Transplanting tulips in the spring before flowering. Instructions for transplanting tulips in spring from one place to another. When to transplant tulips after flowering

Timely transplantation of tulips is a guarantee of plant health, which in turn will allow you to get beautiful flower beds. The most suitable for transplanting from one place to another, good rooting and further obtaining abundant flowering of tulips, will be early September - mid-autumn. If for some reason the bulbs dug out in the summer cannot be planted in the fall, this can be done in the spring. However, at this time, the active development of the plant begins, the seedlings planted in the ground will be weak, they bloom later or do not bloom at all.

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    Rules for transplanting tulips

    The algorithm of work in Central Russia looks like this:

    1. 1. Dig up the bulbs in the summer after flowering. This is around mid-June - early July. In order to properly extract them from the ground, it is imperative not to miss the moment when the plants are already withering, but the aerial part has not completely died off yet. In the future, the bulb will start up new roots, and at later digging dates, they are damaged.
    2. 2. After removing the plants from the ground, the remains of the ground part are cut off, and the bulbs are sorted. The spoiled and sick are separated, children and good specimens are selected.
    3. 3. Next, the sorted planting material is dipped into a solution of potassium permanganate for half an hour (5 g of manganese are taken per 5 liters of water), it relieves the bulbs of diseases and pests very well. Then it is dried in the shade.
    4. 4. After that, the prepared material is stored in cardboard boxes or wooden boxes until autumn. In late September - early October, when the soil temperature at a depth of 10-15 cm drops to 10 degrees, the bulbs are planted in the ground in the place allotted for them.

    Tulip babies will not bloom next year, this must be remembered when choosing a place to plant.

    bulb storage

    The dug out bulbs cannot be stored in a room where the temperature is above +25 degrees, if the air warms up to +32 degrees, then the tulips will not bloom at all. Bulbs are demanding on the level of humidity, it should be about 70%. Even tulip bulbs do not tolerate the sun's rays, when they are transplanted, work must be carried out in the shade, and the bulbs are stored in a dark room, without direct rays and drafts. If these requirements are not met, the bulbous bud is damaged, and the next year the plants give weak shoots, bloom sluggishly.

    Planting in the spring

    Landing time in the spring for Central Russia is the end of April. You can determine the optimal time by warming up the soil, it should be around +10 degrees.

    You can plant tulips in spring in several ways:

    1. 1. If you forgot to plant the bulbs in the fall, then you need to keep them in the refrigerator, in a cold cellar. For packaging use paper or cellophane with holes. In the spring, after the soil warms up, the planting material is treated with any growth stimulator (according to the instructions) and planted to a depth of three bulbs. Plants bloom after the tulips planted in autumn depart. This planting material can be used for forcing: if they are planted in a pot of sand, covering the bulb with a little soil, it is possible to get beautiful flowers even in winter.
    2. 2. You can use ordinary snow as a storage place. To do this, planting material is planted in the ground in boxes that are buried in the snow. However, without snow in the cold, the bulbs should not be, otherwise they will not bloom or even disappear altogether.
    3. 3. Planting in boxes will allow you to get young shoots that are planted in the spring. Light soil is placed in the box and the bulbs are laid out. From above, to the base and a little more (5 cm), the bulb is covered with earth. The soil in the box must always be moist. The box is kept cold for at least 5 weeks, at a temperature close to 0. For this, the vegetable compartment in the refrigerator or a cold cellar is suitable. After the soil warms up, the young shoots are carefully planted in the ground so as not to damage the fragile roots. They will bloom by the end of May - beginning of June.
    4. 4. This method allows you to plant planting material without damaging the fragile root system. After wintering in the refrigerator, it is necessary to process the bulbs with potassium permanganate and then plant them in small cups, each bulb separately. Landing time is the end of March. And when the soil warms up to +10 degrees, the plant from the cups is very carefully transplanted into the ground. When using paper cups, they can simply be planted in the ground without removing the plants. They will bloom 3 weeks after planting.

    Planting planting material in the spring does not allow you to get good shoots and abundant flowering. Plants will bloom in full force only next year.

    Features of landing in Siberia

    Harsh winters and the threat of a return to freezing temperatures make planting tulips in Siberia more time consuming. It is necessary to plant plants here in the fall already in late August - early September. The soil after planting the bulbs is mulched to protect against early freezing.

    1. 1. The soil for planting is chosen light, well fertilized with manure, ash and mineral fertilizers.
    2. 2. A place for an autumn landing is chosen sunny, without drafts.
    3. 3. Landing in the spring is carried out after the soil warms up.
    4. 4. Early varieties are planted in these latitudes that bloom well.

In June and July, you need to dig, plant, dry and store before planting bulbs of tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, muscari, imperial hazel grouse. Also at this time, you can transplant and divide the lily bulbs. Find out the favorable days for working with bulbous plants according to the lunar calendar of the gardener and gardener for 2019.

  • daffodils:
  • LILY:

What tulips should be dug up every year

Tulips from groups green, fringed, parrot it is necessary to plant and dig out every year, otherwise it will not be possible to preserve their varietal characteristics.

Tulips that do not require digging for 3-6 years: Kaufman, Foster, Greig, and Darwin hybrids, Triumph, Simple early And Simple late.

When to dig up tulips

It is desirable to dig tulip bulbs in the northern strip from mid-July to early August, in the southern regions (for example, in Kursk, Lipetsk, Voronezh regions) - in late June - early July. In the conditions of the middle zone (for example, in the Moscow region, Smolensk, Tver, Leningrad regions), the time of digging up tulips usually falls on the end of June - the beginning of July.

Is it possible to plant tulips in spring, during flowering? In May and early June, during flowering, tulips are not recommended to be transplanted with flowers. Digging up tulips immediately after flowering will cause the bulbs to shrivel and reduce flowering plants the following year. Therefore, the harvesting of tulip bulbs begins only after the leaves and stems have completely dried, and the early varieties should be dug up first, and as the leaves wither, the middle and late varieties.

