Working with gifted children in elementary school. Features of working with gifted children of primary school age in Russia How parents should behave with a gifted child



“The giftedness of a person is a small sprout that has barely hatched from the ground and requires great attention. It is necessary to cherish and cherish, take care of him, do everything so that he grows and gives abundant fruit.

Today, the problem of identifying, developing and supporting gifted children is extremely urgent for Russia. Disclosure and realization of their abilities and talents are important not only for a gifted child, as an individual, but also for society as a whole. Gifted, talented children and youth are the potential of any country, allowing it to develop effectively and constructively solve modern economic and social problems. In this regard, work with gifted and highly motivated children is essential.

The President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin spoke about the importance of this problem.

Here is one of the points of the message to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation: «… It is necessary to complete the creation of a nationwide system for finding and supporting talented children. Everyone should have the opportunity to develop their abilities from an early age, regardless of the income level, the social status of the parents and the place of residence of the families."

The identification of gifted children, the organization of systematic work is one of the main tasks of the modern school and educational practice in the context of the modernization of the Russian education system.

Every normal child has great developmental opportunities. But this does not mean that under equal conditions one can expect the same abilities in all children. Indeed, there are children who explicitly or implicitly stand out among their peers in their ability to learn. And these children really require a special approach, because the higher their difference from their peers, the richer the prospects for their personal development.

Therefore, it is necessary to deal with gifted children, but clearly realizing that problem of identification, training and development gifted children is a complex one, lying at the intersection of the above problems.

GEF Introduction

Since September 2011, the Federal State Educational Standard (hereinafter GEF) has been introduced in all educational institutions of our country. The GEF is based on a system-activity approach, which, among the many planned results, involves: the education and development of personality traits that meet the requirements of modern society; taking into account the individual characteristics of students; the diversity of their development, ensuring the growth of creative potential and cognitive motives.

Among the key areas for the development of education within the framework of the national educational initiative "Our New School", a special place is occupied by the development of a support system for gifted children, improving the development of a creative environment to identify gifted children

The reforms that have taken place in the domestic education system over the past decade, the focus on humanistic, personality-oriented and developing educational technologies have changed the attitude towards students who show extraordinary abilities. Gradually, an understanding begins to form in the public mind that the transition to the age of innovative technologies is impossible without preserving and multiplying the intellectual potential, since this is one of the decisive factors in the country's economic development. Consequently, the creation of conditions that ensure the early identification, training and education of gifted children, the realization of their potential, is one of the promising directions for the development of the education system.

The most important priority in such a situation is the intellect, the creative development of those who will later become carriers of the leading ideas of the social process. Therefore, gifted children should be considered as a national treasure of the country and be at the center of special pedagogical and social programs, since the greatest hopes for improving living conditions and prosperity in Russia are associated with gifted young people.

Also, to fix the results of educational and extracurricular activities, a "Portfolio" was created, which serves as a good stimulator of their educational activities, because it reflects the achievements of children.

Today there is a social order for a creative person, therefore, in my pedagogical activity, I pay great attention to this problem, especially since every teacher knows that an important period in the development and formation of a personality is the initial period of education. It is this age that lends itself most to the upbringing and development of the creative abilities of the child. Children of primary school age are the most open, receptive and curious.

Goals and objectives

Primary school age is a period of absorption, accumulation and assimilation of knowledge, which means that the most important problem of our society is the preservation and development of giftedness. Primary school teachers face the main task - to promote the development of each individual. Therefore, it is important to establish the level of abilities and their diversity in our children, but it is equally important to be able to properly develop them.

If a student from the first grade is prepared for the fact that he must learn to create, invent, find original solutions, then the formation of a personality will take place on the basis of enriching its intellectual profile ...

Goals and objectives of the system of work with gifted children.

I am a teacher, which means that my main goal- educate every student to be successful. My tasks:

    Identification of gifted children and creation of a system of work with children;

    Creation of conditions for the optimal development of gifted children.

    Selection of teaching aids that contribute to the development of independent thinking, initiative and research skills, creativity in classroom and extracurricular activities;

    To give a modern education, using differentiation in the lesson based on the individual characteristics of children;

    The development in gifted children of a qualitatively high level of ideas about the picture of the world, based on universal values.

    Scientific, methodological and informational support of the process of development of gifted children;

    Social and psychological support for gifted children

Expected results.

    Realization of the creative potential of children

    classes in circles, sections, prizes in olympiads, positive dynamics of student advancement.

Methodological results:

    Creation of a data bank, including information about children with different types of giftedness;

    Development and implementation of support and development programs for gifted children, creation of a system of interaction with the main school, parents of students;

    Using a diagnostic system to identify and track different types of giftedness;

    generalization and systematization of materials of pedagogical activity

Distinctive features of gifted children

1. They have higher intellectual abilities, susceptibility to skills, creative abilities and manifestations compared to most other peers.

2. They have a dominant, active, non-saturable cognitive need.

3. Experience the joy of mental labor.

1. Children with an unusually high general level of mental development, all other things being equal.

2. Children with signs of special mental giftedness - giftedness in a certain field of science, art.

3. Students who for some reason do not achieve success in learning, but have bright cognitive activity, originality of the mental warehouse, outstanding mental reserves.

Gifted Child Model:

    Personality, healthy physically, spiritually - morally and socially;

    a person who is able to independently find a way out of a problem situation, carry out search activities, conduct research, reflect activities, owning the means and methods of research work;

    a person capable of carrying out independent activities;

    a person with a versatile intellect, compensatory abilities, a high level of culture;

    a person who is guided in his life by universal human values ​​and norms, who also perceives another person as a person who has the right to freedom of choice, self-expression;

a person who is ready for a conscious choice and development of professional educational programs in certain areas of knowledge, taking into account inclinations, established interests and individual

Principles of working with gifted children

1. The principle of differentiation and individualization of education (the highest level of implementation of which is the development of an individual program for the development of a gifted child).

2. The principle of maximum diversity of opportunities provided

3. The principle of ensuring the freedom of choice by students of additional educational services.

4. The principle of advanced learning.

5. The principle of comfort in any activity

6. The principle of developing education.

7. The principle of increasing the role of extracurricular activities of gifted children through circles, sections, electives, interest clubs.

8. The principle of increasing attention to the problem of interdisciplinary connections in individual work with students.

9. The principle of creating conditions for joint work of students with a minimum role of the teacher.

For me, it is very important, first of all, to teach children to think independently, to search for the necessary information, to compare facts. Then they will not stop learning all their lives, regardless of their profession, ahead of me and themselves. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy wrote: “Knowledge is only then knowledge when it is acquired by the efforts of one’s thought, and not by memory ....”.

Development of creative potential

I build my work in the class on the development of the creative potential of children as follows:

1. As you know, in any business, first of all, it is important motivation.

Younger students are probably the most active students in any school. However, if at first, they are interested in everything, they are eager to try themselves in everything, then by the 3rd-4th grade, interest gradually fades away, and here it is important not to miss them.

To motivate for various activities, I use techniques such as:

- Honorable place in the class.

Psychological class hours (class hours of self-determination "A trip to the world of one's self", "Fairy tale therapy for schoolchildren"),

Creation of a portfolio with subsequent public presentation.

2. Next step - diagnostics abilities of students, which is one of the important aspects in working with gifted children.

It is carried out in two stages:

-Preliminary search stage

The main point of work at this level is to collect preliminary information about the child. As a rule, information is collected from four sources: from parents, teachers, psychologists and the children themselves and is drawn up in psychological and pedagogical cards.

- Test diagnostics(determination of the level of starting opportunities).

In my work, I use the following diagnostics:

The study of school motivation,

Map "Interests and needs",

Strategy for working with gifted children

The success of working with gifted children largely depends on how the work with this category of students is organized in elementary school. When identifying gifted children, their successes in any activity are taken into account: educational, artistic, physical, etc. This stage (1-4 years of study) is characterized by the fact that children willingly master the skill content of learning under the guidance of a teacher and independently. At this stage, it is very important to organize classroom and extracurricular activities as a single process aimed at developing the creative, cognitive abilities of students, to offer such a number of additional educational services where each student could realize their emotional and physical needs. Classroom and extracurricular activities should be built in such a way that the student can show his abilities in a variety of areas of activity. This is important as a source of acquiring new knowledge and new experience, and should serve as a basis for the transformation of this knowledge into other areas of activity in the classroom.

Conditions for successful work with gifted students.

Awareness of the importance of this work by each member of the team and, in this regard, increased attention to the problem of forming a positive motivation for learning.

Creation and continuous improvement of the methodological system of work with gifted children.

The teacher must be:

Passionate about his work;

Capable of experimental, scientific and creative activities;

Professionally competent;

Intellectual, moral and erudite;

A conductor of advanced pedagogical technologies;

Psychologist, educator and skillful organizer of the educational process;

An expert in all areas of human life.

Forms of work with gifted students.
- creative workshops;
- group classes in parallel classes with strong students;
- hobby groups;
- competitions;
- intellectual marathon;
- participation in olympiads;
- work according to individual plans;
- research conferences.

Stages of work with gifted students.

Each child is unique, but with all the individual originality of the real manifestations of children's giftedness, there are quite a few features that are characteristic of most gifted children. Moreover, along with the deep, hidden from the unprofessional view, there are quite a lot of those that often manifest themselves in the behavior of the child, in his communication with peers and adults, and, of course, in cognitive activity. Their value is that they can almost always be noticed not only by psychologists, but also by kindergarten teachers, school teachers, and parents in the early period. The main thing is to notice the features of the child in a timely manner and develop his gift. The organization of work with gifted children in elementary school can be divided into several stages:

Stage 1- during pre-school preparation;

Stage 2- admission to class 1;

Stage 3- in the course of education in elementary school.

Stage 1

Work with gifted children begins in the period of pre-school preparation of children.

Our school cooperates with a preschool educational institution. Primary school teachers conduct classes with preschoolers in preparation for school. During this period, the first acquaintance with future first graders begins. Often teachers attend classes conducted by kindergarten teachers, observe preschoolers, communicate with them, organize games, contests, quizzes. Experience shows that such communication helps a preschooler to quickly adapt to school life. The teacher, on the other hand, has a general picture of what kind of students will come to his class.

Many years of experience have allowed me to highlight a certain list of qualities that are characteristic of future creators:

    Early acquire knowledge in the chosen field.

    Show high intelligence, good memory.

    Passionate about their work, energetic.

    Demonstrate pronounced independence, the desire to work alone, individualism.

    They are able to control themselves.

    Have a desire to contact with other gifted, young and adults.

    They are able to gain practical experience and quickly acquire artistic and intellectual experience.

But the main indicator of a child's giftedness in kindergarten, in my opinion, is his curiosity. Curiosity, manifesting itself quite early, at all age stages continues to be the most important distinguishing feature of a talented person. I am convinced that when educating a creator, it is very important that curiosity develops in time into a love of knowledge - curiosity, and the latter - into a stable mental education - a cognitive need.

