The benefits of folic acid for pregnant women and the correct dosage. What is folic acid and why do pregnant women need it Folic during early pregnancy dosage

Folic acid is vitamin B9, the lack of which in the body of a future mother threatens with many unpleasant consequences. Vitamin B9 is involved in DNA synthesis, in the process of hematopoiesis, in the process of cell division and growth.

Also, this vitamin is necessary for laying the nervous system of the unborn child, prevents the appearance of defects in the brain, neural tube, etc.

Folate deficiency during pregnancy

It is estimated that folic acid deficiency occurs in every second pregnancy. And this is dangerous not only for the unborn child, but also for the mother. Folic acid deficiency can cause:

  • the formation of defects in the nervous system (cerebral hernia, spina bifida, hydrocephalus, etc.);
  • malformations of the cardiovascular system;
  • violation of the development of the placenta;
  • an increase in the likelihood of spontaneous abortions, premature births, abnormal fetal development, stillbirths, placental abruption, etc.

With a lack of folic acid, women are more likely to experience toxicosis, depression, anemia, pain in the legs.

Dosage of folic acid during pregnancy

To maintain pregnancy, ensure the health of the unborn child and mother, this vitamin should be taken when planning pregnancy and throughout the entire gestation period. However, here it is necessary to be very careful and observe a strict dosage. An overdose can also be dangerous.

It is believed that the adult requirement for folic acid is 200 micrograms (0.2 mg). For pregnant women, the dosage increases. The minimum dose is 400 mcg (0.4 mg) per day, and the maximum is 800 mcg (0.8 mg). When a pregnant woman is at risk (vitamin B9 deficiency is pronounced), the dosage increases to 5 mg per day.

To understand these dosages, you should carefully read the instructions for the folic acid preparation and listen to the doctor's recommendations.

The most common are folic acid tablets, which include 1,000 micrograms (1 mg) of folic acid. During pregnancy, it is recommended to take one tablet of this drug per day. In this case, an overdose is impossible.

But with a severe deficiency of vitamin B9, a drug with a higher dosage may be prescribed: Folacin or Apo-folic. One tablet of these drugs contains 5,000 micrograms (5 mg) of folic acid. This dosage is not preventive, but therapeutic.

It is also extremely important to consider the composition of the vitamin-mineral complexes that you are taking.

Often, all these complex preparations contain the required prophylactic dose of folic acid. For example, a drug capsule Folio contains 400 mcg of folic acid, in preparations materna and Elevit is 1000 mcg, Pregnawit- 750 mcg, Vitrum prenatal- 800 mcg, Multi-tabs- 400 mcg.

Thus, when taking any of these or other preparations containing vitamin B9, and in the absence of a deficiency, additional vitamin B9 is not required.

Folic acid overdose during pregnancy

Folic acid is non-toxic to the body, its excess does not linger and is excreted on its own.

However, its overdose in the case of prolonged use of high doses leads to adverse consequences. Namely, as a result of this, the content of vitamin B12 in the blood decreases, which can lead to anemia, gastrointestinal disorders, and increased nervous excitability. Changes in kidney function may also occur.

What dosage will lead to such consequences? This is possible if every day for three months or more take 10-15 mg of folic acid. Of course, this is practically impossible. The human body does not synthesize folic acid, but can only receive it with food or through synthesis by the microflora of the large intestine. Therefore, those who have bowel problems may need to supplement this vitamin.

Products containing folic acid

Those women who prefer to "lean" on natural vitamins contained in food instead of taking synthetic vitamin complexes should pay attention to the list of foods that have a high content of folic acid. These are walnuts, cereals - oatmeal, rice and buckwheat, sunflower seeds, kefir, milk powder, cottage cheese, egg yolks, vegetables with dark green leaves - beans, green peas, green onions, soybeans, beets, carrots, asparagus, tomatoes, products from wholemeal flour, beef liver. That is, this vitamin is found in many foods that can be consumed daily.

