What does the name evelyn mean? Evelina (name): meaning for the girl and origin. Evelina - interesting facts about the name

What does the name Evelyn mean?
This name is usually translated as - "life force", or "hazelnut".

Origin of the name Evelina:
There are several different versions of the origin of this sonorous name. One of the versions says that such a name as Evelina is formed precisely from the ancient name Eve and, first of all, in Hebrew it will mean “life force”. According to the second of the well-known versions, this name comes from a certain old French name and means precisely “hazelnut”. There is also a version that such a name as Evelina is a French paraphrase of such a Breton name as Aveline, precisely formed from the Old Hebrew name Abel (clearly meaning "breath").

Character transmitted by the name of Evelyn:
Evelina is always a charming and sociable owner of an incredibly "light" character, she is extremely emotional, often self-confident, she is prudent, and sometimes tends to withdraw into herself. Mother nature awarded her simply the most exaggerated sense of decency, and, of course, moral standards for her are really the most important thing. And if Evelina happens to something, she doesn’t agree, she expresses all her emotions rather violently. However, serious failures never disappoint her.

She has a fairly large willpower and always well-developed intuition. However, Evelina herself is a realist, and she does not believe in all her premonitions at all, and always prefers to use only verified facts and follow some clearly “beaten path”. Evelina is incredibly smart, prone to analytics, moreover, however, she does not like to actively demonstrate all her abilities, in ordinary society she usually gives way to the one who himself seeks to take exactly the central position.

Evelina is extremely hardworking, and in her work she gives all her best completely, she never chooses an easy profession, and, being soft and responsive enough, she may well become, say, a health worker or a teacher. She will always carefully and attentively care for all the sick or for children. Also, she may well succeed somewhere in the service sector, or in the general welfare system.

And here household- this is the very area where Evelina always feels even more than comfortable, she is just an excellent hostess, unusually kind, economical, she cooks well and, of course, loves her children. At the same time, Evelina is very sensitive and sometimes even easily injured, so one “crooked” word is quite capable of offending her right to the core. Also, the beautiful owner of this sonorous name is very “attached”, and of course her friends are incredibly important to her, and her circle of friends is very small and, of course, there are rarely some replacements in it.

Full name: Evelina

Similar names: Evelyn, Evelyn, Ebelino, Evelino, Avelyn, Abel, Eileen, Eva

Church name: -

Meaning: life force, breath

The meaning of the name Evelina - interpretation

Evelina is a name whose origin still causes only conjecture among experts. The leading assumption is that it has Hebrew roots. Everyone remembers the biblical Eve, whose name means "giver of life." Other experts draw conclusions about the French origin. In this case, the name Evelina means "hard nut". Let's talk about the features of the formation of this woman.

Evelina's name in other languages

Astrology named after Evelina

Favorable day: Monday

Years later

The character of the majority of Evelyn is distinguished by great artistry, emotionality and lightness. This is a woman who most often makes a positive impression with her spontaneity, smile, friendliness and ease of communication. AT childhood Evelina is a sweet child who skillfully manipulates her parents.

She is always obedient and affectionate, knows how to beg adults for whatever she wants, and uses her weakness to avoid punishment. AT school age Evelina also often uses her gift as a psychologist, she can establish almost friendly relations with the teacher. But she cannot be suspected of laziness either, since she has a natural curiosity and is a good student.

Girls named Evelina grow up as obedient and affectionate children. Evelina knows how to please others and understands the power of this from childhood. She skillfully uses her childish charm and easily achieves her from her parents. Parents should take this into account. Evelina communicates well with her peers and easily makes new acquaintances.

In studies, Evelina is doing well. Despite the fact that she knows how to like it, she rarely uses it in her studies. Evelina has almost no marks for "beautiful eyes". The girl is endowed with curiosity noticeable from the very early childhood. This gives her some motivation to study.

What does the name Evelina mean for a girl, is it worth giving it beautiful name to kid? Eva the child has charm, deftly manages others, especially mom and dad. Defiantly affectionate and obedient, the owner of the name Evelina from an early age seeks the fulfillment of all desires. Weakness is used by the artistic girl as a weapon and protection from punishment.

