Tonsillitis inflammation. Chronic tonsillitis - Symptoms, causes, treatment, prevention. IgA deficiency and chronic tonsillitis

Almost everyone has experienced such a problem as a sore throat during a cold. The tonsils enlarge, become swollen and red - this is quite normal in this condition, but there are times when their inflammation develops against the background full health. In this case, doctors make a diagnosis. What kind of disease is this? Let's try to figure it out in our article. Some underestimate the seriousness of the problem, but in vain.

The essence of the disease

Everyone has tonsils in the throat, which can be affected by the inflammatory process. If the inflammation is almost permanent, then they say that there is chronic tonsillitis. ICD 10 includes it, as well as the acute form of the disease, in independent ones that have their own code:

  • Code J03.
  • J35.0.

Assigning your own codes to diseases facilitates the maintenance of statistics and dispensary records of patients.

The development of chronic inflammation occurs under the influence of many forms of microorganisms, which in healthy person are almost always available. But a number of factors provoke their mass reproduction, which leads to an exacerbation of the disease.

In a person’s throat there is a lymphopharyngeal ring, which includes 7 tonsils, but it is the palatine ones that most often become inflamed.

Tonsils belong to the lymphoid organ, which actively provides immunobiological protection of the body. Periodic inflammatory processes lead to the formation of immunity, this function is especially active in children.

Quite often, a sore throat is a companion of colds, in which case they say that there is acute tonsillitis. proceeds a little softer, does not have such pronounced symptoms, but most often develops due to the fault of a poorly treated sore throat.

Mild symptoms are not a reason to delay treatment. Chronic tonsillitis and inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa) can lead to serious complications, which will be discussed later.

Why does the disease develop?

Otolaryngologists often claim that almost the entire population suffers from chronic tonsillitis. In a sense, we can agree with this, because each person has a huge number of bacteria on the tonsils, but if the body is completely healthy, then it does not allow pathogenic microorganisms to multiply, quickly suppresses their growth, but if there is inflammatory process or weakened immunity can not do this.

The disease of chronic tonsillitis does not form immediately, it all starts with an acute phase, it can turn into a chronic one for the following reasons:

  1. Poorly treated tonsillitis is one of the main causes of chronic tonsillitis. Most of us, as soon as the sore throat subsides, the temperature subsides, we stop drinking medicines, antibiotics, and this is a big mistake. Chronic tonsillitis and pharyngitis recede, but do not give up their positions completely, so they will soon return again.
  2. Persistent pharyngitis, which many simply do not pay attention to and believe that no special treatment is required, will certainly lead to the development of a chronic form of the disease.
  3. Failure to comply with oral hygiene and the disgusting condition of the teeth will certainly cause the development of chronic tonsillitis. The constant presence of pathogenic microflora in the oral cavity will lead to this.
  4. A chronic form of rhinitis or a periodically aggravated allergic rhinitis can result in tonsillitis.
  5. Prolonged violation of nasal breathing can lead to the development of chronic tonsillitis. That it is connected, for example, with adenoids, many do not even guess. A deviated nasal septum, polyps can also be the cause.

As can be seen from the above, quite a lot of reasons can provoke the development of a disease that must be treated.

Varieties of chronic tonsillitis

To answer the question of how to cure chronic tonsillitis once and for all, it is necessary to understand that it can manifest itself in different ways. Doctors note two scenarios:

  1. Tonsillitis after treatment subsides a bit and it seems that they managed to get rid of it, but as soon as you get a little cold or get your feet wet, it is right there.
  2. In the second option, the inflammatory process does not stop, it may subside a little, the patient even feels quite tolerable, goes to work, but the doctor notes that not everything is in order.

Both options require medical intervention in order to find effective measures to combat this disease.

In medical circles, there are two forms of chronic tonsillitis:

  • Compensated. It is manifested by a slight inflammation of the palatine tonsils, sore throat, the general condition of the patient is normal. Doctors say in such cases that the tonsils compensate for the state of inflammation and, in general, cope with their function.
  • The decompensated form of chronic tonsillitis is usually manifested not only by pain in the throat, tonsillitis develops, and other organs are involved in the process.

Any form of tonsillitis can lead to infection of the whole body, so do not delay a visit to an ENT doctor.

Symptoms of chronic tonsillitis

If there is chronic tonsillitis, then such patients can often complain of causeless sore throat, which occurs not only when swallowing, but also during yawning. Pain may appear after eating ice cream or drinking a cold drink, which in summer time not uncommon, it turns out, so the person himself provokes an exacerbation of tonsillitis.

If chronic tonsillitis occurs, the following symptoms usually appear:

When all of the above signs appear, patients try to get rid of them as soon as possible, but it is more important to find out the cause that provoked the inflammatory process. This can only be done by a competent specialist who recognizes chronic tonsillitis. How to get rid of this disease forever and without complications is a question that should be asked to the doctor

Establishing diagnosis

To make the correct diagnosis in the presence of chronic tonsillitis is not at all easy. The doctor first of all examines the patient and listens to his complaints. The patient's history is also studied. Next, the doctor palpates the lymph nodes and examines the tonsils.

This does not end there, as the symptoms may resemble other diseases. Therefore, the doctor will definitely take the discharge from the lacunae for analysis. If purulent discharge has bad smell and mucous structure, then, most likely, the patient has chronic tonsillitis. That it is this disease can be concluded on the basis of a whole complex of symptoms and signs.

To clarify the diagnosis, the doctor will pay attention to the general condition of the patient's body and the existing deviations from the norm. In the presence of a chronic form of tonsillitis, the edges of the palatine arches will be thickened, cicatricial adhesions between the tonsils and the arches are visible. The tonsils themselves have a loosened appearance, in the gaps there are purulent plugs or discharge.

Additional blood tests for antibodies to streptococcus may be required. Only after the diagnosis of "chronic tonsillitis" is confirmed, the doctor can prescribe the necessary treatment.

Therapy for chronic tonsillitis

To get rid of the chronic form of the disease will have to try hard. Doctors, as a rule, recommend complex treatment, this is the only way to make your chronic tonsillitis lessen symptoms:

  • Treatment (this photo demonstrates) local is one of the first to be prescribed. To do this, rinse with medicinal solutions and infusions of herbs.

  • During this procedure, purulent plugs are washed out. For its implementation, antibacterial and disinfectant solutions are used, for example, Furacilin, Miramistin, Chlorhexidine.
  • Antibacterial therapy, which consists in taking antibiotics, which are selected taking into account the sensitivity of the microflora.
  • Physiotherapy procedures.
  • Removal of tonsils.

Only complex therapy, which is desirable to be carried out twice a year, gives the greatest effect.

