What food is needed for the brain. Nutrition for the brain: what to eat for the proper functioning of the brain. food and brain

Brain cells are highly vulnerable. It is not difficult to put them out of action - it is enough to limit the supply of nutrients, and then obvious problems will begin with the biochemical processes on which human intellectual activity directly depends. Special nutrition for the brain is not at all an idle fiction. With a chronic lack of proteins, amino acids, as well as a number of vitamins and trace elements, brain cells undergo deformation. Naturally, full-fledged work nervous system under such conditions is simply impossible.

Fans of all kinds of diets do not even realize that with their "hobbies" they strike at their own brain. If for body shaping it is sometimes useful to refrain from eating, then for impeccable brain activity and high mental performance, it is necessary to adhere to a clear diet. It should include at least four meals - breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner.

Here are a few rules to help you avoid nervous breakdowns:

  • try to have 4 to 6 meals during the day;
  • never skip breakfast, do not “push” them to a later time and do not try to combine them with lunch;
  • It is advisable to have breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner every day at the same time.
  • The Most Important Nutrients for the Brain

    So, what is the best nutrition for the brain? He needs proteins, fats, carbohydrates, glucose, vitamins, and various micro and macro elements. In addition, antioxidants are not superfluous, helping to protect brain cells from the aging process.

    Squirrels. Proteins contain amino acids, with the participation of which the process of transmission of nerve impulses occurs. With a lack of proteins, the brain begins to suffer from a lack of energy. It has been noticed that vegetarians, upon reaching a certain “experience”, note memory disorders in themselves. And, if they want to improve memory and attention, they need to go back to eating animal proteins.

    Fats. The brain itself is more than 60% composed of adipose tissue and therefore needs fatty "reinforcements" from the outside. But do not forget that fats are "good" and "bad": the latter cause the formation of cholesterol plaques in the blood vessels.

    Carbohydrates and glucose. For the full functioning of the brain, a component such as insulin is also needed. Therefore, in nutrition aimed at improving brain activity, carbohydrates, both simple and complex, are not the last. Scientists have proven that a person's intelligence increases markedly after he eats something sweet, that is, he receives a portion of glucose.

    vitamins. Flexibility of thinking, the ability to concentrate and a solid memory will support B vitamins, especially B6 and B12. Their sources are to be found in green vegetables.

    Micro and macro elements. Potassium, calcium, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, sulfur, copper and iron contribute to reducing the risk of developing various diseases and pathologies of the nervous system. When choosing a special diet for the brain, you need to rely on foods rich in these substances.

    Foods that are good for the brain

    Within the framework of one article it is impossible to list all varieties of animal products and plant origin that can bring invaluable benefits to brain health. There are a lot of them, and almost everyone can find unique properties. But we will list only those that must necessarily fall on your table at least 2-3 times a week.

  • Fish. Natural sea fillet and river fish contains polyunsaturated fatty acids that normalize blood cholesterol levels. People who eat fish regularly are less likely to develop Alzheimer's disease.
  • Eggs. Egg yolk is a storehouse of vitamin B6, which guards memory and helps overcome fatigue.
  • Blueberry. Medicine knows cases when, thanks to the use of blueberries, memory returned to people - in whole or in part.
  • Nuts. It is not by chance that walnut kernels visually resemble the hemispheres of the human brain - they contain impressive reserves of vitamin E and Omega-3 and Omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which provide clarity of mind. Useful for improving brain function and other varieties of nuts - for example, peanuts or hazelnuts.
  • wheat bran. They contain zinc, in the deficiency of which the body faces the threat of atherosclerosis.
  • Apples. rich in vitamins chemical composition apples have a beneficial effect on the state of blood vessels. And the strong and elastic walls of the vessels of the brain are a reliable protection against strokes and hemorrhages.
  • P.S.: What should be the food for the brain in your opinion? Please tell us about it in the comments to the article.