Author of the publication: Alexey Kulagin 

Increasingly, in modern society, pregnancy has become a planned event. Most expectant mothers already understand that in order to prevent any conditions and diseases, it is necessary to conduct an examination of the health status of future parents before conception. This preparation also includes taking folic acid.

Folic acid is a very necessary vitamin during pregnancy, with its deficiency, problems can arise not only for the mother, but also for the unborn baby.

What is folic acid for?

Folic acid or vitamin B9 is a very important compound for the body. Acid plays a large role in the life of the mother's body and in the development of organs and the growth of the fetus in the womb. Vitamin B9 controls the following body systems:

  1. Cardiovascular;
  2. Immune;
  3. hematopoietic system;
  4. Liver;
  5. Gastrointestinal;
  6. Central and peripheral nervous system;
  7. Enzymatic system;
  8. Participates in the formation of chromosomes;
  9. Cellular development.

Folic acid deficiency does not show any specific symptoms. In case of insufficiency of other vitamins, you can find out the depot of which vitamin has been depleted.

Clinical manifestations of folic acid deficiency:

  • Indigestion;
  • mood changes;
  • High probability of formation of atherosclerosis;
  • Heart attacks and strokes occur by blocking the vessels of the corresponding organs (heart and brain);
  • Deterioration of the process of storing information;
  • Children have growth retardation;
  • Inflammation in the oral cavity, the tongue becomes bright red;
  • Anemia often occurs;
  • The appearance of gray hair at an early age;
  • The threat of termination of pregnancy and spontaneous abortions;
  • Often the rejection of the embryo occurs in the early stages, even before the woman knows that she is pregnant and therefore the diagnosis of infertility is made;
  • If a woman has a vitamin deficiency, the cells and tissues of the fetus do not develop properly. The result may be deformity or developmental anomaly.

How and why to take folic acid before pregnancy

In the cells of the whole organism, changes constantly occur throughout a person's life under the influence of pathological factors. Therefore, cells must be renewed, some cells die, new ones appear in their place.

In case of violation of this system, neoplasms (tumors) of tissues occur. It is the lack of folic acid that can disrupt cell death.

Folic acid is necessary for the formation of DNA and RNA - acids that are responsible for genetic manifestations. In the event of gross genetic or chromosomal diseases in the early stages of pregnancy, an interruption occurs.

Vitamin B9 is involved in laying the nervous system of the fetus. The nervous system in the fetus at the beginning of the first trimester is a neural tube. The health of the brain and nerves depends on how successfully the laying of the cells and tissues of this tube occurs.

Folic acid when planning pregnancy is prescribed to all parents. Future fathers are responsible for the health of their baby no less than the mother, and it is important that the genetic material of both parents is “high-quality”.

The plan for preparing for pregnancy includes folic acid intake by both parents at a dosage of 400 mcg. within three months before conception. Folic acid before pregnancy is necessary not only for the formation of a healthy egg and sperm, but also for the formation of a depot of this vitamin in a woman's body for the future.

Sources of Vitamin B9

Folic acid is also found in food, even a small amount can be synthesized by the human intestine.

The vitamin is found in a significant amount:

  • In green foods (parsley, beans, parsley and green peas, asparagus, broccoli);
  • In coarse flour. Therefore, it is necessary to choose bakery products containing whole grains or coarse flour;
  • Nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts);
  • Liver;
  • Cottage cheese, cheese;
  • Citrus;
  • Avocado.

Folic acid is destroyed and excreted from the body faster if a woman takes oral contraceptives, alcohol, strong tea, drugs that suppress acidity in the stomach.

