The duration of the magnetotherapy procedure. The use of magnetotherapy in gynecology. Historical information about magnetotherapy

The phenomena of magnetism have been known to man since ancient times. For example, in Ancient China and India, many diseases were treated by applying magnetic stones to sore spots. It is known that Cleopatra, the Egyptian queen, used the miraculous properties of magnetic amulets to preserve youth, beauty and health.

Magnetic therapy was most widely used in the 18th century. First, it began to be used in France, and then it came to America. In those days, they used rather primitive methods using all kinds of magnetic bracelets, insoles and belts. Already in the 20th century, magnetotherapy was recognized as an official medical technique and since then has been an integral part of physiotherapy.

Indications for magnetotherapy

The magnetic field has an extensive therapeutic effect, so it can be used to treat a variety of diseases. To date, numerous studies already allow us to speak with confidence about the beneficial effects of magnetotherapy on human body generally.

The main indications for magnetotherapy are:

  • Improvement of blood circulation and general condition of blood cells;
  • Stimulation of enzyme systems;
  • Restoration of the normal polarity of cells, which is disturbed as a result of pathological changes in tissues and organs.

Description of the magnetotherapy method

Depending on the indications for magnetotherapy, both stationary and portable devices can be used.

Portable devices are ideal for magnetic therapy at home. For this purpose, two working surfaces of the device are applied to certain active zones. Inside the surfaces are induction coils, with the help of which a magnetic field is generated. Magnetotherapy at home is convenient because it can be carried out at any time. You can set the desired mode and time after which the portable device is removed.

Stationary equipment is a large inductor in which a person is placed in a completely horizontal position. At the same time, the patient's head is outside, which is very convenient for people suffering from claustrophobia. The device turns on, and the patient simply lies down for the required amount of time.

Since the magnetic field is not a physical substance and not an electrical impulse, a person cannot feel it. Therefore, according to reviews, magnetotherapy is not accompanied by any sensations.

Consequences of magnetotherapy

Magnetotherapy, according to reviews, perfectly copes with the consequences of asthenic syndrome. Therefore, this method is very popular as part of the complex treatment of alcoholism. It is a fact that after several sessions of magnetic therapy, approximately 70% of patients experience significant relief.

Magnetotherapy activates the internal biological reserves of the body and helps to consolidate the effect of drug treatment for a longer period.

As part of complex treatment, magnetotherapy helps to restore the normal functioning of organs at the cellular level. As a result of exposure to magnetic radiation, the intellectual functions of the brain are restored.

Actually, the recognition of magnetotherapy as an official technique already speaks of its high efficiency. Physiotherapists often use this method in the treatment of many diseases.

Patients note in the reviews of magnetotherapy a significant improvement in the general condition of the body, raising the mood, the disappearance of any sleep problems (difficulty falling asleep, insomnia, etc.). Many note an increase in the level of working capacity, an improvement in mental activity, the disappearance of autonomic disorders (jumps in blood pressure, headaches, a feeling of muscle weakness).

Contraindications to magnetotherapy

The method of magnetotherapy has a prolonged period of action. For example, an ordinary taken pill acts for several hours, but a session of magnetotherapy acts on the body for several days. That is why, despite all the seeming safety of the method, you should not use it uncontrollably. This is especially true of magnetic therapy at home. Clear instructions must be followed and the magnetic exposure time must not be exceeded.

Absolute contraindications to magnetotherapy are:

  • Cardiovascular diseases in the stage of decompensation (heart failure stage 2-3, aneurysm of the heart, large vessels or aorta, pre- or post-infarction period, severe cardiac arrhythmias);
  • active tuberculosis;
  • The patient has a pacemaker;
  • Increased tendency to bleeding;
  • Acute mental disorders (paranoid states, schizophrenia, psychoses);
  • Infectious diseases in an active form;
  • Systemic blood diseases;
  • Alcohol intoxication;
  • Sharp general exhaustion;
  • Thrombosis, including recurrent, as well as thromboembolic complications;
  • Any condition accompanied by elevated body temperature;
  • Diseases of the peripheral and central nervous systems (injuries of the spinal cord and spine, ischemic spinal strokes, cerebrovascular accident);
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (stomach and duodenal ulcer, colitis, biliary dyskinesia, chronic gastritis);
  • Sharp and chronic diseases genitourinary system (prostatitis, cystitis, menopause, painful menstruation, etc.);
  • Skin diseases (burns, frostbite, eczema, bedsores, flaccid wounds).