Stage 2

Upon admission to the 1st grade, I conduct an interview with preschoolers, the school psychologist monitors the behavior of the child. Along with the “knowledge” indicators, I identified for myself the main features that a gifted child shows:

    cognitive activity;

    high level of development of logical thinking;

    originality and flexibility of thinking;

    high concentration of attention;

    excellent memory;


    leadership (not always).

The parents of the future first-grader are also present at the interview, who fill out the questionnaire.

The psychologist and teacher during the interview can ask questions to parents. As a result, already at admission to the 1st grade, one gets the impression of the child, his capabilities, abilities. The main thing becomes clear in what environment the baby developed, was brought up and grew up.

Experience shows that most often gifted children grow up in intelligent families. And the point here is not at all in the special genes of genius - their nature distributed them equally among all children. It's about the family atmosphere, the system of family values.

It is no secret that many parents encourage and would like to develop cognitive needs and various abilities in their child. But only they do it, of course, in different ways and, unfortunately, not all of them.

Stage 3

Junior school age is a period of absorption, accumulation and assimilation of knowledge. The success of this process is facilitated by the characteristic features of children of this age: trusting obedience to authority, increased susceptibility, impressionability, a naive-playful attitude towards much of what they encounter. In junior schoolchildren, each of the listed abilities is expressed mainly by its positive side, and this is the unique originality of this age. Some of the features of younger schoolchildren in subsequent years come to naught, others in many respects change their meaning. It is difficult to assess the real significance of the signs of abilities manifested in childhood, and even more so to foresee their further development. It is often found that the bright manifestations of a child's abilities, sufficient for initial success in certain activities, do not at all open the way to real, socially significant achievements in the future. In working with gifted children at the initial stage of education at school, the interrelationships of natural inclinations, the society in which the child develops and is brought up, and the creation of optimal conditions for the development of his talent are observed.


When working with gifted children, the personal and age characteristics of each child, the nature of family relationships and the development of emotional and volitional qualities of children are taken into account, conditions are created for parents to master the methods of forming a positive “I-concept” in a child as the most important condition for the full realization of the potential of a gifted child.

This allows each child to self-actualize, identify a large group of talented and gifted children at an early stage of education and create an environment for each lyceum student to develop motivation for knowledge and creativity, intellectual and personal initiative.

Forms and methods of creative teaching of younger students

Practice has shown that children with an early flowering of intellect encounter difficulties in the first school days. And the reason is that the teaching begins, often, with the fact that he is no longer “interesting”. It is for them, the most inquisitive, that they often get bored in the classroom after the very first lessons. Already able to read and count, they have to stay idle while others master the alphabet and basic arithmetic. Of course, a lot depends on how teaching is conducted, but no matter how hard the teacher tries to treat students individually, when dealing with a whole class, he is deprived of the opportunity to focus on strong students. A smart and active student, trying to draw attention to himself, quickly and easily completing all tasks, can soon become a burden to both the teacher and his peers.

I actively apply a differentiated approach, a variety of forms and methods of creative learning

The gradual approach of younger students to independent problem solving is carried out with the help of partial search or heuristic method. One of the techniques of this method is a heuristic conversation.

The essence of such a conversation is that questions are thought out in advance, each of which stimulates the student to carry out a small search. By considering all the questions, students understand a new phenomenon for them.

Maximum cognitive activity is achieved with the help of research method. Knowledge gained through one's own observations and experiments is usually the strongest. Educational research allows you to freely search for the necessary information, form the skills of independent work. Research and observation encourage the younger student to think big, look for cause-and-effect relationships in the phenomena being studied, draw independent conclusions and generalizations.

The organization of research activities of students is carried out through the educational process:

1. Use in the lesson, taking into account the age guidelines of pedagogical technologies based on the use of the research method of teaching:

    developmental learning technology,

    technology of using schematic and sign models,

    humane-personal technology of education,

    advance learning technology;

    project activity;

2. Conducting various types of non-traditional lessons, involving the implementation of educational research by students or its elements:

lesson - study,

lesson - travel,

lesson - creative report,

lesson - defense of research projects.

3. Conducting an educational experiment.

4. Completion by students of long-term homework of a research nature.

When choosing a form of work, the age characteristics of children, their interests and inclinations are taken into account. One of the most difficult stages of educational and research work with children in a methodological sense is the moment of primary inclusion of students in their own research activities. The first step in this business, as in many others, is often the most difficult, and it is necessary to begin it at the first stage of training.

Formed components of the student's research culture

1st-2nd grades:

    inclusion in the lesson of tasks aimed at compiling a sequence of actions;

    solving problems in combinatorics, logical problems with the concepts of "true", "false";

    carrying out work to identify cause-and-effect relationships;

    teaching techniques of observation and description;

    familiarity with terminology, some concepts of research methods;

    the formation of experience in working with dictionaries and other sources of information;

    implementation of collective research according to a specific plan.

3rd grade:

    implementation of long-term research using existing knowledge and skills:

    conducting a search for information, highlighting the main thing;

    setting up experiments, conducting observations, protecting messages, reports.

4th grade:

    formation of reading competence;

    the formation of desire and the basis of the ability to learn: the ability to see the border between the known and the unknown;

    correlation of results with the sample, finding errors and eliminating them, developing criteria for evaluating creative work;

    formation of methods and skills of educational cooperation.

Recently, I have been actively using project method.

Main goal inclusion of younger schoolchildren in project activities - stimulation of cognitive activity, disclosure of individual creative inclinations, formation of skills for planning and implementing scientific research, individualization of the process of education, upbringing and development. The organization of project activities from grades 2-3 contributes to the development of the following knowledge, skills and abilities:

    independently highlight the problem, prove facts, phenomena, patterns;

    find several options for solving a given problem and justify the most rational of them;

    classify, compare, analyze and generalize the studied phenomena and patterns;

    conduct data collection, experiments, put forward and substantiate hypotheses;

    apply scientific research methods;

    arrange your work;

    review and evaluate their own work, as well as the work of other students.

Useful for the development of logical thinking of younger students are decoding and compiling cryptograms, labyrinths, exercises for comparison and contrast

An important role is played by tasks for highlighting semantic elements in the mass of educational information, solving creative problems, when children, in addition to the question, receive new information, compiling logical chains from formulas, finding physical terms in an arbitrarily chosen test.

In order to find a solution to a particular issue, not only method of observation, experiments, modeling, but also fantasy, exaggeration, brainstorm, whose main task is to collectively collect as many ideas as possible.

Working with gifted children in the classroom

Find a growth point

For successful work with a gifted child, I try to find his strong side and give him the opportunity to show it, feel the taste of success and believe in his abilities. To show a strong side means the ability to deviate from the school curriculum, not to be limited by its framework. Following this principle revealed a problem: often the point of growth lies outside the school curriculum.

Identification of individual characteristics

Giftedness does not lie on the surface. Teachers should be well versed in the methodology of its definition. Most teachers overly trust testing, have insufficient information about students. It is believed that a child with high intelligence should excel the rest in all school subjects. Consequently, the teachers expect from him the greatest emotional and social maturity and are convinced that he does not need special help.

Leadership Education

A creative person is characterized by the ability to independently choose a field of activity and move forward. In an educational institution, this is facilitated by a well-thought-out teaching methodology, designed not only to transfer knowledge, but also to develop “the ability to think”.

In my work at the lesson I use:

    Embedding method . Allows students to "move" into the object being studied, to feel and know it from the inside through sensory-figurative and mental representations.

    Heuristic questions method. Answers to seven key questions: Who? What? What for? Where? How? When? How? and their various combinations give rise to unusual ideas and solutions regarding the object under study.

    comparison method. It makes it possible to compare the versions of different students, as well as their versions with cultural and historical analogues formed by great scientists, philosophers, etc.

    Concept construction method . Contributes to the creation of a collective creative product - a jointly formulated definition of a concept.

    Way to travel to the future. It is effective in any general educational area as a way to develop foresight and forecasting skills.

    Error method . It involves changing the established negative attitude towards mistakes, replacing it with the constructive use of mistakes to deepen educational processes. Finding the relationship between error and "correctness" stimulates the heuristic activity of students, leads them to an understanding of the relativity of any knowledge.

    Invention method. Allows you to create a product not previously known to students as a result of certain creative actions.

    The "if only" method. Helps children paint a picture or write a description of what would happen if the world changed. Completing such tasks not only develops the imagination, but also allows you to better understand the structure of the real world.

    "Brainstorm" (A.F. Osborne). Allows you to collect a large number of ideas as a result of the release of participants in the discussion from the inertia of thinking and stereotypes.

    Inversion method, or inversion method . Promotes the use of a fundamentally opposite solution alternative. For example, an object is examined from the outside, and the solution of the problem occurs when considering it from the inside.

In the process of work, I came to the conclusion that a child who has not mastered the methods of educational activity in the primary grades of the school, in the middle level, inevitably goes into the category of underachievers. Learning through activity method provides for such an implementation of the educational process, in which at each stage of education, a number of intellectual qualities of the individual are simultaneously formed and improved.

The correct use of the activity method of teaching in the classroom in primary school and in extracurricular activities will optimize the educational process, eliminate student overload, prevent school stress, and most importantly, make school education a single educational process.

Use of modern technologies

The technique of interaction between a teacher and a student with an activity approach is carried out through the use of high-quality learning technologies.

In my work I use the most modern technologies aimed at solving educational problems:

    Developmental learning

    Problem learning

    Multilevel training

    Using the research method in teaching

    Project methods in teaching

    Game Methods

    Collaborative learning

    Information and Communication Technologies

    Health saving technologies

Name of technology used

Rationale for the application.

Existing or predicted result.

Application of ICT.

    increasing student motivation

    a new level of perception of educational material

    achieving student learning differentiation

    development of information competence

    development of independent skills and abilities of students

    competence development

    increasing the level of computer knowledge

Technology of individual training

    application of tasks of different levels

    developing the ability to work independently

Group work methodology with the integration of individualized learning


    cooperation in the student body

    development of communication skills of students

    increased interest in the subject

    development of teamwork skills

    improves academic performance and quality of knowledge in the subject

Lesson integration (partial)

● all kinds of integration of Russian language lessons and literary reading, partly - literary reading - fine arts

    be able to extract knowledge in interdisciplinary activities

● increasing student motivation

    increasing interest in the subject being studied

Health saving

 Improving the efficiency of the level

    improving the quality of knowledge

Technology of level differentiation by V.V. Firsov

 Application of tasks of different levels

    development of independent work skills

    the ability of the student to evaluate their own abilities and results

The use of information and communication technologies in working with gifted children

A modern school should not only form a certain set of knowledge and skills in students, but also awaken their desire for self-education, the realization of their abilities. A necessary condition for the development of these processes is the renewal of the content of education, the activation of educational and cognitive activity. An important role in solving these problems is assigned to new information technologies. Using ICT in the classroom contributes to the creation of an atmosphere of psychological comfort. Children are not afraid of their own mistakes. All this makes it possible to ensure for the majority of students the transition from passive assimilation of educational material to active, conscious mastery of knowledge. Computer technologies create great opportunities to enhance learning activities, control the quality of education, and expand the horizons of students.

