The gate to happiness or the hallway according to Feng Shui - the basic rules for attracting good energy

Hello dear readers!
Today, continuing the theme of home decoration, and so I thought about what a feng shui hallway should be like. We’ll talk about it today, and I’ll also tell you a lot of amazing things about it. Read on!

From the article you will learn:

Feng Shui hallway: design rules

Just imagine that everything that you aspire to throughout your life will come by itself, everything that has stood in the way of your happiness for many years will disappear, and you and your environment will become the embodiment of your own dream. Is this not happiness? Isn't our thoughts, goals and aspirations leading us to such a result? But, as often happens, aspirations fall out of hand, goals melt on gray horizons, and thoughts gradually turn into dull reflections on the topic: “Why me”? It is at this very moment that a person lacks some support from the outside, some support that protects against the negative interference of the outside world.

The church recommends that we gain faith, psychologists recommend looking for problems in our heads, and I want to consider the veracity of the Taoist practice of symbolic space exploration using the example of a feng shui hallway. After all, the entrance hall or corridor is exactly the place from where happiness or grief, financial well-being and love come to our house. In the same way as it comes out of it or remains motionless.

Unfortunately, our apartments, as well as houses, very often do not comply with the rules for the development of space according to Feng Shui. The Teaching speaks of the spaciousness and sufficient size of the rooms of our dwelling, including the hallway, so that energy flows can be located in them without restrictions. At least this rule applies to financial prospects.

feng shui small hallway

Cash assumes a scale corresponding to its quantity, therefore, in a small corridor, insignificant financial receipts are usually pushed along with people coming into the house.

However, Taoist practitioners have learned to correct the "small circumstance" with the help of some secret tricks:

First of all, you should forget about the habit - to collect all the rubbish. A closet with things for all seasons, as well as 20-year-old skis or grandmother's galoshes that might come in handy someday - is an extra content of the interior. In the hallway should be only those things that you need for a particular season.

Photo: small Feng Shui hallway

At the same time, the hallway should not be too large, as it will allow an excessive amount of excess energy to pass into itself, displacing the energy flows of the household. Vast open spaces can lead to nervousness and irritation of the inhabitants of the house. Therefore, there should be a bright and eye-catching object in the corridor so that the incoming energy is riveted to it, and not to put things in order in someone else's house!

feng shui hallway mirror

Photo: Feng Shui hallway mirror

As you know, mirrors have the ability to increase space, so you will need a mirror in the hallway not only to evaluate your appearance, but also to increase space, attract money to your home. The mirror in the Feng Shui hallway should be located on the side of the front door, reflecting:

  • you completely and completely, with all arms, legs and head;
  • interior items, symbolizing wealth, luxury and simply the presence of taste. These items include vases, paintings, fountains or an aquarium, figurines and even banknotes.
  • the mirror should be framed to hide sharp corners;
  • it should not hang opposite the entrance, since in addition to negative energy it will close the entrance to financial flows;
  • The frame, like the mirror itself, should not contain extraneous symbols, hieroglyphs and other things.

As you can see, the location of the mirror in the Feng Shui hallway is of great importance.

Feng shui hallway rug

It is also worth paying attention to the door mat located inside the apartment. It turns out that it should match the style of the front door, but at the same time differ in color and texture from the general flooring. And they also say that a secret should be hidden under it - 2-3 five-ruble coins, which attract already "multi-zero" bills!

To tell the truth, I had to hear about money hidden under the carpet as a child, when there were coins all over my apartment. Then I considered such treasures as incredible luck from absent-minded parents. The coins found quickly moved to my piggy bank, and my mother shrugged her hands, not understanding where the financial bait was going!)

feng shui hallway lighting

But the following question has been of interest to me for a very long time? Why is it customary to be dark in our corridors. I do not judge by the experience of my interior at all, but rely on visits to different houses. Illumination in apartment hallways appeared relatively recently. And even then, not everyone. But in vain. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the apartment should have bright lighting, but mostly warm tones.

The modern abundance of lamps and types of their installation, fortunately, only contributes to our well-being. Therefore, in the corridor there may be sconce lamps, spot lighting, both from the floor and from the ceiling, chandeliers or illumination of individual interior items.

feng shui hallway color

Sufficient lighting can make even dark wall coverings brighter and more attractive for energy flows. Although it, in turn, must correspond to a special Bagua compass, which determines the color of the hallway according to Feng Shui:

  1. White colors and light shades are most successful for the western and northwestern location of the hallway.
  2. Green is the ideal color for an east or southeast corridor.
  3. Blue corresponds to its association and prefers the northern sides.
  4. Yellow southwest and northeast.
  5. And red - the hot south side of the world.

feng shui hallway paintings

It is worth considering the fact that the color and brightness of the corridor depends on additional decoration items. The teachings of Feng Shui, for example, do not like bare walls. Therefore, such places are the most suitable paintings for the Feng Shui hallway.

Photo: Feng Shui hallway paintings

Among other things, artistic images easily distract attention from other rooms and visible spaces, where we do not want to let in unnecessary flows of energy. And if the room has a large space, you can stick photo wallpapers for the hallway according to Feng Shui. To fill voids, it is best to choose canvases with a general content:

  • landscapes;
  • Animals;
  • Still lifes, etc.

What should be the feng shui door: material and color

In addition to interior items that we are free to choose for ourselves, there are obligatory integral things of our hallways, which cannot be avoided. These include, for example, the front door. How it was positioned in relation to the landing or the rooms of your apartment, one architect knows! Not very favorable is the exit, looking at the stairs or elevator doors. However, a sill overestimated by 2-3 centimeters can block the way for negative income from these places.

The material for the door itself should also be chosen according to the side of the world.

  1. Wooden doors are best placed in the southern, southeastern and eastern openings.
  2. Metal doors are suitable for all other cases.

Your financial affairs will develop in a very unfavorable way if the corridor offers a view of all the rooms at once - a toilet, a bathroom, a bedroom, a hall. All of them must be closed first. However, you can distract attention from other rooms with the same bright interior items listed above. You can block the entrance to the room with a living plant, which looks very nice in the corridor.

Feng Shui flowers in the hallway

The main snag in this matter for me, for example, was to find flowers that do not require a lot of sunlight - windows in the corridor are, as you know, a luxury, and any of the lighting cannot replace a living plant for its needs. But, as it turns out, there are shade-loving flowers. They mainly belong to the aroid or maran family.

We complement the design of the hallway according to Feng Shui

Hanging bells and other pendants, preferably round in shape, are considered a good distraction for unfavorable energy.

It is also necessary to use the listed methods in the case of a staircase leading from the corridor to the upper floors of a house or apartment. The entrance to the stair rise should be blocked, distracting attention from it. Paintings, vases, figurines, flowers and even fabric curtains are the best for this.

The clock in the hallway is very auspicious according to Feng Shui. The main thing is that they, like mirrors, should not be placed in front of the front door. It is better to hang them on a perpendicular wall from the entrance.

Also, among interior items, it is often used in the hallway according to Feng Shui. Aquariums with fish in offices are especially popular, as gold aquarium fish symbolize wealth and profit.

Photo: Feng Shui hallway aquarium

Now knowing how to decorate the hallway according to Feng Shui. As a result, the Feng Shui hallway looks even very attractive. At least that's what happened to me! It has paintings, flowers, designer stuff and only the necessary things and furniture. Comfortable, beautiful, light, and soon it will also be favorable for all the necessary energies!
