Imperative 2nd person. Imperative verbs. The formation of imperative verbs. b sign in imperative verbs. The formation of forms of the imperative mood. verb in Russian

High school students who are preparing to take the exam in the Russian language should definitely remember how the form of the imperative mood of the verb is formed. Long-term practice once again confirms the fact that such exercises in the examination test cause certain difficulties for graduates.

At the same time, all high school students should be able to correctly perform such tasks, regardless of their level of preparation. This will allow them to successfully pass the certification test in the Russian language.

Basic information

To make the exercises in which the student is asked to put the verb in the form of the imperative mood easy, we recommend refreshing the memory of the basic rules.

It is important to understand that:

    The mood of the verb allows you to express exactly how the action, about which in question in a sentence, corresponds to reality.

    There are three moods in Russian: indicative, conditional and imperative.

    Verbs in the indicative mood denote actions that take place in the past, present or future. For example: I taught, I teach, I will teach.

    Conditional verbs express an action that can be performed under certain conditions. For example: if I had a textbook, I would prepare.

    Verbs in the imperative mood denote an impulse to action, expressed in the form of a request, advice or order; they do not change with time, but may have different faces and numbers. There is one exception. It is the first person singular form. In the imperative mood, it does not exist, since the author of the proposal cannot ask or order himself.

    The most commonly used form is the second person. To form it in the singular with a verb in the imperative mood, the suffix -i- is used (for example: put - put), and in the plural - the suffix -te- (for example: take - take); soft sign, located after hissing, is preserved (for example: eat, cut).

Third person forms involve the use of particles let, let, yes. For example: They read - let them read.

When forming the first person form plural the suffix -te- and the particle come on can be used.

To make it clear to the student how to determine the imperative mood of the verb, based on the conjugation, we present a visual table with examples.

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In order not to make mistakes when completing tasks during the certification test in the Russian language, choose our educational portal. On the Shkolkovo website you will find all necessary material to re-learn the main sections.

We propose to build the learning process in a new way. Moving from simple to complex, students will be able to remember the theoretical part first. After that, we invite high school students to familiarize themselves with online examples and test their own knowledge by practicing exercises. Big selection assignments are presented in the Catalog section on the Shkolkovo website. Our experts regularly update the list of exercises.

If you have already managed to brush up on theoretical information, then we suggest that you check your knowledge right now by completing a simple task on our website online. If there were no difficulties and it did not take a lot of time, then we recommend that you try to cope with expert-level exercises. And if certain difficulties nevertheless appeared, then you should definitely include distance learning with Shkolkovo in your daily schedule. Not only schoolchildren from the capital, but also students from other Russian cities can improve their own knowledge and hone their practical skills. Together with the Shkolkovo website, preparation for the certification test will be effective and of high quality!

Sections: Russian language

Class: 6


  • organize the activities of students to study new material, help to realize its practical significance, help improve the quality of knowledge, literacy;
  • promote the development of research skills, speech and communication competence, create conditions for increasing interest in the material being studied;
  • promote the development of interest in the lessons of the Russian language.

Lesson type: lesson learning new material.

Type of lesson: combined.

Technology: problem learning.

Equipment: cards for individual work, signal cards; printed educational material ( Appendix 2 , Appendix 3), presentation ( Appendix 1), Appendix 4 .

During the classes

1. Organizational moment

- Hello guys. Let's sit back, smile at each other, and get to work.
In the previous lessons, you got acquainted with the moods of the verb. Today we will work with two of them. With what, you say yourself.

2. Vocabulary work

In which column do all the verbs have the same form?
1 2 3

- So, in which column are all the verbs of the same mood?

In the second. Let's make sure of this.

Look at the verbs of the first column, find the extra one ( order). Why? (because it is indicative). What is the form of the other two verbs? (in indefinite form).

Let's look at the verbs in the third column. Find the extra order). Prove it.

And what can be said about the verbs of the 2nd column? (they are imperative). This means that the verbs of the second column are in the same form (in the form of the imperative mood).

What else can you say about these three verbs? (dictionaries).

Read them carefully again, write them down from memory.


- So, we have imperative verbs.

What other mood verbs did we meet in columns? And who will say in what tense were the verbs of the indicative mood? (in future)

– Can we formulate the topic of our lesson now? ( slide 3)

(Distinguishing the imperative mood and the form of the future tense).

- What will we learn in the lesson? For what?

Purpose: to learn to distinguish and correctly write verbs of 2 persons plural. h. imperative and indicative moods.

3. Repetition of theoretical material

- Please answer the question: what actions do the verbs of the indicative mood denote? ( Actions that have taken place, are taking place or will take place.) Give examples.

What actions do imperative verbs denote? ( Actions that someone asks or orders to perform.) Give examples. Table.

How are imperative verbs formed?

Stage 4

- Guys, in front of each of you is a research sheet (see. Appendix 2). Everyone will work on it independently. In the sheet you will meet an unknown word HOMOPHONES, look. You are welcome. What words are called homophones?

Read the assignment. Have questions about the assignment?

(Independent work students.)

Stage 5

– So, let's read the pairs of sentences that you worked with. ( slide 4)

Front check.

What homophone verbs did you work with? (choose - choose, get out - get out)

- Name the mood of each verb.

What do imperative verbs end in? ( ite )

What endings do indicative verbs have? ( ee ). Why?

- What determines the spelling of the endings of the future tense verbs of the indicative mood?

Conclusion: Does the spelling of imperative verbs depend on the verb conjugation? No.

– Our research is not finished, we will spend the last part of it together. Look at another couple of suggestions. Read.

- Do not damage the TV. - If you mess it up, you'll have to call the master.

Which pair of verbs are we going to consider now? (Do not spoil - spoil).

What is the indicative verb? (Spoil it).

Find the end of the verb ( ite ) Why? (because it is of the second conjugation)

So, what determines the spelling of the endings of the indicative verb? (from conjugation)

Conclusion: remember your independent research and our joint work, let's think about what conclusion can be drawn.

What endings can have verbs 2 person plural. h. Indicative mood? What does it depend on?

stage 6

Let's build a diagram that will help us in the correct spelling of verbs. Building a schema. ( slide 5)

Now, looking at this reference diagram, tell our rule to each other.

Now let's read the rule in the textbook on page 202. Who wants to tell us it?

Stage 7

Let's do an oral dictation. Prepare letter cards E, And.

Who will experience difficulties in completing the task, refer to our scheme.

Read the proposed entry, think about which letter to insert. Raise the desired card. Prove it.

Remember ... those about it!
If tomorrow you tell ... those stories ...
When you notice ... those mistakes ...

8. Independent work of students

“Now work on your own.”

Find exercise 497 in the textbook, read the task. Who has questions?

Key self-check.

Who is satisfied with their work? Please raise your hands.

Stage 9

Guys, since we are studying the verb, we must use all its forms correctly, in accordance with grammatical and speech norms.
I suggest you take a look at this picture. ( slide 6)
What do you think is the situation on it?

The sister said: “Put everything in the bag.”
– Do you want to sleep? So lie down!
My friend puts his bag anywhere.

Is everything right? Fix it. ( Slide 7)
Knowing these verbs well, you will correctly use them in speech.

10 stage

And the last task of our lesson.
Take the test, circle the letter of the correct answer. (cm. Appendix 3)

11. Final stage. Reflection

(Slide 8)

What did we learn in class today? For what?
Do you remember which task you enjoyed the most?
What task seemed the most difficult?
What task would you like to do more?

12. Homework

Choice task: exercise 496 according to the textbook assignment or make a card for a friend.

