How to spin yours. Methods and tools for promoting a business from scratch - development on the Internet, advertising of goods and services, promotions and bonus programs. Remove external links

Evgenia Kryukova

In our group on the VKontakte network, it is often discussed whether it is possible to promote a site with a zero budget and, if so, how to put it into practice. The participants in the dialogues assure that they can do almost all the work on their own - they have the necessary skills, time and desire. All they need is a clear guide to action, a step-by-step list of recommendations, following which, you can achieve no less outstanding results than if they turned to a specialized agency.

Well, we will give you this list. But I want to warn you right away: following our recommendations, you take full responsibility for what will happen to your site. Do not think that we doubt the usefulness of our advice. It’s just that it’s hard for me personally to imagine a person who can do the work of nine (!) Different specialists: SEO optimizer, programmer, web analyst, designer, layout designer, content strategist, copywriter, editor and SMM manager. Therefore, if you are confident in your abilities, add the article to your bookmarks and begin to slowly implement what is written in it.

If there is even a drop of doubt (you are afraid to screw up in the code or layout), I advise you not to touch anything and give the site promotion knowledgeable people which won't spoil anything. We have been developing websites since 2007. Contact us!

Setting up counters and taking key indicators

1. Registration in Yandex.Webmaster and Search Console

By registering in the panels for webmasters, you can find out all the information about site indexing, crawling errors, sanctions imposed, in general, everything related to the "visibility" of your site in search engines. Without registration in these two panels, competent complex website promotion is impossible.

2. Installing the counters of the three statistics services

6. XML Sitemap

Using sitemap.xml, we tell the search engine which pages of your resource need to be indexed and how often they are updated. Details on how to create a sitemap and what requirements it must meet are written in our guide.

7. Definition of the main site mirror

For search engines, a domain with www and without www are two completely different sites. In order to show them that this is one site, so that they index and rank it as a whole, you need to put a 301 redirect from the secondary domain to the main one (SEO optimizers call it the main mirror).

We are engaged in complex website promotion. Click "Learn More" to view our cases and other details.

8. Duplicates of the main page

9. Duplicate Content

To find duplicate content, we will use the free program Xenu. Download from the link, install and run. After that, click File - Check URL, drive in the domain of your site and click OK. After the application crawls your site, select sorting by Title and see which titles are repeated.

You can solve the problem of duplicate content by specifying canonical URLs. The task is solved by regular means of engines or additional settings, for example, on sites running WordPress CMS, the rel="canonical" attribute can be added using the All In One SEO Pack plugin.

10. Blocking Content Indexing

This is a controversial tactic that must be used carefully. For example, content projects might benefit from de-indexing tag and category pages. In this case, search engines will direct users directly to the pages of publications. On WordPress sites, categories and tags are blocked from indexing using the All in One SEO Pack.

11. CNC (human-understandable urls)

To configure the CNC on Bitrix, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Enable edit mode.
  1. Hover over the desired component and click "Edit Component Settings".

  1. Check the box next to "Enable CNC support".

  1. Fill in the line "Character code".

12. Website loading speed

13. Malicious code

If your site appears in search results with the tag "This site may threaten the security of your computer", it means that it contains malicious code. To remove it, you must follow the Yandex instructions.

14. Removing filters

To find out if your site has sanctions from Yandex, in Webmaster, go to the section "Diagnostics - Security and Violations". To find out if your site has sanctions from Google, you need to go to "Google Webmaster Tools" - "Manual Actions" (you will have to calculate automatic filters yourself).

But you can learn about sanctions without webmaster cabinets. The first sign of sanctions is a sharp and inexplicable drop in traffic. The second sign is that you violate the rules of search engines, for example, you massively buy links, spam, and so on. The third sign is that your site is simply of poor quality.

Removing filters is a separate and very large topic for discussion. In this material, we will not dwell on it. Here are just a few good articles on the subject:

  • What are search engine filters: a checklist for diagnosing sanctions from Yandex and Google
  • What to do if you suspect search engine sanctions
  • Case: removal from the "reference needle" and increase in search traffic

No time to read articles and implement what has been written? Contact TexTerra. We will conduct a comprehensive audit of your site and optimize it for search engines.

Troubleshooting Content Optimization

15. Text relevance and “usefulness” of content

Gone are the days when the number of keywords in the text influenced the position of the site and, accordingly, traffic growth. Now this factor is Negative influence and is called "overspam" or "seo-porridge", and the main indicator of the site's success is the usefulness of the content. All information posted on the pages of the site should be useful to visitors. If the page has a “sheet” of unformatted text without subheadings and indents, on which all possible keywords have been worked out, but the visitor does not read this text, then the rating of such a page, as well as the entire site as a whole, will decrease. Make sure your site doesn't have this kind of content.

Again, pay attention: search engines do not like texts that no one reads. They treat useful large-volume texts well. So don't limit yourself, write as much as you need to provide expert information on the request that the visitor came for. In some cases, the text may not be on the page at all, but it must be visually designed so that the visitor follows the link further from it, performs some action (sending an order), but in no case closes the tab.

