What does the king of diamonds card mean. The combination of the King of Diamonds with other cards. Interpretation of the King of Diamonds card

This card often depicts a young man with blond hair and eyes, sometimes quite wealthy. This young man can be a lover, a traitor or a soldier. It should be noted that initially this card was associated with the great Roman commander Julius Caesar, he is the most famous king of diamonds. A photo various kinds this map is below.

During divination, a certain card is associated with a certain person. What features are endowed with a person - a diamond king?

This card is different from the rest of the kings in the deck: he is the only one with a patch on one eye, that is, he can be called one-eyed. This half-blindness symbolizes the inability of the kings of diamonds to notice certain aspects of life. Possible cause the appearance of such blindness is the innate stubbornness of these people, leading to a one-sided view of the world. This kind of thinking results in diamond kings often having many enemies, and this is perhaps symbolized by the upraised battle axe.

Such a person dominates finances. He can become a successful businessman regardless of the chosen field of activity, because he is born to succeed and lead. Like any successful leader, the king of diamonds can be endowed with the main shortcomings inherent in people of this circle: self-interest, greed and excessive craving for power, but this is not a necessary phenomenon.

If such people choose the right guidelines and follow the chosen path without deviating from the goal, then they can become respected and revered individuals. Another well-known problem with people of this type is emotional coldness: many kings opt for aloofness and some cruelty in order to achieve great success in the business field.

The second half for the king of diamonds

As already mentioned, many kings are quite stubborn, and therefore do not tolerate compromises, this creates certain difficulties for them in their personal lives.

By suit, the most successful marriages are between kings of diamonds and women of clubs. Marriage with hearts ladies will also be successful. Queens of spades should be avoided.

Combination with other cards

What does the king of diamonds, met in fortune-telling, mean? And how to interpret this card correctly?

The alignment in which the king of diamonds occurs can be interpreted in different ways. This card primarily denotes a love date or even a meeting with a possible betrothed. When such options can be excluded, the king indicates a strong and reliable partnership, and also portends good luck.

From what cards the king of diamonds is located next to, the value that it carries can change.

King of diamonds and other cards of diamonds

  • Ace of diamonds: may mean receiving news from the king of diamonds that you have been waiting for a long time.
  • Lady tambourine: a distinctive sign that characterizes serious relationship or serious intentions in a relationship. If the king stands next to such a lady, then he belongs to her, but can be either a husband or boyfriend, or a relative. A lady can also indicate a man of easy virtue.
  • Jack of diamonds: indicates a deceitful and corrupt person. A hint that you should be careful when choosing new friends.
  • Ten of tambourines: a king of tambourines with a ten of tambourines (with a jack) means support in the future from a new acquaintance or a future groom. In the absence of a jack, this combination means hope.
  • Nine of tambourines: the person being guessed at has a secret admirer or lover.
  • Eight of diamonds: a small gift from a woman should be expected. Also indicates a young man who wants to get married.
  • Seven tambourine: trouble at work.
  • Six of tambourines: symbolizes one hundred percent fulfillment of desire. It can also predict a meeting with a loved one.

King of diamonds and cards of hearts

Next to any card of a heart suit, and especially with an eight, such a king promises a change in life, joy, and getting rid of a heavy load. bad memories. Now consider the combinations with each card.

  • Ace of hearts: an ambulance business meeting.
  • King of Hearts: a meeting of like-minded people.
  • Queen of Hearts: symbolizes a couple of people who are married, or just a couple.
  • Jack of Hearts: promises to receive material benefits soon.
  • Ten of hearts, as well as nine of hearts: a loved one is deceiving his other half.
  • Eight of hearts: a conversation with a young man or some kind of message.
  • Seven of Hearts: the presence of children, communication with them.
  • Six of Hearts: Receiving expected news from a person who is far away, or meeting a new person in another city.

King of diamonds and clubs

This combination often means receiving some news or an early meeting.

  • Ace of clubs: common affairs or just a meeting with a military man.
  • King of clubs: work team, deal, negotiations.
  • Lady of clubs: a man who is highly dependent on the opinion of a woman (this woman can be a mother, wife, or even just a friend).
  • Jack of clubs: boredom, melancholy, idle pastime.
  • Ten of clubs: any possible patronage.
  • Nine of clubs: receiving news from a person in uniform.
  • Eight clubs: either the person they are guessing at is a military man, or there is a military man in his entourage.
  • Seven of clubs: there is a long road ahead, or the card indicates a person who has come from afar.
  • Six of clubs: fast and urgent trip.