“Rain, rain, go away! Let me wander through the puddles!” - in this children's poem we see verbs in which a request is expressed. They are called imperative.

verb in Russian

In Russian, such words are used in The forms of these verbs have an surreal meaning, which means that they are not connected with reality, because the action called in this way is possible, but does not necessarily happen in reality. Here are some examples of sentences that use imperative verbs:

  • Anatoly Andreevich, allow me to submit a report within a week ( request).
  • Don't take too long with this advice).
  • Let this be the last time requirement).
  • Be silent. listen ( order).

Singular forms

Imperative verbs change in number and person. This table shows examples of unit forms. numbers.


If we are addressing more than one person with an impulse, then we use the verb in the form of the imperative mood in the plural. number. They also change in person and, unlike the change in the previous forms, can be used in the first person. This is explained by the fact that one person cannot ask himself to do something, but he can ask for joint action from people who are nearby.

Formation of verbs. imperative mood

Such verbs have the form of the second person and are formed from the form of the present. and bud. time in which the stem is highlighted (part of the word without ending):

  • walks - move-;
  • writes - write-;
  • reads - read-;
  • install - install-;
  • leave - leave -.

The suffix -i- (-th-) or the zero suffix is ​​attached to the stem:

  • move + and;
  • write + and;
  • chita + th;
  • set + and;
  • leave the + null suffix.

The endings of this verb form express the grammatical meaning of the number.

The imperative mood of sentences with singular verbs

  • Deliver me from this heavy burden.
  • Never play on the road, it's life threatening.
  • It's time for bed, pick up your toys and go to bed.
  • Dashenka, get an album of photographs from the shelf.
  • Anatoly, send me your annual report on the work done by e-mail.
  • Add more examples to your work.

The imperative mood of the verb. Example sentences with plural verbs

  • Open the doors, go out into the field!
  • Don't forget to turn off the lights when you leave the room.
  • Leave me, go away.

If the imperative form of the verb is in the singular, then it will remain before the ending of the plural, and before the suffix -sya:

  • fix it, fix it;
  • stay, stay;
  • throw off, throw off;
  • don't argue;
  • don't touch
  • please.

In the business field

The verb in the form of the imperative mood is quite actively used in various fields of activity. For example, in business we use instructions.

What should be done in case of fire?

If signs of fire are detected:

  • immediately call the fire department of the city, village or other locality;
  • evacuate people;
  • take all possible measures to extinguish the fire.

Enterprise leaders:

  • duplicate the message about the fire to the fire brigade and inform the higher persons and the responsible person on duty;
  • organize the rescue of people, using all possible means;
  • check if fire protection systems are turned on;
  • turn off the power or take measures to eliminate the fire;
  • stop all work in the object of ignition, except for those related to the elimination of the fire;
  • remove workers and other persons from the danger zone, except for those involved in extinguishing the fire;
  • carry out a fire extinguishing manual before the arrival of the fire brigade;
  • ensure compliance with safety requirements by all employees involved in fire fighting;
  • organize the protection of material values;
  • meet the fire department;
  • ensure that the necessary medical assistance is provided to persons affected by the fire;
  • inform the head of the fire extinguishing about all the features of the object of ignition;
  • organize the involvement of forces and means for the implementation of measures related to the elimination of fire and the prevention of its development.

In educational activities

AT learning activities sentences with imperative verbs are used, for example, in algorithms.

An example is the application of the spelling rule for unstressed vowels:

  1. Change the word or choose a single-root word.
  2. Select the root.
  3. Find the root in which the vowel is stressed.
  4. Check for this root all the remaining words.

In household activities

In everyday life, sentences with imperative verbs are used in application guides household appliances, holding repair work cooking, making clothes, etc.

