out after the flowering of the berries.

It is very difficult to get rid of such a pest, because it is localized inside the branches of shrubs. For this reason, you should carefully choose the material for planting gooseberries or currants.

Fireflies and sawyers

The most dangerous garden pests. Their butterflies fly out from under the bushes during flowering, so it's best not to let them out of the soil at all. To do this, the ground under the bushes must be covered with dense material and the edges should be pressed well. This procedure is done even before the flowering of plants.

Sawflies lay their eggs in large green berries, and when the caterpillars eat the seeds in them, the fruits turn ripe. These berries on gooseberries and currants must be immediately collected and destroyed, otherwise the caterpillars will descend into the ground to produce a new generation.


  • Bushes are sprayed with infusions of plants with phytoncides (garlic, tomatoes, horseradish, nightshade and wormwood).
  • If there is no time to collect berries, then the bushes can be sprayed with Fitoverm.
  • Moth butterflies do not yet tolerate the smell of tar, turpentine and kerosene. A small amount of such liquids can be put in jars under the bushes. It is also useful to powder gooseberries with ash or tobacco dust during flowering.
  • So that moths and sawflies cannot hide in the ground under shrubs, the soil must be well loosened in summer and late autumn.

powdery mildew

The spores of this fungus can be rapidly carried by the wind in the spring, and once on the plants, they instantly germinate. Then the tops of the shoots are covered with a white coating, similar to flour.



The most common disease of fruit plants, when small brown spots appear on the leaves. Then the gooseberry and currant leaves become dark in color, dry and fall off. Most often, anthracnose is localized on the underside of the leaves and at the base of the shrub.


  • by the most effective drug to combat this disease is the well-known Bordeaux liquid, which is treated with gooseberries and currants even before the appearance of young leaves.
  • If anthracnose is found on late term, bushes are sprayed with phytosporin, acrobat or previkur.
  • Good results are shown by the treatment of fruit bushes with a 3% solution of copper sulfate (300 g per 10 liters of water).

Other processing methods

  • To scare away leaf-eating and other other pests, it is good to plant marigolds, tomatoes, calendula, garden mint and tansy between berry bushes.
  • You can lay out sprigs of wormwood and elderberry between the bushes.
  • In early spring, even before bud break, it is very effective to water currant and gooseberry bushes. hot water with the addition of aspirin. The branches of the plant will not be affected, but a large number of pests will simply die.

It is important to cultivate not only the berry bushes themselves, but also the soil around them, because the earth often becomes a refuge for harmful insects.

Treatment of plants with chemicals should be carried out with extreme caution., because they kill not only pests and diseases, but also beneficial microorganisms. An excellent assistant in the fight against pests and diseases are folk methods, which do not poison the crop, and the invested work pays off with the benefits of grown berries.