Is it possible to love me. Can you force yourself to love a man? What are some ways to nurture these deep feelings. Love on demand

March 9, 2014 at 00:52

Love has always been written about and talked about a lot. Some consider the occurrence of this feeling a consequence of physical and chemical reactions, and are very skeptical about it. Others, on the contrary, scream that they fall in love almost every month, and then very quickly forget about the objects of their sighs. So what is it all the same, this love? And is there a feeling that you can carry through your whole life?

Probably, many will say that this is not so, therefore it is quite natural to love many times or not love at all. The second statement has the right to exist, since some, unfortunately, never manage to meet exactly that person. But the first is still worth criticizing. The fact is that people truly love once. Strange as it may sound to many, but they truly fall in love with only one. When a person forgets about his love completely, it only means that these feelings were not real and all-consuming love. Forgotten love is really attachment, sympathy, gratitude, falling in love. But not love. When a person loves, he never forgets about his feelings. Yes, he can say that he has fallen out of love, convince everyone of this, and even himself. In fact, he only manages to lull his feelings, namely to lull, but not to kill. Often, love passes when we are disappointed in a person. Probably, only a strong disappointment can almost completely destroy the feeling of love. However, even in this case, it does not disappear completely. It's just that a person's mind takes precedence over feelings. At some point, he begins to adequately assess the situation, analyzes the actions of his beloved and leads to the conclusion that this person simply destroys him. For example, this often happens in cases where a guy mocks a girl, cheats or humiliates. Realizing this, she renounces her feelings. But deep down, she still knows that if the guy changed and became what she saw him initially, the feelings would return. For this reason, many women try to rekindle relationships with their ex, believing that they can become better. But, unfortunately, people change very rarely, so such women suffer because of their love.

But in the case when a loved one did not bring disappointment, real feelings will never go away at all. For example, it happens that people break up because they think that they are not suitable for each other, that someone is ruining someone's life. But, even being at a distance from each other, they still remember their loved ones, even if they do not admit it even to themselves. After all, there are often times when former lovers meet after twenty years and start a relationship again, rethinking past mistakes. And all this happens because true love does not disappear anywhere. A person may try to give it up or transfer it to someone else. But, having met exactly that one, he will never be able to stop loving.


Often in our life there is a person to whom we become not indifferent. He selflessly falls in love with us, showing signs of attention, and tries to achieve location. If a really sublime feeling settles in him, and not a fleeting passion, then the story of unrequited courtship and unrequited love drags on for a long time. Over time, we can no longer imagine the morning without his call or a pleasant SMS message. It becomes part of everyday life, filling the mind and soul. It is not surprising that logical questions arise in your head: Perhaps it is with him that you will be happy? How to love a person who loves you? Is it worth it to reciprocate long-term courtship?

If you feel the need for friendly support or dream of a serious relationship, then such thoughts appear on the subconscious more and more often. After a short period of time, you involuntarily begin to consider, regarding it as possible variant his "half". In this situation, it is important to realize that the desire that has appeared is not the fruit of a sick imagination. You can not choose a partner, guided by the lack of more attractive options. Later, such a decision may become a prerequisite for development, caused by the inconsistency of your desires and reality. However, in the case when a person opens up for you from a new side, and you can no longer imagine your everyday life without his participation, it is worth trying to find reciprocity in yourself.

Reciprocity in love relationships: features and benefits

“Open up” to your chosen one in order to develop confidence in him. If you share your innermost dreams and childhood fears with your partner, then you will have common secrets known only to the elite. For you, such an action will be a serious step towards your cherished goal, because you automatically include a person in a narrow circle of close people.
Find common hobbies so that your pastime is accompanied by exclusively positive emotions. Do you like animals? Visit zoos and terrariums together, arrange photo shoots with your pets. Are you fascinated by cars? Engage in tuning vehicle, draw a graphic layout, determine the scope of future changes. Rejoice when you are near loving person, forgetting about pressing problems and everyday affairs.
In the process of cultivating a sublime feeling in yourself, do not try to change, adjusting your personal appearance to achieve your cherished goal. You are loved for a set of those qualities that are already present in your image. Learn to adapt to the peculiarities of the situation, listen to the partner’s opinion, and find compromises. However, do not forget about your own ego.
Don't go overboard in trying to build a relationship based on mutual feeling. Love should be accompanied by a positive range of emotions, and not become an everyday routine that causes pain, despair and despondency. Do not forget to keep the "fire" in the eyes of your partner, warming up your own feelings - confidence in the future is distinguished by pleasant, but unexpected actions of lovers.
You cannot cultivate love in yourself by going “along the way” of sexual relations. If you decide to awaken a sublime feeling with the help of intimacy, then you risk disturbing the harmony of the inner world of the chosen one. Sex without the proper emotional background will turn out to be a rather mediocre event, so it is useless to count on the durability of a love union.
Don't talk about love if you're not ready to say it cherished words. The phrase spoken under the moral and psychological pressure partner, does not differ in any subtext. Honesty is a stronghold for building new relationships. Starting the construction of a love union with a lie is an inappropriate decision.