16. Tags title, description, keywords

Each page must have a heading. , relevant to the content of the page itself. This title is displayed in the browser tab, in the SERP snippet, in the name of the browser bookmark. It is desirable that these meta tags are unique on each page, not repeated. Basic requirements for using title and description on pages:</p> <ul><li>The text should be informative, describing in a few words what the page is about, relevant;</li> <li>There is a small limitation on the number of characters: title 50-80 characters, description 150-200 characters. This requirement is not strict, it just doesn't make sense to write more, they will not be accepted by search robots.</li> </ul><p>You can determine which pages of your site are missing these meta tags using Seo-spider . This program crawls your site or a certain section of it, giving you all the working and non-working pages with detailed data on each of them. In addition to page health data, you will also get it:</p> <ul><li>Title</li> <li>Description</li> <li>H1, H2</li> <li>Keywords</li> <li>Number of characters per page</li> <li>Number of words</li> </ul><p>The program is shareware - the free version has reduced functionality, and the number of pages analyzed is 500. If you have a large site, or you want maximum convenience and ease of use, you will have to fork out 99 euros. The rest will have to be content with what they have.</p> <p>How to use it:</p> <ul><li>Download, install and run the program.</li> <li>In the topmost line, enter the site domain (or the required section) and click Start.</li> <li>In the Filter section, set the HTML value (this is necessary in order to sort external links, addresses of images and other files).</li> <li>Click on the tabs and enjoy the most detailed information.</li> <li>If desired, we export the report to a .csv file.</li> </ul><p> <br><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h3>17. Image alt attribute</h3> <p>Each image must have an alt=”” attribute containing a description of the image with keywords. In some CMS, this is done very simply - just fill in the appropriate field, which is usually called "Alt Text" or simply ALT. In the rest, you will have to prescribe this attribute in the code itself. It will look like this:</p> <p><img src='/kak-raskrutit-svoi-metody-i-instrumenty-prodvizheniya-biznesa-s-nulya.html' loading=lazy loading=lazy>alt="(!LANG:This should be the text that will be displayed if the photo does not load" !}</span> title="(!LANG:Image code with alt attribute set" src="/upload/img/2014-06-24-texterra-23.jpg" >!}</p> <p>To quickly find all the images that are missing the alt attribute, we will use the Seo-spider program again. We scan the site, go to Bulk Export - Images Missing Alt Text and save the report in .csv format. Very convenient and, most importantly, fast.</p> <p> <br><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h3>18. Headings H1-H6</h3> <p>Text headings taken in a tag <h1>…</h1>, like title, are <a href="">the most important factor</a> internal page optimization. Header content has a greater impact on the semantic relevance of a page than regular text. The occurrence of landing keys (both exact and inaccurate) in the H1 heading seriously affects the ranking of documents in the natural search engine results. At the same time, it should be noted that this influence is observed both in Yandex and Google. <a href="">General principle</a> correct (from the point of view of search engine optimization) text markup can be seen in the following image:</p> <p> <br><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h3>19. Internal linking</h3> <p>Internal linking is extremely important for better website ranking in search engines. Why? This is convenient for users and search robots. Want details? Here are three reasons to relink your site pages.</p> <p>Second, anchor links (links that use key phrases) affect rankings and transfer anchor weight from the donor page to the acceptor page. In other words, if a page that is important and trustworthy from the side of search engines links to another page with the text: "Learn more about bundling <a href="">educational institutions</a> you can here”, then the relevance of the page to which we link increases for the query “equipment of educational institutions”. Without competent linking, it is impossible to achieve serious results in search results.</p> <p>Third, links are just a convenience to users, as long as they are appropriate and relevant. Proper arrangement of links to various pages of the site increases the length of the session, the average number of pages viewed and reduces the percentage of failures. And already through these factors there is an influence on the behavioral factors of ranking. Thus, user friendliness also affects the ranking of sites in search engines.</p> <h3>20. Markup</h3> <p> is a semantic data markup dictionary supported by all major search engines. Its purpose is to help search robots better understand the content of the page and, thereby, improve search results. Today it is simply impossible to ignore this type of semantic markup. According to recent research, sites using rank 4 (!) positions higher on average.</p> <p>Also note the ability to implement microdata using the JSON-LD syntax. This approach has an important advantage: unlike the classic format, only robots see JSON-LD markup. That is, it is not displayed on the page.</p> <p>Another useful material on the topic: a guide to getting rich snippets in SERP. With the help of and JSON-LD, you can increase the CTR of site links in SERP.</p> <h3>21. Twitter cards</h3> <p>Twitter Cards is a free API from Twitter that allows users to drive more traffic to their website. With this service, you can turn your tweet into:</p> <ul><li>A card with an extended description and a small picture.</li> <li>A card with an extended description and a large picture.</li> <li>Photo gallery with descriptions.</li> <li>Video player with description.</li> <li>Product card.</li> </ul><p>We wrote in detail about how to use Twitter Cards in one of our mailing lists.</p> <p> <img src='' height="548" width="450" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h3>22. Uniqueness of the text</h3> <h2>Eliminate major usability bugs</h2> <h3>23. The usual location of the main blocks</h3> <p>The best design is one that is easy to navigate the site. Make sure that all the main components are in a familiar place for the user: the phone is in the header, the clickable logo is in the upper left corner of the site, the menu with services / product categories is in the left column, and so on.</p> <h3>24. Easy-to-read fonts</h3> <p>The user should not experience discomfort when reading your site. Use simple fonts, sans serifs, italics and excessive boldness. To test how good the chosen font is, try reading an entire article of at least 5,000 characters. Stabbed your eyes? Want to look away? So you've chosen the wrong font.</p> <h3>25. Breadcrumbs</h3> <p>Have you read up to this point? Yes, you are a hero :) Do you want to get a discount on complex promotion? Leave a request, and we will offer you the most beneficial scheme of work for your project.</p> <h3>27. Broken links</h3> <p>The aforementioned Xenu program will help to detect and eliminate all broken links. To do this, click File - Check URL and enter the domain of your site in the very top line. After the program has scanned all the pages and asked you if you need a report, answer Yes. In the report you will find all the broken links and the pages on which they are affixed.</p> <p> <br><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h3>28. Buttons for ordering a call/service</h3> <p>Should be located in the header, the form should appear on the same page, without reloading, and contain a minimum of fields to fill in: full name*, phone*, convenient time to call, comment. Fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory.</p> <h3>29. Phone in the header and footer of the site</h3> <p>It should be large, contrast well with the background, contain the area code.</p> <h3>30. TIN/KPP/OGRN</h3> <p>To increase the trust of users and search engines, in the basement of the site, in addition to the phone, you should place the TIN / KPP / OGRN.</p> <h3>31. Block "Most discussed"</h3> <p>To increase the duration of the session and the convenience of users, add a list of the most commented articles to your blog. To do this on a Wordpress site, use the WordPress Popular Posts plugin, for Joomla - JComments, for Bitrix - you will have to write it yourself. You can also use external commenting systems, such as Disqus.</p> <p> <br><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>This block can be implemented using recommendation services from Google AdSense, Relap and, <a href="" target="_blank">about which we wrote</a>. A huge number of other interesting solutions can be found in the following articles:</p> <ul><li>11 free Wordpress plugins that will speed up your online promotion.</li> <li>33 extensions for Google Chrome, necessary for the work of an Internet marketer.</li> </ul><p>And I highly recommend reading this article - "How to create a site on WordPress: a complete guide for beginners". To date, this is the most complete material on creating and optimizing sites on Wordpress.</p> <p> <br><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h3>34. Online consultant</h3> <p>To increase conversion, try adding an online consultant (for example, JivoSite) to your site. In our business, this tool works just fine, in some others it doesn’t work at all and only annoys users. Therefore, you need to test here, especially since many online chats provide such an opportunity for free.