The fastest train in the world carries passengers. The fastest train in the world. New Japanese gauge

Since the early 19th century, trains have always been regarded as a fine example of human engineering and ingenuity. Their invention pushed people to develop even more innovative technologies and spread the industrial revolution around the world. the globe. Currently, trains have become one of the most quick ways movement on the ground and they continue to improve every day.

1.Eurostar e320

Moving at a speed of 320 km / h, the e320 Eurostar connects the cities of London, Paris and Brussels, and also passes under the English Channel. Although these trains are produced German company Siemans Velaro, Eurostar is actually an international joint project between France, the United Kingdom and Belgium.

2.KTX Sancheon

Released in 2009, the South Korean train was the culmination of over ten years of research and was the second commercial high-speed train developed in Korea. Initially, he could reach a maximum speed of 350 km / h, later, after a major accident, his speed was limited to 300 km / h due to safety reasons.

3 Talgo 350

Originally built to connect the Spanish cities of Madrid and Barcelona, ​​the Talgo 350 can reach a top speed of 365 km/h. The locals nicknamed it "Pato" (duck) because of the specific shape of the front of the train.

4.Zefiro 380

Produced by the Canadian aerospace and transportation firm Bombardier, the Zefiro 380 train can reach an operating speed of 380 km/h. In the near future, the first batch of trains will be put on the rails in the Chinese city of Qingdao.

5. Shinkansen Bullet Trains

Japan's E5 and E6 series Shinkansen bullet trains can reach speeds approaching 400 km/h. These trains are also well known for their ability to maintain high speeds without compromising passenger comfort and safety.

6. Frecciarossa 1000

The train, named "Red Arrow", is the fastest in Italy. It can reach speeds of up to 400 km/h and is one of the most environmentally friendly high-speed trains in the world because it has the lowest CO2 emissions and is built from nearly 100% recyclable materials.

7. Velaro E

Designed by Siemens Velaro and owned by the Spanish railway company RENFE, the train can reach a top speed of 404 km/h. It holds the national record for the fastest train speed in Spain.


Originally known as the Intercity Experimental, the ICE V train was a government-funded research project that is exploring the feasibility of high-speed rail service in Germany. In 1988 he set a new speed record for rail vehicles - 407 km/h.

9 Aerotrain I80

Built by French engineer Jean Bertin, the Aerotrain I80 was a jet-powered hovercraft that set the world speed record for ground hovercraft (430 km/h) in 1974. The train was never used commercially due to lack of funding and the death of Jean Bertinant in 1977. However, it laid the foundation for the maglev trains that followed in the following years.


This high-speed train entered service in late 2010 and is the only Chinese mass-produced locomotive that was not based on foreign designs or technology. Its top speed is 486 km/h, however, after a major collision in 2011, its operating speed was limited to 300 km/h.

11. Shanghai Maglev Train

The world's first commercial maglev train, the Shanghai Maglev Train went on the rails in 2004 and was the first train designed by the German company Transrapid. The SMT can reach speeds of up to 500 km/h and connects the outskirts of Shanghai with Pudong International Airport.

12. Transrapid 09

The latest and most advanced Maglev train, developed by German manufacturers Transrapid, is designed to travel at a cruising speed of around 500 km/h. It can also accelerate and decelerate much faster than other high-speed trains.


In 2007, a modified TGV POS set a world speed record for a conventional vehicle, having developed a speed of 575 km / h. The train was modified to use only two power cars as well as larger wheels. Therefore, the actual speed of the train that runs between France and Switzerland is limited to a maximum speed of 320 km/h.

14. JR-Maglev MLX01

Achieving a shocking speed of 585 km/h on the 40 km test track in Yamanashi, Japan's experimental maglev train MLX01 set a new speed record for maglev trains in 2003. He held this record for twelve years until another Japanese Maglev broke the record in 2015 with a top speed of 603 km/h.

15. SCMaglev L0 Series

With a peak speed of 603 km/h, this Japanese maglev train holds the world record. Soon, such trains are planned to be launched on the route between Tokyo and Osaka.

We continue to talk about unusual things and next in line are devices whose value is hard to overestimate - trains!

The history of trains as a whole is a hymn to speed and reliability, passing through intrigue and a lot of money, but we are interested in the 10 fastest trains of our time.

