What hormones are responsible for pregnancy in women. Hormone of pregnancy and its significance for the child. Hormones during pregnancy: placental lactogen stores nutrients for the baby

From the very beginning of pregnancy, the female body undergoes a restructuring of important functional systems. This is necessary to ensure the intrauterine development of the fetus, and later contributes to its birth. And the most dramatic changes in hormonal homeostasis are considered. It is difficult to name at least one level of regulation that has not undergone restructuring. And for a better understanding of the process, expectant mothers should familiarize themselves with the basic information about hormones during pregnancy.

general information

Hormones are organic substances endowed with pronounced biological activity. They are produced by specialized gland cells. internal secretion and, entering the bloodstream, are carried to organs or target tissues. In them, they stimulate certain processes and physiological reactions. This occurs due to the binding of the hormone to receptors located on the surface of the cell, in its cytoplasm or nucleus. As a result, the activity of enzymes, the rate of protein synthesis and the work of certain genes change.

There is a clear hierarchy in the structure of hormonal regulation. The primary stimulus comes from the body's receptors that respond to external or internal stimuli. It first enters the brain, namely the hypothalamus. This department is responsible for the synthesis of releasing factors: liberins and statins. Those, in turn, are sent to the pituitary gland, regulating the production of tropic hormones in it. And they, once in the blood, are transported to the rest of the endocrine glands, initiating the production of the required substances.

The biological effects of hormonal substances are very numerous. Each biological substance is essential for the functioning of the body. It all depends on the points of its application. Presenting the picture in general terms, it should be noted the effect of hormones on such processes:

  • Growth and development.
  • Cellular apoptosis.
  • Metabolism and homeostasis.
  • Immune protection.
  • reproductive cycle.
  • mood and libido.

They prepare the body for the transition to a qualitatively new state, for example, at the stage of puberty, during pregnancy and in menopause. There is also a regulation of such transient rearrangements that are observed during any physical activity (running, wrestling, sex) or strong emotional experiences. All vital processes proceed under the dominance of hormones, so that without them the existence of the organism is impossible.

Hormones are biological regulators of body functions that are produced by endocrine glands.

Changes during pregnancy

The endocrine system plays a crucial role in providing conditions for the onset and normal development of pregnancy, as well as preparation for childbirth. The changes affect almost all links of the hormonal hierarchy, which confirms the exclusivity of this condition. To understand how this happens, we should take a closer look at the role of the most important biological substances for pregnancy.


No wonder progesterone is called the “hormone of pregnancy”. It is he who ensures its preservation and development. Synthesized first by the corpus luteum of the ovary, this hormone stimulates the secretory transformation of the endometrium, which is necessary condition for embryo implantation. In the future, it helps to reduce the excitability and contractility of the uterus, keeping the pregnancy. The corpus luteum continues to function throughout the first trimester and even up to 15 weeks - until the placenta is fully formed. It then takes on the endocrine role of progesterone production.

In addition, progesterone is involved in the preparation of the mammary glands for lactation, increasing the volume of the lobules and the growth of the alveoli; inhibits the body's immune reactions in response to fruit tissues considered foreign (they have paternal genetic material); makes cervical mucus thicker and more viscous, preventing infection from entering the uterus. This provides a holistic preparation for bearing a child.

The hormone also affects other body systems, changing their function during pregnancy. It has the following additional effects:

  • Relaxes the intestinal wall and stomach sphincters, which causes flatulence, constipation and heartburn.
  • Reduces the tone of the urinary tract, leading to increased urination and increasing the risk of urological infections (cystitis, pyelonephritis).
  • Promotes fluid retention in the tissues and, as a result, the appearance of puffiness.
  • Expands blood vessels, causing a drop in blood pressure (hypotension) and venous varicose veins.
  • It becomes the cause of emotional shifts: irritability, tearfulness, drowsiness.

But such signs can be considered side effects observed most often with high concentrations of progesterone in the third trimester. Its level then reaches 700 nmol / l, but before childbirth it drops to almost the same figures that were at the beginning of pregnancy (about 10 nmol / l). Such a decrease is necessary to restore uterine contractility.

