Dictionary word "comfort". The dictionary word "comfort" of the effectiveness of training and education

Sachkova Elena Viktorovna

Deputy director for educational work

MBOU "Secondary School No. 6"

Druzhba village, Koshekhablsky district




    To form the motivation of the teaching staff to create a comfortable environment in the classroom.


    develop a system of measures to create psychological comfort younger students in the classroom;

    create conditions for the formation of the teacher's ability to draw conclusions on the proposed topic based on analysis and generalization.

The course of the teachers' council

Introduction. Substantiation of the theme of the teachers' council

1. Psychological attitude.

Dear colleagues, I would like to start our pedagogical council with a psychological warm-up.

“Sit back, relax. Now close your eyes and listen to my voice. Breathe easily and calmly.

(In the background of music)

Imagine a wonderful sunny morning. You are near a quiet beautiful lake. Only your breathing and the splash of water are heard.

The sun is shining brightly and it makes you feel better and better. You feel the sun's rays warm you. You hear the birds singing and the chirping of the grasshopper. You are absolutely calm. The sun is shining, the air is clean and transparent. You feel the warmth of the sun with your whole body. You are calm and still, like this quiet morning.

You feel calm and happy, you are too lazy to move. Every cell in your body enjoys peace and solar heat. You are resting…

And now we open our eyes. We are back at school, in this office, we had a good rest, we are in a cheerful mood. With the same excellent mood, we will work on our teachers' council.

It was not in vain that I started the teachers' council with a psychological warm-up. After all, creating a positive attitude before any type of activity is an important component of psychological comfort during further work. Therefore, the topic of our pedagogical council is "Psychological comfort in the classroom as a condition for the development of the student's personality."

Entry into the topic.

Method "Associations"

Ozhegov's dictionary defines the concept of "comfort" as everyday amenities.
What associations do you have when you hear the word "comfort"? Each of you has a card with the word "comfort" on the table. Write words that begin with the letters of the given word (fireplace, book, vacation, furniture, car, financial situation, TV), and the group representative will voice the words that are most often used by group members.

Theoretical input.

Currently, scientists in the field of pedagogy and psychology, practicing teachers speak and write about the humanization of education, about an individual approach to the student in the process of education and upbringing, about attention to each child, about creating an atmosphere of psychological comfort at school.

This is declared in the RF Law “On Education”. Article 56, paragraph 3 says “on the termination of an employment contract with a teacher in the event of the use, including a single one, of methods of education associated with physical and (or) psychological violence against the personality of the student.”

Article 32.p.3 states “Educational institution is responsible for the quality of education of its graduates”. The presence or absence of psychological comfort affects the state of the student's psyche, his desire to learn, and, as a result, his academic performance.

In the Concept for the Modernization of Russian Education for the Period up to 2010, clause 2.1 states: “The availability of quality education means state guarantees: education in conditions that guarantee the protection of the rights of the individual student in the educational process, his psychological and physical safety.” In addition, paragraph 2.2 notes: “ Comprehensive school should form an integral system of universal knowledge, skills, as well as the experience of independent activity and personal responsibility of students”, “initiative, independence, tolerance, ability to successfully socialize in society”.

Such a personality can be formed in the conditions of such a psychological space where a child from the first gradeopportunity is given:

    to express one's "I", to make a choice in accordance with one's value orientations;

    the generation of ideas, the promotion of various kinds of initiatives, the introduction of interesting proposals are encouraged;

    develops readiness and ability to take responsibility;

    conditions are created for the self-assertion of the child, taking into account strengths his personality;

    a view of the other person as an unconditional person is formed.

Unfortunately, today there are negative trends in the educational process: a drop in interest in knowledge, a decrease in cognitive activity, school absences by students, teachers' complaints about students' behavior, conflict situations that arise during lessons and breaks. The constant state of increased anxiety of students in the classroom leads to nervous breakdowns. According to statistics, only 58% of students feel comfortable at school, 28% often conflict with teachers and classmates.

All this leads to the fact that the child does not feel safe and comfortable at school, and the task of the school is to create such a psychological space that every child would feel good in it.

