Treatment with stones and minerals. Treatment with precious stones Properties of stones and minerals lithotherapy

Treatment methods with minerals have existed since ancient times. To this day, minerals are actively used by Chinese, Indian, Tibetan and Mongolian healers. Today, lithotherapy is considered the science of restoring energy and physical health, structuring various aspects of human life.

Since ancient times, stones have been ground into powder for ingestion, worn as jewelry, and applied to the body for a while.

Stones are the most ancient forms of life on Earth, participants in the first evolutionary wave. Plants, insects and animals appeared much later. Minerals, like all life on Earth, are born, grow, break down and die. The life expectancy of stones is very long - in the oldest rock - about 3.5 billion years, on average, the cycle of minerals is several hundred million years.

What is lithotherapy

The radiations of the subtle bodies of man and minerals are very similar. So when exposed to stones, vibration resonance occurs The vibrations of one organism respond to the vibrations of another. Interaction with the crystal leads to symbiosis - the beneficial coexistence of the human body and the stone.

If we compare the state of minerals with the human, then they are between meditation and sleep. To communicate with stones, you need to synchronize chronological flows - to feel the energy of the crystal, to tune into the same wave with it. With proper interaction, minerals restore the work of the chakras, the subtle bodies of a person and, as a result, heal the physical organs.

Methods of stone treatment

Lithotherapy can be carried out as follows:

  • Contemplation - a person enters a meditative state, tunes in to the internal structure, energy of the stone.
  • Wearing - creates a vibrational resonance.
  • Massage - stone therapy– treatment with hot (black basalt volcanic rocks are common) or cold stones (white marble is popular). Hot material relaxes, improves blood circulation, speeds up metabolism, dilates blood vessels, cold material raises the tone.
  • Preparation of tinctures, medicines - popular in Ayurveda mineral elixir- Pour 4-5 pearls for 12 hours with a glass of clean water, slightly acidify the drink. Consume it half an hour before meals. Water improves the tone of the body, stops bleeding, eliminates conjunctivitis, inflammation, fever, heals the liver and kidneys. You can cleanse, renew the body with water from quartz - pour 200 g of stones into 3 liters of water for 2-3 days.

Properties of stones

It is important to carry a crystal with you, the internal structure of which helps to fill your energy voids. Properly selected stone "leads" to the path evolutionary development , improves all aspects of life - professional, creative, personal. Choose minerals with your heart. Buy only the options you like. You should not take internally repulsive crystals or those to which you are indifferent.

Red and pink stones

  • rose quartz- Associated with the Moon. Useful for women and men. Makes up for the lack of love. Eliminates mental negativity - it is recommended to massage the forehead clockwise. Normalizes the work of the sexual chakra - Muladhara, opens the heart, helps develop unconditional love, harmonize relations with the outside world, find balance.
  • Red corundum (ruby)- brings to a new stage of development, relieves negative thoughts, anxieties, worries. "Forces" to work hard to achieve high results - develops perseverance, helps to assimilate new information. Shown to those who want to become a professional in their field.
  • Pomegranate (almandine)- Associated with the element of Fire. Holiday stone, a good antidepressant. It is recommended to wear up to 2 days a week.

green stones

  • Datolite- cleanses, opens the heart. Indicated for personal development. Helps develop and establish deep relationships with the outside world.
  • Seraphinite (clinochlore)- cleanses the heart of negative and unprocessed experience. It helps to open up the world, to show talents.
  • green jade- biostimulant, energizes at all levels (find out how else you can), calms, removes stress.
  • Jade- normalizes blood pressure, restores the work of the heart, kidneys. It calms, makes a person self-confident.
  • Chrysolite (peridot)- shown when the "load" of the heart. Gives joy, lightness, helps to establish good relations. Develops communication skills. Recommended for negotiations, interviews.

