Hearthstone accounts. How to cope with the cost of Hearthstone. General tips for accumulating hs cards

Since Hearthstone is a collectible card game, completing a collection is one of the ultimate achievements for a Hearthstone player. And getting a complete gold collection is an outstanding achievement (especially if you haven't spent a dime on the game).

Let's start with dust counts, and how many boosters you need to open to get the entire collection.

Let's look at what cards are in Hearthstone:

Booster "Classic"

Booster "Goblins vs Dwarves"

How many packs do you need to get to build a collection? Here's the calculation, excluding dust:

To complete the regular Classic collection, you need to open 446 boosters (±34 boosters).

In order to complete the Classic gold collection, you need to open 2260 boosters (±79 boosters).

To collect a complete collection of common and gold cards from Goblins vs. Dwarves, you need to open 2178 booster packs (±93 booster packs).

To complete the regular Goblins vs Dwarves collection, you need to open 278 booster packs (+32 booster packs).

To complete the Goblins vs Dwarfs gold collection, you need to open 1316 boosters (±75 boosters).

To collect a complete collection of common and gold cards from Goblins vs. Dwarves, you need to open 1414 booster packs (±71 booster packs).

Naturally, no one will play 2000 arenas to get the golden collection (it takes 2 years, 3-4 arenas a day). There are several ways to get gold cards:

  • Since August 2015, gold cards and dust can be obtained by reaching high positions in the ladder (game mode).
  • Gold cards can be obtained as a reward by completing the arena with 8-12 wins.
  • Getting from boosters (which you buy for gold or at the end of the arena).
  • Craft from dust.
  • Booster as a reward for winning the first brawl.

Chances of getting cards from boosters.

Booster "Classic"

Rarity Common card frequency Gold Card Frequency
Plain 3.5 cards in a booster
rare 1.06 cards in a booster 1 card in every 14-15 booster
epic 1 car in every 4-5 booster 1 card in every 80 boosters
legendary 1 card in each 18-19 booster 1 card in every 180 booster

Stats based on 11,359 Classic packs unlocked since beta. Chance to open at least 1 gold card: 1 gold card in every 6 boosters.

Booster "Goblins and Gnomes"

Rarity Common card frequency Gold Card Frequency
Plain 3.48 cards in a booster 1 card in every 13-14 booster
rare 1.16 cards in a booster 1 card in every 13 boosters
epic 1 card in 4-5 booster 1 card in every 80 boosters
legendary 1 card in every 18 pack 1 card in every 282 boosters

Statistics based on 847 open packs. Therefore, statistics on golden legendary cards can be erroneous, it is better to focus on the chance, as from a classic booster. Chance to open at least 1 gold card: 1 gold card in every 6 boosters.

The queue for creating maps.

First of all, you will need to create a simple collection of cards. I recommend spending Dust on crafting only legendary cards. You will receive common and rare cards pretty quickly: 97±8 boosters for Classic and 46±7 boosters for GvG. Therefore, you do not need to create common and rare cards.

After all useful legendary cards have been created, I advise you to switch to epic ones. Only after that you can finish a non-gold collection, create missing cards.

The gold collection should also start with the creation of legendary cards, and gradually descend to ordinary gold cards.

If your goal is to collect a complete collection, then you should not dust the cards. The exception is extra cards (there can be 2 common, rare and epic cards and 1 legendary in the collection). It is due to the extra cards that you can quickly collect dust to create cards.

The difficulty of Hearthstone is closely related to the game mechanics. By developing Hearthstone accounts, gamers unlock new classes and get cards. Success in battle depends on the knowledge of the cards - the study of this issue takes a lot of time. The price of a Hearthstone account is tied not only to the level you have gained, but also to the card set in your hand.

To reach the title of "Legend", you will have to make incredible efforts, so the sale of Hearthstone accounts is rapidly gaining popularity. Crafting, spraying, fighting in the Arena, completing quests - all this takes time. Beginners also make mistakes that cannot be corrected in the future. So you have to look for the Hearthstone account store to start everything from scratch. Some players are investing real money in Hearthstone by buying boosters and Arcane Dust in bulk.