King of Diamonds and Spades

  • Ace of spades: news about the behavior of a man that can upset. Sometimes, if the rest of the cards are positive, it means ardent love.
  • King of spades: quick interaction with superiors.
  • Queen of Spades: speaks of a traitor who is in the immediate environment.
  • Jack of spades: promises that are not worth believing.
  • Ten of spades: quick reconciliation in a non-standard way. Also sudden resolution of problems.
  • Nine of spades: scandal with a young man, hatred.
  • Eight peak: indicates a schemer or gossip with whom there is a need to communicate. Also predicts an unpleasant quarrel with a young man.
  • Seven of spades: can also indicate a deceiver or a drunkard.
  • Six of spades: late, unexpected guests. Unfortunate incident on the road.

Fortune telling on the king of diamonds

Fortune-telling does not have to be done with the help of layouts. So, for example, there is a fairly well-known fortune-telling for the king of diamonds. The girl should wash her face, comb her hair, and before going to bed put the king of diamonds under the pillow at night, not forgetting to say: "Dream, betrothed, dream, mummer". You can add some decoration there or not add it, it doesn’t matter. The groom should dream this night.

You can guess on a real character. In this case, before going to bed, you should thoroughly mix the deck, imagining the young man you like. Waking up, you should remember your dream in great detail and, based on the plot, draw a conclusion about further relationships.

If the chosen one looks at you with loving eyes and often sighs, it means that he is in love seriously and at first sight. There may be some obstacles to personal happiness, but they are unlikely to become a serious obstacle.

If a young man apologizes a lot in a dream, a rival is likely to appear in real life. However, most likely, such a rival is only a temporary hobby, and with the right behavior, you can save your relationship.

If he came on a date with a huge bouquet of roses - expect a marriage proposal in the near future.

If he sent you only a note in a dream, then perhaps a parting awaits you in the near future.

For those born on January 14, February 12, March 10, April 08, May 06, June 04 and July 02 - karmic meaning to become a successful businessman.

He can succeed in almost any business due to innate knowledge. The Kings of Diamonds achieve the greatest success if they start their own business - they cannot work for a “foreign uncle” in principle. Sometimes the Kings of Diamonds are driven solely by self-interest, and they can show miracles of prudence, however, this does not always happen.

If you look closely at other card Kings, you will see that the King of Diamonds is one-eyed (he is depicted on the card in profile). Unfortunately, this means that he sometimes does not notice important things that can affect his life.

Often people born with this card can be very stubborn and straightforward, have their own opinion on everything, which does not coincide with the opinions of others. It is not surprising that throughout their lives they have many ill-wishers and they make enemies for themselves (however, remember that it is still not worth judging a person solely by his birth chart, because much depends on other components of the horoscope).

If the Tambourine Kings try to successfully overcome their shortcomings and understand what is truly truly valuable in life, then in the business world they become extremely respected people.

Kings of Diamonds should not abuse their power, which is bestowed in one way or another on all Kings. Possessing great power, they can, nevertheless, create many unnecessary problems for themselves. Sometimes difficulties on an emotional level arise in people of this birth chart as early as childhood. If the King of Diamonds does not try to change himself and rise to a higher level of personal development, he risks subsequently becoming a ruthless and soulless person.

Another of the big problems of the King of Diamonds is that he thinks exclusively subjectively, is completely unable to take the place of another person, and often refuses to accept someone else's point of view. To this one should also add exorbitant pride, as well as the habit of always and everywhere achieving one's own. Summing up all of the above, I want to say that the King of Tambourine can be called a real tyrant, and where he will show his qualities - at home or at work - is not so important. All cards of the royal family somehow dominate the surrounding people, but sometimes such people have a strong temptation to abuse their power, which is unacceptable. The King of Diamonds believes that he is always right, so he often gets into unpleasant and sometimes conflict situations.