In the process of studying, diverse application and use of ICT tools, a person is formed who is able to act not only according to the model, but also independently, receiving the necessary information from the largest possible number of sources; able to analyze it, put forward hypotheses, build models, experiment and draw conclusions, make decisions in difficult situations. And this is very important when working with gifted children.

I actively use ICT in educational and extracurricular activities. Children of any age are sensitive, vulnerable. It is necessary to give them all the strength and love of your soul, to learn with them, to live their hopes and dreams. Only then will the child reveal his soul to the teacher and justify all his hopes.

Together with the children, I sincerely rejoice at the successes of each and empathize with the mistakes and failures.

Every child is talented by nature, and my first task is to help the talent to reveal itself. To do this, I use different ways: games, debates, creative activities, competitions, class hours, collective creative activities, quizzes. Children are happy to take part in competitions of readers, reviews of system and song, competitions and conferences, sports and athletics of junior schoolchildren, and win prizes.

"Every child is an individual."

This secret was discovered by Vasily Sukhomlinsky. In everything there must be a spiritual community. On the one hand, a teacher with a sea of ​​​​light, but also with knowledge, and on the other, a child. That is why I was interested in the idea of ​​“student self-esteem”, which helps the child become independent, think freely and have his own opinion, correctly assess the current situation and make a decision.

Primary school teachers have to think over with special care: how to prepare a lesson, how to smile, what first word to say in a lesson so that a first-grader opens his eyes and says: oh, what a wonderful teacher is standing in front of me.

Young children think in pictures. At the lessons I give the opportunity to think, and not “quickly, quickly, I don’t see my hands.” I ask questions that do not have an answer, but you need to think. Here in the lessons we search, whisper, and decide. I create a situation of success, comfort, I cooperate with children. I love humor. And children love teachers with humor. They cannot live without humor, without a smile, without joy.

At my lessons there is always a bright visualization, helping each child to assert himself

Of particular pedagogical interest for me is the use of modern technologies, as they are aimed at the development and realization of abilities. I use information and communication technologies at different stages of lessons and extracurricular activities.

Project activity

The main factor of novelty of work with gifted children on the use of information and communication technologies for teachers are project activity.

However, taking into account the age capabilities of younger students requires a number of clarifications in the methodology for organizing design and research technology:

    in the primary grades, design and research activities should become a special subject of study;

    the research project of younger schoolchildren is largely predetermined (prompted) by adults;

    in terms of volume - this is a mini-project,

    according to the method of construction - "quasi-research";

    in form - this is a group design, individual work is possible at the level of performing individual actions;

    Within the framework of the "Education for the Future" program, computer programs and their capabilities should become a special subject for the development of younger schoolchildren during the implementation of the project.

The organization of learning through design and research requires fundamental changes in the activities of the teacher.

Including the child in design and research activities, interactive teaching methods (techniques) are used, such as group discussion, brainstorming, thinking star, role-playing business games. The use of such methods is based on the independence and activity of students in the course of design and research.

At different stages of the organization of design and research activities of students, I act in various role positions:

Role positions

Kind of activity


designs the main milestones of the design and research activities of students before its implementation;


encourages independent search for problems and their solutions, owns ways to ask questions of a research type, while creating an atmosphere of safe expression of students' opinions;


helps to track the movement of the search, linking or contrasting individual statements, and also performs procedural functions (for example, determining the order of statements).

All of the above positions can be built by the teacher, provided that he possesses the appropriate means. These funds include:

    emotional positions (for example, a misunderstood, doubting, attentive listener);

    game positions (for example, the hero-inspirer, customer, debater).


In general, the use of information and communication technologies in the educational process enhances the educational effect;

    improves the quality of assimilation of the material;

    builds individual educational trajectories of students;

    provides a differentiated approach to students;

    organizes at the same time children with different abilities and opportunities.

The use of health-saving technologies in work with gifted children

« To make a child smart and reasonable, make him strong and healthy: let him work, act, run, scream, let him be in constant motion.

According to the latest legislative documents in the field of preschool, primary and general education, programs should be aimed at protecting and strengthening the health of the child. Moreover, the concept of "The quality of Russian education" is not limited to training, a set of knowledge and skills, but is associated with upbringing, the concept of "quality of life". These concepts are revealed through such categories as "health", "social well-being", "self-realization", and "security". Indeed, one can talk about the quality of education when there is a health-preserving and health-improving basis in it.

Sociological studies state that the motor activity of younger schoolchildren is 50% less than that of preschoolers, while in high school students it is only 25% of the time of wakefulness. Two school lessons of physical culture, of course, cannot compensate for the lack of movement of children. As a result, their vitality decreases, fatigue sets in faster, which in turn leads to inactivity. Therefore, today the teacher is forced to orient schoolchildren to both physical and spiritual self-improvement, to help form the need for independent physical exercises, to teach them to use them during leisure time to restore activity.

Of particular concern are gifted children who show symptoms of stress: the child cannot control his emotions, restrain himself, excitability grows, at the same time there is a decline in academic performance, and the risk of psychosomatic diseases increases. The main causes of these phenomena are determined: a sedentary lifestyle, dissatisfaction with oneself. Children with signs of intellectual giftedness, but with physical infantilism, are distinguished by a physical form that does not correspond to their age. I am making efforts to level the imbalance in cooperation with medical workers.

A psychological characteristic of the student's personality is compiled, which will make it possible to identify the features of the physical and mental development of the child.

Purpose: ensuring the health of students.

    Accounting for the characteristics of each student.

    Creating a favorable microclimate in the classroom, in extracurricular life.

    The use of techniques that contribute to the emergence and preservation of interest in educational material.

    Creation of conditions for students' self-expression.

    Initiation of various activities.

    Hypotension warning.

Expected results:

    Prevent fatigue and fatigue.

    Increasing motivation for learning activities.

    Growth of educational achievements.

Organization of work according to the Federal State Educational Standard

With the introduction of the second generation GEF in primary school, teachers should teach the child not only to read, count and write, which is still being taught quite successfully, but they should also instill two groups of new skills. The first group includes a group of universal learning activities that form the basis of the ability to learn: skills for solving creative problems and skills for searching, analyzing and interpreting information. The second is the formation of children's motivation for learning, helping them in self-organization and self-development.

1st stagemastering group work . Communicative UUDs are formed that provide social competence and consideration of the position of other people, the ability to listen and engage in dialogue.

2nd stageorganization of intergroup discussion . At this stage, children develop regulatory UUD: the ability to accept and maintain a learning task, plan its implementation, control and evaluate their actions, and make appropriate adjustments to their implementation. The special techniques incorporated in this program will help the teacher to start the educational discussion: tasks - traps; problems that do not have a solution; tasks with missing data and others.

At the third stage a full-fledged subject of collective activity is formed when the group is capable of self-assessment of the learning task, of choosing the way to work together, of dialogue, analysis, proof, modeling and evaluation. There is a formation of regulatory, communicative and cognitive UUD.

The basis of my activity in the implementation of the standards of the second generation of the Federal State Educational Standards is a system-activity approach to teaching with the use of innovative technologies. schoolchildren's own learning activity is an important component of the system-activity approach. It can be expressed by the formula “activity-personality”, i.e. “what is the activity, such is the personality”, and “outside the activity there is no personality”. UD becomes a source of internal development of the student, the formation of his creative abilities and personal qualities.

At the beginning of the academic year, I conducted a start-up diagnostic, which aimed to identify the main problems that are characteristic of most students, and in accordance with them, I planned a system of work to ensure personal and meta-subject results. It clearly traces the holistic work on the formation of UUD through the subject lines of development, extracurricular activities, the use of project technology, productive reading technology, group work, work in pairs.

The work on the formation of the UUD was based on the following algorithm:




adjustment plan,

selection of tasks


To sum up the results for the first half of the year, a diagnostic map of the success of the educational results of 1st grade students was developed.

It is important to note such a regulative universal educational action as reflection. Reflection by students of their actions presupposes their awareness of all components of educational activity. It was an integral part of all the lessons in the class. To evaluate their work in the lesson, children use the so-called "traffic lights" cards, as well as emoticons with phrases.

As I have already said, the FGOS IEO determines personal, meta-subject and subject results as the results of mastering the main educational program, therefore, at the end of each quarter and academic year, tests were carried out in the classroom in order to identify the personal development of the first grader. The system of differentiated tasks provides students with a space for independent choice of tasks and definition of activities adequate to the level of their preparedness.

In addition, to track the quality of first-graders' teaching of individual subjects, monitoring was used, during the creation of which I proceeded from the Requirements for the results of mastering the main educational programs of the 2nd generation GEF, where the main attention is paid to personal, meta-subject and subject results. Tracking methodology (Toolkit) - the level of knowledge on the subject, personal observations of the teacher, control cuts, tests ...

The process of mastering knowledge by students is individual, so I use various forms of diagnostics that control the work in the lesson, which take into account the levels of learning and learning of each student in the class.

Extracurricular activities

In order to determine the interests of students for extracurricular activities in our school, parents of first-graders and their children were offered questionnaires, based on the results of which groups of children were formed for classes based on interests.

Extracurricular activities in the classroom are organized in such a way as to ensure a balance between motor-active and static activities. The form of their conduct is completely different from the lesson system of education and is represented by the following areas:

general intellectual

In the afternoon, children do not show signs of overwork, they are active, they are happy to engage in creative activities. Parents have a positive attitude towards the extended day regimen, they evaluate additional classes as an opportunity to develop the creative abilities of children. During the year, a number of parent meetings were held, where the successes and problems of children were discussed, the results of extracurricular activities were presented - the creative work of students.

The introduction of hours for extracurricular activities of students increases the ability of the school to expand the range of educational services provided, creates opportunities for organizing individual design and research work with students

According to the results of the first stage of education, I imagine such an elementary school graduate: this

A student with a research interest



Having the skills of self-organization and a healthy lifestyle.

The experience of introducing the second generation of the Federal State Educational Standards allowed me to conclude that such a reform of the system of work of an educational institution is necessary, because the Second Generation Standards are a means of ensuring the stability of a given level of education quality and its constant reproduction and development.

Working with parents

A child is not an amorphous mass, but a being, fraught with forces that cannot be found on the entire planet. This power of spirit, mind and heart hidden in a child, if it is brought to perfection, will become a superpower capable of transforming, enriching, decorating everything around - and in itself.

