Infections of the female genital area. Diseases of the female genital area. Inflammatory diseases of the female genital area: classification

Diseases of the male genital area


The functioning of the male gonads depends on the work of some parts of the spinal cord and brain, on the activity of the pituitary gland (the secretion of its hormones), as well as general health. An infection (tonsillitis, influenza, tuberculosis) that has entered the body can cause prostatitis - inflammation of the prostate gland (prostate). Prostatitis may be preceded by local hypothermia, especially sitting on damp ground, sexual excesses, sedentary lifestyle. Signs of acute prostatitis are: fever, frequent urination with pain, burning in the perineum, weakening the pressure of the urine stream.

If prostatitis is not treated in time, the infection can spread to surrounding organs and tissues, which can eventually lead to impotence and infertility.


>> Mix harrow root - 20 g, eryngium herb - 10 g, hemp seed - 12 g, hazel bark - 15 g, dyeing gorse grass - 10 g, dubrovnik grass - 10 g, istoda grass - 5 g, bought officinalis leaves - 10 g, horsetail grass - 10 g and winter-loving umbrella - 10 g. Brew 1 tbsp. l. mixture of 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain and drink during the day in 4 divided doses (1 hour after eating). The course of treatment is 25-30 days, repeat after 2-3 weeks.

>> For the treatment of the prostate gland: pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over the following collection: 3 tsp. harrow, 1 tsp. lemon balm, 1 tsp dill seed, 1 tsp. horsetail, 1 tsp buckthorn bark, 3 tsp. juniper (you can leaves and blue berries). Boil for 2-3 minutes, then leave for 1.5 hours. Take 100 g 3 times a day before meals.

>> Take a bunch of parsley, 4-6 carrots without greens. Cut parsley with carrots and eat it as a side dish.

>> Brew 200 ml of boiling water 2–3 tsp. officinalis asparagus, cook for 5 minutes. If you prepare an extract from the rhizome of a plant, then you need to take 1 tbsp. l. crushed rhizome and boil for 10 minutes. Take 30-5C ml every 4 hours.

>> Brew a glass of boiling water 1 tbsp. l. leaves or bark of hazel tree (hazel), simmer for 15 minutes, leave for 40 minutes, strain. Drink 1-2 tbsp. l. several times a day.

>> Boil 10 min. in 500 ml of water. 1 st. l. crushed burdock root. Strain and drink 30-50 ml 4 times a day before meals.

>> Propolis extract has a good therapeutic effect, which is obtained by evaporating 40 g of propolis in 200 ml of 96% alcohol. Suppositories are made from 0.1 g of this extract and 2 g of cocoa butter and injected into the rectum 1 time per day in the evening. Treatment consists of two to three 30-day courses with 1-2-month intervals between them.

>> For prostatitis: use a mixture of equal amounts of psyllium lanceolate seeds, black onion, parsley, coriander, colza, wild carrot (possibly garden). Grind in a mortar 2 tbsp. l. mixture, brew 0.5 liters of boiling water and hold in a water bath for 30 minutes. Insist overnight and drink in the morning for 30 minutes. before meals, and in the evening, already in bed, drink 1 glass of this decoction.

>> For prostate enlargement: make a salad of 1 cabbage leaf, 1 turnip tops, a bunch of spinach, 2 tomatoes. Squeeze spinach and cabbage leaves with tomatoes. Serve with a dark red tomato.

>> Take 400 g strawberries, half a hard pear, 1 ripe banana, 1 tbsp. l. brewer's yeast. Squeeze strawberries with pear. Place juice, banana and yeast in a mixer and mix until smooth. Take a glass of the mixture 3 times a day before meals.

>> Pour 0.5 liters of water 1 tbsp. l. crushed licorice roots and boil them for 10 minutes. After cooling, strain and take 30-50 ml before each meal.

>> You can use flax ointment. Lubrication of the perineum and anus with it helps with prostatitis and relieves itching with hemorrhoidal bumps. Mix 2 tbsp. l. powder from dried flax flowers with 1 tbsp. l. 70% alcohol, insist 3-4 hours in a closed glass dish in a warm place, add 10 tablespoons of melted interior lard(unsalted) and heat in a water bath for 2.5 hours. Then strain through 3 layers of gauze and cool. This ointment can also be used for many skin diseases of an infectious nature.

>> For inflammation of the prostate gland: brew 1 cup boiling water 1 tbsp. l. dried herb round-leaved wintergreen and insist, wrapped, 2-3 hours. Drink 1/4 cup 3 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals. The course of treatment is 3-4 weeks.

