How to bind a woman to yourself. How to keep a girl and tie her to you. Don't forget to socialize in bed

Knowing how to tie a girl to you will increase your chances of becoming happy and not missing out on a partner that really suits you.

True, there is one BUT - in order to emotionally bind a girl to yourself, you will have to perform unusual actions. And sometimes risk it in order to attract it.

Unfortunately, binding has little to do with generally accepted norms of morality and behavior. Often you will have to do something that you have never done before.

But it's worth it!

Be different or die!

Any of your attempts at the charm of a beauty will be weak until your personality begins to be traced in these attempts.

It would seem, how the ability to bind a girl to yourself is connected with your behavior?

Actually, girls are tired of dating the same guys. Everyone gets to know each other the same way, they “call” the same way, they start the date the same way. They even speak the same way.

What happens if you just start showing your personality?

If you have repeatedly noticed for yourself that your opinion often differs from the opinion of the majority, then do not keep silent about it. And don't pretend that you're just like everyone else. Even if you are afraid to seem somehow strange!

You will not believe it, but any girl just dreams of meeting a guy who would not be afraid to be himself.

  • If you talk to her about any topic, and you have your own opinion about it, then be sure to express it.
  • In addition, when you present things that are familiar to her in a new light, she becomes very interested in spending time with you.

I myself have repeatedly had situations when a girl admitted that I always give her something valuable and teach her something new. And this is valuable - new views on the world.

Well, and, of course, your personality should be manifested not only in words, but also in behavior.

Listen to her preferences and do the opposite!

When you act the way a girl wants, she gets bored with you. In this case, you just appear in front of her, like another guy who dreams of getting into her panties. In addition, when a guy adjusts to the preferences of a girl, there is no smell of moral force here.

But if you do the opposite, then you cling to her strongly.

Most females will do their best to make you try to be good and right. And sometimes even - they will make you feel guilty.

On the other hand, when you behave the way you want, true interest is born in her head.

Why do bad guys manage to quickly tie a girl to them? Because they never adjust to it. And if she tries to make them feel guilty, then they completely end the communication as a punishment.

Don't be afraid to do the opposite! This way, you will make her even more attached to you.

Make her earn your interest!

Never show that you are ready to spend all your free time on her. If she refuses your conditions of time and place of meeting and offers her own, then refuse in return. It is better to say that at this time you are already, than to agree to her terms and observe a strong loss of interest.

Besides, do not be afraid to show approval or disapproval of her actions and behavior- so you just show that you are used to judging girls and are not going to date her just because she is beautiful.

Over time, you will notice that she began to adapt to you and try to match your preferences.

One comrade once said that you can easily tie a girl if you don't and stop calling. This will be a real shock for her. Of course, you shouldn't be so cruel. But there is some truth in this. If all your previous actions did not give any result, you can try to cool off sharply towards her until she sounds the alarm.

Comments (5) on “How to bind a girl to yourself?”

    Girls are really weird. If you do as she wants, you quickly get bored, if you do as you see fit, she gets offended (Regarding sending for no reason and stopping calling, it’s mine that constantly suits me and I generally don’t beat the hollow, what is she offended by ???
    I want to follow your advice, but I just don’t know, will I worry her and interest her, or will I be offended and leave?
    Egor, advise me something, please, I'm afraid of losing her from such a “binding” (((

    Tie your girlfriend to you. Isn't it one of the main goals of many guys and men?
    Most often, this is caused by the fear of losing your “Lady of the Heart”. What only attempts can not go the entrance, up to pregnancy. I believe that there is nothing more effective than trust, support, love. We guys always imagine that a girl is constantly looking for ways to cheat, change or quit. What do you think, a solid conspiracy, right?
    This is far from the case, and the more we try to keep the girl, forbidding her to do anything or forcing her to run after us, the closer and closer the moment of farewell.
    The conclusion is yours, but believe me, sometimes attempts to keep a girl turn into sheer tyranny) Good luck to us guys!!!