    The brain is the most important human organ. It is responsible for the proper functioning of all organs and systems of the body.

    Consists of two hemispheres (right and left), cerebellum and brain stem. It is represented by two types of cells: gray brain cells and neurons - white nerve cells.

    • The processing speed of the brain is much faster than the average computer.
    • A three-year-old child has three times more nerve cells than an adult. Over time, unused cells die off. And only three or four percent remain employed!
    • The brain has the best circulatory system. The length of all vessels of the brain is 161 thousand kilometers.
    • While awake, the brain generates electrical energy that can power a small light bulb.
    • A man's brain is 10% larger than a woman's.

    Vitamins and trace elements necessary for the brain

    The main function of the brain is the implementation of brain activity. That is, the analysis of all the information coming to him. And in order for all brain structures to work smoothly and without failures, you need a good diet containing vitamins and minerals such as:

    • Glucose. An important component that ensures the productive work of the brain is glucose. It is found in foods such as raisins, dried apricots, honey.
    • Vitamin C. In large quantities, vitamin C is found in citrus fruits, blackcurrant, Japanese quince, bell pepper and sea buckthorn.
    • Iron. This is the most important element that our brain needs. Its largest amount is found in foods such as: green apples, liver. A lot of it is also found in grains and legumes.
    • B vitamins. Vitamins of this group are also necessary for the normal functioning of our brain. They are found in the liver, corn, egg yolks, beans, bran.
    • Calcium. The largest amount of organic calcium is found in dairy products, cheese and egg yolks.
    • Lecithin. Being a powerful antioxidant, lecithin is also responsible for normal functioning brain. They are rich in foods such as poultry meat, soy, eggs and liver.
    • Magnesium. Protects the brain from stress. It is found in buckwheat, rice, leafy greens, beans, and also in grain bread.
    • Omega class acids. It is part of the brain and nerve sheaths. They are found in fatty fish species (mackerel, salmon, tuna). Also present in walnuts, olive and vegetable oils.

    The most useful foods for the brain

    Walnuts . They slow down the aging process of the body. Improve brain function. Contain a large amount of polyunsaturated acids. Vitamins B1, B2, C, PP, carotene. Trace elements - iron, iodine, cobalt, magnesium, zinc, copper. In addition, they contain juglone (a valuable volatile substance).

    . Blueberries are very good for the brain. It helps to improve memory, helps prevent cardiovascular diseases.

    Chicken eggs . Eggs are a source of such a substance necessary for the brain as lutein, which reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke. Prevents thrombosis. According to British nutritionists, eating up to two eggs a day is good for the brain.

    Black chocolate. This product is an important brain stimulant. It activates brain cells, dilates blood vessels, participates in the supply of oxygen to the brain. Chocolate is useful for brain disorders caused by lack of sleep and overwork. Helps to recover faster from a stroke. In addition, it contains phosphorus, which nourishes the brain, and magnesium, which is responsible for cellular balance.

    . Prevents the destruction of brain cells, slows down the aging process.

    Seaweed. Seaweed is one of the very useful products for the brain. It contains a huge amount of iodine. And since its deficiency is fraught with irritability, insomnia, memory disorder and depression, the inclusion of this product in the diet allows you to avoid all this.

    Fatty fish varieties. Fish, which is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, is very beneficial for the brain.

    . It is rich in proteins, is a source of selenium and B vitamins.

    . Spinach contains a huge amount of nutrients. It is a reliable source of antioxidants, vitamins A, C, K and iron. Protects the body from diseases such as stroke and heart attack.

    For active work The brain needs proper nutrition. It is advisable to exclude harmful chemicals and preservatives from the diet.

    Studies in which more than 1,000,000 students took part showed the following results. Students whose meals did not include artificial flavors, colors, and preservatives scored 14% better on IQ tests than students who consumed the above supplements. . Causes moisture retention in the body. As a result, there is an increase in blood pressure, which in turn can cause hemorrhagic stroke.

