The first time I cheated on my husband... How I cheated on my husband with two I love cheating on my husband stories

How many times, in response to this question, I heard advice not to tell at all, so that my husband would never find out anything, they say, why worry him once again - well, it happened, what happened, then it passed. But on mature reflection, I came to the conclusion that to keep silent about the fact that there was a fact of infidelity on my part means to further aggravate the discord in relations, to increase the crack between us by artificially planting distrust.

So, for me, after long and painful soul-searching, it became quite clear that tell your husband about cheating nevertheless it is necessary. But it’s easy to say, but how to do it in such a way as to at least stay alive, and, as a maximum, to be married is a separate question, and we’ll talk about this together with women's site for women Our life.

It is a thankless task to advise in this matter, because each individual case is each individual case. I can only talk about the conclusions that I made after the sentimental confession.

The first thing you need to understand is that your treason- a bitter pill, and no matter how you try to sweeten it, it will still cause a grimace in the end. You can only soften a little the pain that this difficult confession will cause you both.

What matters is the right moment at which you start the conversation. It is best to wait until the husband is in a benevolent mood, and not rush into heavy confessions when the husband has a headache, is bad at heart due to turmoil at work, or the husband is simply not in the spirit.
Immediately at the beginning of the conversation, explain to your husband that you went into this conversation not because you want to hurt him, but only because you do not want misunderstanding and distrust to creep in between you. It is good if you make it clear to your husband that an unpleasant story has happened to you, and only he is your only friend to whom you are able to open up.

If there have been cases of infidelity on the part of your husband, then in especially difficult cases you can use this as a defensive argument. But you should never start with this argument, because then it will simply lose its effective force.

Try to do without blaming your husband, the women's site advises the site. If something does not suit you in your sex life, then tell him about it, as if letting him know that you did not headlong decided on such a rash act, but there were reasons for that. In any case, be sure to note the fact that you do not have any feelings for the person with whom you cheated on your husband, even if this is not the case. The husband must clearly understand that your infidelity was purely physical.

It is not worth being too frank about the name of the person with whom you have committed a sin, and if there is an opportunity not to bring it to the attention of your husband, then use it. Sometimes it can be helpful to say that you don't even remember the person's name, because you were simply overcome with lust on your first and only chance date. Of course, this characterizes you from a not very positive side, but in a number of cases it was this tactic that helped to avoid casualties.

Don't count on your husband to accept your treason easily. Men always go through such things very painfully. That is why you should not savor the details, as well as describe in detail the advantages and disadvantages of your partner.

Throughout the civilized world, in such cases, a married couple resorts to the help of family psychologists. If you have such an opportunity, then use it. In this situation, you simply have to grasp at every straw that can help save your marriage.

And finally, I want to say this: treason- It is very difficult, and on both sides. And if you openly and honestly tell your husband that you were unfaithful, then this will not always help save the situation, and often can only aggravate it. But for each of us it is very important that the conscience is clear, and the soul is calm. At least for the sake of this, it is worth telling your husband about your infidelity. And then - how will it go. There are a huge number of families whose relationship after infidelity only became stronger.

Marina Oparina
Specially for Women's site Our Life

Read 17084 time(s)

I want to tell you how I cheated on my husband, why I did it and what eventually came out of this story. I have been married for 5 years and have a child. I love my husband, he is a great father and husband. Before him, I had relationships with two other men, but nothing worked out with them. different reasons. But right now, his attitude has somehow changed, some kind of aggression towards me, probably even angry.

We have a problem: he does not suit me in bed, but I really love this business and want to do it. He knows what does not suit me, knows that I do not feel much pleasure with him. How to live with it? None of the options help.

Dirty thoughts often began to appear in me, and there is also a fan with whom we communicate on the network (not even one, but two fans, it's just that the second site is not so active and writes rarely). He knows about our problem, wants me for a long time and offers help. But I'm afraid I can't decide to cheat on my husband. It seems that I will betray him (husband) by this act, but, on the other hand, I want to understand if I can even experience orgasms.

Friends came to visit us that week, we have been friends for a long time. It so happened that everyone went to bed, we sat, chatted with a friend and husband, my husband spoke badly about me, scolded me. I don’t know how it turned out that our legs touched with his friend, everything that my husband says was unpleasant to me, for some reason I began to touch my friend’s leg more and more often ... We sat, talked, secretly stroked each other’s feet, and nearby the husband sat and did not notice anything. When he went to the toilet, his friend put my hand on his jeans - he was very ready. We were both shocked by what happened. I periodically went to the toilet, then to the bathroom to cool down.