If you are going to reciprocate with your partner for long courtship and signs of attention, first of all find peace of mind. Do not make decisions based on emotions and feelings of hopelessness. Treating a person as the last chance for a happy marriage is an inappropriate choice. It is worth thinking about the relevance of reciprocal sympathy only if such thoughts themselves appeared on a subconscious level. If you deliberately wind yourself up, trying to find dignity in a partner, then it is useless to count on the strength and durability of a love union.

The question, what is "", remains in the category of rhetorical dilemmas for many centuries. Great minds are able to give an exclusively terminological definition of such a phenomenon, but it is still impossible to describe the range of elevated feelings. No wonder, because love has no boundaries and frameworks. For each person, it lies in separate emotions and is associated with certain events, accompanied by vivid and memorable memories.

March 24, 2014, 14:40


Interested in the question. Is it possible to fall in love with a person over time? Even if there is no love when meeting. If you think theoretically - for example, you are different, some things from her are not clear to you, she also does not understand you in something. You look at her and you realize that she's not your type. But, nevertheless, something can and slips into the heart. Over time, you learn to find some kind of compromise, you get to know yourself better and some kind of respect, lightness appears, because. you studied each other's life, biography. Some things became clear. If before that the logic of her actions, even in the most everyday actions, was alien to you, now you really understand why she does this.

Can love develop over time? And then love. Has anyone else experienced something similar in life? Or it’s not worth even trying, but just letting go so as not to waste either your or her time. Well, it’s worth mentioning here that she likes you, and is ready to get closer if you go, ready to love you, she feels good with you, but you yourself have doubts when you together you feel something not what - something is missing. i.e. it seems like you understand that she is beautiful, smart, pleasant, but there is no spark, there is no chemistry, and it seems that there is some kind of relationship between you thin wall, which cannot be broken.

P.S.: I myself want to believe in this, because I want to fall in love with a person for whom I don't feel any love. Why - I don’t know) Apparently, I’m afraid to be alone.

19 Sep 2017


Evgenia Sergeeva


19 Sep 2017

Andeli, good afternoon!

but you yourself have doubts, when you are together you feel something is not right, something is missing. i.e. you seem to understand that she is beautiful, smart, pleasant, but there is no spark, chemistry does not arise, and it seems that there is some kind of thin wall between you that cannot be broken through.

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And if you fantasize, then with what feeling is this wall connected?

19 Sep 2017

Andeli, good afternoon!

And if you fantasize, then with what feeling is this wall connected?

Click to reveal...

With the feeling that it's not mine. I feel it so - as if we are kind of together, and not together. I also had associations - as if we were walking along the bank of a small river or stream, holding hands, but we were walking on opposite sides of this river. And we can't connect. Why did I write here and why do I think about it so much, I still cling to the opportunity to love her - I just had it twice before with other girls. I'm afraid there might be something wrong with me.

Andeli, good morning. Perhaps anything) Maybe it makes sense to talk with a psychologist about the fear of being alone? Write, please, how old are you? Are you working, studying?

Click to reveal...

I am 29 years old. Working. Until this spring, I had no need to love anyone. My relationship experience was about 8 years ago, at the university. It was the same. I ran. I couldn't figure out if I liked the girl or not. Constantly in doubt. Then we broke up, I swore not to have a relationship. He went into himself, into his studies, work, dreams. But it so happened that I wanted love. And I began to try. There was one girl before her, it didn’t come to a relationship, I ran away earlier. This time, it went a little further. But it still ended as before - flight, rejection. I began to understand something - apparently, from the very beginning, when I start acquaintance, I am not myself. It's like I'm trying to win a girl's love. Actually, I'm not me. And as soon as I won, I want to run. Something like this.