But the bottom line is that no matter what forces are hidden in a child, he himself will not be able to develop anything in himself, he will not even be able to stand on his feet, not to mention rising to a person.

Making, educating, creating a person out of him is a serious task for wise adults who love adults.

Trinity of education and upbringing: teacher-student-parent. I see this connection as a social partnership, living life together with children in cooperation. And cooperation is possible if it is built by joint efforts, while observing several fundamental conditions, using modern pedagogical technologies, in which the chances for mutual understanding of teachers, children and parents increase.

Parents are the first educators and teachers of the child, so their role in shaping his personality is huge.

As part of the work with gifted children, work is carried out with parents who are allies and assistants of the teacher in working with children.

    increasing the psychological and pedagogical knowledge of parents;

    inclusion of parents in the educational process;

    interaction between the lyceum and parents in the development of the child's abilities

Basic Principles in working with parents are:

    Openness to parents

The teacher strives to ensure that the families of children regularly receive the necessary and reliable information about the life of the class and the educational achievements of their children. To do this, it provides families with basic information about the curriculum, children's progress, important events in the classroom, and also creates conditions for parents to have a desire to attend classes.

    Respect for the interests and capabilities of each family

The teacher studies and discusses with parents the interests and needs of each family, builds his work on the basis of taking into account its capabilities.

    Finding allies in your parents

The teacher discusses with parents the most diverse issues of the child's life and seeks to develop joint solutions that are the basis for bilateral cooperation.

    Encouraging families to get closer to each other

The teacher helps families to discover and satisfy their common interests, encourages families to take part in joint forms of participation in preparing children for various competitions, games, and competitions.

A variety of forms are actively used in working with parents.

I have developed themes work with parents of gifted children.

Working on the problem “Working with gifted children in elementary school”, she divided parents into several types:

    « Activists»





These parents constantly offer their children some kind of educational games, activities, interests.

With a certain persistence and consistency, such a strategy brings results. But often a child has an internal protest, even with external obedience. Sometimes this is expressed in increased fatigue of the child from any intellectual pursuits.


Parents entrust the determination of abilities and their development in the child to specially trained people. There are many services of this kind currently offered. These are development groups for preschoolers, and pre-school preparation groups, and all kinds of specialized classes in schools. Of course, with a good level of such services, the benefits for the child are undeniable. But on the condition that parents are not going to completely shift the worries about its development onto the shoulders of specialists.


Parents are not active in the development of their child. They believe that if a person is given a gift, then he will not go anywhere, will not disappear, and will definitely manifest itself somewhere. However, recent studies refute this view. Giftedness exists only in constant movement, in development, it is a kind of garden that needs to be tirelessly cultivated. The creative gift does not tolerate stagnation and self-satisfaction. It exists only in dynamics - either develops or fades away.


Parents do not seek to totally control the development of the child's abilities, but provide him with opportunities for choice and try to find a good school. The most important thing in such families is the atmosphere of bright cognitive interests of the parents themselves. They themselves are constantly passionate about some business, read a lot, choose educational programs in television programs, try to visit a new exhibition, without imposing all this on the child, but giving him the opportunity to find a suitable occupation himself. As it turned out, such a strategy of self-development is the most effective.

School education is the area where the formation of personal qualities and creative abilities is mainly going on. The middle and older age stage is the most attractive for parents in terms of the formation of the intellectual and creative abilities of the child, but for the effectiveness of work with gifted children, it must begin at an early age, in elementary school. The practical task in such conditions is to provide psychological, medical and pedagogical support. families with capable and gifted children, develop a system of recommendations for parents on the upbringing, development, and education of children. It can be resolved through:

1. Questioning of parents in order to determine the main approaches of parents to this problem.

2. Lectures for parents.

3. Selection of scientific and practical literature for parents.

4. The system of teaching children in the system of additional education.

Among the activities for working with parents, a significant place is occupied by the reading of popular science lecture cycles for them on the problems of development, education and upbringing of gifted children. These are lectures of the following nature:

    The concept of giftedness.

    Types of giftedness.

    Giftedness and gender.

    Psychological aspects of giftedness.

    Career guidance for gifted children.

    Social adaptation of a gifted child.

Parents should accept their children for who they are, and not see them as carriers of talents. Their talents grow out of the individuality of the individual, and their achievements ultimately depend on how that individual develops.

A gifted child will not be able to realize his abilities without the conditions created for this. The environment should be such that the child can draw information from it, help him to fulfill himself, constantly expand his zone of proximal development and form a motivational sphere. For this, various circles, clubs, sections in different directions should work. Participation in various competitions, olympiads outside the school also stimulate the development of gifted children.

A reasonable system of rewarding the success of a gifted child is needed. It is very important to form the concept of the result not for the sake of a reward, but for the sake of self-improvement and self-development.

    give the child time to think and reflect;

    try to communicate regularly with gifted specialists and parents of gifted children to keep abreast of up-to-date information;

    try to develop the child's abilities in all areas. For example, for an intellectually gifted child, classes aimed at developing creative, communicative, physical and artistic abilities would be very useful;

    avoid comparing children with each other;

    give the child the opportunity to find solutions without fear of making mistakes. Help him value, above all, his own original thoughts and learn from his mistakes;

    encourage good organization of work and proper time management;

    encourage initiative. Let your child make their own toys , games and models from any available materials;

    encourage questions. Help your child find books or other sources of information to get answers to their questions;

    Give your child the opportunity to get the most life experience. Encourage hobbies and interests in a wide variety of fields;

    do not expect that the child will show his giftedness always and in everything;

    be careful correcting the child. Excessive criticism can drown out creative energy and a sense of self-worth;

    find time to connect with the whole family. Help your child express himself .

Parents are obligated to strive to develop the following personal qualities in their children:

    confidence based on the consciousness of self-worth;

    understanding of the advantages and disadvantages in oneself and in others;

    intellectual and creative curiosity;

    respect for kindness, honesty, friendliness, empathy and patience;

    the habit of relying on one's own strengths and the willingness to take responsibility for one's actions;

    the ability to help find a common language and joy in communicating with people of all ages, races, socioeconomic and educational levels.

Parents will create excellent conditions for the development of these qualities if they demonstrate by their own behavior that:

    they value what they want to instill in the child morally, socially or intellectually;

    they accurately calculate the moment and degree of response to the needs of the child;

    they rely on their own strength and allow the child to look for a way out of the current situation, to solve every problem that he can do (even if they themselves can do everything faster and better);

they practically do not put pressure on the child in his school affairs, but are always ready to help if necessary or provide additional information in the area in which the child is interested.

The effectiveness of the work system

I consider the most important result of the work carried out with gifted and capable children to be high motivation for educational activities, increasing the degree of independence of students in obtaining knowledge and improving skills, developing skills in working with popular science, educational and reference literature, and developing students' creative abilities. In addition, the cognitive activity of children, their participation in various competitions, olympiads and competitions has increased. The results of the work carried out are evidenced by the following data.

Subject Olympiads

Revealing the intellectual potential of children, determining their creative abilities and inclinations for individual subjects are the main step in working with gifted children. Olympiads play an important role in the development of interest in subjects.

Subject Olympiads are competitions for schoolchildren in different fields of knowledge.

The purpose of the Olympiad is to increase the level of knowledge and skills of gifted students, develop and maintain interest in learning, the desire for self-realization, the formation of planning and self-control skills.

It is advisable to hold Olympiads in mathematics, Russian language, literary reading, the world around at the end of the academic year - March, April, once a year in two rounds (the first - qualifying - class, the second - in parallel). Everyone in the class participates in the first round, and the winners of the qualifying round participate in the second round. During the academic year, painstaking work is carried out to prepare students for the Olympiad. Students are offered questions and assignments in subjects, reference literature is recommended, entertaining exercises are given.

Materials for the Olympiad include several types of tasks. They provide both program material and material of increased complexity. When performing such tasks, the student shows the ability to classify, generalize, predict the result, "turn on" intuition and imagination.

The Olympics are primarily a holiday for children. Therefore, before the start of the Olympiads, it is planned to hold a solemn line, at which congratulations and wishes of good luck in the intellectual competition will be heard.

Indicators of the effectiveness of the implementation of the system of work with gifted children:

    Satisfaction of children with their activities and an increase in the number of such children.

    Increasing the level of individual achievement of children in educational areas for which they have the ability.

    Adaptation of children to society in the present and in the future.

    Increasing the level of children's knowledge of general subject and social competencies, increasing the number of such children.

Refresher courses, competitions, seminars help me comprehend the modern requirements for working with gifted children.

Studying someone else's experience, I share my own with pleasure. Always happy to help my colleagues.

1.Together with teachers, parents, design the educational activities of a particular student.

2. Provide introspection of student success and further personal development.

3. Give each student a chance to take a higher ranking position.

4. In the next academic year, subject teachers to carry out more

deep preparation of students for participation in the Olympiads.

Pedagogical commandments for raising gifted children:

    Accept everything that is in the child as natural, in accordance with his nature, even if it does not correspond to your knowledge, cultural ideas and moral principles. If a child screams or runs along the corridors - first of all, this is a legitimate and special manifestation of his internal energy, and only secondly - a violation of the rules of social behavior. The only exception is the rejection in the child of what threatens the health of people and his own health.

    Having accepted all manifestations of the child, both positive and negative, accompany his positive self-realization. If in every possible way we help and approve the cultural work of the child, stimulate his creative ideas, then it is they who will grow and develop in him. Miscalculations and shortcomings, on which the attention of the teacher is clearly not concentrated, will go away without receiving external energy replenishment.

    Try not to teach your child anything directly. Always learn by yourself. Then the child, being with you, will always see, feel and know how to learn. In painting classes, draw yourself; if everyone composes a fairy tale, compose and you; solve math problems with students.

    Do not ask children questions that you know the answer to (or think you do). Seek the truth with them. Sometimes you can apply a problem situation with a solution you know, but in the end always strive to be with the children in the same ignorance. Feel the joy of co-creation and discovery with them.

    Sincerely admire everything beautiful that you see around you. Find beauty in nature, science, art, in the actions of people. Let the children imitate you in such delight. Through imitation in feelings, the very source of the beautiful will be revealed to them.

    Just don't do anything. If you are with children, then you are a teacher at any given time. Any situation is pedagogical for you. Know how to create it yourself or use the situation that has arisen to solve educational problems. A student who finds himself in an educational situation always acquires as a result personal knowledge and experience, his own conclusion. This is better than broadcasting and explaining common truths to him. But be sure to help the child to understand and formulate their results, assessments, conclusions.

    Consider the conscious observation of the child as your main pedagogical method. Everything he does or does not do is an outward expression of his inner being. Always try to understand the inner through the outer. Be the "translator" of all his actions and works. Look, listen, think about the student. Discuss with him his successes and problems. Even doing it without him, you will help him.