>> In case of inflammation of the prostate, it is recommended to eat the root of fresh parsley herb or pour 100 ml of boiling water over 1 tbsp. finely chopped parsley root and insist overnight in a thermos. Drink 1 tbsp ... l. 4 times a day for 30 min. before meals.

>> In diseases of the prostate, you should regularly consume pumpkin seeds, which are one of the best sources of zinc (only oysters contain more zinc). Zinc is essential for men from birth to old age. For the treatment of inflammation of the prostate gland and adenoma, it is enough to eat at least 20 seeds 3 times a day before meals. There are cases when older people managed to get rid of adenoma by eating pumpkin seeds. large sizes. Flower pollen helps to cure diseases of the prostate gland. It is best to take it on an empty stomach 30 minutes before breakfast and before dinner, 1 dessert spoon. But you can also take 1 time in the morning the entire daily allowance, i.e. 2 dessert spoons.

>> For prostatitis: brew 2 tbsp. l. spring primrose 0.5 l of boiling water and insist overnight in a thermos. Drink 1 glass of infusion in the morning for 10 minutes. before meals and in the evening, already in bed.

>> Mix equal amounts of soapwort roots and rhizomes and Veronica officinalis herbs and grind thoroughly. Brew 0.5 liters of boiling water 2 tbsp. l. mixture, hold for 3 minutes. over low heat and insist 6 hours. Drink 3/4 cup 3 times a day for 20 minutes. before meals. Before going to bed, insert an apilac candle into the rectum. The course of treatment is 20 days.

>> In case of inflammation of the prostate, finely grind coal from burnt linden, brew it like coffee and drink for 7 days.

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Diseases of the male reproductive organs (testicles, epididymis, penis and prostate gland) have always been an extremely sensitive problem for men. Representatives strong half humanity is accustomed to endure, self-medicate and delay visiting a doctor to the last ...

However, such behavior is very dangerous not only for health, but also for life. Let's take a look together why diseases of the male reproductive system are a reason to immediately contact a urologist for help, or at least for advice.

Causes of diseases of the male genital organs

Sexological, endocrinological, morphological and venereological disorders can lead to diseases of the male reproductive system. The latter are the most common.

Diseases of the male genital area can be caused by anomalies in the development of organs and the occurrence of malignant neoplasms (prostate cancer) and benign (adenoma). The development of tumors is promoted by hormonal disorders. testicular injury, different kinds radiation, chronic inflammatory processes of the genital organs, cryptorchidism can cause tumors of the testicle and penis.

Coitus interruptus, congestion, taking certain medications, low sexual activity, bad habits contribute to the development of such diseases of the male genital organs as erectile dysfunction, male infertility and others. Often, diseases of other systems and organs greatly affect men's health. These pathologies include: atherosclerosis, neuroses, diabetes mellitus, depression, hypertension, spinal injuries and obesity.

Venereological diseases of the male genital area

The main causes provoking the development of inflammatory diseases of the male genital organs are nonspecific and specific infections.. Nonspecific: E. coli, gardnerella, staphylococci, proteus, viruses, streptococci, mycoplasmas, chlamydia.

Specific: Trichomonas, gonococcus, pale treponema, Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The infection, as a rule, enters the body of a man from the outside in an ascending way during sexual intercourse, catheterization. A hematogenous route of its penetration is possible, for example, from foci of chronic infection.

Skin diseases of the male genital organs

The skin of the genital organs is very thin and delicate. She needs proper care. Inadequate hygiene can cause blockage of the sebaceous glands and lead to excessive accumulation of secretions under the foreskin. As a result, the risk of developing an infection increases.

Many different diseases appear on the skin of the genital organs. Almost always they cause inflammatory reactions. The appearance of spots and discoloration of the skin may indicate pubic pediculosis, candidiasis, dermatitis and allergies. Itchy nodule (a dense element that rises above the skin) is a sign of n neurodermatitis, scabies, lichen, and non-itchy - a sign psoriasis, warts and warts.

The most common skin diseases of the male genital organs

The most common skin diseases of the male genital organs, such as allergies, herpes, thrush and balanoposthitis.


