When is Paul's name day according to the Orthodox calendar. When is Paul's name day. Name Pavel in English

When, according to the church calendar, is the name day of Paul: July 12 - Paul, the Holy Supreme Apostle, September 23 - Paul the Obedient, Caves, reverend; March 20 - Pavel the Simple, reverend, disciple of the Monk Anthony the Great; November 19 - Pavel of Constantinople, Patriarch, Hieromartyr.

Characteristics of the birthday boy Paul:

From the Latin language - baby, small. The name got its distribution in connection with the activities of the Apostle Paul. Name day of Pavel four times a year. Pavel is an amazingly kind and cheerful person Everyone loves him ~ adults, children, work colleagues, and even his mother-in-law. And each of them he will find the right word. He can do everything - sing and dance, make toys for children, tell them stories before going to bed, and the same one in different versions - about the adventures of a straw bull...

Pavel always helps his wife with the housework - he cleans the apartment (if necessary), cooks dinner, etc. Looking at Paul at home, you will never say that he holds a high position. Subordinates adore Pavel. He will never raise his voice at you, he will not insult you, he will not humiliate you. He always gives his entire salary to his wife, who is usually ten years younger than him. Pavel is a good organizer. He can work as a factory director or make a career in the military field - command a battalion, regiment, and even an army.

Paul is first of all desire, attraction, yearning. As pure will, he has no reason to be deceived by the approximate normativity of the empirical, no matter whether it is outside him or in him ...

Congratulations on the name day of Paul:

Do not forget to celebrate Paul's name day and congratulate Paul on the day of the angel.

It's Paul's birthday today!

There is no kinder man!

It's nice to congratulate him -

He managed to create a world of good.

Calmly with Pasha and reliably.

It's very hard to offend him.

Yes, and why offend

The one who can give happiness?

But Paul can. He is good!

He looks like Santa Claus:

Likes to give gifts to everyone,

To cheer everyone up.

Today it's our turn!

And we will come to you with gifts

Thank you for everything

Praise on your birthday!

Like a name day for Pavlik

We made a loaf.

Friends are thirsty,

Come on, Pavlik, spill it.

Everyone loves you, Pavlusha,

Everyone here, both old and young,

I am glad to eat a loaf,

I'm happy about Paul's name day.

He is important, businesslike.

Slightly simple in appearance.

Small, though without ambition,

Can achieve the main thing.

Weigh to the end.

He will not forgive the insolent

And he won't give a hand

The guy who will betray him.

Such is he - Pavlik, Pasha.

Our pet, our pride.

Paul's birthday is today!

There is no better man!

It's nice to congratulate him -

He was able to create a world of good.

Calmly with Pasha and reliably.

It's hard to offend him

Yes, and why offend

Who can give him happiness?

But Paul can. He is good!

He looks like Santa Claus:

Wants to give surprises to everyone,

Cheer up everyone.

Now it's our turn!

And we will come to you with gifts

Thank you for everything

Praise on your birthday!

Paul - Latin Paulus - small, baby.

Paul's name day according to the church calendar:

  • 5 January:Paul of Neocaesarea, Confessor, Bishop
  • January 23:Pavel Komelsky (Obnorsky), St.
  • January 27:Pavel of Sinai, schmch., hegumen
  • 28 January:Paul of Thebes, Egyptian, hermit
  • February 6:Pavel, mch.
  • February 16:Pavel, mch.
  • March 1:
  • March, 3rd:Pavel African, martyr.
  • March 17:Paul of Ptolemais, martyr.
  • 20th of March:Pavel the Simple, St.. [student of St. Anthony the Great]; Paul of Prusias, Confessor, Bishop
  • March 23:Paul of Corinth, martyr.
  • March 29:Pavel
  • 30th of March:Pavel, prmch.
  • April 9:Paul, St., Bishop, Corinthian
  • April 19:Pavel Russian, martyr; Pavel, St., hegumen, Studite
  • April 29:Pavel
  • 16th of May:Pavel Vilensky, mch.
  • May 31:Pavel Lampsaksky, mch.
  • June 4:Paul of Peloponnese
  • June 10th:Pavel, mch.
  • June 14:Pavel Garejisky, prmch.
  • June 16:Paul of Byzantium, martyr, youth
  • 21st of June:Pavel Kaiyumsky, mch.
  • June 23:Pavel, Metropolitan, Tobolsk
  • July 9:Pavel, mch.
  • July 11:Paul the Corinthian, St.
  • July, 12:Paul, schmch .. [chief apostle "apostle of tongues"]
  • the 14 th of July:Pavel
  • July 29:Paul of Caesarea (Palestinian), martyr.
  • August 10:Pavel Xiropotamsky, St.
  • 12th of August:Paul, Bishop
  • August 30:Paul of Ptolemais, martyr.
  • 12-th of September:Paul the New, Patriarch of Constantinople
  • 23 September:Paul of Nicaea, confessor, bishop; Pavel Pechersky, Obedient
  • October 8:Pavel Damascus, martyr.
  • October 16:Pavel, mch.
  • 17 October:Pavel the Simple, St.. [student of St. Anthony the Great]
  • October 23:Pavel Zografsky, prmch.
  • November 4:Pavel Rostovsky, St.
  • November 19:Paul I of Constantinople, schmch., Patriarch; Paul of Corinth, fool for Christ's sake
  • December 11th:Pavel, mch.
  • December 20:Pavel the Obedient (Sacred), St.
  • December 28th:Paul of Latria, St.

Characteristics of the name Pavel

Since childhood, Pavel has been distinguished by calmness, poise, even some indifference to what is happening around him. He is only concerned with the narrow world of the family and his own inner world. He loves his parents, always obeys them, does not argue, does not make independent decisions. Pavel is not one of those who will associate with bad company, fight or come up with a prank.

At school, Pavel also behaves calmly and decently. However, he learns, most often, it does not matter. Pavel is lazy to the extreme, lessons for him are a heavy duty. He will show activity only if something interested him, it seemed unusual. Then Paul's abilities will manifest in all their glory, both his enthusiasm and his quick wit will wake up.

Pavel is a very talented person. He has a high intellect, subtle intuition. As a rule, he studies at the institute much better than at school, because by this time he clearly sees the goal in front of him. He is patient, cautious, moving towards the "tops" in small steps. Paul will never miss his advantage. Paul has a strong will, he can be quite cruel and prudent. However, sometimes he lacks the confidence to complete the work he has begun. He is prone to bouts of apathy. Pavel is able to become a good psychologist, scientist-philosopher, linguist. Thanks to his rich inner world and developed imagination, he will be able to be a writer or painter. Pavel is also able to manage people, to take a position, one way or another connected with communication - a journalist, teacher, manager, tour guide.

Paul has many friends. He has a unique ability - the ability to listen and sympathize with the concerns of others. in vain

expect specific help from Paul, but he will always try to give advice. Unfortunately, Pavel often loses friends because he is completely unable to keep his mouth shut. He loves to gossip, and he does it not from evil - it's just such a nature. Paul himself will not forgive betrayal, he is vindictive and vengeful.

Pavel is usually successful with women. He is able to intuitively predict women's desires, knows how to flatter beautifully, seduce with his impeccable manners. Pavel reacts sharply to refusal, painfully experiences a break in relations. As a rule, he marries late, doubts for a long time, fearing disappointment. Paul will be a faithful husband, a good father. He will devotedly take care of the well-being of the family, will not refuse help around the house. But at the same time, it will be unbearable: the wife will have to endure his constant nit-picking, whims, attacks of jealousy and discontent. Pavel will not forgive betrayal - he will immediately leave his family and may refuse to ever communicate with his wife at all.

The main features of this name: isolation, intuition, uncertainty.