Don't want to waste time on leveling, looking for where to buy a Hearthstone account with all cards, including legendary ones? This is the right decision. Buying Hearthstone accounts will weigh down your wallet to a lesser extent than buying everything piece by piece and total "refueling" with boosters. After learning the gameplay and general mechanics, you can immediately start fighting in the Arena with serious cards in your hands.

Benefits of Purchasing Hearthstone Accounts with FunPay

There are many Hearthstone account shops on the Web - they all trade with wild markups. The reason lies in the fact that the store buys ready-made accounts and profits from their resale. Only the FunPay exchange offers to buy a Hearthstone account at a reasonable price, we act according to a different principle - the players themselves sell Hearthstone accounts. You got to the site of intermediaries intervening in the actions of sellers and buyers only in controversial cases. The guarantor monitors the integrity of transactions, so the process of buying a Hearthstone account is not associated with the risk of losing money. Here are our advantages:

  • fast money transfers;
  • work with popular payment systems;
  • security guarantor;
  • competition among sellers;
  • low prices for Hearthstone accounts;
  • support efficiency.

How to buy an account

Are you going to buy a Hearthstone account with or without legendaries? It is much easier to do this on FunPay than in regular Hearthstone account stores scattered across the RuNet. The algorithm is this:

  1. Choose the right seller.
  2. Go to the seller's page.
  3. Specify purchase details.
  4. Choose a payment system.
  5. Click the "buy" button.

A Hearthstone account is bought quickly, but not instantly. The system reserves the money received from the buyer, waiting for the transfer of the goods by the seller and the final confirmation of the transaction by the buyer. Before confirming the purchase of a Hearthstone account, a gamer verifies the merchant information required to manage the account. The seller will only receive the money transfer for the Hearthstone account after the final confirmation of the transaction. In disputable situations, each of the parties has the right to apply to arbitration.


If you have one of the upgraded Hearthstone accounts with all cards, legendaries or high level, you can sell it profitably through our exchange. Low commission is the main advantage of FunPay. For those who have mastered the mechanics of the game well and have free time, selling a Hearthstone account can be a lucrative undertaking. Don't let the competition among sellers scare you away - selling Hearthstone accounts is profitable due to the lack of store markups. Register and start making profit from your hobby!

Each hero has their own "Hero Power":

Shaman - "Summon Totem" Summons a random totem (There are 3 types: 1-Totem 1/1, 2-Totem provocateur 0/2, 3-Totem healer heals 1 hp to each of your creatures at the end of your turn 0/2, 4- Spell Totem then +1 Spell Damage 0/2)

Priest - Lesser Heal restores 2 HP to a hero or creature

For the Mage, Flash Fire deals 1 damage to an enemy hero or creature

Paladin Reinforcement summons a 1-1 paladin recruit

Hunter - Steady Shot deals 2 damage to the enemy Hero

At the Warrior - "Raise the shield!" gives the hero 2 defense points

Druid's Shapeshift gives +1 Attack until end of turn and +1 Armor

Warlock's Life Tap wears 2 to your hero and you draw a card

Rogue - Blademaster equips you with 1/2 weapons

P.S When a hero hits an enemy creature, you lose the HP that the creature deals, the enemy hero cannot damage you when you attack it with your hero #grimace#

P.S. Every time you use "Hero's Power" you lose 2 mana and the current once per turn is possible

There are 4 types of card rarity:

1.Type of rarity-Normal it costs 40 dust and gives 5 dust for parsing. There is also a White Sapphire under the creature. Examples:

2. Type of rarity - Rare it costs 100 dust and it costs 20 dust to disenchant. There is also a Blue Sapphire under the creature. Examples :

3. Type of rarity - epic it costs 400 dust and it costs 100 dust to disenchant. Also there is under the creature Purple Sapphire Examples:

4. Rarity Type - Legendary it costs 1600 Dust and it costs 400 Dust to disenchant. There is also under the creature Orange Sapphire Examples:

Good day, dear readers of the portal website!

Your attention is selection of fan cards created by players with their own hands. Some of them are very logical and self-sufficient, while others need editing and rebalancing. The cards chosen for this article were not the best in terms of balance, but the most interesting in terms of design. Some of the maps were taken from the resource Tempo Storm, some from the Kripparian video in which the famous streamer shared best examples created fan cards, as well as some comments on how such mechanics would help Hearthstone evolve.