Thrush (candidiasis) manifested by burning, itching, redness and swelling of the foreskin and head, sometimes there is a white coating, which, when removed, leaves bleeding erosion. The patient may be disturbed by whitish discharge, urination, as a rule, becomes painful.

herpetic infection

herpetic infection caused by the herpesvirus type II chronic illness, which, first of all, is manifested by edema, hyperemia, severe itching and pain, and then by many bubbles with transparent contents. When the bubbles burst, sores remain. This pathology usually worsens with a decrease in immunity.


An allergic reaction on the skin of the genital organs most often occurs on the components of a condom or shower gel. It appears in the form contact dermatitis, the symptoms of which are in many ways similar to herpes.


When infectious pathogens enter the foreskin and glans penis, inflammation often develops, called balanoposthitis. Treatment depends on the type of pathogen. If the cause is a virus, antiviral therapy is required, if the fungus is an antifungal, if a bacterium is an antibacterial.

To determine what kind of rash you have, only a doctor at the reception can. Any rash needs to be looked at. But even an examination is often not enough to make a correct diagnosis. Usually, additional studies and analyzes are required, taking into account clinical manifestations.

Inflammatory diseases of the male genital organs

Depending on which part of the male genital organs is affected by the infection, there are:

  • orchitis and epididymitis- inflammation of the testicles and their appendages;
  • prostatitis- inflammation of the prostate gland;
  • urethritis- inflammation of the urethra;
  • balanoposthitis- inflammation of the glans penis and foreskin.

It is important to remember that inflammatory diseases of the male genital organs that appear in one of the departments can spread to other departments and neighboring organs (for example, the kidneys). Inflammation is infectious and non-infectious, and infectious is divided into specific and non-specific.

Non-infectious inflammation usually occurs due to trauma, intrauterine development disorders and allergic reactions. The infection is caused by poor hygiene or unprotected intercourse.

Infectious diseases

Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) are very common these days.. Moreover, in women, as a rule, the symptoms of diseases are more pronounced, and in men, the manifestations are insignificant, so the stronger sex is in no hurry to seek help from a specialist.

The infection is also transmitted through anal and oral sex. The first symptoms are formed from 3 days to 2 weeks. A high probability of getting sick in men who prefer unprotected contacts and often change sexual partners.

Local symptoms of infectious inflammatory diseases of the male genital organs:

  • the presence of secretions and their strengthening over time;
  • burning sensation and itching;
  • skin manifestations (spots, ulcers);
  • pain during urination or sexual intercourse;
  • swollen lymph nodes.

STIs are often. Also, infections can contribute to a decrease in immunity, the appearance of prostatitis, inflammation internal organs. The most popular diagnostic method for determining the disease is the polychain reaction (PCR). First of all, antibiotics or antiviral agents are prescribed for the treatment of infectious inflammatory diseases of the male genital organs.

Fungal diseases of the male genital organs

With active sports, exhausting work, frequent visits to public baths and saunas, the likelihood of contracting a fungal infection increases. Excessive sweating and poor hygiene create an excellent environment for fungus to thrive. Infection is also possible through unprotected sexual contact.

It is not difficult to diagnose the presence of inguinal epidermophytosis, candidal balanoposthitis and common thrush. With a fungal infection, the symptoms of a disease of the male genital organs are always manifested by itching, burning, rash, hyperemia, white coating on the glans penis, and pain during urination. Balanoposthitis usually occurs against the background of untreated candidiasis. It is complicated by erysipelas and phimosis. For an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary that the doctor take a swab and identify spores or particles of the fungus.

Symptoms of diseases of the male genital organs

  1. External changes in the shape and size of the genital organs (trauma, hydrocele or elephantiasis of the scrotum, agenesis, curvature, increase, decrease).
  2. The pain is localized in the vulva or perineum, and can also occur during urination. It can be painful, cutting, aching and constant.
  3. Fever indicates inflammation, usually accompanied by weakness, weakness, weight loss. Can be caused by gynecomastia and neoplasms.
  4. Urination disorder - frequent trips to the toilet at night, difficulty urinating, urinary incontinence, pyuria.
  5. Changes in urine - it may become cloudy or change color, for example, due to the content of blood in a tumor.
  6. Sperm changes (hemospermia, aspermatism, asthenozoospermia, oligozoospermia, teratozoospermia, necrospermia and azoospermia).
  7. Pathological discharge (purulent, prostorrhea, spermatorrhea).

Diagnosis of diseases of the male genital organs

Via blood test inflammation (ESR, increased leukocytes) can be detected. AT urinalysis- blood (hematuria), microorganisms and white blood cells (a sign of inflammation).

Transrectal digital examination helps to diagnose the size, texture and contours of the prostate gland. Puncture biopsy of the prostate is used to detect inflammatory and oncological diseases of the prostate gland and appendages.

Some male sexual diseases, such as developmental anomalies, adenoma, can be diagnosed using x-ray methods of examination - descending cystogram, excretory urography and voiding urethrogram.

Endoscopic research methods are carried out through the abdominal wall (transabdominally), transrectally and transurethral. These diagnostic methods allow you to clearly see the changes and neoplasms of the genitourinary system. MRI, CT and radioisotope methods provide a clearer and more accurate image of the pathology.

Cultures of discharge for the presence of microorganisms make it possible to identify the causative agent of the disease.

To detect a malignant tumor, sampling of blood serum for cancer embryonic and prostate specific antigen.

used to determine erectile dysfunction laboratory diagnostics, sexological tests, pharmacodoplerography, electromyography and cavernosography.

Treatment of diseases of the male genital organs

Treatment of male sexual diseases includes etiological, pathogenetic and symptomatic therapy.. The task of etiological therapy is the fight against the causative agent of the identified disease. In case of an infectious agent, an antibiotic (doxycycline, ciprofloxacin, azithromycin, biseptol) is necessarily prescribed, after checking the sensitivity to the drug. The doctor prescribes antiviral agents for herpes, hepatitis B, papillomas and immunodeficiency. Such medicines include valcyte, acyclovir, panavir, zovirax.

Pathogenetic therapy is aimed at the mechanisms of disease development. For example, replacement therapy with androgens, releasing hormones due to insufficient production of these hormones and the inability to restore this function by existing methods.

Symptomatic therapy helps to cope with the symptoms of the disease of the male genital organs, reduce the manifestations of pathology and improve the patient's quality of life. It includes the use of analgesics, antipyretics and anti-inflammatory drugs (diclofenac, ibuprofen), antispasmodics and alpha-blockers (doxazosin, tamsulosin, prazosin), muscle relaxants (baclofen, sirdalud, diazepam, pregabalin or gabapentin), etc.

Fungal diseases of the male genital organs are treated with the help of special tablets and ointments. The most available and commonly used drug is imidazole (clotrimazole, ketoconazole, miconazole, econazole). Sometimes hormone-based ointments (corticosteroids) are used to relieve burning, itching, and symptoms of irritation.


Prevention of diseases of the male genital organs is, first of all, sexual education and human culture, the use of condoms, the elimination of casual sex, constant sex life with one partner. Do not treat chronic foci of infection negligently. Ordinary caries can cause the spread of infection.

The exclusion of negative factors, the rejection of bad habits, the treatment of concomitant diseases will help to avoid violations of the sexual sphere in the future. Preventive examinations make it possible to identify any diseases at the initial stage, which can be quickly and easily cured, without the appearance of complications. At the first symptoms of any disease, it is urgent to contact a urologist or andrologist.

Diseases of the genital area include pathologies of various nature and origin. In connection with the anatomical features, these ailments in women and men will have their own specifics. Diseases of the genital organs in most cases are closely related to disorders of the urinary system. The etiology of disorders can be associated with congenital anomalies, the development of the inflammatory process, trauma, the introduction of infectious agents, tumors, and hormonal disruptions.

Common male diseases of the genital organs include, for example, varicocele, prostatitis, adenoma, erectile dysfunction. Typical female pathologies are uterine fibroids, cervical erosion, menstrual irregularities, polycystic ovaries, colpitis, endometriosis.

Diseases of the reproductive system need a timely and correct response from a man or woman. Dangerous complications will lead not only to infertility, but can also threaten a person's life.

Inflammatory diseases female genitalia arise as a result of the penetration of infectious agents (bacteria, fungi, viruses) into the female body due to abortion, hypothermia, diagnostic manipulations (endometrial curettage, hysteroscopy, hysterosalpingography, probing of the uterus, childbirth), operations on the pelvic organs, violations of sexual hygiene, abuse antibiotics (prescribing antibiotics only on the basis of the results of smears from the vagina and cervical canal). Incorrect use of tampons during menstruation and the presence of an IUD (intrauterine device) also increase the risk of occurrence and spread of genital infections.

Inflammatory diseases are in the first place among other diseases of the female genital area and, as a rule, cause reproductive disorders. female body. Inflammatory processes are often the cause of ectopic pregnancy, infertility, menstrual and sexual dysfunction, tumors, endometriosis. Inflammatory processes are the result of bacterial infection and sexually transmitted diseases.
Gardnerellosis, vaginal dysbacteriosis, candidiasis (thrush), vaginitis, chlamydia and trichomoniasis are the most common female inflammatory diseases.

Violation of tissue integrity during operations can also be the cause of inflammatory processes. Damaged tissues have a reduced reduction-oxidative potential, which favors the reproduction of opportunistic microflora of the genital tract. Operations: hysterectomy and caesarean section with gloves, tools and tampons, you can bring anaerobic bacteria into the body of a woman.
The increase in the frequency of inflammatory processes is also associated with the modern lack of a culture of sexual life, frequent changes of partners, and the lack of protection from sexual diseases. Women often do not immediately go to the gynecologist due to mild symptoms infectious diseases. This leads to the transition of the process from acute to chronic, which is difficult to treat and often leads to complications. The main route of penetration of microorganisms into the genitals of a woman is the sexual route. The infection can rise up, spreading from the vagina to the uterus and appendages (ovaries, fallopian tubes). Trichomonas and spermatozoa contribute to this (bacteria “cling” to spermatozoa and can move further along the genital tract). In addition, microbes have the ability to migrate through the body with the flow of blood and lymph.

Today, antibiotics are available and often sold without a doctor's prescription. Uncontrolled use of antibiotics leads to an imbalance in the microflora of the vagina, which is the cause of recurrence of inflammatory processes.
Antibiotics contribute to an increase in the number of microorganisms resistant to them. The next time it will be impossible to eliminate a similar infection with the same drug, it is necessary to use stronger antibiotics - a provocation of the formation of the most resistant strains of microorganisms.

Our medical center does not prescribe drugs unreasonably, numerous studies are carried out beforehand. Only identified infections are treated comprehensively. Treatment directed against infection allows you to eliminate the negative symptoms of diseases caused by inflammation. Treatment also involves the appointment of medications that increase immunity, strengthen the body's defenses and restore the balance of microflora.


There are acute and chronic inflammatory diseases (depending on the duration of occurrence and the degree of manifestation). Inflammatory diseases are classified according to localization and causative agents of the process: viruses, bacteria, protozoa, fungi, etc. An isolated group of inflammatory processes are: post-abortion, post-natal and post-operative inflammation.


Definition Localization Decryption
Vulvitis external genitalia (vulva) "Vulva" (lat.)
Vulvovaginitis Inflammation of the vagina and vulva Simultaneous inflammation
Bartholinitis Inflammation of the Bartholin's glands (glands in the vestibule of the vagina) The glands are named after the anotomist who discovered them.
Colpitis, or vaginitis Inflammation of the vaginal mucosa “Vagina”, “colpos” (lat., Greek) - vagina
Metroendometritis Postabortion or postpartum inflammation of the uterus Same as endometritis
Pelvioperitonitis Inflammatory process in the pelvic peritoneum “Pelvis” (lat.) - pelvis, “peritoneum” (Greek) - peritoneum
Salpingitis Inflammation of the fallopian (fallopian) tubes Salpinx" (Greek) - trumpet
Salpingoophoritis, or adnexitis Inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes (uterine appendages) “Adnexa” (lat.) - appendages; “salpinx” - pipe, “oophorum” (Greek) - ovary
endometritis Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the cavity uterus Metra, womb in Greek endometrium- inner lining of the uterus
Endocervicitis Inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the cervical canal of the uterus “Cervix” (lat.) - neck, “endo” - inside

Nonspecific and specific inflammatory processes

Inflammatory diseases, depending on the nature of the pathogen, are divided into nonspecific and specific.
Sexual infections are specific processes of inflammation (they are caused by Trichomonas, gonococci, pale treponema, mycoplasmas, chlamydia, ureaplasmas, gardnerella). Inflammation can be simultaneously caused by several microorganisms (combined microflora), caused by bacteria, fungi and viruses. Such inflammation is considered to be specific (syphilis, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, tuberculosis, chlamydia, etc.).
Inflammation of a nonspecific nature is associated with opportunistic microorganisms (strains that are dangerous under certain conditions), for example: gardnerella (it causes bacterial vaginosis or gardnerellosis), fungi of the genus Candida (causes thrush or candidiasis), enterococci, Escherichia coli, streptococci, staphylococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus, Klebsiella.
Symptoms of nonspecific and specific inflammatory processes do not differ.


