How and where to hang a mirror

I hope you enjoy today's topic, a little mystical - where to hang a Feng Shui mirror in an apartment or house to attract good luck and favorable energy. You have already noticed that I have recently become interested in the theory of feng shui and the mystical properties of gems, but mirrors are a special piece of decor, so I decided to devote an entire article to them.

Feng Shui mirror: arrange according to the rules

I think it makes no sense to write about the applied role of the mirror. We all use it hundreds of times a day. But, by the way, a Feng Shui mirror is also:

  1. a link between the material and subtle worlds;
  2. conductor and corrector of Qi energy flows.

And although Feng Shui came to us from exotic China, it is worth listening to the recommendations for the correct placement of mirrors in the house. It definitely won't get worse. And today I will talk about where you can and where you can not hang a Feng Shui mirror in the house.

Good places for a mirror in an apartment or house

Where should a Feng Shui mirror be hung?

First, in the hallway! The fact is that it is the entrance hall that is a kind of “distributor” of external energy throughout the apartment or house. Qi energy comes to us through the front door, is reflected from the mirror and "spreads" in other rooms.

The only exception: you can not hang a mirror OPPOSITE the front door according to Feng Shui. I will write about this a little later.

Secondly, a small round mirror should be hung outside the door to ... the bathroom! Especially if this room is located near the entrance to the apartment. The logic here is the same: Qi energy enters the house, reaches for water and ... flows into the sewer through the bath and toilet.

To prevent this from happening, you need to hang a small mirror outside the bathroom door. And if you take the issue very seriously, then another Feng Shui mirror on the door can be placed on the inside of the bathroom.

Thirdly, about the appropriateness of a mirror in the kitchen, expert opinions differ. Some believe that if the work surface is reflected in the mirror, this adds work to the hostess. But many are inclined to believe that when there is a beautifully set table and lots and lots of delicious food in the mirror, then according to Feng Shui this is even a plus!

Well, and the last. Ideally, only something beautiful or positively charged should be reflected in mirrors. For example: a picture with a sea view, a photo from the park, a vase of flowers, talismans of love, health or prosperity.

Where not to put mirrors: bad places

It turns out that in our apartments and houses there are places where a Feng Shui mirror cannot be hung categorically!

  1. Do not install it in front of the front door or windows. It is believed that this creates "congestion" in the way of the flow of positive energy from the outside. Something good and bright wants to come to us from the street, but is reflected from the mirror surface and runs back.
  2. According to Feng Shui, the mirror in the bedroom should not reflect the bed and the people lying on it. This can worsen relationships in a couple and even adversely affect their health. When I read this, for some reason I immediately remembered the insanely fashionable mirror ceilings at the time!

And also the mirror in the bedroom (for example, in the dressing table or on the closet door) according to Feng Shui should be covered at night.

  1. Well, it is desirable that the mirror does not reflect any ugliness and ugliness at all (for example, crumbling tiles in the bathroom or the eternal mess on the bookshelf). After all, everything that the mirror “sees” is automatically multiplied by two!
  2. It is bad when the desktop is visible in the mirror. Feng Shui claims that this leads to an increase in the volume of work and the “driven horse” syndrome in the one who sits behind it. Remember about doubling everything that is reflected in the mirror?
  3. Well, of course, you can’t hang a mirror in front of a Feng Shui mirror. Girls who have guessed this way at least once in their lives know that if two mirrors are opposite each other, a magical mirror corridor is formed as a result. In the house, such a corridor provokes inappropriate behavior and can lead to depression and panic attacks among family members.

mirror shape

A feng shui mirror can be anything: square, rectangular or round. By the way, the Bagua mirror is considered to be a very strong thing - in a wide octagonal frame with esoteric trigrams.

It protects the dwelling from evil spirits and other evil spirits day and night. But for our apartments, it, unfortunately, is not suitable enough: after all, according to the theory of Feng Shui, you need to hang such a mirror on the door:

  1. from the outside;
  2. so that it does not reflect the windows and doors of neighbors.

Considering that almost all apartments in Russian houses are located opposite each other, there is simply nowhere to attach Bagua.