It is not necessary to dig up tulips for the winter, they winter well in open ground conditions.

The best days for caring for tulips according to the Lunar calendar of the gardener and flower grower in 2017:

for digging: 6-7, 18-24, 26-31 July;
for making summer dressings: 1, 15-16, 18-21, 25-29 June; 1.10-11 July; 3, 6-8, 11-12, 21-22, 26-27, 31 August.

in the photo are freshly dug tudbpan bulbs

Do I need to pick a flower from a tulip

To get good and strong tulip bulbs, do not let the plant waste energy setting seeds. Remove the flower head from tulips 3-4 days after the flower has opened. When flowering plants in the flower garden, it is necessary to remove only the seed box, leaving the maximum possible length of the peduncle and leaves. This will cause the nutrients from the aerial part of the plant to drain into the bulb and help it gain strength for flowering next year.

Tie flower stalks of tulips with a large double flower to the support (for example, representatives of the Late Terry class)

Leave at least 3-4 leaves when cutting tulips for a bouquet. This will help the plants form large bulbs capable of flowering next spring.

on the photo bulbs and tulip babies

How to properly dig and store tulip bulbs after digging

Try to dig up tulip bulbs after flowering in dry and clear weather. In order not to accidentally damage the bulbs, be guided by the remnants of dried stems. Handle small tulip bulbs very carefully - this is planting material with which you can propagate tulips. Especially carefully dig out small bulbs in which the replacement bulb deepens.

Tulip bulbs must be sorted by variety, put in boxes with tags for the names of varieties and removed from direct sunlight in a utility room or under a canopy. After a few days, the tulip bulbs are cleaned of roots, soil residues and old scales, disassembled by parsing. Healthy tulip bulbs should have light brown scales. Sorted and dried bulbs are laid out in a thin layer in boxes and stored in a warm room for about 20 days at a temperature of + 23 ° C and a humidity of 70-80%. At this time, a flower shoot, leaves and rudiments of roots are formed. If the temperature at this time is too low, about +5 degrees Celsius, ° C, then bud formation does not occur, the bulb does not bloom next year. Gradually, you need to choose a cooler room for storing the bulbs and store them at + 13 ... + 15 ° and humidity not higher than 70% until planting.

in the photo, a curtain of daffodils has just been dug up

When to dig up daffodils after flowering

It is necessary to dig up daffodil bulbs and plant nests on average once every 4-5 (up to 6) years, when the bulbs begin to crowd each other and flowering weakens.

The timing for digging up and planting daffodils is different from tulips and hyacinths. Although the foliage of the narcissus dies off after flowering, it does not have a pronounced dormant period. Nutrients move in the bulb, the formation and development of organs takes place. You need to dig daffodils later than tulips and hyacinths, as soon as the foliage turns almost completely yellow (June-July), and plant them earlier - until the end of September. The optimal time to dig up daffodils is the second half of August, since the most active roots of daffodils grow in September.

Take your time to dig up daffodils until their foliage turns yellow completely. The bulb should have time to pull out all the nutrients from the leaves and put them in reserve. In daffodils, this period can stretch for almost 2 months, in wet weather it can be even longer.

After waiting for the foliage to turn yellow, it is better not to delay digging up daffodils: when the leaves dry up and fall off, the exact location of the bulbs will be difficult to determine, and you risk accidentally damaging them.

The best days for digging up daffodils according to the Lunar calendar of the gardener and florist in 2017:

for digging daffodil bulbs- June 15-16, July 17-18; other days are 7 and 31 July.
for summer processing of bulbs- 2-5, 20-21 and 24 July and 3-4, 9-12 August.

in the photo the division of daffodils after digging

When to dig up hyacinths

Hyacinths must be planted and dug up every year, otherwise it will not be possible to preserve the varietal characteristics of plants. In the conditions of the middle lane, for the normal formation of vegetative organs and the inflorescence of the next year, it is advisable to dig up hyacinth bulbs annually. Without this, already in the second year, flowering weakens, and then it completely disappears.

It is best to dig up hyacinths in late June-early July, when the leaves turn yellow. The dug bulbs are carefully cleaned from the ground, the leaves are cut and dried for 2-3 days. Then they are cleaned of excess scales, roots, growths on the bottom, large new bulbs (babies) are separated and put away for storage. The total storage time is about 95 days. Of these, it is advisable to store the bulbs for 2 months at a temperature of +25...+26°C, then a month at +17°C. The humidity in the room where the bulbs are stored should not be too low so that they do not dry out. To maintain humidity, you can spray the bulbs with water from time to time.

on the photo bulbs dug hyacinths

Auspicious days according to the Lunar calendar of the gardener and gardener 2017 for digging up hyacinths: June 15-16, July 17-18.

When to dig up lilies

Lilies require repotting every 3-4 years. Due to perennial bulbous roots, lilies have little to no storage period: the loss of these roots can result in the plant not blooming after planting. Therefore, the summer-autumn digging and division of lilies should coincide with transplanting and planting in a new place. If necessary, lily transplantation can be carried out at any time of the season, without disturbing the clod of earth with roots.

Lilies from the groups Asian hybrids and LA hybrids

Lilies from groups Asian hybrids And LA hybrids usually form a lot of babies, so try to dig them up and plant them every year, otherwise they will greatly weaken the mother bulb, flowering will be weak and short.

Lilies from the groups Oriental hybrids, Martagon, tubular and OT hybrids

At lilies from groups Oriental hybrids, Martagon, tubular And OT hybrids during the season, usually there are few children. Therefore, lilies of these groups can not be planted every year, it is enough to plant them every 5-7 years.

in the photo are lily bulbs prepared for sale after digging

The time of transplanting lilies to a new place should coincide with the end of the growing season, when the lily bulbs get stronger after flowering. In the northern regions, the best time for transplantation is early autumn (late August - September), in the middle lane - mid-autumn (September - early October), in the southern regions - late autumn (October - November).