Name Name Folic acid content per 100g
Yeast 550 mcg. Spinach 80 mcg.
Cheese 19 mcg. Milk 5 mcg.
curdled milk 7.4 mcg. Jerusalem artichoke 18.5 mcg.
Gherkins 18.5 mcg. tomatoes 11 mcg.
Beet 13 mcg. beet tops 18.5 mcg.
Pepper green 10 mcg. Cucumber 4 mcg.
Carrot 9 mcg. Onion 9 mcg.
Potato 8 mcg. Cauliflower 23 mcg.
red cabbage 19 mcg. White cabbage 10 mcg.
Brussels sprouts 31 mcg. Zucchini 14 mcg.
eggplant 18.5 mcg. Kiwi 18.5 mcg.
Apples, pears 2 mcg. Peach 8 mcg.
Lemon 9 mcg. Watermelon 5 mcg.
Banana 10 mcg. Garnet 18 mcg.
Grape 2 mcg. Cherry 6 mcg.
strawberries 20 mcg. figs 10 mcg.
Gooseberry 5 mcg. Raspberry 6 mcg.
Sea ​​buckthorn 9 mcg. Black currant 5 mcg.
Buckwheat 28 mcg. durum wheat 46 mcg.
Rice 35 mcg. Peas 16 mcg.
Beans 90 mcg. Oat groats 29 mcg.
Buckwheat 32 mcg. Wholemeal flour 40 mcg.
walnut 77 mcg. Hazelnut 68 mcg.
Nut almond 40 mcg. Cheremsha 40 mcg.
Dill 27 mcg. Parsley 110 mcg.
Salad 48 mcg. Green onion 18 mcg.
beef tongue 6 mcg. beef liver 240 mcg.
Chicken egg 9 mcg. quail egg 5.6 mcg.
Turkey 9.6 mcg. Hen 4.3 mcg.
Quail, duck 7.5 mcg. Pork 4.1 mcg.
Mutton 8 mcg. Beef 8 mcg.
Rabbit 7.7 mcg. Champignon 30 mcg.
Porcini 40 mcg. Oilers 30 mcg.

It must be remembered that during pregnancy the need for all vitamins increases, folic acid is no exception. It is impossible to maintain its level with a diet, so an obstetrician-gynecologist will prescribe you a vitamin B9 preparation.

Taking during pregnancy

During the gestation period, there is a rapid growth and development of the cells of the unborn child. This implies the rapid consumption of the necessary substances of the mother. The task is to harmoniously replenish the depot.

It is best to ask your doctor about how to take folic acid during pregnancy. Do not self-medicate, as the dose of the drug may depend on:

  1. From the presence of even minimal clinical manifestations;
  2. From the place of residence and the nature of food in the region;
  3. From the nutritional habits of the woman herself (drinking strong tea and a large amount of zinc will lead to vitamin leaching);
  4. From the presence of abortions due to underdevelopment or anomalies of the neural tube;
  5. A history of unexplained infertility will force a high dose or preparation for IVF;
  6. If a woman takes complex vitamins or supplements containing B9.

The dosage of folic acid during pregnancy is selected individually and in no case should you change it if your neighbor has been prescribed more or less.

Another example of the importance of taking FA before and during pregnancy. It is known that with family ties (cousins) the risk of having children with genetic abnormalities increases dramatically. In 2009, a study was conducted among such couples, it turned out that taking folic acid before and during the first three months of pregnancy reduces the risk of having children with developmental defects from 8.2% to 3.5%.

During pregnancy, the amount of the vitamin is increased compared to preconception (before conception) preparation.

  • Moms in the "position" take pills with a dosage of 400 mcg. up to 800 mcg. per day;
  • If relatives of one of the parents had anomalies in the development of the neural tube, a dose of up to 2 g (2000 mcg) per day is required;
  • In the case of the birth of children with anomalies, causeless abortions or infertility, up to 5 g (5000 mcg) per day is prescribed.

Capsules are taken after meals 2 hours or 30 minutes before. These are recommended norms, we remind you that your doctor should prescribe the exact dosage for you.

Which is better - multivitamins or folic acid alone?

Before choosing a drug, consult your doctor.

A multivitamin complex is undoubtedly more convenient to use. Considering the amount of vitamins and minerals a woman has to take during pregnancy, taking one pill saves the day.