  • Fat meat. Increases cholesterol levels and as a result - atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels.
  • Sweet carbonated drinks, "crackers", sausages and others long shelf life products. They contain chemicals harmful to the brain.
  • We have collected the most important points about proper nutrition for the brain in this illustration and we will be grateful if you share the picture in social network or blog, with a link to this page:

    Today, nutrition issues are given increased attention. You can often hear questions from a doctor: “What do you eat?”. It's no secret that organs require a nutritious and well-balanced diet. In addition, some foods are more beneficial than others.

    It is easy to find information about products that are considered useful in general, but not so much is known about what you need to eat in order to maintain high-quality work, say, of the brain. There is food for thought in this question, literally too. We are so afraid of old age, including because of diseases associated with impaired brain activity. It’s so unpleasant to be in a situation where you can’t remember events from the past, solve a crossword puzzle or a problem.

    Below are 10 foods proven to improve brain function. Rather than sit back and eat anything, it is better to choose something from the proposed list.

    Oysters. If you often eat seafood, in particular oysters, then you can be called lucky. Experiments have proven that oysters are very beneficial for brain function, regardless of a person's age. The reason for this is the high content of zinc and iron. This combination of trace elements will keep the sharpness of the mind and improve the ability to easily recall the necessary facts. Zinc and iron contribute to the brain's ability to focus and remember information. If these elements are lacking in the body, then a person may experience memory lapses, poor concentration, and violations of vital functions in other organs.

    Whole grain. Those who want to lose weight probably know how useful whole grains are for the body. But such a product has another important quality - it is good for the brain. Any varieties of wheat and bran have a high content of folic acid. The same can be said about brown rice, oatmeal, whole grain bread, barley and others. All of these products work on blood flow to the brain, which automatically means a higher quality of its work and improved functions. Whole grains are known to be high in vitamin B6, known as thiamine. This substance is great for anyone trying to improve their memory. Scientific research showed that memory loss increases dramatically with age, after age 60. Thus, whole grains can be offered to people of age. This will help them maintain brain function.

    Tea. It is worth forgetting about a cup in the morning, because there is tea! Freshly brewed green or black tea is great for your brain because it is full of catechins. Everyone probably had days when they felt empty and tired, it seemed that they were too lazy to even think. The reason for this may be just the lack of catechins in the brain. These substances are excellent for keeping the mind sharp and fresh, to keep it working properly. Catechins not only keep the brain working, but also allow it to relax, helping in the fight against mental fatigue. Although green tea is considered to have a stronger effect, black tea will also good option morning drink. Tea is definitely a great thing. Drink it in the morning and get a charge for brain activity throughout the day.

    Eggs. As we age, the brain begins to shrink. This phenomenon is called brain atrophy. Many of us are calm about the reduction of other parts of the body, but no one wants to put up with a decrease in the brain. Although this process is natural, you can fight it by eating eggs. The fact is that they contain a lot of vitamin B12, as well as lecithin. Vitamin B12 helps against brain shrinkage, which is often associated with Alzheimer's disease. A large number of eggs will even be harmful, but their moderate consumption will give us essential fatty acids. The yolk, although high in cholesterol, is also rich in choline, which is very important. building block brain cells. Choline can help improve your memory. Remember, eggs should not be abused, but 1-2 pieces a day can be useful for your brain.

    Curry. This spicy food is a great way to revitalize your brain and keep it fresh. The main ingredient in curry powder is curcumin, which is full of antioxidants. And they just fight against brain aging, supporting cognitive functions that deteriorate with age. The antioxidants in curry help fight free radicals, which are located in the brain and throughout the body. But free radicals can cause inflammation and other diseases in the body. But curry is good not only for the brain, seasoning helps in the fight against diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Do you think curry is too strong for you? But you don’t have to sprinkle it every day for lunch and dinner. It will be enough to use seasoning once a month, it will be good for the brain.