Modern society requires people who are intellectually and creatively developed, possessing communication skills, able to think outside the box, confident in their strengths and abilities, physically and mentally healthy. The school, fulfilling the social order, should also contribute to the development of the child for the sake of the child himself, especially if he "stands out for bright, obvious, sometimes outstanding achievements in one or another type of activity."

Teaching practice has shown that with the purposeful organization of educational activities, the formation and development of skills and abilities of students go very quickly, since this process is controlled and regulated by the teacher.

The implementation of the program "Primary School of the 21st Century" through the use of an activity approach creates the necessary conditions for the development of students' skills to think independently, navigate in a new situation, and find their own approaches to solving problems.

In the educational process, the emotional response of students to the process of cognition, the motivation of educational activities, the interest in mastering new knowledge, skills and their practical application increase. All this contributes to the development of the creative abilities of schoolchildren, oral speech, the ability to formulate and express their point of view, activates thinking.

The activity approach creates conditions for the formation of educational and cognitive activity of students and their personal development; for social and socio-psychological orientation in the surrounding reality. These tasks are solved through the joint and independent educational and cognitive activity of students in solving a system of interrelated educational tasks and relying on internal motivation.

Summarizing all of the above, we can conclude that working with gifted and capable children in elementary school is an important and necessary part of the teacher's activity. Who better than a teacher can help children discover their talents? Therefore, in the future, I plan to continue working with gifted children, and I will also track their progress in the future.

And one more thing: it is important to remember that “If a person walks in line to the beat of drums out of step with his companions, think about it, this may be because he hears the beat of completely different drums ...”

Balandina E.G.

Primary school teacher MBOU School No. 41 "Harmony" g.o. Samara

Annotation: The article discusses the importance of identifying gifted children, organizing work with gifted children, forms of work with gifted children, describes the positive aspects of identifying gifted children, touches upon the development of children's giftedness.

Keywords: giftedness, phenomenon of gifted children, system-activity approach, mental prowess.

Organization of work with gifted children of primary school age.

Today, the problem of identifying, developing and supporting gifted children is extremely urgent for Russia. Disclosure and realization of their abilities and talents are important not only for a gifted child as an individual, but also for society as a whole. Gifted, talented children and youth are the potential of any country, allowing it to develop effectively and constructively solve modern economic and social problems. In this regard, work with gifted and highly motivated children is essential.

The identification of gifted children, the organization of systematic work is one of the main tasks of the modern school and educational practice in the context of the modernization of the Russian education system.

The GEF is based on a system-activity approach, which, among the many planned results, involves: the education and development of personality traits that meet the requirements of modern society; taking into account the individual characteristics of students; the diversity of their development, ensuring the growth of creative potential and cognitive motives.

Foreign and domestic psychologists dealt with the issues of giftedness of children. There are major studies in the field of the psychology of the creative giftedness of the Americans J. Guildford, P. Torrance, F. Barron, C. Taylor. Based on the ideas of psychologists J. Carroll and B. Bloom, their followers developed a methodology for teaching gifted children. J. Bruno was engaged in the study of especially gifted children. The problems of giftedness were studied by domestic psychologists: Matyushkin A.M. in the work “The Concept of Creative Giftedness”, etc., Shumakova N.B. in a number of her works, Chistyakova G.D. in the article “Creative talent in the development of cognitive structures”, Yurkevich V.S. in "Problems of Diagnosis and Prediction of Giftedness in the Work of a Practical Psychologist".

GIFTED - a significant advance in mental development compared to age norms or exceptional development of special abilities (musical, artistic, mathematical, etc.).

The phenomenon of gifted children was actively discussed in the second half of the 20th century. Since that time, many works have been written in this area, special programs have been created to work with gifted children, including the Gifted Children program, within which the Working Concept of Giftedness has been developed. And yet, every family that has gifted children faces the phenomenon of giftedness and the problems that lie behind it individually.

Gifted children who excel in one area are sometimes no different from their peers in all other respects. However, as a rule, giftedness covers a wide range of individual psychological characteristics.

In psychology and pedagogy, the idea of ​​the presence of general and special abilities and giftedness is common. The former include those that meet the requirements of many types of activity at once (for example, intellectual abilities). Special abilities meet the requirements of only a narrow specific activity (for example, artistic abilities, the presence of a singing voice). True, there are opinions that it is difficult to draw a clear line between them and this division is rather arbitrary.

Undoubtedly, the school should work with gifted children, creating conditions for their self-determination, self-realization and socialization at all stages of development. The professional interest of the teacher, one way or another, is connected with the problem of identifying, supporting and developing children's giftedness.

The identification of gifted children should begin already in elementary school on the basis of observation, the study of psychological characteristics, speech, memory, and logical thinking.

All kinds of forms and activities allow to support and develop their abilities and talents.

The main forms of work with gifted children in our school are:

Subject week.

Subject and creative circles, extra-curricular activities that allow students to show their creativity in various forms of its manifestation: stage creativity, fantasizing, imagination, inventing and writing, searching for additional information for the lesson.

Organization of research work and project activities.

Contests, olympiads, intellectual games, quizzes.

Generalization and systematization of materials and results of work with gifted children - "Portfolio".

Not a new, but popular form of work with gifted children of primary school age is the research activity of students, which contributes to the development and individualization of the personality, as well as the formation of motivation for students to acquire knowledge. As well as possible, the lessons of the surrounding world help in this. Lesson-research allows you to pose serious problematic questions, research tasks, and a child's craving for "secrets" turns him into a "researcher". Successful completion of such tasks generates "intellectual" joy, positive emotions. Children, starting from the first grade, take part in the interschool conference "First Steps into Science".The youngest participants are first graders. Of course, adults also help them: teachers, parents. But the guys in grade 4 are already coping on their own. For several years, our school has been hosting the city tour of the international Olympiad "Intelligence". In 2016, an interregional round of this Olympiad was held. Our children are active participants in this event. More than once we were proud of their victories! There is no need to say what kind of preparation is carried out with children before in the classroom and at home: individual lessons by a teacher with a gifted child, a differentiated approach during the lesson, individual homework. If such work is systematic, then the result will be. Gifted children have excellent results in the All-Russian games-competitions "Kangaroo", "Russian Bear Cub". It is wonderful that the students themselves are interested in the date of the competition, and other children are also involved.

There are different forms and methods of working with gifted children, but the formation of intellectual abilities comes to the fore. Regardless of the level of giftedness and even the level of intellectual abilities, it is necessary to develop their creative qualities.

Thus, the work of a teacher with gifted children is a complex and never-ending process. It requires personal growth from teachers, good, constantly updated knowledge in the field of the psychology of the gifted and their education, as well as close cooperation with psychologists, other teachers, the administration and, of course, with the parents of the gifted. It requires constant growth of skill, pedagogical flexibility, the ability to abandon what even today seemed to be a creative find and strength.


    Belova E.S. Giftedness of the baby: to reveal, understand, support - M; 1998 -251s.

    Leites N.S. Age giftedness of schoolchildren:. M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2000.-320 p.

    Panov V.I. If giftedness is a phenomenon, then gifted children are a problem // Primary school: plus - minus. - 2000. - No. 3. - S. 3-11.

    Savenkov A.I. Gifted children in kindergarten and school: Textbook. allowance for students of higher pedagogical educational institutions. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2000. - 232 p.

    Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education. M., Education, 2010.

Ludmila Surikova
Working with gifted children in elementary school

L. V. Surikova

(Yelets, MBOU secondary school No. 1 named after M. M. Prishvin)

[email protected]

Working with gifted children in elementary school.

Annotation. Every child gifted. In order for him to show his talent in life, he needs to be found and pulled out. The task of the teacher is to help the little person and direct him in the right direction.

Keywords: talent, giftedness, school, elementary School, child.

Significant benefits will be

those states that can

as early as possible to identify creative

personality and create the most favorable

conditions for the development of their potentials.

C. Taylor (American psychologist)

Any society needs talented people, and the task of a society is to consider and develop the abilities of all its representatives. Unfortunately, not every person is able to realize their abilities. Much depends on the family and schools.

The task of the family is to see, see the ability of the child. Task schools- support the child and develop his abilities, prepare the ground for these abilities to be realized.

The thirst for discovery, the desire to penetrate into the innermost secrets of being are born on school bench. Already in primary school you can meet students who are not satisfied school textbook work, they are not interested work in class, they read dictionaries and specialized literature, look for answers to their questions in various fields of knowledge. That is why it is so important in school to identify all who are interested in various fields of science and technology, to help realize their plans and dreams, to bring schoolchildren on the road of search in science, in life, to help to reveal their abilities to the fullest.

What is meant by the term « giftedness» ?

In everyday life giftedness is synonymous with talent. In psychology, it is understood as a systemic quality of a person, which is expressed in the exceptional success of mastering and performing one or more types of activity, combined with interest in them. Will a child grow up with symptoms talented, a brilliant personality, depends on many circumstances.

Children with potential enough school. Gifted children are exceptionally successful in learning. This trait is associated with high speed processing and assimilation of information. But at the same time, such children can quickly lose interest in daily painstaking activities. They care about fundamental things, a wide coverage of the material. Working with such children is interesting and difficult.; in the classroom, in the classroom, they require an individual approach, a special system of education.

Often about gifted children say what they have "Charisma", but in order to ignite the flame of talent from this spark, considerable efforts must be made. That is why for many years of my teaching activity I have been developing and educating gifted children.

my system work with gifted children includes the following Components:

Revealing gifted children;

Development of creative abilities in the classroom;

Development of abilities in extracurricular activities (olympiads,

competitions, research Job);

Creation of conditions for comprehensive development gifted children.

From experience work know, what gifted children are curious, persistent in the search for answers, often ask deep questions, prone to reflection, have a good memory. In addition, diagnostic giftedness I spend using various tests.

There are many talented children in my class.

Pavlov Nikita is seriously involved in sports. He attends the children's sports school, participates in competitions, the second is a member schoolwide teams to participate in the city military sports game "Patriot" and has many credentials. In the classroom, he is responsible for sports work, conducts morning exercises, forms a team himself, prepares for competitions and is a permanent captain. I think that in the future he will achieve high results if he works seriously.

Maria Chaplygina has excellent artistic abilities. She reads poetry wonderfully, takes ballet seriously, attending art school. All competitions and school, and in the city she takes prizes. In addition, the girl is also a good student and goes in for sports. And she has time for everything. She became a participant of the All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren on the Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture, the winner in school "Living Classic" and etc.