The main criterion for such a psychological space is a safe environment, an atmosphere of psychological comfort, which is both developing, psychotherapeutic, and psycho-corrective, since it is in this atmosphere that barriers disappear, psychological defenses are removed, and energy is spent not on anxiety or struggle, but on educational activities, on the production of ideas, on creativity.

In the developing system of education L.V. Zankov, the principle of psychological comfort is the leading one in modern educational systems. It involves removing, if possible, all the stress-forming factors of the educational process, creating an atmosphere at school and in the classroom that unchains children and in which they feel “at home”.

No amount of academic success will be of any use if it is “involved” in the fear of adults, the suppression of the child's personality.

As the poet Boris Slutsky wrote

won't teach me anything

That which pokes, rumbles, bugs...

Group work.

The experiment is a digression.

It is proposed to one person to name 10 famous teachers in 1 minute

Ushinsky Konstantin Dmitrievich,

Tolstoy Lev Nikolaevich

Sukhomlinsky Vasily Alexandrovich,

Jean Jacques Rousseau

Makarenko Anton Semyonovich,

Lomonosov Mikhail Vasilievich,

Krupskaya Nadezhda Konstantinovna,

Zankov Leonid Vladimirovich,

Comenius Jan Amos,

Stanislav Teofilovich Shatsky).

Then this work is done in a group.

Conclusion: what one person cannot do, he effortlessly does in a team.

In order for our work today to be effective, we united in groups.

2. Training game. "The organizational psychological moment - the tuning fork of the lesson."

The beginning of our activity in the lesson is an organizational psychological moment. Organizing time allows you to positively set up students, organize their attention. At this stage, the ability to mobilize, internally organize oneself, and concentrate is formed.

Hello! This word (“hello”) is customary to greet each other when meeting. Welcoming, we express interest and respect for the person. We have become accustomed to such greetings and respond to them almost automatically. How else can you greet each other? Show

For example: “Hello guys! As always, we are glad to see each other and are ready for a joint creative work. In front of you on the tables are colored stripes: red, blue, green. Look at them carefully and choose the one that matches your emotional mood right now. Red color - you are full of energy, ready to work actively. Green color- you are calm. Blue color - you experience a feeling of anxiety, anxiety.

There are three clouds on the board - white, blue, gray, expressing different emotions. Guys, which cloud do you like better? I'm glad that most of you good mood. I hope that by the end of the lesson everyone will be in a good mood.

Thank you all, these are the options for a psychological attitude you can use at the beginning of the lesson.

It's no secret that the profession of a teacher is stressful and requires large reserves of self-control and self-regulation. The pedagogue-psychologist of our school Svetlana Sultanovna Mamrukova will share with us about emotional burnout (showing a presentation ).

I think you will all agree with me that one of the factors for ensuring psychological comfort in the classroom is to create a situation of success.

Success or failure in activities determines the leading development trends.

Here it is necessary to separate the concepts of "success" and "success situation".Situation is a combination of conditions that ensure success, andsuccess is the result of such a situation. The task is to enable the child to experience the joy of achievement, to realize their capabilities, to believe in themselves.

Success can be short-term, frequent and long-term, momentary, sustainable, associated with all life and activities. It all depends on how the situation of success is fixed, continues, what underlies it. It is important to keep in mind that even a one-time experience of success can change psychological well-being so much that it dramatically changes the rhythm and style of activity, relationships with others. The situation of success can become a kind of mechanism for the further movement of the personality.

From a psychological point of viewsuccess - this is the experience of a state of joy, satisfaction from the fact that the result to which the person aspired in his activity either coincided with his hopes, expectations (or, strictly speaking, with the level of claims), or exceeded them. On the basis of this state, stable feelings of satisfaction can be formed, new, stronger motives for activity are formed, the level of self-esteem and self-esteem changes.

The situation of success is such a purposeful, organized combination of conditions under which it is possible to achieve significant results in activities, this is the result of a well-thought-out, prepared strategy and tactics. Individual success and expectations differ. Can be distinguishedthree kind.

anticipated success . At the heart of his expectation can be both reasonable hopes and hope for some kind of miracle. Miracles, as you know, do not happen in the world. Success cannot be born in a vacuum.