    I'll probably try. But only one originality and game in "Further-Closer", in my opinion, is not enough. It is necessary to delve into all the hobbies and interests of the girl that are somehow significant and, if possible, make them joint. In general, it is necessary to do everything together as much as possible. It is necessary to penetrate into her life, so that with a long absence from you, she feels emptiness.
    But at the same time, she should feel that you can easily find a replacement for her, if anything.
    The girl needs to be educated. She must know for sure that whims and bitchiness will lead nowhere. And in real situations, you must always stand up for her. But only in real ones. After all, girls are mostly children.

    Guys, read the articles of smart people! When I was 17, I fell in love so much, well, it just blew the roof off. For almost two years he ran after her like a dog, even to the same university that she entered, although biology did not interest me in any place. In short, he won it, he achieved it !!! She was not a beauty, but charming, many liked her a lot, often flirted ... It infuriated me terribly. And I'm a simple guy, not a major, not a model. Everyone was afraid that she would find someone better and leave me. In short, I didn’t know how and with what to tie it, I’m not strong in psychology. For some reason, he decided that she needed to close up the child. Xs than thought. From the first time "it turned out". And what is the result? Children were not included in her plans at that time, we were students ... But she gave birth. She just got angry with me almost immediately, cursed constantly, accused me of ruining her all my life ... My daughter was not born yet, and we had already parted ... Only now I understand how stupid I was that I resorted to such extreme measures. If I had tied her to myself in other ways, maybe now we would be together ... And now ... My daughter is 4, and I am actively searching ... Sorry, maybe not quite on the topic, but I poured out my soul, and somehow it felt better

You can endlessly look at three things: fire, water, and how tenderly and lovingly an elderly couple treats each other, having lived for many decades. And how did they manage to carry their loyalty over such long years? And how much wisdom does this woman need to have in order to forever bind her man to herself?

And really, how is it possible to be together like this forever? After all, it is impossible to live without quarrels and scandals, because spouses can get bored with each other, a man will definitely want to go left, and a woman is no exception in this matter.

Of course, there is no 100% guarantee that such incidents will not happen. When tying a man to you, think that he is a living person, and not a lamb, so anything can happen. But it all depends on your correct behavior so that he loves you alone, without thinking about other women.

A few myths about the "binding" of a man

Indeed, there are several tricks on how to get a man to you in any way, even if he is married. What sometimes vile deeds are women, and as a rule, then they are often mistaken, because their deceit returns to them like a boomerang.

Fall in love with a man through the bed

By the way, a wonderful maneuver is to keep a man near you with the help of sex. It really works, especially at first. This is how most often insidious ladies steal other people's husbands from their family. He, most likely, intimate fun with his wife have ceased to be so bright, but here is such a highlight! But, if you want to bind a man to yourself in this way, then here are some tips for you:

    Never try to take a married man away in this way: if he goes to bed, then most likely in everyday life with him, another woman will also take him away.

    She managed to fall in love with a man with the help of sex - “keep the mark” always. Not only that - agree to bold new experiments. Well, of course, within reasonable limits, which is considered the norm for two lovers.

    No "headaches" and "punished - I will not give"! If he loves sex so much, he will find a reliable woman with a healthy head on the side.

Hold with magic

That's really completely female stupidity and thrown out "grandmothers" to grandmothers-witnesses. Sometimes this number really passes. But it is rather purely psychological. For example, this can be explained as follows: a woman has a great feeling for her beloved, who does not pay any attention to her, even though such a “running around” flatters him. She calls him and does not leave him alone, and finally, having “bewitched”, she calms down that now he will not go anywhere. And the man is already beginning to strain such a sharp indifference: they no longer try to keep him, and he himself will want to make a rapprochement with his fan. And only then comes to the rescue of his majesty - sex.