Exciter name The disease they caused
Actinomycetes (yeast)
anaerobic infection
Pale treponema Syphilis
Hepatitis C virus Hepatitis C
rubella virus Rubella
herpes simplex virus Herpes
Gardnerella (Gardnerella vaginalis)
bacterial vaginosis
Gardnerellosis, bacterial vaginosis
Gonococci (Neisseria gonorrheae) Gonorrhea
Candida (Candida) Candidiasis (thrush)
molluscum contagiosum molluscum contagiosum
Mycoplasmas (Mycoplasma hominis, Mycoplasma genitalium) Mycoplasmosis
Human papillomavirus Papillomatosis
Group B Streptococcus
Toxoplasma or thrush (Candida albicans) Toxoplasmosis
Trichomonas (Trichomonas vaginalis) Trichomoniasis, trichomoniasis
Ureaplasmas (Ureaplasma urealyticum) Ureaplasmosis
Chlamydia (Chlamydia trachomatis) Chlamydia
Cytomegalovirus Cytomegaly

Most modern inflammatory processes in women are associated with genital infection in combination with opportunistic microflora.
Today, all sick women need to be examined with the help of STIs and PCR in order to accurately diagnose the infection that caused the inflammatory process. Each infection has its own antibiotic susceptibility spectrum.

Only laboratory diagnostic methods will help you identify true reason inflammation, and therefore prescribe the etiologically correct treatment. The method of laboratory diagnostics is prescribed by a doctor. Today, there are many methods with high reliability, for example, PCR - a microbiological blood test that allows you to identify pathogens (viruses, mycoplasmas, chlamydia) that have not been identified using the microbiological diagnostic method.


Autoimmune processes;
Mechanical damage(trauma, foreign bodies);
chemical agents.
Symptoms of inflammatory processes
Symptoms of inflammatory diseases of the female genital area are diverse:
Itching in the genital area;
Regular vaginal discharge bad smell;
Pain and increased urination;
Pain during sexual contact.

Inflammatory diseases appear during menstruation or immediately after it. There are pains in the lower abdomen, often accompanied by high fever, nausea, and vomiting.
Vaginal discharge is often profuse and white in flakes (cheesy discharge). Gardnerellosis is characterized by clear secretions with a fishy smell. Discharges of a purulent nature (thick consistency, yellowish and greenish color) are characteristic of cocci, and may also be signs of gonorrhea.

Inflammation appears with hyperemia, swelling, a rise in the temperature of the affected area, pain on palpation and dysfunction of the organ.
Common symptoms of the body are: fever, leukocytosis, a significant acceleration of ESR in the blood test.
Sometimes women may experience pain during sexual contact, a decrease in libido, which is associated with hormonal imbalance.


Treatment of inflammatory diseases is carried out on an individual basis by a gynecologist.

Modern inflammatory diseases are treated with various spectrum of antibiotics (intravenous, tablet, vaginal), biostimulants, anti-inflammatory drugs and physical procedures. Physical procedures use heat, light, electromagnetic waves to improve the processes of blood and lymph circulation, eliminate the phenomena of stagnation, restore the body's bioenergetics, increase muscle tone. The effectiveness of treatment is confirmed by the results of analyzes (quality control of treatment).


Infectious diseases cause emotional lability of a woman, a decrease in her libido, impaired sexual function, leads to premature birth and spontaneous miscarriages, intrauterine infection of the fetus ( causing a number complications in the unborn child).
In the postpartum period, the composition of the vaginal microflora changes in a woman and complications appear in the form of sepsis, peritonitis, metroendometritis.


Herpes causes premature birth, spontaneous abortions, placental insufficiency in the fetus, congenital pathologies in the child. Herpes of a newborn can lead to his death.


The human papillomavirus is the cause of cervical cancer.


Cytomegalovirus is a direct indication for abortion, as it causes congenital deformities in a child in 50% of cases.


Very many women are infected with chlamydia (about 60 - 70%). Chlamydia is transmitted sexually. These microorganisms infect the cervical canal, urethra, fallopian tubes, ducts of the paraurethral and Bartholin glands. Chlamydia is prone to sluggish and chronic course and recurrence of the inflammatory process.

Chlamydia infections that are not treated lead to tubal infertility and miscarriage. Infection of a child in utero or during childbirth causes inflammation of the lungs, eyes, and pharynx.
Chlamydia is poorly diagnosed and detected in 4 out of 5 patients. Additional diagnostic methods are needed: ELISA, PCR. Scraping from the urethra and cervical canal is taken as a material.