If the concentration of progesterone in a woman's body is lower than expected, then complications associated with miscarriage may occur. The risk of spontaneous abortions and premature births is high.

Progesterone is an important protector of pregnancy, creating conditions for its preservation and normal course.

Chorionic gonadotropin

The main hormone synthesized by the membrane of the fetal egg after its implantation is chorionic gonadotropin(hcg). According to the mechanism of action, it is similar to biological substances synthesized by the hypothalamus, since it affects the sex glands. This hormone ensures the continued functioning of the corpus luteum in the woman's ovary, and hence the synthesis of progesterone; promotes the development of the adrenal glands and fetal gonads, regulates the synthesis of steroids in the placenta.

It is possible to determine hCG from the 11th day after the implantation of the embryo. And it gets into the urine a few days later. Qualitative analysis of the hormone content in urine - this is everything famous test for pregnancy. HCG level grows very rapidly, doubling every 3 days, reaching a peak at about 12 weeks of gestation (280-300 thousand mU / l). Then it gradually decreases and by the end of the period it is somewhere around 10 thousand mU / l. If the level of placental gonadotropin is low, then the likelihood of such an obstetric pathology should be considered:

  • Spontaneous abortion at an early stage.
  • A frozen (non-developing) fetus.
  • Ectopic (ectopic) pregnancy.

Very high concentrations indicate the pathology of the chorion - cystic drift. This is a tumor-like condition characterized by the growth of villi. The fetus dies in this case, but there is a risk of further spread of the process deep into the uterus (destructive drift) and metastasis (malignant chorionepithelioma).


Estrogens are classified as female sex hormones. This is a group of biological substances synthesized mainly by the ovaries, and to a lesser extent also by the adrenal glands and adipose tissue. And from the second trimester, their main source is the placenta. There are several substances related to these hormones: estradiol, estrone and estriol. The first two are synthesized by the cells of the gonads, and the last - by the placental complex. The main biological properties of estrogens include:

  • Increasing the rate of cell division.
  • Increase in the mass of the muscular layer of the uterus.
  • Proliferation of the ducts of the mammary glands.
  • Softening and opening of the cervix during childbirth.

Thus, they affect the growth and development of the fetus, uterus and mammary glands in women during pregnancy. Therefore, their role is difficult to overestimate. Estriol also helps reduce uterine contractility, acting like progesterone. Its decrease may indicate placental insufficiency, fetal malformations or intrauterine infection. The total level of estrogen reaches a maximum in the third trimester (about 400 nmol / l) and decreases before childbirth.

The main role of estrogens during pregnancy is the growth of the uterus and mammary glands, as well as the accelerated development of the fetus.


Another important hormone is synthesized in the anterior pituitary gland, the concentration of which increases during pregnancy. It's about about prolactin. It causes the proliferation of glandular epithelial cells in the female breast, increases the number of estrogen and progesterone receptors. This hormone stimulates lactation, which is especially important after childbirth. And before that, milk secretion is inhibited by other hormones, primarily placental progesterone.

Prolactin has other important effects on the body. It has an anti-stress and some analgesic effect, ensures the development of surfactant in the lungs of the fetus. Under the influence of prolactin, physiological amenorrhea (lack of menstruation) is observed after childbirth, as well as a decrease in libido during breastfeeding. The maximum level of the hormone is observed at 22–24 weeks of gestational development, reaching 380 ng/ml. Just before childbirth, it, like other hormones, decreases, and then grows under the influence of mechanical stimulation of the nipples during breastfeeding.

Placental lactogen

The placenta synthesizes not only hCG, but also other hormones, in particular, lactogen. It mainly affects metabolic processes in a woman's body, lowering glucose tolerance, enhancing gluconeogenesis and activating lipolysis. Lactogen is detected already at the 6th week of pregnancy, and the highest concentration is determined at the end of childbearing (8 μg / mol).

It should be noted that in addition to the previously mentioned substances, the placenta is involved in the production of melanocyte-stimulating, adrenocorticotropic, thyroid-stimulating hormones, oxytocin and vasopressin, relaxin and acetylcholine. This is a very important organ that ensures the development of pregnancy.