The world of trains looks unusual today, this is due to the fact that since 1979 their high-tech brothers, machines from the future, the Maglevs (from the English magnetic levitation - “magnetic levitation”), have joined the classic rail train. Proudly hovering above the magnetic canvas and driven by the latest achievements in the field of superconductors, they can become the transport of the future. In view of this, for each we will indicate the type of train and under what conditions the record was obtained, because somewhere on board the express there were no passengers, somewhere even drivers.

1. Shinkansen

The world speed record belongs to the Japanese maglev train, on April 21, 2015, on a special section during tests in Yamanashi Prefecture, the train was able to reach a speed of 603 kilometers per hour, there was only a driver on board. This is just an incredible number!

Test video:

To add to the insane speed, you can add the amazing noiselessness of this super train, the absence of wheels makes the ride comfortable and surprisingly smooth.

Today, the Shinkansen is one of the fastest trains on commercial routes, with a speed of 443 km/h.


The first in speed among rail trains, but the second in the absolute standings, on the planet (for 2015) is the French TGV POS. The amazing thing is that at the moment of fixing the speed record, the train was accelerated to an impressive figure of 574.8 km / h, while journalists and attendants were on board!

But even taking into account the world record, the speed of the train when moving on commercial routes does not exceed 320 km / h.

3. Shanghai Maglev Train

Next, we have the third place given to China with their Shanghai Maglev Train, as the name implies, this train plays in the category of wizards hanging in a powerful magnetic field. This incredible maglev holds a speed of 431 km / h for 90 seconds (during this time it manages to swallow 10.5 kilometers!), Which is up to the maximum speed of this train, then during the tests it was able to accelerate to 501 km / h.


Another record comes from China, a train with an incredibly euphonious name “CRH380A”, which took an honorable fourth place. The maximum speed on the route, as the name implies, is 380 km / h, and the maximum recorded result is 486.1 km / h. It is noteworthy that this high-speed train is assembled and produced entirely based on Chinese production facilities. The train carries almost 500 passengers, and boarding is implemented like in an airplane.


Location: Germany - maximum speed 450 km / h. Name TR-09.

The fifth number from the country of the fastest roads is autobahns, and if Germany can really be classified as the fastest country in terms of speed on the roads, then trains are far from number 1.

In sixth place is a train from South Korea. The KTX2, which is what the Korean bullet train is called, was able to reach 352 km/h, but currently the top speed on commercial routes is limited to 300 km/h.


The next hero, although not the fastest train on the planet, still deserves a separate applause, the reason for this is the impressive capacity of 989 passengers! considered one of the largest and fast views transport.


We arrive at the eighth place and we stop in Spain on board the AVETalgo-350 (Alta Velocidad Española), nicknamed the Platypus. The nickname comes from the aerodynamic look of the lead car (well, you can see for yourself), but no matter how funny our hero looks, the speed of 330 km / h makes him eligible to participate in our rating!

9 Eurostar Train

9th place Eurostar Train - France, the train is not so fast 300 km / h (not far from our Sapsan), but the capacity of the train is impressive 900 passengers. By the way, it was on this train that the participants of the famous TV show Top Gear (now deceased, if you love him like me, thumb up!) in Season 4 Episode 1 competed against the amazing Aston Martin DB9.

10. Peregrine Falcon

On the 10th place, of course, you need to put the Italian "ETR 500" with its good 300 km / h, but I want to put our quite fast Sapsan. Although the current operating speed of this train is limited to 250 km / h, its modernization (and rather the modernization of the tracks) will allow the train to go at a speed of 350 km / h. At the moment - this is not possible for a variety of reasons, one of them is the vortex effect, which is capable of knocking an adult person off their feet at a distance of 5 meters from the tracks. Sapsan also sets one funny record - this is the widest high-speed train in the world. Although the train is built on the platform of Siemens, due to the wider gauge used in Russia 1520 mm, against the European one of 1435 mm, it became possible to increase the width of the car by 300 mm, this makes the Sapsan the most “pot-bellied” bullet train.

Hundreds of years have passed since the invention of the railway. Railway transport has overcome a long evolutionary path of development from hand-drawn massive trolleys to modern superfast express trains operating on the principle of magnetic levitation, which have already become commonplace in many countries of the world. This collection will feature the most fast trains capable of reaching a speed of at least 300 km per hour.