Other materials about the name Pavel:

Giving a child a name at birth and baptism, parents thereby predetermine the character and fate of a person. One of the most popular is the name Paul. Many children are called that, but do parents know the meaning and origin of this word? In this article, we will find out when Paul's name day is celebrated, as well as character traits that a person with this name may have.

Name origin

This Orthodox name is translated from Latin as “small”, “tiny”, “insignificant”. There is evidence that a long time ago it was used as a middle name to determine the youngest in the family. For example, father and son had the same name, then the second was added to the youngest - Pavel, which meant that he was less than dad. In addition, a little later, this was the name of children who were born much smaller than others.

Now this name is given to the child in honor of the Apostle Paul. The name day of the child can also be celebrated in honor of other saints.

Apostle Paul and his work

Saul was the name of the Apostle Paul. He was not always a Christian and was a militant Pharisee who persecuted the early believers. One day, when he was going to Damascus, a bright light shone on him, and he became blind. At the same moment, he heard the formidable voice of Jesus Christ, and only then did he believe in him.

Ananias, a believing Jew in Damascus, healed him, and Saul was baptized. It was at the moment of dipping into the water that he received his sight. After that, like many other truly believing Christians, he also began to preach. His 14 epistles are a systematization of Christian teaching. Many times he was thrown into prison and tried. After the last imprisonment, which lasted 9 months, his head was cut off.

Peter and Paul Day

Paul's name day is celebrated on July 12 on one of the Christian holidays, which is called the Day of Peter and Paul. This date was celebrated in ancient Rome. On this day, the memory of two apostles who were martyred for their faith is honored.

For this reason, on the named day, many celebrate the name day of Peter and Paul. There is also a legend that Prince Vladimir from Korsun brought an icon of the holy apostles and presented it as a gift to St. Sophia Cathedral. It still preserves frescoes and wall paintings from the 11th century, which depict the Apostle Paul and Peter.

Other Saints and Celebrations

Despite the fact that the most famous is the apostle, whom we talked about above, Paul's name day is also celebrated in honor of other saints. For example, January 5 is the Day of Remembrance of St. Paul, Bishop of Neocaesarea. He firmly confessed his faith and was repeatedly beaten for this. They starved him and burned his hands with red-hot iron. Despite all this, he remained a believing Christian.

In January, on the 10th, the name day of Pavel Komelsky (Reverend) is celebrated. He spent two years in cell obedience to Sergius of Radonezh in the Nativity Monastery on the Volga. He was a recluse. He lived in silence and prayer. Five days a week he ate nothing, and on Saturday and Sunday he ate some bread and water. Pavel Komelsky consoled and instructed people who had lost faith in God and were looking for help and advice. He never refused them. He founded many different temples, which are located on healing springs.

Paul of Egypt is another hermit and monk. There is evidence that he lived for 113 years. Paul's name day is also celebrated in his honor. He was born in Egypt, and when the persecution of Christians began, he found a small cave at the foot of the mountain and took refuge there. Paul of Egypt lived in this place for 91 years without ceasing to pray. Every day the raven brought him bread and dates. That is what he ate. He is considered the first hermit monk in the history of Christianity. According to the Orthodox calendar, Paul's name day is celebrated on February 9th.

Little Pavlik

The child who bears the name Pavel is not as simple as it seems. He has a complex character. He is very stubborn and goal oriented. But on the other hand, this child loves to help his parents, he is very sociable and good-natured. Name days named after Pavel must begin to be celebrated from childhood. Such a child learns quickly, for this reason you need to tell him how to contact your saint and ask him for help. Then the baby will grow up obedient and protected. The saint after whom he was named will always protect Paul.

Pavel in family life

When the baby grows up, he becomes even more responsible and serious. He is ready to help those who ask him. When choosing a lover, he always pays attention to external characteristics. Not only inner beauty is important to him, but also appearance. Pavel will never be around an untidy girl.

Despite the huge number of positive qualities, it also has disadvantages. First, Pavel is unnecessarily talkative. Do not trust him too secret, he can blurt out your secret completely by accident. In addition, Paul loves female attention. You should be an excellent wife, otherwise he will begin to stare at the side. Pasha loves children very much and, most likely, it is for the sake of them that he will live. He will do everything to provide his family with everything necessary.

Pavel in work and team

Responsible and serious - such Pavel at work. He performs his tasks very carefully and painstakingly and can work in any field. As a rule, men who bear the proud name of Paul have golden hands. Everything works out great for them, but because of their masterful nature, conflicts with superiors often arise. Paul is quite stubborn, and it is difficult for him to obey other people. He will not remain silent if he is insulted or offended, even if it is his superiors.

For this reason, he tends to change jobs frequently. As it is right, the authorities appreciate Pavel for his dedication and quality work, but no one likes scandalous people. He needs to learn to be more restrained.

Paul's name day according to the church calendar occurs several times a year. If he prays diligently these days, his patron will protect him from squabbles and scandals at work. In the team, Pavel is very friendly. As a rule, he has many friends and acquaintances, and he treats everyone well. He likes to visit and communicate with them. If Pavel finds out that a person is discussing him behind his back or doing him minor dirty tricks, he will never speak to this person again and, undoubtedly, will express to his face everything that he thinks about him.

Appeal to your saint

In order to be constantly under the protection of your saint, you need to turn to him and ask him for help. Of course, Paul's name day should be celebrated in prayer, you can go to church and light a candle.

Old Russian traditions say that on a name day you can set the table and celebrate this day with your family. Too noisy feasts and festivities are not recommended. The celebration should be held in high spirits.

But not only on the name day you can turn to your saint. This can be done every day. It is not necessary to memorize a special prayer, but you can do it in your own words. For example, every morning you can start with these words: “Apostle Paul, my protector, thank you for always being with me. I am grateful to you that I and my relatives are all alive and healthy. Help me live this day, protect me from troubles and bad weather. Amen".

In addition, you can turn to your saint with your favorite requests and wishes at any time. You need to sincerely believe that he hears you and will definitely help.

The name Paul came to us from the Latin language and you need to look for its meaning there. It is believed that it came from the Latin paulus. In Latin, paulus means "small" or "small". So we can say that the Name Paul means "small" or "small", but as you understand, with some stretch.

The name became truly popular after the adoption of Christianity in the Roman Empire, and after that in other countries. It is connected with the name of the apostle Paul. Although he was not among the 12 disciples of Christ, he is considered the canonical apostle in most denominations. At this time, all the names of the apostles are widely spread in Christian countries.

The meaning of the name Pavel for a child

Pasha is a good and obedient boy. At the same time, he is not only obedient himself, but also reminds his friends of the limits of permissible pranks. The boy grows up kind and with well-developed empathy. It is difficult to confuse him in the question of what is good and what is bad. If he does something wrong, he is very worried about it. The sympathy developed by Pavel hinders him a little in children's communication, since many children are just not inclined towards him.

He is very persistent in his studies. It's hard to call him gifted except for this specificity. But it is perseverance that allows him to be among the leaders of training. The exact sciences and a weak inclination towards the humanities are well given. If mathematics at the school level is taken with perseverance, then verses with expression or a good essay are not his.

Paul's health is strong. His weak point may be problems with the spine. His perseverance is also manifested in the ability to sit in an uncomfortable position for a long time. This approach often leads to the formation of scoliosis and other similar problems. All this is solved if you explain it to the child. With his characteristic perseverance, he will sit correctly.

Abbreviated name Pavel

Pasha, Pashka, Pate, Pashok, Groin.

Diminutive names

Pavlik, Pavlusha, Pavlushka, Pashenka, Pashechka, Pashunya, Pashulya.

Patronymic of children

Pavlovich and Pavlovna. There is a folk form, Palych and Palychna.

Name Pavel in English

In English, the name Paul is spelled as Paul.

Name Pavel for passport- PAVEL.

Translation of the name Pavel into other languages

in Azerbaijani - Pavel
in Armenian - Պողոս (Pohos)
in Belarusian - Paval and Pauluk
in Bulgarian - Pavel
in Hungarian - Pal
in Greek - Παύλος
in Hebrew - פאבל‎
Spanish - Pablo
in Italian - Paolo
in Chinese - 帕维尔
in Latvian - Paulus
in Lithuanian - Povilas
in German - Paul
in Polish - Paweł
in Serbian - Pavle (Pavle)
in Ukrainian - Pavlo
in Finnish - Paavali
French - Paul
in Czech - Pavel
in Japanese - パーヱル

Church name Paul(in the Orthodox faith) remains unchanged. This name was borne by one of the most revered saints in Christianity (one of the 12 apostles).

Characteristics of the name Pavel

Empathy can be called a characteristic of Paul. He shows sincere attention to the people around him and his interest is not selfish. In addition, Pavel is a fairly open person and these two characteristics attract people to him. With age, he will learn to empathize more carefully, and openness will become rarer in his behavior.

Work and the desire to earn are characteristic of Paul. He is hardworking and perseverance inherent in childhood helps him in this. Pasha is hard to retrain, but once he has learned, he works for three. In the team, he often occupies a leading position, since against his background, rarely anyone can do his job as well. He is restrained in relations with colleagues, but sometimes working relationships grow into strong friendships.

The family for Pavel is that reliable rear that he dreams of. His relationships with women are built just from this specificity. You will not expect any special romance or Italian passions from him. His view of marriage, and in principle on relationships, does not accept this. A girl who accepts such rules of relations is likely to be satisfied. Pasha is ready to do and does a lot for the sake of his family, and his attitude towards children is simply exemplary.

The secret of the name Paul

The secret of Paul can be called self-love. Many, imbued with his openness and empathy, do not notice this for a long time and then are usually unpleasantly surprised. Pavel usually does not hide anything, just such a rare combination of characteristics in the name.

The second secret of Paul can be called a tendency to compromise. Often empathy and even indignation in cases of injustice induce many to feel that Paul is also an ally in the irreconcilable struggle for the truth. He, in such cases, not seeing his own benefit, but empathizes and forgets. So, counting on him in such a struggle for the truth is not worth it.

Planet- Mercury.

Zodiac sign- Virgo.

totem animal- Rudd or hedgehog.

Name color- Turquoise, red and purple.

Wood- Rowan, walnut or oak.

Plant- Astra.

A rock- Rubin.

It is translated from Latin as “small”, they were called men, short in stature, or occupying a small position. Its popularity began in the Roman Empire, after which it spread throughout the world. In each country, this name is pronounced in its own way: in Armenia - Pohos, in Belarus - Pauluk, in Hungary - Pal, in Greece - Paulos, in Spain - Pablo, in Italy - Paolo, in Latvia - Povilas, in Germany - Paul, in Serbia - Pavlo, in Ukraine - Pavlo, in Finland - Paavali.

A diminutive and affectionate form of the name: Pashka, Pavlusha, Pashenka, Pash, Pashulya, Pavlik.

According to the church calendar, the name Paul celebrates name days 71 times a year. The most famous date of Paul's name day is July 12, the day of veneration of Saints Peter and Paul, who gave their lives for the Christian faith.

Famous saints named Paul:

  • Holy Apostle Paul - commemorated June 29. Paul went blind on his way to Damascus, where he was later baptized, during which he received his sight. Traveled around the world, spreading the Christian faith. He issued 14 messages, was brutally murdered by order of Emperor Nero.
  • Holy Martyr Paul of Kessarea - commemorated on July 16. In 308 he was killed for the faith of Christ. In prayers to him, they ask for intercession for themselves or others.
  • Rev. Pavel Komelsky - commemorated on January 10. Secretly from his relatives, he was tonsured in a monastery, and for several years he was in cell obedience to St. Sergei of Radonezh. After that, he went into a hermitage for 12 years, but he did not refuse spiritual guidance to anyone. He built the Holy Trinity Church and the Pavlo-Obnorsky Monastery, where he established a strict charter of monastic life. He died at the age of 112.
  • Saint Paul of Xiropotamsky - commemorated on July 28. He was the son of the Emperor of Constantinople. He took monastic vows on the Holy Mountain, led a hermit's life. He helped restore the Xiropotamsk monastery, later built the St. Paul Monastery on Athos.
  • Martyr Paul of Ptolemais is commemorated on March 4 and August 17. In the 3rd century, he was brutally murdered for spreading the Christian faith.


The time of the year of birth depends on the character of Paul:

  • Winter - Cheerful, witty, emotional, talented, reasonable.
  • Spring - Sensitive, soft, impressionable, honest, sympathetic.
  • Summer - Serious, diplomatic, smart, charming, seductive.
  • Autumn - Romantic, impulsive, sensible, patient, hardy.


Little Pashenka grows up active and restless, he is always on the move, he cannot sit still for a minute. He is always surrounded by friends, with whom he jointly invents outdoor games, he has practically no enemies, because he knows how to make friends and come to a compromise. The shortcomings of Paul include his disobedience, irresponsibility, craving for risk, adventures. Pavel's parents often worry about their son, for him to get into trouble - just spit. He can persuade friends, for example, to go into the forest in search of treasure, and then a whole group of adults will look for them, lost. Parents should seriously engage in raising their son so that he is more thoughtful in his actions and actions.

At school, Pavel studies poorly because of his restlessness, optionality and inattention. He cannot concentrate on the lesson, spins, is distracted, chats with classmates, but he has a good-natured and cheerful character, for which the guys love him, the teachers are condescending. Possesses eloquence, knows how to listen to the interlocutor, can give him useful advice, will never offend, will not humiliate. Due to his bright positive character traits, he is popular with children, which is why envious people appear in his school years.

For adult Pavel, in achieving the goal, it is not she herself that is more important, but the process of achieving it, for this he agrees to perform difficult tasks. The more difficult the task, the more interesting it is for Paul to complete it, and even better if it is risky. Pavel still commits rash acts, acts quickly and decisively, is always confident in himself, in future victory. His friends adore him for his benevolence, willingness to help, eloquence, optimism. Paul does not tolerate betrayal, especially from friends, but he easily forgives their minor character flaws. In adulthood, Paul has useful character traits, such as determination, perseverance, perseverance, prudence, helping him to reach the heights in his career.


Pavel has good health, but is prone to injuries of the musculoskeletal system.


Pavel most often chooses one job and for life. His superiors and colleagues value him for his talent, dedication, diligence, initiative, and incredible performance. If he opens his own business, he may soon expand.


Cheerful and sociable Pavel is a success with women. He will look after the woman he likes reverently, give her gifts, make exquisite compliments, and take her to restaurants. In sex, Paul is inventive and tireless. But he will have a woman not from “fifas”, “dolls”, “tomboys”, but an ordinary feminine one with attractive charisma.


It is better for Pavel to marry in middle age, when he finally settles down. If Paul chooses the right wife who can endure his difficult and jealous nature, then he will have a stable and strong marriage. Pavel will do everything for the well-being of the family, he will be caring and strict with the children, he will give them a good education.

Compatibility with female names

  • Excellent: , , .
  • Bad:, Faith, Hope,.

  • Element - Earth.
  • Animal totem - Rudd.
  • The plant is Astra.
  • Tree - Rowan.
  • Mineral talisman - Male ruby.
  • Notable people named Paul

    • Pavel Demidov is a Russian entrepreneur.
    • Pavel Shpringfeld is a Soviet actor.
    • Pavel Belyaev is a Soviet cosmonaut.
    • Pavel Alexandrov is a Soviet mathematician.
    • Pavel Bazhov is a Russian writer.
    • Pavel Sukhoi - Soviet aircraft designer.
    • Pavel Kogan is a Russian conductor.
    • Pavel Bure is a Russian ice hockey player.
    • Pavel Chukhrai is a Russian film director.
    Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

    For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

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