The husband went to bed. We sat, looked at each other's site and were shocked by all this. Then there was a kiss, then there was petting. Both of us did not want to go to sleep, we wanted to continue, terrible interest and fear. Doing something at home when his wife and my husband are sleeping next to me is scary. Maybe he should have gone to bed, but I saw that he just didn’t want to sleep.

We went outside, found an entrance - passion, kisses, I was shaking all over, contact began - and he immediately finished. I had a terrible disappointment, he was in a hurry to go home so that no one would suspect anything, he was afraid that it might come out, that I would let someone know.

Only a residue remained in my soul: for so long I could not decide on treason, and when it happened, it greatly disappointed me. On the one hand, there is a logical explanation: a terrible overexcitation and therefore everything happened so quickly for him on our first time. But now I can’t think of anything else - I want to finish what I started, but that’s it. And at the same time having sex with two men is somehow unusual ...

They left, the next morning I behaved as if nothing had happened. There was no shame in front of my husband - he himself provoked me with his offensive words, it was uncomfortable in front of his girlfriend, wife of a friend. But she herself told so much how passionate he is and how he constantly wants sex and he threatens her that he will have a mistress. I did not expect such fear from him, such indecision that he, as a man, did not bring the matter to the end with me, realizing that I was left unsatisfied (in theory, he should be ashamed, knowing that with her husband this is exactly what problem).

Anyone who wants to write to me that I'm so bad, go by! I have my reasons!

Question. Cheated on her husband ex-boyfriends moreover, with two at once in one day. It turned out that he was not at home. And I was so tired of being locked up that I decided to take a walk. I wanted to meet with one of the former for a very long time, probably there are feelings for him until now. I constantly thought about him and dreamed of meeting. My husband can say by force took me away from him. I won't go into details. We had to part and I'm getting married, out of my stupidity, to a man I don't love.

So a year has passed since the wedding and about a year and a half since the last meeting with my ex. So this is what I’m leading to ... the other day, while my husband was not at home, I initially met with another ex. We always had sex with him and we liked it. But there are no feelings for this person, they just had a good time. So they also wanted to meet him for a long time and met. We slept together… of course we drank for the meeting, and I didn’t drink for so long that I flew away from one glass of whiskey.

Well, it carried me further along the former, and then I call a mutual friend of the very former that I described very first. With his acquaintance, I always talked quietly in social networks. So my call was expected. We chatted and he says that right now, Lekha and I (the same ex) will come to visit you.

It's three o'clock in the morning and I'm driving home in a taxi. In order to strongly want and wait for that very former. And they come. I almost fell over with happiness. A friend left and he stayed overnight with me. Well, I also slept with him, though everything went very quickly and on a concrete drunk. I was not at zero, but he was in the trash. Already came to me in the trash.

In the morning, when I woke up, I blissed out next to him. And he is with me. But he was terribly sick and naturally began to hangover. We remembered everything with him, I didn’t even think that he remembers everything. Everything from and to our relationship. By the way, I never slept with him. Just at this meeting. And he says that he has a girlfriend, but I was warned that she is. In general, they almost confessed their love.

Slept in bed all day. No sex, stupid talk. And he, too, was waiting for this meeting. And now he writes that he supposedly realized what he had done and passed the back. Like this meeting would have happened anyway. Both he and I felt it. It happened, but we won't be able to meet secretly. Let's just make it worse. E-ma-e, I still love him to this day!

With my husband, sex is disgusting in general. And the hood is drawn to him. And then he writes this to me. Although he said that he did not love his girlfriend. And I told him the same for my husband. What to do now?

And now my conscience gnaws before my husband. And on the other hand, I don’t love my husband, I love this ex. Walking is called. So many thoughts in my head now. Just do not insult and get personal. This is how half the country lives, even more!

And my husband was and will be a womanizer! I just keep quiet and close my eyes.

I got into a very unpleasant situation. And through his own fault. I've been dating a married man for six months now. At the beginning of our relationship with his wife, he was connected only on paper, they even lived separately. But due to the common child and the wife's refusal to divorce, they were still officially considered spouses. Therefore, I was not particularly tormented by doubts and remorse. Anything happens...

And we were all great. He spent most of his time with me. It feels like we had an endless honeymoon. True, it bothered me very much that he refused to live with me. Always found reasons to put it off until later. Either the child gets sick, or finances do not allow, but he does not want to sit on my neck ... In general, sheer excuses.

Well, I didn't understand it before. She looked at him through rose-colored glasses, believed every word. Until I decided to drop in on him in the morning without warning. I wanted to make a surprise ... And I found his wife at his house, in a towel and without makeup!

