Dictionary words with double consonants. Doubled consonants at the root of a word. Double n and one n in the suffixes of passive past participles and adjectives correlative with them

In the roots of Russian words, only double consonants are used ss and LJ . There are few such words.

Letters ss written in a word argument and related words formed from it, for example: on ss yell, by ss yell; and also in words Ro ss and I(from obsolete ross), ro ss English, Beloru ss and I(but Russia, Belarusian).

Letters LJ written in words in LJ and, dro LJ and, zhu LJ ahh, mo LJ evelnik and related words formed from them, for example: zhu LJ ane, mo LJ evelovy. Letters LJ are also written in words and forms derived from the verb burn (tourniquet), For example: LJ enenie, co LJ enie, LJ eat, LJ no, co LJ no.

Double consonants at the junction of a prefix and a root

Double consonants in Russian words are written at the junction of the prefix and the root, if the prefix ends and the root begins with the same consonant, for example: be ss porn, in ss dancing, in zz rhenium, according to dd keep, oh tt esnit.


1. With letters ss words are written from the root -count- using an attachment races -, For example: ra ss read, ra ss read. Words with the same prefix and root -even- written with one with , For example: calculation, prudent(but countless, from without an account).

2. Double consonants can occur in suffixes and at the junction of a root and a suffix, for example: traditionally nn oh, unity nn oh, matro ss cue. We will consider these cases later.

Double consonants in foreign words

Most double consonants are found in foreign words, for example: appeal, intellectual, occupant. These words, as well as words with unchecked spellings, need to be memorized. The following is a list of the most common words with double consonants.

Words with double consonants

  • aggressor
  • apparatus
  • association
  • allegory
  • appetite
  • attache
  • annotation
  • artillery
  • certificate
  • cancel
  • assistant
  • attraction
  • appeal
  • ballad
  • barricade
  • fiction
  • vote
  • pool
  • bulletin
  • group
  • discussion
  • thesis
  • differentiation
  • illusion
  • illuminations
  • illustration
  • classic
  • comment
  • concession
  • team
  • communism
  • correspondent
  • colloquium
  • communiqué
  • crystal
  • column, colonnade
  • compromise
  • crystalline but crystal
  • colossus
  • congress
  • cross
  • commission
  • weight
  • metal
  • mission
  • an occupation
  • opposition
  • opponent
  • parallel
  • pessimism
  • progress
  • passive
  • press
  • profession
  • platform
  • program
  • director
  • spring
  • repression
  • symmetry
  • surrogate
  • telegram
  • territory
  • track
  • tennis
  • terror
  • troupe
  • terrace
  • ton, but five tons
  • tunnel and tunnel
  • hockey
  • celluloid
  • cellulose
  • chassis
  • highway
  • expression
  • Effect

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Words with doubled consonants fundamentally obey the simple rules of the Russian language, which are studied in high school. For correct spelling, you should learn in advance to parse the word components: roots, suffixes.

In contact with

Double letters at the junction between the root prefix

  1. If a prefix and root start with the same letter, double consonants are written. Having disassembled words into morphemes, it is easy to understand how these words are written. The rule applies to such words as: threshold, appeal, lawless, enter, support, restore, anger, provoke, shameless.
  2. Words with prefixes that end in -s and cognate with the word "quarrel" also written with double consonants.

Examples: quarrel, quarrel.

Note! Despite the fact that in the single-root word "quarrel", three letters C are formed together with the prefix, only two are written. In Russian, there cannot be a triple. The same rule with the absence of a triple consonant applies to other words.

Compound nouns with a double consonant

Double consonant nouns may be complex, consist of two semantic roots or bases. A double consonant is written if there is no connecting vowel between the roots, and they begin with the same letter.

An example of such words: Mossovet (Moscow Council), chief physician (chief physician), Communist Party (Communist Party)

Spelling of double consonants in foreign words

borrowed nouns, which are spelled with doubled letters are the most common type of words.

It is impossible to check them, you can only memorize them, or use a spelling dictionary.

Here are a few such words: , ballast, hippopotamus, masseur, millimeter, occupier, ottoman, offshore, palazzo, passenger, pessimism, pizza, pleated, potpourri, programmer, professor.

Double PP words are one of the largest groups of words. Examples: terrace, platform, terrorism, arrosia, corrector, hemorrhoids, cirrhosis, terracotta, barricade. These words are associated with Latin and Greek words, are medical or highly professional terms.

It is difficult to determine the stem of a word in words such as highway, attraction, collection. The root in the word alley is also written with two -LL-. All these words are foreign by origin, their derivatives also have two identical letters in the base.

Important! Derivatives from words with a pair of double consonants in the root are usually also written with two consonants.

  • Highway - highway.
  • The collection is collectible.
  • Compromise is a compromise.

The exception to this rule are formations that have become Russified over time. Usually double -НН- becomes single if the suffix -К- is used after it.

  • Column - column.
  • Manna - semolina.
  • Crystal is crystal.

To check these words, it is better to use a dictionary.

Moreover, in some cases, even in the absence of the suffix -K - derivatives from foreign words with a double letter in the root form forms with one letter. Examples of these exceptions:

Operetta - operetta, operetta.

Column - columnar, columnar, column, columnar. Other derivatives are written with two -Н-. For comparison: colonnade, columnar.

Crystal - crystal, crystal. This rule is valid only in cases where the combination -L- occurs in words. For comparison: crystalline, crystalline.

Double consonant in words with Russian origin

Spelling of words with traditional Russian roots determined historically. There are rules that will help you check words with a double consonant.

Double -LJ-:

  • In words formed from "burn". Examples: burning, burned, burning.
  • In native Russian words, there are doubled consonants in such words as: reins, juniper, buzz.

Advice! As double consonants in primordially Russian words, combinations of letters zzh-zg-zd can be perceived by ear.

An example of such words: grumble (grub), squeal (squeal), rattle (rattle).

An exception to the rule are also the words ground beetle, mesentery. Their writing is connected with historical development.

