What week does month 8 start from? Eighth month of pregnancy: nutrition, child development, childbirth. What happens in the female body

The eighth month is the middle of the third and last trimester of pregnancy. It is no longer so easy for a woman to cope with her condition. But any difficulties can be overcome if a meeting with the desired baby is ahead! Right now it is important to keep peace of mind avoid stress and physical exertion.

What happens in the female body

The weight gain in both the woman and the child is so great that the uterus intensively increases in size, being under the very ribs. Its bottom is located as high as possible above the level of the pubic articulation (38-40 cm), and it will not take more than high position. Nevertheless, even at this time, some women retain a fairly slender figure, have a small, neat stomach. Both they and the owners of impressive sizes have all the parameters laid down at the genetic level, and all options are the norm if the obstetrician-gynecologist believes that the pregnancy is developing normally.

The optimal weight gain at this stage of pregnancy is up to 400 g per week. A more solid increase indicates hidden edema. To prevent overweight, use fasting days, the method of which is prescribed by the doctor. In general, at this time, a woman has from 8 to 13 extra pounds of body weight, added since the beginning of pregnancy. This variation is due to the peculiarities of the constitution - the smaller the woman was, the more she can gain weight.

Another feature of this month is that the hormonal influence has its effect on the growth of hair on the skin, there are more of them. At the same time, the woman notices that the hair on her head is getting thicker, and hair loss, if any, is no longer a concern. After childbirth, this process will reverse - the hair on the skin will begin to fall out, but their number on the scalp will also decrease. Do not worry too much about this, as soon after the birth of the child, all processes will balance out.

Video about the features of the course of the 8th month of pregnancy, about the symptoms of preeclampsia, about how to properly pack the bag to the hospital:

Uterus at 8 months

Due to the oversized uterus, women at this stage of pregnancy may experience stress urinary incontinence. Intense pressure on all organs of the abdominal cavity causes them to move apart and make room. Pressure on the bladder leads to the release of a small portion of urine when laughing and sneezing.

A significant increase in the mass of the uterus, along with the fetus and placenta, causes. Together with pain from sufficiently pronounced pushes of the baby, such sensations can be very unpleasant. The exercise "cat's back" and the wearing of a prenatal bandage will help to alleviate them.

Fetal development at 8 months of pregnancy

There is much less space in the uterus at this stage of pregnancy, and the baby can no longer move intensively in it. He can stretch and roll with a small range of motion, and in most cases has already turned his head down, taking the most rational position for childbirth. During a visit to the gynecologist, he immediately states this fact.

The accumulated layer of subcutaneous fatty tissue gives the unborn child the classic appearance of a newborn baby - chubby cheeks, rounded arms and shoulders, smooth face. On the handles, the nails have reached the edge of the last phalanx, but on the toes they have not yet grown to this state. Lubrication on the body of the fetus, which helps to slide freely through the birth canal, becomes thicker, and the fluff on the body, on the contrary, disappears. The nose and ears of an infant are made up of denser cartilage. The bones of his skull are quite soft, they tend to go behind each other during childbirth, due to which the volume of the head decreases somewhat in size.

And the child mastered the respiratory, and sucking, and swallowing movements. At this stage, the cerebral cortex improves, the number of convolutions increases, and connections between neurons grow. The baby has a sleep-wake schedule, and he is in the sleep phase, according to research. Perhaps he is dreaming. At the very least, his pupils, under his closed eyelids, move in a manner consistent with such eye movements during REM sleep.

The endocrine glands are so developed that the size of the adrenal glands is equal to the size of this gland in an adult, and their productivity is several times greater than the amount of hormones produced by an adult. After birth, the size of the gland will become smaller. The testicles of the boys acquired their intended shape and size. The liver of the unborn child has accumulated and continues to accumulate iron, the purpose of which is to participate in the hematopoiesis of an infant in the first year of life.

The level of surfactant, which allows the lungs not to collapse in the exhalation phase, has increased so much that the premature birth of a child will not prevent him from breathing on his own. This fact allows you to call such a baby born before the term, and not premature.

Daily weight gain ranges from 15 to 30 g, practically the baby adds 1% every day. The weight of the child by the end of the 8th month is 2500, height - 45 cm.

Feelings at 8 months pregnant

The complex of sensations can be called in one word "discomfort". Most of all, it manifests itself during falling asleep and sleep. A woman is annoyed by back pain and lack of oxygen, the need to go to the toilet often. Braxton-Hicks training contractions become quite noticeable - painless uterine contractions. They begin in the upper part, undulate over the entire surface and subside. To fall asleep easier and sleep better. You can take a walk before going to bed, perform a simple physical activity - means that act instead of sleeping pills contraindicated in pregnant women.

Very often, due to the stomach raised high under the influence of the pregnant uterus, a woman feels. It is caused by the fact that the food lump, processed by gastric juice, enters back into the esophagus, causing discomfort there. An effective remedy for heartburn is eating in small portions so that it leaves the stomach faster. For severe discomfort, the doctor will recommend safe antacids.

Walking becomes more and more difficult, the woman gets tired quickly, has to go to the toilet often, she suffers from shortness of breath. The fetus begins to move actively, and since its legs are located in the upper part of the uterus, she feels pain in the liver or under the upper ribs. With a long walk, a pregnant woman develops pulling pains in the lower back, in the lower abdomen. In this case, you should definitely lie down, taking the drug No-shpa. Prolonged pain is a reason to seek emergency help.