Terms of digging lilies

In order for the plants to take root well in a new place and prepare for winter, it is better to divide the lilies at the following times:

It is better to dig up non-hardy tubular lilies every year for the winter, dry and store in a frost-free room.

All excavated lily bulbs should be immediately planted in a permanent place.

If necessary, lily bulbs can be stored briefly wrapped in sphagnum in a cool place, such as in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator. When digging up overgrown lilies, carefully separate all the baby bulbs that have formed and plant them in specially prepared places.

Is it necessary to dig up and when the imperial hazel grouse

Imperial hazel grouse bulbs can be grown in one place without transplantation for 2-3 years. In nature, it grows in a climate with hot and dry summers, and the bulbs, in order to lay a flower bud for the next year, need to warm up - as in their homeland. Therefore, for guaranteed flowering, the imperial hazel grouse must be dug up every year and cleaned to dry at a temperature of + 30 ° C until August. It is best to dig the bulbs when the ground parts begin to dry out - in mid-late June. It is impossible to delay cleaning, in a humid summer there is a risk of rotting of the bulbs. Grouse bulbs are devoid of covering scales, so during storage it is better to shift them with peat, sawdust or sand, otherwise they will dry out.

By the end of storage at the end of August, hazel grouse bulbs begin to appear new roots and sprouts, long roots grow - this is a signal that it is time to plant the bulbs.

on the photo bulbs of imperial hazel grouse, prepared for autumn planting

Grouse Bukhara ( F. Bucharica) and stenanter ( F. Stenanthera) also necessarily require digging and drying the bulbs every summer. This can be done by growing them in pots, removing the pot from the soil and putting it in a dry place until September.

Auspicious days for digging bulbs of the imperial hazel grouse and laying to dry according to the Lunar calendar of the gardener and gardener for 2017: June 15-16; 17-18 and 31 July.

When to dig up crocuses

Crocus spring can be grown in one place without a transplant for 3-4 years. You do not need to dig up crocus corms every year, unless you need to propagate the plant and get large marketable bulbs. The growth rate of crocuses and the formation of daughter bulbs is different, while varietal plants need to be divided more often. When the corms crowd each other and become smaller, the nests need to be seated.

The timing of digging crocuses depends on the time of flowering plants. Autumn flowering species ( k. banatsky, k. Pallas, k. beautiful, k. kholmovy, k. pretty, k. Sharoyan, k. Kochi, k. yellow-white etc.) can be divided earlier - in June-August. spring blooming ( spring, yellow, mesh, Korolkov, two-flowered, Heichel, Sieber, golden, Ankir, Adam, Alataevsky, Tomasini) - in July-September, when the plants are at rest. The planting material is dried, freed from roots and defective scales, after which it is examined, diseased specimens are rejected, mechanical damage is disinfected, sprinkled with crushed coal or ash. Stored in dry, cool rooms for two to three months, then planted in the ground.

photo of crocus bulbs prepared for autumn planting

Auspicious days for digging bulbs and dividing crocus nests according to the Lunar sowing calendar for gardeners and gardeners: June 15-16, July 17-18, August 27-28, September 15.

When to dig up small bulbous plants

Small bulbous plants (white flower, kandyk, scylla, muscari, snowdrop, blueberry, pushkinia and hionodox) do not need to be dug up every year. They can grow in one place for 4-5 years. It is necessary to divide and plant muscari for transplantation when the nests grow strongly so that they do not interfere with each other and the flowers are large. You can start work when the leaves begin to dry on the plants - in late summer and early autumn. If your muscari and other small-bulb plants are too young to divide and repot, just cut off the yellowing leaves.

The dug out bulbs need to be cleaned of the earth and roots, dried for several days in a well-ventilated room at an air humidity of 70% and a temperature of + 17ºС. After that, the bulbs must be immediately transplanted to a new place. If planting is delayed, place the bulbs in a container of peat or damp sand to protect them from drying out.

Auspicious days in 2019 for digging bulbs of small-bulbous plants according to the Lunar sowing calendar for gardeners and gardeners: June 15-16; July 17-18; August 27-28; September 15th .

in the photo the process of digging muskuri during the flowering period

As soon as the winter cold recedes, tulips are among the first to bloom in our flower beds. The age of this wonderful flower is not long, but it can rightfully be considered an adornment of any, the most exquisite garden.

Blooming quickly, tulips leave powerful leaves on the surface, which, in turn, cannot be called particularly exquisite. In order to preserve the beauty of the garden next year, to get beautiful flowers again in your flower bed, you must correctly perform one of the important agricultural practices - plant transplantation. It will provide the tubers with the necessary soil composition and help sort out damaged and low-quality bulbs. Often gardeners have a question about whether it is permissible to transplant tulips during flowering, and if not, how to do it correctly.

Is it possible to transplant tulips during the flowering period?

Experienced flower growers answer this question specifically - it is better not to use such a transplant when growing tulips. The main reason is that with such actions, the correct development of the bulb is disrupted, which in the future will replace the old one. Varietal, elite tulips will most painfully react to this procedure. But they are the most beautiful!

By transplanting at the time when the plants are flowering, we significantly reduce their potential. In the event that a transplant cannot be dispensed with, this must be done carefully by digging up a flower with the ground. The excavated plant is carefully transferred to the new planting site. The transplant procedure should be accompanied by abundant watering. This will allow the plant to quickly take root in a new place.

Best time to transplant tulips

Novice flower growers do not competently master the technology of such agricultural practices. This is permissible, both in relation to tulips and other flowers. Each plant in the garden has its own individual characteristics. For some, the favorable transplant time is spring, while for others it is worth waiting for autumn. This cannot be ignored! That is why, when caring for tulips and hoping for their beautiful flowering in the garden, you need to know a lot of specific information. First of all, the rules for transplanting a plant.

Autumn - the most optimal time for transplanting tulips is considered by experienced flower growers, unambiguously advising transplanting tulips to be done at this time of the year. The most favorable time for this agricultural technique is the period from September 10 to October 10. But the time should be calculated taking into account the characteristics of your region - so that the bulbs have at least two months to root before the onset of the first frost.

To withstand all the methods of agricultural technology of this plant, the bulbs must be dug up at least a month before planting in a new place. By this time, the plant should have completely faded, and its leaves should turn yellow. The dug bulbs must be sorted out, getting rid of the weak and damaged ones. It is important to examine the bulbs carefully, and, having found longitudinal stripes on them, get rid of such planting material. He must have been infected with a virus. Then they are washed in running water and soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate.

After soaking in a manganese solution, the selected bulbs are dried, maintaining a temperature of at least 18-20 ° C in a ventilated room for at least a month. During this period, it is necessary to ensure that direct sunlight does not fall on the planting material, and the temperature in the room where drying is taking place does not rise above 33 ° C. Compliance with all these techniques will allow you to save the flower bud - the basis of the future flower.

Having consistently performed all the described agricultural practices, in the spring in your garden you will again see beautiful spring flowers - tulips, which will decorate the garden and create a positive mood, marking the arrival of a new spring!

Tulips are one of the most popular varieties of perennial bulbous plants that are grown in most summer cottages. For abundant and high-quality flowering, they require proper care, which includes periodic transplantation. All the features associated with this procedure will be discussed in detail in the proposed article.

Terms for transplanting tulips

The timing of transplantation in most cases depends on the climatic conditions of a particular region, the condition of the flowers and the individual characteristics of the variety, but there are certain general rules.

Based on them, 2 most successful periods can be distinguished:

  • Transplantation in the autumn period from mid-September to mid-October is considered by most growers to be the best option. Tulips have enough time for rooting and adaptation in a new place, which occurs even before the arrival of the first serious frosts. Thanks to this, the flowering period begins in spring without delay.
  • Sometimes there are any reasons that do not allow this procedure to be carried out in the fall. If the allowable deadlines have been missed, then tulips can be transplanted in the spring, however, in such a situation, it will be necessary to exercise an increased level of accuracy when performing any manipulations with planting material. In addition, there is always a certain risk that the flowering period will come much later or be postponed until the next season.
  • When do tulips need repotting?

    Usually tulips can grow in one place up to 3-4 years, after which it is necessary to move to a new site with a parallel separation of the children from the main tuber.

    When to transplant tulips and when not to do it

    Regardless of the chosen time frame, there are certain periods when the implementation of this procedure is not allowed, all of them are listed below:

  • Transplant during flowering, as tulips do not tolerate it very well. Violation of this rule can lead to severe deterioration of the plant or its death.
  • Transplanting before flowering is an undesirable measure, since it is best to wait for the period when the tulips have already faded.
  • Transplant in the late autumn period, when severe frosts are already setting in, because the plants do not have time to prepare for the approaching winter and the risk of their death increases.
  • The following are the periods when transplanting tulips, on the contrary, is desirable:

  • 3-4 weeks before the predicted snow fall.
  • Until mid-October if the procedure is carried out in the middle lane.
  • Until the middle or end of September if the procedure is carried out in the northern regions, which are characterized by an early onset of winter.
  • The plant is already fully bloomed. and started to turn yellow.
  • When the ground temperature is+8-10 °C at a depth of about 10 cm.
  • How to transplant tulips

    After all issues with the timing of this procedure have been resolved, you can proceed to familiarize yourself with the technology for its implementation.

    Detailed instructions are given below:

  • It is necessary to start preparation in the middle of summer, during this period you need to dig out the bulbs. It is not recommended to delay this process, since the tubers may have time to take root, which will negatively affect the condition of the plant if it is disturbed.
  • The dug out planting material should be stored in a dry place with good ventilation, but without the presence of drafts, which can be detrimental to the bulbs. The recommended temperature regime is + 20-24 ° C, subject to the above conditions, the drying process takes no more than one month. It is also necessary to monitor the humidity in the room, it should be about 70%.
  • From the prepared bulbs, it is necessary to completely remove the dried scales, old root processes and soil residues. This must be done very carefully so as not to damage them, since in this case the tulips may not take root in a new place.
  • In parallel, it is necessary to sort the bulbs, dividing them according to varieties and sizes. All planting material that has mechanical damage, signs of disease, or is simply in a weak condition should be rejected and disposed of.
  • If there is still time before the transplant period, then the selected bulbs are again sent for storage in a dark and cool place.
  • Immediately before planting, all bulbs must be treated with garlic infusion. or a weak solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection and protection against pests.
  • Planting holes are made at the prepared site, their depth and diameter depend on the size of the bulbs. Large tubers need to be deepened into the soil by 10-15 cm, for children this figure decreases to 5-7 cm.
  • A distance of at least 8-10 cm should be maintained between the holes, otherwise the tulips will be crowded, and they will begin to experience an acute shortage of nutrients.
  • Before planting, each hole should be abundantly moistened. You can proceed to the next stage only after complete absorption of moisture into the soil.
  • The bulbs are carefully lowered into the holes made, after which they are covered with garden soil.
  • Landing sites are once again abundantly moistened.
  • The surface of the entire landing site is additionally leveled with a garden rake. After that, it remains only to provide the tulips with appropriate care and, if everything was done in accordance with the instructions given, then next spring the next flowering period will begin.
  • Post transplant care

    The quality of care that will be provided after transplanting plants to a new place depends not only on flowering for the next season, but also on the safety of the bulbs in the winter.

