A fan of Karachentsov committed suicide because of unrequited love. Karachentsov loved girls: a friend of the actor spoke about his romance with the famous artist Nikolai Karachentsov and Olga Kabo Roman

The actor came to the 50th anniversary of Olga Kabo, despite the prohibition of doctors

The anniversary evening of Olga KABO was held in the Moscow Cinema House. The audience knows the actress from the films "Two Arrows", "The Crusader", "The Comedy of Lysistrata". Nikolay KARACHENTSOV and his wife Lyudmila PORGINA also came to congratulate the birthday girl. For some guests, this came as a surprise, since several years ago the press vigorously discussed the affair between Kabo and Nikolai Petrovich.

- Olya Kabo a month later she invited us to the anniversary, - said Ludmila Porgina.- Although the doctors forbade my husband to go outside during the flu epidemic, we decided for the first time in three weeks to violate the order for the sake of Olenka. The evening turned out to be very sincere, Kolya really liked it, and after that he said: “It was a gift for me” ... Olya and Kolya were filming together. Then, as often happens, they were credited with a novel. Perhaps she really was in love with Kolechka. He was generally very affectionate towards all partners. When the film “Mistresses of Karachentsov” was filmed for the TVC channel, Olya Kabo, of course, was in the forefront. But we survived it. She is a nice and gentle girl, a well-mannered person. Always call, invite, take an interest in health. It is very rare when beautiful actresses also have brains. On her anniversary, we raised a glass of champagne and drank to the health of her and her children - daughter Tanechka and son Victor. Olya has a difficult fate: she divorced her husband Eduard Vasilishin, she raised her daughter herself, gave her a choreographic education.

Olga KABO with her husband Nikolai RAZGULYAEV and five-year-old son Vitya. A photo: Instagram.com

- Lyudmila Andreevna, how does Nikolai Petrovich feel?

Kolya completed the fifth course of chemotherapy. Since our doctors refused to do the operation, the last thing left is radiation. At the end of March we are going to Jerusalem, where this procedure is best done in the world. And before that, we will go through the sixth course of chemotherapy. All this costs 1 million rubles. Get my money, I think the fund Nikita Mikhalkov will help. I'm not ashamed to ask, because I'm not buying diamonds, but saving loved one, property of Russia. Kolya, well done, holds on and gives me confidence that we cancer cells let's kill. He says: “I am strong! I can do everything!

Lyudmila PORGINA is the hope and support of her beloved Kolenka. Photo by Natalia MURGI

But on such an evening it was impossible to talk only about sad things. Husband of the hero of the day, businessman Nikolay Razgulyaev, recalled with a smile:

Olya calls once in 2011, a journalist. And she was taking a shower at that time, so I picked up the phone. The girl at the other end began to tell that Olya had been laid a star in Anapa, as Vera Vasilyeva and Vladimir Zeldin. “Well, Zeldin is 100 years old - it’s clear why the star. Vera Vasilyeva - too. And how did Olya get into this company? I asked in surprise. “So she’s a sex symbol of a past era,” the girl dumbfounded me.

Nikolai Petrovich will be 65 years old not at Lenkom, but at the Variety Theater

Nikolai KARACHENTSOV will turn 65 only on October 27th. But preparing for the anniversary celebration already underway full swing. A gala evening is planned at the Variety Theater, which will be broadcast by one of the central TV channels. The surprise of the holiday will be a 30-minute production with the participation of the birthday boy, which will mark the return of Nikolai Petrovich to the stage after a terrible car accident. Meanwhile, pleasant chores overshadowed several scandals at once.

Karachentsov's fans were very surprised to learn that he would celebrate his 65th birthday at the Variety Theater, and not on the stage of his native Lenkom, in which he and his wife had worked for several decades. The reason for this was a quarrel between Mark Zakharov and the wife of Nikolai Petrovich - Lyudmila Porgina.

The artistic director of "Lenkom" more than once reproached Lyudmila Andreevna for excessive secular activity. Say, instead of restoring her husband after the accident, she is too energetically immersing him in the thick of the party life - tirelessly leads to receptions, premieres, receptions. Porgina herself did not tire of repeating that the isolation of her husband would only worsen his condition.

The conflict flared up with renewed vigor after the publication of Nikolai Karachentsov's book "Maybe", where the actor's wife wrote her chapter. In it, Porgina accused the head of Lenkom of heartlessness. Like, two hours after the disaster, Zakharov decided to replace Karachentsov with Dmitry Pevtsov in the play "Juno and Avos".

