Standard male height. The rating of the average growth of citizens of various countries has been published. Changes in a person's height depending on his age

Man's height

Man's height or human body length- the distance from the apex of the head to the plane of the feet. In anthropology, height is one of the common anthropometric features. Included in the list of indicators of human physical development.

Human growth, among other things, is influenced by environmental factors, heredity from parents, hereditary diseases, age, gender. Also, growth can be influenced by belonging to a particular race and nation. So, for example, the average height of Chinese citizens is 158 cm (for men) and 147 cm (for women), and the average height of the Dutch is 184.8 cm and 168.7 cm, respectively.

growth process

Some dwarfs became famous in military affairs. King Gustavus Adolf of Sweden, for example, kept an entire regiment of dwarf soldiers in his army.

A big increase

In itself, high growth is not yet a sign of gigantism - a serious illness caused by excessive production of somatotropic hormone. Healthy people with gigantic growth (200 cm or more) differ from people of average height only by their height. And people with gigantism also differ in proportions.

The tallest person of whom there is reliable evidence was Robert Pershing Wadlow, born in 1918 in Alton, pc. Illinois, USA. When measured on June 27, 1940, his height was 2.72 m with an arm span of 2.88 m. His maximum recorded weight was 223 kg.

The generally accepted rubrication of the length of the human body (height)

Growth The male Female
Dwarf below 150 cm below 140 cm
Very low 150-159.9 cm 140-149.9 cm
Short 160-169.9 cm 150-159.9 cm
Below the average 170-173.9 cm 158-162.9 cm
Average 174-176.9 cm 162-166.9 cm
Above average 177-179.9 cm 167-169.9 cm
Tall 180-189.9 cm 170-179.9 cm
Very tall 190-199.9 cm 180-186.9 cm
Giant from 200 cm and above from 187 cm and above

The average height of a man on the planet is 175 cm, and that of a woman is 162 cm.

Average age-related changes in height

At the age of 19-26, some men can gain 0.5 cm of height per year. Usually at this age those who have late sexual development grow. In women at this age, an increase in height is rare.

After the age of 26, people may also have some increase in height - usually up to 2 cm.

On average, men grow up to 18-25 years, and women - up to 16-19 years.


  • Growth- article from
  • Gigantism- article from the Great Soviet Encyclopedia



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See what "Human Growth" is in other dictionaries:

    See human body length. * * * HUMAN HEIGHT HUMAN HEIGHT, see Human body length (see HUMAN BODY LENGTH) … encyclopedic Dictionary

    See human body length... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (body length) projection distance from the so-called apex point of the head to the plane of the feet. R. h. one of the most important dimensions body, characterizing, in combination with other signs, physical development, body proportions, ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    The same as the length of the human body ... Natural science. encyclopedic Dictionary

    Man's height- projection distance from the top point of the head to the plane of the feet. R.'s measurement is necessary for right choice measurements of the lengths of a typical figure; it is one of the leading dimensional features (measurements) on which drawings are built ... ... Encyclopedia of fashion and clothing

    SOCIO-PSYCHOLOGICAL GROWTH OF A HUMAN AS A PERSON- development of a person, characterized by the acquisition of versatile and correct knowledge about people and society, the formation of his skills and abilities that improve his personal and business relationships with people ... Glossary of terms for psychological counseling

    A (y); m. 1. to Rusty. R. teeth, hair. R. population. R. income, living standards of workers. R. professional excellence. Fast, stormy, slow river. Time of rapid growth of herbs. Stop r. prices. Rates of growth. Stop growing.... encyclopedic Dictionary

    The process of increasing a quality over time. Qualities can be both physical (for example, growth in height) and abstract (for example, growing up a person, expanding a system): Cellular growth, or proliferation Population growth Growth ... ... Wikipedia

    growth- a (y); m. see also. in growth, sprout, growth 1) to grow The growth of teeth, hair. Population growth. Growth in incomes, living standards of workers ... Dictionary of many expressions

    GROWTH- 1) biol. an increase in the mass of an individual due to an increase in the number and size of cells and non-cellular formations; regulated by ch. arr. hormones; 2) anthropo. human height (e.g., high R., construction according to R.) ... Psychomotor: Dictionary Reference