But there are also disadvantages to consuming everything at once:

  • Very often in the early stages of pregnancy, a woman experiences a feeling of nausea from many drugs. The iron contained in the complex is often the reason;
  • If the preparation contains zinc, it will reduce absorption;
  • As a rule, the concentration of folic acid is not high and, if necessary, you will need to additionally take vitamin B9;
  • Doctors usually recommend giving up dietary supplements and taking vitamins bought in pharmacies.

Symptoms of an overdose of folic acid

"The best is the enemy of the good" - this must not be forgotten. In everything you need to know the measure. An overdose of folic acid is extremely rare, as the substance is easily excreted in the urine.
But the likelihood of exceeding the amount of vitamin in the body after a long period of taking large doses, especially during pregnancy.

An overdose may appear:

  1. Changes in the sense of taste (metallic or bitter taste);
  2. Changes in the excitability of the nervous system (excitability, hyperactivity, irritability);
  3. Disorder of the gastrointestinal tract. May manifest as vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain;
  4. Changes in sleep and behavior;
  5. Zinc deficiency, which is manifested by epilepsy, schizophrenia, multiple sclerosis, impaired attention;
  6. Seizures.

If you are taking more than the recommended amount of folic acid and you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, contact your doctor. In the hospital, infusion detoxification should be carried out.

Before you decide to take drugs, carefully read the instructions for use.

Folic acid for pregnant women is one of the first vitamins that an expectant mother should take. Planning pregnancy in the first place must be associated with this technique. One small capsule a day will help you give birth to happy and healthy children.

Folic acid belongs to the group of vitamins B, is vitamin B9. It should be noted that today more than half of the world's population suffer from a deficiency of an important element. The deterioration of environmental conditions influenced this, and the food culture also changed.

More and more people prefer quick snacks that are rich in salt, spices, animal fats, but not in vital substances. Sources of folic acid are traditional vegetables - beets, carrots, cabbage, onions. A huge amount in greens, legumes, dairy products, cereals - oats and buckwheat. Pork, chicken, liver, fatty fish are also very valuable. A future mother should make a similar menu for herself, even if she is only planning a pregnancy.

Importance of folic acid

Vitamin B9 deficiency is also associated with malfunctioning of the digestive tract. The use of antibiotics affects the beneficial microflora. Intestinal diseases impair the ability to absorb acid, and therefore interfere with its entry into the blood. If, before pregnancy, a woman can feel normal with an insufficient amount of folacin, after conception, the daily rate should be regularly received. With a balanced diet, as well as taking folic acid, it is possible to prevent deviations in the development of the neural tube that occur in the first weeks after fertilization.

Many women try, only after learning about their special situation, to refuse to take any drugs. Synthesized vitamin B9 in a complex or in a separate form is absorbed much better than natural counterparts. In addition, sufficient concentration allows a pregnant woman in the first semester to avoid toxicosis, drowsiness, dizziness, nausea and blood pressure surges. The dosage of folic acid during pregnancy is from 400 to 600 mcg, which is equal to one tablet. This is the most optimal form for absorption by the body.

Mechanism of action

After fertilization, a special zygote cell is formed. It contains the genetic material, and the development of the embryo requires doubling the DNA helix. It is in this process that such an important acid takes an active part. During cell division, separate layers are formed, one of which will later become the brain. This happens in the early stages, up to 4 weeks, so the expectant mother may not even know what violent processes begin in her body.

In order for the pregnancy to proceed normally, constant renewal of the cells of the mother's body is required. Thanks to vitamin B9, the circulatory system works smoothly, protective functions protect against pathogenic factors. Good health, a stable emotional state of the mother, this is also the merit of folacin, but mood swings and increased nervousness may indicate its insufficient amount.

Folic acid is prescribed for the prevention of neural tube pathologies. Its formation occurs in the first weeks after implantation of the egg into the uterine cavity. The woman still does not feel any changes, without measurements of basal temperature and an hCG test, she will remain in the dark for some time.

If there is a significant deficiency of vitamin B9, this can lead to the development of embryo pathologies:

  • absence of a brain;
  • hydrocephalus;
  • cerebral hernia;
  • spina bifida.