Psychological features

The main feelings that own a woman at this time are concern and anxious expectations of childbirth. If a woman fails to get enough sleep, she feels helpless and clumsy, even ridiculous trifles can irritate the expectant mother. Concerns about how the birth will go, whether the baby will be healthy, whether it will be possible to return to the previous rhythm of life - these are the main problems that occupy a woman. For psychological support, it is important to contact your relatives, enroll in a motherhood school.

It is important to try to look good, take care of your appearance. Do not avoid visiting exhibitions, theatrical performances, short trips to nature. When communicating with older children, it is advisable to discuss future changes in life with them, to tell them that they will not be less loved with the advent of the baby. It is advisable to let them touch the stomach, offer to talk with the baby.

Late toxicosis, nephrosis, preeclampsia are synonymous with the diagnosis of preeclampsia, a dangerous complication of pregnancy.

Causes of gestosis:

The most striking symptom of late toxicosis is edema, which can be obvious or hidden. Edema is indicated by the inability to remove the wedding ring, traces of underwear at the waist or from the elastic bands of socks on the legs. An increase in weight may indicate hidden edema. Additionally, there is increased blood pressure, protein in the urine. A woman may not be aware that she has gestosis, since she does not feel pressure, but she does not know about these urine tests.

Additional symptoms:

    "Flies" in sight,

    Pain in the right hypochondrium,

If during pregnancy a woman had jumps in blood pressure, each symptom can lead to a serious complication - eclampsia. This condition occurs suddenly, manifested by severe convulsions and loss of consciousness. Such symptoms indicate that cerebral edema has begun, leading to the death of the mother or child.

Treatment of preeclampsia is carried out in a hospital, in bed rest. A woman is allowed to get up as a last resort for food and self-service. It is advisable to lie on the left side to activate the placental circulation and stimulate the kidneys. If necessary, cause premature birth, allowing to save the life of a woman and a child.

Doctor visit at 8 months

Visits to the doctor at 8 months are planned every 2 weeks, even with excellent health. Before visiting a doctor, you need to take a urine test.

An obstetrician-gynecologist is interested in the well-being of a woman and controls the following parameters:

    Blood pressure,

    body weight;

    The height of the fundus of the uterus,

    abdominal circumference,

    baby heartbeat,

    The presence or absence of edema;

    Presentation of the fetus.

At the end of the month, a woman is offered to take a smear for the purity of the vaginal flora and undergo an examination on a gynecological chair.

Before giving birth, you will have to update the test results:

    For sugar

    On blood clotting;

    For biochemistry;

    General clinical analysis of blood.

All results must be entered in the exchange card of the pregnant woman, which she should always have with her.

At this stage of pregnancy, the third planned ultrasound is performed, which determines:

    fetal parameters,

    The size of the uterus


    condition of the placenta

    amniotic fluid volume,

    Possible pathology of fetal development, developmental delay,

    Maturity of lung tissue.

If an ultrasound with dopplerometry is performed, the doctor has the opportunity to study the blood flow in the placenta, in the circulatory system of the mother and child, to identify oxygen starvation and circulatory disorders.

To prevent edema, the doctor recommends drinking no more than 1.5 liters of liquid, including the juice of consumed vegetables and fruits, the liquid of first courses. It is advisable to replace all drinks, both sweet and salty, with ordinary clean water. An additional measure is the restriction of salt to 3-5 g per day, and it is advisable to cook food without salt and add salt to food after, already before eating.

The more protein in a woman's diet, and the less fat and carbohydrates, the easier it will be for her to maintain optimal weight without limiting the child in nutrients.

It is important to eat often and little by little, 6-7 times a day to prevent heartburn. The last time you need to have dinner is 2-3 hours before bedtime. Better if it will be fruits, vegetables and dairy products. When forming the menu, it is advisable not to consume foods that cause in the last months of pregnancy, so as not to provoke the penetration of allergens through the placenta. These are honey, chocolate, chicken eggs, strawberries, citrus fruits, chicken meat.

There is no consensus on whether sex is permissible at this stage of pregnancy.

It is best to consult with the doctor leading the pregnancy if there are any contraindications for intimate relationships:

    Danger of placental abruption;

    placenta previa;

    risk of bleeding;

    Discharges of unknown etiology.

At the end of the 8th month, it is advisable to collect things that will be needed in the hospital. Most likely, these will be slippers that can be washed, socks, pads, underwear, a bra for nursing mothers.

The newborn will also need a "dowry":


    Children's soap and cream,

    Wet wipes.

Perhaps a cream is useful for the treatment of cracks and abrasions of the nipples (Actovegin, Bepanten).

Education: Diploma "Obstetrics and Gynecology" received at the Russian State Medical University of the Federal Agency for Health and Social Development (2010). In 2013, she completed her postgraduate studies at the NMU. N. I. Pirogov.

The eighth month of pregnancy is a difficult period. The kid has finished shaping his body and constantly makes itself felt with jerks and stirring. A woman who is tired over the previous seven months wants to give birth as soon as possible and it seems that this will happen any day. However, it will be a long time before the mother sees the child. During this period, you need to be patient, calmly wait and prepare.

