Soft sign at the end of the adverbs of the exercise. b after hissing in verbs, at the end of nouns and adverbs! Dictation for consolidation

The purpose of the lesson:

Познакомиться with new spelling "Letter b after hissing on the end adverbs"

Repetition writing b after hissing in various parts speeches;

development oral and written speeches;

upbringing interest to subject.

Equipment and material:

Textbook, dispensing material (cards and crossword), a computer with media- projector and presentation).

move lesson:

1. org. moment.

2. Warm up

You meet the dawn, a golden face, a watchman's hut, an interesting thing, you reach your goal, the forest is dense,

the bush is thorny, light a fire, appoint a duty officer.

Warm up (answer)

You meet the dawn, golden rye, the watchman's hut, an interesting thing, reach the goal, the forest is dense,

the bush is thorny, light a fire, appoint a duty officer.

3. Complicated cheating

Help(?), watch(?), hot(?), hide(?), many clouds(?), shrink(?)sya, dense(?), wastelands(?), eat(?)those, undress( ?) shy, hut (?), ivy (?), hid (?), midnight (?), cut off (?) those, drawing (?), smile (?) sya, take care (?), past the groves (? ), fresh(?), brick(?), from pears(?), lily of the valley(?), odorous(?), zamazh(?)te, installation(?), sword(?), strich(?), a lot puddles (?), rods (?), from the shoulders (?).

Help, guard, hot, hide, many clouds, shrink, dense, wasteland, eat, undress, hut, ivy, harness, midnight, cut off, drawing, smile, cherish, past groves, fresh, brick, from pears, lily of the valley, odorous , smear, montage, sword, cut, many puddles, rods, from the shoulders.

4. Rule on the topic

At the end of adverbs, b is written after Ch and Sh.

After the letter Zh, a soft sign is written only in the word wide open.

For example: completely, backwards, already, married, unbearable

It is known that after hissing,

At the end of the adverb standing,

As a rule, we write a soft sign.

For example:

"Dark all the way."

For example:

"Lie down."

And if someone forgot all the same,

Until I set the dots

What is the case: "already" .., "married" ..., "unbearable"

There is an exception to the rule.

Work with tutorial pages 33-34

5. Fixing.

They rush at a gallop (?), open wide (?), completely (?) strewn, get married (?), go away (?), hit backwards (?), fall backwards (?).

They rush at a gallop, open wide, completely strewn, get married, go away, hit backhand, fall backwards.

6. Work on cards.

Card 1

ten thousand ( R. p. pl. hours);

the remaining change (female);

wait impatiently (nar., excl.);

stop (verb) try;

the answer is exhaustive (cr. adj.);

famous violinist (m. R.);

cut along the line (verb);

shooting range (R. p. pl.);

leak detected (female);

collapsed on his back (adv.);

good Chuvash (m. R.);

provide (verb) security.

Card 2

detection of theft R. p. pl. hours);

lynch material (cr. adj.);

never forget (verb);

returned after midnight (adv.);

lubricate well (verb);

do not buy galoshes (R. p. pl.);

wooden garage (m. r);

some bullshit (female);

marry (adv., excl.);

knowledgeable (cr. adj.) in this matter;

smart mouse (female);

last match (m. R.);

delay payment (verb);

lie down (verb) in ambush.

1. The remaining trifle, stop the attempt, cut along the line, a leak is detected, collapsed on his back, rejoice, provide protection - 7.

2. You will never forget, returned after midnight, lubricate well, some kind of whim, smart mouse, delay payment, lie in ambush - 7.

7. Physical Minute

One - get up, pull yourself up.
Two - bend, unbend.
Three - three claps in the hands, three nods with the head.
Four feet wider.
Five - wave your hands.
Six - sit quietly at the table.

8. Complete the crossword puzzle with adverbs

1. Teach, repositories, backhand, threatening;

2. Married, tractor, tasks, mighty;

3. Away, guardian, viscous, pour;

4. Inherit, cut, fawning, unbearable;

5. Schools, jump, crush, help;

6. Youth, forget, cut off, on your back;

7. Wide open, gear, brilliant, bearded.

Crossword answer

9. Find a pair:


1. Wide open

3. Galloping

4. Back

4. Face up

5. Backhand

5. Swinging

6. Unbearable

6. Unbearable

7. Become someone's wife

10. Homework

Creative task:

Compose 8 sentences with the studied spelling “Soft sign after adverbs hissing at the end”

11. Summing up.

Lesson Objectives:

I. Educational:

1. Formation of the skill of writing a soft sign after adverbs hissing at the end.

2. Repetition of orthograms associated with writing a soft sign after hissing in various parts of speech.

3. Repetition of spellings associated with hyphenated, continuous spelling of adverbs.

4. The use of adverbs in the text.

5. Activation of students' vocabulary.

6. Repetition of phraseological units.

II. Educational:

1. Raising love for the Russian language.

2. Formation of skills of control and self-control.

3. Formation of cognitive activity in a team and cooperation in solving search problems.

III. Developing:

1. Development of the ability to logically express one's thoughts using the literary language.

2. Development of the ability to argue, prove.

3. Expanding horizons, cognitive interest.

4. Development of the ability to highlight the main thing, compare, generalize.

Lesson equipment:

1. On the students' desktop: a textbook, notebooks, pens and pencils.

2. Table "The letter b after hissing at the end of the word."

3. Portrait of the Tsar, Princess, Tsarevich (students' work).

4. Material for self-study.

5. CD-ROM "Russian language lessons of Cyril and Methodius. Grade 7."

6. Lesson presentation.

Lesson structure:

I. Organizational stage. (2 min.)

II. The stage of checking homework. (8 min.)

1. Complete the exercise in the textbook (3 min.)

2. Training exercises:

C) The use of phraseological units containing adverbs (3 min.).