It was so humiliating and embarrassing! He cheated on me with a woman with whom, according to him, he had only a business relationship a long time ago ... And it is not known how long this lasted. Maybe all our relationships were built on deception ... Maybe we didn’t have anything real!

Actually, what was I thinking? It's her own fault... Of course, now he swears that it was only once. That he loves me, wants to live life with me. Which will be divorced soon. Only I doubt it very much. And I'm not sure now that I need such a relationship. I don't think I can forgive him and start over.

I regret that I did not go to my lover

I cheated on my husband. Many times, with the same person… I don’t feel any remorse, except perhaps pity for my spouse.

I married him not so much for great love, but because I was no longer young. Well, of course, I really liked him at that time. But with the start living together everything went down the drain. Indecisive, soft-bodied, always sitting on the couch in front of the TV ... All he could do around the house was take out the trash and occasionally go to the store! Zero attention to me.

At first I suffered, tormented myself with all sorts of stupid thoughts. But then Maxim appeared in my life, a man completely different from her husband. The new acquaintance turned out to be a sociable, cheerful and very active boy, and soon we began a romantic relationship with him.

I then just flew on wings. I haven't had this yet! I spent all my free time with him - we even rented a common apartment, especially for our meetings. With him, I finally felt like a woman!

After some time, Maxim began to insist that I move in with him. But I didn’t dare to leave my husband, although at that time my husband seemed to me just a roommate - we even slept on separate beds ...

Everything was resolved by itself - my husband decided to check my phone, which he had never done before, and read the correspondence with his lover. There was a "debriefing", during which it terribly cried and begged to stay with him! My husband's tears evoked a storm of emotions in me: pity, disgust for myself, disgust for the fact that he does not behave like a man, but simply cries!

So, I didn't leave then. I could not. And Maxim ... Maxim stopped "waiting for the weather by the sea." Now he lives with another girl and probably doesn’t even remember me! He didn’t even pick up the phone when I wanted to congratulate him on his birthday ...

How I regret not leaving! That she stayed with her husband and was afraid to leave her usual life. Is this for life? My husband did not pay more attention to me, except that now he suspects of all mortal sins. And I'm generally going crazy, I constantly think about Maxim. It's like I'm living a parallel life with him. And I regret, I regret what I didn't do!

Husband wants to be a swinger

Let me start by saying that I love my husband very much. She has been married for seven years, but her feelings for him seem to have become even stronger. Unfortunately, he cannot respond in kind. He constantly lacks something - he is always looking for some new sensations, emotions. So our relationship, apparently, has become boring to him ...

Already very long time he persuades me to meet with another couple for "sex communication"! Only I am completely against it. Terrible! I can’t even imagine how it is possible to do this foursome. Or watching my husband do this to a complete stranger... I don't think it will strengthen our marriage or our feelings.

And he already “lives” with this idea. Registered on all sorts of sites, corresponding with swingers on behalf of the two of us. Often I find links to porn sites in the history of his browser ... Viewing such videos, apparently, excites him more than a living wife.

I don't understand how he can even allow such a possibility. Does he really care with whom I will have sex, with whom I will cheat on him?!

What is not enough for him? I am ready for any experiments, if, of course, they concern the two of us. I never refuse him sex, I support his intimate fantasies. But this ... This is already too much! I hope that he will soon be allowed, because I definitely will not agree to such a practice.

Says he loves two

Our marriage is 6 years old. There is a wonderful baby, his own housing, normal income, and everything is fine in sex. I used to think that I had the perfect family and the perfect husband. So, it happened, sometimes he drank with friends and sat at work to the last, but he always found time for my daughter and me. I never thought that he could have another!

Well, was it possible to suspect something when he always answered my calls, warned me if he was late ... Now I understand that I called to avert my eyes, and then, with a clear conscience, went to another woman! It still doesn't fit in my head!

I probably wouldn’t have guessed if he hadn’t decided to confess himself ... He said that he loved both her and me ... That it had been like this for a long time ... I thought it would pass, I was afraid to lose me. But it didn't.

It was like a bolt from the blue. I didn't even realize at first what he was saying to me. And then it burst - sobbing, collecting his things to put him out the door. How terrible it was! But then he didn't go anywhere. He said that he loves me and does not want to destroy our family. But at the same time, he is not ready to end a relationship with another!

I love him, I love him very much! All this time I unconditionally believed him, did everything for him. And at that time he was having fun with his second “love”. I wouldn't be surprised if he gets a third later...