Thyroid hormones

The thyroid gland also plays a role in childbearing. Synthesizing hormones such as thyroxine and triiodothyronine, it ensures the growth and development of fetal tissues, metabolism and energy in cells. These substances are of key importance for bookmarking and maturation nervous system, bones and cartilage, genitals. Thyroid hormones affect the menstrual and reproductive function of a woman, which allows the very conception to take place.

Fluctuations of thyroxine and triiodothyronine during pregnancy are insignificant. At first, a slight hyperfunction of the thyroid gland is observed in the body, and by the end of the gestation period, on the contrary, relative hypothyroidism is recorded. But in the absence endocrine pathology it fits into the norm. It is much more serious if a woman's pregnancy occurs against the background of thyroid diseases, especially obvious hypothyroidism. Then there is the risk of various adverse effects:

  • Early and late toxicosis.
  • placental insufficiency.
  • Distress syndrome (hypoxia) of the fetus.
  • Anomalies and malformations.
  • Spontaneous abortion.
  • Weakness labor activity.

Thyrotoxicosis also has Negative influence on the course of pregnancy, as it can provoke miscarriage and anomalies in the unborn child. But the role of hypothyroidism is much higher.

Thyroxine and triiodothyronine are necessary regulators of growth and development of the body, including during pregnancy.

Adrenal hormones

The adrenal glands synthesize mineral and corticosteroids. The former regulate water-salt metabolism during pregnancy, and the latter regulate protein and carbohydrate metabolism. When carrying a child, physiological hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex is observed, which confirms the increase in their functional activity. This is necessary to maintain high level metabolism during childbearing. If pregnancy already proceeds against the background of hypercortisolism, then undesirable phenomena will appear, for example, acne, hirsutism, obesity, stretch marks on the abdomen, increased blood pressure and impaired carbohydrate tolerance.

Hormone analysis

To monitor changes in the body, you should be tested for hormones during pregnancy. This is a necessary condition for dynamic monitoring of the woman's condition. A study is being carried out when registering a pregnant woman in a antenatal clinic. Blood is taken from a vein on an empty stomach and the main indicators of the hormonal spectrum are determined. If the doctor suspects some kind of pathology - obstetric or extragenital - then he will prescribe repeated tests and even additional studies.

From the moment of conception, hormonal changes begin in a woman's body. It concerns almost all biological regulators and occurs for the sole purpose of ensuring the normal bearing of the child, its intrauterine development and subsequent birth. Therefore, it is very important to know the function of each hormone and control their concentration during pregnancy.

Many have heard about the pregnancy hormone, but few people know that there are actually several of them. After the event of conception, hormonal changes occur in the body of every woman. Without it, it would be impossible to carry the fetus, its normal intrauterine development and the birth of a healthy baby. Every hormone affects the course of pregnancy, without exception.

Hormones that are responsible for the normal course of pregnancy

Both after natural conception and after IVF, every woman should be under medical supervision. This is necessary to preserve the fetus. It is important to get tested regularly to monitor the health of the woman and child.

The main role in maintaining the normal course of pregnancy belongs to the pituitary hormones..

This appendage of the brain is located in the region of the Turkish saddle (bone pocket of the skull). The pituitary gland produces hormones that are responsible not only for the reproductive function, but also for the growth of the body, as well as for the metabolic processes that occur in it. These are hormones that significantly affect pregnancy.

In parallel with this, the production of releasing hormones stops. This is necessary in order for the woman to stop menstruating. The level of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormone falls, which allows you to suppress the growth of ovarian follicles and stop ovulation. These changes are the norm. If they do not occur, then the likelihood of a miscarriage increases.

Progesterone is primarily responsible for maintaining pregnancy.

This hormone is produced by the corpus luteum of the ovaries. If the level of progesterone is low, then the likelihood of a miscarriage increases.


All changes that occur in the female body during gestation occur under the influence of three estrogens, which are produced by the placenta, ovarian follicles and adrenal cortex. These are such types of hormones as:

  • estriol;
  • estrone;
  • estradiol.

