What does the tattoo symbolize. Men's Tattoos with Meaning - Men's Tattoos with Character. Anchor Tattoo for Men

A person always strives for beauty, so the art of body painting attracts more and more fans. Before you go to a tattoo parlor, it is advisable to study the meaning of tattoos in order to protect yourself from troubles and ridiculous situations. The site contains interesting and informative articles that will help you decide on the choice of image and style.

Each article contains historical information, the meaning of tattoos for girls, male images, a guide to execution techniques, tattoo photos. It is important to remember that the underwear drawing will remain with you for life, so take your choice of sketch responsibly. Although with scientific point of view, the fact of the influence of tattoos on human life has not been proven, but modern psychologists are increasingly inclined to this statement.

A little about the history of the tattoo

The art of tattooing appeared at the dawn of civilization. Ancient people applied drawings to the body that demonstrated to others their social status, personal achievements, belonging to a particular clan or tribe. The meanings of the images varied depending on the people, culture, way of life and place of residence. The same tattoo different countries interpreted differently. For example, the designation of the crane among the Slavs is love, justice, prosperity, and among the Hindus - betrayal and the approach of trouble.

In the Middle Ages, any wearable drawings were rejected by believers and the church, and in the 20th century, sailors, prisoners, and representatives of the working class had tattoos with meaning. The images were interpreted as a symbol of unity and belonged mainly to professional tattoos. Women's tattoos were very rare. Only the most daring and extravagant ladies could afford such jewelry in order to earn money. Tattoos for men looked very primitive, but had a special meaning, known in certain circles.

Tattoo inscriptions are popular at all times. Sailors immortalized dates, places they visited, wrote life mottos. The same was done by the prisoners, who, having set their life priorities differently, sought to leave a reminder on the body in order to avoid mistakes in the future. According to statistics, in the mid-1980s, 94% of convicts and 75-82% of men who served in the navy and in the construction battalion got commemorative tattoos. AT last years former military personnel began to avoid underwear because of the analogy with the criminal world and criminals.

Tattoos and their meaning

Each symbol has a certain energy. It is advisable to choose tattoos with a positive value in order to protect yourself from negative impact. If the image has a dual meaning, it is advisable to supplement the composition with creative elements or opt for another sketch.

If you have chosen an image of a person or a human-like creature as a sketch for your tattoo, your psychological image can be described using the technique proposed by the American psychologist Karen Mahover. After analyzing the drawings with meaning and their owners, she came to the following conclusions.

  • The image of a running person is chosen by insecure people who seek to evade, hide from problems.
  • A measuredly walking figure speaks of the balanced character of its owner.
  • A small torso indicates the possible humiliation that a person was subjected to by others, a large one - dissatisfaction.
  • A carefully drawn face suggests that the owner of the tattoo pays a lot of attention to his appearance.
  • Teeth are a sign of aggression.
  • A small mouth or its absence is a sign that a person cannot defend his point of view in a dispute or influence the interlocutor.
  • Clown mouth - hypocrisy and forced friendliness.
  • The mouth itself is an aggressive symbol, and the nose is sexy.
  • Muscular arms indicate a lack of physical strength, legs, especially widely spaced, are a sign of a self-confident person.

Drawings for girls and their meaning rarely differs from men's. However, it is still quite difficult to compose an image of a person and determine his character from tattoos. You should look at the composition as a whole. For example, quiet and calm person with a lot of aggressive tattoos, it can have a vicious and short-tempered character, which manifests itself in certain situations. At the same time, it is quite possible that the owner of the drawing is trying to compensate for his weak features in a similar way. The inscriptions and their meaning will help to understand common sense compositions. The quote indicates the life priorities and values ​​\u200b\u200bof a person. Certain words can soften the meaning of an aggressive pattern. When choosing an inscription for a tattoo, you should think about the relevance of the phrase you like in the future.

