We fall in love with three people in our lives, and each has a purpose! There are no random people in our lives People come into our lives for a reason

  1. I cannot change the world, but I can change my attitude towards it.
  2. I don't have to apologize to anyone for disagreeing with them.
  3. You can have everything you want, just not right away. And if you think that this is sad, then imagine that at one moment you received the fulfillment of all your desires. This is what sadness is.
  4. You can choose your family. You can choose a religion. You can choose what kind of person you want to be today and become tomorrow. However, you will never be able to become convenient and understandable for everyone without exception.
  5. Everything around is just a projection of me. If I want to change anything, then first of all I need to change myself.
  6. Freedom is a state of mind.
  7. Nothing in our life is eternal. But often we forget about it and are in no hurry to enjoy what we have.
  8. In addition to sublime love, there are dozens of its varieties. In addition to happiness, there are many other equally exciting human feelings. Failure to match the template ideal does not mean failure. Life is generally different.
  9. We don't remember years. We remember.
  10. I don't have to be anyone else but the real me.
  11. No one mourns at a funeral for the beautiful face or clothes of the departed. Everyone remembers his personality and soul. Don't forget for a second what is really important in a person.
  12. People will not like you based on a comprehensive analysis of your strengths and weaknesses. The most beautiful or the richest are not always the most beloved at the same time. Remember this every time you feel that the reason for loneliness lies in the shape of your nose or the size of your bank account.
  13. In order to successfully overcome obstacles, it is important to always remember that every event has its own reason. When eliminating the consequences, do not forget about the cause.
  14. What today seems to be the event of your whole life, tomorrow you won’t even remember it. But simple, insignificant details of everyday life will pop up in memory for more than one year.
  15. There is always a chance to find new job, move to the city of your dreams, find love. The main thing is not to turn away from these opportunities when life will once again poke its nose into them.
  16. The worst events in our lives are really just lessons that warn us against real misfortune.
  17. You will only truly fail when you stop trying.
  18. Don't take it all so seriously. At least as long as you are still alive.
  19. I can't change the people around me. Real change occurs only when each person does exactly what they should, and does not point the finger at the shortcomings that.
  20. Wisdom consists in realizing that no one has final knowledge. Once upon a time, everyone believed that the Earth was flat, today they say that it is round, and who can predict what they will come up with tomorrow?
  21. Even if you give up faith, hope and love, they do not leave you.
  22. When you enter the library, all the knowledge of the world lies before you. When you wake up in the morning, the whole universe opens up to you. It is important to remember this, and not just see shelves of books and another ordinary day.
  23. True happiness lies in the little things. In a good book fresh vegetables, a warm bed, the touch of a loved one. It is somehow not very customary to talk about these things, but it is them that should be appreciated.
  24. Let's look at our life from a pessimistic point of view. In a hundred years, no one will remember you for sure and will not discuss your decisions. So why are we afraid to live the life we ​​want?
  25. I don't have to be what other people expect me to be. After all, how would they know what I should be?
  26. We are in captivity of precisely those people or things that we want to possess ourselves. Freedom consists in giving up the desire to own something.

And what conclusions did our readers draw from the life path they have traveled? Share?

All life near each person there is a cycle of acquaintances and not so familiar.
we communicate with someone, we are friends with someone, we just ran into someone periodically in transport or on the street ..
people come into our lives and leave it - either gradually and imperceptibly, or abruptly, in one minute.
and from each departed in the soul there is some kind of trace. it may be a fleeting memory, or it may remain an open wound ...

they say that the whole world is a theater, and we are all actors in it ..
it is the same in life - every person, whether friend or foe - comes at the appointed time, plays his role, in the course of the play - teaches something - and leaves ..
someone comes back, someone watches from the side, and someone stays with you forever .. and all this is not accidental. people come into our lives for a reason, but to play some role in it.

You meet people on your way, some appear in life and disappear from it like ghosts, and when they leave, you understand that a part of them remains in you.
they say that all the people that appear in your life are just mirrors. they appear, reflecting you, and disappear in the same way, although you don’t even always notice their disappearance, because at that moment you are already looking into another mirror ...
funny, isn't it?