Blue and blue stones

  • Amazonite- Endowed with Yin energy. Indicated for insomnia - can be placed under the pillow. Recommended for women - helps to do several things at the same time.
  • Chrysocolla- Endowed with Yin energy. Reduces mental stress, makes the head sober, helps to act impartially, relieves phobias. Works with chakras - Manipura, Vishudha, Ajna. It treats gynecological diseases, has a positive effect on the psyche - it forms the correct perception of the world.
  • Lapis lazuli- cleanses the aura, protects from negative impact from the outside. It helps to radically change your life - quit bad habits, change your place of residence or work, establish new relationships.
  • Azurite- cleans from old unnecessary programs, mental trash. Activates the Ajna chakra - the third eye. It is shown at knowledge, research of something new. It helps to develop and strengthen long-term career intentions, successfully conduct an examination, negotiations, interviews.
  • Turquoise (blue)- endowed with feminine energy, for calmness and peace, purification of the mind. Makes a person charming, attractive. Turquoise is associated with Saturn, helps to realize true desires, supports honest people in their actions.

yellow and orange stones

  • Pyrite ("fool's gold")- acts like a wise old mentor - observes what is happening, tells you how to act. Few people are ready to abide by the rules put forward by pyrite. It helps to put things in order in the head, structure life processes, create a business. It is recommended to place on the desktop - pyrite will protect the area of ​​professional growth from negative influences.
  • Amber- endowed solar energy, reveals talents, cheers up.
  • Sardonyx- antidepressant, improves sleep (study effective ones).
  • Citrine- associated with Mercury, the element of Air, works with the Manipura chakra. It helps to work with information flows, direct them in the right direction. Develops communication skills, eloquence. Shown to analysts, journalists, managers.
  • Heliolite- a solar mineral, tunes in to the positive. Can be placed under the pillow.

White and transparent stones

  • white coral- soothes. For sleep, it is recommended to apply to the third eye area. It is advisable for women to wear beads, pendants, apply to the lower abdomen. Absorbs negativity. It gets dirty quickly, it is recommended to wash it in clean cold water from time to time.
  • White mother-of-pearl- works with the reproductive system, Muladhara, Svadhisthana chakras. Clears away negativity. Shells can be applied to the lower abdomen.
  • Calcite(transparent, pure white color) - with neutral satvic energy (between Yin and Yang). Helps with meditation, in the expansion of consciousness.
  • Opal Quartz- helps to deal with feelings, emotions, to determine what is good and bad for you. Attuned to conscious being.
  • magnesite- associated with Yin energy, relieves problems with the heart, blood vessels. Helps to reveal talents, improves communication with the Family, nature.

purple stones

  • Amethyst("bishop's stone") - for meditation, cleans mental body, removes anxiety, helps to get rid of the "mental chewing gum". family people you can’t have a large amethyst in the bedroom - it will interfere with close interaction with your spouse.
  • amethyst quartz- cleans the perception of the world, consciousness. Works with the Ajna chakra, opens the third eye. Women need to be careful with amethyst quartz - excessive detachment from the material world may occur. The mineral is recommended to monks, hermits, clerics - for meditation, tranquility, contemplation, relieves carnal desires.
  • Charoite– a peacemaker, helps to resolve conflicts without conflict family problems, protects the house from ill-wishers. It is recommended to place it in a conspicuous place at home, but so that no one can reach it.
  • Ametrine– works with Muladhara, Ajna chakras. Removes destructive mental programs when a person cannot accept (“digest”) information.
  • Lepidolite-, obsession, feelings of despair. Can be placed under the pillow.

Black and brown stones

  • Shungite- cleanses from destructive energies. Protects from electromagnetic radiation - can be placed on the desktop near the computer.
  • Jet- endowed with Yin energy, calms, protects sleep from nightmares. It helps to work out fears, to adequately pass karmic lessons.
  • staurolite- soothes, indicates the Way, a good amulet.
  • Obsidian- "sorcerer's stone" - downloads information from the future. How does a mirror reflect negativity? Works well with the lower chakras, "grounds". Works with the subconscious, helps to find fears, restrictions, blocks that interfere with development. Awakens imagination, helps to generate ideas.