What has already been done by the eighth month of pregnancy

For 8 months, the development of the child in the womb went according to a clearly established plan. A large complex organism gradually formed from a single-celled egg.

Now the fetus already looks like a person, all the main life support systems are developed and working in it, only the lungs are a little behind.

The fetus occupies the final position in the uterus, according to the norm, its head should be directed down and come out first (cephalic presentation).

If at this time, for any reason, childbirth begins, they are called early. The birth of a child at the 8th month of pregnancy in most cases is successful, the baby has every chance to survive and develop normally. Difficulties sometimes arise from the lungs, which are not yet ready for a full respiratory cycle and may subside on exhalation.

What remains to be done

It would be better if the child waited a little longer before coming into the world. The development of the body has not ended, you need to do a few important things and bring to mind what has already been done.

Changes in a woman's body

Eight months of pregnancy did not pass without a trace for future mother. Her body has changed, the processes accompanying gestation make themselves felt with various, not always pleasant symptoms:

Childbirth close

Despite the fact that more than a month remains before the birth, signs of their approach are already appearing.

Periodically, so-called training contractions may occur, in which the muscles of the uterus contract randomly. The neck of the organ is not revealed.

Baby moves less than before, but more intensively. His thrusts are very painful, especially if they hit the ribs.

Examinations at the eighth month

If gestation proceeds without complications, the expectant mother at this time should come for an examination twice a month. At the same time, the doctor measures the weight of the pregnant woman., blood pressure, height of the uterine fundus, listens to the fetal heartbeat. Be sure to do a urine test.

Provides important information ultrasound procedure which is often held during this period. On ultrasound is determined:

  • maturity of the placenta;
  • condition of the uterus and its cervix;
  • presentation of the fetus;
  • the degree of development of its internal organs;
  • the presence or absence of pathologies;
  • approximate date of birth.

Possible Complications

If the tone of the uterine muscles is increased, there is a threat of premature birth. The main symptoms of this condition are severe drawing pains in the abdomen and blood in the vaginal discharge. It is important to immediately call an ambulance, as the process can develop rapidly.

A serious danger in the eighth month is late toxicosis of pregnant women or gestosis. The disease is accompanied by severe headache, swelling, nausea and vomiting. Unlike the first trimester, when toxicosis was normal, now he poses a serious danger for mother and fetus. Preeclampsia can be diagnosed based on the results of a urinalysis, which is why it is so important to conduct a regular examination.

The most terrible complication of pregnancy in the eighth month can be eclampsia - swelling of the brain, accompanied by severe convulsions and loss of consciousness.

To save the mother and baby, if complications arise, doctors can induce premature birth or carry out cesarean section.

Pregnancy is already coming to its logical conclusion, but still, childbirth is still far away. The rest of the time should be spent with maximum benefit.

A woman should pay special attention to her health, because the well-being of her child now depends only on it. You should not overstrain, bend over, squeeze the stomach. The future mother should not get sick. More time to be spent on fresh air, eat right and varied, monitor hygiene and stool.

It is equally important to prepare mentally, properly adjust yourself and the future father, cope with the fear of childbirth.

And finally, it's time to prepare everything that the baby will need immediately after birth.

The eighth month of pregnancy lasts from 28 to 32 weeks.

Belly at 8 months pregnant

The belly of the expectant mother continues to grow. At the eighth month of pregnancy, it has the largest dimensions for the entire period. The growing uterus protrudes far beyond the small pelvis, exerting moderate pressure on the abdominal organs. During this period, the skin of the abdomen experiences maximum stretching. Stretch marks may increase, skin itching often increases.

The growing uterus puts pressure on the venous plexuses of the abdominal cavity and small pelvis. Most women during this period observe the appearance of hemorrhoids in the anus. There is no need to be afraid of this, the main thing is to observe them and, if pain and tension in the nodules occur, consult a doctor in a timely manner.

Venous congestion in the eighth month can provoke an increase in veins in the legs and labia. It goes away after childbirth. However, if swelling and pain appear against the background of an increase in veins, you should immediately consult a doctor.

How to properly organize meals

Due to constant pressure on the intestines, they may appear. Therefore, in the eighth month of pregnancy, you need to carefully select your diet. The basis of food should be herbal products, vegetables, fruits and cereals. Food rich in fiber stimulates intestinal motility and contains many nutrients for fetal growth.

In addition to pressure on the intestines, the growing uterus has an effect on the stomach. At this time, many women begin to worry belching and heartburn. These symptoms can be easily eliminated if you eat small meals 5-6 times a day. From the diet you need to exclude:

  • spicy and fried foods
  • spices,
  • carbonated drinks.

Cereals, vegetables, fruits, dairy products, meat and fish are the basis of a balanced diet for pregnant women. later dates.

At this time, you need to limit yourself to salty foods. Food is better to be a little undersalted. Excess salt provokes excess water intake, and this is fraught with increased stress on the kidneys and the development of edema.

Pain at 8 months pregnant

The pressure of the uterus on the sciatic nerves can give drawing pains along the entire length of the leg. Such pains are intermittent, occur after a long walk and do not pose a danger to a woman.