You can watch the video from Kripparian by clicking on the spoiler below.

Video from Cripparian

But enough preface, it's time to look at the fan maps themselves created by the players.

Thunder Bluff Berserker

Creator: Thee_Viper

Class: Shaman

Ah, here it is, the classic card that buffs totems. However, the Shaman did not have a frenzy before!

The stats of a 2/4 minion for 3 mana are standard, but the 2 attack boost on totems makes this fan card almost equivalent to Wild Roar. All this plays to the benefit of the Thunder Bluff Berserker, he would definitely be noticed by the players. But such a card could be used in the deck only in one copy, because with an empty table it is useless.

Since this creature deals almost no damage, it is not particularly dangerous in itself. It would be nice to read what options for changing the map Thrall fans come up with.


Creator: Shakarax

Class: General Map

Dornozmu is the future evil incarnation of the well-known dragon Nozdormu, defiled by the ancient gods. Of course, no one wants to get such a handsome man ahead of time. Unless you want to keep it dead weight.

The creature is a dragon, which is a huge plus! In a deck with dragons, it provides additional synergy if (unfortunately) it ends up in the hand before the 12th turn. However, he brings much more benefits when he appears on the table at the appointed time. A free creature with 8/8 stats is an amazing gift that can easily change the situation in the game. Don't underestimate this card also due to the fact that it can be shuffled into the deck even if it comes into the hand earlier, with the help of Madame Goya or Soul Enchanter.

Antique Connoisseur

Creator: SIipB

Class: General Map

At first glance, this card looks good enough. On the one hand, the player himself chooses the value of the card. On the other hand, there is no guarantee that the right number of cards will be in the hand.

Is it Topdeck? It may come too late when the player's hand is empty or there are very few cards in it. In general, sometimes you can get a minion for 5 mana or more, but skipping turns in Hearthstone for this is not a good idea.

Muddler Archaeologist

Creator: Shakarax

Class: General Map

All secrets will work... Certainly, this is a great way to deal with Mage's Ice Block!

You may ask: why not use Secret Eater as an alternative? It not only destroys the secrets of the enemy, but also improves from their number!

A possible advantage of this fan cards- triggering the player's own secrets, the targets for which will be chosen randomly. Although it can be difficult to find a use for it, all kinds of crazy combinations are still probably possible. Yes, and the Archaeologist-blunder is just a thousand times more fun Secret Eater!

Iron Knight

Creator: Dreadkiwi

Class: General Map

Curse of Naxxramas introduced the map to the world ghost knight with stats of 4/6 and the "cannot be targeted by spells or hero power" function. This was nothing new or surprising. Alas, the card appeared in the decks for a very short time.

So I could a new version» Ghost knight to appear in the game? Perhaps a Druid would use it. But in the Arena this custom map could be of benefit. Among other fifth drops, the choice would probably fall on her.

goblin hideout

Kneading 3 Freaky Demoman to your opponent's deck

Class: Rogue

The Crazy Demoman is not a fictional fan card, but a real one, it is already present in the collection. If you can't remember one, here's a picture of it.

Crazy Demoman (click to open)

Shuffling cards into the opponent's deck - business card Rogue. On the one hand, this is not very good for him, the opponent gets an extra benefit, on the other hand, Crazy Demolitionists are far from the best "top decks", and ruining the opponent's hand is priceless. The goblin hideout is perhaps too good for the price. Imagine a Rogue shuffling six or nine Nutty Demomen into your deck with Mimicry for free, how would you play? These guys are unlikely to help you win, although it's worth trying your luck.

the Punisher

Class: Warrior

Warrior might need more cards with less than full health synergy, developing class specifics is a great idea, especially since original way. Another notable weapon that comes to mind when looking at the Punisher, Death Bite is a great weapon for four mana. The Punisher, of course, is not at all like that, but his original design raises a lot of questions: how good is it? what decks will use it?

One thing is for sure: the Punisher will definitely not take root in Pirate Warrior decks - and this is already a great weapon design.

shield spikes

Class: Warrior

Why do only creatures hit back when attacked? Would the formidable and warlike Garrosh allow himself to be beaten by all sorts of murlocs, beasts, or, worse, these little people? Finally, Garrosh can strike back, it remains only to stock up on enough armor.