During the period of avoidance of relationships, I seemed to sublimate this part of life. That is, work, sports, studies, dreams - all this was a kind of avoidance addiction. Maybe in a relationship I'm an avoidant addict, I don't know.

19 Sep 2017


Then we broke up, I swore not to have a relationship.

Click to reveal...

And what is it connected with? Why did you make such a decision?

There was one girl before her, it didn’t come to a relationship, I ran away earlier. This time, it went a little further. But it still ended as before - flight, rejection

Click to reveal...

And as soon as I won, I want to run

Click to reveal...

What are you running from? What scares you so much in this relationship, after you have won attention?

19 Sep 2017

Yes, I don't feel any fear. Well, maybe it's somewhere in the subconscious. At least if there is any fear, then I do not realize it. I.e. I am ready to take care, love a person. It seems to me. But dont know. I lose interest. I am constantly dissatisfied with something about the girl. I mean appearance, some things in behavior. i.e. I start to dig, analyze. And I kind of forget about myself. i.e. all my attention begins to concentrate on the girl, my life and my desires fade into the background. I really do not know. I have already read so much, I talked everywhere on the forums. Very tired. I need a psychotherapist, gestalt therapist, sexologist. But I live in another country now, there is no possibility. Yes, and the psychotherapist that I need is already very expensive)) Although, in principle, I am ready to spend money, if only to figure everything out once and for all. There is a problem, it must be solved somehow.

19 Sep 2017

"Waiting List". Waiting list" means that a woman put a man on a waiting list. In India, there is such a thing on the railway system, there is such a nuance when you come to buy a ticket and say: "Are there any tickets? You are told: "No, but we can put you on the Waiting List." That is, an hour before the train it will be clear whether he is there or not

And in a relationship, it happens like this: when a woman, she puts a man on the waiting list, she says, convinces him that: “It’s really okay that you don’t love me now, I love you very much. I love you very much. And be patient, be patient a little, you will love me too. It happened to me, I also didn’t love you very much at first. The first year I didn’t love you very much, now - two years later - I love you very much. And he says: "and I somehow .... Maybe we'd better leave? She says:" nothing - nothing. I love you very much. I am my love .... There is such a song: "I am with My Love." A bunch of heroic songs, where a woman, she did everything with her love.

You can do a lot with love, but just do not make a man fall in love, two years after they began to live together. Only if he did not have this attachment in the beginning, it is unlikely to develop. There is little chance, practically no, that she will become with her in two years. Not only stronger, it can even become weaker. Therefore, a man can believe himself, seeing the sincerity of a woman, even out of compassion, seeing how much she loves, he may be afraid to part with her. There is a syndrome better girl, which, unfortunately, behaves in such a wrong way, it is more difficult for that man, if he is decent, to refuse her in this relationship. And the more difficult their relationship will become entangled. Because he will feel more and more that this is not the one, and she will feel that she is becoming more and more attached to him, implicitly realizing that she is not the same either. And hypnotize yourself even more: "everything is fine, he will love me, and everything will be as we wanted. Everything will work out for us." So this is one of those very painful scenarios.

And finally, unexplained expectations. This is when a woman accepts a man and says that she loves him, but she does not tell him about her desires. And he is constantly annoyed that he does not fulfill these desires, that he does not live up to her expectations. That is, she does not let him go, and at the same time understands that he cannot make me happy the way I imagined. And for this, he quietly begins to hate him. Good relationship? If it has already become a marriage, then this can also be one of the tragedies. This is one of the tragedy scenarios. So look again... these terms, they are symbolic, but I think they will remind you that if you look again in your notes, you will understand what it is about.

And the general thing that can be said about this is that if such a situation exists, then the woman must find strength, and the man must become a gentleman - raise his level of decency - urgently try to stop these relationships. It is always more difficult for a woman, it is more difficult for a girl to end a relationship in which she sees some kind of hope. Why? Because her attachment is growing more and more. And in her expectation that things will work out, she only gets more confused. Therefore, a true gentleman, he interrupts those relationships that he feels that they will not work out. He interrupts them tactfully but decisively.