Physiotherapy treatment

Physiotherapy is most effective during the remission of the disease. The following methods show the best results:

  1. Laser therapy. Due to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect on the tonsils, this method gives excellent results.
  2. The use of shortwave UV radiation for the throat and oral cavity.
  3. Ultrasonic exposure, with which you can not only act on the source of infection, destroying the structure of the curd mass that has appeared, but also irrigate the tonsils with antibacterial solutions.
  4. Inhalation with wet steam, but it must be remembered that this procedure is contraindicated at high temperatures. For inhalation, you can use infusions of medicinal herbs.
  5. Phonophoresis of vitamins also gives a good effect.

Combination of physical therapy methods with medicines and local therapy gives good results. Otherwise, getting rid of this insidious disease forever will not work.

Surgical intervention

Sometimes, when asked how to cure chronic tonsillitis forever, some doctors recommend tonsillectomy, that is, the removal of the tonsils. But it is worth remembering that there is no need to rush to get rid of them, this can lead to even more serious consequences. Although there are situations when the removal of the tonsils is necessary, usually the indication for surgery is:

  • If the disease worsens up to 4-5 times a year.
  • If the inflammatory process spreads to neighboring tissues.
  • There is a risk of blood poisoning.
  • There are signs of damage to the kidneys or heart muscle.

As a result of the operation, the tonsils may be removed completely or only partially when the doctor excised the overgrown tissue.

It must be remembered that there are contraindications for tonsillectomy, these include:

  • Leukemia.
  • Hemophilia.
  • Tuberculosis in an open form.
  • Heart defects.
  • Nephritis and some other pathologies.

If the operation is necessary, but there are serious contraindications to its implementation, then the patient is recommended a cryogenic method of therapy.

Features of the treatment of chronic tonsillitis in children

If chronic tonsillitis is found in a child, treatment should begin immediately. Given the characteristics of the child's body, therapy should be selected carefully, especially with antibacterial agents.

Conservative treatment of tonsillitis in babies must begin with the observance of the correct daily regimen and diet. An important factor is the hardening procedures.

Parents should, if possible, eliminate all factors that can provoke an exacerbation of the disease. The use of local remedies gives a good effect if done in a timely and regular manner.

Tonsils can be lubricated with Lugol, and colloidal silver can also be used. During therapy, doctors often prescribe antiallergic drugs, as an unexpected reaction of the body is possible. This is especially true of antibiotics, which children should be prescribed carefully.

Physiotherapeutic procedures in children also give good results (laser therapy, electrophoresis, magnetotherapy).

In the chronic form of tonsillitis in babies, pediatricians often prescribe bacteriophages, therapy with their use is quite effective. But it must be borne in mind that in the acute form of the disease it is better to give preference to antibiotics.

Considering that the treatment of tonsillitis is a long process, one can think about therapy with homeopathic medicines. Many parents leave good feedback about Vokara. It should be taken 1 drop per year of a child's life, first diluted in water. The multiplicity of reception is up to 8 times a day during an exacerbation, during the period of remission, three times is enough.

When treating chronic tonsillitis in children, as well as in adults, it is important to remember that only an integrated approach to therapy can give the desired effect.

tonsillitis in pregnant women

It is desirable to treat all existing diseases before pregnancy, but if there are chronic pathologies that make themselves felt in an interesting position, then therapy should not be postponed. requires treatment, but only under the strict supervision of a doctor.

Given the interesting position of the woman, the doctor may prescribe procedures such as:

  • Treatment of tonsils with antiseptic compounds.
  • In the specialist's office, the woman's throat and tonsils are washed with special medicines.
  • At home, gargling with infusions is recommended. medicinal herbs.
  • Sprays and lozenges are prescribed.

A pregnant woman is forbidden to take many medications, so it is very important to observe the daily regimen, proper nutrition, and more vitamin preparations. If an exacerbation of the disease occurs during pregnancy, it is recommended:

  1. Gargle often with a solution of salt, soda and a few drops of iodine.
  2. Do inhalations with medicinal herbs, for example, with sage.
  3. A warm drink with honey and lemon is recommended.
  4. To wipe the tonsils, you can use Chlorphyllipt or propolis tincture.
  5. At elevated temperatures, you can take a tablet of "Paracetamol".

During pregnancy, the most important thing when treating chronic tonsillitis is not to harm the baby, so all remedies should be selected only by the attending physician.

If this pathology is not taken very seriously, then tonsillitis can even provoke congenital malformations in the baby, and in serious cases, pregnancy fading and miscarriages.

Traditional medicine for the treatment of chronic tonsillitis

If you have chronic tonsillitis, treatment folk ways gives good results in combination with drug therapy. It should be noted that the treatment should be carried out for a long time and regularly. Folk healers advise using the following rinse recipes:

  1. Insist 2 tbsp. l. dry yarrow in 200 ml of boiling water. Use the infusion warm several times a day.
  2. Dissolve 3-4 drops of basil oil in a glass of boiled water and gargle with the composition.
  3. Prepare a mixture of 1 tbsp. tablespoons of linden flowers, 2 tablespoons of oak bark, 3 tablespoons of chamomile and pour all this with a liter of boiling water. After cooling, add a teaspoon of honey. Rinse three times a day after meals.

You can offer recipes for lubricating tonsils:

  • Mix aloe juice and honey in equal proportions and lubricate the tonsils every day for two weeks, on weeks 3 and 4, the procedure can be carried out every other day.
  • For the treatment of tonsils, you can use fir oil up to 5 times for 3 days, you can also instill 1 drop into the nose.
  • For babies, a mixture of 1 part radish juice and 3 parts honey is perfect for lubricating the tonsils. At the same time, you can take a decoction of chamomile, mint, calendula inside for a general strengthening of immunity.

There are many folk recipes to alleviate the condition during an exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis, but we must remember that therapy is usually long-term.

Complications of chronic tonsillitis

If tonsillitis itself is an unpleasant disease, but generally not dangerous, then in the absence of therapy it can give quite serious undesirable consequences. Chronic causes the following:

  1. Frequent sore throats become a constant companion of a person.
  2. This disease negatively affects the cardiovascular system.
  3. Gets and digestive system, since the intestinal microflora suffers, the mucous membrane is in an inflamed state.
  4. The development of pyelonephritis and other kidney pathologies is not uncommon.
  5. Breathlessness may develop.
  6. With chronic tonsillitis, the joints begin to suffer, the development of rheumatism and arthritis is not far off.
  7. Due to this disease, depression develops.

From all that has been said, it is important to remember that a fairly serious diagnosis is "chronic tonsillitis." That this disease necessarily needs timely therapy should not cause any doubts.


The development of the disease can be prevented by preventive measures. Among these are the following:

  • Healthy lifestyle.
  • hardening procedures.

  • Taking drugs that strengthen the immune system, for example, Immunal, Imudon and others.

If you do not allow it to worsen, they will not be terrible.