Mark Anatolyevich denies this - he supposedly began to think about the fate of the legendary production only three or four days after the tragedy. A Pevtsov and even more so was introduced a month later.

As a result, Porgina suspended her work at Lenkom and announced that from now on she would devote herself entirely to the rehabilitation of her husband.

The journalist reconciled

The idea to celebrate a magnificent anniversary Lyudmila Andreevna caught fire at the beginning of this year. She went around dozens of influential friends of her husband, but found support only in the face of a well-known journalist Shoda Mulajanova who volunteered to help her organize a celebration at the Variety Theatre.

When Porgina came to Mulajanov, she practically did not hope for anything, - our source in theatrical circles told. - But Shod not only helped with his connections. He turned out to be an excellent diplomat and reconciled Luda with Mark Zakharov. True, they did not postpone the holiday at Lenkom, so as not to knock down the set repertoire at two theaters at once.

The main sensation of the anniversary evening called "Vivat, Petrovich!" will be Karachentsov's return to the stage. According to the authors of the performance, in the future production the actor will appear in the image of Pasternak. Shortly before the disaster, Nikolai read poems and letters from the poet on film. Under this record, he will appear in front of the audience, sitting in an armchair and looking thoughtfully into the distance.

Without money

In the second part of the hero of the day will be congratulated by friends and colleagues. The actors of Lenkom are preparing a skit for Nikolai Petrovich - a paraphrase of Juno and Avos. Pop stars will perform a medley of famous songs previously performed by the hero of the occasion. Yury Luzhkov also intends to demonstrate his vocal skills. The surprise is being prepared by the St. Petersburg brigade - Mikhail Boyarsky, Sergey Migitsko and Svetlana Kryuchkova. Alla Surikova was appointed responsible for the film block and Alexandra Inshakova. 300 - 400 guests will be invited to the celebration, who will take their seats in the auditorium. And the rest of the tickets will go on free sale in early autumn. However, many VIP guests are willing to pay only on the condition that their funds go personally to Nikolai Petrovich.

Almost the entire creative team preparing the action agreed to work free of charge. True, the director of the evening Alla Azarina, who is also the author of the play about Pasternak, which Karachentsov will play, recently unexpectedly announced that she would not do anything without money.

Maybe Alla Alexandrovna just had Bad mood? - subordinates intercede for the boss.

Tears of despair

Another shock the organizers of the holiday experienced because of Leonid Yarmolnik. The actor initially agreed to become one of the hosts of the evening, but suddenly changed his mind and even began to convince the organizers that it was not worth organizing any celebrations. Say, on the birthday of Nikolai Petrovich, you can get by with broadcasting films with his participation on TV.

I already have a bad feeling that for the rest of my life I only have to “play” at the evenings in memory of friends, ”he said.

They say that the actor will never recover from death Oleg Yankovsky and Alexandra Abdulova. And Lenkom employees still remember with pain how almost six years ago, on the 70th anniversary of Mark Zakharov, they were guessing at a chic table:

When our maestro retires, who will take his place? Of course, Yankovsky, Abdulov or Karachentsov.

Alas, fate decreed otherwise. Now, during rare appearances in his native Lenkom, an invalid of the first group Karachentsov approaches the schedule of performances, which hangs in the service corridor, and quietly cries ...

Valentin Dikul is now engaged in the treatment of Karachentsov and his preparation for the anniversary. The academician has developed a special program for the actor, which includes physical therapy procedures, physiotherapy and massage. Nikolai Petrovich regularly works with a speech therapist.

Well, the main rehabilitologist Karachentsova, as friends unanimously call his wife Lyudmila Porgina, recently decided to take a little rest. Leaving her beloved husband to her son Andrei, she went on a trip to Europe. Nikolai Petrovich is looking forward to the return of his soulmate.

At that time, Porgina was married for the second time to stuntman Viktor Korzun. But she divorced in order to be with Karachentsov. They got married in 1975, and three years later their only son Andrei was born.

“Everyone has their weaknesses. Someone reaches for a drink, and Kolya walked to the left. Yes, Karachentsov loved girls. It seems that they had something with Olga Kabo, but the romance did not last long, they parted peacefully, ”said the actor’s friend, stuntman Sergei Mikulsky.

Former ballerina Elena Dmitrieva stated that she and Karachentsov had an affair for 20 years - up to a car accident.