But “miracles” sometimes happen, and thus a man really “dries up”. Therefore, they say around - they bewitched and took it with a fart. And then the man starts throwing:

    He wants to regain his freedom back, but for some reason he cannot make a choice in any way.

    He begins to hate himself for his insecurity and his bewitching woman for what she even is.

    On this basis, scandals arise, respectively, the man begins to have health problems. Therefore, this rite is called so - dried.

Put under the heel

Let's say everything turned out very easily - it worked with sex, and with a love spell, and, as a "control in the head" - to make it out of your favorite henpecked. Well, so that for the rest of your life it becomes yours. There are whims on your part, demands, orders. What it can give in the future:

    You will cease to respect him yourself: what kind of a man is he who instantly runs on your orders: “Face!”. He will quickly bore you, and 100 percent you will stare at other interesting men.

    Because of your whims, he himself may look to the left to relax after a heavy burden. married life. Or completely lazy. 'Cause it's you who takes it all complex decisions And he doesn't even need to think about anything. So - just do small orders. You will not have a “stone wall” or a “reliable shoulder”.

The main means of binding is friendship

Yes, first of all, this is true friendship. And what is the most important thing in this feeling? That's right - trust and respect. And if this does not happen from the very beginning, then it will not be easy and almost impossible to make up for it in years to come. Well, as in a joke:

After numerous quarrels and tantrums of his wife during many years of marriage, she suddenly declared to her husband that she wanted to become his friend. "Ah, friend!" Husband is surprised. The husband takes out a bottle of vodka, puts two glasses on the table, fills them, sits down in front of the missus opposite and says: “Listen, you can’t imagine how this wife of mine has already sickened me!”

Folk joke

So, in order to truly keep a man, from the first day you must sincerely respect him and trust him as yourself. Then he will begin to trust you in return. And that's all besides love.

Friends always have common interests. If they do not match, then friendship is a stretch. A woman, for example, is annoyed by the fishing of her beloved man, and a man by her many hours of hanging out at the computer with digging a virtual "garden". Interest does not coincide - everything leads to disintegration. This does not mean that a woman should rape herself on weekly trips, just initially you need to think - is she on her way in life with this man, and is it worth keeping him?

Yes, and unconditional trust should be initially. You dig into his phone - it means that you are not sure about the guy. A man makes stash from you? It means he doesn't trust you. Friendship cannot be with secrets from each other. And no relatives and girlfriends can be higher than your trusting relationship. If it is you who gossips with him, whispering, about the tricks of others, and not vice versa, then you are on the same wavelength. Men value friendship in the family very much, and therefore they themselves are happy to become attached to such a wife-girlfriend.

Just don’t think that tediousness will begin now, such as “Be perfect in everything - keep the house super clean, and feed your beloved man to satiety” and so on ... No, it’s boring, although housekeeping is a wonderful feature of a woman. But does a man always need this sparkling idyll in a house with the smell of pies? Here are a few tips and rules for you to consider if you really want to bind your lover to you:

    If you have him a pedant and a neat man - beware, you won’t get away with easy cleaning. Everything should always sparkle and smell fresh and clean. He will notice everything - how far apart the shoes are in the corridor, how the towels hang, and even how the handkerchiefs are folded in the chest of drawers. Even a crumb of dust will not be overlooked, as he is a top class visual. Living with this is torture.

    If you have it unpretentious in cleanliness, then don’t worry too much with zeal, even if you are clean. Sometimes the excessive housekeeping of the wife is annoying, as they say - there is nowhere to spit. And not all men like that their wife pays more attention to the household than to him.

And now for the cooking. Everyone knows the truth that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Well, anyway, this is one of all the ways. But there are rules here too:

    Never overfeed him with special delicacies on weekdays: let these delights be only for weekends and holidays. Otherwise, they will lose their "zest".

    Learn to cook his most favorite dishes perfectly. So that he can compare them with others cooked by other people's housewives, and think: “But mine cooks the best!”