The concentration also affects the state of the placenta. The probability of its exfoliation, fading of the fetus, miscarriage increases. To prevent such deviations, it is important to start taking the drug even before the onset of conception.

Dosage of vitamin B9

The daily human requirement is about 50 micrograms. But when planning, as well as after the onset of pregnancy, the doses increase several times. It must be remembered that folic acid intake does not end at the stage of childbirth. The required amount of vitamin B9 for a future mother is 400 mcg per day. If a woman practices breastfeeding, then she should continue taking such an important acid, increasing to 600 mcg. This will allow the baby to grow calm and healthy.

The dosage in tablets depends on the release drug:

  • if folic acid is included in the multivitamin complex, its volume is from 300 mcg to 1 mcg, which replenishes the daily requirement of the pregnant woman;
  • there are separate forms in which 1 tablet is equal to 1 mg, which is quite enough to replenish the daily allowance;
  • for treatment, higher doses of up to 5 mg per day are used, therapy is carried out for no more than a month during the period of preparation for fertilization or after conception, in order to reduce the risks of already occurring pathologies of the neural tube, as well as to improve health indicators if women have hypovitaminosis or anemia;
  • it is recommended to take folic acid for expectant fathers at the planning stage, the duration of the course is 3 months, the dosage is prescribed individually based on the anamnesis, with normal values ​​it is about 200 mcg, of course, after the onset of pregnancy, you can no longer take drugs.

Proper nutrition is of great importance, especially during pregnancy. Vitamin B9 is found in the liver, spinach, greens, legumes. But heat treatment partially destroys useful elements. The most optimal way to ensure the norm of folacin is to take pharmaceutical forms.

How to use

Folic acid is not toxic, so a significant excess of doses is not dangerous to health. With prolonged use (more than 3 months), it can affect the levels of vitamin B12, leading to its decrease. The drug is taken according to the instructions:

  • taking the pill is carried out at about the same time, after eating, washed down with water;
  • taken regularly, if one dose was missed, there is nothing wrong with that, you can resume it as soon as the opportunity arises;
  • best absorbed with vitamins B 12 and C, and additional bifidobacteria contribute to the synthesis of folacin in the intestine;
  • Aspirin, antacids, antiepileptic drugs, as well as alcohol, significantly reduce the concentration of acid in the blood.

A balanced diet, along with the intake of a vitamin complex, is the key to the health of the expectant mother and baby.

A woman who is preparing to become a mother must carefully prepare for a responsible mission. A healthy lifestyle, parting with bad habits are common truths known to everyone. But few people know how important it is during pregnancy. This is one of the main tools that a future mother needs to use.

Determination of folic acid

Otherwise, it is called vitamin B9. There is also a generalized name - folates, these are vitamin derivatives. It is them that a person receives from food, and tablets are a synthetic agent that turns into folates inside the body.

Any derivatives of vitamin B9 are very important for the hematopoietic system, namely, in the formation of new blood cells. Due to their deficiency, anemia develops.

Role in the body

The main functions that folic acid performs during pregnancy should be highlighted:

  • Participates in the formation of cell DNA, that is, the carrier of hereditary information.
  • Stimulates blood formation.
  • Participates in the formation of the placenta.
  • Blocks the formation of cancer cells.
  • Restores muscle tissue.
  • Participates in the laying and subsequent development of the nervous tissue of the fetus.

Why is it important to get folate during pregnancy?

To the question, doctors cannot answer in detail within the framework of a quick appointment, so it is worth explaining its significance. In the early stages, its consumption increases sharply. There is an increased division of embryonic cells to form full-fledged tissues. The baby's tissue is the most difficult to transform. That is why it is worth taking folic acid.