Doubled consonants at the root of the word Russia and its derivatives. The spelling of these words is not checked by the rule, memorize them. Some of these words: Russia, Russian, Great Russian. But when the root changes to Rus, one consonant remains in the root: Rusist, Russified.

This rule is used unless the second -С- appears in the suffix.

Examples of such exceptions: Belarus, Russian.

Double consonant in proper names

Names with a double consonant often found, so you need to remember to write them.

Female names: Alla, Anna, Rimma.

Male names with a double letter: Cyril, Savva.

Diminutive forms of proper names with the suffix -K- are written without doubling the consonant.

Anna - Anka.

Rima - Rome.

Cyril - Kirilka.

If the diminutive form is formed using particles, feminine and male names used with a double letter. For example: Kirillushka, Annushka.

Spelling of a double consonant at the junction of a suffix and a stem

Between root and suffix often a combination SS or NN. In this case, one letter is in the stem of the word, the other is in the suffix. Most often, this spelling is observed where there are suffixes -STV-, -N-, -SK-.

This rule obeys such words as: lemon, cast iron, seed.

We study double consonants in the root of the word, examples

Words in Russian with double consonants


Spelling doesn't seem so complicated when you know the rules and can easily answer how to spell doubled consonants located at the root of a word. Remember examples that are not verifiable! If you have a particularly difficult word in front of you, it is best to use a spelling dictionary, which gives the correct spelling of the word and its derivatives.

“Early spring came unexpectedly, silver streams ran along the loose paths. Winged wanderers have returned from distant lands, these feathered workers build their nests tirelessly.

The spring picture conveyed by this text makes us remember the rules for writing doubled consonants.

Double consonants in loanwords

If the spelling of double consonants in a word cannot be checked in any way, then they are called double. These words are to be remembered. As required by this rule, we memorize the words with doubled consonants below.

1. Some proper names: Alla, Anna, Vassa, Inessa, Ella, Rimma, Cyril, Savva.

2. Borrowed words: terrace, ton, effect, tennis, repression, program, column, correspondent, assembly, alley, ball, etc.

3. Some native Russian words: Russia, burns, buzzes, yeast, quarrel.

4. In all words that are cognate with the above.

Differences of words with different number of consonants

When there is one consonant in some words, and double consonants in others, the rules are as follows:

1. If the root of the words differs in the number of consonants, then these are most likely different words with different lexical meanings:

  • ton - a measure of weight, tone - the case form of the word tone - a shade of sound or color;
  • cash register - a device for storing money, touch - connection at some point;
  • point - a unit of assessment, ball - an evening of relaxation with dancing.
  • A ton of coal has already been loaded onto the ship.
  • Igor had never heard such a pure tone.
  • The box office is closed today.
  • The touch was weak.
  • I got a high score in the exam.
  • Natalia was invited to the ball.
  • 2. There are cases when the number of identical letters does not affect the lexical meaning of words: Alla - Alka, crystal - crystal, art - skillful, correspondent - junkor, column - column, Finn - Finnish, ton - five tons.

    No double consonants

    If we take, for example, the word "aluminum", then it has one letter "l". Remember words that don't have double consonants. Word examples:

  • apartments;
  • balustrade;
  • gallery;
  • humanist, humanistic;
  • decibel;
  • dealer, dealer;
  • dilettante, dilettante;
  • drama, dramatic, dramatic;
  • imitation, imitate;
  • corridor, corridor;
  • midget;
  • producer, producer.
  • Hyphenation of words with double consonants

    Usually words are carried by syllables: ma-shi-na. The rules for hyphenation of doubled consonants are as follows:

    • Part of the word with one consonant remains on one line, and part of the word with the second consonant is transferred to another: column-na, ton-na, Al-la, Russia.
    • The transfer of words with doubled consonants should be carried out, if possible, in a place where there is no doubled consonant: art, terrace, correspondent.
    • Unfortunately, even adults are sometimes mistaken, well, or they don’t know how to properly transfer such words. So that embarrassment does not happen to you, let's discuss in which cases the transfer of words with double consonants is unacceptable. Examples:

      In addition, the rules for transferring double consonants prohibit transferring words with one vowel sound: class, score, burns.

      At the junction of morphemes

      When the end of a prefix and the beginning of a root, the end of a root and the beginning of a suffix, or the suffix is ​​the same letter, doubled consonants appear. The rules dictate this:

    • permanent;
    • fearless;
    • selfless;
    • toothless;
    • lawless;
    • provoke;
    • open;
    • story;
    • get angry;
    • pick;
    • dissect;
    • dry up;
    • be pinched with cold;
    • vestibule;
    • give in;
    • pry;
    • thaw;
    • outflow;
    • beat;
    • enter,
    • up;
    • entrusted;
    • art;
    • Russian;
    • sailor;
    • Novocherkassk;
    • picture;
    • old;
    • true;
    • cardboard;
    • coaster;
    • windowsill;
    • supporter;
    • wanderer;
    • chosen one;
    • pickpocket;
    • raspberry;
    • aspen.
    • Doubled consonants appear when adding abbreviated stems:

    • head physician;
    • maternity hospital.
    • In adjective suffixes

      In Russian, one of the most complex orthograms is one and two letters H in suffixes that are found in words of different parts of speech. Consider spelling -n- and -nn- in adjectives. A table will help us with this.

      double consonants. Rules for adjectives

      In-: wasp, eagle, falcon;

      An-(-yan-): linen, leather;

      Onn-: station, lecture;

      Enn-: cranberry, straw;

      There are several exceptions to this rule: windy (windless), glass, tin, wood.

      It is especially worth mentioning the words that are formed without a suffix:

      In participle suffixes

      To apply the rule correctly, words with double consonant-participles must be distinguished from adjectives. They are formed from verbs:

    • proceed - well-groomed;
    • paint - painted;
    • write - written;
    • expel - exiled;
    • desire - desired;
    • buy - bought;
    • eradicate - uprooted;
    • elect - chosen;
    • to heat up - red-hot;
    • fry - fried;
    • wake up - awakened;
    • demarcate - delimited;
    • print - printed;
    • draw - drawn;
    • interrogate - interrogated;
    • seize - seized.
    • Spelling of double consonants. Rule for participles with one letter H

      In short participles

      All tasks completed.