Women's stones

  • red jasper- has male Yang energy, "grounds", turns on the physical body, improves blood supply to the small pelvis. Recommended rubbing feet, sacrum, lower abdomen. Red jasper increases vitality, works with the lower chakras - Muladhara, Swathistana, Manipura. Gives heat to the Earth, saturates with fire. It is especially useful to wear the pendant during physical activity (sports, fitness, yoga).
  • Unakite- works with the lower chakras, restores sexual function, removes blocks at the level of the heart. Improves mood, calms, improves sleep. A good beautician - a woman literally blossoms.
  • Moon rock- develops patience, mercy, relieves stress, helps in conflict-free problem solving. Harmonizes with the surrounding nature.

Men's stones

  • Hematite (bloodstone)- contains male energies, helps to fulfill one's karmic duty. Protects from negative energy. Gives courage and courage.
  • Cornelian- gives strength, restores immune system(to increase energy will help). Protects from accidents, attracts wealth and success.
  • Rhinestone- teaches to love, enjoy life, "brightens" thoughts, gives mental comfort. Focuses on solving major problems. Sharpens thought processes, expands consciousness. It is indicated for nervous, physical exhaustion - it is recommended to hold stones in two hands. Helps to pass exams - read the material the day before, holding a rock crystal in your hand.

Scientific and technological progress today is perhaps the most dynamic process, because of which we are increasingly moving away from nature. At the same time, many resort to ancient practices and rituals that improve human life. These include lithotherapy, which is based on the use of healing properties natural stones and minerals. This method is not scientifically proven, but it remains relevant for many people around the world. Today we will talk about an unconventional way to deal with various common ailments - lithotherapy. You will learn all the most important things about the treatment with stones and minerals: how to choose the right method, how to use it and other important points.

What is lithotherapy

In general, lithotherapy involves treatment not only with stones and minerals, but also with metals, clays, pearls, mollusk shells and even fossils of extinct animals. These natural materials can be used in different ways: as talismans, amulets, massage tools.

Our ancestors believed that stones and minerals charge water, food and medicines, have a beneficial effect on their beneficial properties. However, there is still no exact information on the effectiveness of lithotherapy in the treatment of ailments. This is due to the fact that, unlike superficial injections, pills and potions, this type of treatment works on invisible levels. This excludes the possibility of experimental proof of its effectiveness.

But it is no accident that millions of people around the world, even in a century high technology continue to use force natural stones and minerals to improve well-being. In this case, the so-called golden mean is important: no extremes and treatment of serious pathologies with stones alone. Without official medicine in any way. Remember: even if it turns out that lithotherapy is actually effective, the maximum that it can do is to improve well-being with existing ailments and reduce the likelihood of new ones.

The situation is different with psychosomatic diseases, against which medicine is often powerless, since the cause of the disease is associated with the soul, the person's perception of the world. In such situations, lithotherapy for some becomes a lifeline. Stones and minerals have a beneficial effect primarily on the mental and emotional condition, which affects the physical condition of the body.

Let's try together to figure out how these natural objects can have such a strong impact on people.

How stones and minerals work

Esotericists say that the Universe is filled with energy, which creates certain vibrations of a different range. This energy permeates not only living beings and plants, but in general all natural objects. All these items have their own energy range.

This applies to every single organ. human body: working within his range, he remains healthy. But when a "breakdown" occurs in the energy structure of one or another organ, the range of its vibrations goes astray, and a disease occurs. Exist different ways adjustments of this range, including stones and minerals.

How it works? Imagine a radio receiver. Changing the wavelength allows us to determine the radio station with broadcasts that are comfortable for us at the moment. Something similar happens with stones. If the vibration of the mineral coincides with that of some organ, its work is normalized.

Minerals are the oldest inhabitants of the planet, that is, they have been accumulating positive energy in themselves for millions and billions of years. In addition, they are very convenient to use.

People of the past perceived stones differently than most people perceive them today - for them it was not just a lifeless rock, albeit an unusual shape or beautiful color. In the old days, stones were considered natural objects that have colossal magical powers. Large stones were worshiped, festivities were held around them, sacrifices were made in their honor, small stones were collected and used in various magical, spiritual, and healing practices.