    All features of this process are discussed in detail below:

  • The surface of the soil is compacted and compacted, mulching will also be required, for which sawdust or needles can be used. This will provide additional insulation for the winter.
  • In the absence of precipitation, it is necessary to periodically moisten the soil, but with the onset of the first frost, this procedure completely stops.
  • After the appearance of the first sprouts, it is necessary to carefully examine the seedlings in order to identify bulbs that have not germinated, as well as plants with traces of diseases. All rejected material must be immediately disposed of, as it can provoke an epidemic that will destroy all tulips.
  • Around the seedlings, loosening of the soil is carried out, which will contribute to the oxygen enrichment of the root system, which will stimulate the growth and development of plants. It is necessary to repeat such manipulations after each watering or heavy precipitation.
  • It is necessary to ensure that the soil does not dry out, but all watering should be moderate in order to prevent waterlogging of the flower bed and rotting of the tubers. It will be possible to increase the volume of water after the beginning of the period of active flowering.
  • When the first shoots appear, fertilizers will need to be applied to the soil containing a large amount of nitrogen, which will positively affect the natural growth and formation of foliage.
  • In the future, it is not necessary to carry out top dressing, but after the appearance of the first sheet, it will be possible to use any mineral variety of fertilizers containing a complex of necessary chemical elements.
  • Repeated application of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers is carried out after the appearance of the first buds because tulips need extra food at this time.
  • The last bait is carried out after the cessation of flowering, but nitrogen mixtures are no longer allowed to be introduced into the soil. The choice should be made in favor of products containing phosphorus and potassium.
  • Basic Mistakes

    The following are examples of the most common mistakes that are made when transplanting tulips.

    Timely familiarization will prevent their recurrence and ensure the safety of grown plants:

    1. Transplanting during the growing season. Even if this procedure is urgently required for objective reasons, it is necessary to wait until the end of this period, otherwise the plants may not be able to move to a new location.
    2. Transplanting directly during flowering. This not only negatively affects the state of tulips and impairs their adaptation to a new place, but also disrupts the natural cycle of plant development. Even if the bulbs survive the winter without problems, flowering for the next season may not occur.
    3. Removing a flower if, for some reason, the bulb was removed from the ground along with a blooming tulip. To minimize harm, it is necessary to place it in the aquatic environment and wait for the completion of flowering in a natural way.
    4. Bulb storage before transplanting at temperatures above +30 °C. Such conditions are considered unacceptable, since they often lead to the complete loss of flower buds.
    5. If the transplant is planned to be carried out in the spring, then the bulbs are recommended to be placed in a container with soil, which is stored in a cool room for some time. Such measures make it possible to harden the planting material and have a positive effect on its resistance to environmental influences.
    6. Drying the bulbs before transplanting is best done outdoors, weather permitting. However, direct sunlight must be avoided as there is a risk of burns.
    7. During transplants, baby bulbs and adult tubers are best placed in different places. because they have different flowering times.
    8. Every summer resident should know when to transplant tulips.

      Spring flowers that carry freshness, beauty and a wonderful train of aromas will not leave anyone indifferent. Many flower beds are full of a variety of crowned flowers. Tulips, like all plants, require special care and every gardener should know when to repot tulips. This is a very important element of proper flower care.

      Determining the transfer time

      What time of year to transplant tulips? The best thing to do is to do it in the fall. First you need to wait until they completely fade. The leaf and scales of the bulbs should already turn yellow. As a rule, this is mainly the end of June or July. If you overexpose them in the ground, then the bulb will begin to take root, and this process should not be disturbed. Having dug up the bulbs, it is necessary to place them together with the foliage in a dry room. The storage location must be well ventilated. You can leave them in the fresh air, but only if they are not exposed to ultraviolet rays. By the autumn days, the bulbs will dry well, and then you can prepare them for planting. It should be cleaned of husks and dry stems, divided into varieties and planted in prepared soil. In advance, you need to treat the bulbs with a solution of potassium permanganate to control pests. Autumn is different, and only by soil temperature can you determine when to transplant tulips. It should not be very high - 9-10 degrees. But the weather is unpredictable, it can be warm until the new year. And if you plant the bulbs too early, then with a long stay in warm soil, the first leaves will appear, and with the first frost they will die. Therefore, you need not miscalculate with the landing time. You can also pre-fertilize the soil, and cover with dry leaves or grass on top.

      Transplant features

      Every summer resident should know when to transplant tulips. Like any bulbous, they require regular transplantation. But if you adhere to the cultivation technology and plant them not very tightly, then you can forget about this process for a couple of years. It must also be remembered that when tulips are transplanted, the children are sown separately. Next year, the old bulbs will definitely bloom, but the children will not. It happens that in the spring a redevelopment of the land is necessary, and these flowers need to be urgently transplanted. There is nothing to worry about - you can transplant tulips in the spring. But the procedure will be somewhat different. Most likely, these tulips will not bloom this year. In a year they will get stronger, take root, and next spring they will delight with their beauty. Although you can "cheat" nature a little and transplant flowers along with a layer of soil. To the depth of a shovel, dig the ground along with the flower and transfer it to the already prepared recess. The process is quite laborious, but there is hope that the flowers will bloom.

      In theory and practice

      There is a rule that tulips need to be replanted every year so as not to lose varietal qualities. But practice shows something completely different, and every gardener must decide for himself when to transplant tulips. For one variety, this is a necessity, and for another, a completely optional procedure (that is, it is not required annually). Therefore, everything is individual. Nature is very smart and cunning at the same time. Science should be listened to, and how to act - to decide for yourself.

      When and how is the best time to transplant tulips?

      How good are the cute unpretentious plants that delight us during flowering! Often beginner flower growers have questions about when to transplant tulips. There is even an opinion that they do not need to be dug up at all and transferred from one place to another, that they will grow and bloom as they want, and will not lose their attractiveness from this.

      Why repot tulips?