      In imperfect participles without dependent words and prefixes

      Spelling double consonants with two letters H

      There are dependent words

      A bench painted yesterday.

      Words to remember: unseen, unexpected, unexpected, unexpected, unread.

      In adverb suffixes

      In adverbs, the same amount is written H, how many in the generating word. This is the simplest rule. Words with double consonants with this spelling exist in Russian along with those that are written with one letter:

    • sincere - sincerely;
    • unintentional - unintentionally;
    • beautiful - beautiful;
    • interesting is interesting.
    • Now that the topic “Double consonants” has been studied, the rules are familiar and understandable, you can check how high the level of assimilation of educational material is.

      A. Ball. B. Group. B. Class. G. Alley. D. Gallery.

      2. What is the answer to the question: “How to transfer a word?” will be true?

      A. You need to leave both letters on the line.

      B. Leave one letter on the line, and transfer the other.

      B. Both letters must be transferred to the next line.

      3. Answer: is it possible to check double consonants?

      A. Definitely need to check.

      A. Saturday. B. Telegram. B. Story. G. Hockey.

      5. In what word are LJs written? Write it _____________________

    • bry ... chewing liquid;
    • zadrebe ... scarlet iron;
    • drive through the bridge;
    • annoying and ... burning;
    • ra ... reap a trap;
    • ra .. complain to mom;
    • ye...wife earth;
    • bred ... zhannaya horse;
    • see... a squeezing child.
    • beech a (l / ll) her, television (n / nn) ante (n / nn) a, dra (m / mm) atic co (l / ll) izia, friendly team (l / ll) ective, interesting pie (s/ss)a, capture(n/nn)te(r/rr)itoria, (s/ss)fight with friends, old dro(f/lj)i, show gu(m/mm)anism, krista (l / ll) honesty, file a (p / pp) e (l / ll) ation, a (l / ll) yuminium alloy, inventive claim (s / ss) art, a (k / kk) decompose urately, intelligently talk, go to the opera (t / tt) y, ma (s / ss) onskaya box, I’m fond of be (l / ll) etristy, a (n / pp) etitny pie, art (n / nn) th ha (l / ll) here.

      Tasks in the GIA format

    • The snow has already melted.
    • The shores of ... are heated in the spring.
    • The sun mercilessly eats away the snow drifts.
    • Rays be… pitifully burn the yellowed fields.
    • Streams and .. dried up.
    • Travelers wandered along the road along ... holding each other.
    • Everyone sat down around the fire.
    • It is a pleasure to walk with a full bucket along a barely visible path to the hut.
    • He liked everything here and delighted him: how large drops splashed, falling from the leaves of trees, how peaceful ... about the fire crackled and the forest land smelled breathtakingly.
    • Grandmother collected herbs: St. John's wort, plantain, fern, and always told me about their healing sacraments ... properties.
    • His tanned face was furrowed...with deep wrinkles.
    • The owner spoke unusually ... oh tenderly, talking to the pigeons.
    • We approach the house and see that the gate is open: it is clapping from the wind, and the heck is torn off ... but.
    • The next day, the gate was more beautiful ... ah, its hinges are greased ... s.
    • In the square at the very entrance of the tree ... there is a bench.
    • Near the bench were new poles vkopa..y.
    • Waves lazily crawled onto the sand and slowly crawled away, leaving behind an edge of snow-white foam.
    • The dog stood and looked into the distance of the sea, numb, with a lowered ... tail.
    • Grandmother was sitting at the table, silent and slowly ... about chewing bread.
    • The dog was huge, with a big head and lion paws.
    • It wore faded, impossibly wide canvases. th pants.
    • The posters were stickier. s throughout the city.
    • Everyone left, and only chole. The faces of the lackeys flickered in the corridors.
    • In the center of the room was a table covered with weaving. oh gold tablecloth.
    • 3. Select the sentences in which the numbers are correctly indicated, in the place of which HH are omitted.

    • On the table there are (1) a lot of vases with flowers and a throw (2) and a bunch of branches, so that the dishes stand, as if in a sacrament (3) more often. (3)
    • At the end of the nineteenth century, the variable filling thermometer was invented. Behind such a wise (2) name was a device intended (3) for measuring temperature in a small interval. (thirteen)
    • On a hot day, I sat by a tree (1) pier and ate ice cream (2) with crushed (3) nuts. (one)
    • On the table are (1) s peaches, prepared (2) for compote, not yet cleaner .. s. (2)
    • The glazed (1) doors were loose (2), and their standing (3) ringing merged with the ringing of the chandelier. (thirteen)
    • At the end of the long (1) corridor there was a fence (2) and a closet that served as a guest (3). (one)
    • 1. Which word is spelled wrong?

      B. No, you need to remember.

      4. In which word is not a double, but a doubled consonant?

      5. In what word are LJs written? Write it: scorched.

      6. One or two letters are missing in brackets:

      Beech alley, television antenna, dramatic conflict, art gallery, friendly team, interesting play, occupied territory, quarrel with friends, old yeast, show humanism, crystal honesty, file an appeal, aluminum alloy, inventive art, neatly spread out, intelligently talk, go to the operetta, the Masonic lodge, I am fond of fiction, an appetizing pie.

      1. What sentences contain words that are written with double consonants?

    • The streams have dried up.
    • The travelers walked along the road, supporting each other.
    • Everyone sat around the fire.
    • 2. Which sentences contain words with two letters H?