</p> <p>Do not forget that the effectiveness of using online chat is 99% dependent on the experience and qualifications of operators. Confirmation in the illustration, this is one of the cases from our practice.</p> <p> <img src='' height="988" width="520" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h3>35. Useful articles</h3> <p>Above, we have listed just a few tips for improving usability. In fact, there are so many that it would take a whole book to list them all. You can find a lot of other useful tips in the following articles:</p> <ul><li>What mistakes do the largest online stores runet.</li> </ul><h2>Creation of a wide semantic core</h2> <p>Before moving on to the recommendations, we just have to say an important thing. We have a semantic core collection service. We work with any number of requests: from 100 to 1,000,000. This is a long and painstaking work. If you do not have a specialist who could do this quickly and without errors, please contact us!</p> <h3>36. Collect requests related to your site</h3> <p>First of all, we collect requests that are directly related to your business / topic. We go to Yandex Wordstat, drive in a request, copy all the phrases from the left column into an excel table. We drive in the following request, we copy. And so on for each request.</p> <p> <br><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h3>37. Extraction of non-target requests</h3> <p>After collecting the semantic core for all possible queries, it is necessary to remove from there all non-target ones - those that do not relate to the subject or activity of the site. This is done exclusively manually and takes a lot of time - sometimes the number of requests reaches tens, and sometimes hundreds of thousands.</p> <h3>38. Distribution by sections and articles</h3> <p>After cleaning, requests are distributed by sections and articles. A relevance map is created:</p> <p> <br><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h3>Why is it necessary to create a broad semantic core?</h3> <p>A wide semantic core allows you to create useful and popular content that meets a large number of specific requests. Quality content, in turn, improves the behavioral factors of the site and gets <a href="">natural links</a>. As a result, search engines "understand" that the site is an "expert" in its field and begin to rank it higher. If you want to seriously delve into the study of this topic, I recommend reading this article (ignore the year - the principles of working with the semantic core are still the same):</p> <ul><li>How to make a semantic core if you are not a SEO specialist and do not want to be one.</li> </ul><h2>Creating a content plan</h2> <h3>39. Planning</h3> <p>Publication frequency, headings, content types: texts, videos, infographics, video infographics, white papers, etc.</p> <h3>40. Brainstorm</h3> <p>Subscribe to interesting newsletters on topics, read as much as possible about the market, stay up to date with all the events. Study competitor websites. What do they write about? How much content is published? What articles do they have the most comments on? Chat with experts who communicate with your target audience. Customer service departments are the best source of ideas. Read the forums and all sorts of FAQs. Use ready-made ideas:</p> <ul><li>What to blog about when there's nothing to write about: 99 content ideas.</li> <li>30 ideas for creating cool selling content (infographic) .</li> <li>43 Summer Blog Titles: Ready-Made Article Topics for Various Business Industries.</li> </ul><h3>41. Filtering Ideas</h3> <p>Think about how this or that material will be useful to your target audience. All useless boldly discard aside.</p> <h3>42. Distribution by dates</h3> <p>Consider a posting schedule. Create an editorial calendar and schedule each release date.</p> <h3>43. Useful materials:</h3> <ul><li>What is a content plan for a commercial website, and how is it created.</li> <li>20 things to keep in mind when creating a content plan.</li> <li>Content Creation</li> </ul><p>So much has been said about creating content on our site that there is simply no point in rewriting materials. Therefore, in this section we list only the most sensible and <a href="">useful articles</a> that will teach you how to create the right content:</p> <h3>44. Create the right content</h3> <ul><li>Signs of working and non-working text content.</li> <li>Conversion killers: 7 phrases after which users leave your site.</li> <li>How to Write Better and Better: A Dozen Ideas for Writers.</li> <li>30 Reasons Your Content Marketing Isn't 100% Working.</li> </ul><h3>45. Decoration</h3> <p>Your article should have a bright title (preferably with a number and one strong adjective), an intriguing introduction (with sharp questions or benefits that the audience will receive after reading the article), high-quality images with captions (for where to find them, read the article "Where to get high-quality illustrations”) and inserts with the most interesting moments of the material. There must be a title, description, h1-h6, an alt attribute for images, competent linking (for people, not search engines).</p> <p>Greetings, dear visitor. Today's article is recommended to help beginners in SEO.</p> <p>The fact is that there is a lot of conflicting information on the Internet about how to promote a site.</p> <p>And it turns out this way because few optimizers want to share useful information just like that. Yes, it's understandable who needs competitors, especially now, when search engine algorithms are constantly changing and even the most experienced webmasters face many problems.</p> <p>But I have good news for you and it lies in the fact that you can promote the site and achieve good traffic even without sufficient experience.</p> <p>There are rules, following which the site will fall in love not only with people, but also with search engines, which means that success will be ensured to some extent.</p> <ul><li>I am not a site promotion specialist, but all my projects sooner or later took top positions and have good traffic. In the article, I will share with you my five years of SEO experience.</li> <li>I did not buy paid courses, did not take part in cool conferences.</li> <li>I just read sites, applied the advice of other optimizers on my resources, installed promising plugins, not always understanding why.</li> </ul><p>And now, after five years of work, I began to understand what really needs to be done with the site, and what actions can only harm it.</p> <p>Therefore, I, like no one else, understand newcomers who want to see their offspring on the first pages of search results, but do not know what to do.</p> <p>Someone will object to me in response that there is nothing tricky here, just stuff the text, and the problem is solved, the site will be in the top. It may be so, but such actions helped advance a few years ago.</p> <p>And today, completely different times have come: for an overabundance of keys, the site will easily get banned, and for incoming links it can get under.</p> <blockquote> <p><b>Since the site does not bring any benefit to people, it means that it is not interesting for search engines either.</b></p> <p>Let me explain more clearly: a person came to the site who is looking for some information on the Internet. And, once on your site does not find anything useful. He will immediately turn around and go to competitors, where they can offer him something. As a result, such behavior will be perceived by search engines as a failure.</p> <blockquote><p>This means that they will consider the web resource useless and will no longer show the site for this request.</p> </blockquote> <h2>Web resource quality</h2> <p><b>This factor is one of the ranking criteria.</b></p> <p>Before posting a project on the Internet, it must be prepared. Search engines should appreciate it.</p> <h3>Code Validity</h3> <p>You may have noticed that the download speed varies from site to site. And this factor cannot be discounted.</p> <p>Yandex and Google attach great importance to this factor.</p> <p><b>The download speed depends not only on hosting, but on the site code.</b></p> <ul><li>Therefore, when developing a site, you need to ask developers not to load the site with unnecessary scripts and plugins. It is better to implement simple functions in the code itself.</li> <li>Try not to load the site with various third-party widgets. They also increase the loading of the resource.</li> <li>If you make changes on the site, then do not forget to remove the old code.</li> <li>Always use caching, especially for a static site.</li> <li>If the site contains images, then to make them easier to load, use compression.</li> </ul><h3>User friendliness</h3> <p>In order for the visitor to easily find information, the site must be easy to use. If the site contains a lot of articles, it will come to the rescue.</p> <p>If the user easily finds on the site what he came for, then search robots will also be satisfied.</p> <h3>Design uniqueness</h3> <p>If the user gets to sites that are very similar, then he understands that all this is already familiar to him and he will not find anything new here.</p> <blockquote><p>In addition, the design should be calm and not tire the eyesight with bright colors, so that the user is comfortable.</p> </blockquote> <h3>Availability of a mobile version</h3> <p><b>Recently, search engines pay attention to the quality of site viewing on <a href="">mobile devices</a>. </b></p> <p>Therefore, the site must meet the requirements of search engines.