In addition, there are some individual contraindications to magnetic therapy.

Magnet Physiotherapy is a method of treatment using high and low frequency magnetic fields. These fields (variable and constant) are generated in intermittent or continuous mode with different shapes, frequencies and durations of pulses. Under the influence of a magnet, electric currents appear in the tissues, as a result of which biophysical and biochemical processes begin to activate in our body. More enters the cells useful substances and harmful ones are removed. As a result, the general condition of the body improves.

The use of magnetotherapy by our ancestors

For medical purposes, the magnet began to be used a long time ago. Historians and scientists have repeatedly proven that even the ancient Greeks, Egyptians and Chinese used magnets to treat various ailments. It is known that she even wore small magnets on her head to preserve her beauty and youth.

Philosophers also mentioned healing: Aristotle, Paracelsus and Pliny the Elder. In the 18th century, special medical books were written about how to use a magnet. In those distant times, the simplest physiotherapy in the form of compresses, cans, ice packs and heating pads was also popular.

Elementary procedures showed an amazing therapeutic effect. Today, magnetotherapy is no less in demand and is used in almost all medical institutions. This popularity is primarily due to the fact that electricity contributes to the normalization of blood pressure, has a beneficial effect on the endocrine and immune system. Its range of action is very wide.

Medicinal properties

Skepticism and irony about the therapeutic effect of the magnet is understandable, since the electric current has no color, no taste, no smell. But, despite this, physiotherapy-magnet has truly amazing medicinal properties and helps people cope with serious illnesses. Permanent magnetic waves have a healing and calming effect on the human body.

Impulse and variable fields, on the contrary, act more aggressively. The magnet is truly unique, it penetrates deep tissues (up to the nerve endings) and relieves inflammation. Clinical trials have shown that this treatment method helps to cope with chronic depression.

The main result of the action of these fields is the complete relaxation of the muscles. A person improves blood circulation in the vessels, accelerates the removal of toxic substances and lactic acid, enhances the recovery process in damaged tissues, reduces swelling and soreness, and more oxygen enters the cells.

What does it get rid of?

Physiotherapy-magnet is used for heart disease, diseases of the digestive tract, peripheral vessels, musculoskeletal system, central nervous system and skin problems (dermatosis, eczema). Already after the first session, the patient's pain disappears, his condition improves, sleep and temperature normalize, swelling of the lymph nodes decreases. After a full course of therapy, blood pressure decreases, joint mobility is restored, cholesterol and sugar levels decrease.

Physiotherapy magnet: contraindications for use

This treatment is not for everyone. Patients with acute thrombosis and serious hematopoietic disorders are prohibited from magnetic therapy. In addition, if a person has arrhythmia, angina pectoris, aneurysms, myocardial infarction, then magnetic wave treatment is completely contraindicated.

Persons with increased excitability, tuberculosis, mental and central nervous system disorders, oncology should also not use this method. Physiotherapy-magnet is not prescribed for people with hypertension. Pregnant and lactating women should refrain from this procedure. For small children up to 1.5 years of age, sessions are carried out under the strict supervision of a physician.

indications for treatment

Inflammatory pathologies of the genital organs in women are the number one problem. Every year the number of young girls with adnexitis, fibroids, endometritis and endometriosis is increasing. Application of magnetotherapy in treatment inflammatory diseases(erosion, endocervicitis, colpitis) sometimes leads to the complete disappearance of pain, a decrease in the hematological and leukocyte index, as well as to a general improvement.

When using magnetic fields, the speed is significantly increased metabolic processes and the concentration of medications, microcirculation in the pelvis is restored. Effective therapy for infertility, complications after surgery and pathology of the functions of the appendages. This method in gynecology gives a pronounced anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

We all understand that, as, in principle, the simplest physiotherapy is not a panacea, although it shows a high therapeutic result. To significantly alleviate the condition and cope with the disease, adhere to necessary instructions and doctor's advice.