11th place. HSL 1 (High-Speed ​​Line 1)- speed 300 km/h
HSL 1 is a Belgian high-speed electric train of the TGV series (Train à Grande Vitesse - "high-speed train" in French), whose operating speed is 300 km / h, runs on a high-speed rail line connecting Brussels with the French railway line LGV Nord. It was put into operation in December 1997.

10th place. - speed 300 - 315 km/h
The THSR 700T is a high-speed train based on the Japanese Shinkansen trains in Taiwan. The train, with a maximum operating speed of 300 km/h, connects northern Taipei and southern Kaohsiung. It consists of 12 comfortable cars and can accommodate 989 passengers. The speed record for this train was set in 2005 and is 315 km/h.

9th place. - speed 320 km/h
ICE - high-speed trains, common in Germany and in neighboring countries. On the Strasbourg-Paris line, InterCity Express has a speed of up to 320 km/h. Today, ICEs are the main type of long-distance trains offered by Deutsche Bahn. These trains are also delivered to Russia, where they are used on the high-speed railway lines Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod and Moscow - St. Petersburg.

8th place. - speed 300 - 334.7 km / h
Eurostar or British Rail Class 373 is a British high-speed electric train of the TVG series, running between the UK, Belgium and France through the Channel Tunnel, which is the second longest railway tunnel in the world. The capacity of the train is 900 passengers, the operating speed reaches 300 km/h, and the speed record for this train was set in 2003 and equals 334.7 km/h. The Eurostar train journey from London to Paris takes 2 hours and 16 minutes.

7th place. - speed 305 - 352 km / h
The Sancheon, formerly known as the KTX II, entered service in South Korea in 2009. It was built by Hyundai Rotem based on French TGV train technology and is owned by Korail, South Korea's national railway operator. Although it can reach speeds of up to 352 km/h (the record was set in 2004), for safety reasons it does not go faster than 305 km/h. A comfortable train with a capacity of 363 passengers operates on the route Yongsan - Gwangju - Mokpo and Seoul - Busan.

6th place. - speed 300 - 362 km/h
For the ETR-500 electric train, produced in Italy in 1993, the operating speed reaches 300 km / h, and the speed record was set in 2009 in the tunnel between Bologna and Florence and is 362 km / h. The train covers the distance from the center of Bologna to Milan in 56 minutes. Planned for 2014 is the release of six ETR-1000 trains, which will reach speeds from 360 to 400 km/h.

5th place. - speed 330 - 365 km/h
AVE (Alta Velocidad Española) - trademark Spanish operating company railways Renfe-Operadora. The abbreviation also plays on the word "bird" (ave) in Spanish. All AVE class trains are high-speed, but the AVE Talgo-350 electric train with a capacity of 318 passengers is especially fast, accelerating to 330 km / h on the routes Madrid - Valladolid and Madrid - Barcelona. In 2004, during testing, the train reached a speed of 365 km/h. Because of appearance, similar to a duck beak, AVE Talgo-350 was nicknamed Pato (duck in Spanish).

4th place. - speed 380 - 486.1 km / h
The Chinese train CRH380A is designed for a maximum operating speed of 380 km/h, while the speed record for such a train is 486.1 km/h. These iron monsters are manufactured by China's largest railway manufacturer - CSR Qingdao Sifang Locomotive and Rolling Stock Company. The high-speed 8-car train with an "airplane-type" interior can carry 494 passengers. In September 2010, the CRH-380A entered service for the first time on the Shanghai-Nanjing route. It later began making daily flights on the Wuhan-Guangzhou and Shanghai-Hangzhou lines.

3rd place. - speed 431 - 501 km/h
The Shanghai Maglev is a Chinese maglev high-speed train that has been in operation in Shanghai since 2004. The maximum express speed is 431 km/h, which allows you to cover the distance from the city center to the airport (30 km) in just 7-8 minutes. In a test run on November 12, 2003, this train reached a speed of 501 km/h. The developers of the train are not the Chinese at all, but the Germans. The prototype of the Shanghai Maglev Train was the Transrapid SMT.

2nd place. - speed 320 - 574.8 km / h

These French TVG trains run between France and Switzerland and between France and Germany. Operating speed - 320 km / h. At the same time, the TGV POS model holds the speed record among rail trains - in 2007 this train was able to accelerate to 574.8 km per hour.

1 place. Shinkansen series trains- speed 320 - 581 km / h
Shinkansen (Shinkansen - "new highway" in Japanese) - a network of Japanese high-speed trains, which are often called "bullets", and for good reason - the Shinkansen speed record for conventional railway lines is 443 km / h (the record was set in 1996 ), a maglev 581 km/h, which is the absolute world record for trains(record set in 2003). The first high-speed train in Japan was put into operation in 1964. Today, Shinkansen express trains, consisting of sixteen cars, cover the distance between Osaka and Tokyo in 2 hours and 25 minutes. The train has a peculiar oblong nose, due to which it received the nickname "platypus". By the way, Shinkansen trains have the status of not only one of the fastest trains, but also the safest - in 40 years of operation, there has not been a single major accident.

17.12.2018 , 15:18 23140

Modern high-speed trains are quite capable of competing with passenger aircraft. Their speed reaches 600 km / h, and boarding and disembarking passengers is easier and faster than on aircraft. We bring to your attention the top 10 fastest trains in the world.

10th place. Taiwanese THSR 700T

315 km/h

This train circulates on the Taipei - Kaohsiung route. It covers the distance between these cities (335.5 km) in 1.5 hours. The stopping distance of the train reaches 4 km.

9th place. German InterCity Express

330 km/h

ICE trains are the fastest in Germany. They run between major German cities. They include play compartments for children and a bistro car.

8th place. English Eurostar

335 km/h

The famous Eurostar train connects England with France, Belgium and the Netherlands. He moves through the tunnel, laid under the English Channel. It covers the distance between London and Paris in 2 hours 16 minutes.

7th place. Korean KTX Sancheon

352 km/h

This train is designed to carry 363 passengers. The maximum speed of its movement is 352 km/h, but for the safety of passengers on commercial routes, it only accelerates to 305 km/h.

6th place. Italian ETR-500

362 km/h

The ETR-500 electric train made its first trip in 1993. Its operating speed is 300 km/h, the maximum possible is 362 km/h. The distance between Milan and Bologna (215 km) is covered by the train in 56 minutes.

5th place. Spanish AVE Talgo-350

365 km/h

The abbreviation AVW stands for "bird". The Spaniards noticed that the front of the head car resembled a duck's beak and nicknamed the train "duck". The bird train covers the 330 km between Madrid and Barcelona in just an hour.

4th place. Chinese CRH380A

486 km/h

Chinese train CRH380A looks like an airplane. Eight of its carriages are designed to carry 494 passengers. The train was completely assembled by Chinese manufacturers.

3rd place. Chinese Maglev Train

501 km/h

The three leaders are opened by the Chinese Express Maglev Train. This train departs from downtown Shanghai every 15 minutes and goes to Shanghai Airport. The distance between the end points, equal to 30 km, it overcomes in 7.5 minutes.

2nd place. French TGV POS

574.8 km/h

The TGV POS train runs between France and major German and Swiss cities. Its 10 carriages are designed for 377 passengers. The working speed of the train is 320 km/h, the maximum possible speed is 574.8 km/h.

1st place. Japanese Shinkansen

603 km/h

The undisputed leader of our rating is the Japanese train Shinkansen, whose name translates as "new highway". During operational testing, the train reached a record high speed of 603 km/h. For 40 years of operation of this train, not a single accident has been recorded.

30 Oct

The fastest trains in the world. The speed of 500 km / h is not the limit!

Surely older readers remember the problem from a mathematics textbook, in which it is said about two trains departing simultaneously towards each other at a speed of 50 km/h. Today, this causes a smile, but even 200 years ago people could not even dream that their descendants would travel quickly and comfortably, overcoming great distances. The first steam locomotive saw the world in September 1825. Its speed reached 24 km / h - a real breakthrough for the XIX century! The heroes of our today's article are the main high speed trains that will take you from point A to point B in record time.

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In 1991, Germany ushered in the era of high-speed trains in the West. The first experimental train of the ICE 1 series was developed by the German railway operator Deutsche Bahn and consisted of two motor cars with a capacity of 4,800 kW. Already on a test drive, the train accelerated to 280 km / h, which at that time was a revolutionary indicator of speed.

