Ficus rubbery robusta care at home. Proper care of ficus robusta at home. How to organize ficus robusta care at home

Kira Stoletova

Ficus Robusta is a tropical plant that belongs to the mulberry family. His homeland is the countries of southeast Asia and the southern islands of Indonesia. The plant is unpretentious, care and breeding is within the power of even beginners. Experienced flower growers recommend it with him to start your collection of indoor flowers.

plant description

Ficus Elastica Robusta is found in Malaysia, Burma, Nepal, the Indonesian Islands, and China. AT natural conditions it grows up to 40-60 m. The thickness of the trunk reaches 2 m. The plant takes aerial roots, but does not form a real banyan crown.

The leaves are hard, thick, oval in shape, with pointed tips and a smooth edge. The length of one plate can be up to 45 cm, and the width can be up to 25 cm. The color of the leaves is dark green, the same on both sides. In the middle there is a plump central vein. It can be red, yellow-orange or dark green. Young leaves that develop at the top are red. Flowers form yellow-green small inflorescences, almost inconspicuous against the backdrop of lush foliage. The berries are small, up to 1 cm in diameter.

At home, ficus Robusta or El Robusta (abbreviated name) grows up to 2 m. The trunk diameter is 5-10 cm. The leaves are 15-20 cm long and 5-10 cm wide. indoor flower often referred to simply as rubber. This is not entirely true, since Robusta is only one of the varieties of this plant.

Features of care

Normal care for ficus Robusta at home does not cause difficulties. The rules are quite simple, even a beginner can follow them.


All ficuses are photophilous. The peculiarity of the Robusta variety is that it tolerates shade well and it is not necessary to put it on the windowsill. However, it reacts to too much lack of light by dropping leaves. The windows turned to the west and east are suitable for the plant, but the north side will not be fatal for it either.


Like all tropical species, rubber ficus loves warmth. In summer, the temperature in the room should be 25-30°C. In winter, it is undesirable that it falls below 15 ° C, the optimal indicator is 16-18 ° C. If the tree is frozen, its leaves fall off.


Often in an apartment, especially in winter time, humidity drops to 35-40%. For a plant, this is detrimental, it is correct for it to maintain a humidity index of 60-70%, therefore ficus leaves must be periodically sprayed with water or a special humidifier should be placed in the room. It is recommended to bathe the ficus once a month in the shower. The leaves should be wiped with a cloth, as they accumulate dust.


An indoor flower should be watered regularly and abundantly, otherwise it turns yellow and sheds foliage. At the same time, rotting of the root system should not be allowed. Between waterings, the soil should dry to a depth of 2-3 cm. In summer, the bush is watered 2-3 times a week, in winter - once every 7-10 days. The water should be settled or boiled.

top dressing

Fertilizers should be applied when the plant is developing intensively, from March to October. Choose top dressing for ficuses or those that contain a large number of nitrogen: this element stimulates the growth of deciduous mass. Fertilizer should be applied twice a week, moistening the soil well before that so as not to burn the roots. With a visible lack of mineral elements, it is recommended to feed the flower in winter, but not more than once a month.

Transplanting and pruning ficus

In the process of growth, any plant requires the correct formation of the crown and periodic transplantation. If such care is ignored, the bush grows to an exorbitant height, becomes ugly. In a cramped pot, growth generally stops and the bush may dry out.


When Ficus rubbery Robusta is young, it should be moved from pot to pot annually. After 4 years, the procedure is repeated every two years, but the top layer of the earth is periodically changed. The transplant is carried out in early spring before the start of the growing season. To do this, prepare a new flowerpot, the diameter of which is 2-3 cm larger than that of the old one. If you transplant a bush into a pot that is too voluminous, it will stop growing. To make it easier to pull the tree out of the old pot, it is first well watered.

You can buy the soil for transplanting; special land for ficuses is sold in flower shops. If this is not possible, a mixture of sheet soil, sand and peat in equal parts will do. You can add a little humus there. Expanded clay drainage is placed at the bottom of the pot. Then a third of the soil is poured, a ficus is placed with an old earthen clod and sprinkled with new soil. The transplant is completed, it remains only to tamp the earth, water and fertilize a little.


It is very important to prune ficus elastica at least once a year so that it does not grow rapidly upwards. Crown formation can be difficult as the rubbery species may not sprout side shoots after the top has been cut. But the cropping height allows you to control.

By its type, pruning happens:

  • standard;
  • sanitary;
  • rejuvenating.