Physiotherapy has been used in traditional medicine for many years, these methods of treatment help patients get rid of the disease faster, relieve inflammation, reduce pain and normalize tissue nutrition. One of effective methods physiotherapy - magnetotherapy.
It is important to understand that magnetotherapy is an auxiliary method of treatment, which is used in combination. If the patient decides to attend such a procedure, then he must know what magnetotherapy is, contraindications and indications, and before the procedure, be sure to consult with a specialist.

Many patients who have been referred for procedures are interested in magnetotherapy - what it is. This is an alternative medicine method in which a magnetic field is applied to the human body. Physiotherapy with a magnet is used to treat various pathologies, as well as for preventive purposes. Thanks to this procedure, blood circulation improves in the body, and the permeability of cell membranes increases, so the drugs taken are absorbed better, and recovery occurs faster.
As you know, magnets have two poles: north and south. Both poles affect the human body in different ways. In particular, the north pole increases efficiency, increases acidity and provokes the growth of bacteria. This method is not used for infectious diseases.
The South Pole has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, stops the development of infection, increases the elasticity of blood vessels, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system and reduces acidity in the body. Depending on the disease, exposure to different poles can be prescribed.
In addition, there are different types magnetic field:
  • impulse therapy. When using this method, all body systems are activated.
  • Magnetotherapy with a constant field. This method of treatment is used to relax, calm.
  • Magnetotherapy with an alternating field. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, stimulates blood circulation.

All types of magnetotherapy are used both for treatment and for the prevention of diseases, and for the general strengthening of the whole organism.


Many people are convinced that magnetotherapy is a magical method that will get rid of all diseases. In fact, this is deeply misleading, magnetotherapy will never get rid of a serious pathology, tumor, infection on its own. This method is used only in the complex treatment of diseases, and only as directed by a doctor, and only in a physiotherapy room.
Many people have lost a lot of time refusing to be treated by a doctor, while trying to cure the disease with a magnetic bracelet. In fact, the effectiveness of such decorations is questionable. Many experts believe that magnetic bracelets are a waste of money, they cannot cure anything, especially malignant tumors that require surgical intervention and specific treatment.
The effectiveness of magnetotherapy with a special apparatus in a physiotherapy room has been proven and recognized by traditional medicine. This method is an excellent addition to the main treatment, magnetotherapy helps to relieve pain and speed up tissue recovery, while under the MHI policy in Russia, the procedure can be done completely free of charge at any clinic.
But there are also patients whose body simply does not perceive the treatment with a magnetic field, for them the procedures are completely useless. Therefore, the first procedure should begin with a test that will help to find out if a person is sensitive to such effects. To do this, a magnet is applied to the palm of your hand and wait a few minutes, the person should feel warm in the area of ​​​​impact.


There are various magnetic devices that are used in the treatment. These are stationary and portable devices, as well as various decorations, belts with magnetic action. Devices are usually used to treat a disease as prescribed by a doctor, and jewelry for prevention at the request of the patient himself.
Stationary devices are necessary for serious and deep pathologies, and small portable devices help with diseases of the upper layers. In addition, devices can differ from each other not only in the severity of the action, but also in its type.


These are large devices that look like a large tube, inside it there is a couch, and the patient himself is located on the couch. Such devices are controlled by a computer that is connected to a magnet. Special magnetic belts are also used, which allow you to concentrate the magnetic field in a sore spot. With the help of such an apparatus, general magnetotherapy is carried out.
The method of exposure and its depth is set by a special program in the computer, which is selected depending on the disease. The field penetrates the body by a maximum of 4 centimeters, while the patient does not feel anything, but after several procedures he feels an improvement in his condition.


Such devices have small size and they cannot affect the whole body, magnets are applied directly to the sore spot. In addition, for various diseases, you need to apply various appliances because they work differently.
Consider a few popular devices:

Apparatus "Almag-01"

  • Magofon-01. Such a device emits a low-frequency alternating magnetic field, and also emits vibroacoustic oscillations. It is good to use it for inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, as well as for pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, as the device relieves pain and swelling well. Magofon-01 can also be used for dental pain, as well as for neurological pathologies.
  • Almag-01. Such a device emits an impulsive field that penetrates deep enough; this method of treatment is effective for diseases of the spine, bones and joints.
  • AMnp - 01. This device was made specifically for home treatment, it emits both an alternating and an impulsive magnetic field, and has 4 modes. This is considered a good investment, as it can be used for a variety of diseases.
  • Alimp-1. Such a device emits a pulsed field, it is used for pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, with female diseases, as well as in pathologies of the brain and nervous system.

If there is a need to use the device at home, you should definitely consult a doctor about choosing a device. In addition, magnetotherapy should not be used too often, as there is evidence that the body can become accustomed to the constant effects of a magnetic field with uncontrolled use. Subsequently, organs and systems will not be able to function normally without the procedure.


Another popular type of magnetotherapy is carried out using various jewelry, such as earrings, bracelets, pendants, key chains and other cute little things. As the manufacturers promise, such jewelry will relieve headaches, pain in case of problems with musculoskeletal system, strengthen the body and relieve depression.
I would like to note right away that magnetic jewelry is not a method of treatment recognized by medicine, since the effect of wearing such things has not yet been proven. Many people praise such things, claim that they helped them. But, some of them were undergoing drug therapy in parallel, while others simply had a period of remission.
Therefore, it is worth considering whether it is necessary to spend a lot of money on buying dubious things. If, nevertheless, there is a desire to wear magnetic jewelry, you do not need to replace a trip to the doctor and basic treatment with them, this can be dangerous. It is recommended to wear such magnets only for prevention or during complex treatment, after consulting a doctor.


Magnetotherapy in the clinic is carried out only according to indications, the procedure can be prescribed in the following cases:

  • With various articular pathologies, for example, with arthritis or arthrosis. In this case, destruction and inflammation of tissues occurs, the patient is worried about pain. Magnetotherapy can help reduce discomfort, and thus reduce the dosage of painkillers.
  • Osteochondrosis and other pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Skin diseases. In this case, the procedure will remove inflammation, reduce itching, and accelerate the healing of wounds and ulcers.
  • Fractures. Since the procedure improves blood circulation, the fracture will heal much faster.
  • Increased blood pressure.
  • neuroses. Magnetotherapy has a calming effect.
  • Inflammation of the ENT organs. At chronic tonsillitis, with otitis media, the procedure will speed up recovery.
  • Infectious diseases of various parts of the body. Magnetotherapy is often prescribed for urinary tract infections.
  • Phlebeurysm . The procedure will help to disperse the blood, will not let it stagnate.
  • Gynecological pathologies. Since magnetotherapy improves blood circulation, relieves inflammation and pain, gynecological diseases disappear much faster.


Magnetotherapy is a fairly safe method and usually does not cause side effects, but in some cases the procedure may be completely contraindicated:

  • Severe pathologies of the heart;
  • Stroke;
  • Installed pacemaker;
  • Oknologicheskoe pathology;
  • The period of pregnancy and children's age up to 3 years;
  • Diseases of the circulatory system;
  • Exhaustion of the body;
  • Tuberculosis.

Also, the procedure is not carried out for people who are intoxicated with alcohol and drugs, and patients with a mental disorder. Firstly, the procedure speeds up blood circulation and can increase the harmful effects of substances on the body, and people in this state often behave inappropriately and can harm themselves and ruin expensive equipment.
In some cases, an individual reaction to the procedure is possible, then dizziness, weakness and nausea occur, but all symptoms disappear quickly. If discomfort occurs during magnetic therapy, it is necessary to inform the physiotherapist about this, it may be necessary to change the treatment method. Do not be afraid that another method will be less effective.


You can carry out the magnetotherapy procedure both in the clinic and at home, in the latter case you will need to purchase a portable device or invite a specialist to your home for a fee. The procedure is simple, magnets are applied to the sore spot and heated for 10-15 minutes, the doctor prescribes the time.
In large stationary devices, the patient must lie down so that the impact site is under the magnet. The doctor through the computer sets the necessary settings. In such a device, an impact occurs on a large part of the body, or on the entire body.
It is very important to properly prepare for the procedure. You can not carry it out on an empty stomach, but you should not overeat before the procedure. You need to perform the procedure in a course every day at the same time, then the effectiveness of the treatment will be maximum. In addition, during the treatment period, the use of alcohol and drugs is completely contraindicated.
If on the day of the procedure a person does not feel well, for example, it hurts and feels dizzy, nausea, weakness, fever and blood pressure are worried, then it is better to postpone the procedure until the condition improves. Now you know what magnetotherapy is and what results to expect. But it is always worth remembering that the magnetic therapy procedure has indications and contraindications.

About the procedure (video)

Magnetotherapy is a therapeutic technique in which the body is affected by a magnetic field, using special equipment. As a result of exposure, blood circulation improves, pain syndromes are relieved, cellular supply of nutrients increases, and toxic substances are removed. The procedure helps to strengthen the immune system and increase the body's resistance to various diseases.

Method features

Magnetotherapy has a mild effect on the body, in most cases a positive result is observed. It differs from many other treatment methods in painlessness, accessibility and safety. May be combined with medication and other treatments. side effects in the treatment is practically not observed, it can be used to treat patients at any age.
Most often, the method is used in the treatment of osteochondrosis of the spine and arthrosis of the joints. The alternating magnetic current used in the method has a stimulating effect on the joints, allows you to get a stable positive effect. Pain is removed almost immediately after the start of the procedures, after a while the mobility of the joints and vertebrae improves. To consolidate the effect, courses of magnetotherapy are prescribed.
The positive effect of the magnetic field in fractures is explained by its beneficial influence on the activity of magnesium, potassium, calcium and sodium ions, which promote the healing of damaged tissues. Magnetic effect allows you to remove swelling, is used during rehabilitation treatment.
In the treatment of gynecological diseases, exposure is carried out through the abdominal wall. Magnetic therapy is actively used to combat adhesions and infertility, relieves pain during the menstrual cycle.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for the use of magnetotherapy are:
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • diseases of the circulatory system;
  • pathology endocrine system and gastrointestinal tract;
  • injuries and fractures;
  • muscle and joint diseases;
  • diseases of internal organs;
  • diseases of the spine;
  • hypertension;
  • gynecological diseases.
Contraindications to the use of magnetotherapy are:
  • blood clotting disorders;
  • mental illness;
  • severe cardiovascular disease;
  • pregnancy.
The procedure is prescribed in Moscow clinics by a doctor based on the diagnosis. The intensity and frequency of the procedures is determined individually.

Do you know what general magnetotherapy is, what indications lead to this procedure. Does she have contraindications, what is more from her - benefit or harm? What are the sessions for and how? Learn all about the properties of magnets.


Magnetotherapy is a healing process with the help of directed magnetic fields of different frequencies.

These can be variable fields with low or high frequency, constant or pulsed.

Each type of magnetic field affects a person in different ways:

  • Magnetotherapy with an alternating magnetic field can reduce pain, stop the inflammatory process.
  • A constant field in magnetotherapy is used as a calming, relaxing agent. Activates immune processes in the body, dilates blood vessels.
  • Pulsed magnetotherapy, on the contrary, has a stimulating effect on muscle tissues, nervous system improves heart function.

Low-frequency and high-frequency magnetotherapy is used for local treatment and general strengthening of the body.

Short story

The useful properties of a magnet have been known to man since ancient times. For the first time deposits of magnetic ore were discovered many centuries ago in Asia Minor, in the city of Magnesia.

Unique the features of these black stones were first discovered by the ancient Chinese.

At first they used them as a compass, and later they began to use them in medicine.

In China, the concept of "magnetism" appeared, explaining the principle of the influence of magnetic fields on certain points of the human body.

In Europe, treatment with magnets began to be mastered only in the 18th century. They treated mental, nervous disorders, convulsions, even diarrhea.

The first physician to use magnets for healing was Paracelsus. He studied the magnetic poles for a long time and came to the conclusion that their use can increase the level of a person's vital energy, cure any disease.

Later in France, magnets were recognized as official medicine. as an effective analgesic, tonic.

Various magnetic ornaments and accessories began to be made. Today, magnetotherapy is a recognized physiotherapeutic method of treatment throughout the world, except for the United States.

In America, treatment with magnets is prohibited.

The essence of the method

Treatment is based on the directed influence of fields on sore spots or the human body.

In this case, the northern and south pole magnets with different effects.

For the procedure, you can use both stationary magnetic installations used for general recovery, and narrowly focused portable devices.

Recently, various magnetic decorations have been actively used.

The effectiveness of magnetic treatment depends on the person's sensitivity to such exposure.

To check the reaction to radiation, you need to squeeze the magnet in your hand:

  • if at the same time a soft pulsating heat immediately begins to be felt, then the susceptibility to magnetic radiation is very high;
  • if the reaction occurs within half an hour, then the susceptibility is average;
  • the absence of any sensations indicates the complete insensitivity of the body.

Magnets have wide range effects, help in the treatment of diseases:

  • regulate metabolism and help to reduce weight;
  • accelerate the healing of burns, wounds;
  • thin the blood, saturate tissues with oxygen;
  • contribute to the rapid healing of fractures;
  • stimulate the immune system, relieve acute inflammatory processes;
  • help lower blood pressure;
  • calm the nerves, relieve tension, help to cope with insomnia;
  • eliminate pain;
  • improve joint mobility.

Such treatment must be prescribed by a doctor. It can be carried out in stationary conditions or at home.


Stationary magnetic devices are large cabinets connected to a computer, which allows you to adjust the direction and frequency of the fields, the power of exposure.

These devices can be additionally equipped with various solenoids, magnetic belts, directional emitters.

The procedure does not require any preparation. The patient is placed inside the device moving along the whole body and is affected by magnetic pulses of different frequencies.

The procedure lasts about 40 minutes. The course of treatment is usually 10 to 15 sessions. with a frequency of no more than 3 times a week.

Portable small-sized devices can be used at home.

The essence of the procedure is the application of a magnet to diseased areas for local impact on the affected organs.

The duration of the procedure is 20-30 minutes, it is carried out at least 20 times.

Among the popular small-sized devices:

  • "Magofon-1" with a low-frequency variable field;
  • "Almag-01" with a traveling impulse field;
  • "Almag-02" with magnetic fields of different frequencies;
  • "AMnp-01" with a pulsed magnetic field.

Prices on average range from 3.5 to 10 thousand rubles.

Highly magnetic jewelry is often used for healing:

  • earrings;
  • pendants;
  • bracelets;
  • rings.

Often applied magnetic insoles, belts. Wearing such items is recommended for headaches, high or low blood pressure, joint pain, fatigue, even depression.

This video talks about home devices for magnetotherapy and their application:

Advantages of the method

The advantage of such treatment is the possibility of using it at elevated body temperature, acute inflammatory processes.

Compared to other physiotherapy treatments, magnetotherapy has fewer contraindications, for a long time retains the therapeutic effect. The procedure can be carried out at any time, in any conditions.

And here everything is told about facial contouring and the problems that it solves.

What is useful, what heals

Magnetic therapy is used to get rid of many diseases:

  • arthritis, arthrosis;
  • fractures, non-healing ulcers;
  • skin diseases;
  • gastritis, stomach ulcer;
  • chronic fatigue or insomnia;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • otitis, rhinitis;
  • eye diseases;
  • hypertension;
  • diseases of the genitourinary sphere;
  • dental problems;
  • burns, cuts;
  • neuroses;
  • varicose veins, thrombophlebitis of veins.

Such therapy can be used in addition to the main treatment or be independent.

Algorithm and methods of conducting

The lightest and fast way- the use of small-sized portable devices.

Two small magnetic planes are superimposed on the diseased part of the body, inside which there are special induction devices that generate a magnetic field of the desired frequency.

required mode, exposure time can be set independently.

In stationary devices, the procedure is carried out differently. The person is placed inside special pipe large diameter, with the help of a computer set all the necessary commands.

There is a general magnetic effect on the body. The procedure lasts about an hour.

Wearing magnet jewelry requires compliance with the following rules:

  • men with high blood pressure are recommended to wear a magnetic bracelet on right hand, and for women - on the left;
  • at first, you should not wear such jewelry for more than 2 hours;
  • during sleep, all accessories must be removed;
  • for arthritis, gout, rings, bracelets are used; for osteochondrosis, a magnetic belt is worn;
  • you can’t wear these items all the time, after 2-3 weeks of exposure, they usually take a break for 1-2 weeks;
  • during the period of such treatment, it is necessary to use a large number of liquids.

Results, number of sessions

How often can magnetotherapy be done? The course of procedures can be from 10 to 20 days, depending on the severity of the disease. Therapy in stationary devices is carried out no more than 2-3 times a week, and at home - daily.

An interval of 1-3 weeks is required between courses., then the procedure is repeated. The effect of such treatment occurs after the first 3-4 sessions and lasts for 14-20 days.