Lower back pain can cause increased stress on the spine. An enlarged belly puts a load on the spine not only when walking, but also at rest. It is not uncommon for women to suffer from insomnia because they cannot find a comfortable sleeping position. At these times, it is recommended to wear a prenatal bandage. It will greatly ease the load on the spine.

Much more dangerous for the mother and fetus are sudden aching pain in the lower abdomen, which are a sign of threatened preterm birth. If the pain occurs with a certain frequency, and the gap between them is reduced, you should immediately contact the obstetric hospital.


At the eighth month of pregnancy, the discharge from the genital tract should not be plentiful, transparent and without impurities. If in the mucous discharge from the vagina appeared streaks of blood, this means that the cervix began to open and there was a threat of premature birth. Even if at the same time the woman does not feel cramping pains in the lower abdomen, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Liquid watery discharge mean . This is also the basis for hospitalization in an obstetric hospital.

If there were brown or scarlet blood spots, in almost all cases, this indicates the onset of placental abruption. This is an extremely unfavorable sign, and in this case, you need to call an ambulance, and before they arrive, take a horizontal position.

Woman eight months pregnant

At this time, a woman feels clumsy, and ordinary duties become a burden to her. A big belly makes it difficult to put on shoes and do any homework associated with slopes. For a period of 30 weeks.

How to sleep at 8 months pregnant? The fetus is actively moving, women feel it by sudden blows to the anterior abdominal wall or internal organs. Active fetal movements sometimes prevent the expectant mother from falling asleep. When choosing a comfortable position for sleeping, you need to consider that sleeping on your back in the eighth month of pregnancy is highly discouraged. Most women in the supine position develop inferior vena cava syndrome. The pregnant uterus compresses the inferior vena cava and in response to this, arterial pressure reflexively falls. This is a rather dangerous condition.

In addition to severe malaise - dizziness, weakness, tinnitus and nausea, inferior vena cava syndrome can provoke placental abruption.

The most comfortable and safe position for resting at this time is reclining, with the head end of the bed raised.

Child: how it develops

In the eighth month of pregnancy, the fetus continues to grow actively. Internal organs continue to differentiate. The original lubrication gradually disappears. By the end of the eighth month of pregnancy, the weight of the child reaches 1800 grams, it grows up to 40 cm in length.

Active movements of the baby by the end of the eighth month of pregnancy gradually decrease. The growing fetus occupies most of the uterine cavity and there is simply no room for sweeping movements. The child begins to show activity in most cases in response to external stimuli. stuffy room, heat environment and other factors that reduce the amount of oxygen in the blood of the fetus - cause its motor activity. A woman should listen sensitively to the reaction of the child and provide him with comfortable conditions.

At the eighth month of pregnancy, the brain structures of the fetus are actively developing; by the end of this period, the weight of the fetal brain is a quarter of the mass of the brain tissue of an adult. internal glands the fetus continues to produce oxytocin, gradually increasing it in the blood and thereby preparing the mother's body for the upcoming birth.

Childbirth in the eighth month

The danger of premature birth at this time lies in several factors:

  1. First, the fetus has not yet taken a stable position in the uterine cavity. This leads to an incorrect presentation of the fetus - pelvic, oblique or transverse. Childbirth in such conditions will be traumatic for the fetus, as it will require some intervention. At present, it is not customary in maternity hospitals to make obstetric turns during childbirth to correct the position of the fetus, as a rule, in such cases, they resort to caesarean section.
  2. Secondly, immature fetal brain structures are very fragile. In the process of passing through the birth canal, there is a high probability of receiving birth injuries. This is fraught with the development of intracranial hematomas in a child, with subsequent neurological diseases up to cerebral palsy.

Previously it was thought that giving birth at the eighth month of pregnancy would result in respiratory failure in the newborn due to the immaturity of the airways (lack of surfactant). This issue has now been resolved. Almost any obstetric hospital has in its arsenal a supply of surfactant for administration to a newborn.

Do's and Don'ts in the 8th Month

In the eighth month of pregnancy, the woman is on maternity leave. This is the time to take care of yourself, your diet and daily routine. Mandatory daily walks in the open air. This will provide the child with a sufficient amount of oxygen, and a little physical activity will help the expectant mother to normalize the functioning of the intestines and other internal organs.

From air travel in the eighth month of pregnancy, it is better to abstain. Airports are far from populated areas, and in case of premature birth, you may simply not have time to get to the nearest maternity hospital. In addition, preterm labor is often rapid or rapid (less than 2 hours from the onset of labor).

having sex during this period are highly undesirable. They will bring nothing but discomfort for the woman and the baby. You need to explain this to the man, assuring him that the prospect of becoming the father of a healthy child in the next couple of months is much more important.

What should be the normal temperature

For pregnant women, due to hormonal changes, a temperature of 37 degrees is considered the norm. However, none of the pregnant women are immune from infection with influenza viruses or respiratory diseases. If you have a runny nose, sore throat or cough due to fever, you should immediately contact your doctor. It is extremely dangerous for pregnant women to engage in self-medication.

In the later stages of pregnancy, the “finishing” of all organs and systems continues.

Starting from the 8th month of pregnancy, there is an active growth of the subcutaneous fat layer, which not only gives the baby a “body shape”, but also performs a protective and thermoregulatory function.