    Berries. Even if you're not a vegetarian, it's worth relying on fruits, especially berries, for better brain health. For example, blueberries are useful for improving motor skills and general learning abilities. This berry is often called the best for our brain, it is not surprising that there are many products on the market today using blueberries. Most other berries, including raspberries and blackberries, are full of antioxidants that are great for boosting brain performance. You can eliminate the consequences of its aging if you eat berries only once a day. Berries are often referred to as super fruits because most of them contain fisetin and a flavonoid. They do an excellent job of improving memory, making it easy to recall past events.

    Nuts and seeds. Looking at such a snack, you don’t wonder what is good for the brain? But there is something to pay attention to in addition to traditional walnuts and seeds. Almost all types of nuts are good for the brain. These include peanuts, hazelnuts, cashews, almonds, walnuts, pecans, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and any other type of nut or seed. Nuts and seeds are full of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids, as well as folic acid, vitamins E and B6. This set of nutrients promotes clear thinking. Even the outlook on life will become positive, because omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids act as antidepressants. Some nuts and seeds are also high in thiamine and magnesium, which improve memory, cognitive function, and brain nutrition.

    Leafy green vegetables. Although children don't like leafy green vegetables like kale or spinach, they are great for the brain, and so are adults. These vegetables are especially helpful when there is a need to remember partially forgotten information, remembering all the details, as if it were yesterday. This is due to the abundance of vitamins B6 and B12, as well as folic acid, which are components necessary for the brain. They reduce the level of homycystin, which leads to forgetfulness and even Alzheimer's disease. These vegetables are also high in iron. If this substance is not enough in the body, then cognitive functions begin to decline. Therefore, remember with gratitude the parents who made you eat cabbage and spinach.

    Fish. Eating fish can be very beneficial for health, especially for the brain. Fish are high in omega-3, a well-known fatty acid that is essential for us in various ways. If you eat just one serving of fish a week, you can significantly reduce your chances of Alzheimer's disease. Fatty acids help the brain work, as it has a layer of neurons that become stiff due to the high content of cholesterol and saturated fats in the body. And omega-3s contain the right fats, which will allow neurons to better navigate throughout the brain. Omega-3s also help oxygenate the brain, which makes it easier to retain new information and remember old ones. Scientists believe that the best fish for brain health are herring, tuna, and salmon.

    Chocolate. If you eat a hundred chocolates, then your health will definitely not increase, as well as from drinking a large amount of hot cocoa every day. However, as it turns out, the main ingredients in these delicious foods are very nutritious for the brain. Scientists have proven that the content of antioxidants contained in just a couple of tablespoons of cocoa powder is much higher than in other products such as red wine or green tea. The main antioxidant found in cocoa is flavanol, which improves blood flow to the brain. In ordinary milk chocolate, this substance is not so much, so it is much more beneficial for the brain to consume dark chocolate.

    Your brain is amazing. Being the control center of the whole organism, it is he who controls the heartbeat, breathing, your every movement, thought and sensation. That is why it is important to keep it in the best working condition. But how to do that?

    What we eat has a significant impact on brain health. In this article, we have collected the most healthy foods for the brain and memory and explain why it is so important that each item on this list is present in your diet.

    1. oily fish

    When it comes to what foods improve memory and brain function, oily fish comes to mind first of all. And not in vain.

    Fish such as salmon, trout and sardines are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which have a beneficial effect on memory, information perception and learning.

    And the brain is 60% fat, and half of it is similar in structure to omega-3s. The brain uses these acids to make nerve cells.

    On this beneficial features omega-3 fatty acids do not run out.

    Sufficient intake of this substance can slow down the mental decline that inevitably comes with age, as well as prevent the onset of Alzheimer's disease.

    At the same time, the lack of omega-3 leads not only to a decrease in efficiency, but also to depression.

    One study found that people who regularly ate boiled fish had more gray matter in their brains, which contains nerve cells that control our memory, emotions, and decision-making abilities.