The designation of the name Evelina suggests that it is pleasant to be friends with its owner, despite the peculiarities of character. It is always fun with a girl, friends do not become objects of manipulation. Evelina is generous, always ready to lend some money and forget about it. Sociability - this is what the name Evelina means, its owner can often be found in nightclubs and at large-scale parties.

For a woman with this name, the most characteristic features are sociability and charm. As a rule, Evelina is unusually attractive, a little talkative, curious and overly emotional. At the same time, she is purposeful enough to achieve what she wants on her own. In achieving the goal, the meaning of the name is helped by a highly developed intuition. Evelina is characterized by ease and the ability not to make tragedy out of temporary difficulties that most face.

Evelina very easily makes new acquaintances and easily finds a common language with any interlocutor. She has many girlfriends and friends, it is easy and pleasant to communicate with her, you can always count on her active help, sympathy and sincere participation. Evelina will share her experience or financially support anyone who needs it. She loves pets, as a rule, she has several of them.

Evelina's character

Evelina is always a charming and sociable owner of an incredibly “light” character, she is extremely emotional, often self-confident, she is prudent, and sometimes tends to withdraw into herself. Mother nature awarded her simply the most exaggerated sense of decency, and, of course, moral standards for her are really the most important thing.

And if Evelina happens to something, she doesn’t agree, she expresses all her emotions rather violently. However, serious failures never disappoint her. She has a fairly large willpower and always well-developed intuition.

Excessive emotionality can interfere with Evelina more than once, both in personal relationships and at work / in school. She is also quite vulnerable, it is not difficult to offend such a woman, even without noticing it, and it is very difficult to return the location.

She has a fairly large willpower and always well-developed intuition. However, Evelina herself is a realist, and she does not believe in all her premonitions at all, and always prefers to use only verified facts and follow some clearly “beaten path”.

Evelina's fate

The world for Evelina is something like a huge stage, where she is the main character. This girl has an outstanding artistic talent, which helps to move towards success, such a lady is able to achieve great heights in art. Eva will always have many friends, as she is sociable, generous, expressive and attractive.

Evelina needs communication like air. She is cheerful, talkative and curious, irresistibly striving for her goal, but if the goal disappears, she just as quickly finds herself a new one. Evelina is very excitable and reacts with frightening speed to both bad and good. This is a very active woman. To be completely happy, Evelina needs success, which she usually achieves.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

The girl responsibly treats her obligations, she is hardworking and persistent. These character traits are the key to Evelina's life success. She is able to achieve a level of excellence where her work is always in demand and well paid. Such a woman can become an excellent teacher, psychologist, translator, musician. She will make an effective actress.

Evelina does not feel the desire to conquer career heights, she has a slightly different approach to self-expression. Much more important is the enjoyment of the work process. If a girl likes what she does, then success is inevitable.

Marriage and family

In Evelina's family, children mean the most to her. She is ready to devote maximum time to them. But this happens when they appear in the family, Evelina tries to postpone this event as much as possible, devoting as much time as possible to her self-expression. The birth of a child will make her a caring mother, often pampering the baby.

A woman treats her husband with respect, considering him an ideal person. This does not prevent Evelina from time to time from making attempts to command her husband, which she does well. Such a lady needs to be given a little freedom from household chores, otherwise she will turn from a balanced housewife into a grumpy woman who cannot control words and emotions.

Evelina, with the right attitude, is a great fighter with domestic problems, does not dwell on failures, stepping over them, so that family life such a lady develops harmoniously. Marries early, the choice most often makes a good one. He chooses a husband who is reliable and calm, one who will be able to take care of peace of mind wives.

Sex and love

Owner female name Evelina is somewhat wary of her partners. The main thing in a relationship is mutual understanding and the presence of common interests that will help the couple prevent the relationship from falling apart in the event of a crisis.

Evelina has a lot of admirers, men cannot deprive this woman of attention. For her great importance have sexual relations, it is characterized by increased sensuality.