The result of all that has been said can be summed up as follows: any disease needs timely treatment. Even a seemingly harmless disease can lead to serious consequences that require longer therapy. Take care of your health and treat it with a sense of responsibility.

In today's article we will talk about such a disease as tonsillitis, and everything related to this disease.

tonsillitis ( lat. Tonsillitis)- This is an inflammatory disease of an infectious nature that affects one or more tonsils, more often palatine, caused by a bacterial or viral infection. In addition, tonsillitis is the scientific name of the vernacular term "tonsillitis".

The main symptom of tonsillitis is sore throat.

The tonsils are an organ of the lymphatic system, consisting of lymphoid tissue, which is located in the oral cavity and nasopharynx. The tonsils are part of the immune system.

In fact, the lymphoid tissue of the tonsils of the pharynx is a barrier to the penetration of bacteria and viruses into the upper respiratory tract. However, with a prolonged course of the infectious process in them due to untimely or inadequate treatment, they themselves can become a source of problems associated with the spread of infection to other organs and systems of the body.

Tonsillitis is one of the most common infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract.


  • Acute tonsillitis: ICD-10: J03; ICD-9: 034.0
  • Chronic tonsillitis: ICD-10: J35; ICD-9: 474

How can you get tonsillitis?

Tonsillitis can be contracted in the following ways:

  • from the external environment: by airborne droplets or through food;
  • self-infection: occurs when the patient has a focus of chronic inflammation - for example, caries, sinusitis,.

Types of tonsillitis

The disease can occur in acute or chronic form. Acute tonsillitis is often not the result of contact with an infectious agent, but an exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis due to hypothermia, overwork or weakened immunity under the influence of other factors. At the same time, not fully cured acute tonsillitis often takes on a chronic form.

Acute tonsillitis ( in everyday life - ) - an infectious disease with local manifestations in the form of acute inflammation of the components of the lymphatic pharyngeal ring, most often the palatine tonsils, caused by streptococci or staphylococci, less often by other microorganisms.

Most often, the bacterial causative agent of acute tonsillitis is group A hemolytic streptococcus. Less commonly, viruses and other streptococci, extremely rarely, chlamydia and mycoplasmas.

Chronic tonsillitis- prolonged inflammation of the pharyngeal and palatine tonsils (from lat. tonsillae - tonsil-shaped glands). It develops after suffering a sore throat and other infectious diseases, accompanied by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx (,), or without a previous acute illness.

For a simple form of chronic tonsillitis, only local symptoms are characteristic (sore throat, etc.), if they are joined by general phenomena (persistent cervical lymphadenitis, fever, changes in the heart, etc.), this form is called toxic-allergic .

Compensated and decompensated stages:

- The compensated stage is a dormant focus of infection. There is neither a visible reaction from the whole body, nor repeated tonsillitis. The barrier function of the tonsils and the reactivity of the organism are not disturbed.

- With decompensation, frequent sore throats are of concern, complications of tonsillitis are often noted in the form, inflammatory diseases ear and sinuses, as well as damage to other organs (heart, kidneys).

Exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis is also called angina.


Symptoms of acute tonsillitis

  • perspiration and when swallowing;
  • redness and an increase in the size of the tonsils, which actually give sore throat;
  • purulent formations on the tonsils (purulent plugs - in case of a pyogenic bacterial infection);
  • increase and soreness of the cervical and / or submandibular;

Symptoms of chronic tonsillitis

  • discomfort and pain when swallowing;
  • dryness, soreness and sore throat;
  • bad breath;
  • increased fatigue;
  • decrease in working capacity;
  • periodic slight increase in temperature (subfebrile temperature);
  • worsening sleep ();
  • loss of appetite;
  • pain in the cervical lymph nodes.


The most formidable complication of tonsillitis is that which affects the joints, the valvular apparatus of the heart, leads to the formation of heart defects and the development of heart failure. Not fully cured tonsillitis can lead to kidney disease (,). Local complications of tonsillitis are paratonsillitis and paratonsillar abscess.


Causes of acute tonsillitis


  • - most often β-hemolytic streptococcus group A, less often or a combination of them, chlamydia;
  • Viruses - more often adenoviruses (type 1-9), Coxsackie enterovirus, virus;
  • Vincent's spirochete in symbiosis with a fusiform rod (ulcerative membranous angina);
  • Fungi of the genus Candida in symbiosis with pathological cocci.

Predisposing factors: local and general, decreased local and general immunity, trauma to the tonsils, the state of the central and autonomic nervous system, violation of nasal breathing, chronic inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, nose and paranasal sinuses (, etc.). In the latter, I would like to say that it is the nearby foci of infection, whether it be caries or sinusitis, that can become the primary source of infection, which, with the flow of blood, lymph, and just particles of saliva, can provoke the development of tonsillitis.

Causes of chronic tonsillitis

Not only frequent sore throats, acute respiratory viral infections (), but also the presence of teeth with untreated caries and periodontal disease in the oral cavity lead to the development of chronic tonsillitis.

Chronic tonsillitis can also develop with a persistent violation of nasal breathing (for example, in the case of a curvature of the nasal septum, an increase in the inferior turbinates, nasal polyps, etc.). Local causes include the presence of infectious foci in adjacent organs.

Important factors in the development and course of chronic tonsillitis are the weakening of the body's immune forces and allergic conditions, which can be both the cause of chronic tonsillitis and its consequence.

In addition, as already noted, the cause of the chronic form of tonsillitis is incorrect, or the lack of treatment of the acute form of the disease.

Diseases associated with tonsillitis

In chronic tonsillitis, there may be associated diseases, as well as concomitant diseases, the pathogenetic relationship of which with chronic inflammation of the tonsils is carried out through local and general reactivity. About 100 different diseases are known, largely due to their origin to chronic tonsillitis:

  • collagen diseases (collagenosis): rheumatism, systemic lupus erythematosus, periarteritis nodosa, scleroderma, dermatomyositis;
  • skin diseases: polymorphic exudative erythema;
  • eye diseases: Behçet's disease;
  • kidney disease: ;
  • thyroid diseases: .


On examination, there is redness and swelling of the mucous membrane of the tonsils and adjacent tissues. On palpation of the anterior ear and cervical lymph nodes, their increase and soreness are recorded.

When making a diagnosis, they resort to, for which leukocytosis is characteristic - an increase in the level of leukocytes to 20 * 109 / l and above, the appearance of a large number of immature forms of leukocytes (a shift in the leukocyte formula to left side) and an increase in ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate) - 40-50 mm / h.

In addition, the diagnosis of tonsillitis includes:

  • Taking a swab from the throat to determine the causative agent of the disease and its resistance to anti-infective drugs);
  • You may need to conduct an electrocardiogram ().