And what is the most magical phrase here? The most magical phrase is so powerful: "I Love You, I Love You Too." A woman says: "I Love You" - this is from this series, where is the "waiting list": "I love you very much" or, remember, "I love you crazy"? How will the man respond? Because feelings, when we touch at the level of feelings, we are afraid of hurting each other, this is true, this is absolutely normal. And so we endure, sometimes we remain in those relationships in which we do not need to remain, it is dangerous to remain. We're making two more people unhappy, at least. Thus, if a girl maintains a relationship in which she is unhappy, she is unhappy herself. Second: it will eventually make this person unhappy. The third, third person is a girl who could be happy with him, but you still keep him near you. And the fourth person is that young man or man who would make you happy. Are there too many victims? To maintain such a relationship? Are there too many victims? And this is the rule at any stage of the relationship. Because, one way or another, we have these motives to maintain relationships in such a way. In principle, a hopeless relationship to maintain. Ruslan narushevich.

It is believed that women are very amorous natures. But only those who really do not know men think so.

If you ever saw a really loving man. They saw how self-confident, formidable and huge as a rock, the uncle turns into a shy young man at the sight of his beloved. You will understand what I am talking about.

Before true love, no male character, restraint, self-control can not resist. Moreover, the most hardened and unapproachable bachelors change the most when Cupid hits them with his arrow. Men fall in love each time completely and irrevocably, as if jumping into a cold river.

Moreover, it is very simple to explain such a male “defencelessness” before love. Let's take a look at its causes together.

Men are used to crushing emotions ...

… but when men fall in love, and feelings break out, they can’t be stopped.

This is the reason for the sometimes reckless actions of men in love. They are ready for all sorts of feats for the lady of their heart.

This is because men have been suppressing their emotions for years, ignoring feelings. They try to appear confident and prudent (otherwise they simply cannot become successful in a male society).

But when a woman touches the secret strings of their souls. When with her they can
be yourself and let your feelings go. After that, “putting the genie back into the bottle” and again crushing emotions in yourself is already very difficult.

Men become attached to a woman who has truly captured their heart. They are ready to do anything for her. Moreover, it is very difficult for them to let go of such a woman. Indeed, without it, the bright world of feelings and emotions simply will not exist. Only with her next to her the world becomes different and something happens to them beyond their control.

Therefore, according to statistics, it is women who, more often than men, initiate the dissolution of marriages and long-term relationships. Men are not ready to let go of their beloved women so easily.

Men don't doubt their feelings

This is one of the reasons why men fall in love so quickly.

Women are taught almost from childhood to understand feelings, to get to the bottom of their essence. They teach not to succumb to the first impulses of emotions and to cope with experiences. Women understand when feelings take over, and make allowance for it.

With men, the situation is different.

They rarely question or try to explain the strong feelings that appear in them. They were just never taught that. If a strong feeling has appeared, then it should be so (approximately such a line of reasoning).

This applies to all feelings, including love.

A man does not doubt the woman herself, who evokes a real feeling of love in him. He simply accepts everything "as is", proves his love with actions and hopes for reciprocity.

They rarely do this

Unlike women, for men, such sensations are a deficit.

Women maintain a strong emotional connection with each other. They can experience tides of tenderness, affection and kindness in the circle of friends, relatives, children. They can experience strong excitement and passion for their favorite pastime.

Men, in the circle of their friends and at work, are reserved and cold.

They don't hug and comfort each other, they don't jump together for joy, they don't pour out their hearts to their friends. They don't tell their friends
about their most secret inner desires and fears. They almost never ask for advice in spiritual matters, and God forbid talking about feelings or experiences.

When a woman brings warmth, affection, understanding, joy, emotions, passion into relationships, which she has become accustomed to in her life. For a man, this is something new.

Moreover, this is a deficit that they cannot get anywhere except in a relationship. Having experienced all these sensations, it becomes very difficult to refuse them.

So why do men disappear and break hearts?

There are many reasons why men fall in love much faster than women. But on the condition that it is really love.

Not tricks that they see perfectly (after all, they have already come across them in the past). Not trying to hook him to the quick or make him prove that he is worth something (all this has nothing to do with love). Not a persistent "conquest or subjugation" campaign. And it’s definitely not the desire to just seduce “for show”. All this at best will provide a short romance.

A man cannot resist true love. And he is ready for anything for the sake of the one that awakened this feeling.

The only problem is that even sincerely in love women too often try to “conquer” or “seduce” men. Unfortunately, forgetting that they know how to LOVE

When communicating with you, men do not talk about their feelings, because they themselves are not always fully aware of them.

And for some of them, saying "I love you" is a very big problem.

But don't worry!

You can find out what the man you are dating thinks about you without asking him about it.

In addition to words of love, each person shows some signs of his feelings.

If you are more observant, you will understand and know the whole "truth" about the true feelings of a man.