Pay attention to the analysis of hormones for pregnant women. In this analysis, reference (normal) values ​​​​of progesterone and estradiol during pregnancy by trimesters are indicated on the right.

Estrogens are necessary in order to regulate metabolic processes, stimulate the growth of the uterus, and provide normal living conditions for the fetus. Also of great importance for the mother are such hormones as: thyroid-stimulating hormone, adrenocorticotropic, chorionic gonadotropin.

Features of the growth of hormone levels during pregnancy

During pregnancy, all indicators of the body change. They need to be regularly monitored by taking tests. This increases the level of hormones such as:

  1. Prolactin. Its performance increases by 5-10 times. The level of the hormone begins to rise from the first trimester, which leads to the appearance of “signs of pregnancy” in women: swelling of the mammary glands, the appearance of colostrum, etc.
  2. Thyroid-stimulating hormone. TSH regulates the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  3. adrenocorticotropic hormone. This substance is produced by the adrenal glands.
  4. Oxytocin. Its maximum blood level is observed in late pregnancy, as it is necessary to activate labor. Oxytocin is responsible for the strength of uterine contractions during childbirth and for milk production. Therefore, if the body produces it in insufficient quantities, then intramuscular administration of oxytocin is required.
  5. pituitary hormones. Their level increases by 3 times, which ensures the normal course of pregnancy as a whole.

The eggs stop maturing, menstruation stops immediately after the fertilized egg takes root in the uterus. All these processes are provided by hormones. The normal course of pregnancy and the birth of a healthy child depend on the hormonal status.

If male sex hormones increase in the female body, this leads to disturbances in the emotional sphere, a jump in body weight towards its increase. Therefore, it is so important to take tests in a timely manner and monitor the work of the hormonal system.

Study of the hormonal status of a pregnant woman

Regular monitoring by a doctor will help to avoid many problems associated with carrying a pregnancy and further childbirth. All women are referred for blood donation for hormones. Each of them gives the doctor certain information about the course of pregnancy at one stage or another.

The graph shows the growth of the main hormones during pregnancy by months, up to 9 months.

Here are some tests for hormones that should be taken first of all during pregnancy:

  1. Progesterone. If the level of this hormone is low, then a woman will not be able to get pregnant. The uterus will not be ready to accept and fix a fertilized egg. Also, progesterone deficiency leads to miscarriage in early pregnancy.
  2. HCG. This pregnancy hormone indicates that the natural conception or IVF was successful, the fetal egg was fixed in the uterus and began to develop.
  3. Follicle stimulating hormone. It is produced by the pituitary gland. It reaches its maximum values ​​​​during ovulation, and closer to menstruation, its level decreases. FSH reflects the reproductive capabilities of a woman's body. If its development is disturbed, then certain adjustments are required. A woman is prescribed drugs that stimulate the production of FSH. Only after that you can proceed to.
  4. luteinizing hormone. This hormone is produced by the pituitary gland and controls the synthesis of estrogen. When luteinizing hormone reaches its peak levels, a woman begins her period. Therefore, after in vitro fertilization, the patient is prescribed special drugs. They force the body to rebuild and accept a fertilized egg.

The norm of hCG by week of pregnancy.

Tests for these hormones should be taken by all women, as they reflect the course of pregnancy.. If any deviations are observed, the doctor will be able to make the necessary adjustments in a timely manner.

What hormones prevent conception

Before referring the patient to IVF, the doctor will prescribe her a comprehensive examination. It will give information about her hormonal status, about how smoothly the hormonal system of the body functions. This is very important, as it allows you to assess the scale of the problem.

There are some hormones that prevent conception and the development of pregnancy. These include:

  • estradiol;
  • testosterone;
  • luteinizing hormone;
  • progesterone.

Estradiol causes epithelial cells and follicles to develop. If little estradiol is produced, then the follicle cannot fully mature. Therefore, a woman does not ovulate. Details about low estradiol levels are described in our separate article.