The tactics of treating patients with acute and chronic tonsillitis should consist of an accurate determination of the nature of the inflammatory process (acute, exacerbation of a chronic or its sluggish course), substantiation of the type of inflammation (catarrhal, purulent,), determination of the type of pathogen (, spirochete, bacillus, virus, fungi). To this it must be added that all sore throats can be divided into two groups - primary sore throats, as an independently developing acute inflammatory process in the palatine tonsils, and secondary sore throats, as a symptom of the underlying disease, for example, in blood diseases. Only the correct diagnosis, taking into account the general condition of the patient, determines the choice of treatment tactics.

For a doctor, after making a diagnosis of "chronic tonsillitis", it is important to choose the tactics of treating the patient and decide the question: in which cases is surgery indicated, and in which - conservative therapy.

Conservative treatment

Conservative treatment of tonsillitis involves, first of all, the systematic sanitation of the lacunae of the palatine tonsils with the preservation of the lymphoid tissue of the tonsils as an immune, to a certain extent, organ. Conservative treatment is indicated for uncomplicated chronic tonsillitis in cases where:

- the operation may be delayed due to the general condition of the patient;

- if the patient has not previously received any therapy or he is mainly concerned about local manifestations of tonsillitis - purulent plugs in the tonsils, halitosis.

Among the methods of conservative treatment for chronic tonsillitis, the following are most effective:

    • Appointment soft, gentle, with plenty of food;
    • Washing the lacunae of the tonsils and removing purulent plugs. As with angina, and with the accompanying pharyngitis, gargling, inhalation, irrigation of the mucous membrane with disinfectant solutions are indicated.
    • To reduce the symptoms of intoxication (in the absence of contraindications) - a plentiful warm drink.
    • Washing the lacunae of the tonsils and removing purulent plugs. As with angina, and with the accompanying pharyngitis, gargling, inhalation, irrigation of the mucous membrane with disinfectant solutions are indicated. For these purposes, a warm hypertonic soda-salt solution, a solution of furacilin, "Rivanol", "Geksoral", the use of sucking tablets containing menthol - "Faringosept", "Strepsils" can be recommended. However, in this case, rinsing will be more effective, since the bacteria and their toxins are washed out and removed from the body, and when sucking on the tablets, they are swallowed.
    • To eliminate pain and prescribe the use of NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) - "", "", "" and others, in the form of a powder, syrup or solution due to difficult and painful swallowing during the course of the disease.

An increase in the effectiveness of the treatment of tonsillitis can be achieved by the appointment of immunostimulating plant extracts. In particular, the components of chamomile, and, which are part of it, stimulate the body's defense mechanisms by increasing the phagocytic activity of macrophages and granulocytes.

As for the appointment of systemic antibiotic therapy for uncomplicated forms of tonsillitis of non-streptococcal etiology, it is not always justified. In this case, it is more rational to prescribe antimicrobial drugs locally (from the first day of the disease until the results of the microbiological study are obtained). The main requirements for local antibacterial agents are a wide range of antimicrobial activity, including the most typical pathogens, the absence of absorption from the mucous membrane, and low allergenicity.

Treatment of such angina as agranulocytic and monocytic requires the participation of a hematologist.


Antibiotics for angina should be used in strictly defined cases, when objective methods (bacteriological examination of a throat swab) confirm that bacteria are the causative agent of the disease.

The appointment of antibiotics (antibacterial drugs) is justified only in severe forms of the disease. This usually helps the body cope with the microbial agent faster and bring recovery closer, however, it should be remembered that antibiotics are useless in treatment. viral diseases. This causes bacteria to become resistant to antibiotics. For example, in the CIS, resistance of beta-hemolytic streptococcus A to antibiotics from the macrolide group ("", "Clarithromycin", "") is observed in almost 10% of cases, and in some regions - much more often. Extremely high rates of resistance are noted for such antibacterial drugs as "tetracyclines", "sulfonamides", so these drugs are not used to treat angina. In this case, the best antibiotic for angina (acute tonsillitis) caused by beta-hemolytic streptococcus A is the use of β-lactams (Penicillins and Cephalosporins), to which beta-hemolytic streptococcus A has not developed resistance, which makes them the drugs of choice for the treatment of streptococcal angina.

The advantage of penicillins is also a narrow spectrum of their action and, accordingly, the absence negative impact on the normal intestinal microflora.

For patients allergic to penicillins, an alternative method of treating angina with cephalosporin antibiotics of the I and II generations ("", "Cefuroxime", "Cefpodoxime") and "Amoxicillin" is used. However, these antibacterial drugs have a wider spectrum of action and can adversely affect the normal microflora. The use of aminopenicillins ("Amoxicillin", "Ampicillin") in children requires caution. In childhood and adolescence, the likelihood of a disease caused by viruses is high. Against the background of this disease, the use of aminopenicillins in almost 100% of cases leads to the appearance of the so-called "ampicillin" rash.

Sometimes the use of penicillins is not successful. This may be due to the fact that the causative agent of the disease is inside the cells. In such cases, it is possible to use new drugs from the macrolide group - Josamycin.

The range of antibacterial drugs for the treatment of acute tonsillitis is quite wide, but adherence to therapy remains a problem. Very often, patients after 2-3 days, against the background of a significant improvement in well-being, stop taking antibiotics. This is dangerous, since untreated acute tonsillitis can become chronic, while the bacteria that caused it will become resistant to antibiotics, and it will be much more difficult to deal with them in the future.

In addition, even a significant improvement in well-being does not give a reason to violate the regimen and diet. On the contrary, you need to devote enough time to sleep, and nutrition should be fortified and balanced.

Immediate medical attention is required if the following signs: increased pain in the throat, high body temperature, which "does not go astray" with drugs, the appearance of a nasal voice, difficulty swallowing and / or breathing.


Indications for surgery:

  • Frequent sore throats (2-4 times a year), accompanied by high temperature body. Pathological purulent detritus is noted in the lacunae. There is one or another complication associated with an exacerbation of the process (polyarthritis, pyelonephritis, etc.).
  • Frequent sore throats (2-4 times a year or more), accompanied by high body temperature. There are local signs of chronic tonsillitis, without complications.
  • As a result of one of the rare cases of angina (1 time in 5-7 years), some complication of the heart, joints, etc. developed. Local signs of chronic tonsillitis, adenitis of the lymph nodes in the angle of the lower jaw.
  • There were no cases of tonsillitis, however, against the background of diseases of the heart, joints, etc., local signs of chronic tonsillitis are detected, mainly accumulation of purulent contents in the tonsil lacunae.

Often recurring sore throats indicate a weakening of the immune system.

Treatment with folk remedies

Lubrication of the tonsils with soda. With tonsillitis, it is necessary to lubricate the tonsils several times a day. drinking soda by dipping a wet finger into it. The main thing after the procedure is not to eat or drink anything for two hours.

Rinsing for tonsillitis

A decoction of burdock roots helps with stomatitis, chronic tonsillitis. Rinse 3-4 times a day.