And everyone carries something of their own, something personal: sometimes even offensive and sad, but each of these someone is very important.
and all these pieces that they leave us bringing with them - are they able to change us, are they able to re-evaluate us?

Our life becomes like a sketchbook for other people who come in and out of our lives.
after all, over time, we leaf through this album, and we call all this a memory, look through each page, and find the pressed words, not written, but pressed, and already perceive them differently, and those actions, and think how it was possible to do otherwise. and so each person has his own album, his own people there, his own happiness and his own pain.

and every person we meet in our life is not accidental, he comes to fulfill his mission in relation to us, to teach something or to help.
and as soon as his mission is completed, he goes aside, as if he has exhausted the resource, and went to refuel in order to come back, but to other people, or to you, but already improved ...

And who are the people who are always with us? perhaps permanent missionaries in our lives...

every person is a teacher. someone teaches us to be stronger, someone - wiser, someone teaches us to forgive, someone - to enjoy every day.
and someone does not teach us at all - but simply breaks us, but from this we gain experience.
and if this person is yours, then he will appear again and again in your life.
after all, someone is given happiness, and someone is for experience ..
if someone suddenly left, let him go, he was for the experiment, and whoever needs it will be there ...
not everything is so simple - we teach someone, and someone us.

maybe people appear in our life because we call them? or just everything is pre-programmed.

*** All people appear in your life, and all events occur only because you attracted them there.
And what will you do with them next,
you choose. - Richard Davis Bach

We meet people not by chance. There is always some reason why someone comes into our life and leaves it. And the hardest thing to realize is that some people are destined to be with us only for a little while.

The people who come and go quickly from our lives are usually the ones who open us up to new opportunities and ways to grow and develop.

We don't want to let these people go because we start to get used to them. But we do not understand that some people are destined to be temporary in our lives, no matter how much we would like the opposite.

“Not everything has to become something beautiful and durable. Some people come into your life to show you what is right and wrong, to show you who you can be, to teach you how to love yourself, to make you feel better, or just to be someone you can hang out with at night and pour out your soul. Not everyone will stay forever, but we must keep going and be grateful to them for what they have given us.”, - Writer Emery Allen.

I remember my brightest acquaintances and now I understand why each person came into my life, and how he influenced who I am today. I have shared my deepest thoughts, fears, secrets and dreams with people who are no longer in my life. I do not regret it, because at that moment it was exactly what I wanted to do.

I always thought it was amazing that our lives intersect with the lives of so many people, and even if you know someone for only a short time, you can influence his life and his story. To look at all this from this point of view is very exciting.

The sooner we understand that not everyone is meant to be a part of our lives, the easier it will be for us to dive into new relationships and appreciate time with a certain person, allowing him to leave when the time comes. We need to make the most of the time we have with each other and focus on the present. Let go of expectations, assumptions, and saturate yourself with as much communication with people as possible.

“I see a lot of people in non-stimulating relationships — not just between guys and girls. Many find themselves in stagnant friendships. If people were less afraid of finishing something, they would get more out of life ... You meet right person at the right time and it fills something in your life. You fill something into it. But there is a limit to this,” singer Laura Marling.

If you lose someone in your life, don't lose yourself.

Always remember that just because some people are temporary in your life, it doesn't make your memories and experiences with them any less important.

It is believed that every person who comes into our lives does not appear in it by chance.
Each meeting is a piggy bank in our personal life experience, we are all teachers and students for each other at the same time.

There is a concept that all accidents in our life are not accidental.
When something unpleasant happens in life, we ask ourselves the question: “why do I need this”, if we meet unpleasant people, we also ask ourselves “why did this person appear in my life”.

Find out the answer to this question, what kind of people come into our lives and why.