E) The use of adverbs in speech (3 min).

3. Independent work(3 min.)

V. Summing up the lesson, homework. (3 min.)

I. Organizational stage. (2 minutes.)

Good afternoon guys. Sit down. Today at the lesson we will visit the distant kingdom, the distant state, in which the Tsar lived. (Show the portrait of the Tsar). He was very fond of his language, sometimes he composed poetry. Listen to one of them:

You open the doors.
You drive boredom away.
Jump up and start believing
That you write everything exactly the same.
So, as it should: here is hissing,
Behind him there is a real one,
No fake soft sign
It's impossible without him.
So in the end it will shine
That someone "five" put.

Guys, today we have to study new theme: "Soft sign after adverbs hissing at the end." Find in this poem adverbs with a soft sign at the end after hissing (wide open, away, jump, exactly the same). In the lesson we will get acquainted with the spelling of such words.

II. homework check step. (8 min.)

The king in a faraway kingdom, a faraway state, in his free time from reading books and writing poetry, liked to catch fish, but unusual ones. Today we will have to help the King in this matter. Checking homework. You need to catch a fish. Putting it in a bucket where "b" is written or "b" is not written. Explain your choice. (One of the students explains the spelling of the word. Others must "catch" the fish on the same spelling.)

Independently formulate the rules for writing b after hissing at the end of the word.

(During checking homework, students draw up a table.)

Words for "fishing".

1. Linyuch, hot, fresh, odorous, good.

2. Summer cottages, tasks, clouds, groves.

3. Appoint, multiply, spread.

4. Cut, bake, burn, save.

5. Husband, landscape, reeds.

6. A trifle, silence, wilderness.

7. You go, you sleep, you are silent.

Letter b after hissing at the end of a word

Part of speech

Not spelled


feminine, singular, 3rd declension: ro well b, but h b, glu w b, ve sch b masculine, singular: but well, vra h, shala w, goods sch
plural: a lot yes h

Short adjectives

sve well , groin h, well w
2nd person singular: wash your face w b - wash w esya ;
imperative mood: hide h b - hide h te ;
indefinite form: ispe h uh, just h b
Nastya well b, up h b, splo w b at well, deputy well, unbearable well

When is b written after nouns hissing at the end? (b is written at the end of nouns female 3 declensions).

When is b written at the end of adjectives and verbs? (b is written in the indefinite form of the verb, at the end of verbs there are 2 persons singular, in the imperative mood. At the end of adjectives, b is not written.)

III. Explanation of new material. (5 min.)

Well done, they helped the Tsar to catch so many fish in a very beautiful lake, which is not so far from the Tsar's possessions. But the King had to descend from a small mountain, and it is not easy to climb up with a heavy burden. And always, going uphill, he remembers the proverb:

Jump from the mountain, but even cry up the mountain.

Explain the spelling of the word "cry" in this proverb. (Verb imperative mood, we write b). In which case will the given word not be written b? ( If it is a masculine noun.)

Tell me, guys, what part of speech is the word "jump"? (Adverb, denotes a sign of action and answers the question how?.) This word contains the spelling that we should get acquainted with in the lesson.

In Russian, there are not many adverbs ending in hissing. To remember how they are written, you need to learn either of the two rules.

First. At the end of adverbs, after hissing, b is written, with the exception of three exceptions: already, married, unbearable. Suppose we need to decide whether or not we need b at the end of the word "jump". We only need to check if our word is among the exceptions. If not, put b.

Reasoning according to the second rule. We have to see how sizzling the end is. If these are the letters W or H, then b is needed, if it is the letter F (except wide open), then it is not needed.

Both rules lead to the same result, let's check.

IV. Fixing new material:

1. Performing the exercise in the textbook. (2 min.)

Guys, now we will do exercise 263 on page 120.

They rush at a gallop, open wide, completely strewn, get married, go away, hit backhand, fall backwards.

Explain spelling in words rushing, strewn. Explain the lexical meaning of the words "backhand" (strongly swinging)"backwards" ( lying on your back, face up).

2. Training exercises (18 min.).

A) Writing words in the appropriate column (5 min.).

The only daughter was waiting for the king at home from fishing, who grew up before his eyes and very often began to repeat to her father: "Oh, get married, unbearable." She was waiting for the arrival of the overseas prince in order to quickly marry him. But the Tsar decided to test the Tsarevich before he became the husband of her daughter. We will need to help the Tsarevich so that loving hearts can unite.

The prince sent a letter to the Princess, in which he announced his next arrival. But the Tsar mixed up all the envelopes. Let's help the Tsarevna sort out the envelopes and read the Tsarevich's letter.

(Students fill in the table in their notebooks).

1. Viscous, prickly, creaky.

2. Wide open, unbearable, really, exactly the same.

3. Tornado, doctor, brooch, midnight, watchman.

4. Cut, protect, guard, surprise.

B) Explanation of spelling in a poem (2 min.).

Well done. Completed the task. They helped the Princess find the Tsarevich's letter. And in the envelope was also this poem:

I dream about you in a pipe dream
about spring Paris:
sitting like a cat on the window
and like a fish you are silent.
(M. Alekseeva)

Explain the spellings in this poem: you dream, unrealizable, like a cat, like a fish, you are silent. The princess read the letter of the Tsarevich.

C) The use of phraseological units containing adverbs (2 min.).