</p> <blockquote><p>In addition, Google has officially warned that resources that are not adapted for viewing on mobile devices will be lowered when ranking.</p> </blockquote> <h2>Content optimization</h2> <p>If your site meets the above requirements of the instructions for use, then the next step is to start optimizing the content, which will be the decisive factor in SEO.</p> <h3>Compilation of the semantic core</h3> <p><b>It is necessary to decide on what requests will be promoted.</b></p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>After adding the site to Yandex Webmaster and Google, it will begin to be indexed by these search engines. Of course, it can be indexed without adding, but you won't be able to analyze statistical data.</p> <h2>Statistics Tracking</h2> <p>To monitor the attendance and behavior of users on the site, you need to, and also to participate in the ratings, you can add Liveinternet and mail.</p> <h2>Website promotion tools for free</h2> <p><b>After all pages are indexed by search engines, you can start promoting the project.</b></p> <p>At the beginning of the article, I mentioned that you can promote a site using links, and this is correct to some extent.</p> <p><b>Let's figure it out first:</b></p> <p>Why should we promote the site? Yes, probably in order to bring him to the top!</p> <p>And what difference does it make to us in the top resource or not? We need attendance! And hence the sales.</p> <p>The thing is that if you just buy links, they won’t add visitors to us, and they can also cause harm, so that it will be possible to put a fat cross on promotion.</p> <p>What then to do?</p> <p><b>Get attendance.</b></p> <p>After all, if attendance grows and behavioral factors are appreciated by search engines, then, as they say, people will reach out to you.</p> <p><b>Hence the conclusion: the site should be made for people!</b></p> <h2>With the help of social networks</h2> <p>Social signals are of great importance for search engines.</p> <p><b>And this activity has a positive impact on search engines.</b></p> <p>Therefore, you can place posts in active groups on social networks for free or for a fee. And if you have your own accounts, then you can use them.</p> <p><b>The advantages of this method of promotion include:</b></p> <ul><li>search engines will not be punished for such actions, unlike buying links;</li> <li>sometimes it gives a good one;</li> <li>improvement of PF;</li> <li>this is also a link that is taken into account by PS;</li> <li>this is feedback from potential, and maybe real visitors;</li> <li>it is a source of those customers who can be turned into buyers.</li> </ul><h2>Posting articles on other sites</h2> <p><b>This method is more expensive, but you should not refuse it.</b></p> <p>Search engines will believe that your site is useful to people if the links to it are not only from social networks. But just don’t immediately run and buy links from some kind of shit sites.</p> <ol><li>Look for sites on good exchanges that meet certain requirements, otherwise nothing good will come of this venture. Look at the attendance of this resource, if there are few visitors there, then you are unlikely to get transitions to your resource. And there is no sense from such a link.</li> <li>You can also post articles on blogs. Among the advantages of such placement: the link comes from a thematic site, and recognition.</li> </ol><h2>Writing expert articles</h2> <p><b>If your site sells something, it will be useful to make a section: "Articles", "Blog" or something else.</b></p> <p>In it you can post expert articles that will be useful to the user. In addition to the products that are sold in your store, people will also be able to get <a href="">useful advice</a>. And this can positively affect their decision to make a purchase from you.</p> <p><b>Among the advantages of this method are:</b></p> <ul><li>if , then you get more traffic. Consequently, your pages will get to the top faster;</li> <li>they begin to trust you, which means you become closer to customers;</li> <li>the appearance of new content attracts search robots, which means that they visit your site more often;</li> <li>placing announcements in subscription services and social networks brings more traffic.</li> </ul><h2>Sites with reviews</h2> <p><b>You can register your project on sites with reviews, make a description of it and leave your review.</b></p> <ul><li>Thus, you can get not only a free link to your site, but also an additional page in the search results for the query "reviews about your web resource."</li> <li>You can even get <a href="">feedback</a> if someone wants to leave a review about you.</li> </ul><h2>Link promotion</h2> <p><b>If other sites link to yours, then this is very good.</b></p> <p>Having gone through the previous paragraphs, we have already placed links on other resources. But, nevertheless, link promotion is one of the <a href="">effective methods</a> web resource promotion and status improvement in the eyes of search engines.</p> <ul><li>The fact is that now there are mostly spammy sites on the exchanges, and we need resources, the link from which will look like .</li> <li>In addition, we must strive to choose such sites, the links from which there will be transitions. And if the site is inactive, this link will be useless.</li> </ul><p><b>What are the advantages of such links:</b></p> <ul><li>if the link is natural, then there will be no sanctions from search engines;</li> <li>the presence of additional traffic, which is important for improving behavioral factors.</li> </ul><h2>Constant work on the project</h2> <p>If you decide to promote the site yourself, it is important to understand that work on improving the site should be ongoing.</p> <blockquote><p>Promotion of a resource is a constant and continuous process, only in this case the site will be of interest to your visitors and search engines.</p> </blockquote> <p>Reading the article, you probably noticed that the interests of people should be a priority when promoting, because you create it, first of all, for them.</p> <p>And it depends only on the reaction of your visitors how the search engines will treat your project.</p> <h2>User contact</h2> <ul><li>To make people want to visit your site again, do everything to make it convenient and comfortable for them.</li> <li>Create, run contests, polls, always encourage your readers, give them freebies, etc.</li> </ul><p>If you promise something, always keep your word. In a word, constantly establish contact with people. This will be appreciated by search engines and you will be happy.</p> <h2>Work on convenience</h2> <p><b>Monitor user behavior.</b></p> <p>You can do this by installing YandexMetrika. Look with the help of webvisor, scrolling, click map all the way that the visitor made on your site, what he focused on, what hindered him.</p> <blockquote><p>And do everything to ensure that the site as long as possible.</p> </blockquote> </blockquote> <p>For a business to be successful, an entrepreneur must take care of advertising his product or service. To do this, there are many methods that allow you not to think about how to promote a business from scratch without having a large start-up capital. But not every newcomer will be able to independently promote their business using these tools, since advertising in any form has its own nuances and must comply with certain rules.</p> <h2>How to promote your business - promotion methods and tools</h2> <p>The first step that an entrepreneur must take is to determine the boundaries of their financial investments. A businessman must clearly know the amount that he can spend on business promotion and advertising without going beyond the established limits.</p> <p>A large business, as a rule, requires significant investments and expensive advertising. If there is sufficient start-up capital, a novice entrepreneur can contact advertising agencies that will help to place information about the client's product on all available platforms - in the media, on stands and banners, on transport and in it, and so on.</p> <p>Small businesses most often do not have money for expensive advertising, since the start-up capital is limited. Businessmen have to look for <a href="">alternative ways</a> promoting your project <a href="">on your own</a>. There are a lot of such budget methods of promotion, and most of them bear fruit, you just need to use them wisely.</p> <h3>Website/blog creation</h3> <p>Today, not a single profitable project can do without the Internet, since it is there that a large audience of potential customers gathers. Business development on the Internet begins with the creation of a company website. Every entrepreneur who wants to succeed in business must understand that an attractive website is the same as <a href="">business card</a>, the face of the firm.</p> <p>You can make such a website or blog on your own, having previously studied a mountain of information on design and SEO promotion, or order it from professionals, because competently optimizing a website is a difficult task.</p> <blockquote><p>It is in the interests of a businessman to ensure that the site attracts the attention of new customers and looks solid, inspiring confidence.</p> </blockquote> <h3>Advertising in the media, on TV and radio, marketplaces</h3> <p><img src='' align="right" height="200" width="300" loading=lazy loading=lazy>Advertising on TV and in print media is the main means of attracting potential customers who rarely use the Internet, or do not go to it at all and cannot see your site. However, when buying such advertising, the entrepreneur spends a lot of money in vain, as he pays for impressions to all viewers, who are not always his target audience. The same goes for advertisements in the media and on the radio.