Arabic tattoo on the arm. Charming and spectacular ligature with a special meaning is a tattoo in Arabic with translation. Arabic tattoos - meaning

عِش اليوم وإنس الغد

Live today, forget about tomorrow

سامحني و حبني دائماً

Forgive me and always love me

الجمال ليس عصفور في قفص

Love is not a bird to be kept in a cage

أهل or عائلة

أهلي or عائلتي

My family

اجعل الله اولويتك

Lord above all


Be yourself

والخارج or جميل القلب والقالب , جميلة القلب والقالب

Beautiful internally and externally

My angels

ملائكتي الثلاثة

3 my angels

ملائكتي الغالية, سامحيني رجاءاً

3 my angels forgive me

إبقَ قوياٌ

Stay strong

كل شئ ممكن اذا تمنيت بشدة

Everything is possible if you really want it

وجهة or نهاية


اعشق نفسك

Love yourself

تعلم من الماضي وعش الحاضر وتتطلع للمستقبل

Learn from yesterday, live today, hope for tomorrow.

عندما تفشل الكلمات , تتكلم الموسيقى

When the words end, the music begins to speak

العائلة هي الملاذ في عالم لا قلب له

Family is heaven in a heartless world

لا تثق بأحد

Do not trust anyone

اشع مثل الالماس

Shine like a diamond

حار من تالي


إن الانسان الحر كلما صعد جبلا عظيماً وجد وراءه جبالا أخرى يصعدها

When you climb a high mountain, a huge number of mountains open before you, which you have yet to climb. (Nelson Mandela)

تعلمت أن الشجاعة ليست هي غياب الخوف، بل هي هزيمته، فالرجل الشجاع ليس الرجل الذي لا يشعر بالخوف، بل هو الرجل الذي يهزم هذا الخوف

I firmly learned that courage is not the absence of fear, but the victory over it. a brave man is not one who does not experience fear, but one who fights against it. (Nelson Mandela)

إذا كنت تريد أن تصنع السلام مع عدوك، فيتعين أن تعمل معه، وعندئذ سوف يصبح شريكك

If you want to make peace with your enemy, you must work with your enemy. then he becomes your partner. (Nelson Mandela)

إذا ما تحدثت مع رجل ما بلغة يفهمها، فإن الكلام يدخل عقله، أما إذا ما تحدثت إليه بلغته، فإن الكلام سوف يدخل قلبه

If you are talking to a person in a language they understand, you are speaking to their mind. if you speak to him in his language, you speak to his heart. (Nelson Mandela)

ليس العار في أن نسقط .. و لكن العار أن لا تستطيع النهوض

Don't be ashamed to fall. ashamed to fall, and not be able to rise.

لا تبصق في البئر فقد تشرب منه يوما

Don't spit in the well, one day you'll drink from it.

لا تكن كقمة الجبل .. ترى الناس صغارا ويراها الناس صغيرة

Well, be like the top of a mountain. she sees people small, but people see her the same way.

قطرة المطر تحفر في الصخر ، ليس بالعنف و لكن بالتكرار

A raindrop wears away a stone. not by force, but by repetition.

نمرٌ مفترس أمامك .. خير من ذئب خائن وراءك

A predatory tiger in front of you is better than a traitor wolf behind you.

البستان الجميل لا يخلو من الأفاعي

And in beautiful garden there are snakes.

كل إنسان يصبح شاعراً إذا لامس قلبه الحب

With a touch of love one becomes a poet. (Plato)

الحياة أمل، فمن فقد الأمل فقد الحياة

Life is hope. who lost hope, lost life. (Plato)

التفكير حوار الروح مع ذاتها

Thinking is a dialogue of the soul with itself. (Plato)

السعادة هي معرفة الخير والشر

Happiness is the knowledge of good and evil. (Plato)

الوطن هو حيث يكون المرء في خير

Where it is good, there is the homeland. (Aristophanes)

الأفكار العليا لابد لها من لغة عليا

High thoughts must be expressed high tongue. (Mahatma Gandhi)

العين بالعين تجعل كل العالم أعمى

The principle of "an eye for an eye" will make the whole world blind. (Mahatma Gandhi)

في البدء يتجاهلونك، ثم يسخرون منك، ثم يحاربونك، ثم تنتصر

First they don't notice you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you. and then you win. (Mahatma Gandhi)

عليك أن تكون أنت التغيير الذي تريده للعالم

We ourselves must become the changes we want to see in the world. (Mahatma Gandhi)

Life is only where there is love. (Mahatma Gandhi)

أنا مستعد لأن أموت، ولكن ليس هنالك أي داع لأكون مستعدا للقتل

I am ready to die, but there is no goal in the world for which I would be ready to kill. (Mahatma Gandhi)