    Bottom Line: Oily fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for the brain to produce nerve cells. Omega-3s help improve memory and mood, as well as significantly reduce the rate of age-related changes in brain activity.

    1. Coffee

    If your morning starts consistently with a cup of coffee, then we are happy to tell you that you are doing everything right. Coffee contains brain-boosting caffeine and antioxidants.

    Caffeine improves brain activity in the following ways:

    • Improves attention: caffeine blocks the production of adenosine, a substance that causes drowsiness, allowing a person to better perceive environment.
    • Improves mood: caffeine stimulates the production of substances such as serotonin, which are known to improve mood.
    • Enhances concentration: studies have shown that those subjects who drank a large cup of coffee in the morning and a few more small ones during the day were better able to cope with work that required a high concentration of attention.

    Regular coffee consumption also reduces the risk of developing neurological diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. It is likely that this is partly due to the high concentration of various antioxidants in the drink.

    Conclusion: Coffee improves concentration and mood. It also reduces the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. Despite a lot of controversy, caffeine and antioxidants are still important and beneficial for our body, especially for brain function.

    1. Blueberry

    Blueberries are another product that is good for the brain and the whole body.

    Blueberries, like other colorful berries, are high in anthocyanins, a plant substance with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. It allows you to slow down the aging process of the brain and the development of neurodegenerative diseases.

    In addition, the antioxidants contained in blueberries accumulate in the body, improving communication between brain cells.

    Animal studies have confirmed that blueberries improve memory and even help combat short-term memory loss.

    Try adding some berries to your morning cereal or smoothie.

    Conclusion: Improving memory and slowing down the aging process of the brain, blueberries give this effect due to the high content of beneficial antioxidants.

    1. Turmeric

    This rich yellow condiment, which is the main ingredient in curries, has caused a lot of noise lately.

    Due to the substance - curcumin, which stimulates blood circulation, turmeric is one of the foods to improve memory. It has the following useful properties:

    • Improves memory: Eating turmeric helps improve memory in Alzheimer's patients. It also clears amyloid plaques. Which are the main hallmark of this disease.
    • Helps fight depression: Turmeric improves the production of serotonin and dopamine, hormones that improve mood. Studies have shown that curcumin is able to stop depression syndromes as well as 6 weeks of taking antidepressants.
    • Stimulates the growth of brain cells: Curcumin enhances the neurotrophic factor that affects the growth of brain cells. This allows you to overcome age-related decline in mental development, but this phenomenon has not yet been fully studied by scientists.

    To get the most out of curcumin, try adding curry powder to your meals and learn how to make turmeric tea.

    Conclusion: The active substance in turmeric, curcumin, has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, which improves brain function and alleviates the symptoms of depression and Alzheimer's disease.

    1. Broccoli

    Broccoli is full of health benefits, including antioxidants. 100 grams of this product contains more than 100% of the recommended daily value of vitamin K. This fat-soluble vitamin is necessary for the formation of sphingolipids, a type of fat found in significant amounts in brain cells

    A number of studies have confirmed that vitamin K improves memory.

    In addition to vitamin K, broccoli contains a number of substances with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects that help the body fight brain damage.

    Bottom Line: Broccoli contains a number of substances, such as vitamin K, with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.

    1. Pumpkin seeds

    Pumpkin seeds contain powerful antioxidants that prevent free radical damage to the body and brain. In addition, it is a good source of magnesium, iron, zinc and copper.

    Each of these substances is necessary for better work brain:

    • Zinc: Zinc deficiency in the body leads to many neurological diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, depression and Parkinson's disease.
    • Magnesium: magnesium is good for memory and learning. Low levels of this substance lead to migraines, depression and epilepsy.
    • Copper: The brain uses copper to control nerve impulses. Copper deficiency can lead to Alzheimer's disease.
    • Iron: iron deficiency often causes foggy consciousness and impaired brain function.