1. Breathe life into you, warm your soul, give strength to live

Such people appear in especially difficult moments of life, when it is hard on the soul, when material or spiritual, psychological help is needed. They, like guardian angels, appear in right moment and support us with their confident shoulder, warm the heart, allow the soul to recover. And they don't ask for anything in return. We receive the necessary help at the right time completely disinterestedly. Such a person-assistant may appear to do a good deed for you and disappear forever, you may never see him again, but you will never forget him, remembering with gratitude and warmth.

2. Unlock your potential, awaken your soul

This is a human teacher who will give you the knowledge you can no longer live without. This person will wake up your spirit, give an impetus to understanding what interests you most in this life, what you would like to do, what to devote your life to. He will awaken your curiosity, open the chest with your questions, which will fall like peas. After meeting with such a teacher, your life will no longer be the same, it will have a place for a passionate desire for self-development and self-knowledge.

3. Become a close friend for life

Such people come into your life to stay in it forever, to share your joys and sorrows, to go through life hand in hand, overcoming “fire, water and copper pipes". These are close friends, husband (wife). This is your environment, a close circle of like-minded people who appear in your life and become an integral part of it.

4. People are punishment, a mirror image of your flaws.

Agree, it is very difficult to admit that we ourselves have shortcomings. For ourselves, we are good, kind, honest. And there are people who are rude for no reason, or answer unfriendly, or behave pompously, as if you are not a person, but a nonentity ... And it turns out that this person was sent specifically to show you your own behavior, to reflect, as if in a mirror, the way you are in relation to people. How often are you often rude, harsh, proud in dealing with relatives, subordinates, work colleagues, just strangers. Such people were sent to give us the most valuable lesson, to help us become better, get rid of shortcomings, and sometimes even punish us for some of our “sin”.

5. Those that get rid of attachments, illusions and stereotypes

The world is multifaceted, you can’t argue with that, as they say, someone loves herring, and someone likes watermelon. Everyone has different tastes and behavior is different. Just as there is room for diversity in the world, there must be “permission” in your mind that other people can be drastically different from you. You don't have to love them, just accept them the way they are. You may not like how people are dressed, how they behave, what values ​​they profess, etc., but at the same time you should not scold or get angry at them, teach and get annoyed. The more you get hung up on how the world around you should be, the more you will meet people who annoy you and do not correspond to your principles.
Live the way you want and let others live the way they want.

6. People-students, those who came to learn something from you

Each of us can become an example and a source of knowledge or skills for someone. Just as someone at one time was a teacher for you in life, so you can pass on your personal experience to another person. Do not refuse help or advice if you are asked for it, the Universe sends people for a reason who need your knowledge and your help, reasonable advice and support in a certain period of life.

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So, why do we feel joy next to some people, annoyance with others, attraction with others, longing with others? What causes such different emotions?

Because each of those whom we meet on our way came for a reason. He came to help us. And each carries its own task and emotion for us.

The point is that we are one organism. Humanity. I wasn't the first to tell you about this. This is the basis of many philosophical worldviews.

And we attract to ourselves those “cells” of a single human organism that we need. Of course, one human body controlled from above, you can call it God, but for the convenience of the theory about the body, let's say - the Unified Brain.

The organism itself is not aware of this control. Just like our body is not aware of how it breathes and how it digests food. This is controlled by the brain. So in a single humanity, where each of us is a “cell”, we do not understand why and how events occur, but the Brain knows exactly what it is doing.

Sometimes these people "treat" the hurt. Sometimes with love. It all depends on the "disease". The most painful in treatment are stuck in illusions and pride. These two diagnoses call into our lives people who begin to destroy our attitudes, principles, outlook on life. It's very painful. The man begins to grumble: “What do I need all this for? What have I done? Why me?" But if you understand the whole process as a whole, pain can be avoided. If you treat with gratitude those who came to “treat” you, the “treatment” will be faster and more efficient.

So, if in your life appeared: aggressors, people with opposite views on life, and with an active life position, i.e. they will not be silent, people who interfere with your progress, humiliate you, educate you, etc. - you are ill with pride. Doctors have been sent to you. And you should not think that "doctors" are pleased with their "work". They do it unconsciously, sometimes genuinely wondering why you are so unpleasant to them.

Pride is cured by acceptance. By the way, as a person with a lot of experience with pride, I can say that acceptance is even better medicine than forgiveness. I recently released a course half of which is devoted to the practices of acceptance, and they work just amazing! Moreover, all you need to do is listen to meditations.

Don't forget that you, in turn, are other people's doctors too. These are our common lessons.

The second painful lesson, as I said, is illusion. We are accustomed to consider life as we imagine it to be. Those. in fact, we begin to break out of the general organism, to build around ourselves a special, fantastic world. That's how they behave cancer cells, by the way. The One Brain will be forced to try and bring you back to reality. Initially, it was conceived as a state of freedom and love. But we stay in it only in infancy. Then we begin to actively invent non-existent worlds.

As soon as you have invented an illusion for yourself, people are sent to you who are able to destroy it. For example, you read novels and believed that people should be faithful to each other. Moreover, they believed so strongly that do not imagine a relationship where at least a shadow of betrayal could flash by. All. A "landing force" of traitors has already been sent to you. They will "teach" you until you understand. Everything happens in life. Life cannot be limited. Relationships are part of development. Everything can be forgiven. And so it is with any illusion if it becomes vital to you. If without it you cannot imagine happiness.

Of course, everyone would like to be joyful, rich and healthy. But if these qualities are too significant for you, “doctors” will come and destroy your illusions.

Because the world is unpredictable. It is based on freedom of choice and therefore changes constantly. Freedom of choice is not only yours. You must respect the freedom of choice of each individual. And that means not experiencing negative emotions when the other person chooses to act one way and not another. He has a right to it. And they will also send "doctors" to him.

And these endless treatments will continue for as long as it takes for you to understand - you are being looked after. You are helping to grow the one body of humanity. Grow and develop. You are a cell of a single organism in which everything is going right, despite the fact that you, the cell, think that you could arrange everything much better. Despite the fact that you, a cell that does not see the whole organism and does not suspect how it works, it seems that you could become different, better, bigger, stronger ... Until you realize that you are already perfection. That you are in the right place. That all you need to do is follow your heart, consider those around you, and love everything around you, because that's what reality is. When you learn this, then such a desired prosperity will come.

The people who are "sent" to us are of several kinds.

1. directly doctor. Ambulance. It is called in emergency cases when a person does not hear either intuition, or signals from outside, or the heart, when he is immersed in his illusions so much that he can only be pulled out with a "hit on the head." In general, they call an ambulance. Most of the world's population prefers this method of treatment, alas.

2. castle man. A person suddenly appears beside you, whom you cannot guess. It is not clear to you, but it is interesting. He is not always cute, it happens that the man-castle is annoying. You are trying with all your might to find the key to him, to understand his motives, his thoughts. Such people are sent to us when the time has come for spiritual growth, new relationships, new achievements. It's time to step outside the boundaries of your own world.

3. key man. These are the people next to whom you open new horizons in yourself. You suddenly discover that, it turns out, you are not shy about singing loudly in the street. That you can think outside the box. That you have goals and dreams. That you, it turns out, know how to be brave (cowardly, aggressive, etc. - it doesn’t matter what exactly you discover, the main thing is that it’s new for you). Such people are sent to us when the time has come to know ourselves more deeply.

4. Alarm clock man. People of high spiritual level. Not necessarily gurus or saints. But these are high vibrating people. Next to them you feel out of place. You then get lost, as in front of a teacher at school. Either you feel good next to him, then he starts to annoy. And the longer you are near the "alarm clock", the more transformations are launched in your personality. Insights dawn on you. You suddenly understand something you thought you always knew—in a new way. You change your attitude to ordinary things. You start to see things differently. You wake up. And not always the “alarm clock” does something for this. He might just live next door. But more often "alarm clocks" are those.

I hope you find my thoughts helpful. Please share your impressions in the comments.

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