الضعيف لا يغفر، فالمغفرة شيمة القوي

The weak never forgive. the ability to forgive is a property of the strong. (Mahatma Gandhi)

أيها الناس إنما أنا متبع ولست بمبتدع فإن أحسنت فأعينوني وإن زغت فقوموني

Oh people! I'm the one that follows, not the one that leads. if I behave well, help, support me, and if I deviate, direct me to the right path

ليمدحك الغريب لا فمك

Let another praise you, don't let your own mouth do it. (Suleiman al-Hakim)

لا تقاوموا الشر بالشر بل قاوموه بالخير

Do not fight evil with evil, but (fight it) with good (Suleiman al-Hakim)

العلم نور ونور الله لايهدى لعاصي

Science (knowledge) is light, and the light of Allah does not lead (the right path) the sinner. (Imam Ash-Shafi'i)

العبقرية جزء من الوحي والإلهام, وتسعة وتسعون جزءا من الكد والجهد العظيم

Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent sweat and hard work. (Thomas Edison)

القراءة تصنع الرجل الكامل والنقاش يصنع الرجل المستعد والكتابة تصنع الرجل الدقيق

Reading makes a person complete, meeting ready, and writing accurate. (Francis Bacon)

شيئان لا حدود لهما، الكون و غباء الإنسان، مع أنى لست متأكدا بخصوص الكون

Only two things are infinite - the universe and human stupidity. However, I'm not sure about the universe." (Albert Einstein)

أنا لا أعرف السلاح الذي سيستخدمه الإنسان في الحرب العالمية الثالثة، لكني أعرف أنه سيستخدم العصا والحجر في الحرب العالمية الرابعة

I do not know with what weapon the third World War, but it is quite obvious that the fourth is only with sticks and stones (Albert Einstein)

أهم شيء أن لا تتوقف عن التساؤل

The main thing is not to stop asking questions (Albert Einstein)

الجنون هو أن تفعل الشيء مرةً بعد مرةٍ وتتوقع نتيجةً مختلفةً

Madness is doing the same thing and expecting a different result every time (Albert Einstein)

الخيال أهم من المعرفة

Fantasy is more important than knowledge (Albert Einstein)

الحقيقة ليست سوى وهم، لكنه وهم ثابت

Reality is an illusion, albeit a very persistent one (Albert Einstein)

أنا لا أفكر بالمستقبل، إنه يأتي بسرعة

I never think about the future. it comes by itself soon enough (Albert Einstein)

من لم يخطئ، لم يجرب شيئاً جديداً

The man who never made a mistake never tried something new (Einstein)

ذا كان أ = النجاح. فإن أ = ب + ج + د. حيث ب =العمل. ج =اللعب. د =إبقاء فمك مغلقاً

Einstein said: “If a is success, then his formula is: a = x + y + z, where. x is work. y is the game. z is your ability to be silent (einstein)

العلم بدون دين أعرج، والدين بدون علم أعمى

Science without religion is lame, and religion without science is blind (Albert Einstein)

سر الإبداع هو أن تعرف كيف تخفي مصادرك

The secret of creativity lies in the ability to hide the sources of your inspiration (Albert Einstein)

خلق الله لنا أذنين ولساناً واحداً .. لنسمع أكثر مما نقول

God gave man two ears, only one tongue, so that he would listen more than speak. (Socrates)

المرأة . . مصدر كل شر

Woman is the source of all evil. (Socrates)

الحياة من دون ابتلاء لا تستحق العيش

Without testing, life is not life for a person. (Socrates)

هناك عدة طرق لمقاومة الإغراء ؛ الطريقة الإولى ان تكون جبانا

There are several ways to deal with temptation; the surest of them is cowardice. (Mark Twain)

علينا شكر الحمقى لأننا لولاهم ما استطعنا النجاح

It's good that there are fools in the world. it is thanks to them that we succeed. (Mark Twain)

الجنس البشري يملك سلاح فعّال وحيد، وهو الضحك

Mankind has one truly powerful weapon, and that is laughter. (Mark Twain)

المسؤولية ثمن العظمة

The price of greatness is responsibility (Winston Churchill)

إمبراطوريات المستقبل هي إمبراطوريات العقل

The empires of the future are the empires of the mind. (Winston Churchill)

حين تصمت النسور، تبدأ الببغاوات بالثرثرة

When the eagles are silent, parrots begin to chatter. (Winston Churchill)

لماذا تقف حينما تستطيع الجلوس؟

Why stand when you can sit? (Winston Churchill)

أينما يتواجد الحب تتواجد الحياة

Where there is love, there is life. (Mahatma Gandhi)

إن مبدأ العين بالعين يجعل العالم بأكمله أعمى

The principle of "an eye for an eye" will leave the whole world blind. (Mahatma Gandhi)