Any kind is carried out with a sterile sharp knife. When milky juice appears on the cut, it is lightly blotted and sprinkled with crushed coal. With the standard method, the top is cut off and the side shoots are shortened if necessary. Sanitary pruning involves the removal of dry or diseased shoots.

Anti-aging pruning is carried out when the flower is frozen, shed leaves or withered. The crown and trunk are almost completely cut off, leaving only 3-4 cm above the ground. After a couple of months, the plant will grow back and be like new. In summer, pinching is carried out instead of pruning. Carefully, with sharp scissors, cut off the top by 1-1.5 cm. Pinching stimulates the growth of the bush in width.

Ficus Robusta - Fresh air and wisdom!

FICUUS rubber, ROBUSTA. general description and a little care.

Unpretentious houseplants: Ficus rubber

Ficus propagation

We told you what proper home care looks like for ficus Elastika. Now let's talk about how to reproduce this species. There are two ways to get a new plant:

  • cuttings;
  • layering.


Ficus Robusta is the easiest to propagate by cuttings. Cuttings are carried out in early spring in the following way:

  • choose a healthy apical shoot;
  • cut a cutting 10-15 cm long with 3-4 knots;
  • wash off milky juice in water;
  • lowered into a substrate of equal parts of sand and peat or into water;
  • covered with a glass cap.

A container with cuttings is placed in a warm and bright place. Rooting takes place over 2-3 weeks. You can propagate with a small cutting with a leaf. To do this, cut off a section of the branch, 2-3 cm long, with one node and a green leaf. The further rooting process takes place in the same way as in the first case. This method is not very reliable; it is used when there is a lack of branch material. It is better to propagate the rubber-bearing ficus with full-fledged long cuttings.

Reproduction by layering

Reproduction by layering is carried out on old bushes to rejuvenate them. Take the lower branch, remove all the leaves from it. Then a circular incision is made on the bark. Wet cotton wool or moss is applied on top and wrapped with a film. After 2-3 weeks, aerial roots form in this place. You can also dig an escape. After rooting, the branch is cut off and placed in the substrate. After 2-3 weeks, it can be transplanted into a permanent pot.

Ficus diseases

Improper care and maintenance can cause the rubber-bearing ficus Robusta Elastica to get sick. Most often, the tree begins to shed its leaves. Sometimes it can be seen that the bush lowered the leaves, they became lethargic, withered and turned yellow. The reasons for this condition are as follows:

  • sunburn, when direct rays hit the plant, appears as brown or yellow spots;
  • lack of light;
  • dry air;
  • too high temperature;
  • drafts;
  • insufficient watering.

Also, errors in care can cause fungal diseases. At the same time, the leaves are covered with a gray coating, black dots, the roots begin to rot. The main reason for the appearance of a fungal disease is dampness and overflow. You need to fight the fungus with fungicides.

Ficus in different countries attributed magical properties. Often this plant is used in feng shui home improvement. Folk omens attribute to the plant the properties of a husband. But for a married couple, it is useful, it helps to acquire offspring and remain faithful to each other.

Ficus Robusta is recommended to put in the house for those who do not know how to save money. A flower can make any spender prudent, teach you how to plan a budget. It also brings good luck in business. No wonder many businessmen like to put this tree in their office.

It has a rubbery ficus and a more practical application. Its huge leaves freshen the air in the apartment. They release a lot of oxygen during photosynthesis. In addition, the plant is able to absorb unpleasant odors, harmful substances, primarily benzenes and phenols. Urban air pollution a big problem. Therefore, in any home, a flower will be of great benefit. Since propagation and care for it is simple, it will suit even those who do not understand anything about indoor plants.

Ficus robusta belongs to a variety of rubber plants, suitable for growing at home.

With proper care, it will become a decoration of a residential or public space.

Feature is ability to purify indoor air from toxic substances.

General information

Robusta belongs to the variety. This is the most unpretentious plant of all ficuses. It easily adapts to any growing conditions, only direct sunlight can cause burns on the leaves.

It has a wide stem and thick fleshy dark green leaves. According to popular belief, protects the house from the influence of dark forces, gives peace of mind and relieves psycho-emotional stress.

Ficus robusta: care

No matter how unpretentious the plant is, there are rules for home care that must be followed.


Ficus robusta will feel good on both northern and southern windows. But during the summer heat, a flower needs protect from direct sunlight.

The lack of sunlight is easily compensated by artificial lighting.


Ideal for ficus will be room temperature in the range of 18 to 25 degrees. During the heating season, it is recommended to remove the flower from the windowsill. With constant exposure to hot air from batteries, moisture from the leaves quickly evaporates and dehydration of the ficus occurs.

At temperatures below +18 degrees, the plant sheds leaves.

Temperature fluctuations in spring-summer and autumn- winter period holds up well.


Like the bulk of plants, ficus is watered twice a week in summer period and once every 7 days in winter. The earth should dry sufficiently, after which it is poured with settled water so that water does not flow into the pan.

With moisture stagnation, the ficus root system rots and the plant dies.

Leaves need periodic dusting and spraying.


Ficus is fed with nitrogenous fertilizers diluted with water once every two weeks during the entire period of active growth (from spring to mid-autumn).

Diseases, pests, treatment, prevention

ficus robusta disease resistant But with the wrong care, troubles still happen.

Diseases and their causes:

  • Yellowing and shedding of leaves can occur due to the fact that the plant is standing in a draft, it lacks moisture and light.
  • Brown spots on the leaves may appear due to a burn when exposed to direct sunlight.
  • A putrid smell and brown wet spots on the leaves indicate that the plant is rotting due to high humidity.

Shchitovka and spider mites infect the plant when growing in a room with dry warm air.

Pests can be detected with the naked eye.

They settle on the inside of the leaf, feed on ficus juice through the proboscis.

They leave a sticky, sticky liquid, due to which the plant is affected by fungal diseases.

Prevention is the proper care of ficus and regular inspection of plants.

The newly acquired plant is kept in quarantine for 14 days and its condition is monitored. Only after that it can be placed next to the rest of the indoor flowers.

How to form a crown

Ficus grows only up, and most gardeners like lush plants. The best time for pruning plants is spring. At this time, sap flow increases and favorable conditions for growth are created.

Pruning rules for crown formation:

  • The top of the ficus is cut off, the length of which has reached 70 cm. The stalk is placed in water so that it takes root. New shoots will grow from the cut trunk.
  • In low plants, pinch the top, one shoot will sprout in this place.
  • Bend down the top and tie it to the trunk. After a process appears from the upper kidney, the crown is untied and released.
  • At 1/3 of the depth of the trunk, a hole is pierced with a needle. The operation is started from above, since the process grows only from the lower puncture. If you pierce first at the bottom of the trunk, then only one shoot will grow, sprouts will no longer appear from the upper punctures.

The juice that appears after pruning is removed with a damp cotton swab. A month after pruning, the soil in a pot with ficus is fertilized.


This type of ficus is propagated by layering and cuttings. Layers are added dropwise to the ground and waiting for its germination. The stalk is cut off, put in water until the end of juice production. Then the water is changed and a growth stimulator is added to it according to the instructions on the package.
This video shows the whole process:

After the roots germinate, the stalk is planted in fertile soil and covered with a jar on top. Under it, the effect of a greenhouse is created and the plant takes root faster.

Ficus robusta refers to one of the most undemanding indoor plants . With proper care, it contributes to the creation of a healthy microclimate in the room and becomes an interior decoration.

Rubber-bearing ficus (or ficus elastica) has long gained popularity among domestic flower growers. However, there are also varieties of this plant, one of which is the rubber-bearing ficus Robusta. Ficus Robusta is very unpretentious in care, and also has a very attractive appearance. In this article, we will tell you what kind of care is required for ficus Robusta to become a real decoration of your home.

If necessary, the lack of sunlight more than compensates for artificial lighting. The optimum temperature for these ficus trees is in the range of 18–25 degrees. It is forbidden to place the flower close to batteries and other heating appliances: so it will dry out and die very soon. In addition, during a hot period of time, it is recommended to maintain the humidity at the proper level by spraying the tree with a spray bottle. In winter, make sure that the Robusta ficus does not freeze - the temperature should be 16-18 degrees. If it is below this mark, the leaves will begin to fade and fall off quickly.

The plant likes light soil. You can use a special soil for ficuses or take a universal one and add perlite to it. Also, do not forget to fertilize the flower as needed, especially when it is actively growing.

Features of care

Home care is a simple matter. You just need to take into account a few aspects so that the fate of the home tree turns out to be prosperous. The main issue that worries the owners of this plant is the issue of ficus elastica.

Propagating a green handsome is easy. For propagation, as a rule, cuttings are used - this is the simplest and most fast way breed rubber baby. Since it propagates by cuttings, we will need to cut them off with a sharpened knife, lower them into the water and wait for a while until they take root. It is better to build some kind of greenhouse, covering the sprouts with a bag. After the roots have appeared, the cuttings are placed in separate pots. Ficus is also propagated by air layering, but this method is suitable for professionals, not amateurs. In addition to reproduction, it is worth observing several more important aspects.