At the heart of many of the problems that the King of Diamonds faces throughout life are unfulfilled desires. If the Tambourine Kings overcome their imperious nature and learn to negotiate with other people, they will live a happy and fairly carefree life. By the way, paradoxical as it may seem, but in essence they are fair and peaceful enough. They should only realize that everything depends on themselves, that they should not try to change other people, but first of all they need to change themselves.

All Tambourine Kings are resourceful and therefore able to earn a lot of money. They have inexhaustible spiritual power, are creative personalities and, being at the proper level of development, are able to bring a lot of benefits to people.

The love karma of the King of Diamonds is neither too bad nor too good. He does not like compromises, and this entails problems in his personal life. Women with this birth card need to learn to humble their masculinity, otherwise it will not be easy for them to build a happy and strong marriage. They strive at all costs to subjugate their partners or, at best, to be on an equal footing with them. Alas, not all men like it. Kings of tambourines are attracted by smart, educated and business people, so they often connect their lives with business partners.

All Kings of Diamonds view marriage primarily from a material point of view, and they need to learn to distinguish between such concepts as love and material gain.

Even people with this birth card need to learn not to be shy to express their emotions and be able to smooth out conflicts. They need to try to be sincere, but not overly direct.

  • Compatibility with other birthday cards:

Female Kings of Diamonds have a strong attraction to male Hearts. This is a powerful combination, although not always easy. Male Kings of Diamonds face big problems when communicating with women of spades and should avoid marrying them. Female Clubs are extremely fond of the Kings of Diamonds and can enter into a successful marriage with them.

  • At the age of Mercury, the King of Tambourines has one task - to learn how to communicate with people, to give in and compromise.
  • Under Venus, they accumulate knowledge and develop their intuition, but at this age they may experience stagnation in their personal lives (the current situation will burden them).
  • In Mars, the Tambourine Kings learn to find business partners: they have every chance to get rich.
  • Under Jupiter, they can take the path of spirituality, or they can turn into ordinary scammers.
  • At the age of Saturn, they gain true knowledge and confidence. If they have worked out their karma of their current incarnation correctly, material well-being and stability await them in adulthood and old age.

  • The first Karmic Card (writer's card) - very gifted, shows your character traits in a past life that need to be improved in the current incarnation. The creativity of this card is manifested in various options. At a high level, people born under the influence of the Three of Clubs can become famous writers, teachers or performers. At a low level, they may suffer from anxiety and indecision and waste time on empty, frivolous entertainment. And even among the most developed Threes of Clubs, anxiety and indecision often remain the main topics of life.

Success in life always depends on the personality of the person and on how this particular person uses his natural talents and abilities.

  • Second Karmic Map (faith map). The Seven of Spades is considered one of the most spiritual cards of the deck, it is an experience gained in a past life. People born under its influence can achieve great success in life if they listen to the guidance of the inner voice of wisdom. Every person has their own inner voice. This is our guardian angel talking to us. They came to our world to learn to trust themselves and keep their faith even in the most difficult circumstances.
  • Karmic Cards:

Each person was in a past life associated with many people, represented by various cards of fate. Having met such people, you will instantly feel a connection with them, and when communicating with such people, energy is transferred, the first card of the karmic set is the person to whom you transfer energy, the second is the one who sends it to you. It is desirable to know these people in order to understand when meeting with them in which direction the main flow of energy occurs during communication.