      The biological parameters of tulips are determined by the conditions in which they grow in their homeland. These are mountainous areas. Wastewater in the mountains washes away the upper layers of the soil, which causes the bulbs of plants to go deeper into the lower layers. In our areas, there is no longer such a need, but the plants continue to work out of habit, digging deeper and deeper every year. One day, the bulbs will already go so deep into the soil that they will die, not having enough strength to force the peduncle. In addition, over time, the bulbs will not be found in the soil, and when digging out, one part of them will be cut with a shovel, and the other part will remain in the ground. The maximum time for which plants can be left on the site without digging is 2-2.5 years.

      An important reason to transplant tulips after flowering is that in order to form full-fledged bulbs capable of growing beautiful flowers, they need to be about 2 months at a temperature of +20. +25°С. In the middle lane, the earth rarely warms up to such an extent. Therefore, it is better to dig up tulips and create comfortable conditions for them at the right time.

      When and how to dig?

      Different regions have different deadlines. There is no one date for everyone. The best way to determine when to transplant tulips after flowering is by their appearance. When the yellowing of the leaves begins, but the stem is still quite dense and strong, you need to dig up 2-3 bulbs and inspect them. If brown protective scales begin to form, then it's time to dig out the plant. If you are late, the stem will dry out and fall off. Then it will be difficult to find the place where the plant is located. In order not to damage the bulbs and their children, it is better to work with a pitchfork.

      Carefully shake off the earth from the dug-up plants and put it in a warm, ventilated place, protected from the sun, for several days. After that, clean the bulbs from the ground, roots, stem and remove the detached scales. The material should be carefully inspected for damage. First you need to select the largest and healthiest onions, put the small ones separately. If there is not enough planting material, you can try to save the damaged ones. Mechanical cuts need to be sprinkled with crushed coal. Cut out sore spots, soak the bulbs in a manganese solution for 20 minutes, dry and also treat with a disinfectant material. All calibrated material should be divided into different containers. Children - also calibrate and place separately. Until planting, you need to store everything in a dry, warm and ventilated place, not in the sun.

      Soil and bulb preparation

      To determine the time of planting tulips in the fall, we must remember that the optimum soil temperature should be +6. +9°С. If this parameter is observed, the planting material will have time to take root in time, and in the spring to start growing in a timely manner with warming. A well-chosen site for tulips should be well lit and protected from the winds. Despite moisture-loving, plants do not tolerate stagnant water. Do not plant in lowlands where the soil can be waterlogged. The bulbs will rot, freeze, or get fungal infections and die. But a small elevation will be most suitable for transplanting tulips.

      Site preparation should begin 2-3 months before planting. It is necessary to dig with the application of fertilizers containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. You can not use manure, as it leads to rotting of the bulbs. Before planting, you should carefully sort out all the bulbs again, rejecting the diseased ones.

      Then you need to keep the selected planting material in a solution of potassium permanganate for about 1 hour. You can use special antifungal agents. For example, the drug "Maxim" perfectly protects the planting material. After these procedures, the bulbs should be dried a little and planted. Immediately before planting in the hole, it is required to pour sand, and put the bottom of the onion on it strictly vertically. The depth of the hole should be 3 times the height of the bulb and not less than 10 cm. Add wood ash to the ground that will be covered from above. The distance between the holes is about 10 cm, for small bulbs this distance is less.

      Large bulbs are planted in the center of the beds, and small ones along the edges. Then the taller plants will not close the light for the lower ones. Children should be planted in a separate bed. They will not bloom this year, but will "work up" the size. When all the plants are planted, it is necessary to put marks over them so that during the winter they do not forget their location. Top with mulch. Before the onset of cold weather in the zone of risky farming, you still need to make a shelter.

      Possible options

      But, after all, is it possible not to transplant tulips annually? Can! Inventive flower growers offer another way in which transplanting tulips every fall is not so important. This method involves planting bulbous plants in a container. This technique has recently become popular among flower growers. It is just aimed at preventing the bulbs from “scattering” throughout the flower bed and going deep into the soil. A variety of containers are used. On sale there are special baskets for this purpose. The product needs to be placed in a dug hole, pour a small layer of earth into it, a little sand and place the bulbs. Then cover with earth. The thickness of the soil should be 2 times the height of the bulb. When it's time to dig, you just need to remove the basket from the ground and send the seed to dry.

      In addition to baskets, you can use other improvised means, such as plastic boxes for vegetables and fruits, fine-mesh nets, flower pots, cut plastic bottles and other things that fantasy is still capable of. Single bulbs can be planted in cut plastic bottles upside down. Just remember that plants need drainage holes. When planting in containers, if for some reason the tulips were not dug up in time, they can remain in the ground until next year and even longer. True, the quality of flowers will decrease, because tulips love freedom, and in close company they somewhat lose their beauty.

      If you did not have time to transplant flowers in the fall

      No problem. Possible option - spring. The most important thing in this case is to properly store the planting material. Sorted healthy bulbs should be stored at a constant temperature of about +5 ° C all winter until planting. It is important to protect them from moisture, otherwise they will germinate or rot. It will be correct to arrange the bulbs in paper bags and check for moisture from time to time.

      When tulips are transplanted in the spring, there is no clear answer. We'll have to choose ourselves. It will take about 1 month for the onion to root. It is necessary to seat in the ground, warmed up at a depth of about 10 cm to +8. +10°С. But you can't be late either. Tulips should bloom in spring because they do not tolerate high summer temperatures. In summer, blooming tulips will please, but the flowering will be very short. The composition of the soil and planting technology does not differ from the autumn. For tulips, transplanting is very important. It is necessary to follow all the rules, to create maximum comfort for growth and flowering. And when tulips can be transplanted is a secondary question.

      And some secrets.

      The story of one of our readers Irina Volodina:

      I was especially depressed by the eyes, surrounded by large wrinkles, plus dark circles and swelling. How to remove wrinkles and bags under the eyes completely? How to deal with swelling and redness? But nothing ages or rejuvenates a person like his eyes.