Wandering permafrost

Class: Mage

Elementals have already received their addition, however, perhaps, we should not forget about them in the future, after all, the mechanics are quite interesting and original. The wandering permafrost is also an interesting continuation of the freezing theme of the Mage, perhaps the Shattering, and something else from the same series, would play with this elemental.

cowardly brute

Class: General Map

A great hit with the name of the card and its effect, this is exactly how cowardly creatures would behave on the battlefield! Maybe, this card not so good in itself (+1 attack is clearly not worth such a negative effect), but her idea is simply great. Probably, with a little improvement, Silence Priest or some of the deck tokens can take Cowardly Rude into service.

Chakra guide

Class: Priest

Priest, of course, should be good at healing, but so far his ability to heal himself is quite modest and monotonous. Chakra Conduit would change this and add Priests to game process difficult situations with a difficult choice. "Attack or not?" - this question is rarely asked in Hearthstone, maybe it's time to change it?

clumsy servant

Class: Warlock

An example of what a great second drop should look like: here is a great dig, that is, a controlled random effect, here is a focus on slow decks, despite the low cost and acceptable characteristics (Zoolok is unlikely to want to use such a second drop), and also clumsy servant fits perfectly into the philosophy of the Warlock. Such a card would force Warlocks to think carefully about when to play it, which spell to choose, and so on.

Let's play a game

Class: Warrior

The craziest idea of ​​the map, and even a reference to the famous franchise. Let's play a game - good way return to meta Jumping Shuriken, which, despite its original design, never made it onto the ladder. Just imagine what crazy things this card could do!

voodoo puppeteer

Class: Warlock

A peculiar interpretation of Barnes, but personally for Gul'dan. Crazy decks with Y'Shaarj and other cards with the strongest effects immediately come to mind. Also, Warlock might want to use Ironbeak again along with Voodoo Puppeteer. Summoning 1/1 copies of creatures is always an interesting option that opens up a lot of possibilities.

Lead the attack

Class: Warrior

By Expedition to Un'Goro, for some reason, Druid became the class that can get the most armor. This injustice urgently needs to be corrected by Garrosh, and Lead the attack is an good option to restore justice and the right direction of class development. The problem with this card is getting the hero to taunt: aggressive decks can use this for their own insidious purposes, hardly many people would like this.

False prophet

Class: General Map

A great example of a mechanic that can only be used in computer card games. To deceive the enemy, to make him see what is not there, is a brilliant idea that many would like even though the False Prophet himself does nothing but deceive. But what mind games could be played, how to bluff...

Addiction to filth

Class: Warlock

Corruption is the most dangerous force, so dangerous that sooner or later your entire deck will turn into a useless set of cards. But how good it is at the beginning (perhaps not good enough in this case?): it gives very cheap Arcane intelligence.

Power off

Class: Warlock

What was the Warlock's legendary quest really supposed to be? Effect power outages seems to work on all creatures on the board, in hand, and in the deck, so Zoolok will be very happy to buff his creatures. And what a great gambit: to gain an advantage, but be in danger of death in ten moves. Or not ten? The Warlock has a forgotten mechanic for destroying his mana crystals, cards like Power Down would help bring this interesting class effect into play as well.

Natural selection

Class: Hunter

The Hunter has never had such an AoE effect that it immediately affects everyone. This one is incredibly interesting, it's not exactly an AoE effect at all, but also a buff to allied creatures if they are good enough for him. Of course, it's not a good idea to turn the Hunter into another Token Druid with his perpetual creature buffs, which is why Natural Selection works in such an interesting way. The class gets new original mechanics without copying the mechanics of others.

Sentis, Queen of Thorns

Class: Rogue

One of the features of the Rogue in the Expedition to Un'Goro is the Sharpflowers. Why not go ahead and do something similar? Senthis, Queen of Thorns is probably too good, or rather too good additional Eviscerates, although it is quite difficult to realize the battle cry of this legendary card. Original mechanics that fit well with the concept of the class.


Thank you for your attention, good cards in the new addition!

Translation Panterarex, editor Leckermaul, designed Garona