</p> <ol><li>Reputation management. More than half of consumers trust advertising on TV more than similar advertising on the Internet or other sources.</li> <li>Maximum audience coverage. It is difficult to find a person who never turns on the TV. According to TNS Russia, 70% of Russians watch TV every day, and 99% turn it on at least once a month.</li> <li>The video ad format allows you to show consumers a product from all sides and tell a mini story about it, lasting a few seconds.</li> </ol><p>Marketplaces are places where people come to choose goods and purchase them. That is, it is here that the target audience gathers, which must be attracted to your product or service. There is usually very high competition, but the flow of visitors is strong enough for every business to get its own client.</p> <h3>Social media promotion</h3> <p><img src='' align="right" height="200" width="300" loading=lazy loading=lazy>The easiest and least expensive way to promote a business on the Internet is to create a page or community of the company in popular <a href="">social networks</a>. All investments in such advertising will only be paid to the administrator - a person who will update information daily and communicate with subscribers. Communication is the main moment for the promotion of a group in social networks, because it is for him that they were created. The first comments under the posts should indicate the right path and promotion tactics.</p> <p>She won't start working on the first day. It can take months and years to create an image, and everything can be ruined in one moment. This is one of the pitfalls of such advertising that await aspiring entrepreneurs. In order not to make an irreparable mistake in developing a business in social networks, you need to find a real professional who has successful experience in running such communities.</p> <h3>Promotion on the Internet</h3> <p>Advertising on the Internet costs much less than in the media or on TV. This is especially noticeable for start-up entrepreneurs who have only recently entered the open market with their product. It is easy to customize it for a specific target audience, and it is just as easy to analyze and calculate the effectiveness after its release. There are several types of advertising on the Internet, with which you can promote your business and find the first and regular customers without having your own website:</p> <ul><li>contextual advertising - appears to the user when a specific request is entered into the browser's search engine;</li> <li>banner advertising - an ad and an image displayed on specific sites;</li> <li>teaser advertising - also placed on narrowly targeted sites in the form of an advertising block designed to intrigue and direct the visitor to the advertiser's website;</li> <li>targeted advertising - displayed for users of social networks related to a specific target audience.</li> </ul><p><span class="bsufGWenzrg"></span></p> <p>Obviously, advertising on the Internet has many advantages, but, nevertheless, there are also disadvantages. In order not to waste money on promotion on the Internet, you should be aware of the following points in order to take timely measures to eliminate possible errors:</p> <ol><li>Before launching advertising on the Internet, it is necessary to find out in advance from which sources the target audience takes information about the purchased products.</li> <li>The Internet is highly competitive, so before advertising, you need to make sure that your business is unique in order to convince customers to buy your product.</li> </ol><h3>Banners and billboards</h3> <p><img src='' align="right" height="200" width="300" loading=lazy loading=lazy>This type of advertising is used both online and offline. A banner is a rubberized fabric with advertising that is placed on the walls of residential buildings or <a href="">shopping malls</a> to attract customers. Billboard - a free-standing structure on which advertising is placed <a href="">large sizes</a>. Most often, such advertising can be found on roadsides in large cities or along highways with a stream of cars. Such advertising can be seen from afar, so it easily attracts the attention of not only the target audience, but other potential customers.</p> <p>Internet banner is a static and animated advertisement with a slogan and a picture, which is placed on popular sites with high traffic. When you click on such a banner, the user instantly goes to the advertiser's website. To get more attention. New types are constantly being developed:</p> <ul><li>streamers are placed at the top of the site page;</li> <li>rich media containing interactive and multimedia elements;</li> <li>pop-unders that partially cover the site page when developing;</li> <li>expandable banners that are placed anywhere on the page and increase when you hover over the mouse;</li> <li>imitation banners that pop up at the bottom of the page and imitate messages in instant messengers.</li> </ul><h3>PR company - articles and press releases</h3> <p>You need to properly promote your business, as this can attract new customers and help promote the company. This is done by special PR agencies, whose activities are aimed at improving the image of the client company.</p> <p>You can do PR on your own. To do this, you will have to take care of issuing press releases about the activities of your company. You need to do this regularly, in accordance with the schedule, for example, every Tuesday or Thursday. Releases should not be large in order to focus the attention of customers on the company's key offerings.</p> <blockquote><p>News articles in major media and online publications will also improve the company's image.</p> </blockquote> <p>To do this, you can use other communication channels - the company's website, corporate newspaper, newsletter or announcements in the trading floor or reception.</p> <h2>How to promote from scratch, develop a business and make it profitable - Internet solutions for promotion and development</h2> <p><img src='' align="right" height="200" width="300" loading=lazy loading=lazy>The advice to advance among competitors on your own can be disastrous for newcomers to business. It is difficult to successfully unwind if there is a complete “zero” behind you, and only an idea sits in your head. In a modern society with advanced technology, this is much easier to do than it was 20 years ago. To spread the word about your business to <a href="">a large number</a> potential customers, just turn to the Internet. A modern person can no longer imagine his life without the World Wide Web and spends a lot of time in it. This is what successful entrepreneurs use by using various tools to promote their business on the Internet.</p> <h3>SEO optimization for website promotion</h3> <p>Promoting a new site with the help of SEO optimization is a long-term business, as a tangible return on investment appears after several months, and sometimes even years. It's all about the high competition that operates in the Internet space and does not allow beginners to quickly take top positions in search engines. Nevertheless, the desire to get into the top ten rankings is not always justified. Not a single optimizer can guarantee a place in the TOP-3, since it can only indirectly influence the position of the site.</p> <p>The search engine plays an important role in the ranking of sites for certain queries. It is she who changes the document ranking algorithm at her own discretion, and it is not always clear how this algorithm will be built. This means that despite the efforts of optimizers, promotion principles can change every minute and it is impossible to predict them.</p> <p><span class="rp80It3N2rA"></span></p> <p>SEO promotion is influenced by many parameters:</p> <ul><li>website;</li> <li>technical settings;</li> <li>page content;</li> <li>mention of the company name;</li> <li>business age;</li> <li>conversion;</li> <li>availability of goods on the site;</li> <li>terms of delivery and prices;</li> <li>presence of the company in the directories;</li> <li>audience persistence.</li> </ul><p><img src='' align="right" height="200" width="300" loading=lazy loading=lazy>The ability to understand the target audience and customize the resource for it is the main quality of a competent SEO specialist. He must not only have the knowledge of a marketer in order to be able to develop a website and stimulate repeat orders from regular customers, but also be technically savvy, since the profession is entirely related to programming, layout, linguistics, analytics and data processing.</p> <p>To increase website traffic with SEO optimization, you need to take into account several points at once:</p> <ul><li>page relevance;</li> <li>content uniqueness;</li> <li>quality design;</li> <li>registration in search engines and free directories;</li> <li>social bookmarking and so on.</li> </ul><p>The main task is to make it clear to a potential client that the product you offer is better than that of competitors, and also to convince search engines of this. In addition, search engine optimization plays an important role. It is necessary to adhere to the established rules and observe a certain structure of the material:</p> <ul><li>Title, i.e. page title;</li> <li>H1-H6 - headings 1-6 levels;</li> <li>Availability <a href="">keywords</a> in the text;</li> <li>use of highlight tags in text;</li> <li>availability of informative content.