Ascertainable success . Fixes the achievement, rejoices in it. It is important that it took place, that it created a great mood, made it possible to experience the joy of recognition, a sense of one's capabilities, and faith in the future.

Generalizing success. The expectation of success becomes gradually a steady need. On the one hand, this is good. This is a state of confidence, security, self-reliance. On the other hand, there is a danger of overestimating one's capabilities, of calming down.

But one thing is clear: failure (one's own, of course) cannot be loved, it does not bring joy, but it should be respected.

The joy of success can be purely personal, even intimate, if he can rejoice in his achievements, "to himself", regardless of the opinions of others. Joy shared with others becomes not one but many joys. In this sense, it would be correct to replace the word "divided" with "multiplied". In the same way, failure, shared with someone, becomes something else.

The best option:the joy of one becomes the joy of others .

Wisdom is what it isso that the joy of success does not give rise to excessive complacency, and the fear of a possible defeat does not paralyze the will .

Thank you for this work. I think we will certainly take into account all the proposals and apply them in practice, in educational activities.

Dear colleagues, a real teacher must find a way out of any conflict situation and be sure to take the right point of view. Probably, each of you had conflict situations with students that needed to be resolved, because conflicts certainly affect psychological condition child.

Therefore, I propose to each group to solve several conflict situations and find the right solution from the point of view of pedagogy and psychology.

Examples of pedagogical situations:

The student disrupts the lesson. To your demand to leave the class, he replied: “I will not leave here!”. How to prevent it?

You have been asked to come to a class in which you do not work for a replacement. You came and found that the students do not pay attention to you. No one is going to fulfill your requests and demands. How will you do it?

Excited parents of a student came to you, who said at home that he no longer wants to study with you. How to be in such a situation?

The student expressed dissatisfaction with the grade. How will you do it?

Thank you. And now I will give you small handouts "Teacher's Commandments" that will help you in your work, in educating and teaching students.

Golden rules of psychological comfort in the classroom

    Do not try to see only negative motives behind every negative act of a student.

    Prepare carefully for the lesson, do not allow even the slightest incompetence in teaching your subject.

    Schoolchildren tend to be more willing to follow the orders of teachers with an indirect method of influence.

    A student can be changed for the better with the help of special techniques for assessing his personality.

    Joint activity brings people together and increases their authority (if it is well organized).

    The foresight and correctness of the teacher's behavior reduce the tension in communication.

Teacher Commands:

You have blank sheets of paper on the table, each take one piece of paper. Circle on a piece of paper left hand. Each finger is some kind of position on which you need to express your opinion.

Large - for me it was important and interesting ...

Pointing I received specific advice on this matter.

Average - It was difficult for me (I did not like it).

Nameless - my assessment of the psychological atmosphere.

Little finger It wasn't enough for me...

I would like to end our teachers' council with a parable:

There was a wise man who knew everything. One person wanted to prove that the sage is not so wise and cannot know everything. Clutching the butterfly in his hands, he asked: “Tell me, sage, which butterfly is in my hands: dead or alive?” And he himself thinks: “If the living one says, I will kill her, if the dead one says, I will let her out.” The sage, thinking, replied: "Everything is in your hands."
In our hands, dear colleagues, is the opportunity to create an atmosphere in the school in which children will feel cozy, successful and comfortable.


1. In order to regulate and correct the identified negative trends, organize a permanent psychological and pedagogical workshop for teachers. (Answer: Mamrukova S.S.)

2. At meetings of methodological associations, discuss the problem of multi-level education, determine the possibility, methods and techniques for its implementation. (Responsible: head of the ShMO.)

3. A social educator and a psychologist to conduct interviews, questionnaires, trainings with a group of the most conflicted students, poor performers and missing lessons.

4. Take the following commandments as the basis of the teacher's behavior and his attitude towards the student:

Respect children! Protect them with love and truth.

Do no harm! Look for the good in children.

Notice and mark the slightest success of the student. From constant failure, children become embittered.

Do not attribute success to yourself, but blame the student.

If you made a mistake - apologize, but make mistakes less often. Be generous, be forgiving.

In the classroom, create a situation of success.

Do not shout, do not insult the student under any circumstances.

Praise in the presence of the team, and farewell in private.

Only by bringing a child closer to you can you influence the development of his spiritual world.

Do not look in the face of parents for a means of reprisal for your own helplessness in communicating with children.

Evaluate the act, not the person.

Let the child feel that you sympathize with him, believe in him, have a good opinion of him, despite his oversight.

5. In order to prevent conflict situations caused by the marking by the teacher, each teacher should comment on the mark being set, use the technique of self-assessment by students of their work, and involve students in evaluating the response of classmates.

6. At the beginning of the 2nd quarter, familiarize students and their parents (at the parent meeting) with the norms for marking and the system for monitoring students' knowledge in each subject.

Who is "for" the decision of the pedagogical council, please vote. Who is "against"? This concludes our pedagogical council. Thank you for your attention.

- (English comfort, other French confort, from Latin confortare to strengthen). In general, convenience and everything that makes life calm and pleasant. Vocabulary foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. COMFORT [Eng. comfort] aggregate… … Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

COMFORT, comfort, pl. no, husband. (English comfort). Set of household amenities. Apartment with comfort. He loves peace and comfort. Provide the patient with the necessary comfort. Dictionary Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

- (English comfort), household amenities: livability and comfort of dwellings, public institutions, means of communication, etc. In a figurative sense: spiritual comfort is a state of inner peace, the absence of discord with oneself and the outside world ... Modern Encyclopedia

- (English comfort) household amenities; well-being and comfort of dwellings, public institutions, means of communication, etc. In a figurative sense: spiritual comfort is a state of inner peace, the absence of discord with oneself and the outside world ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

comfort- a, m. confort m. , English comfort. Set of household amenities. I walked around the sand-strewn paths, looked into separate rooms on the right with fireplaces and various comforts. Pantheon 1854 2 4 115. Now pittoresque is aside for me, and most importantly ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

Comfort- (English comfort), household amenities: livability and comfort of dwellings, public institutions, means of communication, etc. In a figurative sense: spiritual comfort is a state of inner peace, the absence of discord with oneself and the outside world. … Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

COMFORT, husband. Conditions of life, stay, environment, providing convenience, tranquility and comfort. Get comfortable. Psychological k. | adj. comfortable, oh, oh. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

Husband, English convenience, cosiness, y (shelter), holya, freedom, home peace, convenience and excess. Comfortable, quiet, convenient, cozy, free. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary. IN AND. Dal. 1863 1866 ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

- - signaling function, when, when arming, the system can close the hatch, raise windows, turn on headlights for a while, illuminating the road to the house, etc. EdwART. Dictionary of automotive jargon, 2009 ... Automobile dictionary

COMFORT- see Comfort zone. Ecological encyclopedic dictionary. Chisinau: Main edition of the Moldavian Soviet Encyclopedia. I.I. Grandpa. 1989... Ecological dictionary


  • Comfort and healthy sleep of the baby. Natural Calming Techniques, Samantha Queen. “For many years I have been teaching women the techniques described in this book. If you use my advice, showing patience and perseverance, then the first year of your baby’s life is sure to ...
  • Baby Comfort and Sleep: Natural Soothing Techniques by Samantha Quinn. Samantha Quinn, a specialist in holistic medicine, knows how to soothe, comfort and put your baby to bed, even if he has a tummy ache or is overexcited. Massage and aromatherapy,…

The correct spelling of the dictionary word "comfort", which contains a foreign root, with dubious letters:


It should be remembered that the dictionary word "comfort" is written with the letter " about".

Words-images for memorization:

convenience - comfort
livability - comfort
peace and comfort

In image words, the letter that is doubtful in the dictionary word "comfort" is under stress. Therefore, in order to correctly write the dictionary word "comfort", it is necessary to remember the word-image "convenience" and other similar word-images.

Phrases and sentences with other words:

Complete comfort was created for the guests.
He sat comfortably on an old massive dresser.
Boyarin surrounded himself with luxury and comfort.