Watering mode

  1. Putting a newly acquired flower in quarantine. Never put a newly purchased plant in your flower garden - from the store you can bring not only beautiful flower but also several diseases. The best option the flower will be placed in quarantine, where it will stay for about a week. Then you can place it with other colors.
  2. Do not be lazy to inspect your flower garden. This way you can recognize a disease or even harmful insects before the process has gone too far. In addition, by devoting a lot of time to your plants, you can notice in time when they need to be transplanted, watered or.
  3. From time to time it is worth wiping the leaves of the plant with soapy water. It's kind of prophylactic method which will help to avoid the appearance of pests.

Video "Ficus Robusta"

In this video you will learn about the rubber ficus Robusta.

Care at home for ficus Robusta involves providing dim lighting, the absence of direct sunlight. The air temperature must not fall below +18 °C. The plant loves abundant watering, but excessive moisture can lead to root rot. It is advisable to periodically wipe the leaves with a damp sponge. This not only refreshes them, but also removes accumulated dust. When planting, ensure good drainage.

In summer, the ideal temperature ranges from +20 to +25 °C. In extreme heat, the leaves of ficus elastica begin to turn pale and sag.

In cold weather, it is required to maintain a temperature of at least +18 ° C. Drafts are not allowed.

Required amount of moisture

The plant requires regular spraying. In winter - twice a day. AT summer time- a little more often. Spraying is carried out with filtered water.

Under normal lighting, the plant should be watered abundantly, but it must be borne in mind that excess moisture can lead to root rot.

Watering schedule:

  • several times during the day in summer;
  • once every 4-5 days during winter.

If water remains in the pan after watering, this can lead to mold and disease in the plant.

Reaction to light

Ficus elastica Robusta is not afraid of the absence of light. Therefore, a plant standing on a windowsill is suitable not only for windows located in the west or east, but also for windows facing north. If you plant a ficus in a strong shade, then it will not grow. If it is directly exposed to sunlight, it can burn, which will lead to leaf fall.

The soil

Ficus needs light and nutritious soil without acidity. For such plants, special or universal soils are sold. To make the air pass better, sand and vermiculite are added there.

Ficus fertilizer is welcome. Especially when it is actively growing and developing. It is recommended to feed them from November to March.

A top dressing is used, which is sold in liquid form and is intended for decorative and deciduous plants. Let it be a composition in which a sufficient nitrogen content is noted. The application procedure is carried out once every two weeks.


Breeding methods:

  • cuttings from a leaf;
  • sowing seeds by air and horizontal layering;
  • more convenient and light - from the handle.

How it's done:

  • cutting cuttings starts from the tops;
  • take a couple of leaves and wash off the milky juice from them;
  • leave to soak in clean water for a couple of hours;
  • the cut is dipped in "Kornevin";
  • the stalk is lowered into clean water, it is periodically changed.

Roots will appear within 3-4 weeks. Ficus is planted in a flowerpot and paid constant attention to it.

The cut root shoot is immediately transplanted into the soil with the mixture. To make it take root better, it is insulated from above.

Transplant methods

The plant requires constant transplantation, as it grows quickly. If the leaves drop after watering and the roots are visible on top of the soil, repotting is required.

The best method is transshipment. This is a transplant into another flowerpot using the same earthy coma. This causes less damage to the plant.

Transplanting to another flowerpot is carried out as follows:

  • Irrigate, making the whole clod of earth wet.
  • Remove the plant from the old flowerpot along with an earthen clod.
  • Put drainage in a new flowerpot, place a ficus on it, add new soil.
  • Water. Determine the place for the plant and try not to rearrange it anymore.
  • It is desirable that the flowerpot was clay and a couple of centimeters wider than before.

Ficus Robusta is an unpretentious plant, it is easy to grow it at home, but for this you need to know how to do it correctly. The main requirement for a rubbery ficus is nutritious soil and proper lighting, but the plant can also feel good in a shaded room.

Ficus Robusta is a member of the ficus family, it is one of the varieties of rubber-bearing ficuses, its homeland is Indonesia and China. AT wild nature rubbery ficus can reach 30 m in height, it has large dense leaves with a glossy outer surface. Popular in home cultivation because of the ability to purify the air from various toxins, including phenols.