The fashionable trend to stuff the initials of your current lovers has led to the fact that laser tattoo removal has become one of the most popular cosmetic procedures. You should not make hasty decisions, being in a state of euphoria or falling in love, because your paths with a person may diverge. As a result, the tattoo will cause only bad memories and cause a lot of problems.

Video about tattoo meaning

Many criminal male tattoos feature women. At the same time, the drawing does not necessarily symbolize love or lyrical feelings.

Criminal Tattoo Catalog

Criminal painting is characterized by the absence of a semantic link to a drawing or text. A half-naked woman with a flower can symbolize cruelty, the euphonious "GOD" means "was condemned by the state," and the tattoo of a cat indicates "a native prisoner."

Here is a classic catalog of tattoos that are most often found among professional criminals.

The meaning of tattoos

1. Semi-nude female dressed as a hussar, sitting on a cannon with a burning torch in her hand. "There are two beautiful phenomena in the world - love and death." Symbolizes loyalty to a woman and hidden threat revenge for betrayal. Apply to chest or back.

2. Nude a woman tied to a flaming pillar. "Death for Treason" Means that the wearer of the tattoo was convicted of murdering a woman. Logs can mean a term of punishment. The place of the tattoo is the chest, thigh.

3. Executioner executing naked women. The tattoo is sometimes supplemented with the abbreviation "GOD" (see). It symbolizes hatred for laws and administrative bodies.

4. woman and devil. "Love and hate (good and evil) are always there." It means that the owner of the tattoo was imprisoned because of a woman. Apply to the chest or thigh.

5. woman on wings. Tattoo small size applied to the wrist. Symbolizes good luck, luck, random luck. Most often found in thieves.

6. Nude woman with burning torch in hand, prison bars, snake, cross, human skull, axe, money. "Nothing lasts forever in this world." "All the will of God". Camp authority tattoo. May be accompanied by a text about the frailty of worldly existence. Apply only to the chest.

7. Fragment of prickly wire. A generalized symbol indicating that the wearer of the tattoo has gone through a reformatory. Apply to the wrist.

8. Executioner with an ax, half-naked woman, chopping block. The tattoo is found in persons convicted of murdering a relative (or relatives). The secondary meaning is "Death to the traitor." Apply to the chest.

9. medieval helmet. A symbol of struggle, brotherhood, determination. At first it was applied only on the wrist, now it is found on the shoulder and thigh. Indicates a thief or robber.

10. Bayonet. The oldest symbol of the thieves' world. Symbolized threat, warning, strength. It was applied on the wrist, forearm, sometimes on the thigh. The tattoo was found among recidivists. Today it is extremely rare.

11. A naked woman crucified on a cross with the inscription " Amen". "I fully avenged the betrayal." Abstract symbol of revenge (not necessarily for a woman). A tattoo is observed among thieves' leaders and is applied to the chest or thigh.

12. Prison lattice, rose and dagger. The owner of the tattoo was serving time for hooliganism in an educational labor colony. Apply to the forearm or shoulder. If a dagger and a rose without a lattice - "Blood for treason."

13. girl head. "I met my majority at VTK." The place of the tattoo is the shoulder, less often the chest.

14. Nude woman on a winged wheel. " Wheel of Fortune". Symbolizes faith in good luck. Apply to the chest.

15. Scull pierced by a dagger, a rose, a snake wrapped around a dagger. Thief symbol. "Our life is a struggle." The crown above the snake indicates a tattoo of thieves' authority - a thief in law, a position, a beholder. It occurs on the shoulder, less often on the chest.

16. Cross with chain. It is poked out in the upper part of the chest and indicates faith in one's rock. If the cross is depicted in the form of a club suit, then the owner of the tattoo is a thief.

17. Nude female entwined with a snake, with an apple in hand. Biblical story about the snake-tempter. "A woman pushed for a crime." "Woman Tempter". Apply to the chest, shoulder. The tattoo is sometimes found among passive homosexuals (usually on the back).

18. Hand with tulip wrapped in barbed wire. "I met 16 years at VTK." The place of the tattoo is the shoulder.

19. Hands in shackles holding a rose. “Met for 18 years at the VTK” (shackles symbolize a “full-fledged criminal”). Put on the shoulder.

The last two tattoos are also common among women.

  • Catalog:

20. Mermaid at anchor. It occurs in sailors and in persons who have served sentences for rape or indecent acts. Less common in passive homosexuals. The tattoo is applied to the chest or back.

21. Pitchfork. One of the oldest criminal symbols of Russia. At first, it served as a hallmark of large raspberries and thieves' authorities. It was left on the prison walls, used as a means of communication. Later it began to be applied to the shoulder, thigh or forearm. Symbolizes threat, strength. Now rarely seen.

22. eight pointed star. Tattoo of camp authorities - thieves in law, denied, godfathers. Apply under the collarbone.

23. Half-naked woman, seated on the magic ball. Above the head is a crescent. Symbolizes faith in otherworldly forces. Apply to chest or back. Found in Muslims and Jews.

24. Bear holding a medieval ax with the image of a club suit. Indicates a bugbear - a burglar. It may also mean that the convict was serving his sentence at a "logging site" - in ITUs specializing in logging. "The law is the taiga, the scoop is the norm, the bear is the prosecutor."

25. Crossed arrow and key. The symbol of an apartment thief - a burglar. Apply to the forearm or thigh.

26. A woman with a naked breast and an index finger pressed to her lips. Silentium! - " Silence!" Symbolizes distrust of a woman. "As long as there are women in the world, there will be no secrets." Apply to the chest.

27. Star of David entwined with a winged snake. The owner of the tattoo is a Jew and belongs to the winged - camp authorities.

28. Saber without scabbard. The tattoo symbolizes aggressiveness and a secret threat. Apply on the forearm, wrist. A saber in a sheath means that the criminal is "tied up". Occurs very rarely.

29. Lettering Hoc est in votis. "Do not love money - they will destroy, do not love women - they will deceive, but love God (or freedom)."

30. Woman, gun, money, bottle, syringe, knife, cards. “This is what we love” or “This is what destroys us.” Symbolizes a wild life, wastefulness.

31. a lion surrounded by medieval weapons - sword, axe, bow, arrows, mace. Symbolizes strength and power. The book lying before the lion means wisdom. "Tough but fair." Authority tattoo. Applied almost always on the chest.

32. flying demon. The drawing can be supplemented with the inscription "Fatum" (rock). It is applied to the chest and means cruelty. "My god is an evil Demon." "Satan pays for sins." Occurs in bulls, fighters, denied.

33 and 34. Tattoos of drug addicts. Genie flying out of the jug. Apply to the chest, shoulder or front of the thigh. Spider in the web can be punctured on the head under the hair. A spider without a web means a pickpocket.

35. Three cards pierced by an arrow. Wearable badge of card cheats.

36. Eagle on the top of the mountain. Symbol of power and freedom. Tattoo camp authorities.

37. Heck. The tattoo belongs to the so-called "grins" and symbolizes hatred for administrative structures. Apply to the chest. Accompanied by texts of anti-state content.

38. Amur with a bow, a snake-tempter, doves, a heart pierced by an arrow. Artistic tattoo. "Tempted by you forever." Apply to chest or back.

39. The Dragon flying over the castle. The tattoo is found among plunderers of state or collective property, "guild workers". It also means the complete confiscation of property. Apply to chest and back.

40. " CAT - a native prisoner". The image of a cat is applied by recidivists who compare themselves with this animal. The cat combines pride and attachment to the house (the house of a thief is a prison). The drawing can be accompanied by texts like "And here I am at home."

41. Pharaoh's symbol of power. At first she met only with camp authorities. Then the tattoo began to be pierced by thieves reselling stolen goods. Now rarely seen. Applied to hands.

42. Burning crucifixion With a woman. "A woman pushed for a crime." "I will avenge treason." "Convicted of killing a woman."

43. running deer. "I was born free and I will die free." It is applied to the chest and indicates a tendency to escape.

44. Knights. "Strength and Loyalty". Apply to the chest.

45. Cowboy with a naked girl on a horse. The drawing may be accompanied by the abbreviation "OMUT" ("It's hard to get away from me"). Denotes a tendency to take risks and adventures. The tattoo is applied to the chest.

46. ​​" cow girl» - cowboy girl. "The world is ruled by gold and audacity." Common among malicious violators of the camp routine.

47. Woman, rose, dagger. "Revenge for treason." The place of the tattoo is the forearm.

48. A woman with a sword stringing hearts. "She broke the heart". " heartbreaker". The tattoo is dedicated to the lady of the heart and is applied to the chest or thigh. It also occurs in women. The number of hearts indicates the number of subjugated men.

49. Woman in a horseshoe wrapped in barbed wire. "I owe the prison to a woman."

50. hand in shackles clutching a knife. "A hand - to a thief, a knife - to a prosecutor." "The shooting will fix me." Symbolizes cruelty, violence. The tattoo is found in denied, godfathers.

51. Cross, engulfed in flames, with the inscription "Believe in God, not in communism." Political tattoo. As a rule, it was applied by political prisoners (see the chapter "Political Tattoos").

52. " That's what's left of us". The owner of the tattoo I spent years in prisons and camps (the number of thorns on the wire may indicate a corrective labor experience). The secondary meaning of the tattoo is "I will avenge all the cops." Occurs on the chest and.

53. Zack crying behind bars. "Cursed be the one from the century and until the century, who decided to correct a person with a prison." Apply to chest or back. Like the previous tattoo, it points to a camp old-timer.

54. " Well, cop, wait!» Caricature of a police officer. Often a wolf is depicted in a uniform cap, tunic and with a harness. Apply to the thigh and lower back.

55. Dancing skeletons. Symbolizes risk, fearlessness, contempt for death. The first tattoo appeared in Mexico and was "imported" in Soviet Union in the 60s. Place of tattoo - shoulder or chest.

56. Neptune. Strength and power. "Pity for a man humiliates a thief." The pattern is also found among sailors.

57. Indian. "Deprived of civil rights." Similar tattoos were applied by political prisoners and dissidents.

58. sailboat. "Eternal tramp" or "Eternal wanderer". Points to the guest performer. White sails mean a thief, black ones mean a gopnik. Sometimes the number of masts indicates the number of convictions. Apply to the chest and thigh.

59. Fighting bulls. "Who is stronger is right". It symbolizes aggression, the struggle for power. Inflict camp authorities. The picture may be accompanied by text. The place of the tattoo is the chest.

60. tiger head. "Cruelty and Fury" The carriers of the tattoo are bulls and fighters (persons who inflict physical violence on the orders of the thief in law). Found on the chest and shoulders.

61. Latin letter "D", a tiger holding a skull in its paw, a crown, a suit of spades. Symbolizes violence. The tattoo is typical for gopniks.

62. Gladiator. Applied by bulls and fighters. Most often - on the chest. Blood can flow from the sword, which indicates a fighter with "experience".

63. Pirate with a knife in his teeth. On the knife is the inscription "IRA" ("I'm going to cut the activists"). The tattoo is found in denied. The camp asset is the Internal Order Service ("SVP"). The deniers call this service "The bitch went out for a walk" and "The bitch got half out" (early release).

64. Hands in shackles clutching a cross with the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. It symbolizes faith in the thieves' brotherhood, devotion to the thieves' cause.

65. Monk with goose feather. Indicates a "clerk" - a pickpocket who commits thefts with the help of sharply sharpened objects - razors, coins, rings.

66. Eagle with a suitcase in its claws. Means tour operator. If there is a woman in the paws - "Convicted of rape." A tattoo may indicate a tendency to escape.

67. Woman with snake on the neck. It refers to cruelty and violence. Found in Eastern peoples.

68. Napoleon. A symbol of power and adventurism.

69. Bug. "I wish you a successful theft." Pickpocket tattoo. It is applied between the thumb and forefinger. Instead of a beetle, a spider without a web or a flea can be depicted.