  • Human superpowers. How to become a psychic. The gift of intuition, or how to develop a sixth sense. Notes of a psychic physicist (number of volumes: 3),

Human growth depends on age, sex, nutrition, occupation, heredity and is an important feature that determines the differences between peoples and provides a basis for other anthropological conclusions. Growth human body ends, approximately, by 20-25 years. Women are, on average, shorter than men. Body weight is also associated with height. According to Ranke, the height of a normal 1-year-old boy is 71 cm, weight - 9 kgm, girls - 69.5 cm, weight - 8.6 kgm, height of a 15-year-old boy - 152 cm, weight - 42 kgm. Girls - 149 cm, weight 41 kgm; the height of a normal man aged 30 is 169.5 cm. weight - 62.05 kgm; women - 158 cm; weight - 54.88 kgm.

The influence of living conditions and heredity on the amount of growth is indisputable. The poor who work hard work, shorter than wealthy people living in favorable conditions; with the improvement of nutrition and living conditions, the average population growth is on the increase. An important value that affects the height of growth is heredity. It is known that in families, high or short stature is transmitted from parents to children. This is even more noticeable when breeding breeds of our domestic animals. There are observations indicating that habitat affects growth, but what this effect consists of has not yet been clarified. So for example. white settlers in the North. America is larger and longer growing compared to its European compatriots; Negroes and mulattos in America are also approaching the average growth rate of North Americans. It can also be noted that the highlanders are much taller than the inhabitants of the plains, since the mountains require from their inhabitants more significant leg work, which is more developed and determines mainly the length of the body.

People who go beyond normal growth, that is, dwarfs and giants, are rare and represent a pathological phenomenon, especially the first. The cause of dwarf growth is seen in germinal rickets (English disease), which prevents the normal development of the body. The causes of gigantic growth are believed to be due to changes that have occurred in the body after birth. Dwarfs are considered people who have less than 1 m in adulthood, giants - whose height exceeds 2 m. Among dwarfs, one 19-year-old girl (Mab from Paris) was 57 cm tall and weighed 9 kgm, i.e. as much as normal one year old. The largest of the giants (Hussein Palivan) was 275 cm tall and weighed 162 kgm, and the giantess (Maria Veide) - 255 cm. Excessive massiveness of the body is usually of painful origin, but not always. The most massive man (Mac Donald) weighed 229 kgm, i.e., almost 4 times higher than the norm, but had a good, athletic physique.

The difference in the size of the human skeleton: a Hottentot woman (left), a European woman (middle) and a European man (right).

Note that, from the point of view of modern anthropology, excessive growth is not a sign of atavism, that is, a return to distant ancestors, since primitive, judging by the bones found, was shorter than modern man. Science has refuted the theory that prevailed from antiquity almost to our time, that the first people were giants, and then they were crushed. So thought both Greek and Christian writers and Arabs, who believed that Adam was as tall as a tall palm tree, and even Linnaeus.

Human growth has long been considered one of the most changeable and inconstant features, but then anthropologists, especially French ones (Topinar, Deniker), drew attention to it as a very persistent and characteristic racial feature. Indeed, this sign is striking where a short people lives next to a tall people; for example, in the Scandinavian Peninsula, the average height of Swedes is 170.2 cm, Lapps 152.4 cm. environment affects growth, but within the limits characteristic of this race. So, for example, Scottish miners are lower than their compatriots engaged in other, more hygienic work, but higher than Spanish, Italian, and especially Japanese miners.

Topinar identified average height human height of 165 cm and proposed the now generally accepted division of height into 4 categories:

  1. short stature less than 160 cm,
  2. below average between 160-165 cm,
  3. above average 165-170 cm,
  4. tall from 170 cm and more.

Two-thirds of the population the globe growth is close to the average, one third falls on short and tall people (Deniker).

The areas of distribution of peoples of high stature are: Patagonia, where the tallest people on earth live (the average height of a Patagonian is 180.3 cm), a significant part of Africa (Negroes), northwestern. Europe (Swedes, Norwegians) and the west of the north. America, where the tallest representatives of the white race live.

