Pereslavl Zalessky project on the surrounding world. Gold ring of Russia. Pereslavl-Zalessky. The work can be used for lessons and reports on the subject "Geography"

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Pereslavl-Zalessky. Story. Pereslavl-Zalessky is located near Pleshcheev Lake, a hundred kilometers from Moscow. Since ancient times, people settled around the lake, splashing waves even with a slight wind. Here in 1152, at the crossroads of trade routes, Prince Yuri Dolgoruky founded new town. Pereslavl was once rich and famous. The very name of the city is translated from Old Russian as "adopted glory." The most famous prince of Pereslavl was Alexander Nevsky, who was born in the city and then went to reign in Novgorod. The people of Pereslavl did not forget the name of the great commander. Grateful countrymen erected a monument to Prince Alexander Nevsky on Red Square. After joining in 1302 to the Moscow principality, Pereslavl saw almost all the great princes and kings. During the reign of Ivan the Terrible, Pereslavl became a stronghold of the oprichnina. The tsar, intending to move the capital from Moscow to Vologda, considered Pereslavl as a strategic point. Standing near the road leading to Vologda, Nikitsky Monastery in 1561-1564. was turned into an impregnable fortress. At the beginning of the 17th century, Pereslavl-Zalessky was captured by the Polish-Lithuanian invaders, who in 1609 were driven out of the city by the troops of Skopin-Shuisky. Together with the militia of Minin and Pozharsky, the Pereslavl people took part in the liberation of Moscow. The end of the century was marked for Pereslavl by an unprecedented revival. In 1688, Peter I began to build a "fun flotilla" on Lake Pleshcheyevo, which laid the foundation for the Russian fleet. From all over the country, carpenters, blacksmiths, lumberjacks, carvers began to come here, who influenced the development of crafts in the city. Modern Pereslavl, despite a number of large industrial enterprises remains a protected area. The city captivates everyone with some special coziness, the calmness of narrow streets, the quiet course of Trubezh, overturned boats near neat houses located on both sides of the river street. In connection with the development of tourism, Pereslavl has become one of the most attractive places on the Golden Ring.

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Questions to the text: Where is the City of Pereslavl-Zalessky located? Who founded the city? How is the name of the city translated from Old Russian? Who was the most famous prince of Pereslavl? To which prince did the grateful fellow countrymen erect a monument on Red Square?

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Sights of the city Goritsky Assumption Monastery arose in the 16th century. under Ivan Kalita. The monastery is located on a hill near the southern shore of Lake Pleshcheyevo. Due to its location, it is visible from everywhere. Monuments of the 16th century not preserved in the monastery, the existing ensemble was formed in the XVII-XVIII centuries.

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Sights of the city Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral (1157). The oldest building in North-Eastern Russia, one of the earliest examples of Vladimir-Suzdal architecture. The temple is extremely simple and modest, but how much strength and power it has! It impresses with its severity and impregnability. The interior of the temple, unfortunately, has been lost. But separate fragments of painting, icons, church utensils are in the largest Moscow museums. The son and grandson of Alexander Nevsky are buried in the cathedral. A monument to the commander was erected on the square in front of the temple. On Red Square, not far from the Transfiguration Cathedral in 1585, the Church of Peter the Metropolitan was erected in honor of a prominent church leader of the 14th century. the first Metropolitan of Moscow Peter. The shape of the tent of this temple was inherited from wooden Russian churches. Stone hipped churches are a rarity. This type of temple construction includes the world-famous St. Basil's Cathedral on Red Square in Moscow.

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Sights of the city Pereslavl narrow-gauge railway Pereslavl narrow-gauge railway was built in the 30s for the removal of peat. This Railway still serves remote villages, where it is impossible to reach by other means of transport.

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Sights of the city Pereslavl narrow-gauge railway In 1989, the narrow-gauge railway was purchased from the state into private ownership and became the only private railway in Russia. In 1991, with the support of the new management of the railway, a group of enthusiasts organized the Pereslavl Railway Museum here - the first society in the country for the preservation of railway history, which has its own tracks. A three-kilometer museum line leads to the picturesque village of Talitsy, where a collection of locomotives and rolling stock is located on the tracks of a small station and in a depot. Three locomotives, several wagons and trolleys have already been repaired and are in working condition, other equipment is waiting for its turn.