Makhonin Matvey is talented in everything. He is an excellent student, is engaged in sports school. Every year the boy participates in various art competitions. creativity: "The road through the eyes of children", "Instead of a Christmas tree, a New Year's bouquet", "Nature around us" and others and takes the prize money places: lauryat school scientific and practical conference "First steps in science", winner of the regional intellectual and educational competition dedicated to the 870th anniversary of the city of Yelets "Young connoisseurs of the native land" in the nomination "History of my small homeland", diploma of the winner in 1 online Olympiad in the Russian language "Russian with Pushkin", 1st place in school stage of the All-Russian competition for reading aloud "Living Classic", laureate 2 degrees of the regional Olympiad in Informatics, etc. And on March 28 at the XI open competition of readers "And the eternal beauty of nature", dedicated to the memory of S. N. Konovalov, S. V. Makarov, Matvey took 1st place.

Polevoi Boris does not study well, but his hands are golden. He attends a circle "A fairy tale with your own hands", and work it turns out great. In technology classes, he is a teacher's assistant and assists children in work. In the regional action of children's creativity on road safety "The road through the eyes of children" Boris took 1st place. The boy became the winner of the Regional competition "Young connoisseurs of the native land" in the nomination "Streets of my city"

Lysochenko Polina loves animals very much. In our class, a guinea pig lived in a living corner. We named her Frosya. And only Polina conscientiously and selflessly looked after her. After a while, they could no longer live without each other. Now Frosya is a member of the Lysochenko family. She is currently preparing a research project on the life and habits of guinea pigs using her pet as an example. The girl is convinced that every living being has a mind and knows how to truly love. It is only necessary that the people who were nearby remain people in the full sense of the word.

In order to maintain interest in the subject and develop the natural inclinations of students, I use creative tasks, entertaining experiences, materials and tasks.

me developed a system of developing tasks-minutes, which I offer students as a warm-up in the beginning of the lesson. I take 5-7 minutes to solve such tasks and require a detailed explanation. In case of difficulty, I give hints, we analyze these tasks in detail.

At all stages of the lesson, I try to use an individually differentiated approach. For capable children, I offer more complex tasks, I use cards that are ahead of tasks, work in pairs and groups. These children are consultants in and out of the classroom.

It is impossible to instill an interest in discipline in children if the teacher himself is not passionate about his subject. Therefore, I am constantly learning, improving my knowledge through advanced training courses, methodological associations schools and cities, through the Internet, through self-education.

I pay great attention to the involvement of talented children in extracurricular activities. work. Often I hold various events in which students can express themselves. The teams of the Museum of Crafts, the Station of Young Technicians, and the Children's Library, where we are frequent guests, are of great help to me. This year the students have been on a wonderful holiday. "Autumn gatherings", "bast shoes", a holiday of the piano accordion, participated in competitions held by the children's library, where they won prizes.

The most important form work with gifted students are Olympiads and various competitions. They help to identify the most capable and gifted children, the formation and development of the educational needs of the individual, the preparation of students for higher education, creative work in various fields, scientific and practical activities. We constantly participate in all-Russian olympiads: "Russian Bear", "Kangaroo", "Erudite".

work in preparation for the olympiads and competitions I spend throughout the academic year. with talented children I do after lessons: perform non-standard tasks, create research work, projects. Now we have in work several projects in various fields.

I also consider it important to create conditions for the all-round development of the individual. I make sure that the child is engaged work on yourself, that is, he independently knew how to set and solve tasks, since it is possible to stimulate creative activity, develop it only thanks to self-education, I convince the children that “when you follow someone, the road is not remembered, and the one you walked along will never be forgotten”, and that "Talent is 1% ability and 99% hard work".

I try to ensure that the child's intellect does not develop at the expense of physical, emotional, personal development. I urge the guys to go in for sports, attend sports sections in school and out of school engaged in additional physical education and sports at home.

As you know, nutrition and daily routine is the main prerequisite for the relationship between the body and the environment. Obviously, malnutrition, daily routine is harmful to physical, psychological and social development. Lack of nutrition has an inhibitory effect on learning. Therefore, I talk with parents about the daily routine of the child, about a complete fortified diet.

I understand that I am responsible to the child for his happy future and to the state for raising a full-fledged, mature citizen who is ready to make decisions on his own and be responsible for the results of his activities.

The child's consciousness is in its infancy, and that is why I make sure that the creative potential is not wasted, but only multiplied.

In conclusion, I would like to quote the wonderful words of V.A. Sukhomlinsky: “There are invisible strings in the soul of every child. If you touch them with a skillful hand, they will sound beautifully.


1.Using items self work in the process of ability formation gifted junior schoolchildren// History and current state of Russian education. unexplored problems. Collection of abstracts. Ed. R. S. Bozieva and A. V. Ovchinnikova - M Pedagogy, 1998 - C 77-78

2. Training gifted children in the system of differentiated education in primary school England and the USA / / Scientific works of the Moscow State Pedagogical University - M Prometheus, 1999 - C 158-164.

3. Pedagogical basis of education gifted children // Higher pedagogical education Russia: traditions, problems, prospects abstracts of the international scientific-practical conference. Part P. - M, 1997 - S 84-87

4. The problem of differentiated learning gifted children in elementary school// Actual problems of education of students primary classes Proceedings of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference Part I - Saransk MGPI im. M. E. Evsevyeva, 1998 -С 94-95

5. Development of creative abilities gifted junior schoolchildren// Actual problems of pedagogy of creative self-development and pedagogical monitoring. Materials of the Sixth All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference - Yoshkar-Ola MGPI, ChD 1998 - C 133 -134

6. Modern foreign experience of training and education gifted children // Young voices. Collection of research works graduate students and applicants MGOPU. - M, 1998 - C 197-199

7. Characteristic features of the mental giftedness of primary school children age // Abstracts of the conference of students, young scientists and teachers "Scientific search in solving the problems of the educational process in modern school". - Issue of Sh. M. Promeli, 1998 - C 129-130




"Children are born artists, scientists, inventors -
see the world in all its freshness and originality; everyone
day they re-invent their lives. They like
experiment, and look at the wonders of the environment
the world with wonder and delight.” (P. Weinzweig)

1. Reasons for studying giftedness.

In a dynamic, rapidly changing world, society is much more likely to rethink the social order of the school, correct or radically change the goals and objectives of school education.

The main goal now is to focus on educating an active, creative personality, aware of the global problems of mankind, ready to participate in their solution to the extent possible.

Now we need people who think outside the box, who are able to look for new ways to solve the proposed problems, to find a way out of a problem situation.

Another of the urgent tasks is an individual approach and assistance to each student. Development of individual abilities, for the manifestation of the personality of each student.

Not so long ago it was believed that all children are equal both intellectually and emotionally. You just need to teach them to think, empathize, solve complex logical problems.

However, the experience of the modern school shows that there are differences between students. Children stand out with a more developed intellect than their peers, with the ability to be creative, with the ability to classify, generalize, and find relationships. They are constantly in search of an answer to their questions, they are inquisitive, show independence, and are active.

2. Characteristics of gifted children.

Let's start by defining the concept itself:

giftedness - this is a systemic quality of the psyche that develops throughout life, which determines the possibility of a person achieving higher, outstanding results in one or more types of activity.

Giftedness is determined by advanced cognitive development, psychosocial sensitivity and physical characteristics.

Advanced cognitive development:

Distinguished by the breadth of perception, gifted children are keenly aware of everything that happens in the world around them and are extremely curious about how this or that object works. They are interested in why the world is arranged this way and not otherwise, and what would happen if external conditions changed. They are able to monitor several processes at the same time, and tend to actively explore everything around them.

They have the ability to perceive connections between phenomena and objects and draw conclusions; they like to create alternative systems in their imagination.

Excellent memory, combined with early language development and the ability to classify, help such a child accumulate a large amount of information and use it intensively.

Gifted children have a large vocabulary that allows them to freely and clearly express their thoughts. For fun, they invent new words.

Along with the ability to perceive semantic ambiguities, to maintain a high threshold of perception for a long time, with pleasure to deal with complex and even problems that do not have a practical solution, gifted children do not tolerate when a ready-made answer is imposed on them.

Some gifted children have heightened mathematical abilities in terms of calculation and logic, which can affect their progress in reading.

They are distinguished by a long period of concentration and great perseverance in solving a particular problem.

The preoccupation with a task, which is characteristic of a gifted child, combined with a lack of experience, often leads to the fact that he aims at something that is not yet within his power. He needs support and help.

Psychosocial sensitivity:

Gifted children show a heightened sense of justice, moral development, advanced perception and knowledge.

They quickly react to injustice, make high demands on themselves and others.

Vivid imagination, the inclusion of elements of the game in the performance of tasks, creativity, ingenuity and rich imagination (imagination) are very characteristic of gifted children.

They have a great sense of humor, love funny inconsistencies, puns, jokes.

They lack emotional balance, and at an early age, gifted children are impatient and impulsive.

Sometimes they are characterized by exaggerated fears and increased vulnerability. They are extremely sensitive to nonverbal cues from others.

Egocentrism, as in ordinary children.

Often, gifted children develop a negative self-perception, there are difficulties in communicating with peers.

Physical characteristics:

Gifted children are distinguished by a high energy level, and they sleep less than usual.

Their motor coordination and hand skills often lag behind cognitive abilities. They need practice. The difference in the intellectual and physical development of such children can discourage them and develop lack of independence.

The vision of gifted children (under the age of 8) is often unstable, it is difficult for them to change focus from close to far (from the desk to the blackboard).

3. Special types of giftedness, manifested in certain areas of activity.

Musical gift.

From an early age, a musically gifted child has an increased curiosity about any sounding objects. By the age of two or three, such children distinguish all the melodies that they hear and accurately intotone them. Some begin to sing before they speak. At three to five years, the desire for independent actions to “extract” sounds sharply increases. Initially, it is an imitation of playing musical instruments. In the future, this will lead to the first attempts to come up with something of their own. The appearance of the first works marks the transition to a higher level of development of giftedness.

Artistic talent.

High selectivity in relation to visual images and ideas appears in early childhood in acute observation, strong impressionability, the ability to see everything around in colors, in color contrasts, to notice the unusual, beautiful and remember for a long time. An important role is played by the child's own activity, his desire for creative search. Talent without creative search is unthinkable.

Mathematical and chess talent.

Appears early. At the age of three or four, some children enthusiastically play with numbers: they look for them on house signs, pages of books and magazines, and later try to make different new combinations. Mastering simple arithmetic operations is joyful and fast. At four or five years of age, gifted children easily demonstrate the ability to add and subtract two-digit and three-digit numbers in their minds, and at five or six years of age they begin to show great interest in mathematics textbooks, and not only for elementary school.

For other gifted children, it is not difficult to calculate complex chess combinations in their minds. Having learned to play chess at the age of four or five, they then spend most of their time at the chessboard, achieving amazing results. The game of chess is a constant experimentation that requires attentiveness, concentration, and the ability to think quickly and logically. It is the cognitive activity of the child that determines the disclosure of his giftedness in this area.

literary gift.

