Mirror in the hallway according to Feng Shui: how to hang it correctly

Mirrors make the space visually wider, add spaciousness and light to the room, for this reason they are an indispensable item in any home. It is difficult to imagine a hallway without a mirror, because it is so convenient to look at yourself before going outside, it is possible to evaluate your appearance.

People rarely think about how to properly hang this item in the hallway and whether it is acceptable to place it opposite the front door. The answer to this question can be given by Feng Shui experts who are aware of all the subtleties and nuances of this teaching. After all, a mirror is a difficult subject, it has a special magic and can cause both benefit and harm to a person. Therefore, in this article we will talk about the main features of the placement of mirrors in the hallway.

The science of Feng Shui originated a very, very long time ago, it is based on the harmonious interaction of nature and man. Feng Shui says that spiritual balance can only be achieved when there is more positive energy than negative.

Using various household items, you can both attract and repel the flows of positive and negative energy in your home. This rule applies, first of all, to the hallway, which is the beginning of the living space for each of us. When arranging the hallway, it is very important that the furniture is arranged correctly and with maximum comfort. Also, mirrors are almost always placed in the hallway.

Reflective surfaces since ancient times were considered something mystical, various signs and superstitions were composed about them. The science of Feng Shui devotes a whole chapter to this subject and the energy that it circulates in the home. Based on the placement of the mirror in different parts of the house, it will have a different effect on the people living in it and create a general atmosphere of housing.

If we talk specifically about the hallway, then it has a connection with the energy of the front door, it is through it that all energy flows are directed to the dwelling and back. It is not surprising that the front door in China is called the "mouth of the house", it is she who is responsible for the activation and direction of energy.

Is it acceptable to place a mirror in front of the front door

Mirrors have the property of reflecting and attracting energy flows to themselves, and they are also able to change their direction. It depends on the area in which the mirror is located whether the positive energy will linger in the home and where the negative energy will go.

Feng Shui experts argue that it is unacceptable to place a mirror opposite the front door, because in this case the reflective surface will let the flow of positive energy through, but will not keep it in the home and the latter will leave the house very soon. In addition, the inhabitants of the house will feel bad due to the constant accumulation of negative energy. Also, mirrors placed opposite the front door provoke financial expenses, they interfere with money savings, contribute to various troubles and worsen the well-being of members of the house.

It is considered correct to place mirrors in the hallway on the same side as the door to the dwelling. At the same time, it is important that the mirror be of sufficiently large parameters so that each of the family members can easily see their full-length reflection in it.

  1. A good place to place a mirror is on the side wall of the door, but don't hang it too close or you risk breaking the mirror. Large mirrors accumulate a lot of energy, for this reason, stop at a fairly large-scale object, for example, a full-wall mirror or a mirrored closet.
  2. Floor mirrors are ideal when there is no direct contact with the front door, this Feng Shui arrangement is quite acceptable.
  3. Mirrors are able to retain negative events in themselves, so if this happens, it would be best to eliminate the object that has become “dirty” and replace it with a new one.
  4. You can also place a mirror on the front wall, but only so that it does not face the front door. Place the mirror at an angle, in which case the directed energy flows will refract, they will not leave the room, but will be attracted inward.
  5. Feng Shui experts advise placing mirrors in frames that provide additional protection.
  6. Very carefully monitor the perfect cleanliness of the mirrors and wipe them as often as possible. It is also worth putting flowers near the mirror or hanging a picture opposite the reflective surface (in this case, it will accumulate positive energy and distribute it throughout the room).

Mirror design features

The design of reflective surfaces also plays a very important role in the design of the hallway. It is ideal when, thanks to sufficiently spacious areas, you can use mirrors of any size. Difficulties arise in small apartments, in which the hallway is very small. But for this, Feng Shui came up with special rules:

  • The teaching says that even in the event of a shortage of space, a mirror can be hung on the front door. But be sure to securely fix the object so that it does not inadvertently fall. For this purpose, use special decorative inserts.
  • It is not allowed to reflect garbage cans and dirty shoes in the mirror, because mirrors are able not only to reflect objects, but also tend to collect and double their strength.
  • Place a mirror in a beautiful frame that will accumulate energy and distribute it throughout the room.

  • it is permissible to use only whole mirrors, they must not have any damage, amalgams, cracks, broken frames. After all, all of them will cause energy leakage;
  • mirrors are set in wooden or metal frames (these verses balance the power of water);
  • do not use old mirrors, because they managed to be filled with the energy of their former owners;
  • do not choose mirror tiles and fragmented reflective panels for your interior, as they will negatively affect the flow of chi energy.

And, of course, buy only those mirrors that make you sympathetic.