أنا لست محررا, المحررين لا وجود لهم, فالشعوب وحدها هي من يحرر نفسها

I am not a liberator. liberators don't exist. people free themselves. (Che Guevara)

الحب سحر يلخبط عقل الإنسان من أجل إنسان آخر

Love is magic that upsets the human mind for the sake of the other person. (Anis Mansour)

من النظرة الأولى يولد الحب،ومن النظرة الثانيه يموت

Love is born at first sight, dies at the second. (Anis Mansour)

إن كان قصرا أو سجنا لايهم:فالمحبون يجعلون كل الأماكن متشابهة

It doesn’t matter if it’s a palace or a prison: lovers make all places the same. (Anis Mansur)

إن كانت الحياة زهره فالحب رحيقها

If life is a flower, then love is its nectar. (Anis Mansour)

إذا أردت من المرأة أن تحبك فكن مجنونا..فالمرأة لا تحب العقلاء

If you want a woman to love you, be crazy. women do not like reasonable. (Anis Mansour)

إذا رجل أتى لزوجته بهدية من غير سبب،فلأن هناك سببا

If a man gives his wife a gift for no reason, then there is a reason for this. (Anis Mansour)

تحتاج الأم إلى عشرين عاما لتجعل من طفلها رجلا عاقلا،وتحتاج إمرأة أخرى عشرين دقيقه لتجعل منه مغفلا

It takes a mother 20 years to make a smart man out of her child, and another woman only needs 20 minutes to make a fool out of him.

البغضة تهيج خصومات والمحبة تستر كل الذنوب

Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all sins.

كثرة الكلام لا تخلو من معصية.اما الضابط شفتيه فعاقل

With verbosity, sin cannot be avoided, but he who restrains his mouth is reasonable.

كالخل للاسنان وكالدخان للعينين كذلك الكسلان للذين ارسلوه

As vinegar is to the teeth and smoke to the eyes, so is the lazy one to those who send it.

خزامة ذهب في فنطيسة خنزيرة المراة الجميلة العديمة العقل

What gold ring in the nose of a pig, then the woman is beautiful and reckless.

ايضا في الضحك يكتئب القلب وعاقبة الفرح حزن

And with laughter sometimes the heart hurts, and the end of joy is sadness.

اكلة من البقول حيث تكون المحبة خير من ثور معلوف ومعه بغضة

Better is a dish of greens, and with it love, than a fattened bull, and with it hatred.

للانسان تدابير القلب ومن الرب جواب اللسان

The assumptions of the heart belong to man, but the answer of the tongue comes from the Lord.

البطيء الغضب خير من الجبار ومالك روحه خير ممن ياخذ مدينة

He who is long-suffering is better than the brave, and he who controls himself is better than the conqueror of the city.

تاج الشيوخ بنو البنين وفخر البنين اباؤهم

The crown of the elderly is the sons of sons, and the glory of children is their parents

كنزع الثوب في يوم البرد كخل على نطرون من يغني اغاني لقلب كئيب

Like one who takes off his clothes on a cold day, like vinegar on a wound, then one who sings songs to a sad heart

مياه باردة لنفس عطشانة الخبر الطيب من ارض بعيدة

What cold water for a thirsty soul, then good news from a distant land.

شوك مرتفع بيد سكران مثل المثل في فم الجهال

Like a thorn in the hand of a drunkard, so is a parable in the mouth of fools.

كممسك اذني كلب هكذا من يعبر ويتعرض لمشاجرة لا تعنيه

He grabs the dog by the ears, who, passing by, intervenes in someone else's quarrel.

الغضب قساوة والسخط جراف ومن يقف قدام الحسد

Anger is cruel, rage is indomitable; but who can resist jealousy?

النفس الشبعانة تدوس العسل وللنفس الجائعة كل مر حلو

A well-fed soul tramples on a honeycomb, but to a hungry soul everything bitter is sweet.

من يبارك قريبه بصوت عال في الصباح باكرا يحسب له لعنا

Whoever loudly praises his friend from early morning will be considered a slanderer.

ان دققت الاحمق في هاون بين السميذ بمدق لا تبرح عنه حماقته

The talk of a fool in a mortar with a pestle along with grain, his stupidity will not be separated from him.