You want confirmation of love immediately on the first date, but the man only looks at you.

And even if he likes you very much, he needs time to understand his feelings for you.

But if in his further behavior there are these six signs - he is clearly in love with you!

Sign 1. He makes you feel special.

A man can like a woman or not, there is no third way.

A man cannot play like a woman - not call specifically to check her feelings and look at her reaction (except for pickup situations, but you can still figure out the insincerity of a man there).

A man either communicates with a woman - or does not communicate.

If he does not call a woman, it means that he does not want to communicate with her, and nothing can make him want to do this.

A man will not make much effort to please any woman and please her.

If he makes some effort to make you have fun and interesting time with him, it's because he cares about you and he loves you.

If he does something for you that makes you feel special, that's a sign that he really loves you.

If he thinks in advance what you will do during your date, if he gives you not just gifts, but takes into account your interests and knows exactly what will make you happy - this is a very good sign for your relationship.

Sign 2: He spends time with you on weekends.

Saturday and Sunday are special times for single men. They always make plans for these days to have a good time.

After a week of work, you want to relax and unwind.

So, if a man is not very interested in some girl, he would rather spend this time with his buddies.

But when a man asks you what you will do on Saturday and Sunday evenings, he is clearly interested in you, he is interested in communicating with you.

If he is going to spend this time with you, then he knows what it is. time will pass guaranteed good.

If you want to spend the whole weekend with him, he is really in love with you.

Sign 3. He begins to make plans for life with you (he includes you in his life).

When a guy calls you or texts you, it means that he really enjoys spending time with you.

If he invites you somewhere to spend time together, he really wants to see you.

If a man only wants sex, he will invite you to a hotel or rent an apartment.

But if a man invites you to the cinema, to a concert or just to take a walk, he really wants to be with you and see you.

If a man asks you about your plans for the next day, week, holidays, summer - this is a sign that he is interested in you, that he is in love with you.

And he wants to make sure you include him in your plans and spend time with him before you have planned anything else.

Sign 4. He wants to touch you and hug you.

If the man you are dating likes to touch you, for example, hands in conversation, hair and face when kissing, this is a sign that he is in love with you.

Men are always ready to hug the women they love.

All men have sex, but they are affectionate and gentle only with the women they love.

A man who meets for sex will never stroke a woman's hair and kiss her, he will not whisper tender words to her.

A man who meets a woman only for sex will try to leave after him; heart-to-heart talks are not always included in the meeting program.

But if you spent the night with a man and in the morning he hugs you, if in the morning he is as gentle and affectionate as he was at night, this is a very good sign for your relationship.

This is a sign that this man is in love with you!

Sign 5. A man is jealous of you.

If a man is in love with you, then he will want to be the best for you.

And any comparison with other men is not in his favor will make him angry.

He may also be angered by your male friends or any men you greet on the street.

Sign 6. He introduces you to his friends and parents.

A man is never afraid to show a woman to his family and friends if he is happy with her.

And if he introduces you to his friends - this is a good sign.

If he introduces you to his family, that's great!

This means that he really appreciates you and is in love with you, and he wants everyone to know about it.

It is difficult for a man to bring just any girl to his home.

So, if he introduces you to his family and circle of friends, and does everything so that they like you and like them, he is in love with you.

If these signs are not long time then you may need to talk to your man about his intentions.

These signs are not immediately all manifested in his behavior. This takes time.

And if you don’t rush a man, don’t reproach him for not being too hasty to trust you, but if you just love him and enjoy communicating with him, then everything will end very well!

P.S. These, unfortunately, are not signs that a man marries a woman, although everything is possible in our world ......

Psychologist-sexologist Eleonora Razvina

When answering the question of how to love someone who loves you, first of all you must understand that love is happiness that should bring joy, not pain and suffering.

Girls should show maximum attention to their chosen one. Try to listen to the man, try to understand his thoughts, all the problems and do not disregard his opinion. You should get to know him as much as possible, maybe you just don't know him well? After all, not always a person is able to immediately open up.

Avoid criticism! Do not attach great importance to some wrong actions and words. Even if he really does something, it’s not right, don’t get furious, try to calmly talk to him. Especially it concerns
fiery girls. Don't forget, you want to fall in love with this person, not push them further away from your heart. Also forget about any quarrels, because any conflict will cause you wild irritation, in the end you will hate your companion. In case of conflict, do not express everything at once, but try to calm your anger. The best thing to do is to apologize for your temper.