After that terrible accident in 2005, the couple began new life which took place in hospitals and rehabilitation centers. Nikolai Petrovich affectionately called his wife a girl, even after 43 years of marriage.

As soon as Karachentsov recovered a little after the accident, Porgina began to take him to premieres in the theater and to various social events. The actor's friends did not like it very much. But Karachentsov himself said that he needed it - to feel alive.

It was a chance that brought her to the cinema. Sveta Savelova lived in Sevastopol and worked as a saleswoman in a grocery store. Once the director Yakov Segel came to this store for shopping. He was just looking for an actress for the role of nurse Tanya Bulatova in the film "Farewell, pigeons!"

Whom he just did not invite to audition! Students of theatrical universities came, brought to him and girls by acquaintance. He even advertised in the newspaper for a search. But none of them seemed suitable to Segel. And then, looking at Sveta, standing behind the counter, he realized: this is the girl he had been looking for for a long time. And it never occurred to her that she would someday become an artist. Svetlana Savelova was going to enter the medical institute. And then she felt like Cinderella from a fairy tale.

The film "Farewell, pigeons!" was a success not only in the USSR, but also abroad, received awards from festivals in Switzerland, Czechoslovakia, and Australia. Of course, Svetlana's plans for the future have changed. She entered the Shchukin Theater School. And after graduation, she was invited to the Vakhtangov Theater, and then to the Lenin Komsomol Theater.

young beautiful actress often called to act in films. She starred in the comedies "Green Light", "The Last Rogue", in the melodrama "A Day of Sun and Rain". And in 1968, she got the main role in the comedy Seven Old Men and One Girl. And again success! And then there was the painting "In Russia". But it turned out to be a failure, and a shadow fell on the actors who starred in it ...

However, Savelova still had a theater. Her abilities were appreciated by Mark Zakharov. He trusted her big roles. Kind, caring, gentle - men liked her. But for some reason she was unlucky in life.

As a student, she married director Gennady Baisak. But soon the marriage broke up. Then she became interested in Alexander Zbruev. It was a stormy romance. But Svetlana preferred another to him. She fell in love with Nikolai Karachentsov without memory. Many thought that it was going to the wedding. But it turned out - not fate. Karachentsov met Lyudmila Porgina, his future wife. For Savelova, this was a heavy blow. It seemed to her that her life was over and she would never be happy ...

Svetlana began to skip rehearsals at the theater, to drink. Zakharov tried to shake her, but he did not succeed. The artist went headlong into suffering. I had to take the roles away from her, and then they stopped letting her on stage, even in the crowd.

Savelova more and more often applied to the bottle. She also found a friend in misfortune - actor Sergei Milovanov. Handsome, talented, he perfectly sang the songs of Bulat Okudzhava, Alexander Galich. But his addiction to alcohol ruined him. Together they rolled down the slope.

At some point, Savelova came to her senses. She left him. But still she could not give up alcohol. She married again - to a drinking policeman.

Once, returning from another party with friends, the artist and her husband were in a car accident. The doctors managed to get Svetlana out. But on her face there was forever an ugly scar. She was very worried that her face was disfigured, she hid the scar under a lock of hair. And even more retired, withdrew into itself.

She came to the theater only on pay day. She was kept in the state out of pity. Due to extreme need, she sold her apartment in the center and bought a squalid housing on the outskirts. And in January 1999, she did not come for the money. The theater staff became worried on the third day. The apartment door had to be broken down. Her lifeless body was found lying on the floor. It was not clear why she died. There was no one to demand an examination - Savelova did not have any close friends or relatives.

The artist was buried at the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery. Only employees of the theater came to say goodbye, and the dress was put on the deceased from the props - she did not find any decent clothes at home.

The heroes of the first part of the album "The Best" - Maxim Dunayevsky, Alexei Rybnikov, Gennady Gladkov, unfortunately, could not get to Novy Arbat along good reasons. At the same time, it was noted that Gennady Gladkov was the first to discover a “voice” in the dramatic artist Kolya Karachentsov (this happened in the play “Till”), Maxim Dunayevsky taught the artist how to sing correctly, and Alexei Rybnikov gave him the main part - Count Rezanov in the rock opera " Juno and Avos".

"Maple Leaf" to the music of Maxim Dunayevsky (a close friend of the artist) opened the evening. By the way, this song was first heard in the film "A Little Favor" (1984), where Karachentsov plays a popular singer.