</li> </ul><p>It is necessary to take care of the external optimization of the site, but only after the above points are brought to the ideal. The more often a link to your site appears in various Internet resources, the better for promotion. Links can be distributed independently or use special exchanges, register in free directories that are suitable for the subject of your site.</p> <p><img src='' align="right" height="200" width="300" loading=lazy loading=lazy>most convenient and <a href="">effective method</a> promotion on the Internet - the placement of contextual advertising, which is shown only to people related to the target audience. It starts working when the user enters a question of interest into the search bar, and the browser, along with suitable sites, displays contextual search ads.</p> <p>Context not only helps search engines make ads look like natural search results, but also solves a number of other problems:</p> <ol><li>The advertiser has the ability to independently control their costs and determine the cost of clicks.</li> <li>With the help of the contextual advertising system, an entrepreneur has the opportunity to choose the regions of impressions, determine the demographic and behavioral interests of users.</li> <li>Contextual advertising allows you to draw the attention of the audience to the site, a specific product and promotions.</li> </ol><p>The most popular contextual advertising services are Yandex.Direct, Begun and Google AdWords. To use their services, it is enough to register with them and, following the prompts, create your first business promotion campaign.</p> <p><img src='' align="right" height="200" width="300" loading=lazy loading=lazy>Greater return on target audience with <a href="">minimal cost</a> can be achieved by sending promotional emails. The mailing is carried out in the shortest possible time, does not require a large budget, but at the same time allows you to win the attention of customers. The entrepreneur will only need a database with email addresses of potential customers, which can be developed <a href="">different ways</a>. These can be contests that require online registration, or an offer to subscribe to site news if you post interesting and high-quality content. The subscription form should not contain many items so as not to scare off users. A name and email address is enough. If you regularly carry out mailing, then in the future it can become a real marketing tool for creating the company's image and promoting the product on the market.</p> <h3>Promotion in social networks</h3> <p>Even if your company still does not have its own page or community in popular social networks, you should not ignore the possibility of such advertising. It is here that most of the target audience is gathered, which is easy to track. A popular way to advertise your business on social networks is to buy posts or reposts in popular communities. This allows you not only to increase traffic to the company's website, but also to attract users to the newly created group of your company. The more subscribers the community in which you are going to buy advertising has, the higher its cost will be, but also the greater the reach of the audience.</p> <p><span class="iTVuJUwMe5U"></span></p> <h2>How to advertise and promote your business - additional ways</h2> <p>A properly built marketing policy should turn even a loss-making business into a profitable one. If, for some reason, the main methods of advertising do not give the desired flow of customers, you can always find <a href="">additional ways</a> how to advertise your business.</p> <h3>Creating your own brand, logo and business cards</h3> <p><img src='' align="right" height="200" width="300" loading=lazy loading=lazy>Corporate identity makes the company memorable for customers and distinguishes it from competitors. It includes a logo, slogan or slogan of the company, a certain color scheme, business cards. Everyone will understand which fast food restaurant chain <a href="">in question</a>, if they see the characteristic yellow letter "M". Or three oblique stripes on clothing and sporting goods will immediately give out a well-known brand. Such seemingly trifles, but they work for the company's image and increase customer confidence in the product.</p> <blockquote><p>Corporate identity should be traced everywhere - from corporate clothing to official letterheads of the company.</p> </blockquote> <p>A distinctive sign should also be on the business card, since every businessman should be able to leave contact information to a potential partner or client. The business card should not be overloaded. On it you can put the company logo, its slogan and contact details:</p> <ul><li>company address and telephone numbers;</li> <li>description of the type of activity;</li> <li>advantages over competitors.</li> </ul><p>If on <a href="">initial stage</a> For business development, developing your own brand is not so important, then for an already established company, the absence of distinctive features can cause suspicion and distrust of customers.</p> <h3>Promotions and bonus programs</h3> <p><img src='' align="right" height="200" width="300" loading=lazy loading=lazy>Every year it becomes more and more difficult for stores to compete and fight for the attention of customers. The same applies to any other business that wants not only to stay afloat, but also to develop further. It is easiest to attract and retain customers with promotions and bonus programs that have a cumulative character. Consumers always pay attention to sales, and they are more willing to buy a product with a “yellow price tag”, even if the price on it remains unchanged.</p> <blockquote><p>Promotions allow you to stimulate sales and promote business, focusing on short-term demand.</p> </blockquote> <p>With this tool, you can solve the following tasks:</p> <ul><li>short-term increase in sales volumes;</li> <li>capturing market share for the long term;</li> <li>attracting new consumers;</li> <li>poaching customers from competitors;</li> <li>encouraging consumers to buy more;</li> <li>retention of loyal customers.</li> </ul><p>Bonus programs, in turn, also increase the number of repeat orders and purchases, as they are cumulative.</p> <h3>Partnerships with established companies</h3> <p>In Western countries, the concept of "B2B", that is, "business for business", is quite common. It is common when one company decides to develop another, providing it with accompanying services, additional equipment, goods intended for the production of other goods or for professional use. Is it profitable or not profitable in the Russian market? Of course, everywhere there are nuances and pitfalls, but in general, when planning to cooperate with established companies, an entrepreneur makes the right decision. The main thing is that this transaction benefits all participants and leads to the desired profit.</p> <p><img src='' align="right" height="200" width="300" loading=lazy loading=lazy>An example of such cooperation could be a simple situation where you are a small supplier who finds it difficult to break through the competition on his own in the market. But your services may be of interest to a large company that sells the same product or produces something based on it. In this case, cooperation benefits both parties to the transaction.</p> <h3>Congratulations and gifts for significant dates to partners and regular consumers / suppliers</h3> <p>Advertising your business and warming up interest in it can be achieved in such an unusual way. Significant dates are a great way to increase the trust of partners and customers. Not every company or manufacturer knows personal information about customers, so they won’t wish them happy birthday, and you can stand out and increase sympathy for yourself and your business in this way. You can find out significant dates by means of a questionnaire at the time of issuing a client's discount card or when drawing up a contract for the provision of services, add this item to the number required for completion.</p> <h3>Loyalty with customers</h3> <p>A good relationship with consumers plays a huge role in promoting a business. Grateful customers are the best advertisement for your business and are more likely to come to you again and bring friends and acquaintances with them. It is on this principle that word of mouth works, which helped many at the initial stage of business development. Large companies develop systems for rewarding regular customers - loyalty programs. They help to cope with competitors by attracting consumers to their side.</p> <p>Entrepreneurship is often considered a profitable business by ordinary people who see only the “tip of the iceberg” and do not think about how much work has been invested in this “brainchild”. Business promotion through advertising makes it possible not only not to slow down the pace of the company's development, but also to increase it, attracting new customers and partners. Knowing everything <a href="">existing ways</a> development of your business, you can begin to implement the most ambitious plans and conduct successful advertising campaigns.</p> <p>In contact with</p> <p>Let's start with the fact that I promoted and promote this site myself, and at the same time for free. Now the site is visited by a little more than a thousand people a day. How to promote your site also?</p><h2><span>How to promote a site in search engines yourself and for free?</span></h2><p>From the very beginning, you need to decide on the theme of the site. Let's say you bought a domain / hosting, linked them, installed wordpress on your site, and installed a theme. What's next? And then I will tell you how to promote an information site.