Deficiency can occur for various reasons:

  • Insufficient vitamin intake from food.
  • Malabsorption - occurs in chronic diseases of the stomach, intestines.
  • Genetic disorders in the folate cycle. It very rarely happens when the body does not have the necessary enzymes. Because of this, folic acid is not converted to folate. There is an accumulation of intermediate metabolic products, leading to diseases of the cardiovascular system, infertility and inability to bear a fetus. In this case, drink folic acid derivatives.
  • Taking oral contraceptives, barbiturates, sulfa drugs and alcoholic beverages lowers the level of the substance in the blood. If a woman took any of the above before conception, additional methods are required so that the norm of folic acid for pregnant women remains within its boundaries.

Required dosage

The ideal option is to drink a vitamin before pregnancy three months before conception and throughout gestation. Usually women are advised to drink 400 mcg per day. Sometimes the dosage needs to be increased. If the future mother has diabetes mellitus or epilepsy, then for her the daily norm is 1 mg. If children with a neural tube defect have previously been born, the dose of folic acid during pregnancy will be 4 mg. But the exact decision can only be made by a doctor after an examination.

Recommendations regarding the use of folic acid in women during pregnancy are being disseminated in many countries. So, American women who are at the planning stage take 400-800 micrograms per day a month before conception and for three months of gestation.

A blood test for vitamin B9 levels should be taken by anyone who has anemia or homocysteinemia. Healthy pregnant women do not need such an examination.

What is the best way to take it?

Pharmaceutical companies offer a wide range of products that contain folate. Their main difference is in quantity, dosage and cost.

Some of the medicines that are available in tablets have a dosage of 1 mg, which is inconvenient. You have to break it in half so that the norm of folic acid during pregnancy is not exceeded. It is desirable to find a form that will contain 400-500 mcg. This is the standard dosage of folic acid required during pregnancy.

There is another option - complexes (, etc.). But they should be used by those who live in an unfavorable climate and have a poor diet.

Three components are enough for a modern woman:

  1. Folic acid during pregnancy at a dosage of 400 mcg.
  2. Iodine preparations when in an area with its deficiency.
  3. If you have anemia, you need to take iron supplements.

Taking drugs with a multicomponent composition can be called inappropriate. It is sufficient to take folic acid during pregnancy, because this drug is safe. Its effectiveness has been proven through numerous studies. When asked how much folic acid a particular woman should drink during pregnancy, a specialist should answer.

Extract from the instructions

Indications include the prevention of neural tube defects and vitamin B9 deficiency. Contraindications - childhood, pernicious anemia, cobalomin deficiency, the presence of malignant tumors, sensitivity to components.

According to the instructions for use, the established daily dose of folic acid for pregnant women is 400 mcg. Among the side effects are itching, rash, hyperthermia, bronchospasm, bitterness in the mouth, erythema, loss of appetite, nausea and bloating. If you take folic acid for a long time, hypovitaminosis B12 may develop.

There are also special instructions. To prevent vitamin B9 deficiency, a balanced diet is necessary. The diet should contain green vegetables, legumes, beets, cheese, fresh liver, nuts, eggs.

If large doses are allowed and treatment becomes prolonged, a decrease in B12 concentration may develop. In the case where it seems that the doctor has overdone the appointment, you need to consult with another. Drink the amount that will be agreed with different experts.

An overdose of folic acid during pregnancy is possible, but only in those taking 25-30 tablets per day. In other cases, the excess is excreted from the body.

What else you need to know about vitamin B9:

  • Folic acid is prescribed for pregnant women, since during this period it is more quickly excreted from the body.
  • If a woman drank strong tea, the vitamin will be excreted from the body faster.
  • Taking certain medications increases the need for vitamin B9.
  • It is important to remember that when taking folic acid during pregnancy, it is imperative to monitor the reaction - an allergy is possible.
  • In addition to the fact that the vitamin is necessary for the creation of the nerve cells of the baby, it goes to "repair" about 70 trillion of the mother's cells, because they are constantly updated.
  • Be sure to drink folic acid, as its deficiency is transmitted to the fetus and affects the quality of breast milk.
  • In order for an important element to be preserved in products, they must be eaten raw or steamed.

