What does an owl eat? Presentation on the theme of an owl Presentation on the theme of an owl bird of prey

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owls The presentation was made by Tatyana Zizganova, 2nd grade student MBOU "Secondary School" Guryevka village Republic of Komi Priluzsky district. Teacher - Sidorova Nadezhda Petrovna

OWLS (owl-shaped birds, Strigiformes) - a detachment of nocturnal birds of prey. 140 species - owls, tawny owls, scoops, owls and barn owls.


A large bird with a wingspan of up to 134 cm.

Body weight up to 1.3 kg. Coloring gray with many

Numeric longitudinal dark and gray

mottled. different from other large birds

long tail that extends far beyond the ends

folded wings and black eyes. Coloring

male and female are similar, but the latter is noticeably

Number on the territory of the republic Very rare everywhere. In the last decade, in the area of ​​the Pechoro-Ilychsky Reserve, from 1-6 visual sightings of solitary birds have been recorded annually. In 2005, the first case of successful breeding of the Ural Owl was recorded in the plain area of ​​the reserve. Protective measures taken and necessary

The habitats of the species are preserved in the Pechoro-Ilychsky Reserve and the Yugyd-va National Park. The necessary increase in the effectiveness of the protection of these territories, promotion of the protection of the species among the local population.


Almost every year in the area of ​​​​the reserve, the death of these owls from exhaustion is observed. There are known facts of shooting "on a scarecrow" and falling into traps when fishing for martens.

Distribution of the tawny owl on the territory of the Komi Republic Habitats and biology

In most parts of the republic it occurs during spring

and autumn-winter migrations, occasionally - in the summer. Nesting recorded

only in the southeast and upper reaches of the Pechora: mixed tall

forests bordering open spaces (floodplain meadows,

swamps, fires). They use old nests for breeding.

large predators. In laying 2-4 eggs. The chicks leave the nest

4-5 weeks, but parents feed them for about a month.


Main food - gray and forest voles, shrews

Squirrels, woodpeckers, sparrows

How do owls see?

  • The fact that the owl leads a predatory lifestyle is clear from one look at the location of its eyes. All predators need to track down prey, so their eyes are not located on the sides of the head, as, for example, in harmless pigeons, but in front. Since owls have incredibly large "eyes-headlights", it was previously believed that they could see in complete darkness. From this, scientists concluded that the owl hunts at night solely with the help of vision. It must be admitted that an owl really sees much better at night than people and other daytime birds - however, the results of experiments show that an owl also has a limit to visual acuity, and in absolute darkness it sees nothing, just like any of us.
Signs associated with owls?
  • Among the more civilized Hellenes, the owl was a symbol of wisdom and one of the sacred animals of the Greek goddess Pallas Athena. There is even a saying in the UK: "the wise old owl". Nowadays, the attitude towards these amazing birds is really much better. The film about Harry Potter brought them popularity, undoubtedly familiar to everyone from young to old. Now bird forums are full of questions about where to buy an owl, how to keep and care for it. Let's hope that this fashion will pass soon, because going to extremes is also not the best way. After all, birds should live in the wild. Especially as smart, complex and unique as owls.
How do owls hear?
  • All the experimental results obtained allowed scientists to establish that vision for these nocturnal hunters is generally secondary, and in the dark the owl hunts, mainly relying on the accuracy of hearing, which allows it to accurately locate potential prey.
How many years do owls live? The life expectancy of owls is on average 5-15 years, although in captivity there have been cases when they lived up to forty and fifty years of age, and “record holders” even up to 80 years (these records for life expectancy are mainly “demonstrated” by the eagle owl). In nature, of course, owls live much less, it also depends on the species, there are at least 220 of them. Why owls move silently
  • The unusual elastic and porous tips of the feathers on the trailing edge of the owl's wings are able to absorb and suppress most of the sound vibrations that occur during flight, which makes these nocturnal predators silent while hunting.
The owl is a very watchful bird!
  • Owls are nocturnal birds and natural enemies they have little in nature, it is very cautious, although there are golden eagles and eagles, which of course pose a threat, but the main cause of death for an owl in its natural habitat is hunger. Natural disasters also affect their reproduction - that is, it directly depends on the food supply, and in the case of the same drought, when the number of rodents decreases, in young owls, during wintering, death can reach up to 75 percent. It should not be forgotten that the majority of owl species lead a “sedentary” lifestyle and, unlike migratory birds, they do not change their habitats, that is, they do not seek out distant territories with more favorable nutritional conditions.
Now let's solve the riddles
  • Sleeps during the day, flies at night, Hoots, scares people. Eyes burn in the dark - It is a thunderstorm for all mice. (Owl)

Afraid of the bright sun. At night, this bird is a predator. Dexterously the mouse will find in the grass. We are talking about (Owl).

Crocheted beak, big eyes, The head is walking around, Reduces the genus of the mouse Quietly gray (Owl)

Sees at night as if by day. We will not fall asleep: Not for good - there is a rumor. What is the name of the bird? ....(Owl) !

Internet resources:

  • Sovnka.virtbox.ru/info/23strix/4.htm
  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tawny owls
  • onbird.ru › Guide to birds › Owl
  • www.zoovet.ru

- http://ib.komisc.ru/

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Owls are widespread in Russia and are represented by almost 150 species. Owls live in almost all natural areas. It is easy to recognize an owl by some common features common to most of them.

The first of the signs that you immediately notice in an owl is its large head with large round eyes looking forward. The beak is short, curved, with nostrils located at the base. The plumage of these birds is usually thick and soft, the tail is rectangular, and the wings are relatively large, rounded. Compared to its body weight, the owl's wings are large, so it flies and glides effortlessly and completely silently.

Plumage Owl plumage tends to be "protective", meaning it blends in with its surroundings, helping the bird to remain undetected during its daytime rest. The feathers of wood owls are usually brownish, while in species living in coniferous forests, has a grayish tinge. Owls - the inhabitants of the desert and their relatives, found on the flat terrain, are distinguished by a lighter color: owls in the desert are certainly red.

Owls have sharp eyesight and hearing. Their large eyes are adapted for hunting in low light conditions. The owl's large eyes and the ability to turn its head almost 180 degrees help it see well. Her ears are located on both sides of the facial disc, and these birds have such a fine hearing that some owls can determine the location of their prey in pitch darkness, or even under a layer of snow.

Owl Habits Almost all species of owls are nocturnal. During the day, most owls rest in a chosen place - on a branch, in a crevice, on a rock ledge, or even under a canopy of an abandoned house. There are species that arrange nests in the recesses of the ground, and there are those that live in burrows. Almost all owls are sedentary birds, that is, they live in one place all their lives, but there are also migratory species among them.

Owl Diet Owls almost always feed on live prey. Their diet is mice, voles, shrews, rats, lemmings, rabbits, earthworms, various insects, small snakes, fish, crustaceans. It happens that an owl on a hunt can kill a young deer, many of them attack other birds and even small owls.

Media resources http://megalife.com.ua/walpapers/20270-sovy-krupnym-planom-1.html http://www.zooschool.ru/birds/vidy/striges smaylik.ru http://www.zastavki. com/rus/Archive/Widescreen/wallpaper-5482-18.htm http://www.detskiy-mir.net

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Orders of birds: Diurnal birds of prey. Owls. Chicken. Biology presentation for 7th grade students Author Nevmerzhitskaya E.N. biology teacher MBOU DR "Malo-Luchenskaya school No. 13"

Objectives of the lesson: -show the diversity of birds of prey, the features of their structure associated with lifestyle; -discover the meaning of birds of prey in nature; - continue to develop skills to work with educational information; - cultivating a sense of collectivism, careful attitude to environment; -development of creative abilities.

DAYTIME BIRDS OF PREDATORY In the fauna of Russia there are 55 species, of which 48 are nesting. The largest of the birds of prey in our country are the Steller's sea eagle and the black vulture (total length 115 cm, weight 8 - 10 kg, the smallest is the Amur Falcon (length 27 cm, weight 150 g). All types of birds of prey are characterized by a strong, curved crochet beak.Distributed all over the world: they are not found only in Antarctica and on some oceanic islands.Birds of prey form family pairs.Nest once a year.Nests are usually in trees, sometimes in hollows, on rocks, on the ground.Carnivorous (feed in mostly vertebrates, but among them there are many species that prey exclusively on insects, there are gourmets living on a diet of nothing but snails.Vultures and condors eat carrion.Search for food in flight.

golden eagle vulture kite falcon eagle harrier hawk

The black vulture and the American condor have a wingspan of up to 3 meters. Pygmy falcons have a wingspan of 25 cm and reach a size of 17-20 cm. American condor Black vulture

ORDER OWL There are 134 species in the detachment. Owls are distributed all over the world, except for Antarctica and some oceanic islands. They are found in a wide variety of conditions - in forests, deserts, tundras, on the mountains (in Tibet up to an altitude of 5000 m). They are nocturnal birds of prey. All owls have well-developed eyesight and hearing (they see not only at night, but also during the day). characteristic feature owls is their ability to perceive low-intensity sounds, which is associated with a nocturnal lifestyle and feeding on rodents, which they locate with an accuracy of 1 degree. They breed once a year. Nests are placed in hollows, in rock crevices, often on the ground.

Owl Filin Owl

Destroying a large number of mouse-like rodents, owls are of great benefit to agriculture. The tawny owl, for example, catches about a thousand mice and voles during the year, which would eat up to 500 kg of grain during this time. Therefore, owls of all kinds are subject to strict protection.

CHICKEN ORDER There are 19 species in the fauna of Russia, including pheasant, quail, gray partridge, white partridge, capercaillie, black grouse, hazel grouse. The birds are different in size, densely built, strong legs, adapted for raking the ground and forest litter. Birds fly fast over short distances. The plumage is short, dense. They nest on the ground. The bird is herbivorous, feeding on insects in summer. Birds often form permanent pairs. The beak is short, dense.

Teterev Pheasant Guinea fowl Ocellated turkey Crax Weed chickens

Consolidation of the studied The largest birds of the order Diurnal birds of prey? Why do Owl birds need to be protected? Do birds of the order Chicken form permanent pairs? What birds of the studied orders live in our area?

Quiz "Live Synonyms". Often in Russian speech we use synonyms that can reflect the character of a person, appearance, features of movement, features of conversation. For example, we say “stomp like a bear”, “it’s a no brainer”, “hungry like a wolf”. And what kind of birds do they compare a person with when they say: Chirps, like ... Coo, like ... Hiss, like ... Caw, like ... Peck (say the same thing), like ... Inflated like ... Swim (walk smoothly), like ...


Filin Filin. Detachment - owls - strigiformes. Family - Real owls - strigidae. Decreasing species. Status: I category.

Owl. His types. Eagle owls are a genus of birds of the order of owls. Length up to 80 cm. On the sides of the head are tufts of feathers - “ears”. 12 species in Eurasia, North Africa and America. In Russia, there is one species - the common eagle owl, inhabiting remote places in forests, steppes, deserts; It feeds on various animals and birds. Voice - "hooting" and "laughing". Eagle owl is rare everywhere. On the Far East inhabited by a representative of an ancient genus of owls - a fish owl, feeding on fish and amphibians. Endangered, protected.

Characteristics of the bird Large owl with well-defined tufts of feathers on the head, the so-called "ears". Plumage color is variable. The dorsal side is dark red with black streaks. Sometimes lighter. The ventral side is light red with black longitudinal streaks and a transverse pattern on the sides and undertail. The iris of the large eyes is orange. The mass of birds is from 2 to 3 kg. Nests often in trees, rarely on the ground. Clutches contain 2-3 eggs. It feeds on mammals and small birds.

Distribution and habitat Eagle owl is an inhabitant of various landscapes: from the Arctic Circle to deserts. Here, in Russia, the eagle owl has always been considered an ordinary nesting bird. Back in the 1950s, it could be heard at night in the woods, and sometimes even seen. In the last 15-20 years, the number of eagle owls has declined sharply. In June 1990, an eagle owl's nest was found near Kuzhyer Lake in the Mari Chodra National Park. In 1996, a dead eagle owl was found in the Medvedev region. For several years, the eagle owl has been observed in the Bolshaya Kokshaga State Nature Reserve

bird features. Owls have very sensitive hearing. They hear a cockroach crawling on the wall... Their ear is 50 times more sensitive than ours, although it operates in the same frequency range as ours. Of the birds, only owls have auricles - skin rollers around the ear, on which special hard feathers grow. But the “ears” of the owl sticking out above the head are decorations and have nothing to do with acoustics. Sounds "drive" into the ears and feathers fanned around the owl's eyes. Owls are better at hearing sounds coming from behind. The asymmetric position on the head of the right and left ears is not a deformity, but a special device that facilitates accurate direction finding of the sound source.

Features of the bird Eagle owl, catching prey, will not pluck wool and feathers from an animal or bird. Swallow whole. Large prey - torn to pieces, eats with feathers and bones. Eagle owls pluck large prey, but whether it is always is not clear. A real live owl cannot “twist” its eyes: they are too firmly connected to the skull. And the eye is not round at all. If you open the tissues surrounding the eye and remove it entirely from the Head, it will turn out that this is a partially ossified shortened tube, wider behind. The angle of view of each eye is 160 degrees. But, when this is not enough, the eagle owl turns his head sideways, back and, without turning his neck, even further: 210, and others 270 degrees from the frontal position And all in one direction around the vertical axis! On a dark night, an owl sees a motionless mouse, with only 0.000002 lux of light!

Features of the bird Silently, like a shadow, an owl appears in the gray night sky. There is no flapping of wings, no rustle of feathers. But in the spring they cry a lot. Eagle owls, as you know, inflating their throats, hoot fearfully “woo”. Far audible. Having chosen places for nests, they invite females. Having shouted not without success - the female flew in - the eagle owl "dances" in front of her. Semenya, walks, tightly pressing feathers. That is why his figure becomes slender, thin, high-legged. They live in monogamy, remaining faithful for years.

Nesting Let's take a look at the eagle owl's nest, how he builds it. Almost never builds. If there is a ready-made crow's nest, suitable in size and location, it will take it and tweak it a little. For new bedding and branches for repairs, he will not fly far, but will take what lies nearby. If there is no alien nest, the female eagle owl will trample a hole in the ground for 2-3, or even 5 eggs, and without any litter. Mostly nests on the ground. Rarely found in trees.

Breeding chicks The eggs of owls are white, with a shiny shell. Newborn owlets are dressed in down. But they are still blind and deaf. The eyes and ears of the owls open after a week, and soon the chicks molt, changing the original fluff to “mesoptile” - soft feathers, something between fluff and feather. This is a unique work of nature: except for owls, no one has it. Actually, owls do not molt in the common way birds do. The fluff does not fall out, but grows and grows, and now, it turns out that each fluff is at the top of the mesoptile feather.

Peculiarities of Eagle Owl Feeding The feeding of chicks is preceded by the obligatory “touching” procedure. Everything that is intended for food for an owlet, the owl first touches its head, the corners of its beak. Feeling with the "corners" of the mouth - checking edibility! - a food ritual even for adult owls. The eagle owl, when he has washed the rat, will hold it in his claws for a while - a pause characteristic of owls! - strangle, and bring to the "face". But does not want to consider. He presses the rat lightly to the beak and "feels" it with tactile feathers - bristles that grow around the beak.

Habitat The habitat of eagle owls has been known since 1981 on the steep bank of the Don valley between Konygin farm and Olkhovsky farm, where pellets and long feathers of birds are constantly observed. In this place, in the summer of 1997, in an old dense bayoac forest, a ruined nest was found, made under a thick high stump on a steep slope of a gully. And also on June 23, 1999. here, on a steep forested slope, we managed to find a chick, about 30 days old, keeping at the nest.

limiting factors. Conservation measures Limiting factors: Deforestation, Human disturbance, Cases of poaching. Conservation measures: It is protected in the Bolshaya Kokshaga State Natural Reserve, Mariy Chodra National Park and in wildlife sanctuaries. It is necessary to identify nesting sites and organize rest zones there.

Distribution and protection measures For several years, the eagle owl has been observed in the Bolshaya Kokshaga State Nature Reserve. Occasionally, eagle owls are noted for their nocturnal hooting in the Kilemarsky, Orsha, Medvedevsky, Gornomarisky, Zvenigovsky and Morkinsky districts.

List of sources List of animals of the Red Book of the Russian Federation (1997) Efremov, (1957, 1985) M.P. Almakaev (personal communication) V.I. ) "I know the world"! Encyclopedia. The Great Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius Potpourri Magazine

About the Author My name is Vera Vokhmintseva. 16 years. I study in school № 15 in 10 B class. Study well. I often participate in both school and non-school activities. Participated in the city olympiad in ecology. She took the first place in the school Olympiad in ecology and the 2nd place in biology. I love biology and chemistry. From 2001-2006 I participated in the Russian Language Olympiad "Russian Bear Cub". In my free time, I am fond of Japanese culture, as well as Japanese animation (anime). 11/18/2006 Participated in the festival of Japanese animation, which was held in our city.