</p><h3><b>Content</b> </h3><p>And now, in order to start promoting our site, we need to <b>write articles for your website</b> while optimizing them. Personally, I take a specific request and write an article for it.</p><p>Allows you to select queries (keywords) with minimal competition. This is important because the competition in many topics is very high. And if you want to promote for free, then you need to match queries that have competition of 5 points or less.</p><p>Here is a clear and good example:</p><p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><p>In the screenshot above, we see the request by which you came here. You can see just the minimum level of competition, and at the same time such a number of views. The request is very tasty, and low-competitive.</p><p>And if you write the same article for this query, then for sure you will also get to the top of the search and will already receive visitors. The bottom line is that you need to select keywords with low competition and high views.</p><h3><span><b>Article writing</b> </span></h3><p>Now that we have a request, we write an article. I won't say how many words are needed, what is the density of keywords, etc., because I don't follow any rules. I try to write in such a way that the topic is disclosed. Remember the main rule, you write for people, not for robots.</p><h3><span><b>Optimization</b> </span></h3><p>After writing the article, I will optimize it a little.</p><p>It's just that <a href="">short description</a> that you see in search engine results. If you want to see intelligible information about your post, then the plugin will help you.</p><p>The seo plugin helps me do this - All in One Seo Pack.</p><p><b>Pictures</b>. To compress images, I use the RIOT program, that is, first we compress the pictures, and only then add them to the post. This is necessary in order for the page to load in less time. Affects output.</p><p>In conclusion, I want to say that do not expect quick results. To promote the site for free, you need to invest your efforts every day to improve it, writing posts, this cannot be done in 1-2 months, this is a long way.</p> <i> </i> <p>Having your own website, the first thing you need to do is to make a plan for its promotion. Without clear planning and setting goals, it will not be possible to promote the resource on your own. I must say that there is no specific algorithm for promoting a website. Each specialist builds his own strategy, which is based on personal experience.</p> <p>If you are new to this business and do not know where to start, then you can follow the approximate plan, which is described in detail in this article. Naturally, you can change, supplement and correct points, trusting your intuition.</p> <h2><span>How to start promoting a young site?</span></h2> <p>If you want your resource to be in search and bypass competitors in all respects, then you should start by working out the main points:</p> <ul><li>Compilation of the semantic core. Your task is to find requests that are close to the promoted resource. To find high-frequency search phrases, it is important to put yourself in the place of the average user. You must understand your future audience, know the interests of users, their age and gender. When you find those very high-frequency queries, start highlighting the low-frequency and mid-frequency ones. Thus, you will make up the semantic core of the resource.</li> <li>Niche analysis and forecasting. After determining the core, it is necessary to make a market analysis to identify the main competitors. Enter the high-frequency queries you have highlighted in the search bar and analyze which resources are in the TOP. Go to each page, study in detail the work of competitors, what methods of promotion they use, the main trends and positions. After working through this point, you can make a traffic forecast for your resource and adjust the optimization strategy.</li> <p><span class="9_13tUNZVQg"></span> <span class="9_13tUNZVQg"></span></p> <li>Internal SEO audit. Having studied the competitors, you need to go to the study of your resource or to its audit. This is a fairly complex task, which requires at least basic knowledge of SEO. The purpose of the audit is to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the resource. Please note that after working through these 3 points, there are no fundamental changes on the site yet. Although it will take a lot of time. All that you have received is a huge store of knowledge with which you can safely move on.</li> <li>Micromarking. If you want to bring the site to the TOP, then micro-markup is extremely important. Basically, your page is initially marked up with common tags and attributes. Usually, this is enough for search engines, and many sites still exist and even thrive to this day. However, if you want to help search engines understand your resource, understand its structure, pointing out the areas that you need to pay attention to first of all, then it is important to introduce micro-markup (add additional tags and attributes that will indicate everything). By doing this, you will help search engines understand the structure and content of your resource, as well as increase its traffic.</li> </ul><p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h2><span>Popular technical errors</span></h2> <p>Consider <a href="">technical side</a> optimizations and the main mistakes that webmasters make. After analyzing many sites, we can conclude that often there are the same shortcomings that experts make. Errors can affect the Internet resource in completely different ways. Some flaws prevent search engines from indexing resource pages, others help competitors use <a href="">possible mistakes</a> for their own purposes, while others have a negative impact on promotion and positions. Therefore, it is extremely important to identify shortcomings in time and correct them.</p> <p>The most common mistakes:</p> <ul><li>Availability of the resource name at different addresses. If the site can be accessed using different addresses (for example, with and without www prefix), there is a problem of duplication. In this case, the search engine will perceive the content at one of the addresses as non-unique and move it to additional search results. To fix this defect, you need to add the Host directive to the robots.txt file of all mirrors of the resource and specify the main domain.</li> <li>Low download speed. <a href="">This error</a> can directly affect page ranking. Therefore, correcting this defect will help increase the credibility of the site by search engines.</li> <li>Availability of the main page of the resource at different addresses. Remember, the main page of the website should only be accessible at the main address, otherwise there will be a problem of duplication, which is likely to cause a decrease in the position of the resource.</li> </ul><p><span class="WhxU8QSozeg"></span> <span class="WhxU8QSozeg"></span></p> <h2><span>How to promote the site?</span></h2> <p>When you know where to start website promotion and basic <a href="">technical errors</a> which are important to avoid, we will determine what types of promotions exist. Today there are 3 main types:</p> <ul><li>By positions. The specialist selects a list of requests and displays them in the TOP;</li> <li>By traffic. The main goal with this type of promotion is to increase search traffic to a certain figure in the time allotted for optimization;</li> <li>Comprehensive promotion. Includes the first two types and additional promotion in social networks, Direct advertising and much more. Complex promotion is much more expensive, so only wealthy site owners use it, or customers who are ready to really spend money to achieve their goals.</li> </ul><p>Which type of promotion to choose depends on the specifics of the site. If you are attracting visitors to the resource in order to sell goods and services, then it is better to choose traffic promotion. The more traffic, the higher the sales. If you have an information site, then choose promotion by position. And if you have money for promotion, then turn to complex promotion.</p> <p>Having decided on the type of promotion, you will face the question of choosing pages for promotion. The page that users initially land on (the main login page) is important when promoting a resource. It should be convenient, understandable and meet the expectations of visitors. If you ignore these requirements, you will inevitably lose customers. Users who do not find the information of interest on the main page will leave the site.</p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>To select "landing" pages, use the advanced search of the search engine. To do this, type in a request for which the page will be promoted in the search engine, and delimit the search area with your resource. The first page in the list will have the highest relevance, which means that it needs to be promoted.</p> <p>Now create an anchor list. This is a very important stage of progress. Proper distribution of anchors in the list will greatly increase the position of the site.</p> <p>The anchor list includes a list of all text links installed on the resource. In addition to them, the sheet should contain information about the frequency of use of anchors and the addresses of the pages to which the links lead.</p> <p>Your anchor list must meet the following parameters:</p> <ul><li>It should be dominated by non-anchor links, approximately 45%;</li> <li>About 40% should be occupied by anchors consisting of several words;</li> <li>Approximately 15% should be occupied by anchors consisting of 4 or more words.