Combining a dictionary word into phrases and sentences with others dictionary words, in which the same letter is doubtful, allows you to remember the spelling of several words at once.

Phraseologisms and quotes with a dictionary word:

Responsibility loves comfort and willingly lies with the untouchable. (Aphorism,

People are getting smaller and smaller. And the reason for this is their teaching about happiness and virtue. They are moderate in virtue and want comfort. And only moderate virtue is compatible with comfort. (Aphorism,

There is no happiness in comfort, happiness is bought by suffering. (Aphorism,

Phraseologisms and quotes with the word "comfort" help to remember the spelling of a dictionary word in an interesting expression.

Poems with a dictionary word for memorization:

Today they value you as a friend,
In the family comfort, love, comfort,
But you just have to step back
And tomorrow it will be the other way around!

(Poem by Natalia Strelnik)

I will play sports!
After all, fishing is a sport!
In a hammock on the beach
Fishing is comfort!

(Poem by L. Krupatin)

The house was rebuilt, the walls were placed,
Added two pairs of chicken legs.
Comfort and coziness were created in the house,
And they live together in a hostel.

(Poem by Nina Babenko)

Reading poems using a dictionary word with a foreign root is a fun way to remember the spelling of a word.

See also in the spelling dictionary:

Comfort - how the word is spelled, stressing
spelling or how to write a word correctly, stressed and unstressed vowels in it, various forms of the word "Comfort"

See also in the explanatory dictionary:

Comfort - what does the word mean, its interpretation and meaning
definition and meaning, explanation of the meaning and what the word means
Comfort, -a, masculine Conditions of life, stay, about ...

Other vocabulary words on the topic "everyday".

Speech at the pedagogical council.

Topic: Psychological comfort at school is an important condition

the effectiveness of training and education.

Psychological comfort at school is an important condition for the effectiveness of training and education.

    Entry into the topic (method "Associations")

What associations do you have when you hear the word "comfort?"

(Words must begin with the letters of the given word.)

K Beauty

About organic

M Mom

F Fantasy

About Recreation

P Joy

T Heat

What is comfort?

Comfort - borrowed from in English, where comfort is “support, strengthening” (“Etymological Dictionary”, N. M. Shansky).

Comfort - conditions of life, stay, environment, providing convenience, tranquility and coziness. (“Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language”, S.I. Ozhegov).

Psychological comfort is the living conditions under which a person feels calm, there is no need to defend himself.

No amount of academic success will be of any use if it is "involved" in the fear of adults, the suppression of the child's personality. As the poet Boris Slutsky wrote:

won't teach me anything

That which pokes, stammers, bugs...

However, psychological comfort is necessary not only for the development of the child and the assimilation of knowledge. It depends on the physical condition of the children. Adaptation to specific conditions, to a specific educational and social environment, creating an atmosphere of goodwill can relieve tension and neuroses that destroy children's health.

Children and teachers are at school from morning to evening. And most of the time is taken up with lessons. Therefore, it is very important how much the lesson as " Environment»provides a comfortable state for the child and the teacher.

It is impossible to allow complexes, self-doubt in children. The class should not be divided into "good" and "bad", "smart" and "stupid". Every child should feel the teacher's faith in their own strength. The situation of success (I can!) Forms a child's self-confidence, teaches them to overcome difficulties, helps to realize their progress.

The task of the teacher is to organize a certain system of measures to create psychological comfort in the classroom.

Currently, scientists in the field of pedagogy and psychology, practicing teachers speak and write about the humanization of education, about an individual approach to the student in the process of education and upbringing, about attention to each child, about creating an atmosphere of psychological comfort at school.

This is declared in the RF Law “On Education”. The presence or absence of psychological comfort affects the state of the student's psyche, his desire to learn, and, as a result, his academic performance.

In the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, Article 28.2 states: “States Parties shall take all necessary measures to ensure that school discipline is maintained in a manner consistent with the human dignity of the child and in accordance with this Convention.”

The psychological safety of the educational process is the state of protection of the student from threats to his dignity, mental well-being, positive worldview and self-attitude.