The baby's skin at this time is smooth and pink, the hair on the head continues to grow actively, and the nails already protrude beyond the fingertips. The amount of cheese-like lubricant decreases by this time, and lanugo - fluffy hair covering the body - almost completely disappears.

The skin of the child has a well-developed receptor apparatus, therefore, they have maximum sensitivity. During orgasm, the mother registers a change in the heart rate of the fetus. The motor activity of the baby, starting from the 8th month, decreases somewhat, since it occupies almost the entire volume of the uterus, and the movements themselves are more ordered.

The baby's auricles are almost straightened, and the boys continue the process of lowering the testicles into the scrotum.

The pupils of a child can already react to darkness and light, almost like an adult.

The heart is finally formed, but it still has some structural features that are unique to the fetus. For example, the ductus arteriosus, which is an oval window between the left and right atria, remains open. Pure arterial blood circulates only through the umbilical vein, in the rest of the vascular bed mixed blood flows.

The formation of the alveoli of the lungs continues. They already have a special substance - a surfactant, which does not allow the alveoli to subside during exhalation. Therefore, premature babies who were born on the 8th month do not require in most cases a transfer to a ventilator.

Slices are formed in the liver, and the hepatocytes themselves - liver cells - are arranged in a strict order, as in a mature organ. The pancreas actively produces insulin.

Ripen nervous and immune system. However, all the same, due to the imperfection of the immune response in the case of premature birth, the child may require being in the "incubator".

At this time, the position of the child in which he will be born is formed. The correct position is head down, with the back turned to the left side of the uterus - head presentation. When the fetus is positioned head up and pelvic end down, a breech presentation is formed. With its transverse position, they speak of a transverse presentation.

As for the skeleton, the bones of the skull are not yet fused, as this helps the child to pass through the birth canal more easily.

The height of the baby is 45 cm in length, and the weight is approximately 2.5 kg. Starting from this period, the child's weekly weight gain is approximately 220 grams.

An interesting fact is that most of the twins are born on the 8th month of pregnancy.

Physiological changes in the mother's body

The bottom of the uterus is located directly under the diaphragm - at the level of the xiphoid process. This is the highest point of the uterine fundus for the entire period of pregnancy. By the 9th month, it shifts down a little. In this regard, shortness of breath in a woman is expressed as much as possible.

Changes in the gastrointestinal tract also become pronounced to a large extent. Due to compression of the gastrointestinal tract by the enlarged uterus, there is a decrease in motility (contractile activity), as well as an increase in the time for removing food from the stomach.

In some cases, there may be a decrease in the tone of the sphincter between the esophagus and the stomach, which is the cause of reflux - the reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus. This is accompanied by heartburn.

A decrease in intestinal motility can be manifested by constipation. In late pregnancy, the outflow of bile is also difficult, which leads to its concentration and the formation of stones.

Also, in a pregnant woman, by this time, the mass of the heart muscle reaches its maximum size - physiological hypertrophy of the left ventricle occurs. The position of the heart also changes: due to the increase in the height of the dome of the diaphragm (associated with the growth of the uterus), the heart acquires a horizontal position, which is recorded on the ECG.

When a woman is at this time in a horizontal position on her back, the uterus can cause compression of the inferior vena cava, which leads to a deterioration in the outflow of blood from the pelvic organs and lower extremities. Clinically, this is manifested by fainting in the supine position, disappearing with a change in posture. In addition, compression of the inferior vena cava can cause the development of varicose veins in a pregnant woman not only of the lower extremities, but also of the rectum.

Changes in appearance

At this time, the abdomen acquires the largest possible shape. The bottom of the uterus is located at the level of the xiphoid process. During the 9th month it falls.

At the 8th month, the intensity of Braxton Hicks contractions increases, “preparing” the uterus for childbirth due to alternating periods of relaxation and contractions. In order to reduce pain during this time, you need to accustom yourself during each fight not to strain, but to relax.

Starting from the eighth month, the number of shocks is halved compared to the previous dates. They become rare, but strong: each push is fraught with pain in the intestines, ribs, bladder, in the back or groin.

In connection with such a large size of the uterus, there are many additional problems: difficult to bend over, move around. An additional load is created on the joints, so the shoes should be flat, and the clothes should be spacious. The legs and arms of a pregnant woman often swell. Approximate weight gain during this period - 2 - 3 kg.

The abdomen may be ovoid (ovoid), transverse oval, pointed, or pendulous.

Stretch marks on the skin (if any) are maximally expressed, it is possible to increase white or yellowish discharge from the vagina - leukorrhoea.

Signs of varicose veins (subcutaneous convoluted veins, spider veins) may appear on the skin of the lower leg and thighs.

Emotional background

As the day of childbirth approaches, a woman may be disturbed by more and more frequent sudden, unreasonable mood swings. A feeling of helplessness and uncertainty, which can develop into depression, can be oppressive these days. Possible sleep disturbances and biological rhythms. All this is connected both with hormonal imbalance and with the fear of the upcoming birth.

The principles of nutrition are the same as in the 7th month of pregnancy.

The norm of protein consumption is 2 g per 1 kg of body weight, fats - 1.5 g per 1 kg of body weight, carbohydrates - 6.5 g per 1 kg of body weight.