70. Hand with dagger penetrating the devil. Anti-Semite tattoo. “Kill the Jews, save Russia!”, “The murder of a Jew is not a crime, but the cleansing of the world from the messengers of Satan.” Such tattoos were considered political and were destroyed.

71. Damn with the bag. "There was happiness, but the devil took it." The owner of the tattoo has a lot of thieving experience.

Once upon a time, body painting was the lot of sailors who missed earthly flowers and beauties, soldiers who burned their blood type on their wrists, and prisoners who put a hierarchical meaning into the drawings. Now the tattoo has become a separate art form that has won the hearts of millions of such different, and at the same time, somehow still similar people. With the help of drawings on the body, you can express yourself, emphasize the main character traits, hint to others about what your soul is screaming about, indicate your life motto or tell the whole world about huge and all-consuming love. So, learn the meaning of tattoos before you do them - be sure!

Each tattoo is individual, even despite the fact that one and the same, it would seem, drawing can be found in two different personalities. In one case, a rose, for example, will mean love for a beautiful lady, and in another, for oneself. Small strokes, the style in which the sketch is executed, color, shape, outline thickness - everything will have its own meaning.

However, the images still have a single symbolism. For example, the meaning of a tiger tattoo (black and white, bright or slightly marked, with an open mouth, calm, full-length or just a muzzle) in any of the options will represent power, strength, greatness. Angel wings always carry a certain divine meaning and are interpreted as a "messenger", "broadcaster of God's will." The image of a wolf is a sign of loneliness, a cat is the meaning of freedom of thought, a shark is fearlessness, a diamond is strength of mind, a butterfly is beauty.

Almost every item that can be applied to the skin has its own established meaning, which is why it is so difficult for beginners in the art of tattooing to decide on their first choice. However, revelry for creativity is also provided here - you can draw not one image, but a whole picture, where several speaking symbols will be involved at once, each of which will mean something different.

For those who do not want to hint, but are used to speaking directly and to the point, there are options for inscription tattoos. All the most popular and beautiful tattoo styles have a whole set of standard phrases and accept completely original word designs. You can use Asian hieroglyphs, Celtic patterns, Latin, English or native Russian letters for this - it all depends on the goals pursued and personal taste. The place where the tattoo will be applied will also have its own meaning: you can openly demonstrate your wearable pattern or carefully hide it from unnecessary attention.

Summing up, on our website we will try to collect all the possible meanings of tattoos with descriptions, photographs and sketches. If you have already decided which tattoo to choose, then you can safely contact the specialists presented on our website. It is on our resource that only the most

Introverts are quite difficult people. This is not to say that they do not like people. They are just very selective. And therefore, such people need to be told in a special way about themselves. And, of course, one of the popular ways to express yourself is a tattoo.

Day.Az, with a link to Mashable, presents 25 perfect tattoos that will suit introverts.

Timshel - famous quote from John Steinbeck's novel East of Eden. This Hebrew word means "you can" and symbolizes that a person always has the right to choose.

Notes. If music means more to you than just sound. Such tattoos can be done on the rib, behind the ear, on the neck.

Lines. Thickness is your personal choice. They symbolize a strong personality.

Dots. The ellipsis symbolizes eternity. Some do each point at special moments in their lives.

Little wave. Water is a symbol of purification and the beginning of a new one. Wash away all the bad things from life.

Symbols from alchemy. Ideal for those who feel connected to the earth elements.

Egyptian hieroglyphs. Depending on your desire, you can tell about something important using Egyptian hieroglyphs.

Border of a country or city. The outline of a country or city that has special meaning to you.

Roman numerals. It could be your date of birth or any other significant date in your life.

Rings. They are similar to Indian henna patterns and symbolize health and good luck.

Paper plane. Ideal for avid travelers. Symbolizes a creative and cheerful personality.

Heart impulse. Means life.

Needle and thread. Suitable for fashion lovers.

Constellation. Fans of Doctor Who and astronomy will find this tattoo perfect.

Cat. The silhouette of a cat is elegance.

Camera outline. You are an observer.

Wood. Shows a passion for nature and life.

Se la vie. From French, "this is life", can mean different things, depending on your vision.

carpe diem. A popular Latin expression means "seize the moment". You can also use "YOLO" - You Only Live Once (you only live once).

Paw print. Love to the animals.

The sun. A call to happiness and positivity.

Snowflakes. They have a very beautiful and interesting design. Associated with a unique and beautiful personality.

So it goes.
It translates as "such things" and means that life goes on. This is the author's commentary on someone's death in Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse 5.

The little Prince. A famous image from the book "The Little Prince" by Exupery. Tattoo is an optical illusion. Adults see a hat, and children see a snake that swallowed an elephant. A reminder to not take everything too seriously.

City skyline. Whether it's one city or a combination of several, this tattoo will keep your travels in mind.

Tattoo Meanings

Tattoos are used in art a large number of various symbols. Some of them may be obvious, while others need interpretation. It is believed that the meaning of a tattoo varies depending on the style of execution, location on the body and spatial orientation. Also, the interpretation will be different if we are talking about connecting several elements from different directions (for example, a skull with roses, drawings placed in a triangle, etc.).

It is clear that the meaning of the tattoo must be learned before you find yourself under the buzzing machine of the master. Be sure that in the future someone will definitely ask about this. Yes, and it’s easier to live yourself if you are “responsible for what you stuffed”. But exaggerating this issue and paying too much attention to it is also not worth it. Don't look for subtext where there is none. Sometimes a flower is just a flower.

The first meaningful tattoos

It's now in modern world, in the order of things to fill a beautiful drawing simply because you wanted to. Fortunately, the choice of salons is large, and there are many talented masters. Previously, the importance of tattoos was given close attention, and the process of applying them was turned into a full-fledged ritual. Each nationality invested in underwear painting a sacred meaning, the source of which was the myths and history of their ancestors.

What other load did male and female tattoos carry with meaning:

  • designation of belonging to a certain caste, tribe, clan;
  • a way to protect against diseases and evil spirits;
  • attracting good luck (it was especially important for warriors);
  • fixing the fact of the ceremony or the passage of initiation;
  • badge of distinction, evidence of some skills and abilities.

For each tattoo with meaning, special symbols were prepared. I didn't have to pick a sketch.

There were also negative drawings applied without the consent of the person. They acted as a stigma for criminals, slaves or prisoners of war.

Prison and army tattoos

Army tattoos and their meaning is a topic that is relevant for guys. Most often, this is an indication of the type of troops or division of the armed forces. Also, some stuff the blood type and other individual data. Such tattoos with meaning for girls are rare.

Need special mention prison tattoos. Until now, the art of underwear painting is shrouded in stereotypes and prejudices of people who consider all bright pictures on the skin to be "zone" marks. An extremely stupid delusion, but the fact remains: to face the uncomfortable question of the relationship of problems with the law and the meaning

Anyone can have body tattoos. If you do not want to get into an awkward situation, then it is better to decide in advance which symbols you definitely would not like to see on yourself. In one of the subsections of our site, we will pay attention to such tattoos.

Interpretation for each character

Some of you are just thinking about the plot of the future tattoo, someone has already got their long-awaited unique sketch, and someone even came to read the information for the sake of interest. But it will be useful for everyone to look into the section with the meaning of tattoos for men and women. There you can learn a lot about familiar symbols and, perhaps, supplement for yourself the interpretation that you have already come up with for your drawing.

Expand your horizons and remember that tattoos with meaning are a purely personal matter. You can put your own deep meaning into them, rely on generally accepted meanings, or even get aesthetic pleasure from the picture without going into the details of the plot. Choose your original sketch and get acquainted with the fascinating world of Tattoo, and our portal will help you with this.