Collection 1. Chamomile inflorescences - 2 parts, sage leaves - 4 parts, eucalyptus leaves - 3 parts, mint grass - 2 parts, thyme grass - 2 parts, pine buds - 3 parts, roots - 4 parts. 3 tablespoons of the mixture pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, boil for 3-4 minutes, gargle with a warm solution. The same composition can be used for inhalation.

Collection 2. Calendula inflorescences, leaves, grass - all equally. Pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture with 1 cup of boiling water, boil over low heat for 10-15 minutes, strain. Gargle with warm solution every 2 hours.

Gargling with beetroot juice. Grate the beets on a fine grater and squeeze the juice. To a glass of juice, add 1 tablespoon of table vinegar (not essences!). Gargle 5-6 times a day.

basil oil is one of the most effective remedies in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the throat and oral cavity. A few drops of oil are added to a glass of boiled water and rinsed 3-4 times a day.

Potassium permanganate with iodine- a very good rinse for sore throat and chronic tonsillitis. Add 6-8 drops of iodine to 500 ml of a slightly pink manganese solution. Mix well. Gargle with a warm solution after 2-3 hours.

Tea. We brew strong tea (not in bags). Cool down to a temperature that can be tolerated. Add 1 teaspoon salt and stir. Rinse several times a day. The pus itself comes out when rinsing. In a week, a terrible sore throat was cured, which a person had been sick for several years.

Blueberry. 100 g dried blueberries 0.5 liters of boiling water, boil until the amount of water is reduced by 1/3. Gargle with this thick decoction 4 times a day for tonsillitis.

Warm champagne. Gargle with warm champagne every hour. For 12 times the throat will be cleared and you will forget about the sore throat.

Willow. Gargling with a decoction of white willow bark (willow, willow). 2 tablespoons chopped bark pour 2 cups hot water, bring to a boil and simmer for 15 minutes over low heat.

Plantain. Gargling with juice or decoction of plantain. Put 4-5 chopped dry or fresh leaves into 1 cup of boiling water, leave for half an hour. Gargle with warm solution every hour. You can add to improve the taste.

Marigolds (calendula officinalis). With angina, an aqueous infusion is prepared for rinsing: 10 flowers per 1 cup of boiling water. Refrigerate for an hour room temperature, strain. Gargle 3-4 times a day.

Rose. A decoction of rose petals is effective tool for gargling with tonsillitis, acute respiratory diseases, pharyngitis. For 1 tablespoon of rose petals 1 glass of water, bring to a boil, leave for 1 hour, strain. Gargle 3-4 times a day.

Inhalations for tonsillitis

Inhalations for tonsillitis are an additional method of therapeutic effect, and during the procedure, drugs are applied to the surface of the tonsil, which subsequently will penetrate the surface of the inflamed tonsils and help speed up recovery.

The procedure itself can be carried out both at home using a nebulizer or a steam inhaler, or in the physiotherapy treatment room of the clinic.

Inhalations for tonsillitis should be prescribed only by a qualified otolaryngologist, who assesses not only the severity of local manifestations of the disease, but also the general condition of the patient's body. In addition, it must be remembered that the use of a solution of antibiotics and antiseptics for inhalation does not exclude the systemic prescription of antibacterial drugs, but only supplements it.

The most important thing when prescribing inhalations is not to use those drugs to which the patient's body has an increased sensitivity, therefore, antibiotics for tonsillitis for local treatment should be used with caution.

Most often, for inhalation in acute and chronic tonsillitis, decoctions of plants with antiseptic and antibacterial effects are prescribed - eucalyptus, chamomile, oak bark, pine buds, calendula, oregano, an alcohol solution of propolis, an oil and alcohol solution of chlorphyllipt, alkaline mineral waters, mucolytic agents.

You can also:

  • Boil the potatoes "in uniform" and breathe over it for 5-10 minutes, and then make a warm compress on the throat from the water drained after boiling the potatoes. The soles of the feet should be rubbed with garlic and put on woolen socks.
  • Cut 1 head of garlic, put in a saucepan, pour 1 liter of water into it, and as soon as the water begins to boil, add 1 teaspoon of baking soda and inhale (breathe over the saucepan) 3 times a day.
  • If you suddenly become hoarse: boil the milk, skim off the froth and breathe over the pan, taking deep breaths as the steam rises.
  • Flowers - 2 parts, sage leaves - 4 parts, eucalyptus leaves - 3 parts, peppermint grass - 2 parts, grass - 2 parts, pine buds - 3 parts, elecampane roots - 4 parts
    3 art. l. mixture pour 0.5 l of boiling water in a kettle, boil for 3-4 minutes. Then remove the kettle from the fire, put a paper funnel on its spout and breathe hot steam through the mouth with sore throat, pharyngitis, laryngitis,.

The frequency of the procedures and the duration of treatment depend on the patient's condition and the effectiveness of the treatment.


General : It is necessary to keep the mouth and nose clean, always keep the hands clean. Products should be consumed after thorough washing.

By the way, a wonderful example before eating food is given by the Apostle Paul, who says:

“For every creation of God is good and nothing is reprehensible if it is accepted with thanksgiving. Because it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.” 1 Timothy 4:4-5;

Hardening of the body. It is good if hardening is directed to the whole body, but at least the neck area is enough. You can simply buy a thin cashmere scarf instead of a warm woolen scarf, then the throat will not suffer from both cold and excessive heat. Everyone's favorite ice cream is also a good helper, especially in the summer. In the morning it is useful to gargle with cool water, wipe your neck with a damp towel. In the evening, you can do contrast foot baths, this will not only relieve tension, but also harden the body.

Correct balanced diet: If the body receives enough vitamins, fatty acids, it is more efficient to cope with the attacks of pathogenic microflora. Besides, the immune system works more efficiently if the body receives all the necessary daily.

Compliance with the rules of hygiene of the home and work premises. Carry out frequent wet cleaning, and also do not forget to ventilate the premises.

Elimination of dust, air pollution: It is desirable to humidify and clean the air at home and at work, thanks to this, the nasopharyngeal mucosa will not dry out, which means it will work normally. To do this, you can install an air purifier and humidifier. If an air conditioner is installed at home, then keep its filters clean, which are often breeding grounds for bacteria and viruses.

Sanitation measures: detection and treatment of diseases of the gums and teeth, sinusitis, sinusitis, nasal breathing disorders.

With frequent rhinitis and sinusitis, it is imperative to rinse and moisten the nasal passages with saline solutions.

Do not overuse synthetic nasal drops, as they contribute to the drying of mucous membranes and reduce their protective bactericidal properties.

During the period of increasing incidence, SARS and, you can take immunostimulating drugs such as "Remantadin", "Interferon", "IRS-19" and others. They increase the body's defenses by stimulating the production of interferon. This is a good addition to vaccination.