What was the mood of the Tsar, you can find out by guessing the phraseological units depicted in the figure, in which there are adverbs:

1. Hair stand on end - it becomes unbearably scary.

2. The head is spinning - someone loses the ability to think from a lot of things, worries, experiences.

4. Live in clover - lead a carefree lifestyle.

D) Insert the appropriate adverb into the sentence (2 min.).

Even at night the King had nightmares.

The king dreamed that he was Don Quixote. He mounted his wooden horse and jump rushed through the kingdom. He was unbearable fight the evil wizards who were running away from him away and hid in the nettles. He backhand chopped nettles until he stumbled and fell back.

E) The use of adverbs in speech (2 min).

The king was sad, gave the princess in marriage, she had to go abroad (foreign state, foreign countries). What part of speech is the word "outside"? ( Adverb.) The prince rushed to the distant kingdom to ask for the hand of the Princess from her father.

Let's listen to the conversation between the Tsar and the Tsarevich. ( Two students read the dialogue. On the head of one of them is a crown, the other has a saber.) What is a conversation between two people called? (Dialog)

How do you live?


And what about the kingdom?


You say you have a cold? Now everything is all right?


Okay, so?

Well, I'm saying it's fine.

Strange you say:

Why? Fine.

Do you think it's ok?


"Yes," I thought sadly. normal person." (A. Shibaev)

What does the word "normal" mean? Normal: normal, normal; mental health). Why can't it be used in the same way as in the dialogue between the Tsar and the Tsarevich?

3. Independent work (3 min.).

After this conversation, the Tsar thought that the Tsarevich did not speak Russian well. The Tsar decided to give the Tsarevna for the Tsarevich on one condition: if he could find a line in the task in which b is written in all words and read the text of the ancient manuscript. Let's help the Tsarevich cope with this task.

Imagine that you have found an ancient manuscript on forgotten language. The grammar of this language is the same as we have now, and the meaning of most words has been lost. Try to guess where to put b.

Melestnaya devezh .. pulled a comey beard ..

Lusy cloudberry .. dodged the stocked bicycle ..

Well done. So the fairy tale ends, and the Tsarevich leads the Princess down the aisle.

V. Summing up the lesson, homework (3 min.).

It will help to summarize our work in the lesson testing on a computer.

1. What part of speech in the rule of writing b after hissing has exceptions? Adverb.

2. What consonants of the Russian language are called hissing? W, W, H, W.

3. Why in verbs sibilant and b may not be at the end of the word? Postfix.

4. How many parts of speech are there in Russian in which hissing is possible at the end of a word? 6 parts of speech: noun, adjective, verb, nar., pronoun, particle.

(The program grades students).

And we have no other property!
Know how to save
Though to the best of my ability, in the days of anger and suffering,
Our immortal gift is speech. (I. Bunin)

Lesson summary

In Russian

in 5 classroom

designed in accordance

with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard

using modern educational

technologies (problem learning technology, group activity technology, health-saving technology, information and communication technology)


Povazhnyuk S.A., teacher

Russian language

and literature

"School-gymnasium No. 3"

city ​​of Armyansk.



The purpose of the lesson: introduce students to the spelling "Soft sign after adverbs hissing at the end."



to form the skill of writing a soft sign after adverbs hissing at the end.

the formation of the ability to distinguish this orthogram in adverbs and other independent parts of speech.

to develop in students the skills and abilities of independent work.

to activate students' vocabulary.


develop the ability to logically express their thoughts using literary language.

develop the ability to argue, prove, highlight the main thing, compare, generalize.


education and development of personal competencies of students;

formation of communicative skills and abilities of students.

Planned results:


Develop skills in basic spelling, lexical, grammatical norms of the Russian language;

Ability to apply theoretical knowledge in practice.

Personal: enrich the volume of vocabulary and acquire grammatical means for the free expression of thought, as well as develop the ability for self-esteem.

Metasubject Results :

regulatory UUD : goal-setting, planning, reflection, self-regulation;

cognitive UUD: search and selection of the necessary information, conscious and arbitrary construction of a speech statement in oral form; analysis, ability to prove;

communicative UUD:

Participate in pair work

Formulate your own opinion and position;

To form the ability to competently build an oral monologue statement.

Lesson type: learning new material.

Methods used: withverbal; visual and illustrative; ICT; elements of problem-based learning; educational and creative workshop, comparative analysis.

Means of education: multimedia tools, handouts, textbook “Russian language. Grade 5with". Part 2. Authors: L.M. Rybchenkova, O.M. Aleksandrova, A.V. Glazkov, A.G. Lisitsyn. (M.: Education, 2014);

During the classes

1 . Organizing time. Emotional mood

Let's start our lesson!

I really want to

He went to you and then

Let's always be smart!

I'm glad you have good mood, and I hope that we will work actively today, we will please ourselves and our guests with joint work.

2. Actualization of knowledge.

Today we have an unusual lesson, because we are going toexpedition. What does this word mean? Who will tell me?(student answers).

We can find out the exact lexical meaning of this word from the dictionary.

- Tell me, in which dictionary is the lexical meaning of the word given?

- With an explanatory dictionary of the Russian language S.I. Ozhegova worked... (name of student).

AT explanatory dictionary Russian language S.I. Ozhegov gives the following explanation:

An expedition is a campaign, a trip of a detachment with a special task.

- So, the squad is all of us who are in our class.

Our task is to understand Russian spelling in more detail and, according to opportunities to make interesting discoveries.

Expedition members should be aware ofsubject of search , but the hero of the book by N. Nosov will tell usDunno. He also wants to go on an expedition with us, so he prepared a task for us.

- Listen carefully and decide which part of the speech will be narrated.


Dunno: - I disliked this part of speech long before I knew about it. All my life she has been haunting me: “Stand straight, sit straight, speak Russian correctly, write beautifully, count correctly, do everything carefully and conscientiously, act in a comradely manner,” is all I hear every hour. All this is not easy to do. And who likes to hear that they see right through you?

And it’s more pleasant for me to rush about, lie horizontally and quietly(getsremote controller)click the TV remote control and scroll through the channels of the TV screen, which are visible and invisible. (M.N. Enina)

- What is this part of speech from which there is no rest?( Adverb).

- How did you determine?(questions, words that indicate a sign of action)

- What phrases with adverbs do you remember? (stand up straight, sit up straight, speak correctly, rush about, lie horizontally )

- So the subject of the search is adverb. ( SLIDE 1)

- Guys, let's take Dunno with us?

3. Motivation of educational activity.

Oftendifficulties arise on the expedition, and the participants of the campaign must learn to overcome them with honor. Here we havefirst test.

Solve a linguistic problem. ( SLIDE 2)

1. Attract(?) a comrade;

2. Do you remember for a long time (?);

3. Wilderness (?);

4. Smelly(?) in spring;

5. Wide open (?).

- The spelling of the word in which of the phrases you can not explain?

- What is the topic of our lesson?

4. Setting goals.

Try to formulate the topic of the lesson(teachers formulate the topic of the lesson).(SLIDE 3)

Lesson topic: Soft sign after adverbs hissing at the end.

Open notebooks, write down the number, the topic of the lesson.

What problem are we going to explore? (students formulatelesson objectives: distinguish this orthogram in adverbs and other independent parts of speech;develop the skill of writing a soft sign at the end of adverbs;improve spelling skills; expand vocabulary and develop speech).

5. Working on new material .

- Expeditions are equipped to make new discoveries. We, too, can make a discovery for ourselves, if, of course, we try. I think we can easily cope with the new task: we will explore the spelling.

Observation of the material, prompting the discovery of new knowledge.

There is a note on the board: (SLIDE 4)


wide open

on the about tmash married

backward unbearable



What part of speech are these words? (these are adverbs).

Prove that these are adverbs. (unchangeable part of speech, answers the question how? indicates a sign of action ...)

What sibilants are followed by a soft sign?(Thish, w, sh )

How many words do not have a soft sign? (at three)

After what letter in wordsalready, married, unbearable no soft sign? (after letterwell).

What is the name ofwords that don't follow the rule ? (words are exceptions.)

CONCLUSION: - So, guys, our expedition just did a linguistic study of what spelling?

(Soft sign after hissing adverbs at the end).

- Which of you will try to formulate a rule about writing a soft sign after hissing adverbs?(In all adverbs, a soft sign is written after the hissing. The only exceptions are three adverbs: already, married, unbearable ).

To verify the correctness of the conclusion made, let's read the rule in the textbook on page 71. Maybe they didn't say something.Let's check.

(Children open textbooks and one of the students reads the rule aloud).

CONCLUSION: we will fix our study with a rhyme. (SLIDE 5)

Insert required keywords from the rule and write the output:

“In all dialects you ... will find,except for ... the words: ..., ..., ... ".

Keywords: soft sign, three, already, married, unbearable.


The rules for writing adverbs are easy to remember:

In all adverbs you will find a soft sign, except for three words: UZH, MARRIED, UNBELIEVABLE.

Write this rhyme in your notebook.

6. Consolidation of the studied spelling.

Spelling "The soft sign after the hissing adverbs at the end" we investigated.And now (for a full study) we need to improve the spelling skills on the studied rule.

Exercise 1. Run exercise 418, page 71. We read the assignment. We carry out 1 offer as a sample, the following options:

3 students work at the blackboard (write downIN 1:4,5 IN 2:6 sentences, justify the spelling).

CONCLUSION: Are all adverbs written with a soft sign? In which sentence was the adverb written without a soft sign? (6 sentences) Why? (exception). In all adverbs, we write after the hissing "b", except for an exception. The syntactic role of an adverb in a sentence ... a circumstance.

- Guys why do you think already, married, unbearable written without a soft sign? ( student responses).

Among the members of the expedition arelinguists , which will explain these exceptions.(Advancedhomemadeexercise).

Student 1: explain exceptionsmarried, unbearable can be as follows: these adverbs are derived from nounshusband and patient , which belong to the second declension and are written without a soft sign.

Student 2: another fact is interesting: the adverbwide open formed from a prepositionon the and a noun of the second declensionstitch (obsolete), which means "hook, pillar", but this word is no exception and is written in modern Russian with a soft sign.

CONCLUSION: - We thank the linguists for historical reference. Now we not only know how these words are spelled, but we can justify their spelling.

But sometimes we make mistakes in the pronunciation of adverbs, in order to avoid this I suggestspelling workout.

(The phrases are written on the board.)

Task 2 . Orthoepic workout.

Read correctly, putting the accent on the adverbs:

write beautiful and uh, sit down about oh, wipe it off about clean, take a look m e lx about m. ( m e lx about m - 2 options are allowed, but the 1st is more correct).

CONCLUSION: I hope in the future you will monitor your speech and the speech of classmates in order to prevent violations in pronunciation.

PHYSICAL MINUTE (check for attention and knowledge of the material)

Now I will call words with hissing at the end.If there is a soft sign in a word, thenget up girls , if it's not there - boys . Get ready.

You get up (d), baby, night (d), get married, play (d), a lot of clouds, stove (d), knife, back (d), drive (d), already, good, jump (d), hot.