      But how do you rejuvenate them? Plastic surgery? I learned - not less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - photorejuvenation, gas-liquid peeling, radiolifting, laser facelift? A little more affordable - the course costs 1.5-2 thousand dollars. And when to find the time for all this? Yes, it's still expensive. Especially now. So I chose a different way for myself.

      When can I transplant tulips to another place

      Few flower gardens or gardens are complete without bright beautiful and fragrant tulips. Our gardeners are already accustomed to the fact that these unpretentious plants delight with their flowering even with minimal care. But, in some cases, a transplant of tulips is required. Next, we will talk about when to transplant them to another place in the summer, autumn, spring.

      When can you transplant tulips?

      It is rather difficult to name the exact timing of transplanting tulips. Often, such subtleties depend to a greater extent on the characteristics of the plant variety itself. But still, there is an optimal time period when the plant will be accepted in the ground in the best way - this is autumn (from the first decade of September to the first decade of October).

      A plant planted during this period of time will have time to take root quite firmly in the ground, prepare properly for wintering and enter the flowering phase in a timely manner.

      But, unfortunately, autumn transplantation is far from always possible. Many are interested in the question: is it possible to transplant tulips in the spring? Gardeners give a rather twofold answer to this question. I guess, yes. But in this case, you should act very carefully, handle the bulbs extremely carefully.

      Attention! When transplanting tulips in the spring, you should not wait for the plant to bloom on time. In addition, with a greater degree of probability, we can say that the plant may not grow as beautiful and blooming wildly. But with the right approach, the result will be positive.

      It is worth noting that the spring planting will be best tolerated by those tulips that “survived” the winter in special containers. Thus, it is possible to carry out a transplant as efficiently as possible, virtually eliminating the possibility of damage to the flower bulbs.

      In what cases is a transplant possible?

      To understand the feasibility of transplanting tulips, you first need to find out in which cases it is generally worth carrying out such a procedure, because this plant can quite easily “live” in one place for up to 4 years.

      So, the first and quite natural reason for transplanting a tulip may be a long period of its stay in one place (longer than 4 years). The second reason for transplantation (moreover, urgent) may be the absence or insufficient flowering of the plant or the deformity of its flower petals. Such "symptoms" indicate damage to the plant by pests or that the soil did not quite fit the tulip.

      The subtleties of the process of transplanting flowers

      As mentioned earlier, a tulip transplant is possible over several periods. More on this later.

      spring planting

      A transplant in the spring is, of course, not the most desirable, but when there is no way out or circumstances have developed, it is important to know how to do it correctly. So, first you need to select the most beautiful and healthy bulbs and plant them in a container with prepared soil. Choose the container very carefully: its depth should not exceed 15 cm. The transplant process is best done by the end of April.

      When planting bulbs, try to keep a minimum distance of 3 cm between them. After planting, be sure to sprinkle them with a layer of earth a few centimeters and water gently. When the first shoots appear, you can plant the plant in open ground.

      autumn planting

      As for the autumn planting, then, as mentioned earlier, this is the most gentle option for tulips. So, start transplanting approximately by mid-July. By this time, the scales on the bulbs will turn brownish. Try not to be late, otherwise the plant will start to take root, and then the transplant process will become much more difficult. Leave the dug bulbs to dry either in the fresh air or in a well-ventilated area.

      At the beginning of autumn, dry bulbs must be thoroughly cleaned of husks and dry stems, held in weak potassium permanganate to protect against pests and diseases, dried and planted in the ground.

      Remember, the transplant site should be almost calm and well lit. The soil must be fertilized the day before planting.

      That, in principle, is all that you need to know about the intricacies of transplanting tulips to a new place. Good luck!

      How to plant tulips: video

      Choosing the best time to transplant tulips

      The tulip is one of the gardener's first spring joys. Their flowering marks the end of winter, the sun and warm wind. But in order for these flowers to delight you every spring, they need not very thorough, but regular care. When and how best to transplant tulips: in spring or autumn, before or after flowering - these are the questions that you need to know the answer to get a beautiful spring flower bed.

      Tulips are perennial plants, but when grown in one place for 3-4 years, they begin to degenerate: flowering stops or the flowers become small, irregular in shape.

    9. depletion and acidification of the soil, in this case, you can regularly change the soil without changing the location of the planting;
    10. active growth of plants, in which they have little space, light and nutrients for normal growth;
    11. disease or pest control;
    12. desire or need to propagate flowers.
    13. When is the best time?

      Tulips can be transplanted in spring and autumn. The second option is preferable. But in no case should tulips be transplanted during flowering, with a high probability the plants will not survive such stress.

      Features of spring transplant

      Gardeners do not advise transplanting in the spring: the bulb will have little time to take root. The answer to the question of whether it is possible to transplant tulips in the spring before the onset of constant heat and hope for their flowering is simple. There are some tricks to do this:

      If possible, it is better to transplant in the fall, this will be much less stressful for the plant and the likelihood of success will increase significantly.

      Autumn transplant

      Autumn is the time to transplant tulips from one place to another with the least risk of damaging the plants.

      It is optimal to transplant 3-4 weeks before the first frost, then the bulb will not have time to germinate, but it will have time to take root well and be ready for wintering.

      For the middle zone, this time corresponds to the period from the second decade of September to the first decade of October, for the southern regions - until the end of October. In northern latitudes, it is better not to take risks and transplant in early September.

      The best soil and place for tulips

      Tulips prefer neutral to slightly alkaline, well-permeable soil.. They withstand a slight drought well, but do not tolerate excessive moisture (there is an increased likelihood of rotting of the bulbs and fungal diseases).

      With a lack of light, the stems are bent and stretched. Therefore, the tulip will feel best in a well-lit, quiet, draft-free place. If it is not possible to remove excess moisture from the site, it is worth making a high flower bed.

      When preparing the site, it is necessary to fertilize the soil. Well-rotted manure, wood ash, compost, mineral fertilizers (saltpeter, carbamide, nitro- or ammophoska) are suitable for this.

      The composition and amount of applied fertilizers depends on the initial fertility and acidity of the soil.

      Transplant rules

      Preparation for transplantation begins with the preparation of bulbs. They are dug up after the flowering is completely over, and the leaves of the tulip begin to turn yellow. The extracted bulbs are sorted - old, diseased and defective are discarded.

      Then they are thoroughly washed and dried in a warm, well-ventilated place without access to sunlight (ultraviolet radiation has a detrimental effect on the bulbs).

      The temperature should be no more than 30°C (optimally from 20°C to 24°C), and the humidity should not exceed 70%. Drying takes about 1 month. From dried bulbs, scales and remnants of roots are carefully removed. If it is too early for planting, then you can store them in a cool, dry place for several months.

      Further care of the flower garden consists in periodic watering in the absence of rain and covering it with mulch (needles, sawdust, hay) to protect it from winter frosts. Tulips are undemanding and unpretentious, rarely get sick and are attacked by pests. The little bit of attention they need is a transplant once every 1-2 years. The joy of the first "real" spring flowers is well worth the little hassle.

    Tulips are perhaps the most common bulbous perennials growing in domestic home gardens and summer cottages. This is due to excellent decorative properties and relative unpretentiousness in cultivation. An integral part of the agrotechnical rules of care is the regular replanting of plants. How to transplant tulips correctly is the topic of today's article.

    Tulip transplant: the need for a procedure

    As a rule, subject to all the rules of agricultural technology, tulips grow in one place for approximately 3-4 years, after which it is necessary to replant the perennial plant to a new site, and also to make a parallel separation from the main tuber (bulb) of the children.

    Important! There are varietal species that need more frequent transplantation, due to individual characteristics.

    Signs indicating that it is time to transplant tulips:

    Planting dates depend on various factors, for example, weather and climatic conditions, the condition of perennials and the individual characteristics of the varietal variety. Fortunately, there are general guidelines for when to transplant tulips outdoors.

    Many agronomists, especially beginners, are concerned about the question of when tulips can be transplanted from one place to another. The optimal time for this procedure is autumn, the period from the second or third decade of September to the end of the second decade of October. In this case, the plant has a sufficient time period for rooting and adaptation on a new land plot. Using this time for transplanting, tulips begin to bloom in spring, without any delay.

    Note! Sometimes there are situations when it is not possible to transplant in the fall. If the most suitable time has been missed, the procedure can be carried out in the spring, but increased accuracy must be observed. In this case, it is highly likely that flowering will come a little later, on one of the summer days or even the next year.

    Regardless of the periods described above, there are periods during which a transplant is unacceptable.

    • This culture does not tolerate transplantation during flowering very well. If this rule is neglected, the perennial may begin to wither and eventually disappear;
    • Transplanting shortly before flowering is an undesirable measure. It is recommended to wait until the tulips have already faded;
    • Transplanting on the eve of the first frost is highly undesirable. Otherwise, the plants will not have the opportunity to take root and adapt in a new place, this will inevitably lead to their death.

    Now, we will talk about the periods during which a transplant, on the contrary, is recommended:

    • Approximately one month before the first snow falls;
    • When the soil temperature is approximately +8-10 degrees at a depth of 10 cm;
    • In the middle lane, transplantation is carried out until mid-October;
    • The plant has faded and the green leaves have already begun to turn yellow;
    • In the northern regions, transplantation is recommended until the end of September, due mainly to the early onset of winter.

    Tulip bloom

    How to transplant tulips

    How to transplant tulips in summer? How to plant tulips in autumn? These and many other questions concern flower growers, because the life and development of the plant depends on the correctness of the transplant.

    A detailed algorithm for transplanting tulips:

    1. It is necessary to start preparing the soil in the middle of summer, at this time it is recommended to dig out the bulbs already. It is strongly not recommended to postpone this process, otherwise the bulbs may begin to take root, which will negatively affect the condition of the plant if disturbed.
    2. Dug out tubers must be washed under running water, and then treated with a disinfectant, for example, a weak solution of manganese. After dry and store in a dry, well-ventilated area. Drafts have a detrimental effect on the bulbs, they should not be. The optimum temperature for storing planting material is + 20-24 degrees. Humidity is also of great importance, its indicators should be approximately 70%.
    3. After, from the prepared planting material, it is necessary to remove the old root processes and scales. This must be done carefully so that no mechanical damage is left on the surface of the bulb. It is imperative to inspect the bulbs for damage and damage by diseases and pests. Affected bulbs are disposed of.
    4. Immediately before planting, the bulbs are again treated with a disinfectant solution, for example, a weak solution of manganese or garlic infusion.
    5. Planting holes are made on the prepared site in the flower bed, the diameter and size depend on the size of the tuber. Bulbs of large sizes must be deepened by 10-15 cm, and children by 5-7 cm.
    6. The optimal distance between the holes should be approximately 8-10 cm, if you neglect this rule, the tulips will simply be crowded, and you will not be able to contemplate the lush flowering.
    7. Immediately before planting, the soil must be well moistened. You can start planting only after the moisture has been absorbed into the soil.
    8. Tulip bulbs are lowered into the holes, after which they are sprinkled with fertile soil.
    9. After planting, the soil is carefully tamped and once again watered abundantly with warm water.
    10. The entire area, using a rake, is leveled. After that, it is necessary for the plants to provide proper care.

    Tulip transplant

    Further plant care

    Caring for tulips does not have any specific requirements. The first shoots must be regularly watered and carefully loosened (due to this, the root system is properly saturated with oxygen and nutrients), it will also be useful to apply mineral and organic fertilizers. During the growing season of tulips, it is recommended to carry out three top dressings: the first - after the appearance of the first shoots, the second shortly after the formation of buds and the third after flowering stops.

    Tulips are attractive, bright and unpretentious perennial flowering plants that even a novice agronomist can grow in his flower bed.