Testosterone is the main male hormone, but in the body of a woman it is present in minimal concentrations. When there is too much testosterone, the egg loses its normal ability to develop, and ovulation does not occur. An excess of this hormone in the body during pregnancy leads to early start childbirth, or the fading of pregnancy.

luteinizing hormone causes the follicle capsule to rupture. Thanks to this, the egg is released and can meet with the sperm. If this hormone is low, then the likelihood of the formation of an ovarian cyst increases, which is an obstacle to pregnancy.

Progesterone. In this video, the girl doctor will talk about how low progesterone affects the ability to conceive:

infertility and hormones

A woman with infertility needs treatment, which should be started as early as possible. Otherwise, the reproductive function will be seriously affected, which will lead to infertility.

Therefore, before referring a woman to IVF, doctors carefully study the functioning of her hormonal system.

Find out all the factors that can become an obstacle to conception. Only after their elimination, you can proceed to the procedure of in vitro fertilization. It is prescribed only for diagnosed infertility. In this case, the hormonal balance of the body must be brought back to normal. This is the only way to achieve success, which comes down to the birth of a healthy baby.

Write in the comments the results of your hormone tests. Ask questions, we will definitely answer them. Share this article with your social networks. Don't forget to rate with stars. Thanks for visiting. Let all your tests be normal! Good health to you!

If a woman has a "delay", the presence of pregnancy can be determined using a rapid test. This is an option when you can check for a possible conception. The test helps to determine the content of gonadotropin (chorionic) in the urine, this is an indicator that fertilization has occurred. After a while, the gynecologist prescribes a study that allows you to establish during pregnancy, taking into account the testimony of the patient.


The reagents intended for diagnostics are quite expensive, so if there is no need (for medical reasons), they are not made during the normal development of the fetus. An important indicator is the norm of thyroid hormones during pregnancy.

This analysis is assigned to all future mothers, tk. in case of malfunctions in the thyroid gland, the development of dangerous pathologies in the baby is possible, up to underdevelopment and mental retardation.

Consider which hormones to take when planning a pregnancy, what they can reveal:

  • Disruptions in the menstrual cycle that occur when there is a violation.
  • "Regular" miscarriage. This diagnosis is made to a woman if she has already had 3 or more episodes of miscarriage (up to 20 weeks) and there is a possible threat of termination of a new pregnancy.
  • Detachment of the placenta (partial).
  • IVF pregnancy.
  • When submitting an analysis to late term, you can find out if the baby is overextended.

What hormone tests are most often prescribed for women, read in.

If you donate hormones during pregnancy in the early stages, you can accurately determine the presence of violations and prevent further development pathologies.

Hormones responsible for pregnancy: preparation for delivery

To test kinins, venous blood is required. , and it is also important to observe certain points:

  1. For 1-2 days before the analysis, it is important to eat right, not to eat fatty and salty foods, because. this will affect the quality of blood serum and distort the data obtained.
  2. The last meal should be 19 hours before the study.
  3. Before the procedure, you should not worry, it is important to avoid stressful conditions and physical activity.
  4. Taking prescribed drugs (including) should be canceled before taking the test. If this cannot be done for medical reasons, you just need to reduce the dosage.

Hormone levels during pregnancy: norms

Given the fact that diagnostic medical laboratories use different units of measurement, only a specialist should deal with the interpretation of the results of the tests.

Chronic gonadotropin

This hormone, secreted by the chorion (embryo membrane), is determined only when the egg is fertilized. HCG leads to restructuring and weakening immune system women, provokes increased production of progesterone.

Every two days, its level increases, the maximum value is reached at the moment when the placenta is already fully formed (9-11 weeks).

Analysis for hCG allows you to determine:

  • pathologies in the course of pregnancy (biochemical, non-developing);
  • whether implantation was successful during IVF;
  • ectopic method of attachment of the embryo.

If the hCG level is low, this may occur in case of incorrect due date. An overestimated level characterizes the presence of diabetes, multiple type of gestation, preeclampsia, some abnormalities in the development of the fetus.

Doctors calculate the duration of pregnancy according to the day of the last menstruation. But to determine hCG, the day of the onset of fertilization is taken into account as a reference point.