As a child, Evelina is very rarely sick. The most vulnerable point of such a girl is the nervous system, she is recommended to avoid emotional stress by all means. She may also have skin problems and overweight. To combat the latter problem, it is advisable to follow a healthy diet. Strength training, walking and fitness are ideal partners for maintaining a healthy and beautiful body.

The health of girls named Evelina usually pleases parents. They rarely get sick. The weak point in the girl's health can be called her nervous system. They do not want to experience excessive emotional stress, although it is useful to whom. Another weak point of Evelina's health is digestive system. It usually manifests itself in skin problems. Properly chosen diet will solve this problem.

Interests and hobbies

Evelina loves gatherings with her friends most of all, she needs communication. She does not approve of domesticity, hiking and traveling are among the hobbies of this lady. Feels great in a male company and enjoys extreme sports. Evelina loves pets, often gets several at once, devotes time to communicating and playing with them.

Evelina is incredibly smart, prone to analytics, moreover, however, she does not like to actively demonstrate all her abilities, in ordinary society she usually gives way to the one who himself seeks to take exactly the central position.

The interpretation of Evelina's estate has three meanings. According to the first version, the name is of Jewish origin and is translated as "life force". According to the second version, it is a derivative form of the French name Eveline (“hazelnut”), which, in turn, is a derivative of the Hebrew name Eve.

And in the third interpretation, the meaning of the name Evelina is translated as "breath", since its origin can be correlated with English name Aveline, formed from the Hebrew Abel.

    Planet: Jupiter, Moon.

    Talisman-stone: Emerald, Jasper, Black Opal.

    Element: Water.


To understand what the name Evelina means, you need to watch the little girl as a child. Even then, she begins to show skillful craftiness, trying to avoid punishment or achieve what she wants. Masterfully using acting talents inherent in nature, he manipulates his parents, often showing cunning and resourcefulness.

Adult Evelina is an actress in life. Everything around her is just a big stage, where she is the main actress and heroine. Evelina easily plays different roles, easily transforms into different "characters". Willpower and firmness of character are practically absent in the interpretation of the meaning of the name Evelina, which, however, does not prevent the girl from enjoying the fullness of life.

Evelina strives to always be perfect, perfect, perfect in everything! She perceives the smallest physical flaws very painfully and is ready to “turn mountains” in order to achieve ideal parameters.

Further analyzing what the name Evelina means, we can conclude that the mental development of this woman is rather average, although no one dares to call her stupid. She is demonstrative, expressive and prudent, able to adapt to any situation and use the people she needs.

Despite some shortcomings, Evelina never gossips, knows how to make friends, is sociable, generous and has a light, cheerful disposition.

Evelyns born in winter are reasonable, hardworking women, somewhat gloomy and envious, but surprisingly gentle.

If a girl was born in the spring, the secret of the name Evelina is revealed through her easy disposition, constant fun, sociability and responsiveness, coupled with intelligence, prudence, selfishness.

Summer Evelyns have amazing intuition. They show great willpower in achieving the desired goal, selfish and energetic.

Autumn Evelyns are classic introverts who tend to withdraw into themselves and not openly show their feelings.


The owners of the secret of the name Evelina are very lucky, because their beauty and natural charm are preserved until old age. As a rule, they do not complain about health, and all they need is timely prevention of diseases, good food, good rest after work and, most importantly, harmonious relationships with loved ones.

Education, career, hobbies

Evelina are exemplary students. They are attracted to professions where you can show your acting talent, where you need to give all your best, where there is no lack of communication. They like working with young children or people in need of care, so such women become excellent doctors, psychologists, translators, managers, educators, nurses, nurses, teachers, etc.

When educating Evelina, you need to show gentleness and tolerance. However, since girls can get anything from their parents with their charm, sometimes tears, “sincere” acting, you should not follow their lead so as not to raise a spoiled and capricious woman.

It is desirable from childhood to find for little Evelina the kind of creativity that will become the determining guide for her spiritual development and future destiny.

Famous Evelyns

Evelina Bledans - Russian actress; Evelyn Hall - English writer; Evelyn Thomas - French TV presenter; Evelina Ganskaya - aristocrat, wife of Honore de Balzac; Evelina Santangelo - Italian writer; Dame Evelyn Elizabeth Ann Glennie DBE - composer, Scottish percussionist; Evelina Sashenko - Lithuanian jazz singer; Evelina Khromchenko - TV journalist and writer; Evelina Sakuro is a Russian and Belarusian actress.