Entire treatises of ancient and medieval sages are devoted to stones. Tibetan lamas, preparing many healing products, always used minerals. They also filled the water with them. If you watch several films dedicated to Tibet, you will notice that stones are used as material for local rosaries.

AT Ancient China the energy of the body was restored with the help of special stones - biostimulants.

How to apply stones and minerals

One of the easiest ways to harness the energy of a stone or mineral is to carry it with you at all times. It can be used in its usual form, or it can be inserted into a frame and worn as an ornament. In this case, it is best that the stone is always near a disturbing or sore spot. However, you can not limit yourself to just wearing a stone as a talisman - there are several techniques for using it in various situations.

  • So, if you suddenly feel tired, anxious or irritated, sit back, turn on an audio recording with relaxing sounds (birds singing, rustling leaves or the sound of the sea), take your amulet in your hands and meditate in this way for a quarter of an hour.
  • To relieve pain, simply take a stone in your hand, then in the other, and then briefly place it on the place that bothers you.
  • If you cut or bruise, then after carefully treating the wound, move the stone counterclockwise over it - this will reduce the pain.

Just keep in mind that from time to time any talisman needs to be cleaned, as it can accumulate negative information. Cleaning amulets with stones and crystals is easy: to do this, throw a glass of sea salt into a container of water and put an object there for a day. After that, you need to hold the talisman under the running water. At night, it must be cleaned in a secluded place, wrapped in cotton cloth.

It is also recommended to use more than one talisman with a stone, but several - so that each one is aimed at solving a specific problem, and there is no addictive effect. In addition, talk to the talismans regularly, telling them about your problems and desires.

Stone massage

Many people know about talisman stones. Few people know that they are an excellent tool for therapeutic massages. For this procedure, stone plates, balls, disks, sticks are needed. Often, before the massage, the stone is heated, temporarily substituting it under the sun's rays. This is necessary in order for the power hidden in the stone to be activated.

At home, you can do a simple relaxing massage: for this you need to drive a stone over the body for half an hour, while rotating it clockwise. You can massage in this way both the whole body and certain areas.

With this massage, you can use hot or cold stones.

Massage with cold stones tones the muscles and increases the body's resistance to disease. Most often, white marble stones are used for such grinding.

Just keep in mind that stone massage is contraindicated for pregnant women, as well as people with fractures, bruises, injuries. internal organs and skin diseases. If you want to practice such a massage, but are not sure if it is safe for you, then it is better to first consult with your doctor.

Also note that the stones during the massage should not come into contact with the spine.

After the massage, be sure to hold the stones in salt water, then rinse under running water. It is recommended to store them in a container in which salt is first poured.

Another way of lithotherapy is the use of balls or rosaries to massage the palms, which are simply “dotted” with biologically active points. This massage is considered very beneficial for the whole body. Regular 10-15-minute rolling of stone balls in the hands will have a general positive effect on the well-being and mood of a person. The impact of such rubbing is gentle, soft, and, unlike other similar practices, it has practically no contraindications.

Water charging

With the help of stones, you can also charge water, food and medicines with positive energy. To activate the beneficial properties of water, a stone is thrown into a filled vessel and insisted all night. In the morning, the stone should be removed from the vessel, and the water should be drunk on an empty stomach. It is believed that such water has a beneficial effect on the energy potential of the body. The best option Silicon, quartz and shungite are considered for such manipulations.

It is also good to use water infused in this way for cooking, rinsing the mouth (for diseases of the teeth, gums and throat), washing, rubbing the affected areas of the skin. It is also good to take baths, adding an elixir infused on stones to the water. With the help of stones, you can charge not only water: almost any object that is in contact with a mineral during the day acquires positive properties. Food and medicine can also be infused in this way.

Choosing your stone

The correct use of the stone is, of course, very important. But it is even more important to accurately choose your mineral. But how to find out which stone among the numerous sparkling and iridescent crystals fit just for you? Only experienced astrologers can answer this question most accurately: they know what color a stone is needed for a particular person and what decoration it is best to include.

Of course, you can pick up a stone on your own, but for this you need to properly understand the issue, since an incorrectly selected stone will not only be a small useless thing, but can even harm its owner.