Any trifle can provoke chronic tonsillitis, for example, mineral water, therefore, it is undesirable for people diagnosed with chronic tonsillitis: drinking carbonated drinks, eating chocolate, nuts, honey, etc.

For prevention, the throat should be rinsed more often with decoctions of herbs of sage, chamomile or ordinary drinking soda.

Because the acute form of tonsillitis (tonsillitis) is an infectious contagious disease, it is worth minimizing contact with the carrier of the infection.

Which doctor should I contact?


Tonsillitis is a disease in which inflammation of one or more tonsils (usually palatine) occurs due to their infection. Most often, streptococci and staphylococci act as an infectious agent in this case.

How tonsillitis manifests itself - symptoms to look out for

Tonsillitis is characterized by an acute onset with fever up to 37.5-39 ° C, headache, chills, general malaise, sore throat, which is aggravated by swallowing. Pain in the muscles and joints is also possible. Angina in children is often accompanied by symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain.

These clinical manifestations are observed for 5-7 days. If there are no complications, the patient's condition is normalized. In this case, the lymph nodes can remain enlarged for 10-12 days.

Chronic tonsillitis is characterized by periodic exacerbations (after hypothermia, emotional stress and other factors). Symptoms of chronic tonsillitis are less pronounced than in acute. Pain and temperature are usually absent, there may be only a slight pain when swallowing, there is a feeling of sore throat, bad breath. The general condition of the body worsens, but it is less pronounced than in acute tonsillitis.

A characteristic symptom of tonsillitis is a marked increase in the palatine tonsils. In acute tonsillitis, the palatine tonsils are bright red, in chronic tonsillitis they are stagnant red. Depending on the form of tonsillitis, the tonsils can be covered with plaque, films, pustules, ulcers.

Patient's actions with tonsillitis

With a sharp increase in temperature and the appearance of severe sore throat, headache, chills, you can not self-medicate. You need to see a doctor as soon as possible. The patient must be isolated, since tonsillitis is a contagious disease. Also, a person needs bed rest.

Diagnosis of acute and chronic tonsillitis

The diagnosis is based on the characteristic general and local symptoms of tonsillitis.

In severe cases of acute tonsillitis, as well as with frequent exacerbations of chronic tonsillitis, a bacteriological examination (bakposev) of the contents of the lacunae of the palatine tonsils is prescribed to identify the pathogen, and an immunological blood test.

A common mistake in the treatment of tonsillitis is an insufficient diagnosis of the disease, on the basis of which the doctor prescribes the wrong treatment regimen to the patient. Before starting treatment procedures, it is necessary to determine the nature of the inflammatory process, namely: acute tonsillitis, chronic tonsillitis or exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis. Verification of the pathogenic agent is mandatory: streptococcus, staphylococcus, spirochete, bacillus, virus or fungi. The doctor should determine whether it is angina primary or secondary (which developed against the background of other diseases, for example, with certain blood diseases). Analysis of all the data during the examination of the patient will allow the doctor to take into account all the features of the disease and prescribe the right treatment.

In the vast majority of cases, the treatment of tonsillitis is limited to conservative methods, but sometimes used surgical intervention.

Conservative treatment of tonsillitis is reduced to the use of the following methods of treatment:

  • Local treatment of tonsillitis. With inflammation of the tonsils, local therapy is effective, which involves lubricating the tonsils with iodine-containing solutions, as well as local antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. Such drugs relieve pain, inflammation, and most importantly - destroy bacterial infections. Local treatment also includes inhalation gargles for the throat, including decoctions of medicinal herbs that have an anti-inflammatory effect. The patient is also prescribed lozenges for resorption, however, in this case, rinsing has a greater therapeutic effect, since when rinsing, the bacteria are washed out of the body, and when the tablets are resorbed, they remain on the tonsils.
  • Antibacterial therapy. As a rule, the patient is prescribed local antibiotic therapy, however, in severe forms of the disease, systemic antibiotics are also possible. Antibacterial drugs are selected depending on the strain of bacteria. However, in acute tonsillitis, there is no time to identify a pathogenic agent, and the doctor, as a rule, prescribes antibiotics to the patient at first. a wide range actions. But after the end of the bacterial analysis (lasts several days), the dosage regimen can be changed. Antibiotics prescribed by a doctor should not be stopped prematurely. As a rule, after the first few days of antibiotic therapy, the patient becomes much better, which makes it tempting to stop these drugs. This is not necessary, because in this way you will not destroy all the pathogenic microbes that cause tonsillitis, but only some of them. Moreover, the surviving bacteria will get stronger and become resistant (resistant) to the action of the antibiotic.
  • Cryotherapy for tonsillitis. Recently it has been used new method treatment of chronic tonsillitis - cryotherapy. The essence of this technique boils down to the fact that the tonsils are affected extremely low temperatures, which leads to the destruction of the upper layer of the mucous membrane along with pathogenic bacteria. Over time, the mucous membrane of the pharynx returns to normal, local immunity is restored, and the tonsils retain all their functions. During cryotherapy, the patient does not feel any discomfort and pain.

In the case of acute tonsillitis (tonsillitis), it is extremely important to provide qualified medical care in a timely manner and completely cure the disease, since untreated acute tonsillitis easily becomes chronic.

When conservative methods of treating chronic tonsillitis do not give the expected effect, then they resort to surgical treatment. The operation can be indicated in the case when a sore throat bothers the patient more than 4 times a year, and exacerbations are accompanied by high fever and purulent detritus. In most cases, the operation to remove the tonsils significantly improves the patient's condition, and also reduces the likelihood of developing pathological complications that can develop in chronic forms of tonsillitis. Note that if earlier the operation to remove the tonsils was carried out very often, today this is done extremely rarely, since doctors have become aware of the great role of the tonsils in maintaining local immunity.

Complications of tonsillitis

Chronic tonsillitis, being a focus of infection in the body, weakens the immune system and contributes to the spread of infection to other organs. The heart and kidneys are most commonly affected. Rheumatic lesions that occur against the background of tonsillitis appear due to the fact that beta-hemolytic streptococcus leads to the production of antibodies that, in addition to bacteria, also affect cells of healthy tissues of the body.

Prevention of tonsillitis

To prevent infection, it is necessary to observe the rules of personal hygiene, maintain cleanliness in the room. It is important to monitor the condition of the teeth and oral cavity, which can become a source of additional infection.

To strengthen the body's defenses, proper nutrition is necessary,

Tonsillitis is a disease that is manifested by inflammation in the palatine tonsils. The tonsils are located on the sides at the exit from the pharynx, so the problem can be easily seen in the photo. Tonsillitis can occur in two forms: acute and chronic. As a complication of tonsillitis, tonsillitis appears, it is characterized by more serious and pronounced symptoms.