</li> </ul><p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h2><span>Link placement and donor analysis</span></h2> <p>When promoting a resource, an important role is played by <a href="">external factors</a>, affecting the movement of the site to TOP positions in search engines. One of these factors is the acquisition of eternal and temporary links on other resources.</p> <p>Placing links on different sites can help in optimization or be completely useless. Therefore, before buying a link, it is important to analyze the donor site and understand whether there will be a real effect from such cooperation. When making an analysis, pay attention to the following characteristics of the donor:</p> <ul><li>Domain age;</li> <li>Spamming of the resource;</li> <li>Attendance;</li> <li>Number of indexed pages;</li> <li>Lack of filters from search engines;</li> <li>Content quality;</li> <li>TIC and PR.</li> </ul><p><span class="x-WMtULhn68"></span> <span class="x-WMtULhn68"></span></p> <h2><span>Improving usability and monitoring competitors</span></h2> <p>There are proven techniques to improve the usability of the resource:</p> <ul><li>Information filtering. Remove unnecessary information from the site, and you will significantly increase user loyalty.</li> <li>Convenient navigation. The more comfortable and confident the user feels on the site, the greater the chance that he will return here more than once.</li> <li>Study and analysis of user behavior on the site.</li> </ul><p>Do not forget to learn from the experience of others, study the behavior of competitors, follow their innovations. This will help you stay on trend, and with the right information, you will be able to beat the competition.</p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h2><span>Website promotion in search engines</span></h2> <p>Consider how to effectively promote a new, young resource in the most famous search engines:</p> <ul><li>How to promote a site in Yandex. To begin with, learn the main thing - it takes time to get to the TOP of this search engine. The search engine indexes new pages in a chaotic manner, so some pages can be indexed within 30 minutes, while others will wait a week. The same situation is with the position in the issue: everything is very unstable. Even with active page promotion, your site can stay in one position for a long time without moving. Therefore, be patient. Unwind the resource constantly, observing some periodicity. A one-time burst of link mass gives a short-term result. Be selective with reference donors. Pay attention to the details - site accessibility, loading speed, resource design, layout.</li> <li>Features of promotion in Google. In this search engine, the page plays an important role, not the domain as a whole. Having one well-pumped page on a young resource, your chances of being in the TOP of a search engine increase exponentially. Pay more attention to internal resource optimization. The search engine loves re-optimized texts, so don't be afraid to increase the keyword density (this doesn't work for Yandex). But, still try not to overdo it with the keys, as this can harm the readability for users. Use links, they will definitely help the resource to reach the TOP faster (this number will not work with Yandex).</li> </ul><p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h2><span>Promotion by RF requests</span></h2> <p>To effectively promote a site for high-frequency queries, it is best to use articles. Usually texts with a volume of 3000 characters without spaces are bought, their cost may vary depending on the professionalism of the copywriter. Links to the promoted resource with an anchor that matches the high-frequency query are inserted into the purchased article. For example, promoting the query "flowers", the link will take the following form: ˃href="resource address"˃flowers˂.</p> <p>Buy articles for high-frequency query on the same topic from different copywriters. This will help to get really high-quality and informative texts. Since one, even the best copywriter, is not able to issue 30 author's texts on one topic.</p> <p>By promoting the resource in this way, you will reach the TOP in a couple of months. It is not necessary to immediately spend big money on buying articles if the budget is limited, while promoting the site gradually.</p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h2><span>How to advertise a site?</span></h2> <p>To advertise the site, you should place information about it on different services in accordance with the subject of the resource. Advertising placed on Yandex.Direct and Google Adwords works best. Teaser and thematic banner ads also work well. Of course, do not forget about PR in social networks on the pages of famous bloggers. In general, the more your site is heard, the better, so when deploying an advertising campaign for the site, use a non-standard approach that will help attract the target audience to the resource.</p> <script>document.write("<img style='display:none;' src='//;artfast_after?t44.1;r"+ escape(document.referrer)+((typeof(screen)=="undefined")?"": ";s"+screen.width+"*"+screen.height+"*"+(screen.colorDepth? screen.colorDepth:screen.pixelDepth))+";u"+escape(document.URL)+";h"+escape(document.title.substring(0,150))+ ";"+Math.random()+ "border='0' width='1' height='1' loading=lazy loading=lazy>");</script> </div> </div> </article> </div> </div> <div id="secondary"> <aside id="text-19" class="widget widget_text clearfix"> <h3 class="widget-title"><span>Advertising</span></h3> <div class="textwidget"> <p> </p> </div> </aside> <aside id="recent-posts-7" class="widget widget_recent_entries clearfix"> <h3 class="widget-title"><span>News</span></h3> <ul> <li> <a href="">Hacked Deer Hunter Classic</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Download find the difference app</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Hacked Deer Hunter Classic Deer hunter games</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Find differences in Russian android</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Shooting games</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Weasel hunting level 60 walkthrough</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Maze Bandit (Russian version)</a> </li> <li> <a href="">War and Magic - hero guide, secrets</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Maze games for android</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Which banks give loans to the unemployed</a> </li> </ul> </aside> <aside id="text-20" class="widget widget_text clearfix"> <h3 class="widget-title"><span>Advertising</span></h3> <div class="textwidget"> <p> </p> </div> </aside> </div> </div> </div> <footer id="colophon" class="clearfix"> <div class="footer-widgets-wrapper"> <div class="inner-wrap"> <div class="footer-widgets-area clearfix"> <div class="tg-footer-main-widget"> </div> <div class="tg-footer-other-widgets"> <div class="tg-second-footer-widget"> <aside id="text-28" class="widget widget_text clearfix"> <div class="textwidget"> <p style="text-align: center;"><strong></strong></p> <p style="text-align: center;"><strong>About doors and entrances</strong></p> <p style="text-align: center;"><strong>2022</strong></p> <p style="text-align: center;" <span style="display:scroll;"> <noindex><a target="blank" href=""><img class="animate1" src="" width="40" height="40" title="Facebook group" alt="Post to Facebook" loading=lazy loading=lazy></a></noindex> </span><span style="display:scroll;"> <noindex><a target="blank" href=""><img class="animate1" src="" width="40" height="40" title="Vkontakte community" alt="Post to VKontakte" loading=lazy loading=lazy></a></noindex></span><span style="display:scroll;"> <noindex><a target="blank" href=""><img class="animate1" src="" width="40" height="40" title="Group in Odnoklassniki" alt="Publish to Odnoklassniki" loading=lazy loading=lazy></a></noindex></span> <span style="display:scroll;"> </span> </div> </aside> </div> <div class="tg-third-footer-widget"> <aside id="text-32" class="widget widget_text clearfix"> <div class="textwidget"> <div class="footer-socket-left-sectoin"> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> </aside> </div> <div class="tg-fourth-footer-widget"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="footer-socket-wrapper clearfix"> <div class="inner-wrap"> <div class="footer-socket-area"> <div class="footer-socket-right-section"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </footer> <a href="#masthead" id="scroll-up"><i class="fa fa-chevron-up"></i></a> </div> <script type='text/javascript' src=''></script> <script type='text/javascript' src=''></script> <script type='text/javascript' src=''></script> <script type='text/javascript' src=''></script> <script type='text/javascript' src=''></script> <script type='text/javascript' src=''></script> <script type='text/javascript' src=''></script> <script type='text/javascript' src=''></script> <script type='text/javascript' src=''></script> <script type='text/javascript' src=''></script> <script type='text/javascript' src=''></script> <script type='text/javascript' src='/wp-includes/js/wp-embed.min.js?ver=4.9.5'></script> <script type='text/javascript' src=''></script> <script type='text/javascript' src=''></script> <script type='text/javascript' src=''></script> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(easy_fancybox_handler); jQuery(document.body).on('post-load', easy_fancybox_handler); jQuery(easy_fancybox_auto); </script> </body> </html>