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Sights of the city Nikita Stolpnik. Nikitsky Monastery. He became famous thanks to the local saint Nikita the Stylite. Nikita at that time was notorious. A drunkard, a libertine and a bribe taker, he amassed a huge fortune as a tax collector. Having learned about the people's and princely anger, Nikita went to the monastery. There is a legend that before taking the vows, Nikita stood for several days in a swamp, covered with mosquitoes, and lived in a dugout on bread and water. And only after such a “purification” was he admitted to the monastery. Nikita died at the hands of an angry people. According to another version, he was killed by the relatives of the prince. Already in the monastery, Nikita received from above the gift of healing. When the prince of Chernigov arrived in Pereslavl to seek healing from Saint Nikita, the saint of God did not go out to the prince, but gave him the staff. Touching the staff, the prince was healed.

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Sights of the city Blue stone A huge boulder of glacial origin, gray-blue in color, lies on the north-eastern shore of the lake, not far from the hill, called the Alexander Mountain. The weight of the stone is 12 tons. In ancient times, pagan ancestors worshiped him. Sacrifices were made to the stone, it was decorated, dances were danced around it. The adoption of Christianity did not change the attitude towards the stone. Local residents did not want to give up the fun festivities in the bosom of nature. secular authorities and Orthodox Church were seriously concerned about such indecent behavior of the population. A struggle was waged with the stone, it was buried, drowned, but to no avail. The stone stubbornly returned to its place. It turned out that in spring the wind drives ice hummocks to the northern shore of the lake, which sometimes reach a height two-story house. Freezing into the hummocks, the stone moved along with them towards the shore until the ice forced it ashore.

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Sights of the city Mystery of Lake Pleshcheyeva The pearl of Russia - Lake Pleshcheyevo, amazing in beauty and purity - is one of the main values ​​of Pereslavl-Zalessky. The lake is of glacial origin, its age is about 30 thousand years.

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Museums Historical, Artistic and Architectural Museum-Reserve Since 1919, the Pereslavl Historical and Art Museum has been located in the buildings of the Goritsky Monastery. Its collection contains a wide variety of unique exhibits, many of which have been exhibited in Russia and abroad, and are well known to specialists and lovers of Russian history and culture. Among them are the rarest archaeological finds, first-class works of ancient Russian painting of the 15th-18th centuries, amazing examples of woodcarving and wooden sculpture, jewelry art, canvases famous artists XIX-XX centuries The "Peter's" collection of the museum has no analogues, which contains rare items related to the stay of Peter I in Pereslavl. There are expositions of ancient Russian art, Russian painting of the 18th-20th centuries, decorative and applied art of the 16th-19th centuries, the department of nature of the region, exhibitions “To the Glory of the Fatherland”, “The Art of the Russian Village”, “Pereslavl in Peter the Great’s Time”, “ A wreath for estates”, “Masks of literary heroes” craftsman S.I. Potapov, “Furniture and lighting XVIII-XIX centuries.» etc. Folklore and theatrical holidays, educational and entertainment events for children and youth are held on the territory of the museum. The branches of the museum are: the museum-estate "The Boat of Peter I", the Transfiguration Cathedral, the Trinity Cathedral of the Trinity-Danilov Monastery, the Ganshin's estate in the village of Gorki. (Tue - Sun - from 9.00 to 17.00)

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Museums Botik of Peter I. Museum-Estate. Four kilometers from the city on Mount Gremyach, on the shores of Lake Pleshcheeva at the end of the 17th century. Peter I began the construction of the "amusing" flotilla, which laid the foundation for the Russian navy. Until our time, only one ship has survived from the entire flotilla - the boat "Fortune" (all other ships burned down during a fire in the 18th century). In 1803, a special building was built for it, which housed the exposition of one of the first provincial museums in Russia. From 1688 to 1693 in Pereslavl, about 100 ships were launched, among them several frigates, including the 30-gun Mars and Anna. The first Russian shipbuilders and military sailors were trained here.