The peoples of M. Asia, Iran, India, the African and Asian Semites, the peoples of Central Europe, and the Melanesians are taller than average (165 - 170 cm).

Height below average (160-165 cm) prevails in northern Asia, China, southern and eastern Europe. The areas of distribution of small peoples (below 160 cm) are Indo-China, the Malay Archipelago, Japan, some places west. Siberia and part of India (Dravids). In with. and yu. There are few small tribes in America.

A special group is made up of peoples - dwarfs or pygmies. These include the Bushmen (average height 137.2 cm) and some recently discovered peoples in the Center. Africa - Akka, (average height 130 cm), Bakelli, Batua, etc. and in New Guinea, Vedassy on the island of Ceylon. Some anthropologists see in the dwarf peoples the forms of humanity that have degenerated due to unfavorable conditions. However, it is more correct to consider these peoples as the remnants of the original population, which was distinguished by its small stature, which was pushed back by taller and stronger tribes into the desert or into the dense forest regions.

And women from Latvia. Today, the height of the average Dutchman reaches 183 centimeters, while the average Latvian woman reaches a height of 170 centimeters.

The researchers, who published their work in the journal eLife, studied changes in the growth of people in 187 countries since 1914. It turned out that men from Iran and women from South Korea have the most significant "gains" - on average, their height increased by about 16 and 20 centimeters, respectively.

In the UK, the height of men and women over the same period increased by an average of 11 centimeters. And today, the average inhabitant of Foggy Albion reaches 178 centimeters in height, and a resident - 164 centimeters.

In 1914, the men of Russia occupied the 35th line of the list of the tallest people, their figures reached 167 centimeters, TASS reports. In 2014, they "grew" by almost ten centimeters, the average today is 176 centimeters. However, despite this, in the modern ranking they have dropped to 42 places compared to other men.

Russian women have grown by about 12 centimeters over 100 years - from 153 to 165 centimeters. And they occupy the 23rd line of the rating, while in 1914 only 53 were satisfied.

Scientists note that data on US residents give a significant contrast to the study. There, men and women have grown only six and five centimeters, respectively, over the past century.

And indeed, in the ranking of the tallest people on the planet, US residents have lost their former positions. Back in 1914, they occupied the third line among the tallest men on Earth, and women - the fourth place. Today they got 37th and 42nd places.

It is noted that the list of the highest inhabitants of the planet is dominated by people living in European countries.

Now let's clarify the situation concerning the "smallest" inhabitants of the planet. The shortest men live in East Timor - their average height is 160 centimeters. And the shortest women live in Guatemala. By the way, similar indicators were observed in 1914. According to scientific work, 100 years ago average woman at the age of 18 there she reached a height of 140 centimeters, today she is no higher than 150 centimeters.

Interestingly, some of the most noticeable changes in height occurred among East Asians. People in Japan, China and South Korea have become much higher than 100 years ago.

"South Asia (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh), on the contrary, experienced the most insignificant changes in growth over the past hundred years. Here the" increase "was from one to six centimeters," says one of the authors of the study, James Bentham (James Bentham) from Imperial College London.

Moreover, in some parts Black Africa(a group of sub-Saharan African countries) average growth has declined since the 1970s. For example, in Uganda and Sierra Leone, the level of decline reaches several centimeters.

Some of the difference in height around the world can be explained by genetics, but the authors of the study say that the DNA code may not be dominant in this matter.

Majid Ezzati, lead author of the study, from Imperial College London, told BBC News: "About a third of the changes can be explained by genetics, but it doesn't reveal why the changes happened over time. Genes don't change that fast, nor do they change all over the world."

From this, the scientist concludes that the changes that have occurred over time are largely determined by the environment.

Other studies have shown that being tall can have both positive and negative sides.

Tall people tend to have a longer life expectancy and a lower risk of various heart diseases. On the other hand, scientists have found evidence that taller people are at greater risk of developing certain types of cancer - colon, breast and ovary.

"One hypothesis is that growth factors can stimulate cell mutation," says Elio Riboli, another author of the study.

Many people are interested in the question: how much should a person's normal height be? Let's try to deal with this issue.