A woman may not notice that she lacks a vitamin. But already in the first trimester, the appearance of irritability, loss of appetite, fatigue is acceptable. Be sure to drink folic acid so that all these symptoms do not interfere with a successful pregnancy. As a rule, doctors, when asked how to take vitamin B9, answer that 1 tablet per day is enough. In some cases, the specialist increases the dosage, but this is strictly individual. Therefore, before you start taking even such a harmless drug, you should ask your gynecologist how much to drink vitamin B9 and for how long. This will create optimal conditions for the health of the baby and mother. It would also be useful to clarify, . Vitamin must be supplied to the body and from natural sources.

Something, and folic acid during pregnancy, is prescribed to almost everyone, especially during pregnancy planning and its first trimester. Even ardent opponents of taking medications during pregnancy treat folic acid favorably. And this is true, since the lack of this vitamin in the body of the future mother (and folic acid is vitamin B9) is fraught with many serious unpleasant consequences. During pregnancy, a sufficient dosage of folic acid is extremely important, since B9 is involved in DNA synthesis, in the process of cell growth and division, in the process of hematopoiesis. Folic acid is necessary when laying the nervous system in the fetus, it prevents the development of defects in the neural tube, brain, etc.

· folic acid during pregnancy: dosage

Doctors say that every second pregnant woman is seriously deficient in vitamin B9 (folic acid). That is why the appointment and sufficient dosage of folic acid during pregnancy is important. Its deficiency is extremely dangerous both for the mother herself and for the unborn baby. provokes such serious violations as:

  1. the formation of defects in the nervous system of the fetus (cerebral hernia, absence of the brain, dropsy of the brain, spina bifida);
  2. development of malformations of the cardiovascular system, "cleft lip" (cleft lip);
  3. violations in the process of formation of the placenta in a pregnant woman;
  4. increased risk of placental abruption, miscarriage, miscarriage, premature birth, physical and mental fetal growth retardation, and other maternal and child health problems;
  5. anemia of pregnant women, and with a severe deficiency of vitamin B9, megaloblastic anemia inevitably develops, which can be fatal for a pregnant woman and child.

At the same time, one should not rush from one extreme to another, although, unfortunately, many do just that: optimists do not believe in “medical horror stories”, and pessimists are ready to rush headlong to the pharmacy after the first paragraph of the article and swallow tons of drugs that can eliminate the deficit folic acid during pregnancy. Both the first and the second are erroneous, everything needs a "golden mean". In the vast majority of cases, the daily dose of folic acid during pregnancy needs to be supplemented with vitamin complexes for pregnant women. But a large dosage of folic acid during pregnancy is far from always justified, and taking individual vitamin B9 preparations is not often prescribed. One way or another, and during pregnancy, it will be best to listen to doctors and not refuse to take folic acid. The main thing is that the dosage of folic acid is correctly set, taking into account the needs of the woman's body at a particular moment.

· folic acid during pregnancy: daily dose and body need

According to doctors, the need for vitamin B9 in an adult is 200 mcg per day (0.2 mg). , providing the body's need during pregnancy naturally increases. In this case, the minimum "daily dose" is 400 mcg per day (0.4 mg). In most cases, the dosage of folic acid during pregnancy reaches 800 mcg per day (0.8 mg). And when a pregnant woman is at risk (when vitamin B9 deficiency has been proven as a result of research and tests), the daily dose of folic acid can increase to 5 mg per day.

How to understand pharmacy preparations of vitamin B9, is the daily dosage of folic acid sufficient in your case? First, listen to your doctor's recommendations, insist that the dose of folic acid is prescribed according to the results of the tests, and not just for preventive purposes, and if in doubt, consult with another doctor. And secondly, always carefully study the instructions.

· folic acid during pregnancy: dose in preparations

The most common are tablets with a dose of folic acid in which 1000 micrograms (1 mg). Often the recommended dosage of folic acid during pregnancy is one tablet of this drug per day. Overdose in this case is simply impossible.