    Researchers are more often focused on studying micronutrients than pumpkin seeds themselves. However, it is they that contain all of the listed substances in sufficient volume, so this product to improve memory and brain function is definitely worth adding to your menu.

    Bottom Line: Pumpkin seeds are rich in brain-healthy micronutrients, including copper, iron, magnesium, and zinc.

    1. Dark chocolate

    Dark chocolate and cocoa powder contain a number of brain-healthy compounds, such as flavonoids, caffeine, and antioxidants.

    Flavonoids are a type of plant antioxidant. They have a beneficial effect on the areas of the brain responsible for learning and memory. Researchers have confirmed that this ingredient improves memory and slows down age-related changes in the brain.

    A few years ago, a large-scale study was conducted, in which more than 90 people took part. As a result, the researchers found that those of the subjects who ate chocolate more often performed significantly better on memory tasks.

    Chocolate is not only a product for the brain and memory, but also a legal way to improve mood. However, it is not completely clear whether this is due to the composition of chocolate or its taste.

    1. nuts

    Studies have shown that eating nuts improves heart health, and a healthy heart has a positive effect on brain health. In 2014, scientists proved that nuts improve cognitive abilities and prevent the occurrence of non-degenerative diseases.

    Another study showed that women who regularly ate nuts for several years had better memory than those who either ate nuts infrequently or not at all.

    All these positive properties can be explained by the high content of healthy fats, antioxidants and vitamin E in nuts.

    Vitamin E protects brain cells from free radical damage. That allows you to slow down the development of neurodegenerative processes.

    Walnuts are not in vain outwardly similar to the brain. They are the healthiest of all due to their high content of omega-3 fatty acids.

    Bottom Line: Nuts contain a number of brain-healthy nutrients, including vitamin E, healthy fats and fiber.

    1. oranges

    Eating one orange a day provides you with your daily vitamin C requirement. It's also good for your brain, as vitamin C has been shown to prevent a number of diseases and age-related changes in the brain, according to a 2014 study.

    Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that effectively protects the brain from free radicals.

    In addition to oranges, enough vitamin C is found in bell peppers, guava, kiwi, tomatoes and strawberries.

    Bottom Line: Oranges and other foods high in vitamin C protect brain cells from free radical damage.

    1. Eggs

    Eggs are a great source of many brain-healthy nutrients, including vitamins B6 and B12, folic acid, and choline.

    Choline is an important micronutrient that our bodies use to synthesize acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that helps regulate mood and memory. Studies have shown that sufficient intake of this substance significantly improves memory. Unfortunately, the diet of many people does not contain enough choline.

    Egg yolk is the best source of this beneficial micronutrient. The recommended allowance of choline is 425 milligrams per day, for women 550. One egg contains as much as 112 mg of choline.

    The B vitamins found in eggs also play a significant role in brain health.

    For starters, they help slow down age-related changes in the brain.

    In addition, depression and dementia can often be caused by a lack of these particular vitamins.

    At the moment, there has been little research on the effects of eggs on brain health. However, the benefits of the substances contained in them have long been known and confirmed by scientists.

    Conclusion: Eggs are rich in B vitamins and cholines, which have a significant impact on the functioning and development of brain cells, as well as improve mood.

    1. Green tea

    Just like coffee, the caffeine in green tea improves brain function.

    But in addition to caffeine, green tea contains a number of other beneficial substances.

    One of these is L-theanine, an amino acid that can cross the blood-brain barrier and increase the activity of the neurotransmitter GABA, which helps reduce anxiety.

    L-theanine also increases the frequency of alpha brain waves, which helps you relax by reducing feelings of fatigue.

    Some studies have found that L-theanine counteracts the invigorating effect of coffee, helping you relax and fall asleep.

    Green tea It is also rich in polyphenols and antioxidants that protect against mental decline and the risk of developing diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

    In addition, green tea improves memory.