Figures and facts:

- Number of train cars - 12;
- Length - 358 m;
– The maximum allowable speed is 330 km/h;
– Number of operating trains - 237.

In 1997, the updated ICE 2 trains entered service, and three years later, the ICE 3. The latest modification, developed by Siemens in conjunction with Bombardier Transportation, is characterized by reduced weight with more power. The test run proved the possibility of acceleration to 358 km / h. And the plans of the German railway workers are the release of the new ICE 4.

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AVE means bird. This is how the abbreviation of the operator of the railways of Spain is translated. The need to create a high-speed regional train arose in the early 90s of the XX century. This was due to the depressing state of the economy in the south of the country. In 1992, a new line with standard European gauge was opened. It connected Madrid and Seville. The first train to literally fly this distance at a speed of 357 km / h was the AVE 100. It began a new era of Spanish railways.

In 2005, the AVE Talgo – 350 was put into operation on the Madrid-Valladolid and Madrid-Barcelona sections. Thanks to its unusual design and elongated “duck nose”, the new train can accelerate to 365 km/h. AVE Talgo-350 is able to simultaneously accommodate 318 passengers in its small comfortable carriages.

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Another representative of European railways saw the world in 2006, immediately leaving German and Spanish colleagues far behind. The TGV POS train, owned by French Railways, originally carried passengers on the Paris-Luxembourg route. It currently also flies to Switzerland and southern Germany.

In 2007, the mainline TGV POS set an absolute speed record in Europe, accelerating to 574.8 km/h. The train consists of eight cars. Its power is 25 thousand horsepower! It is very easy to recognize high-speed trains on European railways by the silver-blue color.

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The length of China's high-speed railways is more than 7,000 km, which puts the Celestial Empire in first place in the world. Naturally, special tracks require special trains. And one of them was put into operation in 2010. It is called the CRH-380A and is known for being able to reach a top speed of 486 km/h. The operational speed is 350 km / h, the CRH-380A reaches it already seven minutes after the start of movement.

The noise reduction system in the cabin has also become innovative, which provides a noise level of only 68 dB (for comparison, this level has washing machine). The special shape of the train, more reminiscent of an airplane without wings, made it possible to achieve these indicators. Eight carriages can accommodate 494 passengers.

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Another Chinese rail record holder has been transporting passengers from Shanghai's Pudong Airport to Long Yang Road Metro Station in the city center since 2004. This distance is 30 km, and the train overcomes it in 7 or 8 minutes (depending on the time of day). Thus, the speed of Shanghai Maglev Train is 431 km/h. However, this is not the limit, since the composition is able to accelerate up to 500 km / h.

The train was designed for Chinese railways by the German company Siemens. Shanghai Maglev is driven and controlled by the force of the electromagnetic field. This is a maglev train. The train rises above the track and literally flies, levitating 15 cm from the track. Such trains are braked due to the force of aerodynamic resistance.

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“Bullet trains” are called the Japanese railway miracle all over the world. The release of the first train with a speed of 210 km / h from the Shinkansen series was timed to coincide with the opening of the Summer Olympic Games held in Tokyo in 1964. Time passed, and the industry of the Land of the Rising Sun did not stand still. New lines with a gauge of 1,435 mm were laid for the main line trains of the Shinkansen system, instead of narrow-gauge lines previously common in Japan. Also, special platforms are provided for new high-speed trains.

Today, Shinkansen trains reach speeds of up to 450 km / h, while they move almost silently. This was made possible thanks to the applied vibration reduction technology. The trains are also equipped with a safety system that automatically stops the train a few seconds before the earthquake.

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The absolute speed record holder among modern trains. Refers to the JR-Maglev maglev train system. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that the trains do not touch the rails during movement and there is no friction force. In 2003, during the first test on a 40-kilometer track, the MLX01 train, consisting of three cars, reached a speed of 581 km / h. For comparison: the cruising speed of the Yak-40 three-engine aircraft, designed for flights up to 820 km, is 510 km/h.

In 2015, the Japanese broke their own record. The Maglev train of the latest modification was able to accelerate to 603 km/h. And this is not the limit...

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