    • It is a pleasure to walk with a filled bucket along a barely visible path to the hut.
    • He liked everything here and delighted him: how large drops flopped, falling from the leaves of trees, how peacefully the fire crackled and the forest land breathtakingly smelled.
    • Grandmother collected herbs: St. John's wort, plantain, fern, and always told me about their healing mysterious properties.
    • The owner spoke with unusual tenderness when talking to the pigeons.
    • There is a wooden bench in the square near the entrance.
    • Waves lazily crawled onto the sand and slowly crawled away, leaving behind an edge of snow-white foam.
    • The dog stood and looked into the distance of the sea, numb, with its tail lowered.
    • Grandmother sat at the table, was silent and slowly chewed bread.
    • For the third task, the answers are given in the text itself, in brackets.

      Words with double (doubled) consonants

      A long consonant in a word is often written using two identical consonants. Such consonants are called double (doubled).

      The following consonants can be double in words:

    • bb - pp- Saturday, group, troupe, apparatus
    • ff- differentiate
    • kk neat, accordion, hockey
    • ss— profession, art, Russian
    • tt- attraction, certificate
    • pp- terrace, platform
    • LJ- buzzing, burning
    • ll- collection, alley, million
    • mm— grammar, kilogram
    • nn- bath, column, lemon
    • Double consonants can stand:

    1. At the beginning of the word - burning
    2. In the middle of the word - worldview
    3. At the end of the word - kilogram

    Double consonants are written at the junction of prefix and root: perpetual, view, support

    double consonants can be at the junction of root and suffix: fireplace, lemon.

    Double consonants can be found and at the root: Arts Oh, Gram.

    The spelling of double consonants must be memorized or, if in doubt, refer to a spelling dictionary.

    Usually, where a long sound is heard, double consonants are written. However, there are a number of exceptions that you need to know: gallery, imitation.

    ! Pay attention:

    Double consonants refer to alone syllable: quarrel-ra, zhu-zhzhat.

    When transferring words with double consonants, these letters are separated: Saturday, up-petit.

    Spelling of words with double consonants. Word composition. Generalization" (Grade 3)

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    Spelling of words with double consonants.

    Primary school teacher

    Moscow region, Chekhov

    Lesson topic: “Spelling words with double consonants. Word composition. Generalization".

    Target: learn to transfer words with doubled consonants, disassemble words in composition with doubled consonants; develop attention; educate interest in the Russian language.

    Subject UUD: they will learn to write words with doubled consonants, distinguish between the pronunciation of words with doubled consonants and correctly designate them in writing.

    Regulatory UUD: take into account the rule (algorithm) in planning and controlling the solution method, plan your actions with the help of a teacher when writing double consonants

    Communicative UUD: take into account different opinions and interests and express their own opinion (position), argue it .
    Cognitive UUD: understand the information presented in pictorial, graphical form; consciously build a speech statement in oral and written form.

    Personal UUD: awareness of one's ethnic and national identity; show cooperation skills, know how to avoid conflicts and find a way out of contentious conflicts.

    Type of lesson: generalization and systematization of knowledge

    Forms: individual, in pairs

    Equipment: computer, interactive whiteboard, each student has cards with text.

    I Organizing time

    II adaptation stage

    - Do you remember what spelling you got acquainted with and worked with during the last lessons?

    - What rules did you get?

    (A long consonant sound is heard one, and two letters are written.)

    - What other rule did you get acquainted with?

    (The rule of hyphenation of words with double consonants.)

    How should words with a double consonant be hyphenated?

    Checking homework

    (Ak - ku - rat - but, al - ley, bass - sein, art - art - st, ki - lo - gram, ko - lon - on, honey - flax - but, metal - tal, from - those - nok , ras - tale, ras - standing - nie, hockey - kei, shos - se.)

    What is the rule of the word?

    - Who did the job?

    What doubled consonant was most common in words? Children's answers.

    Write a whole line.

    Ss Ss Ss Ss Ss Ss Ss Ss Ss

    - Write down the word, stress it, highlight the unstressed vowel, divide the word into syllables.

    What spelling is found in the word?

    Explain the meaning of the word apparatus.

    The teacher puts cards on the board

    for taking pictures

    under images quickly punches for a conversation

    water in the distance math action checks in the distance

    - Compare the letters when we write a word with a double consonant and the sounds when we pronounce it. What's the Difference?

    - What conclusion can be drawn?

    (We hear a long sound, write two letters)

    - Unscramble another word.

    C O S R R P O E N D E T N

    Write down the word, dividing it into syllables for transfer, stress, highlight the unstressed vowel.

    Kor - res - pon - dent

    What spelling is found in the word? How do we transfer words with a double consonant?

    — Explain who the correspondent is?

    (The correspondent writes articles, notes in newspapers and magazines)

    - What is the name of a correspondent who takes photographs for newspapers and magazines?

    Make up a sentence with the word correspondent.

    (The correspondent wrote an interesting article.)

    - Highlight the grammatical basis of the sentence. Label the parts of speech for each word.

    What new words have you learned?

    How will you write them? Why?

    Lesson topic message

    - Who will formulate the topic of today's lesson?

    (Spelling of a double (double) consonant. Generalization of the studied)

    III main stage

    Generalization of the spelling of words with a double consonant

    Work with text. Title of the text.

    (Children have text on cards)

    Read the article written by the correspondent.

    Think about how to prove that this is a text.

    The text is on the interactive whiteboard.

    “The gorge had an amazingly picturesque and festive look! The mountains that formed it stood then vertical walls, then ran away in ledges. Despite the late autumn, it seemed that you were driving along the a__ of some fabulous garden. The bottom of the gorge was a wide road sprinkled with sand. On its sides grew groups of large poplars intertwined with some climbing plant. In some places there were plantings of luxurious wild rose with long white thorns, like the claws of a cat.

    What type of text is it?

    - What does the text say?

    Name the topic of the text.

    - Write the title in your notebook.

    Words with missing letters in the text. What rule do you need to know to write words correctly?

    Write down the words with the missing letters. Insert letters. Divide words into syllables for hyphenation. Highlight doubled consonants with one line.

    Find in the text words with double consonants.

    Sort by composition.

    (Sprinkled, long, story)

    How can words with double consonants be formed?

    (using prefixes and suffixes)

    What other spelling is found in the text?

    (Dividing soft sign)

    Find in the text the words for this rule.

    - Read the first sentence. Write off.

    gorged b e - 6 b., 6 stars.

    gorged b e had oud and vetel b knife and inscribed and praz d personal vi d !

    - What is this sentence in terms of the purpose of the statement, in terms of intonation?

    Determine the number of letters and sounds in the word gorge.

    - What role does the separating soft sign play in the word?

    Find in the text sentences with a separator soft sign. Write down suggestions. Highlight spellings.

    The bottom of the gorge b I represent a sluggish sh and rokuyu d about horn, sprinkle nn th p e com.

    According to Art. oro us her p about sli gr pp s large t about P about lei intertwined with some kind of b r a wailing.

    What rules were repeated in the lesson?

    IV creative stage

    Write down the words, dividing them into syllables for transfer.

    Newspaper, magazine employee.

    (Kor - res - pon - dent)

    Room in the school.

    In the valleys, in the spurs

    The wide road rushes

    And she, as everyone knows,

    It is called (shos - se)

    Along the side of the road

    Limes, maples here and there.

    It's more fun for everyone to go here

    This path is called (al-leya)

    (address - si - ditch - ka)

    Drawings in a magazine, newspaper, book.

    (il - lu - str - tsii)

    - Make up one word for schemes with double consonants.

    The class has a cool elongated

    VI Homework

    Write down 10 words with double consonants from the dictionary.

    Double Consonant Words Vocabulary

    (The object of our research will be words with double consonants in the root) And the etymological dictionary (show) will tell you from which word. Learn words. Double consonants can be in the roots: Russian words: reins, buzz,; borrowed words: certificate, terrace. Determine the manufacturer.

    Spelling of double consonants in a word - one of the words with double consonants must be remembered. wa with double consonants): Vocabulary p. In 1990, in Moscow, the publishing house 'Russian language' published his dictionary - a reference book 'Words with double consonants'. Author teaching aids for. Double consonants are written with a combination of a prefix and a root, if the prefix is ​​\u200b\u200bDouble consonants are written with a combination constituent parts abbreviated words, if one part ends, See dictionaries on Yandex. Double consonants at the root are most often found in borrowed words. Words are written with one consonant: acoustics DICTIONARIES on GRAMMA.

    "Double consonant at the root of a word." 3rd grade. Presentation for the lesson. Download presentation (1.2 MB). Attention! The slide preview is for informational purposes only and may not represent the full extent of the presentation. If you are interested in this work, please download the full version.

    The purpose of the lesson: the formation of the ability to designate long consonant sounds in writing with letters, transfer words with double consonants. Educational. to acquaint students with the pronunciation and spelling of the most frequently used words with doubled letters; learn about the origin of words. promote the development of phonemic hearing (the ability to highlight words with double consonants at the root in the text), enrich the vocabulary of children with words with double consonants, teach the exact use of words depending on their lexical meaning; develop memory, attention, thinking, observation, the ability to draw conclusions and generalize; develop communication skills through work in pairs and groups, assessment and self-assessment of activities;

    Educational. to cultivate interest in the Russian language, the need to use linguistic wealth; to improve the ability to listen and hear, working in groups, to cultivate mutual understanding and mutual assistance. nurturing education; activity (game moment); taking into account age characteristics. Organization and self-organization of educational and cognitive activity:.

    verbal (story, conversation); practical (exercises); research;. information and communication. Stimulation and motivation (game moment, getting "5" when completing tasks). Control and self-control:. oral and written;

    frontal and group; Student autonomy. under the guidance of a teacher; independent learning activity. Teaching techniques: observation of linguistic phenomena (comparison, identification). Equipment: interactive whiteboard, computer, presentation, cards for independent work, worksheets in groups, etymological dictionary, dictionary of foreign words. For students - cards "Research group No. 1", No. 2, No. 3; No. 4; 2 squares - yellow and green (to evaluate your work in the lesson).

    Type of lesson according to educational purpose: lesson of discovering new knowledge. Type of lesson: lesson-research (problem-dialogical). Form of work: collective, in pairs, in groups. Organizing time. Motivation.

    Calligraphy. Creation of a situation leading to the formulation of a learning task.

    Introduction to the game plot. Work on the topic of the lesson. Fizkultminutka. Group work. Lesson results. Reflection.

    Homework. Questions and tasks: during the lesson. I. Organizational moment. Emotional mood for the lesson.

    We are starting a Russian lesson. Tell the secrets of the word (SLIDE 3). I am always ready for you. But be prepared for class. - Guys, are you ready to make new discoveries? Then let's get to work. Recording the date of the lesson in the student's notebooks.

    - Open your notebooks, step back from homework two lines, write the number on the third. Today is the fourteenth of February.

    Classwork. II.

    Calligraphy. Knowledge update. (A minute of calligraphy becomes a “bridge” to the topic).

    - Can you say that these are syllables? (No, they consist of two consonants, and the syllable must have a vowel). - What letter can be superfluous? (P - denotes a deaf consonant sound). - Write down the connection data in your notebook in alphabetical order, while observing the height of the letters and the slope. In what order were the letters written? (l, m, p, p).

    1) Where is the board and desks. So that all the children immediately sit down. 3) Along the side of the road. Limes, maples here and there.

    It's more fun for everyone to go here. This path is called ... (alley). - Look at what these words are interesting for, what is unusual about them. - Write these words in your notebook on the next line, separated by commas. Underline the letters that repeat in these words. III. Statement of the educational task.

    - Today we will go to a city called (SLIDE 5) DOUBLE CONSONANTS. Today you will be not just travelers, but explorers. – What do you think could be the object of research in this city? (The object of our research will be words with double consonants in the root). What root spelling do we know? (Unstressed vowel, double consonant, unpronounceable consonant). Is there a spelling rule for an unstressed vowel at the root of a word? (You can change the word so that it is under stress).

    For example, …. - About the spelling of a double consonant? (Change the word so that there is a vowel after it). For example, …. “About the unpronounceable consonant?” (Change the word so that the unpronounceable consonant is heard distinctly.) For example, …. Problematic question: How to check the spelling of words with a double consonant? (SLIDE 14). - How do we determine whether the word is a resident of the city Doubled consonants? (Assumptions of children).

    - Whether there is a general rule about writing double consonants at the root of a word. - What do you need to be in order for your research to be successful? (Active, attentive, help each other). What goals should we set for ourselves? (Learn to write words with double consonants at the root of the word, learn to see them in the text). IV.

    Fizminutka for the eyes (SLIDE). V. Work on the topic of the lesson. 1. Exercise in writing words with doubled consonants. Each group receives a sheet with suggestions: Auditory dictation.

    "Listen and say." (The goal is to observe words similar in sound, explain their spelling). Definition of the lexical meaning of words. Determine by ear in which words similar in sound should be written double consonants, and in which not. 1) If there are a lot of (s, ss) ora in the house. Maybe in the house flare up (s, ss) ora.

    What are the similarities and differences between the words litter and quarrel? Name a synonym for the word litter. - Explain their meaning (litter - garbage, quarrel - discord, disagreement).

    Spelling double consonants at the root of words

    In Russian, in a number of words there is a double spelling of consonants in the root.

    Double consonants in words of native Russian origin

    In words of native Russian origin, double consonants are written "lj" fundamentally:

  • burn, tremble, juniper, juniper, buzz, buzz;
  • in formations from the verb burn - burnt, burning, burning, burning, burning.
  • These spellings should be distinguished from words in which a combination of consonants is written "zzh", which sounds like a long [ well‘]:

    At the root of these words there is an alternation of consonant combinations "zg" and "zzh":

  • bruzg a - bruzzh a
  • sigh - sigh
  • mo zg - mo zh echok
  • drebe zg - drebe zzh a
  • Double "ss" written in the roots of words "ss ora", "ss swear", "Ro ss iya", "ross yanin" and other cognate words.

    Writing double consonants in compound words

    Double consonants are written in compound words at the junction of roots if the first part of the word ends and the second begins with the same consonant, for example:

    ro dd om, head vv rach

    If the stem of the word ends with the spelling of double consonants, then two letters are also written in the derived word before the suffix, for example:

    • group pp a - group pp ka;
    • telegram mm a - telegram mm ka;
    • score - five points;
    • program mm a - program mm ka;
    • compromise ss - compromise ss.


    In Russian orthography there are words - exceptions to the rule of writing double consonants at the root of a word.

    Word "crystal" and all its derivatives have double consonant spellings "l":

    crystal ik, crystal llic, crystallize,

    crystal, crystal, crystal, crystal.

    Let's continue this list of exceptions:

  • opera tt a - opera tka, opera accurate;
  • column nn and, column nn hell - column n ka, benzo-, water column n ka;
  • ma nn aya (groats), man nn ik - man ka;
  • fi nn s - fi nka, finnish, Finland;
  • then nn a, then nn already - three-ton nka, one and a half nka;
  • antena nn a - antena nka, antena nka.
  • In words borrowed from other languages, we remember the spelling of double consonants, for example:

    trainer, merchant, a ss istent, apparat, terrace, ballad, effect, ann ulate, opposition, symmetry, platform, shelving, ress ora, te nn is, troll heibus.

    In case of difficulty, we inquire about their spelling in the spelling dictionary.

    It should be remembered that in the following borrowed words only one consonant is written at the root of the word:

    address, aluminium, actress, attribute, afera, balustrade, business, gallery, galette, humanism, galantereya, dessert, and imitation, impre s ario, caloria, cavalry, caricature, corridor, privilege, producer, race, racist, panorama, pudding etc.

    Video lesson “Words with double consonants. Word hyphenation with double consonants

    double consonants. Words with double consonants.

    In Russian, words with double consonants in the root are found quite often in foreign words, as well as in some Russian words. Most often in Russian words, a doubled consonant occurs at the junction of a root and a suffix, as well as at the junction of a prefix and a root.

    Double consonants in roots

    In the roots of Russian words, only double consonants are used ss and LJ . There are few such words.

    Letters ss written in a word argument and related words formed from it, for example: on ss yell, by ss yell; and also in words Ro ss and I(from obsolete ross), ro ss English, Beloru ss and I(but Russia, Belarusian).

    Letters LJ written in words in LJ and, dro LJ and, zhu LJ ahh, mo LJ evelnik and related words formed from them, for example: zhu LJ ane, mo LJ evelovy. Letters LJ are also written in words and forms derived from the verb burn (tourniquet), For example: LJ enenie, co LJ enie, LJ eat, LJ no, co LJ no.

    Double consonants at the junction of a prefix and a root

    Double consonants in Russian words are written at the junction of the prefix and the root, if the prefix ends and the root begins with the same consonant, for example: be ss porn, in ss dancing, in zz rhenium, according to dd keep, oh tt esnit.


    1. With letters ss words are written from the root -count- using an attachment races -, For example: ra ss read, ra ss read. Words with the same prefix and root -even- written with one with , For example: calculation, prudent(but countless, from without an account).

    2. Double consonants can occur in suffixes and at the junction of a root and a suffix, for example: traditionally nn oh, unity nn oh, matro ss cue. We will consider these cases later.

    Double consonants in foreign words

    Most double consonants are found in foreign words, for example: appeal, intellectual, occupant. These words, as well as words with unchecked spellings, need to be memorized. The following is a list of the most common words with double consonants.

    Words with double consonants

  • aggressor
  • apparatus
  • association
  • allegory
  • appetite
  • attache
  • annotation
  • artillery
  • certificate
  • cancel
  • assistant
  • attraction
  • appeal
  • ballad
  • barricade
  • fiction
  • vote
  • pool
  • bulletin
  • classic
  • The spelling of consonants consists of 5 basic rules: 1) checked consonants 2) unverified consonants, 3) spelling of unpronounceable consonants, 4) double consonants in foreign words, 5) doubling of consonants in Russian words.

    This abstract discusses last two rules (4 and 5). The first three rules in the abstract.

    Double consonants in foreign words

    In Russian spelling, the doubling of consonants can be caused by various reasons.

    1. Many borrowed words retain source language spelling and double consonants are written in such cases according to tradition, for example: antenna, grammar, colossus . The spelling of double consonants in words of foreign origin is determined in dictionary order, for example: letter of credit, appeal, appendicitis, fiction, boss, hippo, dilemma, indifferent, irrational, college, coefficient, pessimism, symmetry, shelving, chlorophyll, ellipse, essence, effect other.
    2. However with one consonant words are written: aluminum, attribute, bachelor, balustrade, volleyball, gallery, landing, dessert, amateur, Qatar, midget, privilege, producer, resources, sidewalk, etc.
    3. In suffix -ess- two are written with (poet, stewardess ), in the suffix -is- one with (actress, director ).
    4. In words formed from stems ending in two identical consonants, double consonants before suffixes are usually retained, For example: program - program, telegram - telegram, score - nine points, Gallic - Gallic . Wed: Cannes Film Festival, Bonn Government, Lausanne Conference etc.
    5. But in a number of words, as well as in diminutive proper names of persons in this case, it is written one consonant, For example:

    a) operetta - operetta, column - column, ton - three-ton, finn - fink a (usually double n is contracted into one n before the suffix -k-), Finnish;
    b) Anna - Anka, Kirill - Kirilka, Rimma - Rimka, Philip - Filipka, Emma - Emka .

    Doubling consonants in Russian words

    1. In the roots of Russian words, doubling of consonants is rare. So, SS written in word argument , Learn- in words yeast, buzz, juniper and in related words formed from them: quarrel, buzz, juniper, yeasty and others, as well as in the word burning .

    2. Double F written in words and forms derived from the verb burn (burn) using alternation: burn, burn, burn etc. Compare: kindle - kindled, kindle .

    Note. When alternating zg/zzh, zd/zzh it is written ZZh, not ZhZh (contrary to pronunciation), for example: squeal - squeal, arrival - arrive .

    3. in different parts speech.

    4. In other cases, doubling of consonants occurs at the junction of prefix and root(For example, tell ), root and suffix (fog ), and then the spelling of words obeys the morphological principle: we keep the same spelling of each of the morphemes. Therefore, you should carefully analyze the composition of the word if the prefix ends and the root begins with the same consonant, for example: appeal, support, dawn . Wed: give in - give in. The door gave way under the blows (stopped in its original position). - The door succumbed to the blows of crowbar (did not hold back pressure, pressure).

    5. Double consonants are written in compound words, if one part ends and the other begins with the same consonant, for example: head physician (chief physician).

    Note. In the first part of compound words, which is a stem that ends in a double consonant, only one consonant is written, for example: gramophone record, bureau .

    Lesson Objectives

    • Educational: improving knowledge about the spelling of words with doubled consonants at the root; formation of spelling skills; learn to express your thoughts and understand the position of the interlocutor.
    • Educational: development of students' speech; activation of verbal-logical thinking; formation of abstract thinking, stability of attention; intellectual development due to a new level of initiative and independence of schoolchildren in the organization of the educational process.
    • Educational: education of partnership, mutual assistance, love for the Russian language.

    Forms of work: intra-group and general class discussions, work in groups, independent dialogue of students among themselves regarding the solution of a learning problem.


    • Cards: calligraphy, checking theoretical material, creative task, self-assessment sheet;
    • Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Pronina O.V. Russian language. Textbook for 3rd grade. Part 1. 3rd edition, revised - M .: Balass, 2008.

    During the classes

    I. Organizational moment

    Check readiness for the lesson.

    How would you like to see today's Russian lesson?

    Board writing:

    • interesting
    • informative
    • fruitful
    • developing

    Explain each concept.

    For the lesson to turn out like this, one teacher is not enough, your help is also needed. What should students be like in class?

    Board writing:

    • Students:
    • active
    • thinking
    • workable
    • attentive
    • neat
    • disciplined
    • friendly

    Can you become like that? At the end of the lesson, we will analyze whether it turned out the way we wanted it to be.

    II. Calligraphy

    We will start, as usual, with a minute of calligraphy.

    Each group is given the task to come up with a stroke with the letter combinations that you have on the table. (ss, ll, nn, bb)

    If you have any difficulties, there is a sample on the back of the card, you can use it.

    With what letter combinations did you write the stroke? Show the cards to each other.

    Why do you think we took these letter combinations for calligraphy - ss, ll, nn, bb? (double consonant in a word)

    On the board: nn, kk, ss, fzh, mm, pp, rr, ll, bb

    III. goal setting

    What do you think is the topic of today's lesson?

    On the board: Spelling words with doubled consonants at the root

    With a double consonant, we certainly write the words:

    antenna, kilogram and gram, and ton,

    passenger, highway, column,

    quarrel, tennis and program,

    group, cash desk, telegram,

    russian, class, saturday, bath,

    Rimma, Emma, ​​Inna, Anna.

    I hope that you will try to show your knowledge on this topic, the ability to write words with double consonants in the root. We will develop observation, our speech, enrich vocabulary.

    You will work in groups. Remember - it is important not only to complete the task yourself, but also to help your comrades. After all, not only the personal result is important, but also the result of the work of the whole group, which will lead to the success of the whole class.

    IV. Actualization of knowledge (general class discussion)

    First, let's review everything you know about the topic of the lesson. Discuss in the group the questions given on the cards, at the end of the work, check yourself according to the textbook. The textbook pages are listed at the bottom of the card.