    I have mixed feelings about my name. And all I can say is that you have to be extremely careful. Such children are often talented, and really appreciate recognition and universal attention (sometimes getting annoyed because of the responsibilities and duties that accompany them), but if they fail to fulfill themselves, then all their good character traits will give way to bad ones, and a terribly difficult period will begin. In addition, such women must be constantly protected, even if they deny this need. Unpleasant little things they most often endure easily and still remain sediment. But at the same time, they tend to perceive everything that happens in their own way, so a trifle for you, for them it can turn out to be something global. And after life failures, after they are broken and crushed, it is almost impossible to restore them. Waiting for only depression, and universal suffering. Vicious circles and hopelessness.

    Whatever it is, take note. Hope this helps you.

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    Probably, like most girls named Evelina, I was very shy as a child. I was wildly offended when, introducing myself to a stranger, I caught his embarrassed look on myself. People were very surprised by such an unusual name. I had a complex, and with age I realized that my name is my highlight, forgive the girls, I don’t want to offend anyone, but now there are so many Masha, Kat, Nastya, etc., that it becomes doubly pleasant to be the owner, at least non-standard name.

    Friends and relatives call me Lina and not otherwise, but already acquaintances, etc. name is Evelyn

    And the people who write - the name is bullshit and all that - God is with you)))

    As for the description, about 85-90 percent about me)))

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    • I agree!!!

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      Our happiness, Evelinochka, so far we are 2.5 very, very similar to the description above, like a fireworks, every evening the phrase “let's talk again” a hundred times. Vevey was baptized (I read somewhere, her name was Velina), she was born on her day. In general, really, so many things converge by name. They wanted to name their daughter Nastya. At seven months of pregnancy, the name Evelina suddenly appeared in my head, I didn’t even know if there was such a name or not, I looked on the Internet, there is. I didn’t pay attention to this name before. Enjoy her and her name

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      My name is not Evelina, but Nastya. For a year now, I have been asking my mother for permission to change my name. It's not just a whim. I really don't feel like Nastya. They bred (sorry) like sluts on every corner. The description of the name Evelina fully describes me, except for words about childhood. But it is not surprising because I changed my fate myself. And once when I recognized myself in the description of the name Anastasia has passed, and the further the more I move away from this characteristic. More and more like Eva.


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      I am grateful to my mother for the wonderful name that she defended from my father, he wanted to call me Nastya. This name is really adorable. I am always the only one, I am always singled out and remembered. When meeting, I say the name slowly and syllable by syllable. For the elderly Lina)))) I am 30 years old, in my whole life I met only one Evelina. I adore lilies, I love the blue color ... everything about me, BUT I'm NOT talkative and NOT envious, just not to anyone))) I'm happy with my life and would not want to change it with anyone.

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      To my daughter Evelyn. 2.3 years is just fireworks, not a girl! she is clearly hyper active, very combative and restless! Not affectionate, hugs only when she wants to, but it’s not given, neither kiss nor hug. But the fact that she is very smart and grasps everything on the fly, chatting for a year and eight months. Tortured questions about the abbreviation of the name. No. We do not shorten! The name is too beautiful to be misrepresented. In general, a name for a woman is like an ornament. This is not Frosya for you :) they were baptized with the name Eva!

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      I love my name too! It coincides up to the sign of the zodiac, except for envy and curiosity. The profession also coincides - I am a doctor, I am always surrounded by pigeons and even my favorite flowers - Alstroemeria (Lily-colored). They symbolize the strength and weakness of the female character. A bouquet of alstroemerias is given to active sociable girls who have achieved a lot in life or have grandiose plans. What a coincidence!!!