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Museums The House of the Teapot Veskovo, Pereslavsky district, Yaroslavl region. Founders: Andrey Vorobyov and Dmitry Nikishkin. Young guys collected more than a hundred unique exhibits of copper, porcelain, cupronickel, teapots and other teapots of various shapes and purposes, dating back to the late 19th and early 20th centuries, as well as everything related to the tradition of drinking tea in Russia. Candy boxes, sugar bowls, spoons, forks, sugar tongs, coasters, jars for storing tea. The exposition is located in wooden hut with a Russian stove, lovingly repaired and originally painted.

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Museums The Museum of the Iron The Museum of the Iron, created by the collector Andrey Vorobyov with the participation of the Artist's House of Pereslavl, was opened on June 29, 2002. The first mention of a metal iron appears in 1656 in the book of records of the tsarina's expenses: "I give out 5 altyns to the blacksmith Ivashka Trofimov, and for that money he sealed up an iron iron in the tsarina's chamber." Now there are 5 types of metal irons in the collection: charcoal, solid cast, iron heated with additional subject, cast iron, alcohol, electric. Charcoal iron. heated by hot birch coals. The collection includes charcoal irons: cast iron, 11 bronze, even aluminum; factory irons, irons handmade. Russian, Polish, Belarusian.

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Museums Iron Museum One of the oldest irons in the collection of cast irons is the lion iron. One of the youngest irons is an iron that resembles a whale. An iron heated by an additional cast iron DIE. An additional 2-3 dies were applied to the iron. They can be alternately heated and changed. The ironing process is continuous. Such irons existed in the 16th, 19th and 20th centuries. The Museum has several types of such irons: bronze, similar to sewing machine; cast iron similar to a telephone; bronze, resembling a rocket. All irons are different, but each is a work of art. It is felt that it was made for centuries and made with soul.

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Industries. Pereslavl embroidery Embroidery is one of the oldest and most widespread types of folk art. For many centuries, embroidery has been used to decorate a variety of peasant household items and costumes. In the past, every peasant woman knew how to weave and embroider. With great skill and taste, women decorated homespun clothes, valances, towels, embroidering various patterns on them with linen, woolen and silk threads, which they themselves dyed with vegetable dyes. Skillful embroidery gave the women's costume extraordinary elegance. Shirt, apron, poneva, headdress made up a single colorful ensemble. Ancient embroideries are distinguished by richness and variety, among them there are single-color and multi-color, and thin through, similar to lace, and dense, reminiscent of aplomb.

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Industries. Pereslavl embroidery In the patterns of Russian embroidery, there are geometric, floral, and sometimes architectural motifs. According to the nature of the patterns, methods of execution and color, folk embroidery in different regions of Russia had its own distinctive features. In the last few decades, the embroidery craft has grown significantly, developed and occupied one of the first places among other artistic crafts in Russia. A special place among enterprises specializing in embroidery is occupied by the embroidery factory " New world”(Pereslavl-Zalessky), whose craftswomen not only perfectly master the skills of ancient Russian embroidery, but also develop this craft in accordance with the requirements of the time. This is the only large-scale machine production of unique embroidery on any fabric in Russia.

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Make up dialogues based on the situations. Your friend said that there will be a bus tour of famous places Pereslavl-Zalessky. Ask him what you can see on such an excursion. You want to go to the Historical, Artistic and Architectural Museum-Reserve. Call them for opening hours and holidays. You have arrived in Pereslavl-Zalessky for two days. Discuss with your friends where you can go during this time.

Brief information about the city Pereslavl-Zalessky is located at Lake Pleshcheyevo, a hundred kilometers from Moscow. Here in 1152, at the crossroads of trade routes, Prince Yuri Dolgoruky founded a new city. Pereslavl was once rich and famous. In 1302 the city was annexed to the Moscow principality. In 1688, Peter I began to build a "fun flotilla" on Lake Pleshcheyevo, which laid the foundation for the Russian fleet. Many people helped develop crafts in the city. Pereslavl-Zalessky is located near Lake Pleshcheyevo, a hundred kilometers from Moscow. Here in 1152, at the crossroads of trade routes, Prince Yuri Dolgoruky founded a new city. Pereslavl was once rich and famous. In 1302 the city was annexed to the Moscow principality. In 1688, Peter I began to build a "fun flotilla" on Lake Pleshcheyevo, which laid the foundation for the Russian fleet. Many people helped develop crafts in the city.