    Conclusion: Green tea is a great product that is good for the brain and memory. It contains caffeine to improve attention, antioxidants protect brain cells, and L-theanine helps to relax.

    Products useful for the brain and memory - the result

    Proper nutrition is the key to a good memory and a healthy brain.

    Some foods, such as fruits, vegetables, tea and coffee, contain beneficial antioxidants that protect the brain from damage.

    Others, such as nuts and eggs, are rich in substances that support memory and brain development.

    For the development of the brain and its functioning, a constant supply of nutrients is necessary. They consume all the same substances that the body as a whole needs: proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, water and vitamins.

    Proteins allow the synthesis of amino acids, which help transmit impulses from one nerve cell to another. Carbohydrates are needed primarily for energy production. Fats are involved in metabolic processes. Vitamins and minerals regulate the activity of the brain, the reactions of its metabolism. Proper nutrition for the brain involves the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and for this you should combine different food groups.


    The main functions of the central nervous system (motor, emotional, sensations of pain and pleasure) are controlled by special brain hormones - neurotransmitters synthesized by amino acids. They are also responsible for sleep activity, control the center of appetite, influence intellectual activity, mnestic, improve mood. Food rich in protein promotes the intake of amino acids in the body: meat, fish, dairy products, eggs, legumes, nuts, seeds, leafy green vegetables.

    Amino acids

    Here are some amino acids found in protein foods that are especially beneficial for the central nervous system.

    1. Glutamic acid. Together with a special enzyme, it forms gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), which is consumed by neurons as an energy source. GABA is especially indicated in cases where brain vessels are affected, memory, attention, speech suffer, dizziness is noted. Also has a calming effect. It is found in both plant and animal products, but is destroyed during heating, so it is useful to choose those that do not require processing: spinach, cabbage, parsley, seeds.
    2. Tryptophan. Participates in the formation of serotonin - one of the main hormones-mediators of the brain. The lack leads to a decrease in mood, the development of depression, sleep disturbance, feelings of tension and fear, obsessive-compulsive disorders. Especially rich in tryptophan are soybeans and peas, Dutch cheese, chicken, rabbit, beef, horse mackerel and herring, cottage cheese.
    3. Glycine. A well-known neurotransmitter acid, which is ubiquitous in parts of the central nervous system, has an inhibitory effect on motor neurons, and increases the production of GABA. It improves memory, concentration and distribution of attention, has a positive effect on blood vessels and blood circulation, and has a sedative effect. A large amount is found in beef, liver, soy, sesame, peanuts, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, almonds, buckwheat, lentils.
    4. Taurine. Plays a huge role in the development of brain cells and retina of the child, which he consumes from breast milk or artificial mixture.
    5. Lysine. Its deficiency affects the synthesis of proteins, which is expressed in increased fatigue, fatigue, irritability. The work of cognitive processes is disrupted: attention and memory suffer. Sources of lysine include legumes (also vasodilating) eggs, red meat, pork, poultry, cheese, cod and sardines.

    If a person is a vegetarian, he must calculate his menu so that protein food is regularly present in it: unlike meat, one plant product does not contain the entire range of amino acids, they must be “taken” from different ones.


    Proper nutrition in order for the brain to work effectively is impossible without glucose, which enters the bloodstream after the breakdown of carbohydrates. It is the main source of energy for the central nervous system, and also contributes to the production of insulin, which is necessary for the rapid transmission of impulses in neurons.

    Food poor in carbohydrates can lead to negative consequences for the state of the brain: memory worsens, concentration is lost, mood swings, drowsiness, fatigue, dizziness appear, and developmental delays in children.

    “Healthy” carbohydrates are complex. Frequent intake of monosaccharides is harmful to the brain: due to the fact that blood sugar is regularly elevated, the pancreas can hardly cope with the production of insulin. Lipid metabolism is disturbed, which negatively affects the vessels: their walls become thinner. In addition, a person may experience chronic fatigue and drowsiness.

    Complex carbohydrates are absorbed more slowly, sugar comes in gradually. Food with their presence: cereals (buckwheat, raw rice and millet, oatmeal), wholemeal bread, durum wheat pasta, legumes, vegetables.

    You should not give up simple carbohydrates, as foods containing them may have useful material for the brain: vitamins, minerals and water (for example, fruits). In addition, sometimes there are situations when the work of the brain should be strengthened, and memory activated (during mental stress), then periodic intake of something sweet is possible.


    What fats are needed for the brain?

    Omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids are essential for brain development and function. A person begins to consume them from birth - through breastfeeding or a mixture. The body does not produce them on its own. In an adult, a lack of fat increases the likelihood of depression. Food that contains fatty acids improves brain functions: speech, memory, attention, perception, as well as cerebral circulation. However, saturated fats are also necessary for the central nervous system - the risk of dementia with their moderate use is reduced by more than a third.

    The human brain is 60% saturated fat. They are the main component of its cells.

    Foods for the brain that are sources of fat: fish, meat, eggs, nuts, cheese, vegetable oils, avocados, coconut oil, peanuts.


    When they talk about vitamins that are useful for brain activity and the proper development of the central nervous system, they mean, first of all, B vitamins.

    They are involved in the direct synthesis of neurotransmitters. Each of them to some extent affects the activity of the brain: improves memory, attention, helps relieve fatigue and mental stress. Positively affect the vessels of the brain and blood circulation by reducing blood clotting

    Which B vitamins are the most important:

    • B1- main vitamin which activates the brain. Without its presence, lactic acid begins to accumulate, which leads to severe fatigue, disruption of the heart. As a result, blood circulation worsens and blood vessels become thinner. Foods that are completely deficient in this vitamin can lead to paralysis. When heated, the vitamin is destroyed, it is better to give preference fresh vegetables and fruits.
    • B3 is a vitamin that can increase energy at the intracellular level. Foods that stimulate brain activity: buckwheat, meat, eggs, nuts, milk, legumes and fish.
    • B6 is involved in the synthesis of serotonin and norepinephrine. Its reception is useful as an auxiliary measure in the fight against depressive disorders. They are rich in: bananas, legumes, milk, liver, cereals, cabbage, walnuts.
    • Lack of B12 contributes to the disruption of the formation of nerve sheaths, which can gradually lead to: decreased vision, memory, dizziness, chronic fatigue, irritability. It is also involved in the regulation of daily human activity. Contained in meat, milk, cheese, seaweed.

    All of these vitamins are absorbed by the body thanks to vitamin C, which is found in citrus fruits, black currants, cabbage, rose hips, mint, sea buckthorn, tomatoes, apples, apricots, bell peppers, kiwi.

    Vitamins D, E and bioflavonoids, which dilate the vessels of the brain, prevent hemorrhages. Vitamin D is found in butter, dairy products, egg yolk, fish oil. Vitamin E - in vegetable oils, milk, nuts, eggs, liver, seeds, legumes. Bioflavonoids - in fresh berries and fruits, green tea.

    trace elements

    Proper nutrition for the brain is impossible without the presence of trace elements. We list the most useful for him.

    1. When the body lacks magnesium, neurons fire easily, but do not go through the relaxation stage. A person may experience irritability, insomnia, emotional lability. Magnesium promotes relaxation of nerve endings. An identical effect occurs on blood circulation: the vessels of the brain get rid of spasm, relieve headaches. Contained in buckwheat, leafy greens, legumes, rice.
    2. Support the functioning of cell walls potassium. In addition, it maintains the concentration of magnesium in the body, contributes to the normalization of the heart rhythm, relieves blood vessels of sodium, and supplies the brain with oxygen. It is found in large quantities in dried apricots, bananas, celery root, mushrooms, soybeans, and bran.
    3. Zinc enhances intellectual abilities and memory, fights depression, stress, plays an important role in the control of epileptic seizures. Food depleted of it allows you to contract