In the case of a pronounced deficiency of vitamin B9 in the body of a woman carrying a baby, more “strong” folic acid tablets will most likely be prescribed during pregnancy: “ Folacin" or " Apo-folic". One tablet of these drugs contains 5000 mcg (5 mg) of folacin, and this is a therapeutic dose of folic acid.

You should also take into account the intake of other vitamins and complexes for pregnant women, or rather their composition. Usually, all such drugs contain the right dose of folic acid in the composition. For example, in the preparation Folio"contains 400 micrograms of folacin and 200 micrograms of iodine, preparations" Elevit" and " materna"contain 1000 mcg (1 mg), in" Multi-tabs"- 400 micrograms of folic acid, in " Pregnavite"- 750 mcg, and vitamin tablets" Vitrum prenatal» contain 800 micrograms of vitamin B9.

As a rule, if a pregnant woman takes any of these drugs, or another similar one, then additional folic acid is not required. Provided there is no deficiency of folacin in the body, of course. But, if folic acid tablets are prescribed during pregnancy in addition to vitamins, then the content of this vitamin in them must be taken into account so that the daily dosage of folic acid is correctly calculated.

And, of course, one cannot ignore the question: is an overdose of folic acid during pregnancy possible and what is its danger for the baby and expectant mother? We hasten to reassure you: folic acid is completely non-toxic to humans. An overdose of folic acid during pregnancy can only occur if you take a dose of the drug hundreds of times higher than the need - this is about 25-30 tablets per day. Other excesses of the daily requirement, excesses of the vitamin, are simply excreted from the female body without any consequences. However, the dosage of folic acid during pregnancy should be adequate, that is, one that satisfies the body's need for it.

An excess of vitamin B9 is excreted from the body on its own, but still, long-term use of high doses of folacin can pose a threat to both: the content of vitamin B12 in the blood decreases, which can lead to anemia in a pregnant woman, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, changes in kidney function may occur , increased nervous excitability. This can happen if you take 10-15 mg of the drug daily for 3 months or longer. It is unlikely that any adequate woman will swallow 15 tablets in one day. Simply put, an accidental overdose of folic acid during pregnancy is not possible.

Norwegian scientists conducted a scientific experiment, as a result of which the following fact was established: in pregnant women who had an increased level of vitamin B9 in their blood plasma, children were born one and a half times more often, prone to asthmatic diseases. But, unfortunately, scientists have not named any specific doses that give an overabundance, an overdose of folic acid during pregnancy.

Therefore, if you are worried that the dosage you have been prescribed is too high, consult some other doctor about this. But, as already mentioned, if a slight excess, an overdose of folic acid during pregnancy is not dangerous.

· Folic acid during pregnancy in products

Well, for those who nevertheless firmly insist on a “drug-free” pregnancy, we can offer a set of products for the daily diet during the period of bearing a baby, containing a large amount of vitamin B9 in their composition:

  1. any vegetables that have dark green leaves (green peas, lentils, beans, spinach, parsley, broccoli, asparagus, cabbage, green onions, carrots, beets, tomatoes, soybeans),
  2. some fruits (peaches, watermelon, melon),
  3. walnuts, sunflower seeds,
  4. bakery products made from wholemeal flour,
  5. buckwheat, oatmeal and rice cereals,
  6. wheat germ,
  7. milk powder, kefir, cheese, cottage cheese,
  8. egg yolk,
  9. beef liver,
  10. caviar.

It's no secret that a balanced, nutritious diet can make up for the deficiency of any vitamins in the body. But if your doctor says you need extra folic acid because you're deficient, don't argue. Filinic acid does not accumulate in the body, it does not have such a property, the excess is excreted, and the deficiency must be replenished with foods and vitamins. Therefore, first get rid of the deficit, and only then adhere to the “drug-free philosophy”. And vice versa: let everyone around say “necessary” - do not take ANY pills without consulting a doctor!

Health to you and your little belly belly!

Yana Lagidna, especially for the site

And a little more on the topic of pregnancy, folic acid per day, video: