What hemoglobin is considered very low. Decreased hemoglobin. Serious infectious diseases

According to statistics, low hemoglobin in the blood is characteristic of a third of the world's population. What does this popular ailment mean and what to do if it is detected?

Causes of low hemoglobin levels

Talking about the causes and consequences of low hemoglobin, it is worth starting with the first:

  • Hemoglobin falls below normal most quickly with blood loss. They can be both explicit and hidden. Explicit - these are the consequences of operations, injuries, injuries. Low hemoglobin in women can also occur after heavy periods that last more than 5 days.. Childbirth also leads to profuse blood loss.
  • Low hemoglobin levels are also observed with internal bleeding. That is, as a result of severe problems with the gastrointestinal tract, some pathologies. The latter, by the way, is often the cause of low hemoglobin in women.. This is uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts.
  • Low hemoglobin in the blood is also formed if a person often becomes a donor. The word "often" means the frequency of more than 4 times per year.
  • Speaking about the causes and consequences in women, it is worth remembering the diets so beloved by the fair sex. As in the case of blood transfusions, systematic dieting is also fraught. People who are characterized by such systematicity are at risk. Why does low hemoglobin appear in their case? Due to improperly organized nutrition and stress that accompany incorrectly planned weight loss.
  • Speaking of unbalanced nutrition: fans of vegetarianism are also at risk. The body needs proteins! You can't do without carbohydrates alone.
  • Low hemoglobin in men, women and children can be observed with a lack of vitamin B15.
  • Diseases that cause low protein content include dysbacteriosis, chronic anemia and malignant pathologies, pneumonia, tuberculosis, and hepatitis. It is worth remembering autoimmune diseases - that is, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus.
  • Low hemoglobin in men and women can be diagnosed in case of varicose veins.
  • Speaking about the causes and consequences of low hemoglobin, one cannot but recall the banal heredity. Like many other things, the tendency to have a certain amount of protein in the blood can be genetically transmitted.
  • Older people are also prone to a low concentration of protein. The table below shows that low hemoglobin in men and women often occurs after 65 years.

Low protein during pregnancy

In the blood of women in position and should in most cases be less protein. Of course, each organism tolerates the bearing of a child in different ways. But mostly low hemoglobin occurs during pregnancy. It can even drop to 110 g / l.

The fact is that the formation of the placenta and fetus from the body of the expectant mother from about 20 to 34 weeks takes a considerable amount of iron.

However, it is still necessary to take tests to determine the level of protein in the blood, since even for expectant mothers there are limits to the norm. The following low hemoglobin in pregnant women should alert:

What is the danger of low hemoglobin in such cases, if you do not pay due attention to the problem in time?

  • Intrauterine development of the fetus will occur with a delay. He will begin to experience oxygen starvation - the so-called fetal hypoxia will occur.
  • Possibly late toxicosis.
  • It is quite possible to give birth that began earlier than the terms established by the doctor.
  • A woman may not have the strength to give birth.
  • Hemorrhages are likely.
  • The postpartum period can be problematic.

Low blood protein in newborns: causes

Low hemoglobin in a child who was recently born is also a topic for a separate discussion. An indicator of 70-80 g / ml or less is considered abnormal.

In order to understand what causes low hemoglobin in infants, it is worth classifying the type of anemia in him:

  • Iron deficiency - low hemoglobin in children of this type should be expected if their mothers had too little iron in the body during gestation. However, it is quite possible that the baby consumes little iron after birth, or it is simply not absorbed by the intestines.
  • B12-deficient - this low hemoglobin in infants occurs when too large doses of vitamin C interfere with the absorption of vitamin B12.
  • Folate deficiency - deficiency of vitamin B9, which promotes the synthesis of DNA, nucleic acids, RNA. This process directly relates to erythrocytes.
  • Hemolytic - consists in the breakdown of red blood cells. Such low hemoglobin in children should be expected if they were born ahead of time, incompatible by blood with the mother, have experienced side effects some medicines. In some cases, the cause may be intoxication with certain substances.
  • Dyshemopoietic - is the result of a violation of hematopoiesis occurring in the red bone marrow. Such low hemoglobin in a child is rare.
  • Posthemorrhagic - occurs even less frequently. Causes - trauma, surgery.
  • But the most rare view anemia - one in which the protein component of the molecule is changed. Erythrocytes in this case carry oxygen with great difficulty. Such changes occur for hereditary reasons, due to mutations.

Low protein in newborns: signs

What are the signs of low hemoglobin in these young children?

  • Weakened state, poor immunity, rapid morbidity.
  • Weakness, manifested in the reluctant absorption of milk, fatigue and drowsiness.
  • Pallor.
  • Diarrhea or constipation - in other words, any violation of the stool.
  • Tactile sensitivity becomes weaker.
  • Possible heart murmur.
  • Likely jaundice.

Symptoms of Low Protein

What signs of low hemoglobin help identify this problem?

  • General weakness is a fairly typical symptom, not only for babies. Older children and adults also often get tired, experience constant drowsiness.
  • Concentration is disturbed.
  • Headaches, dizziness are another companions of a low protein content in the blood. Even fainting is possible.
  • Muscles become weaker. Sometimes this phenomenon leads to urinary incontinence.
  • The pressure drops.
  • Appearance also noticeably suffers. For example, nails and hair become more brittle and grow slowly. The skin also dries out, becomes covered with cracks, turns pale.
  • Taste and smell disturbances are likely. A person may like usually unpleasant odors such as acetone, exhaust gases, mothballs. Or there is a desire to try something inedible like sand, chalk.
  • The mouth begins to feel dry. There is a pinching sensation in the tongue.
  • In some cases, shortness of breath is observed.
  • Possible heart murmur.
  • Hands and feet are often cold.

For clarity, we present a diagram that indicates the main symptoms and separately highlights the symptoms of anemia in a neglected state:

Consequences of lowering the level of protein in the blood

Speaking about the causes and consequences of anemia in women, men and children, it is worth mentioning the last point. So, what can the content of iron-containing protein below the norm lead to:

  • First of all, a person's immunity decreases. As a result, even the most common cold can lead to complications. More serious diseases - even more so.
  • Often the consequences of low hemoglobin in women, men and children are manifested in the form of a violation of the normal functioning of the brain, the central nervous system. The latter leads not only to lethargy, but also to tearfulness, increased irritability.
  • Some organs also do not receive enough oxygen and malfunction. The problem is that, having no nerve endings, many organs do not signal a failure in any way.
  • The liver may increase in size, swelling occurs on the legs.
  • Anemia is a logical result of iron deficiency.
  • A huge load falls on the heart, which in most cases results in cardiopathy. The fact is that, despite the lack of protein, the body will still strive to provide itself with oxygen by any means. And this means that the heart will begin to work more actively, dispersing red blood cells with available oxygen throughout the body.
  • As mentioned when talking about the symptoms, the skin suffers. Often there are, if the problem is not solved, dermatitis, eczema.

How to increase the level of protein in the blood: drugs

Before talking about how and how to increase the level of protein in the blood, you should give good advice: any drugs with low hemoglobin must be taken strictly based on the dosage indicated in the instructions. Otherwise, you can get the opposite effect - an excess of iron. You should also be aware of similar effects, which sometimes occur in the form of diarrhea, vomiting, nausea.

However, side effects do not always occur. And if the dosage is observed, the following iron preparations with low hemoglobin in adults and children will only benefit:

  • Sorbifer Durules can be attributed to well-established iron preparations with low hemoglobin in adults. It contains 320 g of ferrous sulfate, as well as ascorbic acid. It is taken as a tablet twice a day. It is important to take the tablet with plenty of water.
  • "Fenyuls" - is a vitamin complex with iron in the composition. True, it contains less than in the previous tool. Namely, about 150 g. In addition to iron, it contains pantothenic and ascorbic acids, vitamin B. Due to this composition, the complex is perfectly absorbed, which helped him get into the rating " the best drugs for the prevention and treatment of anemia. It is taken in the first case for 30 days, one capsule per day, in the second - three times a day.
  • "Ferrum Lek" - has both the form of chewable tablets and the form of injections. The first case is more popular. Each such tablet contains approximately 100 mg of iron. For the treatment of anemia, it is recommended to chew a tablet twice or thrice a day, for its prevention - once. Treatment can last 3 months.

Why iron may not be absorbed

Talking about how and how to increase the hemoglobin content in the blood, it should be noted separately that iron in anemia cannot always be absorbed. Here's why it might happen:

  • Incorrectly selected type of iron. Some drugs contain the so-called ferric iron. The consumer does not always pay attention to this, catching a glance only cherished word"iron". This type can also be assimilated, but not by everyone. In some cases, it provokes only heaviness in the stomach and constipation. It is preferable to find preparations with ferrous iron.
  • Casein is the next reason. This is the name of a protein found in dairy products that sticks together with iron. Casein interferes with the absorption of iron - as a result, it is simply excreted from the body. Therefore, it is preferable to limit the consumption of dairy products. But if this is difficult to do, you should heed the following advice: 5 hours before and within 5 hours after taking medications containing iron, you do not need to consume dairy products.
  • The lower the acidity of the stomach, the worse iron absorption will become.

About blood transfusion for anemia

The doctor prescribes a blood transfusion with low hemoglobin if the protein content is greatly underestimated. This procedure is a good addition to taking vitamin preparations. Here are the benefits of a blood transfusion for low hemoglobin:

  • The content of iron-containing protein increases as quickly as possible.
  • The general condition of a person, as well as his performance, are noticeably improved.

But, despite the obvious advantages and the speed of improvement in the patient's health, doctors do not often prescribe blood transfusions with low hemoglobin. Mostly this happens as an emergency, since the transfusion of someone else's blood is stressful for the body.

It is produced both in one stage and in several. In any case, this happens according to a certain pattern.

When the iron content is low, ignoring this fact is a very bad idea. The consequences of low hemoglobin in women, men and children are quite serious, so it is important to study all the symptoms, and then not delay treatment.

Often, when people get tired quickly, sleepy or, conversely, sleep poorly, are in a state of depression, feel palpitations, etc., they attribute everything to processing, stress, without thinking that this may be due to a lack of necessary elements in the body. So, the listed signs are symptoms of low hemoglobin. And if you do not start raising its level on time, then the consequences can be very unpleasant for a person.

The article provides all the most relevant information related to this topic. The main problem is related to the female gender. They are the ones who suffer the most because of this. The causes of low hemoglobin in women are very different, for example, monthly blood loss from menstruation. On the other hand, in terms of professional activity, representatives of mainly male professions are at risk: submariners, miners, rock climbers, that is, those who lack oxygen in the process of doing their work. Also, these are workers involved in chemical production and performing any hard physical labor. However, this article discusses the causes of low hemoglobin in women. A 72-year-old woman, 60, 50 or 25 - the risk of such a problem in general is much higher for her than for a man. How to recognize the symptoms of low heme protein? What to do and how to prevent the development of a disease such as anemia, or anemia?

Hemoglobin in women

The beautiful half of humanity rarely has an elevated blood level of heme protein. Much more often, just the opposite happens. Due to the menstrual cycle, fluctuations in hemoglobin occur. However, if it is constantly below the permissible norm, then this is already a sign of illness and requires the closest attention, especially if the analysis of the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (abbreviated as ESR) is elevated. These two indicators often go hand in hand with each other. The reasons for low hemoglobin in women and increased ESR may also be in developing various diseases. Only occasionally occurring elevated levels of heme protein in them is a consequence of dehydration. In men, this is a more common phenomenon, which occurs as a result of leading a certain lifestyle or in connection with adverse and harmful working conditions.

Hemoglobin norm

Heme protein levels depend on gender and age. In the fairer sex, they change cyclically: with the loss and replacement of blood due to menstruation, which may be the cause of low hemoglobin. In women after 40 years and older, this problem becomes even more relevant. Therefore, they especially carefully need to observe themselves and be sure to eat right.

In addition, many causes of low hemoglobin in women over 40 do not show up in symptoms too clearly. And the fair sex may well attribute them to other problems of the body. Therefore, it is desirable at this age to take a blood test regularly (at least once every six months) in order to identify the disease if it occurs at the initial stage and to be cured without difficulty.

You also need to be careful with your children. If the child is premature or the mother during pregnancy ate inadequately and incorrectly, artificially fed the child, in particular with mixtures not adapted for infants, his body will be prone to a decrease in hemoglobin, especially against the background of the appearance of any other diseases. Children especially need an element such as iron in the following cases:

  • when their growth increases sharply;
  • from five to six months, since the accumulated element from the prenatal period of development is significantly reduced by this age;
  • for any skin diseases;
  • with intestinal disorders, regardless of the causes of occurrence;
  • with prematurity.

The sex difference in heme protein levels begins as early as 12 years of age.

So, the norm of hemoglobin in the blood is:

  • in women - from 115 to 155 g / l;
  • in men - from 130 to 170 g / l;
  • in pregnant women - from 110 to 140 g / l.

Adolescents aged 15 to 18 should have hemoglobin:

  • young men - from 115 to 165 g / l;
  • girls - from 115 to 155 g / l.

In children from 12 to 14 years old, the norm is as follows:

  • boys - from 120 to 160 g / l;
  • girls - from 115 to 150 g / l.

Small children of both sexes have the same indicators, which differ only in age:

  • newborns - from 135 to 200 g / l;
  • from two weeks to two months - from 125 to 165 g / l;
  • up to five years - from 110 to 130 g / l;
  • up to eight years - from 115 to 135 g / l;
  • up to 12 years - from 120 to 150 g / l.

The value of hemoglobin

The heme protein is responsible for transporting oxygen to cells on inspiration and then carbon dioxide on expiration. Normally, it should be enough to ensure that all cells receive oxygen in abundance. But when this level decreases, some of them inevitably begin to show oxygen deficiency. And if nothing is done about it, the cells die. In any case, such a process occurs constantly, but not in such a in large numbers. Normally, new cells appear and develop in place of the dead. But with poor test results, they occur very slowly.

Causes of low hemoglobin in women

It is possible to identify the main reasons for the poor level of heme protein in the blood. They are the following:

  • the lack of those substances with which the synthesis occurs;
  • violation of the synthesis process;
  • the presence of worms in the body;
  • blood loss;
  • hemolysis;
  • destruction of the bone marrow due to developing cancer.

Based on the above list, we can conclude that an independent increase in hemoglobin is possible only if the cause of low hemoglobin in the blood of women is the lack of substances for its formation. All other grounds must be eliminated or restored by the intervention of doctors. Otherwise, no means to increase hemoglobin will effectively help. The underlying disease will only progress, worsening the condition of the body as a whole, including negatively affecting the level of heme protein. To find out the causes of low hemoglobin in women, it is necessary to conduct regular diagnostics. Only then can you be completely sure of the success of the treatment.

Symptoms and manifestations

Whatever the causes of low hemoglobin in women, the symptoms will be as follows:

  • asthenic;
  • dystrophic;
  • heavy.

The first group is characterized by:

  • general weakness, when a person quickly begins to tire, constantly feels drowsy, even shortly after having slept, lethargy;
  • poor work of the heart - a heartbeat can sometimes be felt in the chest, and sometimes in the throat, or the so-called break of the heart, which they say that it seemed to have fallen sharply;
  • shortness of breath.

For the second group, manifestations are physical signs:

  • hair becomes brittle, non-shiny, their loss may begin;
  • mucous membranes look pale;
  • the skin dries out, and in some places it may peel;
  • nails exfoliate, striation appears in places.

The third group includes the most dangerous signs:

  • reproductive disorders, that is, menstrual disorders in women and problems with potency in men;
  • fainting;
  • anorexia, or an aversion to food, even when the patient knows that it is vital for him to eat.

So, if, after the initial manifestations of the disease, you do not start increasing hemoglobin, the state of the body will worsen more and more and lead to malfunctions in menstruation and the disappearance of sexual desire. This is followed by anorexia ... That is why it is so important to know what exactly is the cause of low hemoglobin in the blood in women.

An indicator of one hundred grams per liter is already dangerous to health, and if it is below seventy grams per liter, then there is a direct threat to human life.

How to increase hemoglobin?

The diet for these purposes should be focused on ensuring that the body receives enough foods containing iron and folic acid.

About fifteen substances are involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin, most of which can replace each other. But if there is no folic acid and iron, then it will not occur at all. Therefore, the diet should include those foods that contain these elements.

Foods containing iron to increase hemoglobin

Whatever the reasons for low hemoglobin in women, they need to memorize foods containing iron. The diet must be formed in such a way that the body is as saturated as possible with such food.

The daily intake of iron is from twelve to eighteen milligrams, of which more than half goes to the formation of hemoglobin. The rest is distributed between the brain, heart and nervous system.

In pregnant women, the norm per day is 25 milligrams of iron.

To properly compose a diet, you need to know how much of the element is contained in common foods. The largest amount of iron contains:

  • beans (here it is the most: 72 mg per hundred grams of product);
  • nuts and tahini halva (50 mg each);
  • oatmeal (45 mg);
  • mushrooms (35 mg);
  • sunflower halva (33 mg);
  • millet (31 mg);
  • poppy (24 mg);
  • peas (20 mg);
  • sea ​​kale (16 mg);
  • dried apples (15 mg);
  • dried pear and prunes (13 mg);
  • dried apricots (12 mg);
  • cocoa, apricots and wild rose (11 mg).

Other products plant origin have less than ten milligrams per 100 grams of weight.

From products of animal origin stand out:

  • skimmed milk cheese (37 mg);
  • pork liver (about 30 mg);
  • Swiss cheese (19 mg);
  • brewer's yeast (18 mg).

The rest are also less than ten milligrams. So, meat contains only one and a half to four and a half milligrams.

But in addition to the iron content as such, the percentage of its absorption in the body is also taken into account. As you can see, the percentage of iron in plant products is quite high. However, only a small fraction of this amount is absorbed. For example, beans seem to contain a lot of iron. But only three percent of it will enter the body of the total.

At the same time, although there is very little of this element in the meat, the body is able to absorb it by 20 percent of the total content. Next in terms of digestibility are:

  • fish (11%);
  • beans, except beans (7%);
  • nuts (6%);
  • fruits, beans, eggs and cereals (only 3% each).

Foods containing folic acid to increase hemoglobin

Folic acid, or vitamin B 9, is found in large quantities in Beijing cabbage, celery, spinach, parsley, and onion shoots. Legumes and beans, cucumbers, carrots and beets are also its source. In order for foods to retain as much vitamin B 9 as possible, you should try to heat them less, and, if possible, use them raw and fresh.

Low hemoglobin in pregnant women

For expectant mothers, this problem is not so rare. What are the causes of low hemoglobin in women during pregnancy? First of all, this is a large consumption of iron, which is necessary for both the mother and the unborn child. Therefore, they are advised to frequent fresh air to get as much oxygen as possible. And it needs a lot for the internal organs to do their job normally.

Expectant mothers should take this issue very seriously, as a lack of hemoglobin can affect offspring. Moreover, if the fetus does not receive enough oxygen, then its development can not only slow down, but even stop altogether. This threatens with atrophy of vital organs, muscles and nervous system.

Another consequence is urinary incontinence due to excessive muscle relaxation. Sometimes the situation can be corrected only by special medicines in addition to a complete diet.

Low hemoglobin in middle-aged women and adolescents

The causes of low hemoglobin in women during menopause usually occur against the background of hormonal changes. This is similar to teenagers during puberty. Both young girls and older women are iron deficient. Therefore, the causes of low hemoglobin in women aged 50 and older, as well as in adolescents growing up, can be overcome by proper nutrition. The daily diet should include foods rich in iron.

Causes of low hemoglobin in older women

Ten to twenty-five percent of older people experience anemia (anemia). The causes of low hemoglobin in older women are mainly associated with the consequences of those diseases that are most common in old age. These are tumors, ulcers and erosions that appeared after vascular atherosclerosis, prolonged inflammatory and infectious diseases and prolonged malnutrition.

Not only are there peculiar causes of low hemoglobin in women after 60 years of age and older, but the course of anemia has a special character:

  • manifestations of anemia can masquerade as symptoms of underlying diseases;
  • the course of diseases such as cardiovascular insufficiency, cerebral ischemia, manifested in encephalopathy, and cardiac ischemia, expressed in frequent attacks of angina pectoris, may worsen;
  • more frequent inflammatory processes and infections.

In addition, studies show that in old age the development of dementia increases by almost half in people with low heme protein.

This time we analyze low hemoglobin, all the causes and consequences of such an analysis result. Without a sufficient amount of hemoglobin, a full supply of oxygen to tissues in a woman's body is impossible. It is important to monitor its level for the timely detection of the development of various anemias, chronic bleeding (ulcerative, hemorrhoidal, etc.), helminthic invasions, etc.

It is important to understand what is the norm of hemoglobin in different age categories of women, as evidenced by its deviation and how to deal with it.

Hemoglobin (Hb) is a two-component protein in erythrocytes. It consists of a peptide part and an iron-containing heme. The molecular weight of the protein reaches 66.5 kDa. English biochemist M.F. Perutz was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1962 for his contributions to the study of the structure and functional features Hb.

The protein is able to bind with oxygen, delivering it from the lungs to all cellular and organ structures. Transportation algorithm: excess molecular oxygen in the small capillaries of the alveoli binds to hemoglobin. Together with the systemic blood flow, the complex is carried to organs and tissues with oxygen deficiency. Reaching them, oxygen is split off from the complex and enters into biochemical oxidation reactions.

The ability of a protein to form a complex also with carbon monoxide. Unlike the connection with molecular oxygen, the bond with it is 250 times stronger. The resulting stable complex is called carboxyhemoglobin. However, this reaction is not completely irreversible. A small amount of carbon monoxide is displaced from the complex by an increased partial pressure of molecular oxygen in the tissues of the lungs. In parallel with this, oxygen transport in the human body is blocked.

As a result, severe oxygen starvation develops in organs and tissues. In the absence of timely assistance, carbon monoxide poisoning can be fatal.

What is the hemoglobin test called?

Determining the level of hemoglobin is necessary for the primary diagnosis of the state of human health, in the first place - the hematopoietic system. The study is carried out as part of a routine laboratory blood test. A decrease in hemoglobin indicates the development of pathological reactions in the body and requires advanced diagnostics.

The analysis is carried out using the sodium lauryl sulfate technique in combination with the method of capillary photometry. Venous blood serum is used as a biomaterial. The duration of waiting for the results is from several hours to 1 day, depending on the workload of the laboratory department.

A glycated hemoglobin test is mandatory for women with a history of diabetes. The peculiarity of the analysis is that it reflects the glucose content 2 or 3 months before blood sampling. Therefore, the technique is used to track the level of simple carbohydrates in dynamics, and not at the time of blood sampling. Analysis plays an important role in monitoring the effectiveness of diabetes treatment.

If a patient has a low hemoglobin in a routine blood test, then she is additionally assigned a study on the level of haptohemoglobin. It is important to exclude the fact of intravascular hemolysis (erythrocyte breakdown), and if it is detected, determine the severity and choose the right treatment. In addition, the study is advisable to conduct for the diagnosis of liver pathologies, anemia and oncological diseases of the hematopoietic organs.

In order to implement laboratory analysis, the method of immunoturbidimetry is used, the execution time is not more than 1 day.

Additionally, determination of the level of ferritin, serum iron and folic acid in the blood can be shown.

Signs of low hemoglobin in women

Signs of low hemoglobin levels in women are as follows:

  • decreased performance, general weakness;
  • rapid fatigue;
  • increased craving for sleep and dizziness;
  • frequent headaches;
  • tachyarrhythmias;
  • pallor and yellowness of the skin;
  • desire to eat chalk, earth, etc.;
  • changes in blood pressure;
  • violation of the rhythm of the heartbeat;
  • fainting states;
  • muscle pain;
  • impaired sense of smell;
  • hair loss.

With low hemoglobin and a deficiency of iron ions in a woman's body, dry skin, cracks in the corners of the lips, and an increase in fragility of hair and nails can be observed.

If a lady has noticed the manifestation of the above symptoms of hemoglobin deficiency, then she should consult a doctor.

Any specialist can send for a blood test for hemoglobin levels.

What is the rate for women?

Normal hemoglobin values ​​should be determined taking into account the age of the woman, as well as the stage of the menstrual cycle or pregnancy.

For girls in the transitional age (from 12 to 15 years old), the permissible values ​​​​of Hb are in the range of 110 - 155 g / l.

After the puberty period (from 15 to 19 years), the norm indicators increase: 119 - 157 g / l.

Then, at the age of adolescence and before the onset of maturity (from 19 to 45 years), the normal values ​​​​for women have equal values: 117 - 159 g / l.

During the period of preparation of a woman's body for menopause and after it (from 45 to 65 years), the range of normal hemoglobin values ​​​​is 120 - 165 g / l.

The normal level of hemoglobin in older women (after 65 years) is considered to be 119 - 165 g / l.

It should be emphasized that the value of the indicator under consideration decreases somewhat during menstruation. At the same time, normally, the level of hemoglobin does not decrease below the lower limit of the norm.

With prolonged and excessively heavy menstruation, as well as with inter-cycle spotting, you should consult a gynecologist.

During pregnancy, hormonal and biochemical changes are aimed at providing the developing baby in the womb with nutrients and oxygen. The volume of blood during this period in a woman increases, and the number of red blood cells remains the same. Therefore, low hemoglobin in women during childbearing is a variant of the physiological norm. A decrease in the indicator to 110 g / l is allowed.

To prevent a lack of hemoglobin, experts recommend taking iron-containing preparations when planning a pregnancy. Also preparations of iron, folic acid, etc. (as part of multivitamin complexes) are prescribed during pregnancy.

Low hemoglobin - causes and consequences in women

There are 2 main causes of low hemoglobin in women:

  • a direct decrease in iron-containing protein in the blood;
  • a decrease in the ability of Hb to form a complex with molecular oxygen.

Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Blood anemia

Blood anemia is the reason why the concentration of hemoglobin decreases. As a rule, it is accompanied by a combined decrease in the number of erythrocytes and a violation of their chemical structure.

It should be emphasized that anemia is not an independent pathology, but a symptom or consequence of a disease. There is a decrease in the respiratory activity of a woman, with an extreme form, oxygen starvation develops.

Anemia develops as a result of:

The prognosis of the outcome largely depends on the cause of anemia and the severity of the disease. With successful compensation of the iron deficiency state, a complete recovery of the patient is noted without the development of complications. In other forms, the prognosis is less favorable.

Synthesis of mutant forms of Hb

The second reason why hemoglobin cannot fully bind to molecular oxygen is due to the synthesis of mutant forms of Hb. For example, hemoglobin C and S.

Despite the fact that hemoglobin C is a mutant form, it can increase the survival rate of a person when infected with malaria. The distribution of this form is typical for Ghana, central Africa, India and South China.

Hemoglobin S is formed in people with a hereditary disease - sickle cell anemia. Its peculiarity is in the altered morphology of red blood cells, in this regard, people are immune to malaria. Mutant hemoglobin does not dissolve in the cytoplasm, but crystallizes. It breaks down faster than normal Hb and is less able to transport molecular oxygen. The lifespan of red blood cells in people with sickle cell anemia is shorter than in healthy people.

Other reasons

If the above two reasons are excluded, the patient should be checked for the presence of the following pathologies:

  • chronic bleeding internal organs(gastric and duodenal ulcer, hemorrhoidal bleeding);
  • diseases of the hematopoietic organs;
  • kidney failure.

In addition, the low value of the considered laboratory indicator is typical for people with nutritional deficiencies and undergoing chemotherapy.

Why is hemoglobin deficiency dangerous?

Important: neglecting the symptoms of low hemoglobin in women is dangerous to health.

A low level of hemoglobin can cause a decrease in immunity, disruption of work of cardio-vascular system, etc.

The consequences of a low level of hemoglobin in women also include insufficient oxygen supply to cells and tissues of organs throughout the body. In this case, the central and peripheral nervous system suffers to a greater extent.

It should be emphasized that a decrease in hemoglobin during childbearing is a normal physiological phenomenon. However, its critical decrease can cause uterine hypotension, fetal hypoxia, intrauterine growth retardation, spontaneous abortions, etc.

Signs of oxygen starvation in the fetus are considered little weight newborn baby, pathology of the respiratory or nervous system, decreased severity of reflexes, underdevelopment of internal organs, further developmental delay, etc.

Obviously, low hemoglobin is a dangerous condition for the patient's health, so it is extremely important to undergo an annual preventive examination on time and contact specialists in a timely manner at the first symptoms of the disease.

What to do with low hemoglobin in women?

Initially, it is necessary to accurately establish the cause of the deviation of Hb. The importance of the rule is determined by the fact that each of them requires a different approach to treatment.

In case of a deficiency of iron or B vitamins, the patient is prescribed a course of drug treatment with iron-containing preparations and vitamin complexes. In parallel with this, an optimal menu is being developed, rich in missing substances.

In critical situations, when the hemoglobin concentration falls below 55 g/l, the patient is admitted to hospital and undergoes a blood transfusion. Such therapeutic measures are aimed at the rapid replenishment of protein in the blood, while restoring working capacity and normal well-being. However, a transfusion cannot act as a permanent treatment.

Therapy for anemia is selected by the doctor individually for each patient, taking into account the severity of the condition and its underlying cause. The main points of therapy should be highlighted:

  • the patient is placed under round-the-clock supervision of doctors in a hospital;
  • exclusion from the diet of proteins and iron-containing products is unacceptable;
  • if the condition is caused by large blood losses, then blood loss is first stopped, and then iron-containing preparations are selected (if necessary, blood transfusion is performed);
  • with an acute shortage of iron ions, their parenteral administration is acceptable;
  • in aplastic anemia, when the bone marrow completely loses its ability to synthesize blood cells, the only method of treatment is its transplantation and the simultaneous use of hormonal drugs (in order to reduce the risk of transplant rejection).

It should be emphasized that the treatment of hemoglobin deficiency should be selected exclusively by the attending physician. Since delay or choosing the wrong therapeutic methods poses a serious threat to the life and health of a woman.

What to eat with low hemoglobin?

Nutrition with low hemoglobin is selected so as to maximize the level of iron, folic acid, ascorbic acid and B vitamins.

Important: calcium ions prevent the full absorption of iron in the body of a woman, and vitamin C, on the contrary, contributes.

Based on this rule, you should abandon for a while fermented milk products, coffee and strong tea. An alternative is a decoction of wild rose and cocoa.

On average, women are recommended to consume at least 18 mg of iron per day, and during pregnancy up to 35 mg. At the same time, iron obtained from meat products is absorbed by approximately 10%, and from vegetable products - no more than 3%.

In 2015 at the Institute of Cellular and Intracellular Symbiosis of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences underwent advanced training for additional professional program"Bacteriology".

Laureate of the All-Russian competition for the best scientific work in the nomination "Biological Sciences" in 2017.

Hemoglobin is a protein that belongs to the class of chromoproteins and consists of a protein part (globin) and an iron part (heme).

This protein is synthesized in the red bone marrow and is part of the erythrocytes. Low hemoglobin is an indicator of iron deficiency anemia. It occurs more often in women and children.

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The causes of low hemoglobin are divided into several groups:

  • loss of iron in acute or chronic bleeding: with injuries, hemorrhoids, tumor decay, in the postoperative period;
  • malabsorption in the intestine: resection of the duodenum or jejunum, malabsorption syndrome, intestinal form of cystic fibrosis;
  • insufficient intake of iron from food: fasting, vegetarianism;
  • idiopathic: occurs without specific causes;
  • increased need for iron: during a period of accelerated growth, during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • violation of synthesis or a decrease in the production of hemoglobin and red blood cells: congenital, hereditary pathology.

Decrease in hemoglobin is acute and chronic. The causes and consequences of such conditions may be different. An acute decrease in hemoglobin develops with rapidly occurring bleeding. In this case, there is a sharp decrease in the volume of circulating blood, a collapse or shock may occur.

With the gradual development of pathology, chronic hypoxia occurs. The body has time to adapt to the new conditions of oxygen transport. Characterized by a slow increase in symptoms.

hemoglobin molecule

Reduced hemoglobin in women can occur at any age. Simultaneously with this indicator, the size and shape of erythrocytes often change. Gynecological pathology - this is what, with a high degree of probability, such a set of laboratory indicators can speak of.

Polyps of the uterus, endometriosis can cause heavy menstruation. In this case, a slight blood loss of up to 70 - 80 ml daily is possible. This explains why blood hemoglobin can be lowered immediately after this. Treatment consists in the treatment of the underlying disease.

The occurrence of bleeding in the middle of the cycle, the duration of bleeding for more than 7 days, the lack of coagulability of menstrual blood can be a manifestation of uterine bleeding. This condition requires emergency medical attention.

Dieting, limiting the consumption of many foods, especially meat and fruits, can also contribute to the development of low hemoglobin syndrome.

During pregnancy, a decrease in hemoglobin develops gradually. In some cases, this is due to exacerbations of pre-existing diseases. If the woman was examined, no changes in the state of the blood were detected, then it is possible to assume the development of anemia in pregnant women.

In the blood test, you can see a decrease in hemoglobin, which means an increase in the daily need for iron. It is necessary for the normal development of the fetus and placenta.

A physiological low hemoglobin level can manifest itself in the second trimester:

  • in a pregnant woman, the rheological properties of blood change: its “fluidity” increases;
  • as a result, the volume of circulating plasma increases, and the number of blood cells (erythrocytes, platelets,) remains the same;
  • in the study, a decrease in hemoglobin and erythrocytes is determined due to excessive dilution of blood.

This explains why the level of iron in the blood falls in the second trimester. A few weeks after birth, blood counts return to normal

During pregnancy, the mean red blood cell volume (MCV) and the mean hemoglobin concentration in red blood cells (MCHC) will be normal. This condition in women develops asymptomatically and does not require any treatment,.

If there is low hemoglobin in the first trimester, then it is necessary to identify the reason why it falls. This can be with dietary restrictions, with toxicosis or chronic pathologies: hypothyroidism, enteritis, leukemia.

If a child's iron content is lowered, then this means that its intake, assimilation is disturbed, or there are pathological reasons for its loss. Premature babies in the first 2 months of life can be diagnosed with low hemoglobin: this condition is commonly called early physiological anemia. It leads to increased breakdown of erythrocytes containing fetal (formed during embryonic development) hemoglobin HbF.

Laboratory revealed normocytic (with normal sizes of erythrocytes), normochromic (with normal hemoglobin content in erythrocytes) anemia. A decrease in hemoglobin in a child under 2 months is a physiological norm and does not require treatment.

Sometimes low hemoglobin is diagnosed in older children. If there is a decrease in iron below normal in a baby after 2 months of life, then this means that the reasons that caused low hemoglobin may be:

  • irrational breastfeeding, in the absence of timely introduction of complementary foods (meat, fruit juices, puree);
  • increased need for iron during puberty;
  • pathological loss of iron during bleeding (juvenile, uterine, nasal);
  • malabsorption in diseases of the duodenum and small intestine.

Reduced iron content in the blood in children requires examination and identification of the cause of anemia.

What makes men fall?

The reasons for the decrease in hemoglobin in men are:

  • violation of hemoglobin synthesis;
  • blood diseases;
  • chronic diseases;
  • diets with restriction of meat products;
  • iron absorption disorder;
  • blood loss due to injuries, intestinal or internal bleeding.

If you find low hemoglobin, you need to contact the clinic for examination. The doctor will talk about the possible causes of pathology in men and their consequences, tell you how to increase iron in a particular situation.

Even a slight decrease in hemoglobin in men, accompanied by the appearance of blood in the feces, is a poor prognostic sign. To exclude a serious pathology, a doctor's consultation is necessary.


Low hemoglobin levels Negative influence to all organs of the body: heart, brain, central and peripheral nervous system, muscle tissue, gastrointestinal tract, urinary organs.

Consequences can be acute and delayed. The first option is observed with severe blood loss. The second - develops with long-term pathologies.

What is dangerous in the short term?

In acute extensive bleeding, more than 500 ml, there is:

  • a decrease in the volume of circulating blood leads to a decrease in the amount of venous blood flowing to the heart;
  • decrease in the amount of blood ejected during cardiac contraction;
  • development of hypoxia.

Signs of a sharply reduced hemoglobin are:

  • compensatory activation of the sympathoadrenal system: development of tachycardia, vasospasm;
  • the appearance in the blood of reticulocytes (erythrocyte precursors), polychromatophilic erythrocytes (an intermediate form between immature and normal erythrocytes) and normoblasts (the last stage before mature erythrocytes);
  • increased breakdown of hemoglobin in the spleen, excessive formation of bilirubin and the appearance of jaundice;
  • tissue and cellular respiration decreases, the level of carbon dioxide in the blood drops, and often intensive respiration appears.

An acute decrease in hemoglobin can be observed in newborns. Occurs with an autoimmune conflict between the red blood cells present in the body of a woman and the cells of the fetus.

To understand why this happens, it is necessary to explain that antibodies penetrate the placenta into the blood of the fetus, erythrocytes stick together (hemolysis) and a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin occurs. Depending on the amount of these antibodies, the severity of the child's condition is determined. In a particularly severe case, death can occur. Sometimes a baby is born with jaundice, edema, enlargement of the heart, liver, spleen.

What threatens in the future?

The decrease in hemoglobin in chronic anemia occurs slowly. During this time, the body manages to adapt to the changed conditions of blood supply.

Long-term consequences are manifested by violations of the functions of all systems. Anemia that develops with severe pathologies can lead to this:

  • oncological diseases;
  • hemoblastosis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • primary immunodeficiency.

If we talk about the elderly, then the premature development of dementia, frequent relapses chronic diseases and their progression is what the long-term low hemoglobin status threatens in the first place.

Low hemoglobin in these situations is dangerous because typical clinical signs develop against the background of basic symptoms characteristic of the underlying disease. The latter, in turn, are aggravated by manifestations of low hemoglobin: a drop in efficiency, a decrease in appetite, trophic changes in the skin, ischemic damage to the myocardium and brain.

Symptoms and signs

With a decrease in hemoglobin, several characteristic syndromes are observed. They are presented in the table below.

CardiovascularTolerance to physical activity decreases, tachycardia and shortness of breath develop. Possible development of myocardial dystrophy.

The vascular tone decreases, as a result of which orthostatic syncope can often occur.

Astheno-vegetativeReduced hemoglobin is characterized by the appearance of symptoms of cerebral hypoxia: dizziness, irritability, noise in the head.
HepatolienalEnlargement of the liver and spleen. Occurs with severe anemia.
Epithelial (trophic)There is dryness, peeling of the skin, cracks in the corners of the mouth. Deformation of the nail bed may develop: concavity, excessive fragility, delamination. There is damage to the papillae of the tongue, a change in taste preferences: the desire to eat chalk, snow or raw meat. Perhaps the development of atrophic gastritis and esophagitis, which are characterized by difficulty in swallowing and discomfort in the epigastric region.
immunodeficientThe body's ability to resist infectious and bacterial pathogens is reduced. Such people often suffer from viral and bacterial diseases.
MuscularThere are nonspecific signs: general muscle weakness, fatigue. There may be involuntary urination when straining or coughing.

Sometimes there is a rare form of iron malabsorption - chlorosis. This disease develops exclusively in women. It can occur at the age of 15 - 30 years. In women, characteristic symptoms appear: constant drowsiness, physical fatigue, pale skin, palpitations.

The diagnosis of chlorosis can be made on the basis of a normal or slightly reduced level of erythrocytes with severe hypochromia (Hb content in the erythrocyte), the presence of signs of low hemoglobin in the absence of other causes of iron deficiency.

To increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood, the following methods are used:

  • iron tablets;
  • injectables;
  • transfusion of plasma or red blood cells;
  • treatment of the disease that caused the cause of low hemoglobin.

The best source of iron is beef, beef liver, pork liver and calf kidneys. The diet must necessarily include cereals and legumes: buckwheat, peas, beans, oatmeal. Ascorbic and lemon acid enhance the absorption of iron, so it is recommended to take citrus fruits, cabbage,.

What to do?

If you suspect low hemoglobin, the patient should go to the clinic to see a general practitioner. The doctor will send you for clinical tests. To clarify the cause of low hemoglobin and what it means in a particular case, if a decrease in hemoglobin is detected, it will be necessary to conduct additional studies that will help determine the type of anemia and identify possible cause its development.

The Hb indicator is always taken into account in conjunction with other parameters in the overall analysis, such as:

  • average volume of erythrocytes;
  • the average concentration of hemoglobin in one erythrocyte;
  • serum iron;

A biochemical blood test, including the determination of the level of ferritin, is also important. After passing the tests, the doctor will tell you what to do next, which drugs are more effective for this form of low hemoglobin syndrome.

With a pronounced decrease in hemoglobin, no visible bleeding, deterioration of the general condition, an urgent consultation with a doctor and an in-depth examination are necessary. It is recommended to conduct an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and small pelvis, examination of the stomach and intestines, radiographs of the lungs, women are required to consult a gynecologist.

Possible causes, symptoms, and treatments for low hemoglobin should be determined by your doctor.

Effective oral medications include:

  • Maltofer;
  • Ferrum lek;
  • Ferlatum;
  • Aktiferrin;
  • totem;
  • Hemopher.

Intramuscular and intravenous iron is indicated for moderate to severe anemia. For injections use Ferrum Lek or Venofer. Blood transfusion is prescribed for acute blood loss, with very low hemoglobin.

Ferric iron preparations are considered more effective than ferrous iron because its molecule has a large molecular weight. This makes it difficult for it to be absorbed in the intestines and improves its penetration into the bloodstream.

Useful video

Vladimir Podkhomutnikov will talk about the causes of low hemoglobin and the problem of hypoxia:


  1. With the appearance of weakness, unmotivated fatigue, perverted food taste, pallor of the skin, it is necessary to pass a general blood test to determine the level of hemoglobin and red blood cells in the blood.
  2. A decrease in hemoglobin leads to the development of oxygen starvation and disruption of the work of all organs and systems. If anemia is identified, further testing is necessary to identify its causes.
  3. The appearance of a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood and visible regular bleeding (uterine bleeding in women, the appearance of blood in the feces) require an urgent consultation with a specialist to exclude oncological and hematological diseases.

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Hemoglobin is an iron-containing protein that carries blood to body tissues. A decrease in its level causes oxygen depletion of all body cells and a weakening of the immune system. To prevent a decrease in hemoglobin, you need to know what to do with a lack of iron in the body. Let's see in what cases the level of hemoglobin in the blood decreases, what are its norms in different people and in what ways to make up for the lack of this substance.

Symptoms and signs of low hemoglobin in the blood

Outwardly, without tests, low hemoglobin in the blood cannot be determined. Long time signs of iron deficiency anemia may be completely absent and only after a large decrease in the substance become noticeable. The most striking symptoms of a lack of hemoglobin include:

  • dizziness, weakness, apathy, tinnitus;
  • shortness of breath, fatigue, rapid heartbeat, feeling short of breath;
  • headache, drowsiness, fainting;
  • dryness, pallor;
  • hair loss or fading;
  • frequent thirst;
  • cracked lips;
  • insomnia;
  • taste disturbance or poor appetite (with iron deficiency anemia, people often refuse vegetables, meat dishes, eating only cereals and milk);
  • brittleness, fragility and foliation of nails, the appearance of white spots on the nail plate;
  • frequent migraines, headaches;
  • severe muscle weakness, pain during physical exertion;
  • increased sweating;
  • addiction to non-standard odors (begins to attract the aroma of acetone, exhaust gases, paint).

The norm of hemoglobin in the blood

The state of the whole organism depends on the level of hemoglobin, so it is necessary to monitor it. The unit of measurement of this substance is considered to be grams per liter (g / l). The normal value of hemoglobin in the blood depends on the gender, age of the person:

  • For women, the normal amount of iron-containing protein should correspond to 117-161 g / l. Depending on the amount and duration of menstrual flow, this indicator may vary.
  • For men, the norm of hemoglobin in the blood varies from 132-174 g / l. Males are exposed to constant physical activity, play sports more often, have an increased concentration of the sex hormone testosterone, so their level of red blood cells will be slightly higher.
  • In pregnant women, the hemoglobin rate ranges from 110 to 150 g / l.
  • For children, the normal amount of iron-containing protein depends on age. In newborns, it ranges from 145 to 220 g / l, then hemoglobin decreases and by 1-2 months it is 90-135 g / l, and by the end of 1 year it reaches 105-145 g / l. The same norm is maintained at the age of 2 years, by six it rises slightly and becomes 110-150 g / l. Further (by the age of 14-15), the normal level of hemoglobin is considered to be 115-155 g / l.

Causes of low hemoglobin levels in the blood

Iron deficiency anemia doesn't just happen. It is a symptom of a number of different diseases or provoked by a number of reasons. The most common are:

  • A side effect of certain medications (such as aspirin or ibuprofen).
  • Regular blood donations.
  • Pregnancy, accompanied by frequent toxicosis.
  • Consequence of uterine bleeding after childbirth, breastfeeding, menstrual cycle.
  • Wrong nutrition. For example, people who are vegetarians or who are on a diet that does not eat animal products may be deficient in iron.
  • Stress.
  • Smoking.
  • Physical exercise.

Diseases accompanied by low hemoglobin in the blood:

Replenishing the lack of iron in the blood is not an easy task. When treating, it is necessary to take into account the causes of anemia, its severity, the general health of the patient. Depending on the level of hemoglobin in the blood, there are 4 stages of anemia:

  • Easy degree. Hemoglobin is slightly reduced, by 10-15% of the norm.
  • Average degree. Hemoglobin is 70-90 g / l.
  • Severe degree. Hemoglobin is reduced to 40-50% of the required norm.
  • Extremely severe, which can lead to death. Hemoglobin falls below 50 g/l.

Before treating anemia, you need to do a blood test. First, for a speedy recovery, it is necessary to eliminate the cause, and then to restore the concentration of iron in the blood serum. For this, various medications, the right diet, folk tinctures and decoctions are prescribed. Let's look at the main methods of therapy for iron deficiency anemia.

Medical treatment. Now many drugs and iron injections have been developed that stabilize hemoglobin levels. But their dosage should not be high, so as not to cause the phenomenon of intolerance. The daily norm of iron varies from 110 to 300 mg. When taking the medication, side effects are likely: diarrhea, dizziness, vomiting, nausea. The course of treatment and drugs should be prescribed by a doctor after the diagnosis of iron deficiency anemia.

Nutrition. With low hemoglobin, our body does not get vitamins and iron. To increase their concentration, you need to eat foods containing these elements. Iron is divalent (found in meat) and trivalent (found in plant foods). With prolonged heat treatment of food, iron is oxidized, and it becomes unsuitable for the synthesis of hemoglobin. best products are considered:

  • meat - veal liver, boiled pork, lamb;
  • hard cereals, buckwheat, oatmeal;
  • greenery;
  • fish, seafood;
  • berries - mulberries, strawberries, blueberries;
  • raisin;
  • eggs;
  • fruits - pomegranates, bananas, apples, apricots, pears;
  • green vegetables, radish, beets, tomatoes;
  • milk products;
  • juices - pomegranate, carrot, plum, beetroot, apple;
  • mineral water.

Coffee, tea and foods that contain a lot of oxalates are forbidden to drink:

  • boiled beans;
  • chocolate;
  • spinach;
  • strong broths;
  • tangerines.

Folk remedies. There are many ways and recipes that have been tried by the people that help with mild stages of anemia, some foods help increase low hemoglobin. But such treatment should be agreed with the doctor. The most popular recipes for iron deficiency are as follows:

  • Every morning there are 100 grams of grated carrots with sour cream.
  • Three vegetables to boost low hemoglobin. Grate carrots, beets, radishes in equal proportions and add 1 teaspoon of oil to 200 grams of vegetables.
  • Rosehip infusion. Pour 1 tablespoon of crushed fruits with 250 grams of boiling water, let it brew for 6 hours, drink 1 glass a day.

How to increase hemoglobin during pregnancy and lactation

The baby in the mother's womb is actively growing and developing every day, he needs a constant supply useful substances and oxygen. Load on the body future mother increases daily during pregnancy. During this period, every second woman suffers from anemia, which is mildly normal. But for the prevention of low hemoglobin, pregnant girls are advised to take vitamin preparations and the right amount of food containing animal protein, iron; cereals, vegetables and fruits.

Video: about the causes and consequences of iron deficiency anemia

Regardless of the causes of anemia, low hemoglobin in the blood negatively affects a person’s well-being and the functioning of the whole organism. Changes appearance, hormonal background, digestion is disturbed, the work of the cardiovascular system, brain cells. Timely identification of the causes of low hemoglobin, an integrated approach to treatment, proper nutrition will help correct the situation. Why it is important to maintain normal hemoglobin, what are the symptoms of iron deficiency anemia, what foods help to normalize the condition, see the video below.

Attention! The information provided in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give recommendations for treatment, based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Causes of low hemoglobin