Represents a person of a very complex nature - smart, artistic, highly intellectual. He is prone to short temper, but can hide this trait if it is to his advantage. If he does not want to restrain himself, then he shows a sarcastic mind, from which he makes enemies. He is capable of strict self-control, although he can succumb to anger and even go berserk. He is a creator. He has a swift, restless strength, because of which he does not know peace, but which inspires him to continuously search for new points of application of his forces. He is an experienced organizer, versed in such areas as painting, performing arts, literature and scientific popularization; performs well in a business venture that requires a sharp eye and quick grasp. His failures are the result of insufficient tact, neglect of details, impatience and a tendency to underestimate others. He has a lively temperament and can be refined, charming and very attractive to women. However King Tambourine merciless towards those who stand in his way. When he experiences a period of creative torment, he gives himself entirely to them and shows complete indifference, even cruelty towards friends and even members of his family. Despite this, King Tambourine has a strong sense of family, in relation to children is often sentimental. His devotion to the family can be deep and sincere, although it is often overshadowed by his arrogance and harsh statements. King Tambourine- a master of cunning deceit, prone to intrigue, but also capable of noble deeds, may have lofty ideals. Despite external aggressiveness, he is very touchy and really needs recognition and close friends. He is characterized by a sharp change of mood. Spiritual uplift can be replaced by irresistible depression. Behind external self-confidence, disbelief in one's own strengths and fear associated with an inferiority complex are hidden. He really needs a person who would help him to establish his Self, and who can be trusted with his ambitious plans. In a period of depression and anger, he can severely offend, offend such a person. Then he will repent and try to make amends with praise, gifts, flattery, etc. He is a natural artist, but rarely goes on stage, because he does not like working with actors. He prefers to consider the whole world as his theater, in which he plays different roles. Shows a tendency to excess and should exercise moderation in food and caution with drugs, alcohol and other stimulants. map King Tambourine located in the center layout, and the Client is a man, then it may very well be that this client has many features of this card. He should be advised to direct his abilities through constructive channels, to restrain his temper, to expand friendships, to refuse to force events. Such a person really needs a warm intimate relationship with a woman, but when choosing her, great care must be taken. He can acquire an ideal assistant in a certain Lady, who, thanks to her outward calm, sharp intuition and ability to recognize the artistic abilities of other people, can have a stabilizing effect on him in case of depression and deepen satisfaction in case of success. However, he himself may prefer an enthusiastic Lady of Hearts, who will soon become burdensome to them or the more frivolous Lady of Clubs, who will not be able to influence him in the right way. The client is a woman, in the center of whose layout appears King Tambourine, or is already in a close relationship with him, or will meet him in the near future. Perhaps the presence of this card in the layout suggests that she does not notice the lofty aspirations, hopes, unmanifested abilities or hidden talents of her husband, son, admirer or friend. If so, then she should establish a closer relationship with this man, because the unity of mind and spirit with the King of Tambourines will make her life richer, more interesting, more significant. If King Tambourine is in the upper left corner of the layout, then the female Client can either connect with him or leave him at will. When deciding, you need to look very carefully at her own personality. Does she aspire to a stormy, restless life, where she will have to take a subordinate position? Will she have enough stamina, endurance, nobility of mind and spirit to deal with the problems that arise with such an alliance? She can help this Man achieve supreme success but her path is thorny. This is the road that only the strong take. If in layout male client King Tambourine located in one of the upper corners, this indicates a close connection with a certain male person with a lively temperament. We can talk about friendship, warm relations between father and son, or a business acquaintance, but most likely something more important is meant - maybe the Client will play the role of patron or protégé in relation to the King of Tambourines. Often, this refers to a fruitful, promising relationship. But the Client should not be blinded by the brilliance of his partner. He must save his face so as not to become a puppet in the hands of a stronger personality. If King Tambourine is in one of the upper corners of the layout, then it can mean both an opportunity and a disaster. What exactly portends King Tambourine, can be judged by the rest of the cards in the layout. If a King Tambourine is in one of the lower corners of the alignment, then he will enter the life of the Client for a long time, and then leave. If the Client is a woman, then she will not be able to keep him, despite all efforts. If the Client is a man, then he should refrain from impulsive actions that can ruin his career or bring irreparable damage to his social and family status.

Young man, young boy. Blond with light eyes. Unmarried. Perhaps someone's son. Rich young man. Cheating lover. Serviceman.
Ability to understand people and predict events. Purposefulness. A tact that allows you to manipulate people in a way that they don't even notice it. The ability to earn a lot of money.
A business person will play an important role in your life, a dangerous rival in everything - in love and in business. Money floats into his hands, and luck is usually on his side. Some event of yours depends on this person, and if you behave prudently, you will receive great support.