It is important to determine the problem that the stone should solve.

  • For example, agate recommended for people who cough for a long time, suffer from infectious pathologies and stomach ailments, of cardio-vascular system. Are you tormented by unreasonable fears, do you sleep badly? If yes, then this is your stone.
  • Another stone alexandrite, contributes to the spiritual renewal of its owner, has a beneficial effect on the emotional background. It also has a beneficial effect on blood formation and normalizes blood pressure.
  • Diamond relieves infections, fatigue and is positively associated with metabolism. Important point: This desirable pebble is not recommended for hypertensive patients and overly emotional people.
  • Experts believe that regular contemplation amethysts- blue-violet minerals from the quartz family - relieves tension, insomnia. Water, in which amethyst has been lying all night, is able to normalize cerebral circulation.
  • Aquamarine- a guarantor of strong immunity, healthy skin and teeth. Allergy sufferers, people with stomach and liver ailments should pay attention to this mineral. The sky-blue mineral also relieves nervous tension and bestows peace of mind.
  • Similar characteristics are also turquoise. It is believed that this stone relieves headaches, improves the quality of sleep. If the turquoise decoration has faded, this may indicate the “inception” of a disease in the body. However, the color of this stone can also change when interacting with soap, alcohol, perfumes and various fats.
  • Black as the night itself jet make balls used in massage. It is one of the popular materials for amulets. Since ancient times, it has been considered a stone of pregnant women - according to popular beliefs, jet helps to easily endure and safely give birth to a child. This exotic stone also relieves headaches and toothaches.
  • Rhinestone It is considered an excellent water filter because it has disinfecting properties. Problems with which this mineral helps: low brain activity, coronary disease, varicose veins and respiratory diseases.
  • deep red Garnet helps with temperature, diseases of the respiratory system, especially with bronchitis. This stone also strengthens the immune system and has a positive effect on the digestive and cardiovascular systems.
  • Pearl perfectly helps with hypertension, diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver and kidneys. remarkable useful properties water also possesses, in which two or three pearls "languished" at night. It is believed that pearl water has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect.
  • gemstone emerald normalizes blood pressure, relieves headaches and joint pain, has antibacterial properties. It calms the nerves and fights insomnia.
  • Experts in lithotherapy recommend infusing water for drinking on crystals rose quartz. It is believed that such water cures numerous diseases and strengthens the human body. And this is true: after all, in nature, the most useful spring water often passes through layers of quartz.
  • Iridescent silver blue moon rock also has medicinal properties. It is believed that it improves metabolism, soothes, normalizes sleep, normalizes blood pressure. This stone is especially good for those who suffer from nervous disorders.
  • Variety of agate onyx- for depressed people. It will also help with ailments of the nervous system. This striped mineral is able to give its owner emotional balance and self-control. Experts advise applying it to inflamed areas.
  • One of the most expensive gemstones, ruby, attribute the ability to protect against severe pathologies. It is also believed to cure ailments of the blood, spine and joints. Some experts note the ability of this mineral to positively influence nervous system: Eliminate depression, neuroses and insomnia.
  • gemstone topaz strengthens the immune system, accelerates tissue regeneration, heals the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. It also eliminates the effects of stress. If necessary, it relieves insomnia. Gourmets will be interested to know that topaz is positively associated with taste perception.
  • Mineral tourmaline distinguished by its rich colors. So, green stone helps problem skin, cleanses the blood, restores the liver and nervous system. Blue and blue tourmalines soothe, have a beneficial effect on the immune system. Black stone protects its owner from evil by reflecting negative energy. Transparent tourmalines cleanse the mind, bring the mind and body of a person to harmony.
  • Amber helps with unstable pressure. It relieves toothache, inflammation, tumors, including cancer. Amber is useful for the thyroid gland, spleen and our motor.

The listed stones and minerals can not only help in the treatment of ailments, but also decorate you, giving your image a kind of zest.