An increased concentration of the hormone is diagnosed with multiple pregnancies, as well as with certain pathologies: kidneys, adrenal glands, placenta.

To correct low values ​​​​(in the early stages), progesterone-containing drugs are taken. With an excess of the hormone, therapy is carried out taking into account the prerequisites for the occurrence of this deviation.


The diagnosis of the hormones estriol and estradiol is very important, because. stable growth of the uterus and an increase in blood flow in it depend on their functioning. They also normalize blood clotting, which is very important in order to quickly eliminate possible blood loss during childbirth.

An increased level of kinin is noted with:

  • the presence of twins in a woman;
  • pathological processes in the liver;
  • kidney failure.

If the hormone is lowered during pregnancy, this indicates:

  • possible miscarriage, premature birth;
  • Down syndrome;
  • the presence of intrauterine infection;
  • fetoplacental insufficiency.

Character deteriorates. Why's that?

Often pregnant women feel that their character frankly deteriorates compared to the usual state. Even if before pregnancy the girl was just an accommodating bunny, from the very early term suddenly both claws and poisonous spikes grow. A frankly quarrelsome character even before pregnancy in general can lead to a loss of touch with reality. Why's that?

There are several reasons. And in the first place - purely physiological, hormones. Almost immediately upon the onset of pregnancy, the woman's body begins to produce the hormone progesterone, the action of which is incredibly important. After fertilization of the egg, the embryo floats freely in the uterus for some time, it needs to gain a foothold, otherwise the body will eventually reject it. Progesterone is responsible for this attachment. The immunity of a pregnant woman is somewhat reduced: the fetus, which has only half of the mother's genetic material, is essentially a foreign body. So conceived by nature, again, to avoid miscarriages.

Side effects of progesterone- the same notorious tearfulness and mood swings. The hormone supports the dominant pregnancy in the subconscious of a woman, but sometimes it depresses the psyche quite strongly. Nausea, weakness and dizziness are also a consequence of the production of this hormone. Usually, toxicosis begins in the third month and ends by the beginning of the fourth. For some, it only lasts a couple of weeks.

The mood of a pregnant woman is also affected by the increased amount of thyroid hormones. Their direct function is to stimulate cell renewal in a woman’s body, which is why it is often said that pregnancy has a beneficial rejuvenating effect on the body of a future mother. Tears and fits of rage are a side effect. Wait a little, it will pass.

However, keep in mind that sometimes emotional condition impossible to take control on a self-help basis. It is believed that pregnancy itself is a favorable background for the development of depression, a mental disorder that affects physical health. And if you have become too often and hard to break out on relatives, it makes a lot of sense to consult an endocrinologist about medications that will help compensate for mood swings. Often we are talking about some simple and cheap drugs, but it is important that a good doctor prescribes them: now you should not even paint your nails with varnish often, let alone swallow pills indiscriminately.

Fifteen weeks - normal flight!

In the second trimester of pregnancy, these hormonal troubles usually cease to torment the expectant mother. Estrogens, remarkable in their action, hormones come into play, which return a woman to a joyful perception of the world and others.

As before, the body's task is to maintain developing fetus. But now it is already entrenched in the body and the probability of losing it is sharply reduced - except in the case of a serious injury. The defense mechanism is being rebuilt: estrogens, acting as a natural antidepressant, make a woman very calm, calm and attentive. She is able to soberly assess the situation, think through a thousand risk factors in advance in order to slowly and with dignity walk along the only safe path, bypassing any troubles.

I am sure that every mother with experience or future mom can tell many stories on the subject. For example, I began to carefully choose seats in the minibus. It's not even about the fact that I no longer drive during rush hour or standing. It just turned out that the safest seats are in the middle of the cabin by the window. Ideally, someone more massive was sitting between me and the aisle. Places along the aisle, especially those parallel to it, are excluded: if one of those standing accidentally falls on me, misfortune may occur. And there are plenty of such "falling stars" even in a half-empty cabin. These are children who have played out, and drunken peasants on Friday evening, and simply passing for fare on a sharp turn.