Song "Maple Leaf"

At the very beginning of the film, Karachentsov records songs - on huge bobbins of an "antediluvian" tape recorder. About how, in reality, Nikolai Petrovich rehearsed and recorded hits? composer and musician Vyacheslav Gorsky told the Moscow House of Books:

Once the actress Olga Kabo came to my house together with Nikolai Karachentsov. I knew about Olga's desire to record a solo album, but I did not suspect that she would bring Nikolai Petrovich with her to sing a duet. I was shocked, because in those years Karachentsov was our John Lennon in terms of popularity. They began to select keys for Kabo and Karachentsov, and it turned out that all keys suit Nikolai Petrovich. I asked the artist to sing lower, and he said: “No problem”, asked even lower and again “Yes, no problem!”. Then I suggested to him: “Maybe we will make a program with you in the likeness of Frank Sinatra?”, To which the artist calmly said: “No problem!”. When I stated that “he is a super jazz singer”, he was surprised: “I didn’t know.” Nikolai Petrovich almost from the first time performed the song without errors - he instantly read the musical information. I was so delighted with communication with Karachentsov that I even allowed him to smoke in the apartment (although I did not allow anyone). The artist sat on the windowsill, lit up Prima (he smoked it exclusively) and sang (we were rehearsing). When I went to close the window behind him, I saw a crowd of enthusiastic people in the yard. They heard and saw their favorite artist and froze in place. After this incident, the whole house greeted me very respectfully. We also met with Nikolai Petrovich - I showed him the songs, and he always demanded that they have drama, - said Vyacheslav Gorsky.

Actress Olga came to the presentation of the collection together with her children - 16-year-old Tatyana and 4-year-old Vityusha. Olga Kabo played the role of “Lady Hamilton” in the video for the song of the same name performed by Nikolai Karachentsov, and recorded two duets with him “Random Street” and “Scriptwriter” (Vyacheslav Gorsky told just about the first rehearsal of the song “Scriptwriter” to the words of Sergey Krylov) . These two songs were included in the second part of the album "Unreleased". Olga Kabo spoke about how she sang with Nikolai Petrovich:

Thanks to Nikolai Petrovich, I sang. However, we all called him simply - Petrovich. When we worked together in the cinema, Petrovich constantly sang, went to the studio where he recorded something, and thus pushed me to start singing. True, if Petrovich succeeded instantly, then I sang 15 times, and he waited and endured. There is a little-known page in my biography when I played the role of Conchita in the Korean version of the play “Juno and Avos”, and Karachentsov and Alexei Rybnikov came to our premiere in Seoul. My Korean partner, who plays Count Rezanov, although he was a very professional vocalist, could not wheeze like our Nikolai Karachentsov could, - said Olga Kabo, Honored Artist of Russia.

Composer and singer Irina Gribulina, the famous wife of the hero Karachentsov in the first Soviet video "Quarrel" (the premiere took place on the program "Blue Light" in 1987) recalled the favorite of all women Soviet Union- Nikolai Karachentsov:

Kolya was the idol of the entire female population. And after the premiere of the video "Quarrel" on the main channel of the country, I was often mistaken for Karachentsov's wife. They even asked me to give him gifts - as a wife. In our "Quarrel" - the first erotic scene on Soviet TV - in the bathroom. True, I managed to convince the chairman of the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, Leonid Kravchenko, that there was nothing wrong with this video. I note that neither Kolya nor I undressed. We only quarreled and reconciled in the bathroom ... With Karachentsov, we performed two more of my songs “Bureaucrat” and “Little Man,” said Irina Gribulina.

After the meeting, Nikolai Karachentsov signed albums own hand. A huge queue lined up for an autograph of an outstanding artist.

The VM correspondent also managed to get a written wish from Karachentsov. The release of the collection "The Best and the Unreleased" is timed to coincide with the artist's 70th birthday (October 27). By the way, the idea of ​​the release of the collection, as well as the big celebration of the anniversary on the stage of the Lenkom Theater, belongs to the son of Nikolai Petrovich - Andrey Karachentsov. In his greeting, Andrei Nikolaevich said that “7” (in this case, 70) is Karachentsov’s favorite number, and therefore he decided to celebrate his father’s round date on a large scale, although my mother wanted to limit herself to a celebration in the family circle. The album "Best and Unreleased" does not pursue a commercial goal. Most of the edition was donated to the guests of the anniversary evening at the Lenkom Theater and has already been distributed on the Internet.