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      I am very glad that my name does not have bad meanings ... Everything is written correctly, just as if they were describing me))) As it was written that Evelina (LIFE FORCE) is about me, I can hit the boy hard, etc., but the most correct in this sense that I am fighting all my 11 without stopping !!! My very first struggle is the day I gave birth, it goes through all all the people they are fighting for their lives, including us!) Evelina)))

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      I want to name my daughter a very beautiful name, but no matter how much I read descriptions about names everywhere I look for at least a little good about this name and, as luck would have it, everywhere the descriptions are terrible, just an emotional psycho loner. And I read the comments even more upset because Eveltny write that they this description fits everyone. Write something encouraging, because I already tuned in to the name.

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      my daughter's name is Evelina, but the name is exactly the same for her, she is 6.5 years old and she is so sociable, cheerful, she has so much energy uffff, she has all grandmothers' neighbors, women are all friends, where they didn't go, she keeps asking where she went, but will she go out for a walk, and will she come soon, or can you visit. Everyone loves her like they love their granddaughter!

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      I have a daughter Evelynochka, my little princess, she really reigns in heaven and on earth! In addition to the fact that the name is very beautiful and everyone always admires, it also carries great power, it seems to me that it helps to form a character! Call the girls that, you won’t regret it, besides, all Evelyns have great charm!

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      • I also have a daughter, Evelina. I very much agree with you. I sometimes look at her from the outside, what kind of core reigns in her. Indeed, a little man, although small, but already such a potential in her, a desire to tear and throw under her))) I’m her mom))) I’m not a bit sorry that she was called that with her husband

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        My name is Evelina, at home and friends names are Lina and Eva! when I was a child, I wanted to be called Vika, but now I like my name))). In all meanings, there is a lot similar to my character. From the main: a good daughter, a diligent student, I solve all problems myself, very purposeful, talkative)), emotional, happy ..)

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        • Super

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          Hello! My daughter is 6 years old and she was named Evelina. Everything that is written here is completely about her. The character is just awful. One pleases very good-natured and a lot of love, but there are more psychos. But if I turn back time, I would still call it by that name, because it is very beautiful and majestic.

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          I have been proud of my name since childhood. I hate it when people slander him (it happened often before, now people are familiar with this name). Only her husband was allowed to call herself Evush. 70% of the written can agree that about me. The only failure I long experience inside.

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          I also named my daughter Evelina. We call Eli. We are already 1 year and almost 7 months old. A very mobile, sociable, smiling girl, at the same time persistent and stubborn, often capricious and demands her own. I call her a "chameleon", she behaves differently with everyone.

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          Of course, I can and say the wrong thing, but ... I know that it’s impossible to baptize it to failure!

          To begin with: “may”, before “what” is a comma, before “but” is also a comma, the name is capitalized, after the word “baptize” a dash.


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          Like attracts like) I liked the name Evelina for the unborn child, and when I read the description, I was very surprised that it was 100% the same as one of the descriptions of my name - Maria. And I really like this character :))))

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          I don't even know!!! my name is also evelina and it infuriates me, because at school the teachers confuse me with Elya, then with Eleanor, then with Vealeta !!! as if they can’t remember, but still something coincides with me, but not everything is far away

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          My name is Evelina. My beloved dad called me that, thanks for my daughter. I am very happy in the world, but my dad passed away, I was a little 3 years old. = (((Now I am 22 years old. I am beautiful and smiling, happy)))

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          My name is Evelina, my mother and all my friends call me Eveka, at work Velya and my aunt Velisha. I can’t stand it when they call me Eva brrrrr ... It’s very annoying when the name is twisted and ringed like Elivir, Elnora, etc., etc.

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          • I call my daughter Lyusha, Liu-lu, Lu-la, she is 6 years old, it’s like a family. In the kindergarten, her name is Eva. And she herself introduces herself as Evelina, with pride.

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            We named our baby Eilina, at the moment I can’t imagine another name. In my opinion the most beautiful name. And wear it with great pride. And the girls will be as beautiful as their name.

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            I ALSO NAMED MY DAUGHTER EVELINA BUT WHEN I BAPTIZED HER, the priest told me that there is no name evelina in the Orthodox dialect. I had to give worldly Inna and baptized John.