    There is no need to “pull the blanket over yourself” when you are on a diet, and you are preparing food for two according to your diet. Like - it's useful, and dear, it won't hurt you. No, if a man does not want this, then he, having left the house, will buy himself a hot dog, and your “healthy and healthy” food will be disgusting to him.

His family and friends

Remember, dear, for a man, his friends and family are what he really values. But this does not mean that in front of them you should turn into a humble lamb. In no case, otherwise they will close. Here you have to be wiser.

Relationships with relatives of a beloved man

It is very important for any mother that her son is taken care of if she trusts him to her daughter-in-law. Therefore, never argue with her, if she advises something - just listen and agree. Already left alone with your beloved, you decide for yourself whether to follow her rules or not, but it’s not difficult to appear affectionate and obedient to your mother-in-law.

Parents are different. Sticking their nose into everything they don't need to know, evil, kind, indifferent, drinking. But for a man, his parents mean a lot. Even if sometimes he himself speaks badly of them. This may be from shame for them or from temporary irritation. Be wiser, praise them in front of him, and remind him that they are his parents and still they are good. In his eyes, it is you who will win, even if you have a common conflict with your parents.

In general, a friendly, cheerful and affectionate daughter-in-law for a man’s relatives is a real gift. There are many cases in life when it is the daughters-in-law who provoke a conflict because of their youth and stupidity, and put their spouse between two fires. Therefore, show what you really are from the first day you meet. If you are arrogant and pretentious, then it’s better not to even try to tie a guy to you. Most often, relatives win in conflicts with a foolish daughter-in-law.

Fragment from the film "If the mother-in-law is a monster"

arrow_left Fragment from the film "If the mother-in-law is a monster"

Relationship with his friends

Unlike relatives, friends are still chosen. Remember, it was mentioned above how important it is for a man to become best friend and really share common interests with him? That's how it is necessary to "make friends" with his friends and earn their respect, so as not to be a stranger among his own. If you start to interfere with their friendship from the very beginning, there can be no question of any "binding". What needs to be done for this:

    Always be hospitable and friendly. If it is not possible to receive random guests just about, because you and your lover have your own plans, let him tell his friends about it.

    Share common parties. In nature - to collect a table for a picnic or yell with them "Go-o-ol!" when watching football in general, twisting a scarf over your head.

    Do not look like "Madame Rastrepe", that is, unkempt and unkempt. This husband can see you differently, for example, in the morning - without makeup and without hair, dressed in a home dressing gown. But with his friends, he doesn’t build it.

    Praise him in front of friends. And not a drop of criticism - only all the good things about him.

Everything is very simple. But following these rules, your man will be proud of you. And friends in white to envy. And the well-deserved respect from them will be in your favor - with such a wife, his friends will not pull your lover to “break away” into the sauna with dubious aunts. And among them you will be "your boyfriend."

In general, the saying “My tongue is my enemy” is very accurate. Every word you say can turn against you. Yes, intonation matters a lot. Of course, it is difficult to constantly control yourself, especially in the heat of emotions. But if you take into account some rules, then it will be much easier to keep a man next to you for a long time.

    In disagreements with him, never yell. A screaming woman is an ugly sight with a face contorted with anger. Moreover, shouting and interrupting, you can do something like that! Insult, say too much, most get into trouble. Don't interrupt him if he says something. And at the end, just say: "Darling, now let's calm down."

    Men love praise more than women. Ridiculous admiration is not needed, what is needed is praise for some specific actions. Thanks to this, the beloved begins to feel like a hero, and you - a defenseless woman, whom only he can protect like no other.

    Never talk badly about your boyfriend to others, even if he is not around. Just praise all his virtues. Stupid are those women who call their men goats. The conclusion immediately suggests itself that they themselves are goats. So, be above these herbivores.

    Know how to ask him for forgiveness if you're wrong. No need to hide behind the fact that you are a woman, and everything is permitted to you. Not! We have equality, and please notice your mistakes too. And please, fewer tears - many men can't stand it.

We are responsible for those who have tamed

In general, these are all tips on how you can tie a man, while not losing your dignity and earning respect in his environment. But! These tips are only for those who, sincerely loving, without selfish goals, want to keep him close to him.

Many things happen in life, sometimes tragic. Just imagine if an accident happens to him: he gets into an accident, or he suffers some kind of illness. He will be bedridden for a long time or wheelchair. Will not be able to speak or move. Can you stay with him forever if there is no one else to help him? Will you throw him out of your life like a mongrel puppy?

Therefore, think carefully - are you worthy of this man yourself? Will you ruin his life with your behavior? After all, having become attached to someone and having fallen in love with all his heart, each person has high hopes for his beloved. And betrayal is a terrible thing.

Finally, an unusual technique

Let's do a thought experiment.

Imagine that you have the superpower to "read" men. Like Sherlock Holmes: you look at a man - and you immediately know everything about him and understand what is on his mind. You would be able to get any man and have an ideal relationship and would hardly be reading this article now in search of a solution to your problem.

Who said it's impossible? Of course, you won’t read other people’s thoughts, but otherwise there is no magic here - only psychology.

We advise you to pay attention to the master class from Nadezhda Mayer. She is a candidate psychological sciences, and her technique has helped many girls to have ideal relationships and feel loved.

If interested, you can sign up for a free webinar. We asked Nadezhda to reserve 100 seats specifically for our website visitors.

Very often in the life of men there is a situation when he is madly in love with a woman, and she not only ignores him, but, let's say, does not show her feelings strongly enough. The man is confused. He has a whole bunch of questions, like: “Does she love me?”, “What do I mean to her?”, “How to make her fall in love with me?”, “How to make her emotionally attached to me?” etc.

In this short article we will try to give an answer to a single, but very important question. How to emotionally bind a woman to yourself? But first, let's figure out what it generally means to "emotionally bind a woman."

Emotionally attaching a woman is “getting her hooked on emotions.” To make her not think of life without you, so that she would be bored without you. Emotions are a kind of drug! People live to get emotions - it's said rather loudly, but it's true.

So to emotionally bind a woman- evoke as many emotions in it as possible. For this:

- give a woman gifts. It would seem that it could be easier than giving a gift, but there are a lot of subtleties here. First, don't overdo it. Gifts every other day and every day will very soon become the norm, and will no longer cause the necessary emotions (surprise, joy, delight, etc.) Secondly, do not make too expensive gifts. From the point of view of emotions, it is better to give something unusual, sweet, touching than, for example, an expensive bouquet of flowers or jewelry. Although expensive gifts are also important. Giving them you, at least, show your generosity. Thirdly, make gifts for no reason, but simply because you love her. That is, you do not need to wait for March 8th, birthday or New Year. If she asks what the gift is about, you can answer something like: “Because today is Tuesday!”, “You deserve a gift any day!”, “I just wanted to please you!” or something along those lines.

- don't be like everyone else. You have to stand out in some way. total weight, to be creative, to amaze the imagination, to have some special quality or passion. Show her that you are not like everyone else, that you are unique and she will not meet another like her.

- Alternate positive and negative emotions. Under negative emotions in this case, we mean toughness (not cruelty!), the ability to say “no”, but in no case anger, fear, anger, etc. As they say, without knowing sorrow, you will not know joy. There must be contrast in emotions. If there is always only positive, then it will become boring over time, it will cease to evoke response positive emotions, it will become commonplace.

- sometimes disappear from her life for a while. Let her feel what life is like without you. Make her emotionally hungry. For these purposes, 2-3 day trips on business, business trips or something like that are suitable. During the absence, try to communicate with her as little as possible (telephone conversations, SMS, Skype, etc.), otherwise the effect will be insignificant.

- be sincere with her. Sincerity evokes very strong emotions. A woman should feel that you have no secrets from her. This is very close.

- make her laugh more. Women love cheerful, positive men. No one likes whiners, grumblers, silent people and nitpicks. Tell her jokes and funny stories (maybe even from your life). Laughter, joy, good mood- all this binds a person very strongly.

- be confident. like a magnet attracts women. Women want to be with leaders, they don't need rags.

- experience strong emotions with your woman. Strong emotions, no matter what - positive or negative, experienced together, bring people very close. Be with her in sorrow and in joy, then on an emotional level she will forever become yours.

At the end of the article, I would like to remind you that emotionally binding a woman you take on a huge responsibility. Do this only if you are one hundred percent sure that you want to live with her all your life. Otherwise, you will hurt her very much. And such things always come back like a boomerang, don't forget about it!

At any time, the fair sex in every possible way sought to conquer men, establishing almost absolute power over them. Someone succeeded in this easily, others left with nothing, having managed to lure the “object” no further than the bed.

Down the aisle, young people go with those girls who were able to understand how to tie a man to themselves. Let's try to do this and we, given the fact that we do not need a dumb and subordinate henpecked.

It will take a little natural charm, knowledge of male psychology, small tricks and a little bit of magic.

Before taking action, answer honestly the following questions:

  1. Why do you need this guy?
  2. Are you really in love with him or just want to have some fun?
  3. Perhaps it is better to put him out of your thoughts and concentrate on other options?

Trick number 2. Quality intimate life

Physical intimacy is another effective method to tie a man to you, including a married one. It is no secret that it is with the help of sex that the homeowners break families and. Especially if the wife does not pay enough attention to the intimate side of marriage.

However, there is not much difference what kind of person you want to tie - free or married. In any case, a man wants regular sexual contacts, and this feature should not be treated with disdain or with a hint of bewilderment. That's the way they are!

Be different in sex, modest or depraved (here it depends on male preferences). The main thing is to please yourself and your partner. Try to diversify your sex life if you feel that the chosen one is fed up with the sameness and constancy. Sex in the car or in nature? Certainly!

Trick number 3. Warm relations with relatives

Your conflict can push your loved one away, especially if you quarrel with his loved ones.

A young man will be disappointed if he finds that his girlfriend is not able to coexist in peace with people dear to him.

So you need to be patient and show, if not humility, then a friendly disposition even to those who are sincerely unsympathetic to you.

Especially often, girls do not develop relationships with future mothers-in-law. However, it is important to find a common language with her, since she can become either a true ally or an implacable enemy.

Do you want an additional guarantee that the conquered man will forever remain next to you? Or, perhaps, you decided to tie a married guy, hoping to rescue him from the arms of his legal wife? You will not hear words of disapproval from us, because it is up to you to decide. Moreover, it will not be difficult to find methods of energy binding. Here are just a few of them.

Method number 1. Violet flowers

To bind a loved one to your person with the help of a magical rite, you will need violet inflorescences (they must first be dried).

Grind six flowers to a homogeneous powdery state, place lighted candles (red and green) nearby, a photograph of a loved one and say a conspiracy consisting of the following words:

“On the heart of a man (name of the object), pump sadness-sadness. On feelings, on thoughts, on the soul to inflame. Let him (the name of the object) yearn for me and always call to himself. Let his heart be on fire. Let every minute remember me.

As you read the text, burn the photograph of the man. Mix the ashes with violet powder, wrap the mixture in a red envelope and put it in a secluded corner for a week. Then try to add "love powder" to the food of the chosen one.

Method number 2. Nodules

Strong energy will give you the opportunity to tie your lover to you with the help of knots. To perform the ritual, you will need a clothesline. The meaning of the ceremony is to represent your relationship and knit knots at this moment.

Their number will depend on how much time you will think and dream about your common future. As soon as vivid fantasies run out, the rope must be put aside. Then the number of knots should be counted: an even number means that the ritual needs to be continued, an odd number is transferred to tomorrow.