وهذا أصعب ما يكون إنّ مقاضاة المرء نفسه لأصعب من مقاضاته غيره. فإذا أصدرت على نفسك حكماً عادلاً صادقاً كنت حكيماً حقّاً

It is much harder to judge oneself than others. if you can judge correctly

Yourself, then you are truly wise. (Antoine de Saint-Exupery)

ليس من شيء كامل في الكون

There is no perfection in the world! (Antoine de Saint-Exupery)

لا يرى المرء رؤية صحيحة إلا بقلبه فإن العيون لا تدرك جوهر الأشياء

Only one heart is vigilant. You can't see the most important things with your eyes. (Antoine de Saint-Exupery)

إنك مسؤول أبداً عن كل شيء دجنته

You are forever responsible for everyone you have tamed. (Antoine de Saint-Exupery)

إنّ العيون عمي، فإذا طلب المرء شيئاً فليطلبه بقلبه

The eyes are blind. seek with the heart. (Antoine de Saint-Exupery)

يتعرّض المرء للحزن والبكاء إذا مكّن الغير من تدجينه

When you let yourself be tamed, then it happens to cry. (Antoine de Saint-Exupery)

اذكروا الأموات بالخير فقط

Nothing but good about the dead

الخطأ فعل إنساني

Humans tend to make mistakes

من لم يذق المر، لا يستحق الحلو

He who has not tasted bitter does not deserve sweet

المرأة كائن مزاجي ومتذبذب

A woman is always changeable and fickle

اللذة الممنوعة حلوة

the Forbidden fruit is sweet

فرّق ليسود

Divide and rule

لما أبو هول ينطق

When the sphinx speaks

الكلام من الفضة, ولكن السكوت من الذهب

Speech is silver and silence is golden.

زوبعة في فنجان

Much ado about nothing

الطيور على أشكالها تقع

Birds of a feather flock together.

عصفور باليد خير من عشرة بالشجرة

A bird in the hands is worth two in the bushes

دق الحديد وهو حامي

Strike while the iron is hot

كل ممنوع مرغوب

Stolen kisses are sweeter.

ليس هناك بين البشر من هو جزيرة مكتفية بذاتها. كل إنسان جزء من أرض تمتد بلا فواصل، جزء من الكل… لا تبعث إذن أحداً ليخبرك بمن تنعيه الأجراس، فالأجراس تنعيك أنت

There is no person who would be like an island, in itself, each person is part of the mainland, part of the land ... and therefore do not ask for whom the bell tolls: it tolls for you

الحياة صندوق من الشيكولاته…لا تعرف ابدا ما قد تظفر به

Life is like a box of chocolates: you never know what you'll get.

القلب النابض لروما ليس رخام مجلس الشيوخ انها رمال الكولوسيوم

It is not the marble of the Senate that beats in the heart of Rome, but the sand of the Colosseum.

ليس انعدامَ مواهبَ او فُرَصٍ يَعوقُ لك, الّا انعدامَ ثقةٍ بالنفس

It's not your lack of ability or opportunity that's holding you back; it's just your lack of self-confidence that's holding you back.

ليس هناك الحدود لما انت بقدر قومَ به الّا الحدود وضعها لتفكير الذات

There are no limits to what you can accomplish, except for the limits you set for your own thinking.

ان ثقة بالنفس هي اساس فه جميعُ نجاحاتٍ ومنجزاتٍ كبيرةٍ

Self-confidence is the foundation of all great successes and achievements.

عند الناسِ البُسطاءَ إرادات وآمال, وعند الناس الواثقين من نفسهم اهداف ومشروعات

Ordinary people have desires and hopes. Confident people have goals and plans.

ان ثقة بالنفس هي عادة يمكنك ان يكتسبَ عاملا كانّه عندك الثقة التي تريد تمتُّع بها الآن

Confidence is a habit that can be developed by acting like you already have the confidence you want to have.

الثقة بالنفس طريق النجاح

Self-confidence is the path to success.

النجاح يدعم الثقة بالنفس

Success builds self-confidence.

الخوف من أي محاولة جديدة طريق حتمي للفشل

Fear of new attempts inevitably leads to failure.

الناس الذين لا يخطئون أبدا هم الذين لا يتعلمون إطلاقاً

People who never make mistakes never learn anything.

ليس السؤال كيف يراك الناس لكن السؤال كيف أنت تري نفسك

What matters is not how people see you, but how you see yourself.

إذا كان لديك مشكله فإنها لن تحل إذا أنكرت وجودها

An existing problem will never be solved if its existence is denied.

فكر إيجابيا وكن متفائل

Think positive, be optimistic.

رؤيتك السلبية لنفسك سبب فشلك في الحياة

A pessimistic view of oneself is the cause of life's failures.

الصداقة كصحة الإنسان لا تشعر بقيمتها إلا عندما تفقدها

Friendship is like health: you don't feel it until you lose it.

الصديق الحقيقي هو الذي يمشي إليك عندما كل العالم يبتعد عنك

A true friend is the one who comes to you when everyone has moved away.

عندما تموت ولديك خمسه أصدقاء حقيقيين فقد عشت حياة عظيمة

If it turned out not on your deathbed that you have 5 real friends, you lived a great life.