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            I am 33 years old, but for the first time I read the truth about myself, everything coincides 100%, I am like that and I am proud of it, I have not lived an easy life, but in the end I have achieved my goal, now my life is adjusted, and I am satisfied))))

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            I want to name my daughter that, my husband suggested it to me, I was categorically against it, but now for some reason I really like it, we’ll call Eva for short, but I can’t stand the name ale, I hope they won’t confuse))

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            My name is Evelina and as a child I thought it was a terrible name and wanted to be called Sasha or Nastya, but now I know this best name in the world and I'm proud to be called that


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            My Evelinka is 1 year and 9 months old. She is a charm! I can't help but love and rejoice! We often call her SHEVELINA, because she moved too much when she was just a baby)))

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            You know, everything about me is written here right to the point))) I also didn’t like the name as a child, I always wanted to be called Regina, but now I understand that I have a beautiful name

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            My husband and I are having a baby girl in January! will be Evelyn!!! such scandals at home, parents are against it!!! And we are sure that our daughter will thank you. it really is a great name!

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            Evelina is the most, most beautiful name. When I was 16 years old, I first heard this name from a beautiful girl. 16 years have passed and he named his daughter ... guess? Very happy as a father.

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            If you look closely, you will find that on this site the name Maria has exactly the same description as Evelina, strange, people with the name Maria and Evelina are similar?

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            My daughter's name is Evelina ... a magical girl ... and it also seems to me that such a name should be worn carefully and with pride)))) I hope she will love her name when she grows up)))


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            Hmm. My friend's name is Evelina. Not everything matches here

            For example, she is not at all envious, and easily gets along with others. True, she has a lot of acquaintances, but few friends.

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            right in the apple. as a child, I wanted to have the name Katya, but when I grew up I realized that this is the most beautiful name in the world.)))) * I am grateful to my mother for this name.)))) **

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            As soon as I found out that there would be a girl, I immediately told my wife that I would choose the name of my daughter, however, I didn’t have to choose, because I knew - EVELINA and nothing else !!!

1. Personality: women reigning in heaven and on earth

2. Color: blue

3. Main features: will - susceptibility - morality - activity

4. Totem plant: lily

5. Spirit animal: dove

6. Sign: maiden

7. Type. Cholerics with a difficult character. These are reasonable, hardworking women, somewhat gloomy, envious, but they have huge reserves of love and tenderness.

8. Psyche. Introverts tend to withdraw into themselves and do not always reveal their thoughts and feelings. Secretive. Very self-confident and prudent.

9. Will. Very strong, leaving no room for selfishness. Their totem is a lily - a symbol of beauty and responsiveness, the strong smell of which, however, is not tolerated by everyone.

10. Excitability. Combined with responsiveness, it becomes simply explosive!

11. Speed ​​of reaction. Huge! If they do not agree with something, then they express their disagreement very violently. Stubborn. Defeats and failures upset them, but they do not make a tragedy out of it.

12. Field of activity. Usually they are exemplary students. They are attracted to professions where they need to give all their best, but most of all they are suited for the role of the mother of the family and the keeper of the hearth. They like to work with children and take care of the sick, they can become doctors, nurses, nurses, teachers, etc.

13. Intuition. They have good intuition, but do not use it, preferring the beaten path to various surprises. They stand firmly on the ground.

14. Intelligence. They do not seek to shine, rather they prefer to give way to people who want to attract attention. They have an analytical mindset, hence the interest in the little things, and not in the whole.

15. Susceptibility. Such women are easily offended and hurt. But they are quicker to stand up for others than to defend themselves. Capable of strong affection, but the circle of their friends is limited and carefully selected.

16. Morality, Adhere to too strict moral rules. They have an innate sense of decency, which is especially pronounced at turning points in their lives.

17. Health. They have enviable health and stamina. They must lead a measured life. Weak "sides" - intestines, lungs and skin.

18. Sexuality. Plays a huge role in their lives. The most important thing for them is the joy of giving.

19. Activity. It seems that what others have to take with difficulty, they are given with ease.

20. Sociability. In society, they feel easy and at ease, although they themselves do not seek to communicate.

21. Conclusion. In childhood, they do not cause trouble, as they early learn to solve their problems on their own, without putting them on the shoulders of others.