A conspiracy for a free (and married) man consists of the following words:

“No matter how long the rope is, there will be a final knot. No matter how you, slave (voice the name of the object), leave me, my slander will destroy you. Love, the soul of a slave (voice the name of the object), the soul of a slave (your name). Amen!"

The rope should be thrown to the threshold (house) of your beloved.

Method number 3. Threads

Another strong and popular binding among lovely ladies, which allows you to solve many different problems. You can bind a married guy, or even turn a man away from other representatives of the fair sex.

Interesting! For the ritual, you need to take three woolen threads different shades. A blue thread denotes a young man, pink a girl, red a sign of passion and love in a relationship.

The ceremony is performed on the growing moon (you can see the phase in the lunar online calendar). Before midnight, you need to light a candle, take a red thread and tie a pink thread from one end, and a blue one from the second. Then say the following words:

“As the threads are connected to each other, so you, my heart friend, are forever connected with me. No one can separate or separate us as long as my word is heard. Let it be so!"

Then drip wax on the received knots, which symbolizes the strength of the connection between you, and say: “My word is connected, my business is connected!”

The next step is to roll the threads into a ball and lay them in a piece of fabric. Hide the resulting bundle away. According to those who have tried this ritual, the effect is observed after a few days. To untie, reverse the sequence - untie the knots, starting with a pink thread, and throw out the ball at the crossroads.

Knowing how to tie a guy to you comes with experience. Yes, girls strive for quick results, sometimes using even such “forbidden” methods as magical bindings.

However The best way to conquer a man is your sincere love, the desire to be near him and, of course, your own psychological and physical tricks. Become the woman of his dreams, and the guy will always be with you.

Many men have attended my trainings and, according to statistics, in the life of each of them there were only 1-2 women whom they could call amazing mistresses, and with whom they will remember sex all their lives. And the point here is not only in the knowledge of sexual techniques, but also in understanding psychological characteristics. These seven important tips will help you become the very mistress that a man will never forget and from which he is unlikely to want to leave.

1. Be honest

Men don't take hints. Communicate with your partners, share your impressions and emotions. Especially regarding what happens in bed. If you don't like something, tell him about it! No need to endure and wait for him to guess himself.

2. Be relaxed

Let yourself go, let your man please you. Sex should not turn into a favor for a man. Tightness in bed is caused, as a rule, by the built-in attitudes of upbringing, complexes about appearance, and so on. A man reads this, unconsciously pinches himself and, as a result, stops even trying to please you and moves away. This can lead to sex on the side, and to a complete break in relations.

3. Don't forget to socialize in bed

I mean those words, sounds and moans that want to escape during sex, but you hold them back. Don't be afraid to express your emotions. A man will strive to deliver even more pleasure if he sees such feedback.

4. Share your emotions

Unreasonable change of mood. Men do not understand what it is! They will never understand what emotional spectrum you have to go through on a daily basis. If, for example, you have PMS - warn your partner in advance, talk about how you feel and how he can help you. You will see: a man is far from a callous animal, just his emotional world is different from yours.

5. Proper orgasm

It is very important to understand at what point you should stop or slow down. If you quit too early - the man's orgasm will be knocked down, and if you do it hard to the last - there is a painful sensitivity of the head. A woman may notice that a man seems to be moving backward from her pelvis. Next time you need to slow down a little earlier than this moment.

6. Be interested in the preferences of a man

Even if it's not new partner, periodically ask what a man would like to receive from

About it important point almost all women forget. It is very important for men to know that you appreciate his abilities. After sex, tell him how nice it was for you, make a subtle compliment. No need to praise your partner too much - gratitude should not become part of the routine. But a periodic reminder (for example, once a month) about how you appreciate him and feel gratitude for sexual pleasure can stimulate a man to new exploits in your bed.