    (Self-control on all issues. Group assessment)

    • Green circle - I actively participated in the work of the group, successfully completed the tasks. I am very glad!
    • Yellow circle - not all tasks in the lesson turned out to be so easy. It was difficult for me, but I managed. I am quite pleased with myself!
    • Red circle - the tasks were too difficult. I need help!
    No. p / p Questions self control Group score
    1 Which of these letter combinations are double consonants?

    nn, zhk, kk, dk, ss, sk, tr, zd, lj, sun, mm, pp, rr, ll, bb

    2 What does a double consonant mean in a word?
    3 Is it possible to check the spelling of a doubled letter in the root of a word?
    4 How are words with a double consonant transferred? Write down two words
    5 Write down two double consonant words that cannot be transposed
    6 Is the spelling a double consonant at the root of the word? Why?
    7 write down dictionary words with a double consonant in the root of the word
    8 Write one word so that it contains the letter combination doubled consonant at the root of the word that you wrote in calligraphy. How many letters are in this word?

    V. Creative work

    1. Exercise in writing words with a double consonant (Intragroup discussion, self-test, mutual check, mutual help)

    And now, a creative task. Replace the phrase with one word.

    1 group

    1. Making drawings from glued or sewn pieces of paper, fabric.
    2. Device, technical device.
    3. There is a great desire.
    4. Belts, ropes to control the horse.
    5. A microscopic fungal substance that causes fermentation.
    6. Paved road.
    7. A state of mutual hostility.
    8. A group of persons with special powers.
    9. A child, a teenager who studies nature.
    10. Director of a theatrical, film or television production.
    11. An artificial reservoir built for swimming.
    12. Women's names.

    2 group

    1. Several objects or people close together or connected together.
    2. Acute viral illness.
    3. A combination of several musical sounds of various pitches.
    4. Produce a monotonous rattling sound, whistling noise.
    5. An executive person who keeps everything in order.
    6. Sports running.
    7. Man, scientific works which are of great value.
    8. Pair sports game with a small ball, which is thrown by a racket over the net.
    9. Sick leave.
    10. Type of urban transport.
    11. Popular game on ice.
    12. Work mate.

    3 group

    1. A person with a great internal culture.
    2. An urgent message sent by telegraph.
    3. Explanatory drawing.
    4. Mass units.
    5. Decorative lighting of parks, streets on the occasion of some celebration.
    6. Day off.
    7. A large, usually oblong container for bathing and washing.
    8. Summer extension to the house.
    9. Newspaper, magazine employee.
    10. One of the types of ball games.
    11. Animal education.
    12. Certificate of completion of high school.

    4 group

    1. The science of changing and combining words.
    2. Pedestrian road lined with trees on both sides.
    3. group of people united common work, studies, interests.
    4. A systematic collection of some items.
    5. A place where money transactions are carried out.
    6. Limited land space.
    7. Medical bandage.
    8. Tamer of predatory animals.
    9. Drawings in a magazine, newspaper, book.
    10. Room in the school.
    11. Through passage dug underground.
    12. Sports running.

    Dynamic pause

    Creative tasks (Intragroup discussion, self-examination, mutual examination, mutual assistance)

    And now, a creative task. Each group has cards with suggestions. Open the brackets and write the resulting words.

    1 group

    Ra (n, nn) ​​her (oh, a) se (n, nn) ​​her morning. Already p (o, a) (ss, s) led. I get up (o, a) u and exit (o, a) zhu (on) those (rr, p) a (ss, s) y. Gl (e, i, i) zhu through (b) (o, a) ko (n, nn) ​​st (i, i, e) klo (c) fog (n, nn) ​​gave (b).

    2 group

    It blows (i, i, e) p k (o, a) h (a, i) em in (e, i, i) rhu (w, g) ki d (i, i, e) rev (s) ev . I s (o, a) vu (c) myself with (a, o) tank (C, c) arrow and go (c) c (a, o) c (n, nn) ​​new grove (u, u). So (n, nn) ​​th (C, s) arrow b (i, i, e) f (s, i) t (behind) me.

    3 group

    We br (I, and, e) we (along) the length (nn, n) oh (o, a) (ll, l) her. In (a, o) kru (k, g) gru (p, pp) bushes grow w (s, i) of the top and m (o, a) (lzh, g) (i, e) (vv, c) ate (s) nick. The soil p (a, o) is covered by a bright rustling (a, i) i ma (ss, s) a.

    4 group

    Already then (n, nn) ​​s sheet (s) ev (a, o) bl (i, e) bodies (s) d (i, i, e) rev (s) ev. And out on (w, w) sose (t, e) pr (a, o) (ff, f) e (ss, s) (a, o) r (G, g) e (n, nn) ​​a ( dd, e) ii (K, k) i (rr, r) i (l, ll) ovich b (i, e) f (s, i) t (by) a (l, ll) her. He loves morning (and, e) (nn, n) ie cro (s, ss) s.

    Read what you got. Explain the spelling of the words.

    Let's read it again, connect all the parts and see what we got.

    What did we get? Prove it's text. What signs of the text do you know? ( The text consists of sentences. The sentences in the text are connected in meaning. The text has a title. The title tells you what the text will be about.

    How can you title the text?

    Autumn morning.

    Early autumn morning. It's already dawn. I get up and go out onto the terrace. I look through the window glass into the misty distance. The wind shakes the tops of the trees. I call the dog Strelka with me and go to the pine grove. Sleepy Arrow is running after me. We are walking down a long alley. Rosehip and juniper bushes grow in groups around. The soil is covered with a bright rustling mass. Already tons of leaves flew from the trees. And there is our neighbor Professor Gennady Kirillovich running along the alley. He loves morning crosses.

    VI. Lesson summary

    What was difficult in the lesson?

    What's interesting?

    Record your progress on a self-assessment sheet. If the lesson was fruitful for you and you were satisfied with your knowledge, skills, actions, draw a green circle. If the lesson went well, but it could have been better - a yellow circle. And if the time in the lesson was completely wasted, then it is red.

    No. p / p Questions self control Teacher evaluation
    1 Explain what a double consonant in a word means
    2 I know how words with a double consonant are transferred
    3 I know dictionary words with a double consonant in the root of the word
    4 In the group, he helped to select the right words for phrases
    5 Attentively listened to the teacher and classmates, actively worked at the lesson, answered the questions correctly

    What do you think, did we solve the problems of the lesson?

    Thanks for the interesting collaboration. The result of the work of each group led to the success of the whole class. Well done!