Ace of diamonds- News from the King of Diamonds. Expected news. Forthcoming joy and well-being.
Dame tambourine- Married man. Shows serious intentions in a relationship. Belonging to a man of a fortune-telling woman (relative, husband, boyfriend). Sometimes means a man of easy virtue. The need to abandon some plans.
Jack of tambourine- Man commercial, deceitful. A certain young man will console the afflicted.
ten tambourine- Hope. Good support from a friend in the future.
Nine tambourine- A young man in love, a lover, a secret admirer. Malaise.
Eight tambourine - small gift woman or from a woman. A young man who intends to get married.
Seven tambourine- Trouble at work.
Six tambourine- Meeting with a friend. Fulfillment of desire.
ace of hearts- A date with a business man.
king of hearts- Meeting of like-minded people.
queen of hearts- Obstacles to marriage or complications in marriage.
jack of hearts- Obtaining material profit, benefit.
ten of hearts- Not sincerity in love.
nine of hearts- Love deceit. Good news received along the way.
eight of hearts- Conversation with a young man. Mail.
seven of hearts- Children, communication with children.
Six of Hearts- A man from afar will bring important news. Acquaintance in another city. Life changes in the near future.
Ace of clubs- A date, an agreement with a person associated with the army or weapons.
King of clubs- Working team, deal, negotiations.
Queen of clubs- A man who is very susceptible to the influence of a woman (mother, relative or wife).
Jack of clubs- Boredom.
Ten of clubs- Patronage.
Nine of clubs- A man in uniform will bring the news.
Eight of clubs- Military man.
Seven of clubs- Long road. A person who has come from afar. Neglect for a partner. Quarrels over trifles.
Six of clubs- Fast travel.
ace of spades- Disappointing news-behavior of a man. Sometimes, in a positive scenario - hot love.
king of spades- Relations with superiors.
queen of spades- A traitor, a traitor.
Jack of Spades- False promises.
tenth peak- An unusual approach to reconciliation, problem solving.
Nine of Spades- Scandal with a young man, hatred.
eight peak- An unpleasant conversation with a young man. Schemer, gossip.
Seven of Spades- Deceiver, drunkard.
Six of Spades- Late visitor. Unfortunate incident on the road.

The king in divination denotes a man. The fair-haired and blue-eyed is depicted by the king of hearts, the clubs - dark-haired, brown-eyed. Matched four kings in fortune-telling on cards can be positioned as profitable business, an increase in social status.

The coincidence of four kings in the scenario means an increase in social status

King of clubs - interpretations

What does the cross king mean in divination? In the general situation, it is interpreted as success. Club cards are almost always business cards, therefore they are positioned as early support in business, a wide range of contacts.

In some fortune-telling, when the king of the cross does not fall out, the position is interpreted as a losing streak. It takes on a negative value when there are negative cards nearby. For example, with a seven, a peak symbolizes receiving unpleasant news, and with a seven of worms, a disease due to an inattentive attitude to one's health.

In love and relationships this map shows the querent's too demanding attitude towards close people, advises to reconsider his adherence to principles. In a negative light, the heart can be interpreted with the Jack, as the danger of betrayal or with the King of Hearts, it can predict a conflict situation at home, disappointment in your other half.

Regarding work and career, here the cross king is read as purposefulness, a highly intellectual level of development, oratorical talent. In addition, the card shows the wealth of a person or his ability to make good money.

If this card falls out in divination for a career, it will not be difficult for such a person to successfully develop in any field of activity. In the case when work is accompanied by failures, this may mean that a person simply does not want to work, or by his behavior, demonstrating his merits, intelligence provokes people to experience fear and envy.

In combination with the king, the spade means that the manner in which one presents oneself provokes irritation, indignation in a high-ranking person, hence a series of failures. When they are guessing at the success of undertakings, then this card guarantees it, especially in combination with the ace of clubs. This combination is able to mitigate the likelihood of a crisis, but in combination with the lady of clubs, it will be very difficult to avoid a crisis.

King of spades - interpretations

The king of spades shows a noble man who has already achieved something in life, this is a man of age. In addition, he can position a senior person, boss, official representative. Among the qualities that characterize a person, this card symbolizes rigidity, selfishness, cunning, treachery. A person who will stop at nothing to achieve their goals is more interested in power and recognition.

The king of spades symbolizes a cunning, treacherous and cruel personality who will stop at nothing.

In love, such a card is positioned with difficulties in communication, trust. This is a kind of recommendation not to give free rein to your emotions, which often become the cause of hostility. Occasionally it can mean new acquaintances for self-interest. And it can also predict rivalry. In combination with some cards:

  • from nine crosses - evil gossip can break the idyll of relationships;
  • with eight peaks - shows that a person is loved;
  • with a jack of hearts - a pleasant surprise for the soul.