Dangers of lithotherapy

When choosing a stone, you can also focus on its color, compatibility with you by zodiac sign or date of birth. However, you should not forget the main rule for acquiring any magical attribute - it should first of all cause positive emotions in you. This alone is a guarantee of a positive outcome of treatment. So trust your intuition and listen to your inner voice - they are no less important in choosing your stone than the recommendations of astrologers and lithotherapists.

You should not be guided by the price and prestige of a stone - in lithotherapy this does not matter. If you like beads made of inexpensive rose quartz, do not neglect them in favor of a pendant with a precious opal that does not evoke any emotions in you. It is not even necessary to buy a stone - even a modest piece of a mineral that you like, picked up on the road, can become a wonderful talisman.

If you have purchased a stone recommended to you by experts, but it does not cause you any positive emotions or it is unpleasant for you, be sure to refuse to use it. Therapeutic procedures carried out with such a miner will be completely useless for you.

It also happens that a person likes a stone, but for some reason it still does not suit him. To understand this, you need to observe the changes that have occurred in your life after the acquisition of the talisman. Mental anxiety, loss of strength and apathy may indicate that your favorite stone is not right for you.

However, the dangers of lithotherapy are not limited to this - it is very important to purchase a stone in a trusted store. Purchasing stones and minerals in pawnshops and thrift stores is not the best idea, to put it mildly. After all, you never know who previously owned the products sold there and how they got there. Buying stone products there, especially precious ones, you also expose yourself to the danger of giving a considerable amount of money for a banal fake.

In addition, when purchasing a stone, be sure to carefully examine it: it should not have cracks, suspicious spots, or foreign inclusions. If your mineral cracked after you purchased it, this indicates that, protecting its owner from a serious threat, he took the hit himself. It is no longer possible to use such a stone - it must be thrown into the waters of the river or buried away from home.

But do not let all these warnings scare you and turn you away from lithotherapy. Proper use of the power of natural stones can significantly facilitate the life of every person, make him healthier and happier. The most important thing is to know the measure in everything and find "your" stones, avoiding fakes and the dangerous specimens described above. Let them serve you as decorations, talismans, massagers, this is not so important. The main thing is that they evoke pleasant emotions in you, soothe and give you spiritual strength.

What secrets of nature are not discovered by people in search of improving health and maintaining beauty! One of these methods was lithotherapy. From the Greek language it is translated as "treatment with stones." How do these crystals, minerals and other rocks, perhaps one of the most durable and ancient elements on earth, act on the body?

Lithotherapy is considered alternative medicine, but the number of its fans is constantly growing. This is because the methods of Tibetan monks, Indian healers have been tried on themselves by our compatriots and were quite satisfied with the result.

Stones do wonders

How do stones work? Their impact is directed both to the body and to the organs separately. A specially selected stone will help to cope with a number of ailments, such as sleep disorders, headaches, spasms, and also help to increase immunity and prolong life.

Lithotherapy cures many ailments

They explain the action of stones with a special energy coming from them and entering into an energy exchange with the human one. Each mineral has its own radiation, aimed at eliminating the imbalance in human body and restore harmony.

Every stone has its own yin and yang

In addition to the energy component, stones are also considered as a talisman, as a kind of force containing "Yang" or "Yin". Tibetan monks believed that stone medicines "cure all 404 diseases of blood, bile, mucus and wind, ulcers, wounds, diseases sent by evil spirits." Renn Marbod, who lived in the 11th century and wrote The Book of Stones, believed that precious stones were even more powerful than herbs. And Nicolaus Copernicus, known to the entire scientific world, who was also interested in medicine, argued that powders from pearls, emeralds, sapphires can cure many diseases.

Lithotherapy as a source of harmony

A specialist in lithotherapy will select an individual stone for you. And here are a few recommendations - what if some mineral is ownerlessly stored in your house?

  1. Citrine enhances logical thinking and strengthens the psyche.
  2. Lepidolite calls the "Guardian of Dreams", it restores sleep and soothes.
  3. Rose quartz calms the nervous system, restores sleep and mood.
  4. Amethyst relieves headaches.
  5. Carnelian eliminates hypotension, promotes increased physical activity.

Be sure to watch the video, where you will find more information on lithotherapy: