Is it possible to hang a mirror in front of the front door: signs and superstitions

The mirror has long been used not only as a control of appearance, but also as a design element. Mirror surfaces are able to visually increase the interior space of the premises, making it more spacious and lighter. In each hallway, at the entrance doors of the house, this item is necessarily located in order to inspect yourself from head to toe during the exit. In this case, the question of choosing a place for a mirror is based on many factors. These include both ease of installation and use, as well as some prejudices about the intricacies of placing a mirror in a home, especially opposite the door.

From time immemorial, people believed in a large number of different superstitions and endowed many things and household items with magical meaning. Mirrors were no exception, because with their help many rituals were carried out, divination for the betrothed, calls of spirits and souls of the dead.

Now atheism is in vogue, people prefer to be condescending to such a concept as magic. But no matter what, something shrinks in everyone’s soul when a crack appears on the mirror or it breaks into pieces. BUT why can't you hang a mirror in front of the front door? You will learn about this in the process of reading the article.

Practicality and convenience

If you put aside all prejudices, then, of course, you can hang a mirror in front of the front door. But first of all, you need to consider a few safety rules:

  • the installation site must be protected from possible damage;
  • fastening to the wall must be extremely reliable so that no one gets hurt on broken glass.

It should be borne in mind that if you hang a mirror opposite the front door, then it is exposed to several types of threats:

  • long objects that are brought into the house are highly likely to break the glass;
  • in a hurry, you can confuse the mirror with the passage and run into it corny;
  • it is very easy to touch this item with a bag, umbrella or something else that is in the hands.

Design solutions

Do you hang a mirror in front of the front door? Yes. But is this placement correct? Mirrors allow you to visually significantly increase the internal volume of the room. For example, a mirror surface opposite the door, which is located in the center of a wide wall, visually significantly expands the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe corridor.

At the same time, if the front door is located at the end of a long corridor, then it is advisable to install the mirror at the second end, on the opposite wall.

True, the big minus is that the owner, when he enters, sees the entrance behind him. And they are not always attractive and well-groomed.


To avoid the pain of choosing which wall or cabinet to hang the mirror on, simply place it on one of the doors.

Firstly, this way you can save some of the space.

Secondly, the opportunity to examine yourself from head to toe remains.

Thirdly, it helps to avoid all sorts of superstitions.

However, it is best to simply purchase a door with a built-in mirror. This ensures that the glass is firmly fixed and protected from damage.

The most safe in operation is a mirror based on plexiglass, which has a huge number of positive qualities compared to ordinary glass:

  • high level of strength, because mirrors simply do not break;
  • absolutely any form of reflective surface;
  • ease of installation, or rather, gluing to any suitable surface;
  • an erased glossy surface is very easy to restore with any polish.

Signs and beliefs of peoples

Is it possible to hang a mirror in front of the front door? According to the ancient teachings of Feng Shui, which is based on harmony between man and nature, positive energy should dominate over negative. So, different household items can carry both positive energy, protecting the house, and negative energy, attracting trouble. The area near the entrance is the beginning of the family's living space. Therefore, it deserves the most attention and requires the correct placement of furniture and interior elements. According to the doctrine, a mirror can influence the movement of energy flows in the space of a dwelling. That is, the reflective surface will let positive energy flows into the house and immediately push them back. Accordingly, there can be no talk of any accumulation of it.

There is a sign: a mirror in front of the front door cannot be hung or placed. Why?

  1. The energy of life will leave the home, quarrels will begin in the family, and warm feelings will go away and will not return.
  2. The owners of the house will soon begin to fade physically and spiritually, illnesses will appear.
  3. Guests in such a house will feel uncomfortable and try to leave as quickly as possible.
  4. Instead of good people, the dwelling will attract bad people.
  5. Cash flow will be reflected from the doors of such a house.
  6. The mirror can absorb the negative energy of people who come with evil intentions.

The ancient Slavs even had a deity living in a mirror - the Mirror. A kind spirit and the keeper of the looking glass, who loves good and kind people who smile when looking at their reflection.


There are a huge number of signs associated with the mirror as a whole and not related to its location:

  1. A broken mirror brings misfortune and illness to the house. To avoid this, it is necessary to properly collect the fragments and discard them. To do this, you need to take a piece of dense fabric, collect fragments only with its help, without touching it with your bare hands. The bucket is taken out as far as possible to the street and thrown out only there, not into the garbage chute.
  2. A mirror hung opposite the matrimonial bed will inevitably lead to the betrayal of a husband or wife.
  3. Sleep next to the mirror will be restless. A person will not be able to sleep, and upon awakening he will feel a breakdown.
  4. It is forbidden to give this item to close people. This will lead to quarrels between the donor and the recipient.
  5. If a person has passed away in a dwelling, all mirrors must be hung with a thick cloth so that the soul of the deceased calmly leaves our world. It is also forbidden to look in the same mirrors before the funeral.
  6. Looking in the mirror for a long time is prohibited. This can lead to health problems.
  7. You can’t look in the same mirror at the same time to two friends, so as not to share happiness and good luck.
  8. Mirror surfaces must always be clean and free of fingerprints, smudges and splashes. This can lead to misunderstandings in the family and conflicts.

It is worth remembering that often signs act only on those people who sincerely believe in them. And if you treat the mirror correctly, you should not expect resentment from it.

Energetics of the front door

Is it possible to place a mirror in front of the front door from the point of view of not design, but all the same signs? The answer to this question is ambiguous. It is worth discussing some more points. Feng Shui tells us that every detail of the interior plays a role in the formation of energy flows, and the generators of negativity in the house are sharp corners of objects, lamps on high legs, and satellite TV dishes. These are the so-called "obstacles" that can prevent positive flows that run into obstacles.

The flow of positive energy is called Qi. They influence, for example, the success and well-being of family members.

Particular attention should be paid to the threshold of the house. Its optimal height is 2 centimeters, while the door should be solid, without glass inserts, open into the room. Such a threshold protects the dwelling from the penetration of negativity. Conversely, the absence of a threshold lets negativity into the house. This information is especially relevant for families living close to stairs and elevator shafts.

It is important to know that such a door is contrary to fire safety standards.

Slavic culture is similar in its views to the eastern one, since it was also forbidden to hang mirrored surfaces in houses at the entrance.

Choosing the Right Mirror

Before choosing a place to install a mirror, you should understand what characteristics it should have:

  1. No sharp corners. Ideally, an oval shape.
  2. The size of the mirror should be such that the reflection of a person fits completely into it.
  3. The mirror surface should not have chips, cracks, scratches. Any damage attracts negative energy flows.

The dimensions of the mirror surface must be between 400 mm wide and 1200 mm high. A mirror of this size allows you to see yourself in full growth.

Positive zones for mirror installation

The most preferred place to install a mirror is the living room. You can install fresh flowers, positive photos nearby. The main thing is that the positive is reflected in the mirror.

The area in front of the front door, but not opposite, but immediately next to the entrance, is also considered suitable. Just in this case, the mirror does not begin to repel positive energy from the home, but, on the contrary, accumulate it inside.

Inappropriate areas

Under no pretext should you install mirrors in bedrooms opposite the bed, in lavatories and baths, in the kitchen near the cooking area.

The bedroom is a place for rest and relaxation of the physical body of a person, and a mirror reflecting a sleeping person can absorb this energy.

The restroom is a store of negative energy. It is believed that a mirror hung opposite the sewer will drop everything positive there.

It is believed that a person who bathes in it is at risk of getting a serious illness. So it's not worth the risk.

And in the case of the kitchen, the hostess reflected in the mirror will get tired very quickly. At the same time, the mirror at the dining table, on the contrary, brings prosperity to the family. It is most preferable if a small mirror hangs over the entrance to the kitchen area.

Is it possible to install a mirror in front of the entrance?

Summing up, we can say the following: it all depends on the individual and his decision. You can believe in magic, superstition - then just listen to some simple advice about choosing the right place for the mirror and keeping it in order. You can treat spiritual entities with prejudice, then it’s enough to choose a convenient place for this piece of furniture yourself or resort to the services of a designer.

And to make sure everything was fine, smile at your reflection before leaving the house - then a good mood will be provided for the whole day!