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Everyone has a desire to look into the future: to get answers to questions of interest, to help make an important decision, to find out the name of the betrothed - fortune-telling will help in all this. It is not necessary to go to a gypsy or a psychic for this, you can perform a ritual at home, you just need to meet certain conditions. Let's talk about Christmas divination at home.

How to guess and when

The most important thing in divination is time. In Russia, it is traditionally customary to look beyond the veil of the future during the winter Christmas time and Christmas - from January 7 to 19. Christmas spirits are most willing to answer people's questions on Christmas Eve - from January 6 to 7. At this time, the predictions will be the most accurate. After the bright holiday of Epiphany, the spirits and evil spirits will hide again, and the chance to get a true prediction will come to naught.

For divination, places that are considered "unclean" are ideal - they should be at the junction of the world of the dead and the living. In Russia, fortunetellers went to the bathhouse for the ritual, to the attic, to the houses abandoned by the owners, to the crossroads, the especially brave ones decided on divination within the cemetery. Inside the apartment, corners, thresholds, doors are most suitable for fortune telling - places in which matter passes from one space to another. It is necessary that in the room where they guess, it should be as quiet as possible. The portal to the world of spirits is mirrors and water (when divining, you can put a bowl of water next to it or guess on coffee grounds).

Rules for fortunetellers

  1. There should not be a cross, knots, belt or bracelets on the body - they prevent otherworldly forces from reading fate.
  2. Hair should be loosened, flowing curls will provide a better connection with higher forces and protect against negative energy.
  3. During divination, the arms and legs should be parallel to the body - do not cross them so as not to impede the path of energy flows.
  4. Icons and other church paraphernalia must be removed from the room, fortune-telling is an appeal to dark forces.
  5. Only candles should light the room.

How to guess at a betrothed

Any girl dreams of a handsome prince - a man who is destined by fate itself. It is possible to see it by turning to magic during the Christmas season.

Fortune telling on the betrothed with the help of cards

For the ritual, you will need a simple deck of cards. It is better to take a new deck that has never been played before. Take out all the jacks and kings from the card deck - they will symbolize men, mix them up. When going to bed, put the cards face down under the pillow with the magic phrase: "My fiance, dream me in a dream and tell me about yourself." After that, you can no longer talk to anyone, you need to immediately go to bed. In the morning, just as silently, take out the first card that comes to hand. If the king is in the hand, the groom will be much older than you, the jack portends a young companion or peer. Then pay attention to the suit of the card.

  • Worms - the groom is very close, this is someone from the inner circle, take a closer look at your friends.
  • Peaks - the betrothed will be a very wealthy person.
  • Baptize - you will find your soulmate unexpectedly.
  • Tambourines - friends or relatives will introduce the groom.

Fortune telling on the narrowed "Bridge"

On the eve of Christmas, stock up on a few thin branches from trees, peel them from the bark. Shortly before sleep, use these twigs to create a conditional bridge: place two long ones parallel to each other, and 2-3 small ones across. Make the bridge by all means alone.

When going to bed, put the resulting craft under the pillow. Falling asleep, whisper: "Who is my betrothed, my mummers, he will lead me across the bridge." In a dream, a girl will see a real bridge and a person who is destined for her by higher powers.

Divination for a betrothed with a ring

For the ritual, you will need a fortune-telling girl's ring, preferably made of precious metal, and a glass of water. At night, by candlelight, the girl should throw the ring into the glass and carefully peer into the center: after a while, the image of the groom will appear in the water.

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Christmas divination for love

Absolutely everyone dreams of great love, so fortune-telling on this topic is the most popular. A person wants to know when the streak of loneliness will end and the one and only one will meet. For those who have already met love, fortune-telling is also relevant: in the relationship of two, many questions and doubts can arise.

Fortune telling on a loved one on coins

For the ritual, you will need a photograph of your lover - it is better to print it out, the phone is not as good as paper, it conveys the energy of a person. The image is placed in the center of the table between 2 candles, focusing on the photo, you need to ask the question: “What is fate in store for us?”. After that, throw 10 coins with your right hand, aiming at the image. Count how many of them landed heads and tails.

Number of EaglesNumber of tailsPrediction
10 - Your behavior towards your loved one leaves much to be desired, reconsider it, or the relationship will end.
9 1 A series of bad events will soon occur in your life, which will negatively affect your relationship with your loved one.
8 2 You do not have a common future, this person is not destined for you by fate.
7 3 Soon there will be a landmark incident that will greatly affect both of you. This may lead to separation.
6 4 Love is at stake: you should devote more time to each other.
5 5 This person does not love you.
4 6 You are waiting for replenishment in the family.
3 7 Your loved one has money problems, he will need your support and help.
2 8 He works very hard, but will soon put you first.
1 9 You are infinitely loved, but they do not receive feedback from you, which can lead to quarrels.
- 10 Your love is enviable. This is a real feeling, which is not threatened by anything.

Divination for relationships with a candle

Use Christmas Eve to find out what the future holds for your relationship with your loved one. During a joint dinner, light a church candle next to him and watch the flame:

  • An even, calm flame testifies to the serenity of relationships and mutual love.
  • If the candle burns in flashes, melts only on one side - the chosen one is hiding something.
  • If the candle “cries” and the stream of wax does not dry up, gradually filling the candlestick, a difficult fate awaits a person, and you along with him.
  • The worst omen is if the smoke from the candle is dark in color, and when burning, a sound like crackling is heard. This can mean two things: a separation is coming soon, or a negative magical effect is exerted on the companion.

Divination for choosing a husband on bulbs

If you doubt the choice of a life partner, a ritual on the bulbs will help resolve doubts. On the night before Christmas, you need to take as many bulbs as there are applicants for this honorary role. On each bulb, write the name of one of the men, then place them in a container of water and wait until they germinate. Soon, green sprouts will appear on one of the bulbs: read the name that is written on it. It is this man who is destined for fate.

How to predict the future at Christmas

Everyone at least once asked the question: “What awaits there, far in the future?” You can get an answer in Holy Week. No matter what fate predicts, you should not despair. "Forewarned is forearmed" - so they say in folk wisdom.

Divination on a gold chain

At midnight, while alone, take the chain, hold it in your palms and start rubbing it until it becomes warm. Performing the ritual, clear your thoughts, concentrate on the question: “What awaits me in the future?”. Then take the chain right hand and throw it on a flat surface, while it forms a certain figure. Look at it, it is it that symbolizes the future.

Interpretation of figures

  • Flat streak - in the future, luck and success in all endeavors will accompany.
  • Circle or oval - soon you will find yourself in a difficult situation, from which it will not be easy to get out.
  • One or more nodes is a bad omen, financial losses and illnesses are expected, the more nodes on the chain, the worse sign.
  • The cloud is a good omen, all dreams will come true.
  • Triangle - the future has prepared great love, luck.
  • Snake - you will soon become a victim of betrayal, take a closer look at your surroundings, even loved ones may be under suspicion.
  • Bow - not far off the wedding.
  • Heart - someone loves you very much.

Divination for the future on paper

Left alone, take a sheet of paper, an old newspaper is ideal. Crumple the sheet with your hands in a chaotic manner - it should take on an unusual shape that will not cause any associations with its appearance. Then place the paper on a plate with a flat bottom and light it from a church candle. Before it is completely burned out, carefully bring the plate to the wall, rotate it until you see a shadow pattern. The figure that you consider will talk about the future. You can correctly interpret it by deciphering the signs from the previous divination on a gold chain.

Divination on wax

Brownie is a guardian spirit for a dwelling, he helps the owners, warns against troubles and misfortunes, and at Christmas he is able to predict the future of his wards. For the ritual, you will need a church wax candle and a saucer of milk. The candle must be melted and poured into milk, whispering the text: "Brownie, my master, come under the threshold of milk to drink, taste the wax." The saucer should be placed near the threshold of a house or apartment. Look at how the wax hardened, try to understand what it looks like:

  • Flower - wait for a wedding or a meeting with a loved one.
  • The cross is a harbinger of a strip of troubles and health problems. The more clearly the shape looks like a cross, the more serious the trouble.
  • Beast - surrounded by a bad person who will put spokes in the wheels.
  • Wax flowed in stripes - soon a long road or a move awaits.
  • Stars - career growth.
  • A leaf of a tree - to financial well-being.
  • An egg is a sign that you are ripe for a new stage in life. If you decide to take a bold step, you can expect good results.
  • Human outlines - fate has prepared a pleasant acquaintance, which will develop into a strong friendship.

After fortune-telling, do not pour milk with wax immediately: it is promised to the brownie and should stand all night near the threshold.

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The best fortune-telling for Christmas time

For many centuries, people have turned to otherworldly forces for answers to their questions. During this time, many effective and simple methods divination at home. Thanks to folklore and careful transmission from the older generation to the younger, they have come down to us.

Predictions for a cheerful company

A divination session is not only a way to gain secret knowledge, but also a pleasant leisure activity, like the study of horoscopes. Since ancient times, noisy companies gathered girls and boys in Svyatki. They often guessed on improvised objects: they can be easily replaced and added, which makes each session unique. For divination you will need: a coin, some salt, a ring, sugar, a key and a handkerchief. All items must be laid out in cups and covered with napkins so that it is impossible to see what is inside. The fortuneteller needs to be taken out of the room, and at this time the glasses are arranged in a chaotic manner. After that, they choose one glass and see what is in it:

  1. A coin is for money.
  2. Salt - to severe trials.
  3. Scarf - to bitterness.
  4. Sugar - to a carefree life.
  5. The ring is for marriage.
  6. The key is to move.

Christmas divination with a cat

From the time of ancient egypt cats were attributed a special divine origin, these graceful animals were worshiped. It is believed that cats balance on the border of two worlds and very subtly feel the energies of both. Many beliefs and rituals are associated with these animals.