But I don't want to live like that. I can't stand the realization that he's with another woman while I'm babysitting his child. I don’t believe that you can love two people, and I’m unlikely to ever believe in it. I have to find the strength to leave him.

Gone to a pregnant mistress

When Vanya and I met, all my friends envied me. The fact is that he is from a very wealthy family, manages his father's hereditary business and, of course, does not need money. We liked each other, started dating, a year later he proposed to me. How happy I was when we got married! It seemed to me that I would be with this person forever, that it could not be otherwise, that he really truly loves me.

Even before the wedding, we decided with him that we would not rush with children. Firstly, because both are still young, and secondly, because they want to travel more, engage with each other, enjoy romance and carelessness. After visiting the doctor, I regularly took birth control pills and was sure that everything was fine and going as it should. However, after 1.5 years of marriage, he simply came and announced that he was leaving.

As it turned out, my Ivan did not burden himself with marital fidelity and cheated on me with one girl. It was a girl, because she was only 19. So - this clever girl did not even think about using protection and, of course, became pregnant. She had no intention of having an abortion. I waited until the 4th month, and then reported the news to my missus. It is dangerous to do something at such a time, moreover, Ivan suddenly awakened paternal feelings, and he decided that she would certainly give birth to him the heir to his “business empire”. Well, in order for everything to be really “human”, he decided to file for divorce.

It turns out that he doesn’t have such love for me, since he so easily decided to leave me for the sake of the “future heir”, which, by the way, may not be from him at all. It hurts and embarrassing.

All men cheat

I used to love my husband like crazy. Our relationship started off great. Both then just finished school, entered the same institute. Everything was there: sparkling eyes, gifts, and the first kiss ... He said that I was his only one, and no one else was needed. And, of course, I believed.

They got married, a child was born. And there was the first mistress. I found out about it by accident - I read their hot correspondence with intimate details on the laptop while he was not at home. She threw him a wild scandal, threw things, and then kicked him out of the house. I thought I wouldn't forgive.

But she couldn't live without him. This pain is impossible to describe when you wake up in the morning, and there is no one around. Only his things, clothes, keeping such a familiar smell ... Yes, and he always came home, asked for forgiveness. Once came at night, did not expel. And so it remained.

A few months later I found out about another girl. Employee. Good people whispered, and the faithful himself confessed. Said he was the only one with her. Nothing serious. Forgave me again.

A year has passed, and a third appeared. Well, I don't know anything about the previous ones. He talked with her for a long time. I created a second Facebook page for myself and secretly corresponded for several months. Like, I love you, I kiss you, I want to see you soon ...

That's it. So far, I haven’t said anything to my husband, I’m waiting to see what happens next. At the very heart of the cat scratching, everything falls out of hand. But not at all like it was the first time. It used to be the end of the world for me, but now I can survive it. Weird…

All I think about is that I'm not young anymore. That she must at all costs save our family and ensure the future of her child. Even if for this I have to turn a blind eye to the "temporary hobbies" of the spouse.

Choose the right and reliable

She started dating Rustam rather because she felt sorry for him. We have known him since childhood, and all this time he literally curls around me. I refused him twice because I don't like him, but the third time I agreed. To tell the truth, I didn’t start liking him - dependent, soft, led, timid - but I decided that it’s better for now at least with someone than all alone.

We've been with him for almost two years. To be honest, we don’t have a lot in our relationship that I would like. I myself am a hot, temperamental person, I want some kind of storm of emotions. He is different: loyal, affectionate, caring. And he can cook dinner himself if I'm late, and give a massage at night, and tidy up - without any pretensions like "this is not a man's business."

Recently I met Artem. Spectacular, tall, he immediately attracted my attention, and on the second day of our acquaintance he simply took and kissed me. Here is the temperament! That's what I've been looking for for so long! I decided to part with Rustam. She told him everything as it is. To my surprise, he only said “I see, well, now let’s have dinner, and I’ll get you a bath for now.” I began to explain to him that I was leaving, but he did not seem to take it seriously ... I took my things and left. Three days later, I learned from a mutual friend that Rustam was trying to commit suicide, he was literally pulled out of the noose. She immediately rushed towards him.

While driving to the hospital, I understood everything for myself, that's when everything cleared up and fell into place. Yes, of course, passion is amazing, but I understand perfectly well that it will end sooner or later, and here there is a person who, in spite of everything, still seems to love me, who needs me so much that he doesn’t wanted to live without me. When I entered the ward, there was no longer any doubt - I immediately reassured him and said that I would return home today, and everything would be as before with us again.