الصداقة هي عقل واحد في جسدين

Friendship is one mind in two bodies.

لا تمشي أمامي فربما لا أستطيع اللحاق بك,ولا تمشي خلفي فربما لا أستطيع القيادة,ولكن امشي بجانبي وكن صديقي

Don't walk in front of me, I might not be able to follow you. don't walk behind me, maybe I can't lead. come by my side and be my friend.

الجميع يسمع ما تقول,الأصدقاء يستمعون لما تقول,وأفضل الأصدقاء يستمع لما لم تقول

Everyone listens to what you say. friends hear what you say. real friends hear what you are silent about.

الصداقة نعمه من الله وعناية منه بنا

Friendship is a gift from God, and we must cherish it.

الأصدقاء الحقيقون يصعب إيجادهم يصعب بركهم ويستحيل نسيانهم

True friends are hard to find, hard to leave, and impossible to forget.

حين يغضب الإنسان، فإنّه يفتح فمه ويغلق عقله

When a person is angry, he opens his mouth and closes his mind.

أفضل رد على إنسان غاضب، هو الصمت

The best response to an angry person is silence.

إذا تكلم الغضب سكتت الحقيقة

When anger speaks, truth is silenced.

الغضب أوله حمق وآخره ندم

At the beginning of anger is stupidity, at the end is remorse.

كثيراً ما تكون عواقب الغضب أسوأ من السبب الذي أشعل فتيله

Often the consequences of anger are worse than its causes.

كل دقيقة غضب تضيع منك 60 ثانية سعادة

Every minute of anger takes away 60 seconds of happiness.

اكتب لأعدائك رسائل مليئة بعبارات غاضبة ولكن لا ترسلها أبداً

Write angry letters to your enemies, but never send them.

لا شيء يستفز الغاضب أكثر من برود الآخرين

Nothing provokes anger more than the coldness of others.

من حقك أن تغضب، ولكن ليس من حقك أن تسيء إلى الآخرين

You have the right to be angry, but you cannot insult others.

مَن يغضب يكون كمن سيتناول سماً وينتظر أن يموت الآخرون

One who is angry is like one who eats poison, and at the same time waits for the death of others.

إذا غضبت من صديقك فضمه إلى صدرك، فمن المستحيل أن يستمر غضبك وأنت تحتضن شخصاً تحبه

If you get mad at a friend, hug him to your chest. It is impossible to be angry longer when you hug your loved one.

الإنسان الغاضب يتحول دمه إلى سم

The blood of a person who is angry turns into poison.

الغضب هو الرياح التي تطفئ شعلة العقل

Anger is the wind that extinguishes the torch of the mind.

عندما تغضب من أخطاء الآخرين تذكر أخطاءك وستهدأ

When you are angry with the mistakes of others, remember your mistakes, and you will calm down.

الغضب هو جنون مؤقت

Anger is temporary insanity.

لا تقف اية حدود لنفسك. كيف تصرّفت بحياتك لو كان لديك كلّ العلوم والخبرة والإمكنيات المطلوبة لك؟

Don't put any limits on yourself. how would you manage your life if you had all the knowledge, experience and opportunities that you require?

زوِّد مُثُلا عُلْيا بوفرة! حدّد بالتفصبل اي طريقك الحياوي المكتمل يمكنك مشيًا به

Feed the ideals! define in great detail what your future life should ideally be.

حدد هدفك في هذه الحياة

Define your goals in life

اكتب هدفك، واشرح كل صغيرة وكبيرة فيه، وحدد كل تفاصيله، وفكر كيف تحققه في كل يوم تعيشه

Write down your goal, describe all its details (lit. “everything large and small that is in it”), think about how to implement it every day of your life.

قدر الناس ليس بالمظهر, بل بمعاملتهم معك

Appreciate a person not for their appearance, but for their attitude towards you

ان لم استطع ان اكون سعيدا, فسا اجعل الاخرين سعداء

If I can't be happy, I will make other people happy.

من وين اجيب احساس للي ما بحس

Where can I get feelings for people who don't feel

Tattoo inscription in Arabic

Arabic inscriptions are a thin ligature of the font, similar to an exquisite pattern. The alphabet is among the ten most beautiful in the world. It is not surprising that Muslim tattoos are popular not only among the supporters of Islam.

Using ducts, the master will recreate oriental wisdom or a wish for well-being on the skin.

Some general information about the Arabic language

The letters of the Arabic alphabet are similar to hieroglyphs. To create a tattoo, the script of Islamic peoples, called ALA, is used.

It is considered the official literary form, and the Quran is written on it. The form used by tattoo artists was formed in the 7th century AD. e. Thus, the Arabic language is one of the youngest in the world.