Physical education gave the opportunity to test your attention and knowledge of the material.Improve spelling skills on the learned rule we will be at home. Open your diaries and write homework: (writing on the board)p.71, learn the rule; written assignment at the choice of students: ex. 419 (explaining); compose a linguistic fairy tale "Soft sign in words after hissing"

We continue the work of the expedition:improve spelling skills.The soft sign is a very capricious resident of the Grammar country. So today, he ran away from some parts of speech and hid in other words. Help find the fugitive.

Task 3 . "Find the fugitive!"

write out words from soft sign .

- Exchange notebooks with a desk mate and check if the task is completed correctly. Are there spelling errors? Set marks.Make corrections and markings with a pencil.

Correct answers on the board : keep away, keep awayabouttmash, jump, back, all the way - 6 words.Pay attention to the stress in the word about tmash."

Evaluation criteria are written on the sheets of handouts on the topic:"Soft sign after adverbs hissing at the end".

"5" - 0;

"4" - 1 ;

"3" 2-3;

"2" - 4 or more.

CONCLUSION: Raise your hand who hasn't made a single mistake. Well done! Put in the margins with a pencil "5". Who made 1 mistake? Put in the margins with a pencil "4". I hope next time there will be no mistakes at all.

So, guys, a job well done brings us to the fact that we write a soft sign after hissing in verbs and adverbs, exceptalready, married, unbearable.

Like any study, it's tedious. I suggest listening to music. Not just music, but music... SPRINGS. Have you heard?!

Students listen to the MUSIC OF SPRING - relaxation.

- What mood did the music evoke? What holiday is associated with it? (the holiday of spring - March 8, the day when we congratulate our dear, dear and beloved women).

Task 4. Creative work.

I suggest that the guys make several sentences that can be included in the text of congratulations on the holiday of March 8.

Use phrases with adverbs:

I sincerely wish, heartily congratulate you, live happily, shine brightly, amazingly beautiful.(children can enter their own phrases with adverbs).

(You can show a postcard from March 8 to develop creative imagination).

Listen to several works, pay attention to the correctness of the assignment.

CONCLUSION: Well done, I hope that our lesson was not for future use. In sentences, you used adverbs that play an important role in congratulations,making it more figurative, more poetic. I hope that your sincere congratulations to mothers and grandmothers will truly give themfestive spring mood.

- Guys, it remains for us to conduct a final study that will help formulate the spelling" Soft sign after hissing in different parts of speech.

Task 5. Determine in which parts of speech we write a soft sign after hissing, and in which we do not. Justify your answer.

Daughter.., night..,back..,ball .., cloud ..,hot.. , fresh..

take care .., jump .., write .. .

Group work.

1st group: write out nouns, explain spelling

( daughter, night, ball, clouds)

2nd group: write out adjectives, explain spelling

(good, squeaky, hot, fresh)

3rd Group: write out verbs and adverbs, explain spelling

(save, write, back, jump).
The captains go to the board and doconclusions (on what basis the words were written out):

1st group: Conclusion: daughter, night, ball, clouds;

feminine, singular, 3rd declension - we write a soft sign;

masculine; plural - we do not write a soft sign.

2nd group : Conclusion: good, creaky, hot, fresh;

inshort adjectives never write a soft sign.

3rd group : Conclusion: save, write, back, jump;

indefinite form:save; write - 2nd person, singular;in all adverbs you will find a soft sign, except for three words:already, married, unbearable.

Groups evaluate each other: group 2 evaluates group 1, group 3. - 2 gr., 1 group - 3 gr.

CONCLUSION: So guys, what spelling did you research? ("Soft sign after hissing in different parts of speech"). We have summed up the writing of the soft sign in nouns, short adjectives, verbs and adverbs.

7. Reflection.

Our expeditiondid an excellent job with spelling discoveries and returns home. But we will put an end to our expedition only when we write down our research inDiscovery book.

There are sheets on the desks"Studies in Adverb Writing" . Write down what discoveries you made during the expedition.

- So guyson time for the expeditionachieved the goal?

Where can you use this knowledge?

Was Dunno active on the expedition? How would you rate it?

Dunno, did you like the work of researchers? Who would you call more active and rated as excellent?

Lesson marks.

Teacher: class today worked:





A soft sign after hissing adverbs at the end.

Practical tasks.

1. Exercise 418, p.71. We read the assignment. We fulfill 1 sentence as a sample, the following (4,5,6 sentences) - according to the options:

B-1: 4-5 sentence, determine the syntactic role of the adverb.

B-2: 4-6 sentence, determine the syntactic role of the adverb.

2. Orthoepic workout. Put stress on words.

Write more beautifully, sit comfortably, wipe clean,take a lookbriefly.

3. "Find the fugitive!"

Exercise.write out words from soft sign .

Grosh?, take care?, so on?, backhand?, jump? , thousand ?, back ?, solid?

Evaluation criteria:

"5" - 0;

"4" - 1 ;

"3" 2-3;

"2" - 4 or more.

4. Make up a few sentences that can be included in the text of congratulations on March 8. Use phrases with adverbs.

I sincerely wish, heartily congratulate you, live happily, shine brightly, amazingly beautiful.

5. Work in groups. Conduct a final study: in what parts of speech we write a soft sign after hissing, justify your answer.

Daughter.., night..,back..,ball .., cloud.good .., completely .., creaky ..,hot.. , fresh..

cherish .., guard .., jump .., write .., read ..

1st group: write out nouns, explain spelling.

2nd group: write out adjectives, explain spelling.

3rd Group: write out verbs and adverbs, explain spelling.

6. Match adverbs that end in hissing with verbs; make phrases:

B-1: jump, unbearable.

B-2: married,on theabout tmash.

Surname ______________ first name ____________

Research in writing adverbs.

Add suggestions.