Heartburn of pregnant women, which is explained by compression of the enlarged uterus of the stomach, and throwing gastric juices into the esophagus, is eliminated by eating in the "biting" mode. You need to eat not only in small portions, but also avoid spices and spicy foods.

In order to prevent intestinal infections such as salmonellosis or food poisoning, it is necessary to carry out deep heat treatment of fish, meat, eggs. Raw egg dishes are undesirable. Meat should be boiled or stewed longer.

It is better to eliminate constipation in the later stages by using a large number fresh, stewed, baked vegetables and fruits.

The amount of liquid you drink is 20 ml / kg per day, that is, about 1.5 liters, including milk, juices, kefir and soups (liquid food).

It is inconvenient to perform physical exercises at this time due to large sizes belly.

Therefore, the main types of exercises performed include exercises to strengthen the muscles of the perineum, breathing exercises, as well as a set of exercises to improve the outflow of blood from the lower extremities, general strengthening exercises.

General strengthening exercises are performed 2-3 times (5-7 times then) for no more than 15 minutes a day on a hard surface in a well-ventilated room:


  • In the position on all fours, it is necessary to lean on the floor so that the back of the head, back, shoulders and back are in one line. The head between the hands should be tilted so that the back arches.
  • In the position on the left side, it is necessary to take deep breaths so that the abdominal muscles tighten when inhaling, and relax when exhaling.
  • In the supine position, the arms should be extended to the sides, and the legs should be bent at the knees with the feet resting on the floor. Without lifting your shoulders from the floor, it is necessary to alternate tilting the knees alternately to the left and right sides.
  • In the supine position with legs bent at the knees, it is necessary to gradually move the body weight from the ischial part to the waist.

To prevent varicose veins, it is necessary to perform the simplest exercise “bicycle”: in the supine position with even breathing, the legs are extended up or parallel to the floor. Movements are made similar to the movement of the legs while pedaling a bicycle. The loin and back are always firmly pressed to the floor.

Exercises to train the muscles of the perineum: making attempts as if defecation or urination. You need to strain the muscles for about 3-4 seconds. Exercises can be performed at a fast and slow pace. The number of workouts per day is 10-15 times / day.

You can travel during the 8th month and later only after consulting a doctor! Sexual activity is not recommended.

A woman should move every 2 hours, and preference should be given to walking in the fresh air. Sleep - at least 8 hours a day.

Examinations at the eighth month

A pregnant woman can conduct a self-examination in order to study the activity of the baby. To do this, you need to count the movements of the fetus once or twice a day. There are many ways to calculate, here is one of the simplest: at the same time, when the baby shows the greatest motor activity, within 2 hours the number of intelligible movements (shocks, movements with the whole body) must be counted. Ten fetal movements are considered the norm. If their number is less, then it is better to consult a doctor.

  • scheduled examination by an obstetrician-gynecologist conducting pregnancy (2 times a month), including: examination of the uterus (the bottom of the uterus at the level of the xiphoid process of the sternum), listening to the fetal heartbeats (both auscultatory and with the help of special devices), measurement of abdominal circumference, measurement of blood pressure and weight of a woman;
  • re-examination of the therapist, ophthalmologist (assessment of the fundus), ENT doctor, endocrinologist and dentist;
  • a study of general urine tests (much attention is paid to the amount of protein in the urine) and blood (assessment of hemoglobin levels and the number of red blood cells, platelets);
  • Ultrasound of the fetus - assessment of the position of the fetus in the womb (longitudinal, transverse or oblique) and presentation of the fetus (cephalic / pelvic);
  • smear on the flora - microscopy of the vaginal discharge;
  • CTG - cardiomonitoring study of the fetus. Determines motor activity and work of the heart vascular system baby, including heart rate.

At the 8th month of pregnancy, a biophysical test is performed to assess the vital activity of the fetus when it is in the uterus. The test is carried out in case of risk of preterm birth, as well as in case of suspicion of a violation of the normal development of the fetus.

The biophysical test uses a special scale (0 - 2 b) - a grading system. Areas of fetal life are assessed, such as:

  • fetal breathing;
  • fetal heart rate;
  • fetal movements;
  • fetal tone;
  • amount of amniotic fluid.

Fetal breathing is measured by the number of movements and expansions of his chest in the uterus. Seen with ultrasound.

Fetal movements - also using ultrasound. In the absence of motor activity or when several pushes are made, a score of "0" is given.

The tone of the fetus is assessed using ultrasound by the number of movements of its arms and legs.

The heart rate is determined using CTG - external monitors.

The volume of amniotic fluid - an assessment using ultrasound. An anomaly is the absence or lack of amniotic fluid.

Norm - score "2", score "1" - average, score "0" - anomaly. In the case of a score of "0", a rapid delivery can be performed.

A woman should always have an exchange card (a document with the results of tests and examinations) with her in her hands. Childbirth can begin at any time, and without an exchange card, it can only be taken to a specialized maternity hospital, where women without a residence permit and a fixed place of residence, as well as non-resident women, enter.

Intrauterine growth retardation - if the weight of the baby is 10% below normal. Norm: 3.0 - 3.5 kg. If the gestational age corresponds to the norm, that is, the baby was born on time, but its weight is 10% below the norm, there is a threat of death of the child.

In case of premature birth, the baby may develop respiratory distress syndrome of the newborn, or hyaline membrane disease. It is due to the fact that the child's lungs are not yet sufficiently developed, so he cannot breathe on his own. In this case, the transfer of the baby to the ventilator is required - artificial ventilation lungs.

Premature placental abruption - placental abruption before childbirth, threatening the life of the fetus. With partial placental abruption (abstraction in a small area), special changes in the body of the mother and fetus do not occur - childbirth proceeds normally. With complete detachment of the placenta, serious maternal blood loss can occur, leading to fetal death.

Factors contributing to premature detachment of the placenta:

  • short umbilical cord;
  • mother's injury;
  • hypertension;
  • beriberi (more often - folic acid);
  • anomalies in the development of the uterus;
  • abrupt change in the size of the uterus.

Placenta previa is a condition that is based on improper attachment of the placenta to the uterine wall. At the same time, some of it is located in the lower uterine segment, which blocks the way for the fetus to be born. With complete previa, the entire internal uterine os is covered by the placenta, and with partial presentation, part of the internal uterine os is covered). This pathology threatens with massive bleeding both during pregnancy and childbirth. Frequency: 1:170 births. There is a high risk of occurrence in re-pregnant women, in old-timers and in those who have a history of caesarean section.

Incorrect position of the fetus (transverse position or oblique). Only the longitudinal position of the fetus with head presentation is considered correct, as it is safer during childbirth. With a breech presentation within 8 weeks, the baby may roll over in the womb. There are even methods to help the fetus turn over, prescribed only by a doctor. After the fetus turns over, the mother should wear an abdominal bandage to secure the cephalic presentation.

The occurrence of isthmic - cervical insufficiency - the inability to hold the fetus in the uterine cavity with an increased risk of miscarriage. For its prevention, a suture is applied to the cervix before the onset of childbirth.

When to see a doctor immediately

  • bleeding from the vagina;
  • premature discharge of water;
  • decompensation of existing chronic diseases;
  • sudden, sharp pain lower abdomen;
  • violations of the digestive tract in the form of frequent constipation, heartburn;
  • fainting, "clouding" in the eyes;
  • signs of infection of the genital tract;
  • signs of reduced motor activity of the fetus (frequency of movements in 2 hours less than 10 times).

If you marked the 8th month of pregnancy on the calendar, this means that very soon the main meeting in your life will take place - with the little man who lives in the tummy. What to expect from the 8th month, what should be prepared, and how to behave?

Calculation of the date of birth

Mom's well-being: what has changed?

At the 8th month of pregnancy, the mother's health remains stable. So, if you were tormented by late toxicosis, then it will not disappear and will most likely remain until the birth. What week does the 8th month of pregnancy begin? The countdown starts from 32 weeks to 36 weeks, the 8th month is considered the middle of the third trimester.

The expectant mother becomes very calm, emotional outbursts disappear, and you only care about one thing - your baby. In most cases, the woman is no longer sick, there is no vomiting, and you can afford a varied diet.

Baby development in the 8th month of pregnancy

8 month of pregnancy. Part 11

8 month pregnant


Pregnancy, baby moving, 8 months pregnant

Ultrasound 8 months pregnant

MONTH 8: 32-36 weeks pregnant + tummy

Pregnancy | 8 month

But you may run into problems like this:

  1. Labored breathing.
  2. Frequent urination. For 1 night you can visit the bathroom more than 10 times.
  3. You quickly become satiated with food, having eaten a small portion, you feel that you are overeating.

The reason for these inconveniences is simple - a growing fetus that presses on internal organs so it's hard to breathe and even eat.

In the eighth month of pregnancy, you have already had your first milk flow several times, this can be seen by wet spots on your nightgown or walking clothes. It's time to stock up on linen pads that are inserted into the bra.

Constant discomfort and how to deal with it

The longer the term, the more difficult it is to do the usual things.

The eighth month of pregnancy will become difficult - you can not freely bend over or sit down and pick up a fallen object. An enlarged belly and body weight interfere with long walks.

It also becomes problematic to rest, for comfort you will need a pillow under your feet, a cushion under your back, a bottle of water. But only when you are comfortably settled down, you feel how the child is moving, or you want to go to the toilet.

In the last months of pregnancy, it is better to avoid the tedious cleaning of the apartment, mopping. To the question of whether it is possible to bend over at 8 months of pregnancy, the answer is no. You can’t load yourself with heavy bags, ride in a crush in public transport, walk for a long time under the sun. Deciding to clean up, use a mop, take breaks to rest. Better yet, ask relatives for help, who will take on the bulk of household chores.

How many weeks do you have until delivery? From the strength of 4-8, and you need to beware, because hard physical work can cause premature birth or bleeding.

Is it possible to treat teeth at 8 months of pregnancy?

By the beginning of the eighth month of pregnancy, some women begin to have problems with their teeth. This comes from a lack of calcium, sometimes the gums bleed. What to do? Of course, teeth can and should be treated for any pain. Simple caries leads to inflammation, a focus of infection occurs, the temperature rises, and in the future it is necessary to use antibiotics and severe anesthesia.

If you have a toothache, urgently see a dentist, regardless of the gestational age. Tell your doctor that you are expecting a baby, because he may simply not pay attention to your rounded tummy. It's strange, but it happens.

No one will carry out painful manipulations on a living person; for pregnant women, as a rule, anesthesia of the latest generation is used. It acts on pain pointwise and anesthetizes the gums and nerves in it. Painkillers, even if they enter the bloodstream, do not pass through the placenta to the baby.

False contractions and childbirth at 8 months of pregnancy

By 8 months, mommy begins to worry and be afraid of childbirth. The main percentage of fears is associated with rapid childbirth and the prospect of not being in time for the hospital. The situation is aggravated by early false contractions.

In the eighth month of pregnancy, you may feel a pull in your lower abdomen. This phenomenon is called uterine tone, so your body prepares for the upcoming birth. But the frequent sips that accompany bloody issues or bleeding may indicate that labor has already begun, and you need to urgently see a doctor or call an ambulance.

If there is a danger of premature birth, the doctor warns the mother about this. Premature birth is dangerous for women who have more than one child. Also for women who suffered serious illnesses during pregnancy. In this case, the pregnant woman is placed in a hospital for preservation, so that in case of premature birth, the necessary medical care is immediately provided.

Air travel can cause premature birth. This is due to the fact that pressure drops occur in the airspace, a pregnant woman may experience a lack of oxygen, blood stasis. Answering the question of whether pregnant women can fly on an airplane, it is worth saying that it is impossible. While carrying a child, flights from 13 to 28 weeks are considered safe. In the first trimester, a miscarriage is dangerous, and in the third - premature birth.

Babies born between 32 and 36 weeks are considered premature. But the condition of such children is very often satisfactory, and they are placed in special boxes for full development and adaptation. They quickly gain the missing pounds and continue to develop like other children.

Weight gain: the baby is getting bigger

The swelling of the legs increases, the face may also swell. You will face the problem of shortness of breath, because by the eighth month of pregnancy you have gained extra kilos. By the end of 32 weeks, the increase is from 8 to 13 kg. If the set corresponds to the norm, then after childbirth you will immediately become 8–9 kilograms lighter: this is the weight of the baby, the percentage of blood formation, water, an enlarged uterus and a full breast.

For a week you add from 300 to 400 grams. If this figure is higher, then you should not worry and impose a taboo on your favorite products. Excess weight can give edema - water that has accumulated in your body. Women who carry a child in extreme heat or are addicted to excessively salty, peppery or smoked foods suffer from such a problem.

Sometimes dietary adjustment helps with the problem of swelling, but in most cases, swelling torments all pregnant women.

Tummy comparisons

The size of your tummy corresponds to the capabilities of your body. You should not compare the results of your girlfriends with your own, there are no absolutely identical bellies. And if the belly is large, this does not mean that the baby will be born very large. Very often, small, fragile women give birth to such heroes, whose weight exceeds the mark of 4 kg.

An assessment of the development of the child, the correspondence of his weight and the size of your tummy can only be given by a gynecologist and an ultrasound specialist.

Nutrition of the expectant mother: what is possible and what is not

At the 8th month of pregnancy, almost everything that your body takes is possible. Of course, alcohol and smoking should be abandoned if the woman has not given up bad habits before. The menu is full of fruits and vegetables, meat dishes and protein. With the help of the menu, you can correct your well-being. If you suffer from constipation, fermented milk products can help.

The eighth month of pregnancy does not pass without heartburn. It is believed that these are the consequences of the formation of the child's hairline, but such a statement is a myth. Heartburn is an unpleasant phenomenon, but not dangerous. Exclude from the menu yeast pastries, sour fruits, especially citrus fruits, tomato paste.

Milk or kefir will soothe the walls of the stomach, medical table mineral water helps well. It is allowed for pregnant women, but the high content of natural soda in the liquid slows down the removal of excess water.

At this stage of pregnancy, you should not get carried away with diuretic green and black tea, and coffee excites your nervous system. When choosing drinks, give preference natural juices: carrot, pumpkin, strawberry. Drink clean water, to which you can add lemon if you have nausea.

What does a child look like?

The baby is already quite large, it weighs about 2.5 kg, and reaches a length of 45 cm. The parameters of the child depend on gender: girls are born smaller, boys are larger, and twins are born perfect crumbs. One child gains up to 30 grams of weight per day, growing daily.

The baby is cramped in the uterus, and he does not move as before. The movements become lazy, like turning and sipping. By this time, the baby is already turning head down, preparing for its birth.

At the eighth month of pregnancy, the child is already well developed: he knows how to stretch, move actively, suck his finger, the film has disappeared from the peephole. The baby falls asleep, and some doctors are of the opinion that he is dreaming. At least in the video of such a dream, it is noticeable that the baby's pupils move, as in a fleeting dream.

The final touches remain in development: the accumulation of fat mass, the formation of a connection between nerve endings and the brain. The baby's bones are still soft, so it will be easier for the baby to pass through the birth canal. The lungs are well developed, and the child is ready for independent breathing.

The genitals are clearly marked in babies, and at the last ultrasound, you can usually already find out the exact sex of the child if it does not continue to close.

In a pre-created album, you can already paste the third photo of the fetus, which you will receive on an ultrasound scan. The next time you see the baby already in the postpartum ward, you can kiss him on the crown of the head smelling of milk and attach to your chest.