Arabs read from right to left. This makes them related to languages. There are 28 letters in the alphabet, of which half are long vowels and the rest are consonants. Short vowels are marked with vowel marks.

Common phrases for tattoos are built on the underlines "Ruk'a" or "Nash". The structure of the underline is extremely important for Arabic writing. As in Japanese, the form of writing is addressed to sensory perception.

Arabic tattoos - meaning

Muslim tattoos are divided into signs and written phrases. Common symbols for drawings on the skin are the crescent, the mosque, the rosary, the sword, Miriam's palm.

Lettering tattoos and their meaning:

  • عِش اليوم وإنس الغد - live today, forget about tomorrow;
  • سامحني وحبني دائماً - forgive and love me always;
  • جمال - beauty;
  • حب - love;
  • عائلتي - family;
  • اجعل الله اولويتك - God is above all;
  • كننفسك - be yourself, be yourself.

Men prefer to beat the crescent with a star, as Muslims consider this symbol to be their coat of arms. Supporters of Islam choose symbols that reflect religious values.

The Hand of Miriam is one of the protective symbols. This is the personification of maternal protection, the protection of the prophet. * The palm is depicted in the form of a flower, which is filled with patterns.

* In Islamic states, the Virgin Mary is revered as a prophet. Miriam Arabic reading of the saint's name.

How Islam treats tattoos

The Islamic community is conservative, in terms of their views they are close to the worldview of the 19th century. Orthodox Muslims consider body markings to be a sin. The prohibitions are justified by scriptures from the Koran. They say that at the hour of the Last Judgment, Allah will ask for a mangled body.

The accepted standards of Islam prohibit any modification of the body, as this is considered an invasion of God's plan for a person. Religious figures actively condemn any drawings on the skin, because, in their opinion, this distorts human nature. The dogma expresses the idea "the body is the temple of the soul."

Despite this, Arabic tattoos are increasingly appearing on the body of Islamic youth. Severe prohibitions do not frighten young men and women to adorn their skin.

A Muslim bodybuilder from the city of Sydney, covered his body with a tattoo by 80%. He became a hero for Islamic youth and a fighter against the old ways. Regarding attacks from orthodox Muslims, he replies: “Don’t dream of seeing changes in yourself if you don’t make them yourself!”

Your name in Arabic

One of the tattoo ideas for Arabic may be yours. To create a text, it is enough to use Google translator. However, this will only be the first step. A feature of the style is the beauty of the selected font. The Arabic script is divided into underscores. In the terminology of draftsmen, such tables are called ducts.

If you want to put your name on the body with maximum visual impact, contact an experienced master. In fact, lettering techniques are used to work on creating a tattoo. Since the work with fonts is in progress, the master must be client-oriented. For women and men, the font will look different.

Men are more likely to make a three-dimensional drawing, assembled compactly. The girls are drawn thin lines, complement the font and curls.

The location of the pattern on the body

Muslim tattoos are stuffed all over the body. The place is chosen according to the content of the inscription. For example, famous sayings like to be applied to the forearms, shoulder, chest or back.

Motivating expressions beat on the legs: feet, ankle, calf. Girls put the names of their loved ones on their fingers; on their fingers, a thin ligature looks like an ornament and attracts attention.

Most often, the text of the translation beats on the hands, you can translate the hand in different ways. If it's a call to action, the person wants to become more confident. In another reading, this may be a warning to the reader that in front of him is a man of his word.

It is convenient to place the text on the wrist. Here you can lay out a three-dimensional composition. A similar place is the neck.

Arabic inscriptions with translation

In order not to make a mistake in the choice, inscriptions with translation can be taken on sites for learning the Arabic language. In the examples given, individual words and winged expressions are indicated. They are great for tattoos.

Tattoo lettering meaning:

  • happiness in Arabic is written as - سعادة;
  • the expression "save and save" - ​​احفظ و احفظ;
  • Love is not a caged bird
  • They were cunning, Allah was cunning, but Allah is the best of cunning

Quotations of aphorisms enjoy special love, quotes from the Koran take the first place in this list. In second place are the expressions of famous Sufis. Connoisseurs of witty expressions prefer the work of Hadji Nasreddin.

Related video, photo gallery

Tattoo Arabic inscriptions with translation deserve special attention in the art of drawing patterns on the body. They have quite interesting story. This is important if you want to show your tattoo a connection with Eastern culture or the inheritance of its traditions.

However, you definitely need to be aware of one nuance. The fact is that Arab countries traditionally profess Islam. And as for tattoos, everything is very strict here: religion forbids them. But nevertheless, some traditions of temporary tattoos have formed, which today we can transfer to a permanent inscription on the body.