In general, the second trimester seems to me the most comfortable in all respects. And the emotions subsided, and the stomach is not yet heavy, and full of strength. It's time to create new world new to yourself. And the expectant mother has a lot of tasks waiting to be solved.

Anastasia Martyanova, psychologist:

“I will not tire of repeating that any problem is reflected in us at two levels, physiological and psychological. We have already talked about the first one: if the hormonal background is normal, then any difficulties are perceived as sheer nonsense. In fact, we owe our psychological positivity, one way or another, to good health. But in the situation on the contrary, it is more difficult. Of course, it is necessary to be able to relax, it prevents a whole “bouquet” of diseases. But it is almost impossible to become such a subtle virtuoso of psychology as to heal oneself with a single thought.

Nevertheless, a constructive study of pressing problems solves a lot for a favorable course of pregnancy. Now it is important to find sources of joy and eliminate everything that irritates and takes away strength. It would be nice to do a general cleaning in the outer space: throw out the trash, clean the environment from girlfriends who are always pouring unnecessary complaints into your ears. You are pregnant, and this justifies you in many ways. Of course, you shouldn't be too aggressive. It is better to present your distancing as a whim or an eccentricity.

If you are constantly drawn to food, take a close look at your eating habits. And if they are not too healthy, think about whether you are “jamming” with any problems in this way. Highly good way remove unhealthy cravings for sweet or fatty - looking for a source of pleasure in something else. How many times have I seen how women completely lost interest in junk food, doing aqua aerobics or drawing. The actions are different, the result is the same: pleasure, endorphins.

By the way, about creativity. It is in the second trimester that many expectant mothers begin to draw, sculpt, someone for the first time takes up the knitting needles and sits down sewing machine. It is wonderful to learn what you have long wanted to, but never got around to it. In the pagan tradition, the threshold moments of a person's life, for example, marriage, childbirth, were endowed with great mystical meaning and enjoyed great respect. What will happen after them - no one can foresee. So the bride or expectant mother automatically receives a green card for many things that were previously forbidden. Of course, within the framework of the Criminal Code, the Ten Commandments and concern for the safety of the fetus.

You are more of a woman now than ever before. You have the right to be weird, and, perhaps, everything that you do for yourself today, in the most comfortable and harmonious period of pregnancy, will become the basis of your new joyful life. I wish you this from the bottom of my heart!”

Pregnancy and childbirth is a serious test for the body. But nature made sure that as the fetus develops, the woman's body copes with the additional load, and the unborn child receives all the vital nutrients. The growth of the fetus and the process of childbirth itself would be impossible if hormonal changes did not occur in the body of a pregnant woman.

So, hormonal changes during pregnancy are changes in the concentration of hormones already produced by the endocrine organs and the beginning of the production of those hormones that contribute to the proper course of pregnancy and ensure the physiological course of childbirth. Failures in this area lead to complications, miscarriage and miscarriages.

Who is responsible?

In fact, hormonal changes during pregnancy are a natural process that starts automatically in our body, absolutely regardless of our will and knowledge of the onset of pregnancy. Almost all endocrine glands are responsible for the ongoing changes - the pituitary gland, the sex glands, the thyroid gland, and the adrenal glands. The conductor in this case is the pituitary gland - it is not for nothing that it increases almost two to three times during pregnancy! It is responsible for a sharp decrease in the hormones that regulate the work of the gonads - FSH and LH hormones responsible for egg maturation and ovulation. Now new eggs are not required, so the body does not have to waste valuable material. It also produces thyroid-stimulating hormone, which regulates the functions of the thyroid gland, stimulates the production of adrenocorticotropic hormone, which regulates the work of the adrenal glands. Under its influence, the adrenal glands produce mineralocorticoids and glucocorticoids, whose task is to regulate water-salt metabolism and suppress immunity. The latter, paradoxically, is extremely important so that the mother's body does not reject the fetus. By-effect caused by these hormones - thinning of the hair, hyperpigmentation of the skin, the formation of striae, increased body hair growth. The pituitary gland is also responsible for the production and regulation of the concentration of oxytocin, a hormone that stimulates labor activity.