1. We write a soft sign in adverbs ...

2. We do not write a soft sign in such adverbs: ... ... ...

3. Most often, adverbs depend on ...

4. In a sentence, an adverb usually appears ...

5. I rate my work as... because...

The work is a summary of the lesson, conducted in the form of a presentation. The lesson uses gaming technologies as a means of providing a high level of mental, emotional and behavioral activity of students. In the process of familiarization with new material, a concomitant consolidation of the past is carried out.



A soft sign after hissing adverbs at the end.

Lesson Objectives: introduce students to the spelling "Soft sign after adverbs hissing at the end."



1. Formation of the skill of writing a soft sign after adverbs hissing at the end.

2. Repetition of orthograms associated with writing a soft sign after hissing in various parts of speech.

3. Repetition of spellings associated with hyphenated, continuous spelling of adverbs.

4. The use of adverbs in the text.

5.Activation of students' vocabulary.

6. Repetition of phraseological units.

II. Educational:

1. Raising love for the Russian language.

2. Formation of skills of control and self-control.

3. Formation of cognitive activity in a team and cooperation in solving search problems.


1. Development of the ability to logically express one's thoughts using the literary language.

2. Development of the ability to argue, prove.

3. Expanding horizons, cognitive interest.

4. Development of the ability to highlight the main thing, compare, generalize.

Lesson equipment:

1. On the desktop of students: a textbook, notebooks, pens and pencils.

2. Table "The letter b after hissing at the end of the word."

3. Portrait of the Tsar, Tsarevna, Tsarevich (students' work).

4.Material for DIY work.

5.CD-ROM "Russian language lessons of Cyril and Methodius. Grade 7."

6. Presentation of the lesson.

Lesson structure:

I. Organizational stage. (2 min.)

2.Training exercises:

B) Explanation of spelling in a poem (2 min.).

E) Use of adverbs in speech (3 min.).

F) Reading the "ancient manuscript" (2 min.)

3. Independent work (3 min.)

V. Summing up the lesson, homework. (3 min.)

I. Organizational stage. (2 minutes.)

Good afternoon guys. Sit down. Today at the lesson we will visit the distant kingdom, the distant state, in which the Tsar lived.(Show the portrait of the Tsar, drawn by the student).He was very fond of his language, sometimes he composed poetry. Listen to one of them:

You open the doors.

You drive boredom away.

Jump up and start believing

That you write everything exactly, exactly.

So, as it should: here is hissing,

Behind him there is a real one,

No fake soft sign

It's impossible without him.

So in the end it will shine

That someone "five" put.

Guys, today we have to study a new topic: "A soft sign after adverbs hissing at the end." Find in this poem adverbs with a soft sign at the end after hissing(wide open, away, jump, exactly the same).In the lesson we will get acquainted with the spelling of such words.

II. Stage of checking homework. (8 min.)

The king in a faraway kingdom, a faraway state, in his free time from reading books and writing poetry, liked to catch fish, but unusual ones. Today we will have to help the King in this matter. We check our homework.(Show illustration).You need to catch a fish by putting it in a bucket where "b" is written and "b" is not written. Explain your choice.(One of the students explains the spelling of the word. Others must “catch” the fish on the same spelling.)

Independently formulate the rules for writing b after hissing at the end of the word.

(During checking homework, students draw up a table.)

Words for "fishing".

1. Lynyuch, hot, fresh, odorous, good.

2.Dach, tasks, clouds, groves.

3. Appoint, multiply, spread.

4. Cut, bake, burn, save.

5. Husband, landscape, reeds.

6. A trifle, silence, wilderness.

7. You go, you sleep, you are silent.

When is b written after nouns hissing at the end?(b is written at the end of feminine nouns of the 3rd declension).

When is b written at the end of adjectives and verbs?(b is written in the indefinite form of the verb, at the end of verbs there are 2 persons singular, in the imperative mood. At the end of adjectives, b is not written.)

III. Explanation of new material. (5 min.)

Well done, they helped to catch so many fish on a very beautiful lake, which is not so far from the Tsar's possessions. But the King had to descend from a small mountain, and it is not easy to climb up with a heavy burden. And always, going uphill, he remembers the proverb:

Jump from the mountain, but even cry up the mountain.

Explain the spelling of the word "cry" in this proverb.(Imperative verb, write b).In which case is b not written in this word? (If it is a masculine noun.)

Tell me, guys, what part of speech is the word "jump"?(An adverb that denotes a sign of action and answers the question how?).This word contains the spelling that we should get acquainted with in the lesson.

In Russian, there are not many adverbs ending in hissing. To remember how they are written, you need to learn either of the two rules.

First. At the end of adverbs, after hissing, b is written, with the exception of three exceptions: already, married, unbearable. Suppose we need to decide whether or not we need b at the end of the word "jump". We only need to check if our word is among the exceptions. If not, put b.

Reasoning according to the second rule. We have to see how sizzling the end is. If these are the letters W or H, then b is needed, if it is the letter F (except wide open), then it is not needed.

Both rules lead to the same result, let's check.

IV.Fixation of new material:

1. Performing the exercise from the textbook. (2 min.)

- Guys, now we will do exercise 263 on page 120.

Find among the given phrases the one in which there is an adverb with a lexical meaning

Opened completely, to the end;

Whole, without gaps;

Jumps, very fast;

Be somebody's wife;

Leaning on your back, face up;

Swinging hard.

They rush at a gallop, open wide, completely strewn, get married, go away, hit backhand, fall backwards.

Explain spelling in wordsrush (they), strewn.Explain the lexical meaning of the words "backhand"(strongly swinging)"backwards" ( lying on your back, face up).

2. Training exercises (18 min.).

A) Writing words in the appropriate column (5 min.).