This plant has large dense leaves with a glossy surface, which are attached to the trunk with short cuttings. The trunk of a tree structure allows the ficus to reach an impressive size even at home, if you do not stop the crown, the plant grows up to 3 m.

How to care

A flower pot is best placed on the windowsill of a northeast or west window. Care for ficus Robusta does not require much work, it can easily adapt to room conditions.

Attention! Ficus Robusta does not tolerate direct sunlight, it needs partial shade. Too much light can cause leaf burns.

The temperature in the room should not fall below room temperature and rise above +25 0 С. Low temperature will lead to decay of the root system, and high - to the fall of the leaves. In spring and summer, when the temperature outside does not drop below +18 0 C, the ficus can be taken out to the loggia or balcony.

It should be remembered that the flower cannot be placed in close proximity to heating radiators, it does not tolerate too high temperatures.

Watering and humidity

Ficus Robusta needs to be wiped with a wet cloth

Ficus Robusta needs regular watering and moderate humidity. In summer, the plant should be watered abundantly, and in winter - as needed. At the same time, stagnation of water in a pot or drying of an earthen coma should not be allowed. Violation of irrigation conditions can lead to the death of the root system and the plant as a whole.

You need settled water of neutral acidity. Water should be kept for at least two days. If the flower is flooded, it must be urgently transplanted, otherwise the roots will begin to rot, and the plant may get sick and die. There are several types of watering ficus:

  • upper, carried out along the edge of the pot with a watering can until water begins to flow out of the pot through the drainage holes;
  • into the pan, water is poured into the pan and left for 20-30 minutes, the rest is drained;
  • the immersion method is rarely used for ficus, except in the summer, it can be combined with a warm shower.

Important! Water for irrigation should be slightly warm, not lower than room temperature, cold water adversely affects plant growth and can cause root rot.

As an additional moisturizing, the crown of the plant can be sprayed from a spray bottle or wiped fleshy leaves with a damp cloth, this will also help remove dust and dirt from the leaves. It is necessary to monitor the humidity in the room during the heating season, dry air is contraindicated for the plant.

Pots and soil

The soil for rubbery ficus should be light and breathable, it can be purchased at a specialty store or prepared by yourself. You need to take one part of sand, peat, turf and leaf ground, mix well. The acidity of the soil should be neutral.

Considering that the flower grows mainly in height, it is better to take a high pot. Its size should be larger than the previous pot by 2 cm in diameter. The root system will develop better, and the flower pot will be stable, in addition, the plant has the ability to actively grow during the spring growing season.

Change after purchase

Robusti transplant after purchase

After the plant has been purchased from the store, it should be kept in quarantine for some time separately from home flowers in order to avoid infestation of the latter by pests that may be in the pot of the acquired ficus.

Ficus Robusta is planted in a larger pot, which should have drainage holes. This will ensure air circulation and help avoid stagnation of liquid in the flowerpot. Before removing the flower from the transport pot, it is necessary to water it abundantly. The ficus planting algorithm is as follows:

  • prepare soil and a pot 2 cm larger in diameter than the store;
  • pour drainage at the bottom, it can be small pebbles or expanded clay;
  • remove the flower from the pot and free the root system from the old soil, being careful not to damage the roots;
  • place the ficus in a pot and cover the free space with prepared soil;
  • put the flower pot on the windowsill and do not water for several days.

After the ficus is well rooted, take care of it as usual. In general, the plant tolerates transplanting well and easily takes root in a new pot. At the beginning of spring, pruning is carried out to form the crown, the apical shoots are cut off by 1-2 cm. If the plant has grown strongly, you can cut larger cuttings and use them later for propagation.

Attention! When pruning, safety measures must be observed, the milky juice of ficus is poisonous and can be harmful if it comes into contact with the skin or mucous membranes. It is recommended to work with gloves.

top dressing

Feeding the plant begins in early spring, during the active growing season. Ficus grows quite quickly, so it requires constant fertilization of the soil. If there are not enough nutrients, the flower sheds its leaves, loses its bright color and may wither.

The most suitable are nitrogen-containing fertilizers, it is better to purchase them in specialized stores. Fertilizers are diluted in water for irrigation according to the instructions and applied under the root every two weeks.

Attention! It must be remembered that between top dressing it is necessary to maintain an interval of 10 days, an overfed plant can get sick and die.

In autumn, the ficus slows down its growth, so the number of top dressings is reduced to once a month, and in October it is completely stopped. Winter is a dormant period, fertilizers are not applied at this time, the plant will stretch and lose its aesthetics.