Chronic tonsillitis is a common problem. Children are more exposed to the problem, among children 14% of the population suffer from a chronic form, among adults - 5-7%.

The causes of primary tonsillitis are as follows:

  • violations of the new breath;
  • minitrauma tissue of the tonsils;
  • infectious diseases that violate the integrity of the lymphoid tissue of the pharynx;
  • foci of chronic inflammation in the oral cavity and head area, for example: caries, periodontal disease, sinusitis, adenoids.

In addition, bacteria and viruses enter the oral cavity from the external environment. A weak immune system is unable to protect the body, then disease occurs. Decreased immunity provokes not only inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, but also conditions modern life: malnutrition, polluted air, stress, etc.

Tonsillitis is caused by bacteria, viruses or fungi. The disease can be transmitted by airborne droplets, infection by the fecal-oral route occurs much less frequently. In the chronic form of tonsillitis, it is not dangerous to others.

Chronic tonsillitis

Chronic tonsillitis is also divided into two forms: compensated and decompensated. In the first case, only local symptoms are inherent. The body copes with inflammation to a greater extent, therefore a person feels only discomfort in the throat. In the second case, there is a general deterioration in the condition. Also on the background of the disease may develop:

  • paratonsillitis;
  • paratonsillar abscess;
  • angina;
  • diseases of other body systems.

During the acute form of the disease and during the exacerbation of the chronic, body temperature rises, joint pain, headache appear, when swallowing, there is pain in the throat, lymph nodes increase.

When diagnosing, the patient's complaints and indicators of clinical laboratory research are taken into account. The symptoms are unpleasant sensations in the throat, often painful, sensations can be of a different nature: perspiration, burning, sensation of a lump in the throat. The photo shows that there are curd masses in the pharynx on the tonsils, they are the cause of bad breath.

In the patient's card, you can find data on private tonsillitis. Most often, an exacerbation occurs after drinking cold or hot drinks, after hypothermia and colds. Therefore, the doctor must understand that such factors are not the root cause of the disease, and as a consequence of chronic tonsillitis.

The photo shows that with tonsillitis, yellow dots appear on the tonsils. During the exacerbation of this symptom is absent. This means that there is a follicular abscess.

If you press on the tonsil, then purulent contents will come out of it. This happens when purulent plugs soften. In the lacunae of the tonsils, a large number of bacteria accumulate, their appearance and shape can be analyzed in the laboratory.

Treatment of acute and chronic tonsillitis

First of all, for treatment in a hospital, it is necessary to wash the lacunae of the tonsils in order to get rid of bacteria and remove purulent plugs. At home, you will need to continue treatment and gargle with disinfectant solutions and decoctions herbs. Miramistin and Chlorhexidine are used. It is mandatory to prescribe antibiotics depending on the nature of the bacteria. Many pathogens are sensitive to the drug "Rovamycin". Of the penicillins, Panklav is effective.

Not only the nature of the pathogen is taken into account, but also the age of the patient, the frequency of exacerbations and the severity of symptoms. The methods and effectiveness of previous treatment are evaluated. After that, it is planned further actions: treat conservatively or promptly. The operation is recommended only for the decompensated form.

The order of treatment is as follows:

  • removal of purulent plugs and washing the lacunae of the tonsils;
  • gargling with medicines and decoctions of herbs;
  • taking antibiotics (with exacerbation);
  • quantum therapy to strengthen immunity;
  • methods of physiotherapy;
  • inhalation;
  • filling gaps with antiseptics (according to the method of Tkach Yu.N.).

Surgical treatment is advisable to carry out with frequent exacerbations and painful symptoms. The tonsils are removed, which in medicine is called tonsillectomy. Doctors try not to perform this kind of surgery, as this leads to a decrease in local immunity.


Chronic tonsillitis is an unsafe disease. If we postpone its treatment in a distant box, then complications can spread to the heart and joints may develop endocarditis, pyelonephritis.

Tonsils are removed if the following problems are present:

  • exacerbation occurs more than 2 times a year;
  • exacerbations are accompanied by painful symptoms;
  • there were complications on the heart or joints.

Treatment methods are effective: laser removal of the tonsils or a cryosurgical method, when the tonsils are frozen.

The operation is not performed if there is a cardiovascular or kidney failure, diabetes mellitus, hemophilia, infectious diseases, pregnancy, menstruation. Treatment is carried out three weeks after the exacerbation.

It is possible to talk about a completely cured chronic form of tonsillitis when an exacerbation does not occur within two years.

The treatment of children is different from that of adults. AT childhood lymphocytes are actively produced, during which the tonsils with the entire lymphatic drainage system are involved. So can't start the disease because the tonsils need to be healthy and whole.

Chronic angina

Chronic tonsillitis occurs as a consequence of chronic tonsillitis. In the lymphoid tissue of the tonsils and throat, there is always an infection. With any external or internal adverse effect, an exacerbation occurs and a sore throat appears.

When a pathogen affects the tonsils for a long time, they cease to perform their protective function weakens local immunity. Chronic tonsillitis is the cause of persistent pharyngitis, bronchitis and other diseases of the throat and upper respiratory tract if the infection goes down.

As complications, heart disease appears, the disease also negatively affects the gastrointestinal tract. The latter are much more difficult to deal with. The patient will have to take good care of your health and take preventive measures throughout life.

Symptoms of acute tonsillitis are closely intertwined with the symptoms of tonsillitis. The patient complains about:

  • throat discomfort;
  • increased body temperature and chills;
  • intoxication;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • the photo shows a white coating on the tonsils.

During the course of the chronic form of angina, the symptoms are not pronounced. The patient feels weakness, discomfort in the throat, when swallowing, a lump is felt in the throat. Such symptoms may last for several days and then disappear without medication. In this case, the infection is constantly in the body and negatively affects health.

In children, chronic angina is more pronounced. Colds are constantly occurring. The tissue of the tonsils undergoes changes, it swells, becomes loose, palatine darlings become denser. From mouth bad smell comes out, the cause of which are plugs in the gaps.

Treatment of angina folk methods

Treatment should not be neglected traditional medicine. During the non-exacerbation period, morning and evening, gargle with herbal decoctions and saline, this will help reduce the risk of exacerbation. If possible massage of the neck area and chest. To raise the immune system are used: ginseng, echinacea, chamomile, garlic, propolis.

Many herbs are used for rinsing treatment, for example: chamomile, horsetail, marshmallow, linden, oregano, oak bark, sage, black elderberry, peppermint, fennel fruits.

You can independently prepare infusions for rinsing and inhalation. There are several effective recipes for the treatment of angina.

The first is prepared as follows: crushed aloe leaves are covered with sugar and infused for three days. Then a mixture of leaves is poured with 40% alcohol in a ratio of 1:1 and infused for another 3 days. Tincture is applied every day, 50 drops of tincture are used per glass of water.