In work assignments, it is interpreted as problems in the legal field, rivalry, loss of control. In other cases, it may show career growth, gaining power, improving financial condition. The card gives advice not to relax, and constantly grow above yourself.

In combination with a lady, a tambourine shows that two paths open before a person and only one will be true. With a seven, the heart says that you need a strong, influential patron, then your promotion will be much easier. The combination with the jack of diamonds shows distrust, wariness of the authorities towards you.

Interpretation of the King of Diamonds card

In the main meaning, the card is perceived as strength, the implementation of plans. In a negative sense, it is interpreted as the difficulty of choice, a dual situation that has driven a person into a corner unexpectedly.

In terms of personality, the king of diamonds denotes a blond with a complex character. It can also mean a bachelor who seems very interesting person with whom it is easy to communicate. With the lady of the tambourine, the king always means "married."

When guessing at playing cards to a man of age, the king of diamonds can show his son. The personality characteristic speaks of a person who is a subtle psychologist and manipulator, capable of earning big money.

In love, this card symbolizes a strong feeling, manifested not only in words, but also in actions. For a married woman, she speaks of the value of family ties for her husband, for unmarried girl indicates an imminent love date. For any woman in the layout, it will symbolize a man who is far from indifferent to her; for men, the king of a tambourine, most often, is positioned with him.

In a negative sense, it can mean a loss of interest in the querent, if a jack of diamonds falls nearby, this indicates that a certain young man will comfort the suffering.

In a career, it usually means insight, business acumen. A negative interpretation means the result achieved, but rather doubtful or slander about the success of a person.

Interpretation in the divination of the king of hearts

The King of Hearts predicts good news, meetings, guests. In the characteristics of situations, he speaks of safety, reliability. As a curly card, it positions a mature person with blond hair, charming, generous, sociable. Can show a married man.

In some layouts, the king of hearts symbolizes the hearth of the querent. In this case, nearby cards will describe everything regarding this issue. In certain combinations, the card shows that the person has magical potential, extrasensory abilities. The king of the heart is a positive denominator, and even in combination with negative ones, taking their side smooths out their influence.

King of Hearts Smoothes Negative influence other cards in the layout

In love divination for a woman, the card is read as the aspirations of a certain representative of the stronger sex to stubbornly win her love. In the reverse position, the card is read as a person who rarely distinguishes between sexual attraction and love, and therefore often gets into unpleasant situations associated with this.

The presence in the arrangement next to the card of the fortune-telling king of hearts means that he already has a partner or the person does not suffer from a lack of interest of the opposite sex.

In the work, the king of the heart is positioned as a social worker or experienced in his field. Regarding promotion, the card gives advice to learn how to use power. In combination with positive cards, it symbolizes a successful ending to what has been started.

The most common combinations of cards with the king of clubs

The meaning of the cards in divination is interpreted depending on their combination. The king of clubs in combination with the king of spades means a partnership on mutually beneficial terms. With a lady, the heart speaks of good relations with relatives. With a lady, a tambourine marks success for you, as a result of the assistance of a friend.

With a lady, the cross indicates a marriage with a famous person. With the lady of spades symbolizes harmonious family relationships. The jack of hearts in combination with the king of clubs predicts a meeting with an old comrade. But the jack of diamonds will indicate that the assistance provided will be rather doubtful.

The jack of clubs announces the appearance of a sponsor. The jack of spades in combination symbolizes help from a younger friend. A dozen worms will bring news of an old friend's move. With a ten of diamonds, it warns of a difficult situation in the family circle. Ten of clubs warns of the possibility of an accident with friends.

The ten of spades shows the real concern of comrades. The nine of hearts indicates that your friend is betraying or deceiving you. The nine of diamonds speaks of the imminent departure of the second half, it can be a business trip or a trip to the sea, visiting relatives. Club nine predicts a conversation with influential person. The nine of spades portends a friendly meeting.

The nine of spades in combination with the king of clubs portends a friendly meeting

The eight of hearts speaks of your hope for help from a certain woman. Eight tambourines prophesies a date with a mysterious stranger. Eight of clubs predicts news that is by no means inspiring. Peak eight speaks of troubles with friends that are related to health.

