What happened to Dmitry Nagiev. What happened to Nagiyev - latest news. Video: how Nagiyev changed

This favorite of women is charismatic and has a great sense of humor. Thanks to this and boundless charm, the showman has been in great demand as a presenter for many years. His brutality conquered many of the fairer sex different ages. He is one of the top domestic sex symbols, but meanwhile he is already over fifty. In his creative biography there was a place for theater, radio, music, television. He was not only able to advantageously dispose of his success-promoting qualities, but he turned even shortcomings into virtues.


What happened to Nagiyev, fans periodically ask. And a lot happened in his life. So, Dmitry Vladimirovich Nagiyev. A person who has several nationalities in his genetics, who has achieved his success from scratch. He was born in 1957 in Leningrad. His family was not connected with creativity. The desire of his father, Vladimir Nikolayevich, to become an actor was not destined to come true, despite the fact that he played in the theater until he came of age. Instead, Vladimir Nikolayevich became an engineer and worked at a local factory. His mother's profession was related to foreign languages. Lyudmila Zakharovna worked at the Military Communications Academy. Dmitry has a younger brother (1971) Eugene.

Since childhood, Dmitry has been involved in sports (artistic gymnastics, judo, sambo), and at first, according to the coaches, he did not particularly succeed, but thanks to perseverance and determination, he became the country's champion among juniors (1980), and later master of sports. He has a criminal record for “fartsovka”, which he was engaged in during his school years. Entered the Electrotechnical Institute. Ulyanova, thinking to follow the path associated with the IT field. He was drafted into the army in a sports company, from where he returned with several injuries.

Nagiyev's life could have turned out quite differently if he had been hired as a trolleybus driver, which made him very worried.

As a result, fate brought him to LGITMIK, where facial paralysis occurred, which left visible consequences for life, despite six months of treatment, and almost put an end to his creative career. After graduation (1991), he received offers to star in porn films, which he refused.

For some time he worked in the St. Petersburg theater "Time", then moved to the radio, where he had his first success. Four times he was recognized as the best radio host (Radio Modern). He worked as a DJ, host of beauty contests. For a long time he sang and performed monologues to music (1993-2001), collaborated, and successfully, with several representatives of show business, starred in videos, released two discs (in 1998 and in 2006). A year later, he presented an unusual author's work and for the first time acted in films, and the theater did not disappear from his life.

What happened to Nagiyev that he changed so dramatically in appearance? This is of interest to many. In 1998, he became mega-popular thanks to the TV series Kamenskaya, which continued to be filmed until 2008, after which he starred in two more TV series, which also became popular. Then he became a TV presenter ("Telecompact", "Once in the Evening", "The Burden of Money", "Windows", "Dom-1", "Mother in Law"). Many people remember him for humorous serials unusual for those times (“Beware of modernity!”).

After some lull in his career (2008), even greater success followed after filming in the series "Kitchen" (2012) and "Fizruk" (2014). Periodically appears as a member of the KVN jury, raised the ratings of such shows as "Big Races", "Voice". Since 2013, he has been consistently appearing in advertising. The comedy The Best Day (2015) was also a success. In 2017, he led the TV project "Winner".

Personal life

The relationship of Dmitry Nagiyev has always been of interest to fans and the press. The fair sex has haunted him since his radio days. From the mass of photos of naked girls, several decks of cards were made to play the "fool". Of course, in his life there was a first love, with which he "went by the hand" from the seventh grade (O. Arefyeva). Later they had serious relationship(after school).

However, Dmitry married another. The acquaintance took place during the New Year's holiday from the army. According to Alla, he said that if she waited for him, they would get married, but Dmitry himself believes that the marriage did not take place without the intrigues of Shchelishcheva herself. Later, Alla also began working on the radio under a pseudonym (Alice Sher). Be that as it may, in this union the first child of the star Kirill (1989) was born, who is now also engaged in cinema, theater, and music. Officially, the marriage lasted 18 years, but in fact they have not lived together since 2002. The divorce took place in 2009.

Dmitry was not distinguished by fidelity, probably there were more novels than the press knows, but the known number is also impressive. According to L. Guzeeva, they had an affair in the early 90s, and both were then married. The next passion was A. Samokhina. Relations began when the actress offered to record a joint album. The lovers spent a lot of time together, worked in clubs, toured, and both were also not free. In 2007, the showman met with J. Friske. Passion broke out suddenly during the filming, and until that moment they had already known each other for more than one year.

After the divorce, Dmitry lived for several years with N. Kovalenko (who was at that time his administrator), but this relationship began even in marriage. According to colleagues, he was even going to marry her, but instead, a new hobby for I. Temicheva arose. She was almost two decades younger, and later preferred her producer to Dmitry, whom she married. There was gossip that, being married, she again met with Nagiyev, but the girl denies this.

What happened to Nagiyev lately on the personal front? Now the actor has two families in different cities, each of them has a child. A. Spector brings up his daughter (born in 2012) in the capital, N. Kovalenko lives with his son (born in 2011) in St. Petersburg.

The actor does not like to talk about his personal life, stating that it "does not concern anyone", however, some information can still be found from the social networks that he actively uses.

At the end of 2016, hackers posted on the network personal correspondence between Olga Buzova and Dmitry Nagiyev, but it is not known for certain whether this was a falsification. I must say that the piquant communication took place when Buzova was married. In one of the interviews, he stated that they were exclusively friendly relations.

02 February 2018

Famous actor the other day he was injured during the play "Kysya" in the Kaliningrad Regional Drama Theater. Doctors gave him the necessary assistance. Dmitry Nagiyev told reporters about the incident.

photo: globallook

Dmitry Nagiev works hard. He acts in films, hosts TV shows, and also plays in the theater. The artist also manages to maintain an account on the social network Instagram, and recently he is for his subscribers, who have accumulated more than 6 million people. Recently, the actor liked an expensive mansion, for which he decided. For ten years, he needs to pay 20 million rubles to the former owner of the house.

Today it became known that on the eve of Nagiyev was injured during the play "Kysya", which took place in the Kaliningrad Regional Drama Theater. The scenery collapsed and injured the actor's leg. The ambulance was soon in place, and the doctors provided the necessary assistance to the artist. “This is a working moment. The scenery has collapsed. In general, it's okay. I'm limping, but I'm crawling, ”Dmitry shared with correspondents of the 360 ​​channel.

According to some information, the injury was not serious. The actor escaped with abrasions and a bruise of the right shin. Paramedic Oksana told about the meeting with Nagiyev to the Klops publication. She was escorted to the patient at the end of the performance. “I examined the wound, treated it and gave recommendations: keep the leg at rest, and if there is pain, show it to your doctor at the place of residence,” the woman shared. According to her, she did not ask for an autograph from the star in such a situation. The doctor also noted that Dmitry was very polite and even joked, despite being tired.

Egor Klinaev and Dmitry Nagiev

On the night of September 26-27, an 18-year-old actor, who played the role of the son of the oligarch Nikita Serebryansky in the TV series Fizruk, died in a mass accident on the 24th kilometer of the Moscow Ring Road.

Egor Klinaev I saw a collision of three cars on the highway and stopped to help possible victims. People standing on the lane were hit by a Honda Accord car, the driver of which did not notice the accident. Yegor died on the spot, two more people were taken to the hospital.

The cause of the tragedy was the absence of an emergency stop sign, which the drivers of the affected cars did not put up in a timely manner.

A post shared by Kirill Skripnik(@kirskripnikofficial) on Sep 27, 2017 at 1:49pm PDT

A friend of the deceased actor Ilya told the REN TV channel the details of the fateful evening. According to him, Yegor was so late on the track due to the fact that they were looking for a wallet lost by the actor for a long time:

“In the evening we rode the LFS, then we ran in half the district, because we lost our wallet, upon arrival Egor decided to return to Butovo. At 3:40 in the morning, he stopped at the Vegas shopping center on the inner side of the Moscow Ring Road to help victims of an accident in front of him, then he and two other people were hit at high speed by a Honda car, which, apparently, did not see accident."

Ilya believes that a "stupid combination of circumstances" led to the tragedy.

Video recording from the place of death of Yegor Klinaev

Currently, a fundraiser has been announced on the Instagram of the deceased actor in favor of Yegor's mother. Fans of the talented young man leave sincere words of sympathy and grief on his blog.