For Christmas fortune-telling, a simple but reliable technique was often used: a person who wants to know whether a wish will come true or not, whispers it in the ear of a domestic cat, then takes him outside the threshold, and calls him back a minute later. If the cat enters from the right paw - the answer is negative, from the left - the plan will come true.

Christmas divination at the crossroads

Crossroads are places where spirits gather, since ancient times, sorcerers brought sacrifices here for rituals, and mere mortals were afraid to eat in nearby places, since here they got rid of damage to illness and death. This dangerous divination was used by our great-grandmothers. On Christmas Eve, you need to go alone to the crossroads of two roads and listen to the surrounding sounds:

  • If an echo of ringing laughter flew - to be joyful in the coming year, full of pleasant moments.
  • If crying, tears are heard from afar, so the year is preparing many bitter trials.
  • If you heard church bells - this is the most terrible sign, ailments and trials are prepared for the new year.
  • If singing is heard from somewhere, the young lady will soon get married.

There is a more terrible version of this fortune-telling: it is believed that the sounds of prediction heard in an abandoned old church are more true. This option is suitable the most desperate people.

Christmas divination is an ancient act. Even the church, which does not approve of jokes with magic, softens in its attitude during this period. If you don’t want to risk guessing, do a few simple rituals. On Christmas night, the skies open up, filling the earth to the brim with magic. If you ask for the most cherished before the bright holiday, it will come true in the coming year. At midnight, you need to go out into the open space under the starry sky and say your cherished dream out loud - the universe will definitely hear it. If everything is already there in life, only the beloved is missing, on January 7 you need to come to the church and walk around it with prayers 3 times. This will remove the seal of loneliness that darkens life.

Guess for your pleasure, and if the prediction turned out to be bad, treat it reasonably. Perhaps this is just a warning from higher powers, and if you are careful, you will be able to avoid negative consequences.

Divination for Christmas and Epiphany divination for Christmas time use the same methods. These divinations are called New Year fortune-telling. Christmas fortune-telling for the future has always been an integral part of Christmas time. New Year. Starting from the evening on the eve of Christmas on January 6 until the night from 18 to 19 on the eve of Epiphany, the time of fairy tales and magic came. This time has always been considered the main time for festive caroling and Christmas fortune-telling. Christmas divination began on the night before Christmas, when, according to popular belief, there was a special riot of dark forces that resisted the appearance of the baby Christ.

Fortune-telling at Christmas continued until Epiphany, while street musicians continued caroling, disguised as desecrated evil spirits. Christmas masks and makeup were washed off in the Epiphany holes. After Christmas divination, our ancestors in Russia swam at Epiphany in the hole and underwent a special rite of purification. Most of these divinations work at any time of the year, but during Christmas time, as you know, they gain the greatest power.

Christmas fortune-telling and Epiphany fortune-telling were carefully passed down from generation to generation, and have survived to this day almost unchanged. There are few basic rules for fortune-telling: when fortune-telling, it should be quiet and there should be no noise that interrupts the thin thread of contact, the magical substance does not tolerate shocks. And also, when fortune-telling, you do not need to cross your arms and legs: this leads to a narrowing of the communication channels, and prediction during fortune-telling needs more effort to penetrate the “barriers” of crossed arms and legs. By the way, in the old days it was also believed that the most powerful fortune-telling are those that are made by a girl in complete silence by candlelight.

And now let's continue and talk about the most ancient Christmas divination for the future.

Christmas divination for the future and fate

1. Divination by shadows from burning paper for fate

For this sacrament, you will need paper, a saucer or plate, matches, and all actions should take place in the evening in a room by candlelight. This type of fortune-telling, due to its simplicity and clarity, is very common in the modern girlish environment. It is necessary to take a sheet of clean paper and arbitrarily crumple it. The resulting lump must be placed on the bottom of an inverted saucer or plate. The girl sets fire to a paper sheet crumpled by her hand, and then examines the shadow on the wall from the burning paper - this is the first stage of divination, even at this stage quite clear images can arise.

Everyone takes a blank sheet of paper, crumple it, put it on a dish or on a large flat plate and set it on fire. When the sheet burns out or almost burns out, it is displayed on the wall with the help of a candle - this is the second and main stage. Carefully examining the shadows, they try to find out their future from the images of the shadows. The outline should give an answer to the question: “What lies ahead in the future?”. In this fortune-telling, fantasy does not hurt; this type of fortune-telling depends entirely on the imagination of the fortuneteller. The page will help in interpreting the figures and their meanings when divining on burning paper.

2. Fortune telling with the help of a book for the future

For divination, you only need a book. It is necessary to ask (think) a question and take any book. To get an answer, it is necessary, without opening the book, to say aloud the page number and the lines above or below. A page opens in a hidden place and a prediction is read, which is interpreted in the direction necessary for the fortuneteller. The book must belong to the one who guesses on it, or be found by him or completely new. Aliens, especially library books, are not suitable for divination.

3. Divination with a golden chain for the future

Guessing is best late at night. Sit at the table, warm the chain in your hands. Then take the chain in your right hand, shake it a little and throw it sharply on the table. You will get figures that can be interpreted in different ways. If the chain has formed a circle, this means that in the near future you will find yourself in a difficult situation; a flat strip means that luck and good luck await you; a tangled knot can denote various life difficulties; if a triangle is formed, and this is quite rare, then this promises great success in any business, and especially in love; bow - for the imminent wedding; the snake warns that you should be careful in dealing with people, you may be betrayed; heart - you are loved, love will bring you happiness and peace of mind.

4. Divination on the ring for fate

Throw the ring on the floor. If it rolls to the door, it means that the girl will soon get married, and the man - on a business trip. Can be interpreted as leaving home.

5. Divination with cups for the future

For the next divination, you will need eight cups, a ring, water, a coin, sugar, bread, salt and onions. All of the above is placed in cups and displayed. Fortune-telling girls need to choose one cup, the object that is there will tell you what to expect in the future.

Interpretation: Ring - wedding; Bread is wealth; Coin - wealth; Bow - tears; Water - stability and lack of any change; Salt - misfortune; Sugar is fun.

6. Divination by relatives for the future

They go to look out the windows of their neighbors during dinner. If they see the heads of those sitting at the table, they foretell to themselves that future relatives will all be alive; if they don’t see the heads, then misfortune should happen to relatives.

7. Divination by eavesdropping on the future

Climb under the window of the neighbors and eavesdrop. If they have a showdown with breaking dishes, you can expect a "fun" year. If there is silence in the house, then your year will be harmonious. Depending on what is happening in the house of neighbors at the time of eavesdropping, the coming year will take shape for you.

8. Fortune telling on a wooden chip for the future

Pour water into a basin. If the fortune-telling girl is alone, then attach strips of paper along the edges of the pelvis, on which events are written, for example, a wedding, the birth of a child, buying a home, traveling, receiving money, new job etc. If there are many fortunetellers, then the names of all those present who want to know their future. In this case, one event is thought of, for example, a wedding, an acquaintance with a future spouse, and they look at who the chip will point to. You need to take a dry chip, preferably a deciduous tree, and fix on it the stub of a candle that burned in the house where fortune-telling takes place. Light a candle and push the "boat" to the middle of the pelvis. From there, the sliver should itself swim up to one of the notes. Which note floats to, the event will happen.

If the sliver rolls over or sinks, then the predicted event will not happen next year.

9. Divination with a knife for the future

It has long been believed that the gypsies guessed this way. To do this, they used a round wooden board for cutting bread with a diameter of about 30 centimeters. Place an ordinary kitchen knife in the center of the circle and mentally formulate a question. Spin the knife three times. The answer will be the message that the knife point points to for the first time. The other two may be the cause or effect of the predicted event. If the tip of the knife stops at an equal distance from two messages, the divination must be repeated.

You may well get by with a piece of cardboard or a large tray, around the edges of which you need to write answers to the most frequently asked questions:

Yes; No; be patient; next to the enemy, hiding under the mask of a friend; good news; love message; good luck in business; unexpected guests; love; today's tears will be replaced by joy tomorrow; unexpected news; travel; important letter; new love; delay making a decision

10. Blindfold fortune telling for the future

For divination, you need a scarf and many different items, symbolizing the possible events of the coming year. If necessary, all these items can be replaced by others - those that you have at hand. For example, a baby doll - a “man” can be exchanged for a photo of a specific man, scissors for a knife, etc. The things themselves don't matter - what matters is what they symbolize. Things are laid out on the table. I blindfold one of the fortunetellers, help her twist three times and bring her to the table. Take the thing that you find first. If you accidentally grab two at once, both are waiting for you. This process of blindfolding, twisting, blind searching is worth doing three times. Then return all the items to their place and give way to the next girl.

And if you want to make fortune-telling more fun, hang the same things on threads, attaching them to the cornice above the window. Then, twisting the fortuneteller three times, she must be given scissors in her hands so that she can cut one of the threads.

A large bill means big money; A trifle - money for daily bread; Pupsik is a man; Condom - sex; Wedding ring - marriage; Scissors - thrills; Candy - sweet life; Compass - unexpected changes; Pen - work; Flower - inspiration; Light bulb - rays of glory; A ball, tangerine or any round object - the birth of a child.

11. Divination with the choice of an object for the "quality" of life

Objects are hidden in a bag, cup or felt boot, then the girls choose their felt boot or bag. The choice of an object symbolizes life in the coming year: ash - a bad life, sugar - a sweet life, a ring - marriage, an onion - to tears, a glass - drunkenness, gold ring- Rich life. You can come up with and modify fortune-telling with your own options.

12. Fortune telling on three plates for wealth next year

This fortune-telling is related to wealth, therefore, you need to guess for money, and for this there is absolutely no need to take large bills, a coin will be enough, preferably not the smallest denomination. To carry out the procedure, you will need to take three of the most common deep plates, as well as the same non-small coin. All the plates are turned over, the fortuneteller leaves the room. Meanwhile, a third person, in the absence of the person who is guessing at his wealth, places a coin under one of the plates. Then the fortuneteller returns to the room and randomly selects one of the plates. If there is a coin under the chosen plate, it means that in the coming year there is a great chance to get rich.

In the case when it was not possible to find a coin on the first attempt, you can choose a plate again, if even then you are not lucky - it means that the year will be poor, and if the second attempt brings good luck, then the fortuneteller will still have money, just not in large quantities. This method almost never fails, especially in cases where the fortuneteller is really very keen on financial stability and independence. You can tell fortunes on money and wealth on coins and banknotes, or you can find out everything you can about luck, financial success, success in business and much more in.

13. Divination with needles for fate

Simple Christmas divination with needles is popular with girls. For him, you need to take two ordinary needles, a glass of water and a piece of lard. The needles are smeared with lard, and then lowered into the water. At the same time, the fortuneteller should say: “Oh, my needle-needle, stop sewing for the father, stop sewing for the mother, it's time for you, the needle, to sew on my pillow.” Then it all depends on how the needles behave - if they come together, then love will happen soon, and with it the wedding. But if, on the contrary, the needles stay away from each other, then there will be no wedding next year. See details on another page.

14. Fortune telling on an egg for fate

For this divination, you need a glass and a raw egg. Pierce the egg with a thin needle from the sharp end and carefully release the protein into the water. The yolk should not get into the water. Slightly shake the glass and put it for a while, about half an hour, in a cool place: outside, in a refrigerator or a loggia. Then take out the glass and see what kind of figures have formed. Here you can show your imagination, and everyone can have their own associations. It is considered a bad omen if the squirrel did not form any figure and simply lay on the bottom. More details and water with the interpretation of the figures on another page.

15. Fortune telling on wax

This divination requires several wax candles, a deep bowl of cold water, and some kind of container such as a spoon or ladle in which you will melt the wax. Before starting fortune-telling, take a candle and, breaking it into small pieces, put it in a spoon, which you then heat over one of the lit candles to melt the wax. When the wax pieces are completely melted, quickly pour the contents into cold water and look at the resulting figures. Sometimes they do it differently. They take a thick candle, light it, and wait for a while for it to melt harder. Then the candle is tilted over the water so that the melted wax flows into it. The resulting figure is interpreted according to the associations that have arisen. More details and water with the interpretation of the figures on another page.

16. Fortune telling on coffee grounds for the future

Coffee is brewed in a Turk and poured into a cup. To correctly read the sign, it is better to use a simple-shaped cup. After drinking coffee, cover the cup with a saucer and shake it up and down three times. Thickness creeps along the bottom, forming intricate figures, they need to be explained and find out your future. More details with the interpretation of the figures on another page.

17. Fortune telling on tea leaves for the future

Brew tea in a cup. Tea is not drunk to the end, the liquid should slightly cover the bottom. Holding the cup in the left hand, they shake the tea - making three sharp turns with the cup clockwise, and turn the cup over, holding it with the handle towards themselves, slightly deflecting, look inside. Mentally divide the volume of the cup in half. Everything that is closer to the pen is related directly to the fortuneteller, the rest - to strangers, but familiar people. Tea grounds near the walls of the cup predict the near future, at the bottom - the distant future. More details on another page.

18. Calling the spirit and divination on a saucer

Draw a large magic circle. The letters of the alphabet and numbers from 1 to 9 are written clockwise around the circumference of the circle. They write “Yes” at the top, “No” at the bottom. An arrow is drawn on a thin porcelain saucer, the saucer is heated over a candle flame and placed in the center of the magic circle. Fortune-tellers put two fingers on a saucer, call the spirit and ask questions. Then they thank the spirit and say goodbye. When fortune-telling, the door and window should be open, there should be no animals and open mirrors. More details on another page.

You can also tell fortunes at Christmas on simple playing cards, legendary tarot cards or magical Lenormand cards. On our site you can get started with. You will meet with cards and layouts for divination on playing cards, Tarot cards and Lenormand cards.

The celebration of Christmas falls on the winter Christmas time, which is celebrated from Christmas Eve until Epiphany. It was believed among the people that at this time the evil spirits could take a little walk and play pranks, which is why various kinds of fun were in use on holy days, including fortune-telling.

There was a rumor among the girls that fortune-telling for Christmas and the Old New Year was the most faithful. Christmas predictions have a special power - they have a lot of chances to come true. Christmas is rightfully considered the strongest and most sincere holiday - this property of Christmas has been tested and confirmed by people for many years and centuries. The same power is fortune-telling at Christmas: for love, for health, for adding happiness and wealth.

On Christmas we all begin to wonder what the future will bring us. We guess on walnuts, egg whites, rice grains, and so on. We try to look into the unknown with the help of old beliefs and attempts at divination that have come down to us from ancient times. Here are some more or less well-known fortune-telling, based on which you can satisfy your curiosity or at least have fun:

Forecast by day of the week

    • Did you know that the old people knew what the next year would be like, depending on what day fell on Christmas.
    • If this Monday winter will be long and frosty, spring and summer will be rainy, and autumn no precipitation. Fertility will be poor.
    • If this Tuesday in winter and spring there will be a lot of snow and rain, but autumn will be dry. Fertility will not be great, and much honey and oil is not to be expected.
    • If this Wednesday Winter will be quite cold and long, spring will not be very rainy. Plentiful harvests are expected.
    • If this Thursday winter will be mild and warm, and in spring and summer it will blow strong wind. There will be some honey and vegetables, but there will be a lot of oil and fruit.
    • If this Friday - us expect very coldy, heavy rains in summer and drought in autumn. But there will be good grapes.
    • If this Saturday the winter will be very snowy, the spring will be very windy, and the summer will be rainy. Natural disasters and poor harvests are expected.
  • If this Sunday- us expects fairly mild winters and dry summers, and windy autumns. The harvest will be in abundance.

Divination with a walnut

Each family member chooses Walnut from the table on Christmas Eve. Breaks it, if the core is whole, the person will feel good in the coming year.

Divination on wax

One of the oldest and most popular divination is wax divination. On Christmas Eve, water was poured into a glass or plate, leaving a ring without a stone at the bottom. Then, over the flame of a candle, melted the wax in a spoon, and poured it into the water, trying to get into the center of the ring. When wax figure froze, on its basis it was possible to interpret the future. If the wax spreads in strips, this promised roads and travels. If it forms an "asterisk" - the fortuneteller will be lucky at work or school. If the figurine resembles a person, this promises the appearance of new friends, and if the beast, then the fortuneteller has or will soon have a secret enemy. The figurine of a flower indicates a meeting with a betrothed or imminent marriage.

Divination with eggs

In a glass with hot water pour it raw egg white. If it sinks into the bottom of the glass, this is a bad omen, a sign that you will have serious financial and workplace problems in the coming year.

If you do not have a partner, unfortunately, this sign of fate indicates that you will spend this year alone. But this happens very rarely, most often the protein remains in the middle of the liquid and forms various figures that can be recognized.

For example, if you see ship, and your favorite went on a long journey, this means that you will meet soon, and if you are not married, expect to meet your future husband soon.

If the protein in the water resembles human, expect a new family member. If you see a church, next year you will attend a ritual in the temple - a wedding or baptism.

Fortune telling on frozen water

This divination is ancient, but it can be easily and with good effect applied today. You only need to pour water into a deep bowl and leave it on Christmas Eve. In the morning, look how the liquid has frozen. If the frozen water formed in height, then the coming year will bring you many stormy and pleasant events. If the water freezes evenly and the surface of the ice is absolutely smooth, then next year will be smooth. If the liquid freezes in waves, joyful events will alternate with unpleasant ones. And if it wasn't cold enough on Christmas Eve, and the water didn't freeze completely, chances are you're in for a lot of disappointments in the coming year.

Divination for the future with cups

For him, it was required to take several cups corresponding to the number of fortunetellers. A ring, a coin, bread, sugar, onion and salt were placed in cups, and water was poured into one cup. Each fortuneteller chose a cup with his eyes closed. The contents of the cup predicted the future: the ring - for the wedding; coin - to money; bread - to prosperity; sugar - for fun; onion - to tears; salt - unfortunately, water - to the absence of change.

Christmas divination with a book

One of the traditional divination at Christmas. Before starting fortune telling, you must choose a book for your prediction. Choose a relatively "thick" book that is a work of art. It is necessary to prepare a book with suitable content in advance. Without opening the book, the girls guess the page number and the line above or below. Then the book is opened desired page and read the required lines. Depending on what the fortune-telling girl cares about most, they interpret the selected line.

Example: When will I meet the love of my life? Lines 7 to 9!

Everyone picks up a book and opens it to a random page, reads an excerpt from the line with which he ordered himself. In our example, from 7 to 9, and find out the answer to your question.

Accuracy is easy to understand, fun and time-tested. Of course, the literal meaning of the words should not be taken, but the answer should be read between the lines.

Divination with needles

You need to take a thick candle and two sewing needles, rub the eye of each of them with wax. You will also need a glass of clean water. You need to put out the light in the house, light a candle and put it in front of you in a glass of water. Take the needles with your fingers point down and at the same time lower them into the glass. Observe the position of the needles.

If the needles quickly went to the bottom, then this year your cherished desire will come true. If united - there will be a wedding. Sink to the bottom opposite each other - you will find love. Point to each other - there will be a rival. Dispersed at the bottom - wait for separation. She pricked her finger - wait for a declaration of love.

Divination with a rope or thread

Take a piece of thick white rope or thread. Take it with both hands at both ends and pull with all your might in different directions. All the time you must imagine that your desire is entering into it. Then you must wrap the rope around the candle, and light the candle. Let it burn to the end, then gather up the burned-out thread residue and wrap it in something appropriate. The result is ashes and the remains of a rope or thread, which you must keep until the wish is fulfilled.

There is one more option. Do not burn the rope, but always carry it with you. From time to time, speak your desire to her and pull her, as you did at the beginning. She will restore her strength every time and add momentum towards achieving your desires. When the dream becomes reality, set fire to the rope in the middle. So you release the energy accumulated in it, which helped you.

Fortune telling on the betrothed with a mirror

The girl sits down open window or outside with a mirror. Set it in such a way that the Christmas month is clearly reflected. Look at him incessantly. After a while, the image will multiply or other shapes will appear. They determine the future.

If the reflection of the month is doubled, the girl will be with a couple this year. If there are more than two of them, there will be a choice between suitors. If a figurine appears, judge upcoming events.

You can also guess with the help of two mirrors: large and small. You need to sit by candlelight against the big one, and set the small one in front of you. Get a corridor. The girl says:

"Betrothed, I'm waiting, come to dinner!" Now you need to carefully look into the corridor of mirrors. It should appear at the very end. This trick doesn't always work.

Divination with rice

Any question that bothers you can bother you long time. But there is a quick and easy way to predict the future with rice that will help you lift the veil on the secrets of the future. This is a forecasting method that has been used for centuries and has not yet lost its value. This allows us to answer questions such as: Will our wish come true?, Should I accept the offer? etc. In general, rice grains can answer every question, the only limitation is that the result must be either yes or no.

Prediction requires: white candle, glass container with lots of rice; a sheet of paper and a pen. Absolute privacy is recommended.

You must light a candle and place a bowl of rice in front of you. Then you need to briefly formulate the question you are interested in in order to answer "yes" or "no". Please indicate the duration of the time (for example, "Will I buy a car this year?"). It is necessary to write this on paper and throw it into a bowl of rice, and then mix the rice well with your hand. Then you need to focus on the flame and mentally repeat your question, pull out a handful of rice. It is advisable to immediately throw the rice on the table and count: if the grains are odd, then the answer is no. If the grains are even, then the answer is yes. Yes, your plans will be realized, it is better to accept the offer, you can safely rely on the desired wealth. To ensure the desired divination result, the rice that you threw on the table must be cooked and eaten. If the answer is "No", the grains should be buried under the tree. This is the classic Christmas rice divination, but it can actually be done at any time. The answer will always be correct if you focus enough on your question.

Divination by shadows

It is necessary to prepare a saucer or flat plate, a sheet of clean paper, a candle and matches. A sheet of paper must be crumpled and put on a plate, gently set fire to a lump. When the sheet is completely burned, it is necessary to make a reflection of it on the wall with the help of a candle. After that, it's time to connect all your imagination - looking at the shadows you can find out about your future.

Divination on the water

Prepare two identical glasses. One of them is filled to the top with water. Having made a wish, the fortune-telling girl begins to pour liquid from one glass to another. Does this several times. After that, you need to look at the surface where the glasses stood. If no more than two or three drops remain on it, the wish will come true. If there are more drops, its implementation is difficult.

Fortune telling for Christmas: rules for conducting and the most common types.

Slavic fortune-telling was traditionally held at Christmas time. On the night of January 6-7, any prediction, even by chance, is considered the most accurate. Christmas spirits do not refuse to answer questions until January 19th. But after Baptism, the evil spirit hides away, and it becomes problematic for a mere mortal who does not have magical powers to get a prediction.

Where is fortune-telling held at Christmas?

  • Since the evil spirit is looking for hidden deserted places for its shelter, fortune-telling is very often carried out:
  1. in the baths
  2. in attics
  3. in abandoned houses
  • In modern dwellings, corners, thresholds or doors are suitable for rituals, that is, what is considered a zone of transition of matter from one space to another.
  • The most fearless use the cemetery for these purposes.
  • A mirror is considered an excellent guide for visiting the world of spirits.

Fortune telling for Christmas: rules

  • In order not to interfere with otherworldly forces to read fate and ensure a clean energy flow of communication, before performing the ritual:
  1. Take down the cross
  2. Get rid of knots on belts, bracelets
  3. Loosen the strands of hair
  4. Remove all church paraphernalia
  5. Put out the lights, light the candles
  • Having started the ritual, do not cross the limbs - this also distorts the energy flow

Divination for Christmas for the betrothed and love

Using a card deck

  • Preparing a fresh card deck
  • Pulling Jacks and Kings
  • Place them under your pillow before bed.
  • We say: “I command my betrothed to dream, in the form of cards to appear to me”
  • We don't talk to anyone until sleep.
  • After waking up, we take out one card from under the pillow
  1. The appearance of the king indicates that the betrothed will be older than the fortuneteller
  2. Dropped jack - promises a young groom or the same age
  3. If the suit fell on the card:
  • Chervovaya - the betrothed is in the immediate vicinity
  • Peak - predicts a wealthy spouse
  • Cross - meet the groom by chance
  • Bubnovaya - you will find a loved one thanks to friends or relatives

Ritual "Bridge"

  1. Prepare a box of matches
  2. Cleanse them of sulfur
  3. When alone, place a matchstick bridge under your pillow
  4. Going to sleep, say: "My betrothed, come to me, lead me through the bridge built by me."
  • The main thing in the morning waking up is to remember the main signs of a loved one
  • It can be some specific sign: hair color, accent, shoulder straps, mole, scar
  • In the future, it is precisely the state that the girl feels when she wakes up that will help to feel her betrothed

Using a ring

We are preparing:

  • Gold ring, preferably without stones
  • Glass of water
  • Candle
  1. After sunset, choose a quiet room
  2. Turn off the lights, all electrical appliances
  3. We light a candle
  4. Put a glass of water in front of her.
  5. We lower the ring into it
  6. Trying not to think about anything
  7. We peer into the water calmly, without tension
  8. After some time, the appearance of the narrowed one will appear in the depths of the water

With coins

You will need:

  • Photograph of a loved one
  • 10 coins of any denomination
  • 2 candles
  1. In the center round table put two candles at a distance of 20 cm from each other
  2. Between them we place a photograph facing the fortuneteller
  3. We mentally concentrate the question: “My future with my beloved?”
  4. With the right hand we throw coins in the photo
Eagles Tails clue
1 9 You should change the attitude, otherwise parting threatens
2 8 Expect bad events that will lead to misunderstanding with the chosen one
3 7 Nothing to do with this person can not be. This is not your destiny
4 6 Soon a sign will be given that will make it possible to establish a harmonious relationship. Do not miss it, otherwise parting threatens
5 5 Relationships on the verge of breaking up: you should spend more time with each other
6 4 He doesn't love you
7 3 Wait for the birth of a new family member, in a relationship with this person
8 2 You can only solve the financial problem together. Don't throw your soul mate difficult situation, along with his loss, good luck will leave you
9 1 Beloved devotes a lot of time to financial problems. They will soon be decided, and you will come to the fore with your chosen one.
10 0 You are very loved by a person who does not deserve your indifference. Change your attitude towards him and happy, harmonious relationships are guaranteed for many happy years.
0 10 Real sincere feelings await in the coming period, which are not afraid of obstacles

Divination for Christmas for the future

Interesting ways divination for the holidays

On a metal chain

  1. At exactly 24:00 on the night of January 6-7, sit in the center of any room
  2. Put out the light
  3. Light a candle
  4. Squeeze a metal chain in your hands
  5. Mentally ask an interesting question about the future
  6. When you feel warm, throw it in front of you
  • The accepted form of decoration has the following interpretations:
The form clue
Flat strip Luck and advancement in all endeavors
Circle or oval Expect unpleasant problems, the solution of which will be delayed
Knots Bad sign. A complete financial collapse is possible. Health problems and personal relationships. The number of problems is proportional to the number of nodes formed
Cloud positive interpretation. Everything that is meant to be fulfilled
Triangle Expect great love, luck
Snake Possible betrayal by a loved one
Bow For singles - a wedding. Family awaits replenishment in the form of a newborn
A heart Mutual love somewhere near
indefinite form Temporarily closed information. The spirits don't want to talk about the future. This is neither bad nor good. neutral sign

With paper

  1. Take a sheet of paper
  2. Crumple it up in a chaotic manner
  3. Lay on a flat dish
  4. Go to a flat light wall on which there are no drawings
  5. Put out the light
  6. Set the paper on fire
  7. The shadow of the paper on the wall will tell exactly about all the events awaiting this year. It turns out a live moving picture, like a cartoon. It is important to pay close attention to this moment, not to miss all the details of the "movie". Perhaps the understanding of what he saw will come a little later.
  8. When the fire goes out, take a lit candle
  9. Point it at the remaining piece of paper so that its shadow remains on the wall - this will be the final result of the current year
  • For example, in a live picture, we see passionate love (flowers, kisses, sex, wedding, etc.), and the result is a stroller with a child

The best simple divination for Christmas

  1. coin
  2. some salt
  3. Ring
  4. Sugar
  5. Handkerchief
  • Arrange in cups, covered with a piece of cloth
  • Mixing the bowls
  • Choose any glass

We are looking for a clue for a character that has come across using a table

Divination can be treated differently. But the fact that real miracles happen on the night before Christmas does not refute even the church. On this great night, the heavenly space opens up. If, just before dawn, you go outside and turn with great desire to the starry space about the fulfillment of your cherished dream, the opened space will be a sign that the dream is destined to come true. Many dream, some believe, and some laugh skeptically. But those who managed to see this miracle - the opening of the heavens, confirm with confidence that it happened. What one had only dreamed of, after what he saw came true. But be very careful. Your wish will surely come true! But are you sure that's exactly what you want?

Since ancient times, the Slavs have used shore dolls to protect and fulfill their desires. It is also very harmless and effective method goal achievement. You can learn more about these amulets in my articles published earlier: and

Video: Fortune telling for Christmas at home: simple