The only daughter was waiting for the king at home from fishing, who grew up before his eyes and very often began to repeat to her father: “Oh, get married, unbearable.”(Show the portrait of the Princess). She was waiting for the arrival of the overseas Tsarevich in order to marry him faster. But the Tsar decided to test the Tsarevich before he became the husband of her daughter. We will need to help the Tsarevich so that loving hearts can unite.

The prince sent a letter to the Princess, in which he announced his next arrival. But the Tsar mixed up all the envelopes. Let's help the Tsarevna sort out the envelopes and read the Tsarevich's letter.

(Students fill in the table in their notebooks).

The words:

1. Stringy, prickly, creaky.

2. Wide open, unbearable, really, exactly the same.

3. Tornado, doctor, brooch, midnight, watchman.

4. Cut, protect, guard, surprise.

b is written b is not written

wide open malleable

unbearably prickly

brooch squeaky

midnight doctor

cut it off

guard the tornado

exactly the watchman

B) Explanation of spelling in a poem (2 min.).

Well done. Completed the task. They helped the Princess find the Tsarevich's letter. And in the envelope was also this poem:

I dream about you in a pipe dream

about spring Paris:

sitting like a cat on the window

and you are silent like a fish. ( M. Alekseeva)

Explain the spellings in this poem: you dream, unrealizable, like a cat, like a fish, you are silent. The princess read the letter of the Tsarevich.

C) The use of phraseological units containing adverbs (2 min.).

- What was the mood of the Tsar, you can find out by guessing the phraseological units depicted in the figure, in which there are adverbs:

1. Hair stand on end - it becomes unbearably scary.

2. The head is spinning - someone loses the ability to think from a lot of things, worries, experiences.

4. Live happily - lead a carefree lifestyle.

D) Inclusion in the sentence of the necessary adverb (2 min.).

Even at night the King had nightmares.

The king dreamed that he was Don Quixote. He mounted his wooden horse and jump rushed through the kingdom. He was unbearable fight the evil wizards who were running away from him away and hid in the nettles. He backhand chopped nettles until he stumbled and fell back.

Insert the appropriate adverb into the sentence. Who is Don Quixote?(Don Quixote is a dreamer cut off from life, entering into a struggle with apparent evil, not realizing that the struggle is useless).Unfortunate is he who does not have a grain of Don Quixote.

Which of these words is uncharacteristic of literary speech, is a vernacular expression?(Unbearable).

E) The use of adverbs in speech (2 min).

The king was sad, gave the Princess in marriage, she had to go abroad (foreign state, foreign countries). What part of speech is the word "outside"? ( Adverb .) The prince rushed to the distant kingdom to ask for the hand of the Princess from her father.

Let's listen to the conversation between the Tsar and the Tsarevich.Two students read the dialogue. On the head of one of them is a crown, the other has a saber.What is a conversation between two people called?(Dialog)

How do you live?


And what about the kingdom?


You say you have a cold? Now everything is all right?


Okay, so?

Well, I'm saying it's fine.

Strange you say...

Why? Fine.

Do you think it's ok?


"Yeah," I thought sadly. “It’s strange… But once there was a completely normal person.” (A. Shibaev)

What does the word "normal" mean? (Normal: normal, normal; mental health).Why can't it be used in the same way as in the dialogue between the Tsar and the Tsarevich?

E) Reading the "ancient manuscript" (2 min.).

After this conversation, the Tsar thought that the Tsarevich did not speak Russian well. The tsar decided to give the Tsarevna for the Tsarevich on one condition: if he could find a line in the task in which b is not written in all words, and read the text of the “ancient manuscript”. Let's help the Tsarevich cope with this task.

Imagine that you have found an ancient manuscript in a forgotten language. The grammar of this language is the same as we have now, and the meaning of most words has been lost. Try to guess where to put b.

Melestnaya devezh .. pulled a comey beard ..

Lusy cloudberry .. dodged the stocked bicycle ..

Well done. So the fairy tale ends, and the Tsarevich leads the Princess down the aisle.(Show illustration).

3. Independent work (2 min.).

Find the line in which all words are written with b:

1. Remove .., luggage .., solid .., give ..

2. Sterech .., kroish .., doctor .., back ..

3. Burn .., hurry .., fresh .., jump ..

4. Save .., carry .., so on .., tremble ..

V. Summing up the lesson, homework (3 min.).

It will help to summarize our work in the lesson testing on a computer.

1. What part of speech in the rule of writing b after hissing has exceptions? Adverb.

2. What consonants of the Russian language are called hissing? W, W, H, W.

3. Why in verbs sibilant and b may not be at the end of the word? Postfix.

4. How many parts of speech in Russian in which hissing is possible at the end of a word?6 parts of speech: noun, adjective, verb, adjective, pronoun, particle.

(The program grades students).

And we have no other property!

Know how to save

Though to the best of my ability, in the days of anger and suffering,

Our immortal gift is speech. (I. Bunin)


Speech development: pick up synonyms-adverbs ending in hissing.

Very fast - jump.

Get away - get away.

Open wide - wide open.

Hit with a swing - backhand.

Fall face up - down.

Open to the end - wide open.

Lack of patience is unbearable.

Densely fall asleep - entirely.

Away, jump, back, completely, backhand, wide open.

Already, married, unbearable.

Luxury, wilderness, wasteland, quiet, fallow, trembling, pencil, carriage, landscape, tornado.

Mighty, hot, linyuch, prickly, odorous.

Pastures, treasures, schools, radio broadcasts, hordes.

Bake, lie down, guard, flog, beware.

You see, you drive, you glue, you fan, you sow, you wash, you fight.

Cut, smear, hide, gird.