Revealed later. Depends on the experience and knowledge of the child. But in some cases, signs of literary abilities are also revealed at the stage of preschool childhood. The child is tuned to the music of words, he is fascinated by the sound of rhymes, he rejoices in the emergence of new words and combinations. Compared to the works of their peers, the compositions of gifted children are more original and expressive.

Social giftedness.

It is impossible not to notice the leader in a group of children. A confident, proactive child will quickly attract attention. He has a well-developed speech, he is not afraid and does not hesitate to turn to another child, to an adult. Such a child has his own business approach to everything that happens. Its distinctive feature is that such a child cares about everything.

Any child necessarily has giftedness in one of the areas of human activity. Questionnaire tests developed by specialists in the field of child psychology will help to assess the correctness of the assumption about the innate abilities of the child or help in this important matter.

3. Methods and forms of work with gifted children in elementary school

Children who can be classified as gifted come to elementary school. These children have higher than the majority of intellectual abilities, susceptibility to learning, creativity and manifestations; dominant active, unsaturated cognitive need; experience the joy of acquiring knowledge, mental labor. Based on this, the identification of gifted children, the development of the degree of their giftedness should begin already in elementary school.

In educational activities, work with gifted children is based on a differentiated approach, which contributes to the expansion and deepening of the educational space of the subject. Therefore, work with gifted children should consist of both classroom and extracurricular activities.

4. Lesson activity

Problem-developing training,

Design and research activities,

Game technologies (business games and travel),

Information and Communication Technologies to Satisfy Cognitive Motivation

Ability development (multi-level tests, presentations, simulators),

Creative and non-standard tasks.

Problem-developing training

Most teachers working with gifted children successfully implement problem-based learning technology. Teachers create a situation of cognitive difficulty in the classroom, in which younger students are faced with the need to independently use one or more mental operations to study a new topic: analysis, synthesis, comparison, analogy, generalization, etc. This allows students to organize an active independent activity of students, as a result of which there is a creative mastery of knowledge, skills, abilities and the development of mental abilities.

Design and research activities

One of the new forms of work with gifted children at school is design. The project method is a method of learning that can be described as "learning through doing", when the student is most directly involved in an active cognitive process, independently formulates a learning problem, collects the necessary information, plans possible solutions to the problem, draws conclusions, analyzes his activity, forming new knowledge “brick by brick” and acquiring new educational life experience

5. Extracurricular activities.

It includes the following activities:


subject weeks,

theatrical holidays,

Olympiads and competitions in subjects.


One of the forms of work with gifted children is the use of electives. Here, working in small groups, teachers maximize the differentiation of learning, an individual approach, using different methods of work: observation, experiment, research, work with scientific literature. The use of different electives allows you to take into account the different needs and abilities of gifted children.

subject weeks.

One of the forms of organizing extracurricular activities, aimed, in particular, at revealing the creative potential of students, are subject weeks.. During the week of primary school, children have the opportunity to use their creative potential to the fullest.

Theatrical holidays.

Theatrical holidays are a special form of work with gifted children, since in them children have the opportunity not only to realize acting abilities by directly participating in performances, but also to show creative skills by developing scenarios for productions, develop a penchant for artistic reading and literary creativity, show erudition and research skills in quizzes and literary rings. Such work helps to increase the motivation of gifted children to cooperate with teachers and painstaking work on self-improvement.

Olympiads and competitions in subjects.

For the search for gifted children, holding school competitions is of great importance. The school needs to create and constantly replenish the bank of tasks for Olympiads in various educational areas.

6. System of work.

Work with a gifted child should begin with the identification of this child in the children's team. The main form of diagnosis in primary school is observation. After you have noticed the bright abilities of the student, it is necessary to identify the level of giftedness. To do this, you can use various forms: questionnaires for parents, questionnaires, the “Giftedness Card” methodology, the methodology for assessing general giftedness, etc.

After identifying, be sure to coordinate your further actions with the student's parents, administration. After that, a plan for working with a gifted child is drawn up. It includes not only topics that need to be studied in the course of work, but also provides for cooperation with the teaching staff. The psychologist conducts diagnostics, testing, identification, helps to draw up a work plan, taking into account the psychological characteristics of the student. Primary school teachers help each other in organizing joint events, subject Olympiads, choosing the most effective forms and methods of work, sharing experience that has brought results. The administration manages, coordinates, analyzes the activities of teachers and students. The children's team can and should to some extent influence the development of highly motivated students through friendly rivalry in the classroom, during the games of the club of experts, and at extracurricular activities.

The results of the work are summed up annually, and appropriate adjustments are made to the work plan.

When choosing forms and methods, we are guided by several aspects:

Kind of giftedness;

The age of the child;

The social status of the child's family;

level of giftedness;

The activity of the child himself;

Professional training of a teacher;

When working with gifted students, we pay attention to their achievements, since adult assessments for them are both a reward and a measure of their self-perception and self-esteem. We create in them the motivation to achieve, the willingness to take creative risks, we encourage independent thinking.

Thus, a gifted child from childhood can be distinguished by peculiar ways of activity. His ability level is well above average. The assessment of giftedness should not be based only on testing: its degree and originality are revealed in the course of training and education when performing meaningful activities. Giftedness at the early age stages should be considered and developed as a kind of general, universal ability, which with age acquires specific features and a certain subject orientation.

Therefore, the main pedagogical task should shift from the development of general abilities to the search for an adequate way to realize the personality in certain types of activity. If adults were able to discern the talent, then their main task is to form a high motivation in the child.

For successful work with a gifted child, teachers try to find his strong side and give him the opportunity to show it, feel the taste of success and believe in his abilities. To show a strong side means the ability to deviate from the school curriculum, not to be limited by its framework. Following this principle revealed a problem: often the point of growth lies outside the school curriculum.


Giftedness does not lie on the surface. Teachers should be well versed in the methodology of its definition. Most teachers overly trust testing, have insufficient information about students. It is believed that a child with high intelligence should excel the rest in all school subjects. Consequently, the teachers expect from him the greatest emotional and social maturity and are convinced that he does not need special help.


A creative person is characterized by the ability to independently choose a field of activity and move forward. In an educational institution, this is facilitated by a well-thought-out teaching methodology, designed not only to transfer knowledge, but also to develop “the ability to think”.

In their work at the lesson, the teacher can use:

Living method. Allows students to "move" into the object being studied, to feel and know it from the inside through sensory-figurative and mental representations.

Heuristic questions method.Answers to seven key questions:Who? What? What for? Where? How? When? How?and their various combinations give rise to unusual ideas and solutions regarding the object under study.

Comparison method . It makes it possible to compare the versions of different students, as well as their versions with cultural and historical analogues formed by great scientists, philosophers, etc.

Concept construction method.Contributes to the creation of a collective creative product - a jointly formulated definition of a concept.

Way to travel to the future.It is effective in any general educational area as a way to develop foresight and forecasting skills.

error method. It involves changing the established negative attitude towards mistakes, replacing it with the constructive use of mistakes to deepen educational processes. Finding the relationship between error and "correctness" stimulates the heuristic activity of students, leads them to an understanding of the relativity of any knowledge.

Invention method.Allows you to create a product not previously known to students as a result of certain creative actions.

The "If... ". Helps children paint a picture or write a description of what would happen if the world changed. Completing such tasks not only develops the imagination, but also allows you to better understand the structure of the real world.

Brainstorming (A.F. Osborne).Allows you to collect a large number of ideas as a result of the release of participants in the discussion from the inertia of thinking and stereotypes.

inversion method, or handling method. Promotes the use of a fundamentally opposite solution alternative. For example, an object is examined from the outside, and the solution of the problem occurs when considering it from the inside.



All classes designed to increase creativity are based on the following principles: to teach the human brain, firstly, to ask unusual questions, and secondly, to look for unexpected answers and experiment with images and ideas.

Five of the most famous exercises that need to be done regularly, and ideally daily.

1. "And yet they have a lot in common." Exercise:Take at random two nouns that belong to completely different areas of the lexicon. For simplicity, you can use a dictionary by opening it at random and pointing your finger at the first word that comes across. Having chosen two concepts that, it would seem, have nothing in common with each other, try to "grope" between them for some kind of connection. By any means. Even if you need to come up with a completely incredible story, the plot of which will connect these two words together. This exercise trains the brain for the consciousness of unusual combinations and teaches you how to use the "ingredients" located in its different sectors. For example:

"What do the eye and the faucet have in common?"

Both words are four letters;

In both cases, the letter "A" is the third in a row;

With the help of the eye, the faucet can be seen; with the help of the faucet, the eye can be washed;

Both can shine;

Water sometimes pours out of them;

When they deteriorate, they leak.

Bottom line: repairing an eye is a thousand times more expensive than repairing a faucet.

2. "Mad geneticist."For this exercise, you will need a piece of paper and a pen (pencil).Attention! The process is important here, not the result.

Exercise : draw a fantasy animal that will contain as many features as possible from different real animals.

Working on this work of art, you will see that a rich fantasy can have a completely mechanical origin. The main thing is to "strangle" logic and common sense, which will interfere with work.

3. "Crazy architect." Exercise:need to draw a house. To do this, you will need, first of all, to randomly choose any 10 words (you can choose from a dictionary, you can name at random). The task is this: you are an architect, a customer who is ready to pay a lot of money for a sketch of his housing has approached you. His condition: in the sketch must be presented ... (followed by 10 selected words). Draw the house transparent so that furniture can be placed inside.

For example: "Pot" -great, the house will be shaped like a pan. "Crow" ... let the porch be black as a crow. "Cress-lettuce"? We will allocate a room for a winter garden and plant a useful plant there.

When drawing, even schematically, try to imagine at the same time how it could be in reality.

4. "Ten plus ten."Take any noun and write in a column 10 adjectives that fit it.

For example, "a hat is big, green, warm, fashionable, beautiful, etc." It's easy. Now try to write in another column ten adjectives that do not fit this noun. This is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. The same hat cannot be, say, sour. … Try to choose adjectives from different areas of perception (for example, if you wrote “yellow”, you can consider that you are done with the color scheme).

5. "And it's called..."The exercise can be repeated several times a day. Every time something catches your attention, imagine that you see it in a painting. Now think of a suitable name for the picture. It can be short, it can be extended. The main thing is that you like it yourself.

For example, "The view from the window when I'm in a bad mood", etc.

Exercises for the development of creative perception

They help the student to discover their abilities and find a personal path of creative development.

One letter exercise. The teacher counts up to thirty, the children at this time find and memorize all the objects in the class, the name of which begins, for example, with the letter "C".

An exercise "Several letters."It is necessary to determine the characteristics of the presented subject, starting with the three selected letters.

An exercise "Switching Attention"Pupils examine the object in their hand, on command they look at the wall. Then again - on the object in the hand, trying to continue the course of their thoughts from the same place where they stopped, and not from the beginning. The intervals between commands are gradually reduced from a minute to a few seconds.