Obviously, psychological safety is the most important condition for the full development of the child, the preservation and strengthening of his psychological health. Psychological health, in turn, is the basis of the viability of a child who, in the process of childhood and adolescence, has to solve by no means simple tasks of his life: to master his own body and his own behavior, learn to live, work, learn and be responsible for himself and others, master the system scientific knowledge and social skills, develop their abilities and build the image of "I". This means that a modern school should seriously and truly become not only a place where children are taught, but also a space for them to fully grow up, a breeding ground for becoming successful, happy and healthy people. This is possible only in the atmosphere peace of mind and favorable socio-psychological climate in educational institution. And for this, the lesson as an educational space must be a territory of unconditional psychological safety.

Naturally, there are various situations that interfere with psychological comfort. For students, such “interfering” factors are: self-doubt, increased fatigue, slowness of the pace of activity, increased need for attention, increased motor activity, difficulties in switching from one activity to another. For teachers (according to statistics), the factors of discomfort are: physical and psychological stress of work, constant evaluation by various people, a high level of responsibility, a tendency for aggressive attitudes on the part of parents and students, different styles management of teaching staff.

Generally speaking, analyzing the potential "critical points", we can distinguish several groups of factors that make up the schoolchild's environment. This is:

Psychological and pedagogical factors (teacher personality, complexity curriculum the ability of the child to learn this program);

- social (status in the class, relationships with other students outside the class, etc.);

- physical (school space, including environment, lighting, daily routine, food quality, etc.)

Turning to the works of modern psychologists and physiologists, we can identify the so-called school risk factors that, according to researchers, have remained stable and difficult to overcome for many decades in all schools of the world:

inconsistency of methods and technologies with the age and individual capabilities of the child,

. stress tactics of pedagogical influences,

irrational organization of the educational process, especially the mode of movement, rest, nutrition;

The maximum stress of the child's mental strength in the classroom and in the process of doing homework;

Exhausting mental, emotional and physical overloads that drain the nervous system of children;

pedagogical and parental "psychosis" of excellent grades;

formalism of program knowledge;

nervousness of the school environment, in which haste, tension reigns,

distrust of the child, his desire to learn, his individuality.

In the pedagogical literature, the characteristics of the psychological climate are most fully given. Under the psychological climate of A.S. Makarenko understood: "style" and "tone", emphasizing the major as the main feature of the normal tone of the class team. Concretizing the major tone, he singled out the following features:

    Friendly unity in the "teacher-student" system. In internal relations, pupils can be criticized and punished; outside these special forms of influence, it is necessary to give due to each pupil, to protect him, not to cause him any grief, not to disgrace him;

    The manifestation of inner, confident calmness, constant cheerfulness, readiness for action. The presence of self-esteem in each student;

    Security for all class members. No student should feel isolated and defenseless;

    Reasonable and useful activity of everyone in the lesson;

    The ability to be restrained in movements, words.

However, very often our tone of communication with children, the manner of teaching causes schoolchildren not confident calmness and readiness for action, but a feeling of anxiety, which they reflected in their questionnaires (showing slides and reading reasons).

Great educational potential contains creative tasks, tasks of choice, which enrich the structure of the lesson, create a favorable environment suitable for personal development (slide).

Studies have shown that the position of the teacher in the lesson, the style of his behavior and communication seriously affect the climate of the lesson, the attitude of students to learning.

A favorable climate in the classroom depends on many, many factors.

It is important for the teacher to remember that the psychological climate in the classroom begins to be created outside the classroom. The relationship between the teacher and the students is the most important condition for the psychological atmosphere of the lesson. How a teacher relates to work, how he talks with children, with parents, other teachers, whether he rejoices in the success of children and how he rejoices, how he expresses his emotional feelings, how he owns them - all this and much more has an impact on teachers and students. their attitude towards him. We asked students to answer the following questions:

- Which of the teachers shows attention to you, supports you? Results per slide

The answers to this question are dominated by class teachers and teachers of the Russian language and mathematics, which is very clearly seen in the table. The answers also trace those subjects that the students of the graduating classes chose as exams at the final certification.