1. The prince rides thoughtfully away. (P.) 2. The horses started galloping. (Cat.) 3. Going to bed, I lit a candle and opened wide my window. (Ch.) 4. The silver-black sky is completely showered with August stars. (Cat.) 5. The wind blew with unbearable force, the snow beat backhand on the eyes. (Ald.-Sem.)


Write out with the basis in hissing: 1) adverbs; 2) verbs; 3) short adjectives; 4) nouns (ь and without ь).

1. Mitya jumped up impetuously and walked away with long strides. (Boon.) 2. And sometimes you sit down at the edge of the forest and fall in love with some simplest flower, like a field forget-me-not, and you think that no person has created and will not create such living beauty. (Prishv.) 3. It was a narrow gap in the rock, completely overgrown with wild roses. (Cat.) 4. What you sow, so shall you reap. (Long.) 5. Thick snow flew from the clouds, And suddenly a crimson ray of dawn touched the misty surface - the snowdrift turned pink in silence. (Sur.) 6. Roof caps were heavy on brown logs with ancient silver. (K. Nekrasova.) 7. Uncle Styopa quickly jumped up early in the morning from the sofa, opened the windows wide open, took a cold shower. (Mikh.) 8. Wind, wind! You are powerful, you drive flocks of clouds, you excite the blue sea, you blow everywhere in the open, you are not afraid of anyone. (P.)


Bread is hard to come by. A hundred sweats will come down from the farmer before the grain is in the bins. Unfortunately, not everyone remembers this. It happens that some, without hesitation, throw away a slightly stale loaf of bread. It happens that the guys thoughtlessly throw the remaining piece. But every thrown chunk is a terrible insult to all grain growers. We must not forget that we need bread every day, which means that everyone needs to take care of it every day. (According to L. Terekhova.) (66 w.)

1. Not with different parts speech.

2 -Tsya and -tsya in verbs.


Take a closer look at living beings in nature and you will find so many mysteries, secrets, the key to which to seek and seek! Recently, it has become clear that the hedgehog, for example, has not been studied enough. We, haunted by allergies, suffering even from certain drugs, it's time to envy the walking thorns.

In reality, the hedgehog is protected more powerfully than by its visible fence. There is still no answer to a simple question: what allows a hedgehog to painlessly withstand, for example, monstrous doses of poisons? The viper will bite - a trifle. He will deal with the snake in his own way, and at least that. For whom multiple bee stings are fatal, I eat everything to health. Once, during the experiments, fifty-two bees stung the hedgehog. The horse would die imminently, but the hedgehog is still cheerful and businesslike.

And remember, please: the hedgehog lives quite well at home, in the forest, he does not strive for you in city ​​apartment. (I. Poluyanov.) (124 words)

1. A hyphen between parts of a word in adverbs.

2. Continuous and separate spelling not with adverbs in -o (e).

3. One and two letters n in adverbs for -o (-e).

After leaving the gate, we turned to the right and wandered slowly along the soft, dusty road. Soon, to the right, a black strip of uneven, precipitous shore, crossed in some places by small, deep ravines and gullies, became indistinctly marked. Near the ravines huddled low bushes, similar to sitting people. It was getting creepy. I looked suspiciously at the shore, and already the noise of the sea and the silence of the field frightened my imagination unpleasantly. (A. Chekhov.) (57 w.)

1 Letters a - o at the end of adverbs.

2. Not with different parts of speech.

3. Punctuation marks with homogeneous members.

September is not going quietly, and as if dropped from the shoulder of the maples that have come out to the country road, the crimson-scarlet brocade. And during the days the sun, as it used to, kisses the earth passionately. September comes in scarlet brocade, on it is purple over his shoulder. (A. Prokofiev.) (33 w.)

Letters o - e after hissing in adverbs and nouns.


1. Replace the highlighted words with adverbs with one of the prefixes: in-, on-, for, before-, with.

The boys are back at camp. before dark. Books returned to the library fully. Rarely it rained. locust absolutely destroyed crops. Guys well ate.

2. Replace the highlighted words with adverbs for hissing. The door is open at all. Park paths all covered with leaves. The horse set off at full speed. The patient became unbearable. The athlete fell back.

3. Form adverbs from adjectives, where possible, make sentences with them.

Courageous, straw, goose, youthful, temporary, morning.

4. Form adverbs with the prefix po- and make a phrase with them.

Foxy, bearish, kind, yours, mine, ours, yours, everyone

5. Replace the highlighted words with adverbs with suffixes -something, -or, -something, prefix something.

No duty must be fulfilled casually. The other day we went to the forest. The cars fled in an unknown direction. From where motorcycles appeared.

6. In the sentences, insert appropriate adverbs with neither.

The athlete ... could not take the height. Comrade ... did not receive telegrams. Travelers ... could not get water. There was no such heavy snowfall ... in our city.



The luminary defended the watch of the winter solstice and turned to the summer. At first they imperceptibly took only one minute from the long night, then another. And no matter how fierce the frosts are now, daylight hours began to steadily lengthen.

The bullfinches flew to us, and somehow we immediately felt cheerful: it was like a serene dawn lit up the winter forest.

All nature is shrouded in the wisdom of snowy silence. Deep snowdrifts bring healing peace and sleep to the earth.

Take a closer look at the forest at this time and notice that the mood of the birds rises. The great motley woodpecker is the first to announce this... And somewhere on the top of a pine tree, the gray shrike sits motionless, wary, watching for prey.

The fairy tale of the year is the winter time of the forest. (A. Marin.) (103 words)

1 Continuous and separate spelling not with adverbs in -o (-e).

2. One and two letters n in adverbs for -o (-e).