The secret of Lake Pleshcheyevo The pearl of Russia is Lake Pleshcheyevo, amazing in its beauty and purity - one of the main values ​​of Pereslavl-Zalessky. Age about 30 thousand years, depth 25 meters, oval shape. In ancient times, there were settlements of Meryans and Slavs in these places. At the foot of the hills, on the shore of the lake, there is the famous blue stone Pearl of Russia - Lake Pleshcheyevo, amazing in beauty and purity - one of the main values ​​​​of Pereslavl-Zalessky. Age about 30 thousand years, depth 25 meters, oval shape. In ancient times, there were settlements of Meryans and Slavs in these places. At the foot of the hills, on the shore of the lake, is the famous blue stone

Blue stone A huge boulder of glacial origin, gray-blue in color, lies on the northeastern shore of the lake, not far from the hill, which is called the Alexander Mountain. Weight - 12 tons. In ancient times, pagan ancestors worshiped him. Sacrifices were made to the stone, it was decorated, dances were danced around it. A struggle was waged with the stone, it was buried, drowned, but to no avail. The stone stubbornly returned to its place. A huge boulder of glacial origin, gray-blue in color, lies on the northeastern shore of the lake, not far from the hill, which is called the Alexander Mountain. Weight - 12 tons. In ancient times, pagan ancestors worshiped him. Sacrifices were made to the stone, it was decorated, dances were danced around it. A struggle was waged with the stone, it was buried, drowned, but to no avail. The stone stubbornly returned to its place.

The Cradle of the Russian Fleet Four kilometers from the city on Mount Gremyach, on the shores of Lake Pleshcheyevo, the foundation of the Russian Navy was laid. The first Russian shipbuilders and military sailors were trained here. Until our time, only the ship - boat "Fortune" has survived (all other ships burned down during a fire in the 18th century). In 1803, a special building was built for it, which housed the exposition of one of the first provincial museums in Russia. Four kilometers from the city on Mount Gremyach, on the shores of Lake Pleshcheyevo, the foundation of the Russian Navy was laid. The first Russian shipbuilders and military sailors were trained here. Until our time, only the ship - boat "Fortune" has survived (all other ships burned down during a fire in the 18th century). In 1803, a special building was built for it, which housed the exposition of one of the first provincial museums in Russia.

Nikita the Stylite, Nikita Monastery The Nikita Monastery became famous thanks to the local saint Nikita the Stylite. Nikita at that time was notorious: a drunkard, a robber, amassed a huge fortune, being a tax collector. Having learned about the anger of the people and the prince, he went to the monastery. Before taking the vows, Nikita stood for several days in a swamp, covered with mosquitoes, lived in a dugout on bread and water. And after such a “purification” he was admitted to the monastery. In the monastery he received a gift from above - healing. Using his gift, he cured the prince. The Nikitsky Monastery became famous thanks to the local Saint Nikita the Stylite. Nikita at that time was notorious: a drunkard, a robber, amassed a huge fortune, being a tax collector. Having learned about the anger of the people and the prince, he went to the monastery. Before taking the vows, Nikita stood for several days in a swamp, covered with mosquitoes, lived in a dugout on bread and water. And after such a “purification” he was admitted to the monastery. In the monastery he received a gift from above - healing. Using his gift, he cured the prince.

Pereslavl narrow-gauge railway The Pereslavl narrow-gauge railway was built in the 1930s for the removal of peat. This railway still serves remote villages, where it is impossible to reach by other means of transport. In 1991, the Pereslavl Railway Museum was built in the city. A three-kilometer museum line leads to the picturesque village of Talitsy, where a collection of locomotives and rolling stock is located on the tracks of a small station. The Pereslavl narrow-gauge railway was built in the 1930s for the removal of peat. This railway still serves remote villages, where it is impossible to reach by other means of transport. In 1991, the Pereslavl Railway Museum was built in the city. A three-kilometer museum line leads to the picturesque village of Talitsy, where a collection of locomotives and rolling stock is located on the tracks of a small station.