The height of a person is the distance from the top of the head to the plane of the feet. A person's growth is affected a large number of various factors, these are: heredity from parents, gender, age, environmental factors, diseases (including hereditary ones), lifestyle.

The ethnicity of a person to a particular group also affects his growth. So, for example, the average (normal) height of the Chinese is 165cm (for men) and 156cm (for women). The Dutch have completely different height indicators: 185cm (for men) and 169 (for women). The smallest growth was among the dwarf tribe, which was discovered in 1970 on the Brazilian-Peruvian border, their height was below 105 cm. The shortest midgets are Juan de la Cruz, his height is 48 cm, and so is Gal Mohammed (57 cm). As for women, the shortest height was 30cm, Pauline Masters. At 9 years old, she weighed 15 kg, with a height of 55 cm. The tallest man was Robert Pershing Wadlow, at 22, his height was 272cm and his arm span was 288cm. The maximum weight that he had was 223kg.

If we talk about the growth of humanity as a whole, then it increases. For example, in the 1950s, the average height of a person was 165 cm, today this figure has increased by 2.5 cm, the mass has also increased, somewhere by a kilogram. The biggest changes have occurred in adolescents, as their height has increased by 3.5 cm compared to the 1930s. Change in height in people various eras is called acceleration. For example, the growth of Neanderthals almost did not differ from the growth of a person of the 21st century (160-165cm).

Growth hormone is responsible for the normal growth of a person. It is also called growth hormone. Somatotropin secretion decreases with age. Most of all it is in adolescents during puberty and intensive linear growth, and least of all in the elderly and the elderly.

Here is how a person's height changes in different years of his life:

By the first year of life, men and women grow by 23 cm.

By the second year of life, men and women grow by 10 cm per year.

By the fourth year of life, men and women grow by 7.5 cm per year.

At 5-7 years of age, men and women grow by 5.7 cm per year.

At 7-10 years of age, men grow by 4.3 cm, and women by 4.5 cm per year.

At 10-13 years of age, men grow by 4.5 cm, and women by 5.2 cm per year.

At 13-17 years of age, men grow by 5.1 cm, and women by 3 cm per year.

At 17-19 years of age, men grow by 1.5 cm, and women by 0.5 cm per year.

At 19-26 years of age, men grow by 0.5 cm (as a rule, men do not grow after 19, usually those who have had late puberty grow).

How tall should a person be to be considered normal?

Dwarf height - below 129.9cm in men and below 121.9cm in women

Very small - 130-149.9cm for men and 121-139.9cm for women

Small stature - 150-159.9cm for men and 140-148.9cm for women

Below the average norm - 160-163.9 cm in men and 149-152.9 cm in women

Average height - 164-166.9cm for men and 153-155.9cm for women

Above the average norm - 167-169.9 cm in men and 156-158.9 cm in

In 1914, the height of the average Korean woman was 142.2 cm, and after 100 years it came to 162.3 - this is almost the height of the average Russian (165.3 cm). The tallest women in 2014 live in the Baltic States: in the top three are Latvia and Estonia with an average of 168-169 cm. The shortest women are citizens of Guatemala and the Philippines, where the average height does not reach one and a half meters. The Philippines was also among those countries where there was almost no increase in growth over the 20th century.

The men are growing too. The records were broken by the citizens of Iran: their average height increased by 16 cm, which, however, did not make them giants: the average Iranian with a height of 173.6 is still lower than the Danes, Belgians and Estonians, whose average height exceeds 180. The smallest men live in the Western Timor and Yemen - they barely reach 159 cm.

A table with the average height of the inhabitants of 200 countries in 1914 and 2014 was published by The Guardian newspaper, which borrows the results from the Imperial College London study published today in the scientific journal eLife. James Bentham, one of the co-authors of the study, attributed the increase in the growth of the entire population of the Earth to improved nutrition, sanitation and health systems. “For an individual, genes play a key role in how he will grow, but on a population scale, genes are no longer so important,” the scientist notes.

Another co-author of the study, Elio Riboli, notes: “The news is good: the higher the person, the greater the life expectancy: tall people less prone to disease of cardio-vascular system. On the other hand, being tall is associated with an increased risk of certain types of cancer.”