- Which teacher do you like to communicate with and why? Results per slide

In the answers to this and some other questions, craftiness was also traced: the children asked several times who would see their profiles.

However, rather frankly, the schoolchildren named the subjects that they would like to skip.

The reasons have much in common with the causes of anxiety in the classroom (reading).

What can be done in a school lesson to maintain psychological comfort?

Be sure to take into account the physiological emotional and personal characteristics of children, create situations of success in the classroom, choose the most appropriate style of communication.

Consider the types of loads during the lesson.

1. Mental load (associated with the cost of energy for thought processes, in the acquisition of knowledge).

2. Static (associated with the need to maintain a forced position of the body for a long time during training sessions).

3. Dynamic (as a rule, insufficient, which leads to hypodynamia). This means that the dynamic load can and should be increased with the help of physical minutes.

Psychologists identify a number of factors contributing to a favorable psychological climate:

    The teacher should enter the class with a good cheerful attitude and be able to set himself up for a cheerful parallel with the children. In general, a teacher should have an inherent desire and desire to communicate with children, to communicate in a benevolent manner.

    Any emotional state, including negative ones, can be expressed in a delicate way.

    The teacher must know the age psychological features students, as well as to develop pedagogical observation in oneself in order to respond flexibly and adequately to a particular situation in the lesson.

One of the most "explosive" stages of the lesson is the regulation and correction of students' behavior, the assessment of their knowledge.

    Excessive rewards or punishments are harmful. Approval, encouragement will be perceived differently by different students. It is psychologically important not to praise a well-performing student with high self-esteem, it is important both for the student himself and for the class students (A.V. Makarenko)

    Training and education should be built without punishment and shouting (V.S. Sukhomlinsky.)

    Psychological discomfort in the classroom for the teacher, and then for the students, often comes from a sense of professional impotence of pedagogical activity, so it is important for the teacher to improve his professional skills.

    Come to the office a little before the call. Make sure everything is ready for the lesson. Strive for an organized start to the lesson.

    Start the lesson vigorously. Do not ask questions about who did not comply homework. Lead the lesson in such a way that each student is busy from the beginning to the end.

    Use a specially designed didactic material, use multi-level tasks that allow the student to choose the type and form of the material (verbal, graphic, symbolic).

    Engage students in the content of the material, control the pace of the lesson, help the "weak" to believe their strength. Keep an eye on the whole class. Especially watch out for those whose attention is unstable. Prevent immediately attempts to break the working rhythm. Address more often with questions to those who can be distracted in the lesson.

    Motivate knowledge assessments: the student should know what else to work on. This will teach disciplined work. The student will get used to the fact that the instructions of the teacher must be followed without fail.

    End the lesson with a general assessment of the work of the class and individual students. Let everyone experience a sense of satisfaction from the results of labor in the lesson. Try to notice the positive in the work of undisciplined guys, but do it not too often.

    End the lesson with a bell. Remind the attendant of his duties. Refrain from overreacting.

    Remember, discipline may be the only area of ​​teaching practice where help is not helpful.

    Seek help from the students themselves. Violators that the class does not support are easier to deal with.

    Do not allow conflicts with the whole class, and if it arises, do not drag it out, look for reasonable ways to resolve it.

    Remember the words of N.A. Dobrolyubov that a fair teacher is a teacher whose actions are justified in the eyes of students.

Commandments of the teacher

Respect children! Protect them with love and truth.

Do no harm! Look for the good in children.

Notice and mark the slightest success of the student. From constant failure, children become embittered.

Do not attribute success to yourself, but blame the student.

If you made a mistake - apologize, but make mistakes less often. Be generous, be forgiving.

In the classroom, create a situation of success.

Do not shout, do not insult the student under any circumstances.

Praise in the presence of the team, and farewell in private.

Only by bringing a child closer to you can you influence the development of his spiritual world.

Do not look in the face of parents for a means of reprisal for your own helplessness in communicating with children.

Evaluate the act, not the person.

Let the child feel that you sympathize with him, believe in him, have a good opinion of him, despite his oversight.