Take, for example, a recipe for cooking:

  • Straw of beef. Cut two hundred grams of beef and one onion into equal strips seven to eight centimeters long. Heat a frying pan over very high heat, melt 100 g pork fat. Dip the chopped meat and onion into it, fry, while stirring all the time, avoiding burning. After two minutes, add a teaspoon of table wine to the pan, the same amount of beef broth, salt and sugar to taste. Bring to a boil and serve to the table, garnished with herbs.
  • Cucumber salad in sweet and sour sauce. First, prepare the filling: dissolve two teaspoons of granulated sugar in two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar. Wash the cucumbers, chop, place the sliced ​​​​pieces in a salad bowl, finely chop the greens, mix. Pour in the sugar and vinegar sauce. Can be served at the table.

That's why it's so important. This part of speech is necessary in order to correctly name and describe the action. Like other parts of speech, it has its own morphological features, which can be permanent and non-permanent. So, permanent morphological features include person, gender, time, number. Let's deal with such a concept as the inclination of a verb in Russian. How to define it? All these questions can be answered in this article.

In contact with

What is inclination?

This is a grammatical feature of the verb, which helps to change the word. This category is required for express process relation, which just calls this word, to reality.

Important! The verb forms are indicative, imperative and conditional.


Depending on how words express their attitude to those processes that actually occur, verbs have moods:

  • direct;
  • indirect.

By direct is meant the indicative mood, which allows you to objectively convey the action. Example: We watched a movie yesterday.

Indirect is an imperative or imperative mood. It serves to express those processes that do not coincide with reality. For example: I would read this novel tomorrow, but I will go to visit.

Thinking about the definition of a verb


The classification is based on the features and peculiarities of the lexical meaning of verbs.

In modern times, there are three types:

  1. Indicative.
  2. Conditional.
  3. Imperative.

The first type usually denotes the action that actually going on and could happen in the past, can happen in the present, and can happen in the future. For example: I will do my homework on Thursday.

The second type denotes an act that will be performed in the future, but already under a certain condition. For example: I would do my homework on Thursday, but I'm going to the theatre.

The third type is either an order to do something or a request. For example: Be sure to learn your lessons tomorrow.

Three types of verb mood

How to determine the mood of a verb

In order to determine this, it is necessary to understand how the action occurs and what grammatical characteristics it has. So, verbs in the indicative show a real act, so this word will change from time to time.

If the verb is in the imperative form, then it is the action will be performed by some other person. Such words usually encourage some kind of activity.

Therefore, the action will not be actually performed, but required. Most often, to get the imperative verb form, they use a specific tense, for example, the future or present, to which the suffix -i must be added. But it is possible without it. For example, catch, scream, die. If it is used in the plural, then the ending te is added respectfully to the ending of such a word. For example, catch, scream, die.

The conditional mood refers to those actions that could happen if there were all the necessary conditions. By the way, the conditional is also called the subjunctive. This form is easy to determine in the text, since it usually always has a particle would or b. For example, I would jump into the river if I had a swimsuit.

Important! Any verbal word form can be used in oral and written speech not only in the literal sense, but also figuratively. Usually, the figurative meaning completely changes the meaning of the word, so this category also changes.


The most common verbal word form in Russian is considered to be indicative, since it allows us to say that what actually happens to a person, object, or person. Only the indicative time can be determined, and how this action is performed will depend on what it is: in reality or it will be in the future.

Another feature of this form is the change in persons and numbers. If the verb is perfective, then it can change over time:

  1. The present.
  2. Future.
  3. Past.

Every time here is formed in its own way. So, the future tense is formed with the help of the word "to be", which is added to the verb in the indefinite form. But this is a complex form of the future tense, and a simple form is. For example: I clean my apartment all day long. (present time). I cleaned my apartment all day long. (past time). I'll be cleaning the apartment all day long. (bud. vr.).

The indicative mood can be found in various types speech, and therefore in many speech situations these verb forms are the most common.


Words that are used in a conditional form indicate those actions that can occur, but some conditions are necessary for this. For example: I would pass this test if they helped me. To form such forms, you just need to put the verb in the past tense and attach the particle would or b. The particle can be placed anywhere in the sentence. It is necessary in order to highlight the word you need, which can be any part of speech.

The subjunctive, or conditional, has its own peculiarities of use. It allows not only to express some kind of action that could occur if special facilities were created for this, but also helps to express desires and dreams, doubts and fears.

The subjunctive mood in Russian helps to express the shades of the action condition. Examples: I would like to go to the sea if my job didn't keep me going. There would be no trouble!


Imperative verbs induce the listener to do something. Such words, diverse in emotional and grammatical design, can be both polite when they contain some kind of request, and an order. For example: Please bring a book. Bring a book!

Imperative verb

Attention! If such a word is preceded by a particle not, then the imperative form will indicate that it is undesirable to perform the action. For example: Do not tear snowdrops!

The formation of this form also has its own characteristics:

  1. Often, introductory words are used to express a request, which are separated by commas in the letter.
  2. If it is necessary to address politely, then the word is put in the plural.
  3. The suffix -i is often used.
  4. It can be formed both from the verbal stems of the perfect and imperfect form.
  5. Sometimes they use the words let and let.

verb mood


Various moods are easy to learn, so they do not require memorizing the rules, the table of verb forms will help with this. Each verb, depending on the speech situation, can be used in any form. Therefore, this category is always defined only in the sentence.

Features of the formation of imperative mood forms

1. If the stem of the present tense ends in -j- ( chita[j] ut, pageo[j] yat), then the same basis forms the form of the imperative mood: read Ø , system Ø .

2. For verbs in -it, the imperative mood form can have a suffix - and- in a shock position: place - place, award - award, treat - treat, express - express; in unstressed - Ø : direct - direct Ø , put - put Ø , hit - hit Ø .

Infinitive Imperative mood
throw out throw out and throw out
stick out pull out and pull out
pour out spill and spill
throw away throw away and throw away
clean clean and clear

4. type beat, sew, pour form forms of the imperative mood with the base on -it: beat Ø , neck Ø , lei Ø . This basis does not coincide with the basis of the present tense: b [j] yut - bay, sh [j] yut - shey, l [j] yut - lei.

6. The forms of the imperative mood of the following verbs are formed in a special way: there is- eat, drive- go, to give- give , lie down- lie down.

Do not form imperative mood verbs denoting an action or state that takes place without a doer or does not depend on the will of the actor.

Do not form imperative mood forms:

  1. : shivering, shaking, dusk, dawn.
  2. State verbs: unwell, chill, darken, brighten.
  3. Modal verbs: want , desire , be able .
  4. Verbs of perception: hear, see, feel.

The imperative mood can have 1st person forms plural: let's go bathe(SV), let's play play chess(SV), run to the river(NSV). These forms are homonymous with the forms of the 1st person plural of the present and , but differ in a special motivating intonation and semantics of action compatibility. Forms of joint action are most often formed from: let's go those, return those s . Such forms are found only in verbs of unidirectional movement: let's go those, we carry those, let's go those, run those. Joining postfix - those adds a hint of politeness.

  • Give my hand, dear reader, and let's go together with me.
  • (I. S. Turgenev)

To form forms of joint action are often used come on, come on with the form of the 1st person plural. numbers or with an infinitive: let's go to the cinema, let's have lunch, let's read.

Forms of the 3rd person imperative formed analytically: with the help of a particle let be (let), Yes and forms of the 3rd person singular. or many numbers of the present or simple future tense.

  • Let's raise our glasses, let's move them together!
  • Long live muses, long live intelligence!
  • (A. S. Pushkin)
  • Let them carry into the deck
  • Bees are bigger than honey.
  • (S. Ya. Marshak)

The particle can be attached to the forms of the imperative mood -ka, softening the command and giving the statement a touch of ease.

  • Go for bread.
  • get busy you're business.

The shape can be used as a particle look reinforcing command.

  • See don't be late!
  • Look come, I'm waiting.