Seven hearts in combination with the king of the cross shows interest in a married person. With a tambourine seven predicts a good, profitable acquaintance. With a cross, seven gives a warning about problems in the family. Spades seven promises a fun, noisy party with friends.

Six heart predicts a meeting of old acquaintances. Diamond six promises a sudden offer from classmates. Six crosses says that on the way you will meet an interesting interlocutor. The peak six speaks of a boring road. The ace of heart shows a close friend at your home. The ace of diamonds says that you will hear from an old comrade.

With an ace of the cross means success in your endeavors. The ace of spades indicates the possibility of theft of your property in housing. Together with the card, the king of a tambourine portends a good deal. With a king, the heart indicates an acquaintance with a powerful, rich man. As you can see, in divination, the meaning of the cross king can be completely unexpected.

Divination Examples

The alignment of the "celestial astrological circle" makes it possible to obtain a forecast for whole year. There are 13 cards involved in divination. They are laid out in a rhombus, and the 13th is placed in the center. It is from her that the general idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe events that will occur in a year will depend. Depending on which suit prevails in the scenario, an interpretation is made:

  • the heart suggests emotional instability;
  • tambourines - feelings about the material condition;
  • cross - a person will be concerned about achieving recognition;
  • peaks indicate that a person will “go over their heads” in order to achieve their goals.

According to the seasons, the cards are interpreted as follows: tambourines - spring, crosses - summer, worms - autumn, peaks - winter.

The layout of the "Gypsy" - also interesting option. The deck is shuffled, and then three cards are drawn at random and laid out separately, in a vertical position, forming an initial row that will symbolize the past.

Under the top row, three more cards are laid out in the same way, which will symbolize the present moment. The third row tells about the future. The tenth card is placed in the fourth row in the middle and is called fortune. Particular attention in reading the layout is given to suits:

  • the predominance of peak suits speaks of serious illnesses, receiving news of death, loss, trouble;
  • cross suits mean the same as the previous suit, but their meaning is less negative;
  • cards of a diamond suit speak of joy that will not come just like that, luck and success, which will have to be achieved with “blood and sweat”;
  • hearts predict good luck and prosperity.

Chirva - a suit that predicts good luck and prosperity

If all three or two cards of the same suit are in one row, then the nature of the events of a certain time period is interpreted precisely according to them. Also, according to this layout, you can read what kind of people surround a person, focusing on suits. In the layout, the value of each card is important.

  1. Ace means the highest degree of what is happening (for example, great joy or incommensurable grief), surprise.
  2. Kings and ladies are positioned with close people, friends.
  3. Jacks are strangers.
  4. Ten - the grandeur of the planned enterprises, the laying of great hopes.
  5. Nine - dealing with finances (expense or income).
  6. Eight - fussiness, chores.
  7. Seven - conversations of a different nature (rumors, censure, approval).
  8. Six means the road.

The meaning of the suits

According to the value of the suits, the cards are also distinguished. Kings of spades, ladies, jacks show people who enjoy respect, authority, often high-ranking persons.

They read the alignment, starting from the initial row from the past, from left to right, then they also read the next two rows. Then the value of the key card - fortune is determined. In the top row we see two kings of clubs with spades and a ten of diamonds.

The meaning of the combination is this: in the past, you had a person who helped you get back on your feet very quickly, financially, but because of this, your family relationships were shaken, you simply did not have enough time for your family, and you were a little rude in communication. with loved ones. But, the problems went into the background and everything was resolved by itself. Your financial situation is stable.

In the present fortuneteller, a jack of diamonds, a seven of clubs and a nine heart fall out, which indicates a rather fun pastime, although it is overshadowed by a quarrel with a younger person. A close relative will help to resolve the conflict situation by reconciliation.

AT last row the ace of the cross falls, six of spades, seven of diamonds - for the future you have a thorny path through gossip and insults. However, do not despair, but gather your will into a fist and you will succeed. In the end, it turns out that in your perception everything was much worse than it actually was. Everything will end with a monetary reward or you will be provided with moral support. Fortunka turned out to be an ace of heart, which speaks of great joy.