In many pregnant women, the thyroid gland also increases in size, which begins to intensively produce hormones. That is why control over it is so important - after childbirth, failures in its work often occur. Excessive production of hormones increases the risk of abortion and, conversely, reduced production of hormones can lead to failures in the formation of the brain and central nervous system.

As an endocrine gland, the placenta itself begins to work, producing estrogens, which are tasked with stimulating the growth of the uterus, removing fluids from the body, and bringing pressure back to normal.

The pancreas is not directly involved in the synthesis of special hormones to ensure the correct course of pregnancy. However, during pregnancy, the sensitivity of body tissues to the insulin it produces can change. This is fraught with the development of diabetes in pregnant women, so regular blood donation for sugar is not reinsurance for doctors, but essential tool control over the course of pregnancy.

Main stages

Shortly after conception, the first hormonal changes occur during pregnancy, associated with the work of the corpus luteum. It begins to secrete the hormone progesterone, whose task is to ensure the attachment of the fetal egg to the endometrium of the uterus, reducing its excitability and stimulating the growth of the mammary glands. Without this hormone, pregnancy is almost impossible, its lack is fraught with the threat of miscarriage. It is this hormone that is responsible for tearfulness, irritability and mood swings, fluid retention in the body, drowsiness, nausea, heartburn, frequent urination and swelling. The production of the hormone occurs throughout pregnancy, gradually decreasing.

From the moment the embryo attaches to the end of pregnancy, chorionic gonadotropin (CG) begins to be produced - it provokes the corpus luteum to further produce progesterone, stimulates the synthesis of estrogen by the ovaries, thereby ensuring the normal course of pregnancy.
The active production of hormones by the placenta begins after ten weeks. In addition to the estrogens mentioned above, the placenta also produces a lot of other hormones, including somatomammotropin and hCG - human chorionic gonadotropin.


The production of hCG occurs from the moment of the onset of pregnancy and continues throughout its duration. At the same time, the amount of hormone produced depends on the period of pregnancy and changes every week. Therefore, the graph of changes in hCG during pregnancy is an important diagnostic factor and allows you to track the course of pregnancy, identify the threat of miscarriage and non-developing pregnancy. In the first trimester, hCG stimulates the production of the hormones progesterone, estrogen, and thyroid hormones required for the proper course of pregnancy. HCG also stimulates the activity of Leydig cells of male fetuses, which begin to synthesize testosterone and contribute to the formation of male-type organs. Associated with the production of hCG is the fact that cells female body during pregnancy are rapidly updated. So, the opinion that pregnancy contributes to the renewal and rejuvenation of a woman's body is not so far from the truth.

The produced chorionic somatomammotropin affects the growth of the mammary gland. A side effect is a change in the length of the foot: it may grow slightly.

At the end of the third trimester, namely a couple of weeks before childbirth, hormonal changes during pregnancy enter a new phase. Now it makes no sense to keep the child from premature rejection. On the contrary, it is necessary to ensure its birth. The level of progesterone production decreases and the amount of estrogen increases. The latter, in turn, begin to stimulate the production of prostaglandins - substances that stimulate childbirth and the synthesis of oxytocin, which reduces the uterus. Estrogens are also responsible for the production of other excitatory substances that trigger the mechanism of childbirth - histamine, serotonin and melatonin. By the time of delivery, the production of prolactin also increases - 5-6 times compared with the beginning of the first trimester.

Why such subtleties?

Of course, the hormonal changes during pregnancy are even more complex when viewed more closely. The hormones that enter the blood of a pregnant woman have a multifaceted effect. Ideally, the "positive" and "negative" actions of hormones interact harmoniously and provide normal course pregnancy and successful delivery. In addition, the effect of hormones changes the appearance of a woman. But the more complex the mechanism, the more possible failures in it, which is why control over hormonal changes during gestation is so important. modern medicine can offer drugs that, in the event of abnormalities, can help normalize the hormonal background, increase or slow down the production of certain hormones, thereby maintaining the pregnancy and ensuring the birth of a healthy child.