"What's new?" Checking the degree of development of observation and at the same time relieving tension, the teacher asks the students at the beginning of the lesson: “What new did you notice in our class today?”.

"Metaphors". The teacher asks what the students see when they hear the word “go out”. This exercise can be done in writing.

"Word Filling".Students try to understand what this or that word looks like, what it reminds them of what it is. Revealing the figurative meaning of words, they achieve that the word becomes filled, comes to life in the imagination.

Association chain.Starting from any word, we look for the associations that it causes, then the associations that cause one of the words that have arisen.

"Picture Story"Have the child come up with a story using a series of pictures. Let him suggest a continuation of the story. Complicate this task by adding a series of illustrations, at first glance, unrelated.

"Make a comic."Ask the child to makecomic. To do this, you can use ready-made pictures or come up with your own and draw them.

"Music". The child is invited to listen to music. Then he is given four colors: red, green, blue, yellow. Using these paints, the child should depict the music he heard and title the drawing.

"Unfinished Drawing"The child is offered a series of circles (lines, squares, crosses, etc.). His task is to come up with each circle, using various elements, some kind of image. You can't repeat.

"Come up with a name."It is necessary to come up with as many names as possible for a story, fairy tale or drawing. You can use proverbs, sayings, catchphrases for names.

"Rhymer". First, invite the child to come up with words whose endings would sound the same (stick - jackdaw); then - compose couplets on the given rhymes; then pick up a rhyme and finish the given couplets. At the end of the game, you can ask the child to compose a poem of unlimited length, using as many raw rhymes as possible.

"Archimedes". Offer the child a series of problems to solve, his task is to find as many solutions as possible. Problems can be: “How to grow a palm tree near the house? How to plant a garden on the moon? How to count all the stars? How to prepare a machine for cooking lessons?


1. Create a safe psychological base for the child in his search, to which he could return if he was frightened by his own discoveries.

2. Support your child's creativity and empathize with early failures. Avoid disapproving of the child's creative efforts. (You should not tell the child how his work can be improved: "This is not bad, but it could be much better if ...". In this case, no matter how hard the child tries, his result will always not be good enough.)

3. Be tolerant of strange ideas, respect the child's curiosity, questions and ideas. Try to answer all questions, even if they are over the top or seem wild.
4. Leave the child alone and let him, if he so desires, do his own thing. Too much patronage can hinder creativity. Children's desires and goals are their own, and parents' advice can be perceived as an invasion of a child's privacy. Even very young gifted children stubbornly resist parents who are too persistent in their desire to share with the child his joy of vivid creative imagination.
5. Help your child meet basic human needs - a sense of security, love, respect for yourself and others.
6. Help to cope with disappointments and doubts when he is left alone in the process of creative search: let him find his reward in himself and do not pay attention to the opinions of his peers. To give children the opportunity to get acquainted with the autobiographies of famous creative personalities, to make it clear to the child that he is not alone in his struggle.

7. Explain to your child that not all of his questions have clear answers.
8. Help your child appreciate the creativity in himself. However, his behavior should not go beyond the decent.

9. Help your child to know himself more deeply, so as not to miss a fleeting (subconscious) idea.

10. Help your child to become an intelligent adventurer, sometimes relying on risk and intuition in a creative search: this is most likely to make a true discovery.

11. Find words of support for the child's new creative endeavors, avoid criticizing the first experiments - no matter how unsuccessful they are.

12. Maintain the necessary atmosphere for creativity. Help your child avoid social disapproval, reduce social friction, and deal with negative peer reactions.

14. Find a companion of the same age and the same abilities for your child. It is important for a school-age child to have a friend of the same age and gender.

Activities, games

1. Make up a story on behalf of another character: “Imagine that you have become a toy, a piece of furniture, a tree, an animal. Tell me about one day of your imaginary life.

2. "How many meanings and subject matter?" A brick, a newspaper… find as many real uses for the item as possible.

3. Search for the causes of events

4 . Write a fairy tale. Compose a fairy tale that begins with the phrase: "Mom bought fish in the store ...", and ends with the phrase: "... Therefore, in the evening I had to turn on the light."

5. Think of an animal with the given properties (car, house…)

6. What does it look like? The cards show various figures. Think of as many objects as possible, the phenomena to which they are similar.

7. Experiments with water, air, paints, metals and a magnet, with a beam of light, with reflection…

8. Graphic games: “Kolyabuski” on a piece of paper, a teacher or children draw lines of any configuration, you must use the line to complete it so that an image of an object, a person, a fabulous or fantastic image is obtained. “Five points” - On a piece of paper, a teacher or child puts five points, and completes the task of drawing a person or an animal using all these points: one point should be on the nose, two on any parts of the arms or paws. Since the points are at different distances, the static, uniformity of the image disappears in children.

9. "Remake one object into another" (development of the ability to link the observed with pre-developed theoretical ideas). Try to remake one object into another. This is done in stages, at each stage you can change only one feature of the object. For example, how to turn a pillar into a hole. First the post can be made hollow inside, then sawn into shorter pieces, then one of the pieces is dug into the ground.


10. Reasoning by analogy requires not only the mind, but also a rich imagination. Name as many objects as possible that are solid and transparent at the same time (glass, ice, plastic, amber, crystal…)

Shiny, blue and hard

Big, shiny, metallic, new

Living beings are kind, noisy, agile and strong

11. Educational research. Stages: the first is the choice of a topic. The second is asking questions. The third is research. The fourth is summing up. Children can take simple notes - drawings (schematic), familiar letters or special characters. Collecting information can be difficult for children, so we can prepare cards in advance with symbols that reflect ways to get information: THINK, ASK ANOTHER PERSON, LEARN FROM BOOKS, OBSERVE AND EXPERIENCE, LEARN ON THE INTERNET. At the end, the children give a message.

Problems of gifted children

1. Dislike for school. This attitude often comes from the fact that the curriculum is boring and uninteresting for a gifted child. Behavioral disturbances in gifted children may occur because the curriculum does not match their abilities.

There is no doubt that with an appropriate system of education and upbringing, with a well-thought-out system for the development of motivation, this problem of intellectually gifted children can be successfully overcome.

Insufficient psychological level of teacher preparation for working with children who show non-standard behavior and thinking leads to the fact that, when evaluating their wards, teachers note demonstrativeness in them, a desire to do everything in their own way (stubbornness), hysteria, unwillingness and inability to follow positive samples and. Intolerance to regulation, monotony is regarded as stupidity, stubbornness, laziness. Psychologists believe that such assessments are often the result of an inadequate understanding by the teacher of the personality and development of a gifted child. In particular, research by P. Torrance showed that gifted children quickly pass the initial levels of intelligence development and resist all types of reproductive work, which is assessed by teachers as stubbornness, laziness or stupidity. The difficulty, according to D. Webb, E. Mekstrot and S. Tolan, lies precisely in the fact that a gifted child himself, without the special help of a psychologist or a qualified teacher, cannot understand what is the reason for his resistance to those types of work that are willingly performed by others. children.

A gifted child does everything faster than other students and gets bored in class. Then he starts to play pranks, later - to hooligan - a conflict arises. After all, the teacher is aimed at teaching a group of children, and in such a situation, a gifted child remains a loser. If such a child is in a group for a long time and teachers do nothing to support and enable them to develop adequately further, stagnation occurs, development stops, and the motivation for learning decreases. In the final version, we have a notorious lazy person. But there may be a more unfavorable situation when a child ends up in the underworld, where his talent will be in demand.

2. Need for adult attention. Due to their natural curiosity and desire for knowledge, gifted children often monopolize the attention of teachers, parents and other adults. This causes friction in relationships with other children, who are annoyed by the desire for such attention.

3. Intolerance. Gifted children often have a lack of tolerance for children who are below them in intellectual development. They may alienate others with remarks of contempt or impatience.

4. Ignoring special giftedness in the event of problems in the field of academic success (great difficulties in mastering writing and literacy, inability to write a test, answer the question posed).

5. Inability to regular "routine" work, lack of perseverance, readiness to overcome difficulties. During their school years, these children do not acquire such experiences, since learning is usually given to them very easily. Often, those around them involuntarily orient them precisely towards avoiding efforts that are considered as the lot of the “incapable”. The absence of efforts often becomes the object of social recognition, as proof of high abilities. Thus, the child is not only "too lazy" to make an effort, but he also considers it humiliating (proving a lack of ability).

6. Communication difficulties, a tendency to individualism, egocentrism. This significantly reduces their achievements in those activities that require coordination of their actions with the actions of other participants in the common work. Subsequently, in professional activities, this leads to an inability to work effectively in a team. Communication difficulties are also one of the main sources of violation of the social adaptation of the individual.

7. Many gifted children also reveal an insufficient level of responsibility, protest against any restrictions, intolerance to a situation of loss, failure.

8. Gaming Interests. Gifted children enjoy complex games and are not interested in those that their peers of average ability are fond of. As a result, a gifted child finds himself in isolation, withdraws into himself.

9. Discrepancy between physical, intellectual and social development. Gifted children often prefer to socialize and play with older children. Because of this, it is sometimes difficult for them to become leaders, as they are inferior to the latter in physical development.

10. Unrealistic goals.Gifted children often set high goals for themselves. Not being able to reach them, they begin to worry. On the other hand, striving for excellence is the force that leads to high achievements.

11. Hypersensitivity.Because gifted children are more receptive to sensory stimuli and have a better understanding of relationships and connections, they tend to be critical not only of themselves but also of those around them. A gifted child is more vulnerable, he often perceives words or non-verbal signals as manifestations of self-acceptance by others.

12. Fear of mistakes, adults need not only to be restrained in blaming the failures of the child, but also to control the manifestations of their own negative emotions.

13. Problems of self-regulation - they are engaged only in activities that are interesting enough for them. Any other activity that is not within the scope of their inclinations, many gifted children avoid, taking advantage of the condescending attitude of adults towards this. Ultimately, a specific situation arises. When especially gifted children, showing an obvious inclination for their favorite work, still do not know how to work in those cases when a pronounced effort of will is required of them.

14. Problems of everyday life, self-service, solving the simplest life problems. We need a person who would always be there and help.

15. The problem of communication with adults. Parents, sometimes discovering a child's talent, eagerly begin to develop it, limiting other activities, games, communication with children, believing that this will harm the child. Sometimes it takes an almost manic form, parents literally drive the child into the Procrustean bed of their own ambitions and unrealized abilities, and as a result, neurosis. The child gets sick, runs away from home, and even in the worst cases, there are suicide attempts.

16. The problem of tolerance of others to a gifted person. Gifted people, as a rule, are bright individuals, and for most people it can be very difficult to recognize the right of another person to be “different”. But it is sometimes difficult for a gifted person to accept that there are other people around who are not like him.