Pereslavl-Zalessky is one of the most ancient cities
center of Russia, which is part of the Yaroslavl region.
The history of the city is very interesting, it has
many significant events. He keeps the memory of
many famous personalities, state and
religious figures and important milestones in the formation
Russian state. Located in a very
scenic area, the city is architectural
monument. This is one of the few places where before our
time, many ancient samples have been preserved
Russian architecture.
Pereslavl is included in the famous tourist route
"Golden Ring of Russia", and is rightfully considered its

Goritsky monastery.
The monastery was founded at the beginning
14th century, presumably
Ivan Kalita.
Tourists and locals
consider Uspensky Goritsky
monastery chief
Boat Peter 1
The only ship of the amusing flotilla
Peter the Great
Originally named
"Fortune". The age of the ship is over
three hundred years, however
it has been perfectly preserved to this day.

Kremlin of Pereslavl
The historical center of the city, transferred here by Yuri Dolgoruky in XII
century, surrounded by a well-preserved ring of earthen ramparts
about 8 meters. The Kremlin is 800 meters long and 600 meters wide. On its territory
there are several temples, the most significant and oldest is
Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral, built on the birthplace of Alexander

Manor Ganshin
Wealthy tradesman Alexei Ganshin lived in a small mansion in
twenty kilometers from Pereslavl. The merchant purchased the house at the end
nineteenth century. The merchant was friends at that time with the underground
organizer of revolutions and coups d'état Vladimir
Ilyich Lenin. The future leader handed over to his friend the manuscript of the book “What
is the friends of the people and how they fight the social democrats.
Beginner's Guide
revolutionaries and just
doubters printed in
estate. Soon in the village
burned about thirty houses, in
including Ganshin's house.

Temple of Metropolitan Peter
The wooden building was erected at the beginning of the fifteenth century. building
An interesting fact is that the church was rebuilt after one hundred and sixty years. Building
became stone and had two tiers. On the basement floor was
prison, and on the first - worship services were held. Building architecture
tent type, because at that time many churches looked like that. On the
At the moment, restoration is underway inside the buildings. Some of the
the best specialists in Russia. Tourists are not allowed to enter the temple!

Solensko-Kornilievsky Church
The church was built instead of Borisoglebsky monastery. old
the monastery was erected at the beginning of the thirteenth century during the Tatar-Mongol yoke.

Monument to Alexander Nevsky
According to ancient legend, on the territory of the Pereslavl Kremlin in 1220
The great commander Alexander Nevsky was born. It was this prince who brought
fear throughout Europe, defeating the Swedes in Battle on the Ice. In addition to the monument
A memorial plaque hangs on the white stone walls of St. Nicholas Cathedral.

Museum of cunning and ingenuity
A new word "life hack" has entered the modern lexicon, which in the literal
translated means "hack life". The current generation is unaware that
ancestors loved to go to tricks in order to facilitate life and work in the field.
The exposition of the museum will prove that those “left-handers” who could find
way out of difficult situations.

Museum of Steam Locomotives
"Railway" is only twenty kilometers from the city.
Previously, there was a large peat branch here, later it was transformed into
museum. The exhibition area stretches for two kilometers. All exhibits
real or used before, or now acting. Everyone
whoever wants to can ride a trolley for one hundred and fifty rubles.

Teapot Museum
The second private museum of Pereslavl-Zalessky. The building is small
reminiscent of the ancestral hut, inside a room with a huge amount
shelving. On each shelf there are several dozen exhibits: teapots,
samovars, saucers and much more.

Iron Museum
The building of the museum is located on Sovetskaya street. Businessman Alexey Vorobyov
A few years ago I bought a small building. Restoring a house from a fire
The businessman opened an antique shop. A little rearrangement of the rooms and
after repairing, the businessman brings inside a huge number of irons of various
prescription and converts the mansion into a museum.

blue stone
A ritual monument that turns blue after rain. Length three
meters, a width of two and a half, and a weight of about twelve tons. Consists of
shale with quartz impurities. It is located next to the shore of Lake Pleshcheyevo.

Aleksandrova Gora
It was here that the city center was originally located. Archaeologists
thoroughly studied the hilly terrain: in the twentieth century, it was committed
more than a hundred excavations.

Basic information Population: pers. (density 35.2 people/km²) Administrative center: Yaroslavl Governor: Sergey N. Yastrebov Chairman of the Regional Duma: Viktor V. Rogotsky

Natural resources The main natural resources of the Yaroslavl region are peat, sand and gravel materials, building sand and sapropel. The bowels of the Yaroslavl region also have geological prerequisites for the discovery of unconventional minerals: refractory and bentonite clays, titanium-zirconium sands, uranium, gold and hydrocarbon raw materials.

Nature The number of large animals has greatly decreased, but bears, wolves, foxes, elks and wild boars are still found in the forests. Many species of birds live and nest in the area. In cities, common birds are pigeons, hooded crows, rooks, house sparrows and great tits. On the peninsula, separated from the rest of the region by the Rybinsk Reservoir, there is a part of the Darwin Reserve. Around Lake Pleshcheyevo there is a national park of the same name. The region also has 1 federal (“Yaroslavsky”) and 41 regional nature reserves, 70 natural monuments, 17 nature reserves, 82 protected natural and historical landscapes, 5 medical and recreational areas, 22 protected water ecosystems, 21 tourist and recreational areas.

Lake Pleshcheyevo Lake Pleshcheyevo National Park was created by a government decree Russian Federation from The national park is located within the boundaries of two municipalities: the Pereslavl municipal district and the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky. The city of Pereslavl-Zalessky and Lake Pleshcheyevo represent an integral entity due to the unique combination of natural and historical and cultural heritage. total area the national park is more than 23 thousand hectares.

Lake Pleshcheyevo On the territory of the park there are: 7 monuments of nature, 8 monuments of archeology, 22 historical and 94 architectural monuments, as well as places of interest associated with the names of Yuri Dolgoruky - the founder of the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky, Holy Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky, Peter I, Ivan Grozny and other great personalities in the history of the Russian state. Pereslavl-Zalessky is part of the Golden Ring of Russia. Historical and architectural monuments have been preserved: the Transfiguration Cathedral, the Fedorovsky and Goritsky monasteries, the Danilovo-Troitsky and Nikitsky monasteries and the estate of Peter "Botik".

Yaroslavl Population: founded by Prince Yaroslav the Wise, the oldest existing city on the Volga

"Golden Ring of Russia" - Uglich. Ancient churches and architectural monuments have been preserved here. Rostov the Great. The city of Kostroma is located in the form of a fan. Plyos was very fond of Isaac Ilyich Levitan - a Russian artist. A mandatory attribute of the city is enamel. It was founded by Prince Yaroslav the Wise. Sergiev Posad. Here is one of the first hydroelectric power stations built on the Volga - Uglichskaya.

"Golden Ring Guide" - Pages 6-15 Contents. Vladimir. #2 City map. Guide "Golden Ring". Ivanovo. Eksmo Publishing House (Moscow) Author: Svetlana Bogdanova (text, photo). "Golden Ring" Features 2nd reissue (end). Information presentation structure. TOP -15, or Author's rating of attractions. #one.

"Golden Ring of Russia Grade 3" - Project goals. Why is the "Golden Ring" called golden? The result of the project is a general lesson. Fundamental question: Map of the Golden Ring of Russia. Creative name: Educational: Contribute to the formation of a communicative culture, patriotism. Thus, the horizons of children are expanding, the knowledge gained is updated.

"The lesson of the Golden Ring of Russia" - Pereslavl-Zalessky. View from the bell tower. Nikolskaya Church after 1720. The heart of the Motherland is Moscow. Only the biggest and most beautiful. Suzdal. Scheme of the Moscow Kremlin. Fortress walls and towers of the Spaso-Efimievskiy monastery (17th century). Vladimir. Rostov Kremlin. Ivan Kalita - Yuri's brother, strengthened and expanded Muscovite Russia.

"Cities of the Golden Ring of Russia" - The largest city of the Golden Ring. Each has its own name. The project was defended in the form of a presentation. Flour and Red Rows were built in Kostroma. A beautiful city on the Volga. The word "lavra" means the main, most important monastery. It stands on the Volga River. Sergiev Posad is our first stop. Plyos is the next stop.

"Golden Ring in Russia" - Museum of wooden architecture in the open air. Nikolo-Galeiskaya church. Assumption Cathedral. Vladimir is the "gate" of the "Golden Ring" of Russia. Pereslavl-Zalessky. Autorka: G.Majer??kov? Obchodn? akad?mia Trebi?ov. Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin. Demetrius Cathedral, Vladimir. Transfiguration Cathedral. The length is about 1000 km.

There are 10 presentations in total in the topic