The rubber-bearing ficus is known for its rapid growth, so it needs to be replanted annually. Plants of three years of age and older are transplanted every 2-3 years. Pot each time you need to take a larger diameter. Highly important point in plant transplantation - this is the presence of high-quality drainage.

When the ficus reaches a large size, it is planted in tubs and changed every three years. upper part soil by a third. It is very important to transplant the plant correctly, for this you need:

  • choose a pot;
  • purchase soil or cook it yourself;
  • carefully remove the flower from the pot and remove the old soil and dry roots;
  • pour drainage at the bottom of the pot;
  • place the ficus in a pot and cover with earth;
  • pour settled water and put in a permanent place.

The rubber-bearing ficus easily tolerates transplantation, so there are no problems; in new soil, it quickly begins to produce new shoots.

Winter Care

In winter, the ficus begins a dormant period, so in the fall they stop fertilizing and reduce watering.

It is better to place it on a windowsill or a special stand away from heating. If the room is hot, the flower must be moistened, it can be wiped with a damp sponge or sprayed with settled water.

In winter, ficus Robusta is not fed or transplanted, unless the plant was brought from the store. transport pot with depleted soil must be replaced. In winter, a ficus transplant is practiced in case of a plant disease or if the soil is waterlogged, and this threatens the flower with death.

Pests and diseases

Rubber ficus is extremely rarely exposed to infection by diseases or pests with proper care. The most common lesion spider mite in order to get rid of it, it is enough to wipe the leaves with soapy water for a week. You can treat the crown with alcohol, just wipe the leaves on the reverse side and near the junction of the leaf with the trunk.

Ficus Robusta diseases develop for several reasons, and all of them are associated with improper care:

  • lack of light;
  • burn leaves in direct sunlight;
  • elevated air temperature;
  • lack of moisture;
  • draft;
  • waterlogging of the soil and the occurrence of mold;
  • frequent rearrangement of the plant from place to place.

Ficus reacts to any shock and can shed its leaves.

Why do leaves dry?

Ficus Robusta is considered an unpretentious plant, but if the conditions for its maintenance are not observed, the leaves will begin to dry and fall off. There may be several reasons for this:

  • too high temperature and dry air in the room;
  • insufficient watering;
  • depleted soil;
  • diseases or pests.

For a natural reason - sometimes over time, the ficus sheds old leaves in order for new ones to grow.

Why do leaves turn yellow?

Many flower growers often face such a problem, the main reason is iron deficiency in the soil. To fix the problem, you need to feed the plant:

  • ferrovit or iron chelate is used as a fertilizer;
  • the substrate must be saturated with water, you can use the immersion method;
  • Top dressing is done a day after intensive moistening.

Other causes of yellowing leaves may be the following factors:

  • insufficient lighting in winter;
  • waterlogging;
  • lack of moisture;
  • draft;
  • mold in a pot;
  • pest infestation.

It is very important to prevent hypothermia of the plant and not to place the flower pot close to the window glass in winter. In order to notice pests or symptoms of the disease in time, it is necessary to periodically, at least twice a month, inspect the plant to assess its condition. For preventive purposes, you can wipe the trunk and leaves with soapy water once a month. These precautions will help the plant avoid many diseases.

Species and varieties

Rubber ficus has many species, some of them are artificially bred by selection:

  1. - This is a Dutch type of ficus, it was brought out relatively recently. This view is different small size, despite the large leaves and dense crown. More like ornamental bush suitable for home growing.
  2. Belize - leaves have big sizes, almost the same as Robusta, but along the edge they have white-pink stains. Like any plant with variegated foliage, it is demanding on lighting.
  3. - is the tallest ficus of the entire family. Demanding on watering and prefers diffused light. In the process of growth, it needs constant transplants and special supports.
  4. Tineke is another representative of variegated rubbery ficuses, but white shades predominate in its color. The plant is very thermophilic, mortally afraid of drafts.
  5. Black Prince - has dense glossy leaves of a dark green color, the shade of which depends on the intensity of the light. The shape of the leaves also distinguishes this variety from other varieties of ficus, they are rounded, almost perfectly oval in shape. Unpretentious, can adapt to temperature changes, differs in that it can be transplanted regardless of the time of year.
  6. Abidjan - resembles Robusta, has the same glossy leaves, but has a denser crown.
  7. Tricolor - has a color consisting of three shades: white, pink and green. Demanding on lighting, often attacked by pests. Resistant to underwatering.

Any variety of rubber ficus is suitable for growing at home. They bloom extremely rarely, but they have a bright glossy crown and purify the air well.