If you decide to apply tattoo in arabic with translation, following long-established traditions, it must have certain properties:

  1. To get started, find a tattoo artist who represents the beautiful half of humanity. Indeed, in the art of applying temporary tattoos, the performer should be a woman.
  2. Ask the master to perform your chosen tattoo arabic inscriptions with translation in blue.
  3. It is desirable that the inscription chosen by you carries a magical, protective and prophetic character. This is due to the fact that it is not customary to apply ordinary decorative tattoos either in the poor, or in the middle-income, or in the upper strata of society.
  4. Eliminate the desire to apply the image of a living person and any other creature with a signature.

But if you do not treat religion and Arabic traditions with such, perhaps, excessive awe, and you just like the style of writing in script, you will save yourself from unnecessary trouble. After all, your arabic lettering tattoo with translation will be seen not only by the husband, which means that it is worth emphasizing their aesthetic appearance. Especially if you remember that for us tattoos are blue or Green colour- This is mainly a prison or army performance. In black, the inscription looks more charming on the female body, and on the male - more spectacular.

It should also be taken into account that arabic script tattoo with translation very difficult to perform. Most tattoo artists do not have knowledge of the language, and therefore they can make a huge mistake. In any tattoo-inscriptions, this is unacceptable.

When choosing a sketch, remember that Arabic is written from right to left. Be sure to check the spelling of the word or phrase you have chosen. Better yet, contact a native speaker and ask him to translate the desired text and write it correctly.

Today thanks to social networks and it is not difficult to find one in various Internet forums. Of course, the tattoo artist can complement the inscription with various floral or geometric ornaments. The main thing is that this does not change the meaning of the tattoo.

From an aesthetic point of view, the interconnected letters give the tattoo an exceptional charm. But the meaning is also important. More popular options are:

  • جريء ("he knows no fear");
  • حب ("love");
  • اجعل الله اولويتك ("The Lord is above all");
  • جمال ("beauty");
  • قلبي على قلبك ("life is beautiful");
  • سعادة ("happiness");
  • إبقَ قوياٌ ("be strong");
  • شجاعة ("courage").

Fashion trends in body painting and world cultures are closely related. Now, when the Arab civilization is experiencing an economic and cultural breakthrough, tattoo Arabic inscriptions with translation have become popular - a photo of Arabic script demonstrates

Fashion trends in body painting and world cultures are closely related. Now, when the Arab civilization is experiencing an economic and cultural breakthrough, tattoo Arabic inscriptions with translation have become popular - a photo of Arabic script demonstrates the philosophy and grace of the cultural values ​​of the Middle East.

Crazy Tatoo Studio presents artists as representatives of a progressive subculture who create sketches of Arabic inscriptions with translation and subsequent tattooing on a selected area of ​​the body.

Tattoo in Arabic: spectacular ligature with meaning

The history of tattoos in the Middle East has deep roots: in Arab countries, tattoos are called the capacious word “daqq” or “washm”, which means “knock, blow” - tattoo inscriptions in Arabic with translation in the photo are distinguished by grace, meekness and convey deep meaning text. Aphorisms, well-known expressions of philosophers, single words have a protective (magic), healing, prophetic message, and at the same time perform decorative functions. The art of Arabic tattoos allows the inclusion of floral, geometric elements, provided that the finished picture does not lose its meaning.

It is important when applying a tattoo in the form of an Arabic inscription to observe three important requirements:

    choose the right font and color;

    understand the meaning of the inscription;

    carry the idea of ​​a tattoo to the masses.

Arabic tattoos: meaning, ideas

If you want to make an original tattoo - Arabic inscriptions on the photo are presented to choose from:

    decorative tattoos with religious and spiritual meaning;

    magical inscriptions to protect the family, home, love relationship;

    philosophical sayings and aphorisms;

    tattoo inscriptions from one word: Love, Happiness, Hope, Fate, others.

To choose a stylish tattoo, use the advice and decoding of the meaning of the master: the artist will help develop a sketch of a tattoo in Arabic, pick it up from a photo, apply a picture in compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements.

Places for tattooing in Arabic

There is no ideal part of the body for drawing an inscription in Arabic in the form of a tattoo, the main thing is that the place for the drawing corresponds to the meaning. The most preferred for placement of Arabic tattoos are the chest, forearm, the area between the shoulder blades, neck, lower back, drawings on the stomach and wrist are allowed.

The masters of the studio will help you choose a photo tattoo inscription on your hand in Arabic and competently implement the conceived artistic concept. Artists will choose a beautiful font for a drawing or an inscription, because calligraphy in Arabic culture is a whole science. The choice of color for Arabic tattoos is considered important. The main shades of Arabic inscriptions on the body are black and blue, which well convey the inner worldview of a person. Wise phrases applied with traditional ligature will decorate the body, become the rule of life or a reminder of an event.