It's not about pity, and it's not about me making concessions to him. It's just, I guess, I realized that sometimes happiness is not quite what you imagine it to be, and a warm dinner is sometimes much more important than passionate kisses.


When I was 20, I was very light on fleeting relationships with men. We can say that just do not particularly bother about it. Some serious relationship I was not interested, I wanted freedom, to have fun, not to think about anything. It often happened that there was a man for one night. However, my longest relationship was with a married man. No, I don’t brag about it at all and I don’t think that it makes me somehow cooler. It just happened, that's a fact. Then my conscience did not bother me.

5 years later. I must have grown up. I'm tired of all these one-night-stands. I have been married for a year now, and up to a certain point it seemed to me that everything was fine in my life. But recently I began to notice that my husband behaves a little differently than before. Either they have an offsite corporate party for the whole weekend, or they urgently needed to go out on Saturday, or just linger. And most importantly - then he comes and seems to avoid looking into my eyes, becomes attentive and gentle, as if he is hiding something and wants to avoid questions. At first, I thought I was paranoid. Then it began to happen regularly and alarm me.

I decided to get on the phone. Of course, this is ugly, but I wanted to understand what was the matter. From the phone, he was just online on the social network, a correspondence with a girl was opened ... In general, they have been dating for 7 months. I even got dizzy. Is he really cheating on me? We have a family! We are planning children! How so?! I went to the page of this girl: she is 19 years old, a student, not from a poor family and well dressed, judging by the photo. She's 19!

For a long time I sat and thought about it all. At first, she silently scolded her for a long time because she was sleeping with a married man. Then him - for not appreciating our relationship. And then I realized that the most ironic thing about all this is that I myself was in her place. So maybe it's just payback?

Hurry to leave

It so happened that our relationship with Sasha spun very quickly. Not that it was love at first sight, but somehow we immediately liked each other and started dating. A month later we were living together.

Almost as soon as we moved in, problems began. It's one thing, after all, when you just see each other and spend time together, and have a joint life, budget, share common square meters- is completely different. The first couple of weeks, though, everything was great. We made love all our free time, bought a bunch of goodies and hardly left the house, watching movies on the Internet. Over time, it became simply clear that we are completely different people, and just do - we do not know each other well.

I began to annoy the way he eats, how untidy he dresses. It turned out that we simply have nothing to talk about, because the range of interests is limited to knowledge about the design of cars and computer toys. It became a burden for me to be near him, I constantly wanted to leave home, spend leisure time with friends, just go somewhere without him. It couldn't go on like this for long, so we decided to part ways.

As a rule, in such cases, people disperse and that's it. But the thing is, I have nowhere to go, I'm not from this city. While I am looking for a new home (and this is a long and troublesome business), I decided that I would live with him. He didn't mind. For some time after the breakup, we continued to maintain an intimate relationship, but then it became unpleasant for me. He found a way out of the situation.

On a dating site I found a girl for comfort. Where can they be alone? Of course, "him"! The apartment is one-room, so they are closed either in the bathroom or in the kitchen. At the same time, for them, I am just some kind of furniture that stands in the living room. They calmly walk past me, giggling, half-naked….

The last time I woke up at night from unambiguous sounds that came from the kitchen. And then I realized that I was hurt and offended. It seems that I was the initiator of the breakup, but I still feel jealousy. After all, once he was mine and loved only my body!

She lay and cried, and she herself tried to understand everything: maybe I’m offended by the fact that I’m still not indifferent to him, and these problems were just a test of strength? After all, young couples have crises that just need to wait out, overcome ... Are we in a hurry to break up?

For what?

I don't know how much longer I can last? Marriage is like being at war. We got married 5 years ago. He is a visitor, but he courted so generously, quickly entered my circle of acquaintances, made friends with my parents. I must have loved him at the time. I never really enjoyed the attention of guys, maybe that's why I fell for it. It’s rude, because otherwise, looking back at the past and watching the present, I can’t say otherwise. A year ago, our son was born. And since then it all started. Constant hangouts after work, alcohol, and even flirting behind my back. I recently caught him texting an old friend. I sobbed. The way he described himself to her, I didn't know him. He wrote to her about meetings, about her forms, about his desires for her. I gave him a scandal. As a result, he made himself offended that I got into his phone, that he has so much work that sometimes you just need to be distracted. She told him to leave. And in response, instead of “sorry, I love you,” I heard that my son lives here and I will live, I have nowhere else to go. File for divorce, probably the most logical act on my part. But my son loves him so much. To create for him the appearance of a family. But until when? I keep everything in myself, I feel from understatement and anger towards him, I have nervous breakdowns. I'm at a dead end.