St. John's wort flowers (20 g) are poured with 100 ml of 70% alcohol, in this state the mixture is left for 2 weeks. 40 drops of tincture are diluted in a glass of water and taken every day.

A strong remedy for chronic angina and other diseases is eucalyptus tincture, it is sold in a pharmacy. One tablespoon of tincture is diluted in a glass of water.

For treatment, you can use sea buckthorn and fir oils. They are applied directly to the tonsils with a cotton swab for 1-2 weeks.

Tonsillitis is a disease characterized by inflammation of one or more lymphoid formations of the pharyngeal ring, most often the palatine tonsils. The disease is one of the most common infections of the upper respiratory tract. The disease can occur in both acute and chronic form. According to statistics, more than 10% of adults are diagnosed with chronic tonsillitis, among children this figure is even higher and amounts to 15%. The acute form of tonsillitis is a sore throat known to all. The surge in incidence occurs in the autumn-spring period.

Causes of tonsillitis

The causative agents of the disease are:

  • bacteria (staphylococci, streptococci, klebsiella, pneumococci, anaerobes, anthrax and typhoid fever);
  • mushrooms Candida;
  • viruses (adenovirus, herpes, Coxsackie enterovirus);
  • oral spirochete.

It also happens that the tonsils simply cannot cope with the infection. This happens with reduced immunity, freezing, beriberi. The penetration of pathogens is facilitated by microtrauma of the tonsils. It is noticed that when breathing through the nose, the likelihood of disease is much lower than when inhaling air through the mouth. Moreover, with a constant violation of nasal breathing, the patient almost always develops chronic tonsillitis. Factors influencing this disorder are enlarged inferior turbinates, nasal polyps, deviated septum.

Infection with the disease can occur in several ways.

  1. Airborne. The most common route of infection is when the infection is transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person.
  2. Alimentary. Infection occurs through direct contact with the infectious agent, for example, through food or household items.
  3. Autoinfection. In the body of each person there are various infections, but while immunity is normal, their development is suppressed. When there is a decrease in protective forces, pathogenic organisms begin to develop and a person becomes ill.

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Types of acute tonsillitis

Depending on the clinical features, they are divided into several types.

  1. - the mildest form of the disease, in which only the surface of the tonsils is affected. With timely treatment, the disease quickly passes. However, if left untreated, it can lead to complications. This type of angina is characterized by general intoxication, which is manifested by weakness, fever. The patient's situation cannot be called particularly difficult, but some discomfort is present. The patient feels a headache and sore throat, which is aggravated by swallowing. On examination, there is swelling and enlargement of the tonsils.
  2. Follicular angina is more severe. In addition to sore throat, the patient may feel pain in the ear. Small follicles of a yellowish-white color are formed, appearing through enlarged and swollen tonsils. On palpation of the lymph nodes, their increase and soreness are noted. Sometimes there is an enlargement of the spleen. The illness lasts about 7 days.
  3. Lacunar angina. This species is characterized by the appearance of lacunae - purulent whitish formations on the mucous membrane of the tonsils. Over time, the gaps grow and cover most of the tonsils, but they do not go beyond them and are easily removed without leaving wounds. Symptoms and course of lacunar tonsillitis are similar to follicular, but there is a more severe course of the disease.
  4. Fibrinous tonsillitis is characterized by the appearance of a yellowish-white film on the tonsils. However, unlike previous forms, with fibrinous angina, plaque can go beyond the boundaries of the tonsil mucosa. Plaque is noticeable already in the first hours after the onset of the disease. Such a sore throat can take place in conjunction with the lacunar form. In severe cases of the disease, brain damage is often observed.
  5. Phlegmous angina. This form is quite rare and is associated with the melting of some zone of the tonsil. Typically, only one tonsil is affected. With this form, the patient has a fever, pain when swallowing, chills, spasm of the masticatory muscles, strong salivation, bad breath. Without timely treatment, with this form of angina, an abscess can form in the tonsil tissues, after opening which the reverse course of the disease occurs.
  6. Ulcerative necrotic angina, as a rule, develops against the background of low immunity or beriberi. At the same time, the usual symptoms of angina (sore throat, temperature) are not observed, however, the patient has a feeling that there is a foreign body in the throat. There is also bad breath. On the tonsil, you can notice a plaque of a gray or greenish hue, when removed, a bleeding wound forms.
  7. Herpetic angina. In the initial stage of the disease, the patient feels general malaise, weakness in the muscles. Further, there is a runny nose, profuse salivation, sore throat. On examination, it is noticeable that the oral mucosa is covered with bubbles filled with a serous mass. After opening, they dry out and form crusts. Diagnosis of this form includes not only a routine examination, but also a blood test.

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Chronic tonsillitis is not considered an inflammatory process, but a pathology. It, like acute, is divided into types:

  • a simple recurrent form occurs, as a rule, after a sore throat;
  • a simple protracted form is a long-term sluggish inflammation of the tonsils;
  • a simple compensated form, when relapses of tonsillitis are rare;
  • toxic-allergic form.

With a simple form, the symptoms are quite meager and are limited only to local signs, such as: swollen lymph nodes, changes in the appearance of the tonsils, dry mouth, bad breath, discomfort when swallowing. There are no symptoms during the remission period. However, during periods of exacerbations (about 3 times a year) there are tonsillitis, accompanied by headache, fever, general malaise and a long recovery period.

In the toxic-allergic form, signs of allergization and intoxication of the body are added to the above symptoms. In addition, the tonsils become a constant source of infection that can spread throughout the body. As a result, there may be functional disorders in the liver, heart, arthritis, rheumatism and other diseases develop.

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Conservative treatment

Based on the above, the tactics of treating the disease should consist of determining the nature of the inflammatory process, identifying the type of tonsillitis and determining the pathogen.

Conservative treatment of the acute form is carried out using antibiotic therapy. This includes: irrigation and rinsing of the tonsils with solutions of antiseptic preparations, their treatment with iodine-containing agents, inhalations.

All procedures are recommended to be carried out every 2-3 hours until the tonsils are completely cleansed. At the same time, it is recommended to warm the neck with a scarf, take non-steroidal drugs with antipyretic and analgesic effects. Be sure to appoint a plentiful warm drink.

The acute form of tonsillitis is undesirable to treat with antibiotics, as this reduces immunity.

However, in severe cases, antibiotic treatment is mandatory.

About how to treat chronic tonsillitis, each specialist has his own opinion. Previously, patients were unambiguously prescribed surgery, as a result of which the tonsils were removed. However, today most otolaryngologists advise not to rush into the operation. In addition to the main treatment for chronic tonsillitis, the patient is prescribed immunostimulating, restorative, anti-inflammatory drugs and physiotherapy. If relapses occur, then the only solution is the removal of the palatine tonsils.