Tattoos in Arabic look very impressive and attractive. Because even with a few characters you can type quite a long text. Arabic tattoo can be found as Hollywood stars and football players, as well as other connoisseurs of tattoos around the world.

Phrases for a tattoo in Arabic: the attitude of Muslims to inscriptions

Some believing Muslims believe that tattooing on the body is contrary to religion. And the tattoo inscription in Arabic is an even greater sin, because it is stuffed in the language of the Koran. Because of this fact, many people avoid getting a Muslim tattoo because they don't want to offend the religion and its followers. However, the situation has changed over the years better side, as new generations of young believers are less conservative and consider Arabic tattoos beautiful decoration body.

Arabic inscriptions: ideas for application

Most people use various services, translating texts in Arabic. But these programs, as a rule, carry out an illiterate translation: in 90% of cases, the phrase is grammatically incorrect or does not make sense. So important point when choosing a tattoo in Arabic is to look for an artist who understands calligraphy and knows how to draw it in order to avoid misinterpretation in the future.

Arabic script looks spectacular on any part of the body: it's a matter of personal choice. However, there are certain areas where the tattoo looks the most attractive. For a poem or a long phrase in Arabic, the chest, back, and ribs are best. However, many prefer to stuff them on the shoulder, forearm, ankle or thigh.

The attractiveness and mystery of the tie makes the meaning of the tattoo mysterious for people who do not know this language. This fact attracts tattoo owners who want to leave the meaning of the inscription incomprehensible to most.

Tattoo inscriptions in Arabic: photo of works

When applying a tattoo, you should not limit yourself to using only one word in Arabic. Calligraphy looks amazing, so you can use it to make long wise phrases, aphorisms, sayings, poems, etc.

Signs that carry wisdom look harmonious with any artistic decision. As a result, the Arabic inscription is printed not only in black: it looks stylish with different colors.

You can add bright colors to the inscriptions for tattoos: this will make them even more fashionable, as well as breathe life into simple hieroglyphs.

On people with swarthy skin, Arabic characters in white ink look great. In addition, the popularity of white tattoos has been steadily growing over the past years.

A special way of writing calligraphy is the famous Nastaliq design, where the words of a phrase or the letters of a word are written in a circle. This gives the tattoo an original look.

Beautiful phrases in Arabic for a tattoo with translation into Russian

Popular words for tattoo inscriptions in Arabic are: happiness, pain, heart, love, or text from the Koran, demonstrating faith, attitude towards religion and life.

Many guys and girls come up with phrases that have special meaning for them on their own. Usually, such inscriptions are a declaration of love, words about beauty, a life motto or motivation.

However, some people want to stuff something wise on their body, so they turn to various sources for help in search of winged expressions, proverbs, sayings or quotes.

Below are beautiful Arabic inscriptions with translation for men and women. Perhaps one of them will hook you and be transferred to the body, as a future tattoo.

  • Faith: إيمان;
  • Strength: القوة;
  • Wisdom: حكمة;
  • Love: حب;
  • Majesty: عظمة;
  • Luck: حظا سعيدا;
  • Beauty: جميل;
  • Freedom: حرية;
  • Loyalty: ولاء;
  • One faith: ايمان واحد;
  • Save and save: حفظ وحفظ;
  • Life is fleeting: الحياة عابرة;
  • Be kinder: كن لطيفًا;
  • Truth in wine: الحقيقة في النبيذ;
  • Forever young: الشباب إلى الأبد;
  • Seize the moment: اغتنم الفرصة;
  • Be yourself: كن نفسك;
  • Speak to the point: تحدث عن العمل;
  • Love is blind: الحب أعمى;
  • Modesty adorns a person: الحياء يزين الشخص;
  • Just rely on yourself: نأمل فقط لنفسك;
  • My home is my fortress: منزلي هو قلعتي;
  • Love happens to everyone: الحب يحدث للجميع;
  • Do not take someone else's, do not give your own: لا تأخذ شخص آخر ، لا تعطي لك;
  • Whoever is afraid is beaten: من يخاف من التعرض للضرب;
  • Anyone can climb a low wall:
  • He who is afraid of wolves does not breed sheep:
  • The one who wishes good is like the one who does good:
  • Anything in abundance is boring: كل ما هو وافر ومزعج;
  • Loss that teaches is profit: الخسارة التي يعلم هي الربح;
  • A chance meeting is the most non-random thing in the world:
  • When a hammer is in the hands, everything around seems to be nails:
  • Love can be understood in all languages: الحب يمكن فهمه بكل اللغات;
  • Family is the most valuable thing in this world:
  • I achieve my goal at any cost: تحقيق الأهداف بأي ثمن;
  • Children are the decoration of this life: الأطفال