Is it possible to love a person in a short period of time

What can be confused with love at first sight? Many confuse this feeling with simple sympathy. You liked a person, you make acquaintance with him, start to communicate with him, meet and gradually begin to fall in love with this person. Therefore, many people call it love at first sight.

When we meet a new, interesting, unique person, we try to spend as much time with him as possible in order to get to know and understand him. We begin to fall in love with the person we met just a few days ago. We experience new emotions, new feelings, we kind of start life anew.

Can you be sure that this is not a hobby, not a fleeting feeling, that this is not just an interest in a new acquaintance? Is it really love or is it a short-term crush? There can be no guarantees. It is necessary to understand and understand yourself, to determine who you consider this person to be. Do not rush to offer friendship to a person if you really see his affection for you. Understand how you feel about a person, and then you are ready to decide whether this person will become a friend or a loved one for you. It is never too late to transfer relations with an interesting and not ordinary person into the category of friendship. And falling in love with a friend is much more difficult.

Why are many people afraid to say the word love? I mean a relationship that has just begun to develop, you have been dating a person for only a few days and are already ready to tell him that you love him. And he is in no hurry to admit the same to you. What to do? Beat the alarm? No, remember that you are looking for a serious relationship, you are not looking for easy flirting or just a person to be around. Do not rush, love spontaneously manifests itself very rarely, most people look closely for a very long time, try to adjust, get used to it, and only then will they be able to tell you about their love with final confidence.

If you are sure that you have already fallen in love with someone too quickly, do not rush to confess, this may scare your loved one. A person may think that you are not constant and very amorous, that your love will pass quickly. Take your time, but if you are confident in your feelings, then everything is in your hands.

Undoubtedly, you can fall in love with a person in a short period of time, but I would like to be sure that love will be eternal ...

Suppose that feelings for a former lover no longer poison life, do not prevent the start of a new relationship. How to love a person for whom the object of unrequited love feels only sympathy? It’s worth starting work on this by compiling a list of its advantages. It is possible that the applicant has many positive qualities that make it worthy of note. You can note his mind, devotion, kindness, sense of humor and so on. The longer the list of benefits, the better.

It is wonderful if a person likes the appearance of the one who confesses his love to him. In this case, you should definitely place the photo of the chosen one in a conspicuous place in order to admire it as often as possible.

Time does not stand still, and many acquaintances have already got husbands and children, and you still cannot find your only one? You may already have a boyfriend, but the problem is that only he has love for you, and you do not. On the one hand, this is a wonderful feeling when you are loved, and on the other hand, you want to experience this elated feeling yourself. If you have at least friendly feelings for a man, then all is not lost. Psychologists say that love begins with sincere friendship. And other relationships, built only on passion, do not last long. In this article, you will learn how to love a guy who loves you.

Is it possible to fall in love with a person over time?

As you know, love is, first of all, a deep feeling. When we experience love, we experience. And it will definitely take time to develop this feeling. Believe me, as soon as you fall in love, you will immediately feel it. Do not rush yourself, be patient and at first just enjoy friendly affection. The main thing is to fall in love, then falling in love really is not difficult.

Try to spend as much time with him as possible. So you can quickly recognize common interests and with frequent pastimes, you can quickly develop your unidentified feeling. But do not abuse it, loneliness is sometimes very useful. You may feel a little irritable towards your companion, in which case rest and spend some time apart. If you do not have the opportunity to remain without the attention of the chosen one, then this may end badly, and you will begin to feel great dislike for him. For example, this applies to married women. And they are much more tormented by the question of how to love a husband who loves you.

Arguing on the topic of whether it is possible to fall in love with a person over time, we say yes with confidence!

How to love someone who loves you?

When answering the question of how to love someone who loves you, first of all you must understand that love is happiness that should bring joy, not pain and suffering.

Girls should show maximum attention to their chosen one. Try to listen to the man, try to understand his thoughts, all the problems and do not disregard his opinion. You should get to know him as much as possible, maybe you just don't know him well? After all, not always a person is able to immediately open up.

Avoid criticism! Do not attach great importance to some wrong actions and words. Even if he really does something, it’s not right, don’t get furious, try to calmly talk to him. Especially it concerns fiery girls. Don't forget, you want to fall in love with this person, not push them further away from your heart. Also forget about any quarrels, because any will cause you wild irritation, in the end you will hate your companion. In case of conflict, do not express everything at once, but try to calm your anger. The best thing to do is to apologize for your temper.